pecha kuch – choices - by poornima m

Post on 30-Jan-2015






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Pecha Kucha is a presentation style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each (six minutes and 40 seconds in total). Compassites held Pecha Kucha session as team activity. This session is about "Choices". *All company names, product names, logos, images included in this presentation may be registered trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. No copyright violation intended on images sourced from Google searches.


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Copyright © 2012

Pecha Kucha Session


www.compassitesinc.comCopyright © 2005 - 2013 Compassites

CHOICESThe act of picking or deciding between two or more possibilities.

Life is full of choices. When you cut all the junk every situation is a choice.


1. Command Choices

- The choices that can be made only by you.

2. Delegate Choices

- Delegating the decision making to any one, as the decision must be made but the choice is inconsequential.

3. Avoided Choices

- Where the outcome could be so severe that the choice should not be made

4. No-brainer choices

- Where the choice is so obvious that only one choice can reasonably be made.

5. Collaborative choices

- Where the choice should be made in consultation with, and by agreement of others.

Advantages of multiple choices

- Choice has the potential to improve a person's welfare.

- Having power of choice helps us being in control.

- Freedom is defined by the ability to choose. The more choices you have the more freedom you have.

Disadvantages of multiple choices

- Choices leads to an escalation of expectation.

- Produces paralysis rather than liberation.

- Self Blame

Tips to make better choices

When faced with a decision in life -- big or small -- we try to make the best choice.But sometimes, despite our good intentions, we make bad choices.

1. Stay Calm

2. Get as much information as possible.

3. Weigh risk vs gain

4. Have a back-up plan

Choices and Consequences

Yor are free to choose but your not free from the consequence of your choice

How to stop regretting your choices

1. Keep in mind that you only are a human just like other people in this world.

Making a mistake won't always be the end of everything. In fact you learn from every mistake that you make. Every successful person has made mistakes. Big or Small doesn't matter.

2. Believe that you are a sensible human being and that you take decisions after a lot of evaluation.

Don't be under the impression that you did not think at all before taking that crucial decision.We all think. But sometimes things don't turn out the way we plan. Next time before taking a decision don't make mistakes that you made while taking your previous decision.

3. Contemplate the fact that when you had taken a particular decision, at that point in time it seemed to be the best option and that's the reason you chose it...

Even though now it seems silly.You did not have any idea how it was going to turn out. Nobody knows the future. Accept the fact that now you are wiser then you previously were.

4. Start afresh. Its never too late to start afresh... never too late to begin anew... life

always gives a second chance. You only have to believe in it.

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