pb 220 hlurb

Post on 28-Apr-2015






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PB 220




Pursuant to Section 3 of BP 220, lhe Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board isauthorized to establish and promulgate two levels of standads and technicalrequirements for the development of economic and socialized housing projecwunitsin urban and rural areas from those provided in PD 957, PD 1216' PD "1096, and PD1185, hence the following rules are hereby promulgated.

A. Protection and safety of life, limb, property and general public

-C*'' I


Section 1, Scope of APPlication

These rules and standards shall apply to the development of economic andsocialized housing projects in urban and rural areas as defined in Section 2 of BPglg. ZZO. fney sfiatt apply to the development of either a house and lot or a houseor lot only.

Section 2. Declaration of Policies

It is a policy of the government to promote and encourage the development of

"**"fr" and socialiied housing projects, primarily by the private sector in order to

make available adequate econimic 'and

socialized housing units for average and

low income eamers in urban and rural areas'



Section 3. Gompliance with Standards and Guidelines

Deve|opmentofeconomicandsocia|izedhousingprojectssha||beinaccordancewith the minimum design standards herein set forth'

section 4. Basis and obiectives of the Minimum Design standards

The minimum design standards set forth herein are intended to provide minimum

i"qrii...nir withii the generally accepted levels of safety, health and ecological

considerations. Variations, however are



B. Basic needs of human settlements' enumorated in descending order as


1. Water2. Movement and circulation3. Storm drainage4. Solid and liquid waste disPosal5. ParUPlaYground6. Power

Theprovisionofthesebasicneedsshal|bebasedontheactua|settingwithinwhich the Project site is located '

C. Affordability levels of target market

Affordabte cost - refers to the most reasonable price of land_and. shelterbasedontheneedsandf inancia|capabi | i tyofProgramBenef ic iar iesandAppropriate Financing Schemes (RA 7279)

D. Location

Both economic and socialized housing projects shall be located withinsuitable site for housing and outside potential hazard prcne and prctectionaneas.

Section 5. Technical Guidelines and Standards for Subdivisions

In determining whether an economic and socialized housing shall be allowed, thefollowing guidelines shall be considered.

A. Site Criteria

1. Availabillty of basic needs

The prioritized basic needs c,'ed earlier shall preferably be available withreasonable distance from the prcject site, but where these are rpt available,the same shall be provided for by the developer.

2. Conformity wlth the Zoning Ordinance or Land Use Plan of theCity/Municipality

Generally, housing projects should conform with the zoning ordinance of thecity/municipality where they are located thus shall be in suitable sites forhousing. However, where there is no zoning ordinance or land use plan, thepredominant land use principle and site suitability factors cited herein shall beused in determining suitability of a project to a site.

Furthermore, if the prcject is undoubtedly supportive of other land uses andactivities (e.9., housing for industrial workers) said prcject shall be allowed.


3. Physical Suitability

A potential site must have characteristics assuring healthful, safe andenvironmentally sound community life. lt shall be stable enough toaccommodate foundation load without excessive site works. Critical areas(e.9., areas subject to flooding, land slides and stress) must be avoided.

4. Accessibllity

The site must be sewed by a road that is readily accessible to publictransoortation lines. Said access road shall conform to the standards setherein of these Rules to ac@mmodate expected demand caused by thedevelopment of the area. In no case shall a subdivision project be apprcvedwithout necessary access road/right-of-way constructed either by thedeveloper or the Local Govemment Unit.

B. PlanningConsiderations

1. Area Planning

Project design should consider not only the reduction of cost of developmentto i minimum but also the prcvision for possible future improvement orexpansion, as in the prescription of lot sizes, right-of-way of roads, openspace, allocation of areas for common uses and facilities'

Land allocation and alignment of the various utilities (roads, drainage, power

and water) of the subdivision shall be integrated with those of existingnetworks as well as projects outside the boundaries of the project site' e.9.

access roads set forth herein and should follow the standard specifications of

the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)'

2. Slte Preservation/Alteration

a. Slope

Thef in ishedgradesha| lhaveadesi reds|opetoa| lor r ra inwater tobechanneled into street drains. Where cut and fill is necessary' an


Grading and ditohing shall be executed in a manner that will prevent

erosion or flooding of adjoining properties.

b, Presewation of Site Assets

suitable trees with a caliper diameter of 200 milimeters or more, shrubsanddesirab|egroundcoversha||beprcserved.Whereagoodqua|itytopsoil exists in the site, it shall not be removed and shall be presewed forfinishing grades ofyards, playgrounds, parks and garden area'

-.1 .rX -.1


c. Ground Cover

Grass, shrubs, plants and other landscaping materials used icr groundcover shall be of variety apprcpriate for its intended use and location.They shall be so planted as to allow complete and permanent cover of thearea.

3. Easements

Subdivision projects shall observe and conform to the provisions ofeasements as may be required by:

a. Chapter lV, Section 51 of the Water Code of the philippines on waterbodies

National Power Corporation (NpC) on transmission lines

Fault traces as identified by pHTVoLCS per Resorution No. 5i5, seriesof 1992

Right-of-way of other public companies and other entities

For projgctg .abutting national roads (primary roads) adequateeasement shall be provided t91. roa.d including toiOing anO untodOingas may be required by national/local govemment units

Other related laws

4. Clrculalion

d .





f roads adjacent to the suMivision

, y#x ff1"$iHJ:,ffi'#x,Jl:"":Roads compremented with pathwark within the suMivision must be soaligned to faciritate movement within and in rinring ine subdivision tothe nearest major transportation route

""0 "oij'jJ"iproperry.Whenever there iVare existing. roads within the project site which shallbe made part of tre suoiiviJo;, il;;;;;='be improved inaccordance with the standards set forih frerein.

- -"

Streets should conform to the contours of the land as much aspracticable.

Provisions of major street extension for future connection to adjoiningdeveloped and/or underdeveloped p.p"rti"* .nl'l Ue manOatory anOintegrated or atigned with existing il;;, if il.Sireets shall be so laid out to minimize critical intersections such asblind comers, skew junctions, etc.



f. Roads shall conform with civil work design criteria as per Seclion10.B.3 of this Rules and sound engineering practices.

Design Parameterc

1. Land Allocation

a. Saleable Areas

There shall be no fixed ratio between the saleable portion and non-saleable portion of a subdivision project.

b. Non-saleable Areas

Non-saleable areas shall conform with the minimum requirements foroj"n .p""" comprising those allofted for circulation system' communityfacilities and parks and playgrounds.

b.1 Allocation of Area for Parks and Playgrounds

Area allocated for parks and playgrounds shall be mandatory lorprojects t hectare and above ano inatt be strategicatly located within

the subdivision Project.

A||ocatedareasforparksandp|aygroundssha||benon.a|ienab|eandnon-buildable for community fritt 6ut buildable for basketball court' lt

shall be exclusive oJ tt'o." areas allocated for community facilities and

.n"fi u"ry accoding io-ttte Oensity of lots and/or dwelling units in the

subdivision, whichever is applicable, as shown below:

Table t. Parks and Playgrounds Allocation

rcoruoutc HouslNG socLnuzeo HouslNGDensity

(No. of lots/Du'per hectare)_

Allocation(% of gross area

for PP")DensitY

(No. of lots/Du'nar hanlaral

Albcat|on(% of gr6s area

for PP.')

150 and b€low 3.5 % 150 and below 3.s %151 - 160 4 olo

151 -160 4 olo

161 -'175 5 olo161 - 175 5%

176 - 200 6% 176-mO 6%fil -225 7%201 -225 7 Y o

P6ove 225 9 l o Above 225 9 Y o

* Parks and Playgrounds

, dumping site, etc.

t",' s

ln no case shall an area allocated for parks.and playgrounds be- less

iii"" roo iqr"ie meters. An addition of 1% increment for every 10 or

fraction thereof above 225'

The site shall not be subjecl to flooding nor situated in steep slopes'

Sit"" pot"nii"f|y hazardous or dangeroirs. to the health and safety of

,r"" lip"Ci"rly children , should be avoided, e'g', along rivers' near

Location of parks shall be based on hierarchy' accessibility and shall

be free from hazards, risks, baniers' etc'

b.2 Area Allocated for Community Facilities

Mandatory provision of area for neighborhood multi-purpose @nter

both for economic anO socialized houJing projecq with a.gross arel.of

t hectare and above. These areas are non-saleable' However' me

deve|opermayprovideforareasforcommuni ty fac i | i t iessuchasschooli and convenience/retail centers in excess of the requirementset for th inth isRu|ewhichsha| |bedeemedsaleab|e.Theuseofthesaidareashat |beindicatedinthep|anandannotatedinthet i t |ethereto. (Refer to Table 2)

Table 2. Facilities According to the Number of saleable Lots/Dwelling Unitsfor Subdivision Proiects 1 Hectare and Above

No. of SaleableLots and/or

Dwelling Unit








10 & below11 -99

100 - 499500 - 999

1000 - 14991500 - 199920ffi-24592500 - 3000




area* Optional saleable but when provided in the plan the same shall be annotated in the title.

Community facilities shall be strategically located and easily accessiblewhere they can serue a maximum number of population, preferablynear or side by side by parUplayground.

The area allocated for community facilities shall vary with the density ofthe subdivision, i.e., number of lots and/or dwelling units whichever isapplicable, as shown below:

Table 3. Gommunlty Facilities Allocation


b.3 Circulation System

The area allocated for circulation system shall not be fixed, as long asthe prescribed dimension and requiiements for access lOottr tor pro]Jsite and dwelling units) specified in these Rules are complied wit'h.


Land circulation system shail compry with the pertinent requirements ofBP 344 othenrvise known as the Accessibility iaw.

Below are the planning considerations to be observed for circulationlayout:

a. Observance of the hierarchy of roads within the subdivision.b. Conformance to natural topography.c. Consideration for access and safety, e.g., adequate radius,

minimum number of roads at intersections, moderateslope/grade, adequate sight distance, no blind corners, etc.

g. Optimization as to number of lots to lessen area for roads. at thesame time enhances community interaction.


Hierarchy of roads (with respect to function, dimensions and projectarea) shall be observed when planning the road network such thatno major or minor road align with an alley or pathwalk.

Table 4. Hierarchy of Roads





2-5 has. And below major, minor, motor court,alleY

major, minor, motorcourt, pathwalk,

Above 2.5 - 5 - d o - - oo -

Above 5 - '10 major, collector, minor,motor court, alley

- d o -

Above 10 - 15 - d o - major, collector, minor,motor court, pathwalk,

Above 15 - 30 -do - -oo -

Above 30 -oo - -do -


The corresponding right-of-way for hierarchy of roads shall be as


Table 5. Road Right'of-WaY

The minimum right-of-way of major roads shall be in accordancewith the preceding table. However, in cases where the major roadwill serve as interconnectihg road, it shall have a minimum right-of-way of 10 meters. lt shall have a 1s-centimeter mix gravel (pit run)basecourse on well compacted subgrade.

Malor roads shall maintain a uniform width of road right-of-way'Tapering of road width shall not be allowed where the road right-of-way is wider than the prescribed standard for the interconnectingroad of the proposed subdivision.

Minor roads shall have a right-of-way of 6.50 meters wide.

Interior subdivision project must secure right-of-way to the nearestpublic road and the right-of-way shall be designated asinterconnecting road wilh a minimum width of 10 meters. This factshall be annotated on the title of the said road lot and must bedonated and deemed turned over to the LGU upon completion ofthe said interconnec.ting road. (See Figure 1: Interconnecting Road)

Subdivision projects abutting main publio road must providesufficient setbacks with a minimum dimension of 3.0 meterc indepth and 5.0 meters in length at both sides of the subdivisionentrance to accommodate loading and unloading of passengec.(See Figure 2 : Setback Requirement Along Main Public Road)

Contiguous projects or projects to be developed by phases shall beprovided with interconnecting roads with a minimum right-of-way of10.0 meters. (Approved as per Resolution No. R-374 dated 03March 1987).





2.5 and belo t 8 6.5 E o.o

Above 2.5 - 5.0 10 10 6.5

Above 5.0 - 10 10 o 6.5 10 6.5

Above 10 - t 4 10 8 6.5 10 8 6.5

Above 15 - 30 12 8 6.5 10 I 6.5

Above 30 15 10 A R '10 A 5

ROW Caniageway ROW CaniagewaY

Motor Court o 3 o

Alley 2Pathwalk


S U B D . 3

su6D. 1

S U B D . , t

Alley shall have a width of 2.0 meters intended to break a block andto serve both pedestrian and fur emergency purposes, both endsconnecting to streets. lt shall not be used as access to the property.

Pathwalk shall have a width of 3.0 meters intended only to providepedestrian access to property for socialized housing prcjects. ltshall have a maximum length of 60 meterc.

Figure t. lnterconnecting Road


Flgure 2. Setback Requircment it{rJ


Planting strips shall be observed in accordance with the following


b.3.4 Road Pavement

Major, minor roads and motorcourt for ecnnomic and socializedhousing projects shall be paved with asphalt with minimumthicknels of 50 milimeters or concrete with minimum thickness of150 milimeters and a minimum compressive strength of 20.7 Mpaat 28 days. Sidewalk or alley shall be of macadam finish.

b.3.5 Road Intersection

Roads should intersect at right angles as much as practicable'Multiple intersections along major roads shall be minimized.Distance between offset intersections should not be less than 20meters from comer to comer.

Road intensections shall be povided with adequate curb radiiconsistent with sound engineering principles. (See Figure 3 : CurbRadii Dimension)

b.3.6 Road Grade/Slope

Crpwn of the roads shall have a slope of not less than 1.5 to 9percent. (See Figure 4 : Road Grade Slope)

Grades and vertical curbs shall conform to the design reguirementsof the Department of Public Workr

Table 6. Wdth of Plantlng Strips and Sidewalks



Planting Strip(m)

Slda ralk(m)

Planting SriP(m)


1 5 1 .3 1 .2 1.3 1 .2

12 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.2

10 0.8 1 .2 0.8 1 .2

8 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6

6.5 Optional 0.5 Optional 0.5




( AXttr luf{)



Figure 3. Curb Radii Dimension


' : CURB




wtDE R .O .W




UAI {K IA ( . i



Figure 4. Road Grade (StoPe)

Lot Requirement

a. Lot Planning

a.1 A lot shall be served by an independent access either by a'road,motor court, or pathwalk. Pathwalk shall have a maximum length of60 meters intended only as pedestrian access to property forsocialized housing Proiects.

a.2 Deep lots and irregularly shaped lots shall be avoided.

a.3 Whenever possible, lot frontage elevation shall be at street level.

a.4 Lots shall be protected against physical hazards. No lot shall be laidout where potentiaI risks exist (e.g. erosion, slides, flooding,faultlines, etc.)

a.5 Lots shall be protected against non-conforming uses and/or otherrisks through the provision of adequate bufier strips, protective walls,and roads or other simtlar devices.

a.6 Lot shall be so laid out that administrative boundaries,courses/drainage ways utility lines do not bisect the lots.




l 2

Table 8. Minimum Lot Frontage






1. Single Detached

a. Comer Lot

b. Regular Lot

c. lnegular Lot

d. Interior Lot

2. Duplex/Sngle Attached

3. Ro{house

b. l$inimum LotArea

The minimum lot area of various types of housing for economic and

socialized housing project shall be as follows:

Table 7. tinimum Lot Arca




a. Single Detached 72 u

b. Duplex/Single A,ttached u 48

c. Rowhouses 36 32


1 . Saleable lots designated as duplex/single attached and/or"

r.o,t -." lots shall 6e provided with housing components'

2. Prieof saleable lots intended for single detached units shall not

exeed 4Oo/o ot tf'e maiimum selling price of the house and lot


c. Lot Frontages

The minimum lot frontages for various types o1 housing both for economic

anJ sociatized housing projects shall be as follows:

NOTE:For rowhouses, there shall be a maximum oJ 20 units per block or

cluster but 'n no ca"J "ln"'iiirt-i"

G tot" than 100 meters in length'

3. Length ol Block

M axim um block lensth is 4oo meters' . ll otn"I1 ?l-o:1,':^:9tl^::::*lH,i 1?H:[["'h:"iT#ffi';;,il;a ,ith a 2-meter arrrey approximatelv at


4.rl I . '

Shelter GomPonent

a. Floor Area Requircment

The minimum floor area requirement for single-family dwelling shall be 2?

square mefers tor economii housing and 18 square meters for socialized


b. Minimum Level of Completion

Theminimumleve|ofcomp|etionforeconomichousingsha||be.comp|etenouseoaseoonthesubmit tedspeci f icat ions.Forsocia| izedhousingfro;ect, it shall be shell house with doors and windows to enclose the unit.

provision of firewall shalt be mandatory for duplex and single attachedunits and at every unit for owhouses.

5. Setback/Yard

The minimum setback of dwelling unit both for economic and socializedhousing project shall be as follows:

a.b.c.d .

Frcnt SetbackSide ya'dRear yardAbutments

1.5 m.1.5 m (from the building line)2.0 m.May be allowed per requirements of theNational Building Code of the Philippines

6. Water Supply

Whenever a public water supply system exists, connection to it by thesubdivision is mandatory.

Each lot and/or living unit shall be sewed with water connection (regardless ofthe type of distribution system). Water supply provided by the local waterdistrict shall be potable and adequate. lt shall becomplemented/supplemented by other sources, when necessary, such as@mmunal well which may be located strategically for ease and conveniencein fetching water by residents and at the same time not closer than 300meters frcm each other.

lf public water supply system is not available, the developer shall provide foran independent water supply system within the subdivision project. Minimumguantity requirement shall be 150 liters per capita per day.

Each subdivision must have at least an opemtional deepwell and pump setswith sufficient capacity to provide average daily demand (ADD) to allhomeowners prcvided a spare pump and motor set is reserved.

Likewise, requircd permits frcm the NWRB shall be obtained and standards ofthe Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) shall be complied with.

,(,r,l 4

lf ground reservoir is to be put up, an area shall be allocated for this purpose(part of allocation for community facilities). The size shall depend on volumeof water. intended to be stored. lt shall be protected from pollution byproviding buffer of at least 25 meters from sources of pollution/contamination.

For elevated reseNoir, structural design shall comply with accepted structuralstandards or the National Building Code of the Philippines. The elevatedreseryoir or water tank capacity must be 20Vo average daily demand plus firereserve.

Altemative sources of water supply may be availed of such as collected rainwater and other devices with water impounding capacity.

Provision for fire protection shall comply with the requirements of the .lir9code of the Philippines. whichever is applicable, the Local Government Unitshall provide each communrty with fire hydrants and a cistern that areoperational at all times.

For mufti-storey building, a water tank shall be provided if the height of the

building requires pressure in excess of that in the main water line. capacity

shoufd be 20o/o avetaQe daily demand plus fire reserye'

?. Electrical Power SuPPIY

when power is available within the locality of the project site, its connection to

in" "u6Oiui"ion

is required. Ac{ual connection, however, may depend on the

minimum number of users as required by the power supplier'

Provisionofstreet| ightingperpo|esha||bemandatoryifpo|esare50-meterdistaG and at ever! other pole if the distance is less than 50 meters.

Installationpractices,materialsandfixturesused,shallbeinaccordancewithin" p.uSion" of the existing rules and regulations,of the National Etectrical

CjOL ot the phitippines or tfle Local Ebaiic Franchise Holder/Local Electric

Cooperative or the local utility company'

Electric bills shall be proportionately shouldered by the users prior to issuance

J c"rtifi".t" ot Comptetion (COi) and tum over of open space to Local

Government Unit (LGU).

8. Sewage DisPosal SYstem

a. SePtic Tank

The sewage disposal system shall be communal or individual septic tank

*if"*i^S to ine Oesign standard of the Sanitation Code of the


b. Connection to Community Sewer System

Whenever applicable, connections shall be made to an approved PYbI:::community iewer system, subject to the requirements and provisions of

1 5

the Sanitation Code ot the Philippines lng 9ih€r applicable rules and

i"irr"ti""t tith regard to materiais and installation practices'

9. Drainage SYstem

with sound engineering design prircivil/sanitary engineer. Drain lines shalinstallation practices.

The minimum drainage system for economic and socialized housing shall be

concrete lined canal with load bearing cover.

ln case of non-existence of drainage system in the locality, catchment area

for drainage discharge shall be pr6vided for and developed by theowner/devJloper in consultation with local authorities or private entitiesconcerned, to prevent flooding of adjacent property. Moreover, saidcatchment area shall be made safe and maintained.

lf applicable, underground drainage system shall be provided with adequatereirf6rced concrete pipes (RCP), catch basins, manholes/inlets and crossdrain for efficient maintenance. Minimum drainage pipe shall be 300millimeters.

'10. Garbage Disposal System

Garbage disposal shall be undertaken by the local govemment or in theabsence thereof, by individual lot owners or homeowners association, withproper observance of sanitary practices and methods.

11. Fire Firefightlng

The Homeowners Association shall form fire brigade in collaboration with thebarangay fire brigade. Water for fire fighting shall be part of the water supplyrequirements and shall comply with the requirements of the locaUdistrict fireunit of the Philippine National Police.


l 6



Within suitable sites for housing and outside potential hazard proneand orotection areas.

a. Variableb. See open space requirement as per b.1, b.2 and b'3

Mandatory allocetion for parks and playgrounds per tabulationbelo\rr:

Land Allocation fotProjects I hectare andabovea. Saleable Areab. Non-saleable area

b.1 Area for Parksand Playgroundsfor projects 1hectare &above.

Density % of(No. of Lot3 or Gross AreaDwelling Unit for Parks &Per Heclars) Playgrounds

150 & below 3.5o/o151 - 160 4.OYo161 - 175 5.0Yo176 - NO 6'OYo201 -225 7.0%Above 225 9.O%

Density % d(No, of Lots ot Gross AreaDwelling Unit for Parks &PerHectare) Playgrounds

150 & betow 3.5Yo151 - 160 4.Oo/o161 _ 175 S.0%fl6_mg 6.Ooh201 _225 7.QYoAbove 225 9.0o/o


ln no case thall an area allocated for parks and playgrounds be.less

il;1d;;r";Ct"r". Th" ""m" "hall

be strategicallv locatedwithin the subdivision Prq€ct'

in the title thereto' (Refer to Tabl6 2)

Density 7o of Gross Area(No. of lots or for CommunitybwellingUnits FacilitiesPer Hectare)

150 & below 1.o%151 - 225 't.5%

Above 225 2'Oo/o

Density % of Gross Area(No. of lots or for CommunityDwellingUnits FacilitiesPer Hectare)

150 & below 1.Oo/o151 - 225 1'5%Above 225 2.Oo/o

Observe hierarchy of roads


64 sqm.48 sqm.

32 sqm.

3. Minimum Lot Areasa. Single Oetachedb. DuPlex/Single-

Attachedc. Rowhouse

72 sqm.54 sqm.

36 sqm.

Saleable lots designated as duplex/single-attached and/or rowhouse

lots shall be provided with housing components'

Price of saleable lots intended for singledetached units shall not

exceed 40% of the maximum selling price for house and lotpackage.

4. flinimum LotFrontage4.1 Single D€tach€d

a. comer lotb. regular lotc. inegular lotd. interior lot

4.2 Single Attached/Duplex

4.3 Ro\ryhouse



5. Length of Block Maximum length of block is 400 meters. However, blocks exceeding250 moters shall be provided with a 2-met€r alley approximately atmidl€ngth.

7. Road Rightof4Yay

Project Size Range

2.5 hes. & b€lowAbovo2.5-5has.AboveS-10has .Above 10 - 15 has.Above 15 - 30 has.Abov€ 30 has.

Motor CourtAIleyPathwalk

Major Collector Minor(m) (m) (m)8 -6 .510 - 6.510 8 6.510 I 6.512 8 6.515 10 6.5

ROW Carriageway


Major Colloctor Minor(m) (m) (m)8 -6 .510 - 6.510 - 6.510 I 6.510 8 6.512 10 6.5

ROW Caniageway


The minimum right-of-way of major roads shall be in accordancewith the preceding table. However, in cases where the major roadwill serye as int€roonnec{ing road, it shall have a minimum right -of-way of 10 meters. lt shall have a 1s-contimeter mix gravel (pit run)basecourse on well compacted subgrade.

Major roads shall maintain a uniform width of road right-of.{,vay.Tapering of road width shall not be allo ,ed whero the road right{f-way is wider than the prescrib€d standard for the intorconnoctingroad of the proposed subdivision.

Minor road shall have a minimum right-of-way of 6.50 mebrs.

l 8

NOTE:1 . Interior subdivision p'roiect must secur€ dght-of-way to ttle

nearesl public road and the right'of-way shall b€ designated asinterconnocting road with a minimum right-of-way of 10 meters.This fact shall be annotated on the title of said road lot and mustbe donated and deemed tumed over to the LGU uponcomoletion of the said interconnecting foad. (S€e figur€ 1)

2. Subdivision projects abutting main public thoroughfare. mustorovide sufficient setbacks (at least 3.0 meters in depth by 5'0mete6 in length) at both sides of the subdivision enhance toaccommodate-loading and unloading of passengers (S€e figure2l

3. Contiguous projects or projects to be developed bv ph""9:-1h41- Ue pr6"iO"O wiih interconnocting road with a minimum right-of-way of 10 meters.

4. Alley shall hav€ a width of 2.0 m€ters intended to break a block'

"nJ'to t!t" both pedestrian and for emergency purposes' both

"nO" "onn""ting tb sbeets. lt shall not bc used as acc€ss to


5. Pathwalk shall have a width of 3'0 mete6 intended only lo

provide pedestrian access to pfoperty for-socialized housing

lrolects.' lt shall havs a maximum longth of 60 meters'

6. Road Right-of-Way(cont'd)

Major, minor, motor court'pathwalk


Malor, collector, minor, motorcourt, Pathwalk


Maior, minor, motor court, alley

{(>Malor, collector, minor' motor

court, alleYdo-


8. Hierarchy of Roads PerProject Slze Range

2.5 has. & belont

Above2.5-5has.Above5-10has .

Above '10 - 15 has.

Abov€ 15 - 30 has.Above 30 has.

9. RoadsSp€cificatlons

9.1 Planting StriP (PS). Sidewalk (SW)


15.0 m.12.0 m.10.0 m.8.0 m.6.5 m.





ed;l€te road pavement stratt nave a minirnum thickness ot 150

milimeters and i minimum compressive strength of 20'7 MPa al 28

J"i".- n"pn"rt pavement shali have a minimum thickness of 50


Mandatory connection to appropriate public water system' Eachsubdivision shall have at least an operational deepwell and pumpsets with sufficient capacity to provide ADD to all homeownersprovided further that a jpare pump and motor set is reseNed Watersupply shall be potable and adequate

9.2 Road Pavement

MajorMinorMotor CourtSidewalkPathwalUAlleY

10. Wator supply

10.1 Minimum WaterSupplyRequirement

10-2 Fire ProtectlonDemand

150 liters per capib per day for household connection

Provision tor fire protection facilities shall comply with therequirements of the Fire Code of the Philippines.

10. Electrlcal PowerSupply

Mandatory individual household connection to primary and aK€matesources of porer if service is available in the locality.

Mandatory provision of street lighting per pole if so-meter distance;at every other pole, if the distance is less than 50 meters.

Electric bills shall be proportionately shouldered by users prior toissuance of Coc and tum over of open space to LGU.

Installation practices, materials and fixtures used shall be inaccordan@ with the provision of the Philippine El€ctrical Code andlocal utility company-

12. Dralnage System The drainage system for e@nomic and sochlized housing projectsshall be made of concrete lined canal with adequate capacity andwith load bearing cover.

The drainage system must conbrm with the natural drainage pattemof the subdivision site, and shall drain into appropriate weter bodies,public drainage system or natural outfalls.

lf applicable, undergrcund drainage system shall be provided withadequate reinforced concrete pipes (RCP), catch basins,manholevinlets and cross drain for eflicient maintenan@. Minimumdrainage pipe diameter shall be 300 milimeters.


Individual septic tank conforming to the standards and design ofSanitation Code of the Philippines

Construction of individual septic tanks shall conform to the standardsand design of Sanitation Code of the Philippines.

13. Sewage DisposalSystem

13.1 Sept ic Tank

13.2 Connection toCommunitySewer System

Whenever applicable, connection shall be made to an approvedpublic or oommunity sewer system subiect to the requirements andlrovisions of the

'sanitation Code of the Philippines and other

applicable rules and regulations.

Provide sanitary and efficient refuse collection and disposal system

wnetner inOepenOently or in conjunction with the local govemment

garbage collection and disposal seNices.

14. Garbag€ OisposalSystem

18 sqm.

18 sqm.

18 sqm'

Sholter ComPon€nt

15.1 Minimum FloorAreaa. Single

Detachedb. DuPlex/Single

Attachedc. Rowhouse

Mandatory provision of firewall for duplexesJsingle-atteched units

"nA "i "u"ry unit for rowhouses (See Figure 1 1)

The number of rowhouses shall not exceed 20 units per

blocucluster but in no c€se snall this be more than 100 meters in


Shell house(with doors and windo\ rs to

enclose the unit)same

ComPlete house(Based on the submitted


15.2 Minimum Level ofComPletion

a. SingleDetached

b. DuPle)dsingleAttached

c. Rowhouses

1 . 5 m1 .5 m (from the building line)2.0 m

May be allowed per requirementof the National Building Code of the

16. SetbacldYardFront setbackSide yardRear yardAbutmenls

Section 6. Building Design Standards and Guidelines

Projects incorporating housing components shall comply with the following design

standards and guidelines.

A. Single Family Dwelling (Applicable for both Economic and Socialized Housing)

1. Lot Planning

a. Access to the ProPerty

Di rectaccesstothes ing|e. fami |ydwe| | ingsha| |beprov idedby.meansofanaUutting public street or iatnwati. However, pathwalk shall only be allowed as

feoestidn access to property for Socialized Housing projects'

b. Access to the Dwelling Unit

An independentmeansofaccessto thedwe| | ingun i tsha l |beprov idedwithout trespassing adjoining properties. Acceptable means of access to the

rear yard oi tne Owettiirg un1 shall be provided without passing through anyother dwelling unit or any other yard.

c. Open Space Requirements

open spaces shall be located totally or distributed anywhere within the lot insuch a manner as to provide maximum light and ventilation into the building.

d, Sizes and Dimensions of Gourts or Yards

The minimum horizontal dimension of courts and yards shall not be less than2.0 meters. All inner courts shall be connected to a street or yard, either by apassageway with a minimum width ot 1.20 meters or by a door through aroom or rooms.

Every court shall have a width of not less than 2.0 meters for one and twostorey buildings. However, this may be reduced to not less than 1.50 metersin cluster living units such as quadruplexes, rowhouses and the like one ortwo stories in height with adjacent courts with an area of not less than 3square meters. Provided, further, that the separation walls or fences, if any,shall be not higher than 2.0 meters. tnegularly shaped lots such as triangularlots and the like whose courts may be also triangular in shape may beexempted from having a minimum width of 2.0 meters, ptovided that no sidethereof shall be less than 3.0 meters. '

e. Abutments

Abutments on the side and rear property lines may be allowed prcvided thefollowing requirements shall be complied with:

,1. Open space as prescribed in the table below:,"rt



Table 10. Private Open Space Requirements

2. Window opening as prescribed in Section 6'A'2'c below'

3. Firewall shall have a minimum of ona'hour fire resistive rating'

Building Design Standards (Applicable for both Economic and Socialized


a. Space Standards

Spaceswithinthedwe|l ingstructuressha||bedistributedinaneconomica|,efficient and practical ,"nn"iso

". to afford the maximum living comfort and

convenience and to insure health and safety among.the occupants' lt.shall

"r"ii" .irpf"t- tiving facilities for one famlly including provisions for living'

!i""pinS, irf'dry, cooiing, eating, bathing and toilet facilities'

b. ceiling Heiihts

1. Minimum ceiling height for habitable rooms shall be measured from the

finished floor line toin" ""iiing

line. Where ceilings are not provided' a

minimum neaooom cLarani of 2'0 meters shall be provided' (See

Figure 5 : Minimum Ceiling Heights)

2. Mezzaninefloors shall have a clear ceiting height of not less than 1'80

meters above ""0

o"i"* itl Jt"iO"d that-it shill not cover 50% of the

floo, "te"

below it. (See Figure 6 : Mezzanine Floor)

c. Openings

1. Doots

a.Aminimumofoneentranceiex i tshal |beprovidedwherethe-' '"i,iiuii ot occupants is not more than 10 and-2 entrances/exits

*f,"r" tn" number of occupants is greater than 10'

b. Doorssha| |haveaminimumc|earheightof2.0meters.ExceptforU"n.om and mezzanine doors which shall have a minimum clear

Type of LotPercent of Open Space

Residential All Others

a. tnterior lot (lot located in the interiorof a block made acc€ssible trom apublic street or alley bY means of aprivate access road)

b. Inside lot (non-corner or singl€ frontage lot)c. Corner and/or thtough lotd. Lots bounded on 3 or more sides by public

open spaces such as stregts' easement otseashores, rivers, esteros, etc.








height of 1.80 meters'

c. Minimum clear widths of doors shall be as follows:

Main DoorService/Bedroom DoorsBathnoom Door(See Figure 7 : Door OPenings)

0.80 m.0.70 m.0.60 m.

Figurc 5. ilinimum Gelling Heights

Figure 6, Mezzanlne Floor



, 0.80 m. It-T

' 0.70 m. IT--T- , 0.60 m. I



2. Yllindows


Figure 7. Door OPenlngs

and other Public open spaces;

2. has a ceiling height of not less than 2'0 meters'

3. Interlor Stairs

The stairs shall ensure structural safety for a-scent and descent' even

in extreme cases of "r-"rg"-*y.

tt sirall afford adequate headrcom

and space for the passage of fumiture'

1. Width' Stairways shall have a minimum clear width of 0'60


2. Riser and Run' Stairs shall have a maximum riser height of

0.25 meter "no "-ilinim'm

tread width of 0'20 meter' Stair

treads shall ut et"f iVu of nosing andlor other ptojections'

Glearance. Stain shall have a minimum head-room

oi'i]i-tii"o.' Such clearance ehatt be estabtished

Rooms for hab'rtable use shall be provided-with windo\^'s with a total

free area of openings "q,"lio?i""st

10% of the floor area of the


Bathrooms shall be provided with window/s with an area not loss

than 1/20 of its floor area'

Required windows may open into a oofed porch where the porch:

1. abuts court, yard, public street or alley' or open water course

3. Headroomclearance





by measuring vertically from a place parallel and tangent to thestainvay tread moving to the soffit above all points.

Landings. Every landing shall have a dimension rneasured inthe direction of tnavel equal to the width of the stairway.Maximurn height between landing shall be 3.60 meters.

Handrails. Stairways shall have at least one handrail on one

7. Windtng and Circular Stemay be used if the requnot more than 300 milliwhere the treads are narrun be less than 1SO mvariation in the .height of risers ancl the width of treads in anvone flisht rh:ll.?:, S mitimerers.

- tsee rd; d ,.\,il;# ;jCircular Stairuays)

8. Ladders. Tn:_::" ofjadders may be ailowed provided that themaximum distance between tanOings shalt Oe f .gO mlGrs.-. ..,-

d. Roofing

Roofing material that is impervious to water shall be provided.,$1"it''




_i_I o.as r {t ' t t t ' t I







oqt )

Figure 8. StairwaY Design


Winding and Circular StairwaYs


,l-tn Figure 9.

Electrical Requirements

There shall be provided at least one light outlet and one convenience

outlet Per activitY area.


When any 2 living units abut each cwhich case the fireblock shall be thehollow blocks, bricks, reinforced corand shall extend from the lowest pol

""il. "p t" inl point just below the roof covering or purlins' (See Figure

10 : Fireblocks for Drvelling Units That Abut Each Other)

Figure 10. Fircblocks for Dwelling Units That Abut Each Other

h. Firewall

Whenever a dwelling abuts on a pnrperty line, a firewall shall berequired. The firewall shall be of masonry construction, at least 100milimeters thick, and extend vertically from the lowest portion of the walladjoining the living units up to a minimum height of 0.30 meter above thehighest point of the roof attached to it the firewall shall also extendhorizontally up to a minimum distance of 0.30 meter beyond the outermostedge of the abutting living units.

A firewall shall be prcvided for duplex/single attached units and at everyunit for rowhouses. No openings whatsoever shall be allowed exceptwhen the two abutting spaces of 2 adjacent living units are unenclosed orpartially open, e.g. carports, tenaces, patios, etc.; instead a separationwall shall be required. (See Figure 11 : Firewall for Drvelling Units onProperty Line)





Figurc 11. Fircwall for Durelling Units on Property Line

B.tul$.Fami|yDwe|l ings(App|icab|eforbothEconomicandSocia|izedHousing)

l. Lot Planning

Access to the property. Direct vehicular access to the property shall be

pi""iO"O by means-of an abutting improved public street'

Access to the dwelling. An indeorovided to each dwelling' or groupirespassing adjoining properties' Imaintenance without trespassing atfacilities must be independent for each dwelling unit'

Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a sanitary means for the removal

of garbage and trash.

Access to living units. An independent means of access to each living

L"it "n"ril"

proiid"d wiihout passing through any yard of a living unil or

any other YaId.

d. Non-reeidential use. Portions of the property may be designed for non--'

iesioentiat use provided the type of non+esidential use is harmonious or

=G ? lo.l--r

c ? lo l




compatible with the residential character of the property. Some examplesof allowable non-residential uses are private clinic/office, garages,carports.

Figure i2. Non _ Residential Use

e. Cooperative store, and structures for the homeowners, association.

The computation of the, non-residential area shall include halhrvays,coridors or similar slgoes which serve OJth resiOential and non_residentiat areas. (See F6ui,e ri : -riron_n"iia"it"r


^O!g_n Space RequireT:lF__.lg.rtigns of the property shail be devoted toopen space to provide adequate tigr,t, ventilaiiSn-ino Rre safety.1. Setbacks from the ?lopgrty line shall be maintainect, the minimum ofwhich shall be the followingl

- - - ve "rq'.r'


Table 11.


Minimum Setbacks per Storey

Minimum Setback Requirement per Storey


Lot abutting 3 ormore sreets, alleys,nvers, esteros, eb.


Distance between building shall also be adequately maintained toensure light and ventilation

In general, the minimum distance between 2 buildings in which thetaller buildings does not exceed 2 storeys shall be 4.0 meters. And theminimum horizontal clearance between the two roof eaves shall be1.50 meters. (See Figure 13 : Distance Between 2 Storey Building)The minimum distance between two buildings wherein the tallerbuilding has 3 or 4 storeys, shall be 6.0 meters. And the minimumhorizontal clearance between the two rood eaves shall be 2.0 meters.(See Figure 14 : Distance Between 3 Storey Building)

The minimum distance between buitdings with more than 4 storeysshall be 10 meters. The minimum horizontal clearance shall be 6.0meters.

Except, however, in cases when the two sides of the buildings facingeach other are blank walls, i.e., either there are no openings or onlyminimal openings for comfort rooms, the minimum distance betweenthe buildings shall be 2.0 meters. And the horizontal clearancebetween the roof eaves shall be 1.0 meter. (See Figure 15 : DistanceBetween Blank Walls of Two Buildings)

In the measurement of distance between two buildings, measurementshall be made where the distance between the two buildings isshortest. (See Figure 16 : Measurement of Distance BetweenBuildings)

Flgure 13. Distance Between 2-Storey Bullding


3 l

.i-=-qls'o-1 --

Figure 14. Distance Between 3 - Storey Bullding


Figure 15. Distance Between Blank Walls of Two Buildlngs4A 32



Figurc 16. Measurement of Dlstance Bctween Buildings

g. Parking Requlrements. For multi-family dwellings, the parkingrequirement shall be in accordance with the provisioni of the NationatBuilding Code of the Philippines and its lmplementing Rules andRegulations.

Off-site parking may be allowed in addition to the on-site parking providedthat designated parking area is part of the project and provided further thatit shall not be 100 meters away from the condominium prcject.

Mandatory compliance with additional parking space required by localordinances.

2. Building Design Standards

a, Living Units

In general, all building design standards for the single-family dwelting shalllpplV for all living units of muhi-family dwellings, except that, the miiimumfloor area of a living unit in multi-family dwellings shall be 22 square metersfor economic housing and 18 square meters for socialized housing. Minimumfloor area shall be in one floor level exclusive of mezzanine, if iny. For Bp220 condominium projects, the minimum floor area shalf be 1-g souaremeters.

b. Exits, Corridorc, Ezlerior Exit Balconies and Common Stairways

standards for exits, conidors, exterior exit balconies and comrnon stainaaysshall conform with the provisions of the National Building code of thePhilippines, its lmplementing Rules and Regulations as well as the Fire codeof the Philippines.

c, Utilities and Services

To ensure healthful and livable conditions in the prcject, basic utilities andservices shall be provided, the minimum requirements of whicn shail be:4/


c.l Watsr Supply

Water supply shall be potable and adequate in amount ; a main serviceconnection ind a piping system with communal faucets to serve thecommon areas like the garden, drivevvays, etc. shall be provided' Pipesbranching out from the main water line shall service the individual unitswhich shall be provided with individual water meters.

c.2 PowerSupply/Electical Servlce

lf available in the vicinity, a main porer service shatl be provided with a

main circuit to service common lighting as well as common power needs

"ilh" ot*rringt' Like the watei system' hotl''evel: branch circuits with

separate meters shall service the individual living units'

c.3 Drainage System

Surface run-ofts shall be channeled to appropriate repositories'

c.4 Sewage DisPosal SYatem

Sewage disposal may be accomplished by any of the following


a. discharge to an existing public sewerage system'

b. treatment in a community disposal plant, or communal septictank.

c. Treatrnent in individual septic tanks with disposal by absorptionfield or leaching Pit.

c.5 Garbage DisPosal SYstem

Adequate services for the regular collection and disposal of gafiage andrubbish in compliance with applicable local ordinances.

c.6 Elevator Requirements (lf Applicable)

Provision of elevators shall be in accordance with the requirements of theNational Building code of the Philippines. The same shall conform withthe plans and specifications of the duly licensed design architecuengineerwho shall determine the requirement for etevators inctuding the number otcars, capacity, safety features and standards, elevator type, speed andlocaiion'in relation io the over all design and use of the building. Thedesign architect/engineer shall certify under oath that all componentstneriot are in accordance with the National Building Code of thePhilippines, the Accessibility Law, National Indgtry Standards and otherpertinent laws.(Approved as per Resolution No. 554, Series of 1994)'

compliance to the provisions of the Fire code of the Philippines shall bemandatory.


3. General Construction Requirements

a, Struchrral Requirements

All construction shall conform with the provisions of the latest edition of thePhilippine Structural Code.

b. Electrical Requirements

All electric systems, equipment and installation shall conform with theprovisions of the latest edition of the Philippine Electrical Code and therequirements of the electric utility thal serves the locality.

c. Sanitary Requirements

All sanitary systems, equipment and installation shall conform with theprovisions of the latest edition of Sanitration Code of the Philippines and itslmplementing Rules and Regulations and National Plumbing Code.

d. Gonstruction Mabrials

The use of indigenous matedals for site development and construction ofdwellings shall be encouraged, as long as these are in conformity with therequirements of these Rules and ensure a building life span of at least 25yeas, or in conespondence to loan terms payment.

Section 7. Variances/Exemptions

Variances from these standards and requirements may be granted pursuant to theconditions stipulated in Board Resolution No. R-97, series of 1982 (Annex A) understrict observance hereof will cause unne@ssary hardship to the case of regionalconsiderationVcharacteristics, peculiarities of the location and other relevant factors.



Section 8. Approval Required

No development of economic and socialized housing projects shall be allowedwithout having complied with the standards and approval procedures set forth inthese Rules.

An approved socialized housing project shalt not be upgraded to any other type ofhousing prqect.



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