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Post on 10-Oct-2018






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T he 2007 John S. Bradway Philadelphia HighSchool Mock Trial Competition, organized byTemple University’s Beasley School of Law and

the Philadelphia YLD, will be held Jan. 29 throughMarch 3, 2007.

Each spring, students from 50 public, private andparochial schools compete in a simplified mock trial forthe City Mock Trial Championship. The students aregiven the opportunity play the roles of attorneys and wit-nesses in a fictitious criminal or civil case, focusing onreal legal issues. Previous trials have involved the sup-pression of evidence, hate crimes, constitutional issues,simple negligence matters, civil forfeitures in a criminalcontext and first degree murder.

YLD volunteer coaches are integral in guiding studentsin understanding the way a trial works, helping to devel-op trial strategies, and promoting an understanding of trialfundamentals. The teams compete in a round-robin tour-nament, with the best teams ultimately advancing to thestate championship in Harrisburg to represent thePhiladelphia region. The state champions go on to repre-sent Pennsylvania in the national finals. Volunteers areneeded to serve as team coaches and judges for the pre-liminary rounds of the competition.

If you’re interested in possibly becoming a mock trialattorney adviser/coach for one of the local teams, contactRoberta West or Eleanora Jones via e-mail or eleanora.jones@temple.eduor via phone at 215-204-1887.

Please note: The mock trial problem, rules and evaluatingjudges information can be found on the Pennsylvania BarAssociation Web site,, (then click on the YoungLawyers section, then click on Statewide Mock Trial). For moreinformation visit

The Philadelphia YLD was recently honored with two firstplace awards from the American Bar Association for its 20/20Lunchtime Series and the Minority Bar Scholarship

Program. Additionally, the YLD Comedy Night charitablefundraiser won a certificate of performance in recognition of out-standing accomplishments in service to the public.

The annual Awards of Achievement Program providesABA/YLD affiliated state and local bar young lawyer organiza-tions with the opportunity to submit their best projects for evalu-ation by a jury of their peers. This program is designed to encour-age project development by recognizing the time, effort and skillsexpended by young lawyer organizations in implementing publicservice and bar service projects in their communities. •

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The Young Lawyers Division of the Philadelphia Bar Association held its annual holiday party on Thursday, Nov. 30, at CubaLibre. The second floor of the Old City eatery was packed with more than 150 area attorneys networking and enjoying themselves,including chairman-elect Scott Sigman (second from left) and incoming 2007 chairman Alan Nochumson (seated, far right).

The Executive Committee of the Philadelphia Bar Association’sYoung Lawyers Division has elected new officers for 2007. Thenewly elected officers are: Scott P. Sigman, chairman-elect; MayMon Post, vice chairwoman; Jocelyn Gabrynowicz, secretary;Brian Chacker, treasurer; and Scott Jones, financial secretary.

As chairman, Sigman plans to focus on integrating existing pro-grams, such as the Philadelphia 2020 Series. He also hopes to make LawWeek, Mock Trial Competition and other YLD programs stronger.

Pictured, from left, are Chacker, Post, Sigman, Gabrynowicz andJones.

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