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L. Lova Jones

“Home Sweet Home”

Provided by the South Dakota Art Museum

Brookings, South Dakota

South Dakota Artists Curriculum Unit

Unit of Study: L. Lova Jones, painter

Title of Lesson Plan: Home Sweet Home

Grade Level: 3 – 5

South Dakota Content Standards

Fine Arts:

Visual Arts Standard One 3-4:

Students will describe how visual arts tell stories, express

moods, or convey ideas.

Visual Arts Standard Two 3-4:

Students will understand selected techniques which give

artwork detail.

Visual Arts Standard Two 5-8:

Students will describe the various techniques which give

artwork definition and detail.

South Dakota Content StandardsU.S. History:

3.US.1.1 Students are able to identify the obstacles and

successes of the early settlers and Native

Americans in creating communities.

4.US.1.1 Students are able to explain factors affecting the

growth and expansion of South Dakota.

4.US.2.1 Students are able to describe the impact of

significant turning points on the development of

the culture in South Dakota.

South Dakota Content StandardsGeography:

3.G.2.1 Students are able to identify reasons people

move and how it affects their communities.

4.G.2.1 Students are able to describe how the resources

of various regions and the state of South Dakota

affected the growth of each.

Assessment Strategies

Class discussion

Observation using VTS

Observation of research skills

Creation of a frame house following guidelines listed in a


Learning Objectives

Students will learn about South Dakota artist Lova Jones.

Students will evaluate the painting using VTS techniques.

Students will explain how the railroads affected the growth of

South Dakota.

Students will construct a replica of a frame house.

Time Required Two class periods of 30 – 40 minutes each

Materials/Technology Needed Images of frame houses in South Dakota (prior to statehood)

Popsicle sticks

Tongue depressors

Glue (hot glue if available)

Background Information

L. Lova Jones’ father was the first person to build a frame

house in Brandon Township, SD in 1875. He had to go 50

miles east to Worthington to haul the lumber because that was

the closest railroad station. You could show students the

differences between sod houses and frame houses.

Lesson Description Explain to students that L. Lova Jones is a South Dakota artist

who lived from 1874 - 1951.

Discuss with students what all Lova Jones’ father had to go through to build the first frame house in Brandon Township, SD. Tell students that he had to travel by wagon 50 miles to the east to Worthington, MN to pick up the lumber from the nearest railroad station (at that time).

Have students research and calculate how long that would have taken her father to make the round trip from Brandon Township to Worthington and back. The trip was about 50 miles one way.

Explain to students that a frame hose was quite unusual in this part of the country during this time, mainly because of access to building supplies.

Lesson Description continued Discuss with students the elements of building a frame house

(foundation, walls, roof, etc.). Show students pictures of frame

houses back in the late 1870’s and early 1880’s.

For their assignment, have students create a replica of a frame

house from this time period using tongue depressors for the frame

and popsicle sticks for the roof and siding.

There are many examples of how to make a popsicle stick house


Another Suggestion:

You could have 1/2 of the class make sod houses out of plastic

strawberry baskets, mud, and grass seed, and the other 1/2 create

frame houses.

Enrichment Have students research the impact of the railroads in the

community where the students live.






South Dakota Art Museum Collection

L. Lova Jones

L. Lova Jones Presentation to


L. Lova Jones

Image Courtesy of the South Dakota Art Museum

L. Lova Jones

1874 – 1951

Attended the Art Institute of Chicago

Taught and painted art in Chicago and California

Painted portraits and scenery

Painted portraits of 3 notable South Dakotans

Senator R. F. Pettigrew

Governor Frank M. Byrne, 1913 – 1917

L. T. Dunning, pioneer druggist and land developer of Sioux Falls, SD


South Dakota Art Museum Collection

L. Lova Jones

*For more information about L. Lova Jones, contact

the South Dakota Art Museum

Examples of

L. Lova Jones’ Artwork

Falling Snow

Image Courtesy of the South Dakota Art Museum


Image Courtesy of the South Dakota Art Museum

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