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Keep trying! 2 Timothy 4:11

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04.03.2016 | 0050

Everyday Heroes fail sometimes but they keep on trying. 2 Timothy 4:11

Every Day Heroes Keep Trying

Failure happens. Acts 12:25; 13:5; 13:13; 15:37

Determine what defines you. (Your value) John 3:16

For Further Reflection1. Have you ever attempted something that didn’t work out? How did you feel after?

2. When you think of other people you know who attempted things and failed, what did you think of them?

3. Why is it so easy to confuse our personal worth with what we achieve?

4. Read Matthew 10:31. Jesus gave his core followers a job to do, but how do Jesus’ words help them (and us) to see their (our) value before God?

5. How do 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 and 1 Timothy 6:11 add to your understanding of not giving up? How are faith and perseverance connected?

6. A couple weeks ago, we talked about courage. As it relates to your faith, where do you need courage to try something that you’ve been afraid to because you might fail?

7. What would happen if you attempted that thing and succeeded? Who would be impacted? What would it mean for you?

8. How can we encourage each other to persevere, to keep on trying?

Paul Kiss

Keep trying! 2 Timothy 4:11

Or on our website:

Listen to past sermons on Apple iTunes for PC and Mac

04.03.2016 | 0050

Everyday Heroes fail sometimes but they keep on trying. 2 Timothy 4:11

Every Day Heroes Keep Trying

Failure happens. Acts 12:25; 13:5; 13:13; 15:37

Determine what defines you. (Your value) John 3:16

For Further Reflection1. Have you ever attempted something that didn’t work out? How did you feel after?

2. When you think of other people you know who attempted things and failed, what did you think of them?

3. Why is it so easy to confuse our personal worth with what we achieve?

4. Read Matthew 10:31. Jesus gave his core followers a job to do, but how do Jesus’ words help them (and us) to see their (our) value before God?

5. How do 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 and 1 Timothy 6:11 add to your understanding of not giving up? How are faith and perseverance connected?

6. A couple weeks ago, we talked about courage. As it relates to your faith, where do you need courage to try something that you’ve been afraid to because you might fail?

7. What would happen if you attempted that thing and succeeded? Who would be impacted? What would it mean for you?

8. How can we encourage each other to persevere, to keep on trying?

Paul Kiss

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