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Post on 27-Oct-2014






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Kontrak pembelajaran dan pendahuluan

Sistem Penilaian Penilaian Acuan Patokan (PAP)

A : ³ 80,00B : 66,00 – 79,99C : 56,00 – 65.99D : 46,00 – 55,99E : < 46,00

Komponen PenilaianUjian Sisipan : 20 %Tugas Terstruktur : 10 %Praktikum : 30 %Ujian Utama : 40\..\..\All about English.ppt

KompetensiMemahami dasar teori dan prinsip kultur in vitro tumbuhan, mampu dan terampil melakukan kultur in vitro tumbuhan baik secara mandiri maupun dalam tim, mengetahui manfaat atau aplikasi kultur in vitro tumbuhan, terampil mengelola dan mendiseminasi ide atau informasi tentang kultur in vitro tumbuhan

Deskripsi Singkat MK (1-2)Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang:1. Sejarah, teori dasar, ciri-ciri, dan tipe-

tipe kultur in vitro tumbuhan (KIVT); 2. Manfaat KIVT, faktor-faktor yang

mempengaruhi keberhasilan KIVT; 3. Beberapa teknik dasar KIVT (teknik

sterilisasi, pembuatan media, inokulasi dan sub kultur, serta teknik pemeliharaan kultur);

4. Kultur embryo; 5. Kultur organ (anther dan meristem);

Outcomes 1. Mahasiswa terampil berkomunikasi

ilmiah 2. Mahasiswa mampu bekerja dalam tim 3. Mahasiswa memiliki bekal


1. Kontrak pembelajaran Kultur In Vitro Tumbuhan (KIVT)

2. Sejarah KIVT 3. Teori dasar KIVT4. Ciri-ciri KIVT5. Tipe-tipe KIVT

6. Manfaat KIVT


Kultur Jaringan:adalah teknik yang melibatkan pembentukan satu atau lebih sel-sel yang mengalami dediferensiasi atau jaringan yang dikultur, memproliferasi untuk sejumlah generasi sel dan regenerasi tanaman (Larkin and Scowcroft, 1981).

Apa itu Kultur Jaringan Tanaman?“…kultur aseptis protoplas tanaman, sel, jaringan atau organ dengan kondisi yang

disesuaikan yang menghasilkan perbanyakan sel atau regenerasi organ atau tanaman utuh

Pierik, (1987) and Thorpe (2000) used the term “in vitro culture” to describe a culture of

plants, seeds, embryos, organs, explants, tissues, cells and protoplast, on nutrient media

under sterile conditions.

Basic in vitro propagation ...

TEORITeori Sel dari Schwann dan Schleiden (1838-1839)“Sel digambarkan sebagai unit biologi terkecil yang dapat bersifat totipoten”

“Teori Totipotensi”“Sel bersifat otonom, dan pada prinsipnya memiliki kemampuan untuk regenerasi untuk menghasilkan tanaman yang utuh”

Totipotency ….… complete genetic blue print… cells differentiate … living plant cells can re-differentiate

Early Cell Culture ….…Haberlandt .. early 1900’s … proposed concept of totipotency … cells cultured under right conditionsCallus cultured from tree cambium (Gautheret, Nobecourt, Whire in the 1930s. … cells kept alive but did not develop

Early tissue culture ….- dependent on discovery of “growth regulators”

] Cell enlargement (membesar) … role of auxins

] Cell division ... role of cytokinins ] Regeneration from tobacco pith ..

(Skoog and Miller) … interaction of auxin and cytokinin gives differentiation.

Further development …] GA for growth of shoots] Aux + Cyt + sucrose

> vascular development] Culture of ‘thin layers’

… many interacting factors eg pH

Carrot plants from root cells – Stewart in 1964

Tobacco plants from single cells – Vasil & Hilderbrandt 1965

Plant Organ Culture ….

Murashige and Skoog 1962 - mineral media® micropropagation

Types of Cell & Tissues Many different types of cells Varying degrees of specialisation

- Meristematic - Embryonic- Reproductive

Meristematic tissues ... Shoot (tunas)... apical,

… axillary Leaf Root

Adventitious Cambial tissues

Properties of Swastika Oktavia (B1J007013)

Embryonic tissues ... Pre-formed plant Generative / somatic Juvenile

Reproductive tissues ... Diploid / Haploid Female / Male

Cell to Cell Interaction Important in intact plant Isolated cell not function the same Establishment of polarity Expression of somaclonal (epigenetic)


Growth Processes Multiplication

o Apical dominanceo Differentiation

Growtho Cell divisiono Cell enlargement

Phasic developmento Juvenilityo Dormancy

Other Processes Photosynthesis Transpiration and water uptake Cytological instability

Controlling Growth & Development Physiological mechanisms Physical manipulation Chemical Plant Growth Regulators

(PGRs) Environment Genotype

Growth Regulators Hormone theory Auxins Cytokinins Gibberelins (GA) Ethylene Abscisic Acid (ABA) Other PGRs

Auxin : Cytokinin ratio

Hormone Action ….. Application + uptake Endogenous + applied Accumulation & Habituation Interactions / Sequence Pulsing vs prolonged exposure

OBJECTIVES Propagation of superior genotypes Use of plant cultures for manufacture

of plant products Genetic manipulation of plants Genetic conservation

Plant propagationI.1. Cashew (Anacardium occidentale)2. Clove (Syzigium aromaticum)3. Papaya (Carica papaya)4. Rami (Bochmeria nivea)5. Teak (Tectona grandis)6. Vanilla (Vanilla plamifolia)

Properties of Swastika Oktavia (B1J007013)

7. Sukun (Artocarpus communis)8. Abacca (Musa textilis)9. pepper (Piper nigrum)10. Cynamom (Cinnamomum sp.)11. Mangosten (Garcinia mangostana)

Germplasm ConservationMethodes:

1. Normal Growth 2. Minimal Growth3. Cryopreservation

Tanaman obat langka 1. Pulasari (Alyxia stellata)2. Purwoceng (Pimpinella pruatjan)3. Inggu (Ruta oryustifolia)4. Bidara upas (Meremia mammosa)5. Temu puteri (Curcuma petiolata) 6. Pule pandak (Rauvolfia serpentina)7. Pulai (Alstonia scholaris)8. Ki sariawan (Symplocas odoratisima)9. Pranawijaya (Andira horsfidii)10. Puar (Elettaria sumatrana)

Potential medicinal plants1. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)2. Kencur (Kaemfena galangan)3. Tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis)4. Daun encok (Plumbayo zeylonica)5. Daun dewa (Gynura precumbens) dan

(Gynura pseudochina)6. Som jawa (Talinum paniculatum)

7. Terong KB (Solanum khasianum & S. laciniatum)

8. Temugiring (Curcuma heyneana)9. Kolesom (Talimum paniculatum & T.

racemosum)10. Handeleum (Graftophyllum pictum)11. Tangguh (Pettivera alliaceae)12. Anectochillus taiwanensis

Secondary metabolites production1. Terong KB (Solanum khazianum & S.

laciniatum)2. Nilam (Pogostemon cablin)3. Mentha (Mentha pipenta & M.

arvensis)4. Clove (Syzigium aromaticum)5. Pegagan 6. Pule pandak (Rauvolfia serpentina)

Plant improvementMethodes:

1. Somaclonal variationVanilla (Vanilla planifolia)Nilam (Pogostemon cablin)Ginger (Zingiber oficinale)Rose (Rosa hybrida)Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii)

2. Embryo rescueVanilla (Vanilla planifolia X Vanilla albida) Green bean (Vigna radiata X Vigna mungo)

3. In vitro selection Vanilli (Vanilla planifolia)Lada (Piper nigrum)Kedelai (Glycine max)Padi (Oryza sativa)

4. Protoplas fussion Solanum melongena X S. aethiopicum

Properties of Swastika Oktavia (B1J007013)

Mendukung Penelitian , Rekayasa Genetika1. Pepaya (Carica papaya)

Gen: delay ripening2. Padi (Oryza sativa)

Gen: BT à penggerek batang


Occur on a small scale All micro-organisms and pests are

excluded The environmental growth conditions,

with regards to physical, nutritional, and hormonal factors are optimised

The normal patterns of plant development can be changed

The possibility to manipulate the explant’s growth

• Terjadi pada skala kecil• Semua mikro-organisme dan hama tidak termasuk• Kondisi pertumbuhan lingkungan, sehubungan dengan faktor fisik, nutrisi, dan hormon yang dioptimalkan

• Pola-pola normal perkembangan tanaman dapat diubah• Kemungkinan untuk memanipulasi pertumbuhan eksplan's


Culture of intact plants Embryo culture Organ culture (meristem, anther) Callus culture Single cell culture Protoplast culture

De Fossard (1977) Organised : The characteristic

organisational of plant on the individual organ being maintained.

Non-organised : Organised de-differentiated non-organised

Non-organised/Organised: Regeneration Embryo culture : memperpendek siklus

perkembangbiakan, mengatasi ketidakcocokan.

Meristem culture : menghilangkan patogen, massa kloning tanaman, koleksi plasma nutfah, kriopreservasi

Callus culture : kloning tanaman, penciptaan varian genetik, eliminasi patogen, sumber protoplas, produksi metabolit sekunder

Anther culture : produksi homozigot, induksi mutasi

Protoplast culture: hibridisasi somatik, studi transformasi.

Properties of Swastika Oktavia (B1J007013)

Properties of Swastika Oktavia (B1J007013)

Properties of Swastika Oktavia (B1J007013)

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