part 2 - the 3 zodiacs, tropical zodiac and precession

Post on 27-Oct-2021






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★ Part 2 - The 3 Zodiacs, Tropical Zodiac and Precession

• The Tropical Zodiac

• The Sidereal Zodiac

• The Constellations

• Precession of the Equinox

Inside Wheel - Tropical Zodiac Middle Wheel - Sidereal Zodiac Outside - Constellations Zodiac

Inside Wheel - Tropical Zodiac Outside Wheel - Sidereal Zodiac

Inside Wheel - Tropical Zodiac Outside Wheel - Sidereal Zodiac


Sidereal ZeroAries

Inside Wheel - Tropical Zodiac Outside Wheel - Constellational Zodiac

The 88 Constellations official IAU

The Zodiac• The word Zodiac comes from the Greek zodiakos kuklos or "circle of animals" referring to the various

animals and other symbols that make up the Zodiac. The path of the Sun, the ecliptic, crosses 12 constellations. 360 degrees of the circle through which the planets orbit.

• The Sidereal Zodiac is used by the traditional Vedic astrologers of India. It has its origins in the constellations of the ecliptic. The Sidereal Zodiac is composed also of 12 signs of 30 degrees each. The Aries, start point of the Sidereal Zodiac, is oriented to the fixed stars. The ayanamsa, the difference between the Tropical and Sidereal Zodiac is controversial in Vedic astrology. There is not a consensus on the start point for the Sidereal Zodiac. One version LAHIRI Zodiac, begins opposite the fixed Star Spica: ( currently at tropical 24° Libra, therefor 24° Aries). The ayanamsa is 25°.

• The Tropical Zodiac, used by Western astrologers, consists of 12 equal signs of 30 degrees each. The Tropical Zodiac is oriented to the seasons and begins at zero Aries, when the Sun crosses the Equator for the March Equinox.The Sidereal/Tropical Zodiacs were aligned circa 200 ACE.

• The Constellational Zodiac is a Zodiac that corresponds to the physical constellations. Some insist that there are 13 rather than 12 constellations, adding Ophiuchus. The signs of the Constellational Zodiac are highly irregular in size and there is controversy over the exact boundaries of each sign.




Endless Cycle of Evolution• Divine Circle - Endless Cycles • Divinity, Wholeness, Perfection, Whole year, whole cycle • Cycle of evolution • Reflecting natural cycles • Birth, life, death, re-birth • Waxing and waning, growing and contraction, peaks and troughs • The wheel of the Year -The Sun’s Path • The seasons - Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter • No cycle is ever the same - evolutionary • Uroborous • One cycle - Aries - Pisces

- repeated cycles - further evolution

• Equal in the circle

Division of 12• 12 is perfect and harmonious number, most divisible number,

- 3 modes - Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable - 4 elements - Fire, Earth, Air, Water

• Astro-theology - Bible, Jesus’s life- 12 tribes of Judah, 12 apostles, God/Sun, 12 Apostles signs

• 12 disciples of Confucius; 12 disciples of Mithra, 12 companions of Odin, 12 goddesses for women; the 12 Marshals of Napoleon.

• Myths - 12 Labours of Hercules. • The Heroes Journey. • Time. Clock - 12 hours. • Counting - Dozen. • 12 Gates of the human body

- 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 2 breasts, the navel, the anus and the penis/uterus, the mouth • 12 Mantras, 12 Steps, 12 Step Program AA, • etc etc

Inside Wheel - Tropical Zodiac Middle Wheel - Sidereal Zodiac Outside - Constellational Zodiac

Inside Wheel - Tropical Zodiac Middle Wheel - Sidereal Zodiac

Outside - Constellational Zodiac

Tropical SIGNS Sidereal SIGNS


The Tropical and Sidereal Zodiac• Sidereal - star position, sidereal Aries begins 15th April,

Sun opposite Spica, Tropical 12 signs of 30° and 60’ each.Now 25° after the Tropical Zodiac.

• Tropical - zodiac begins with the Sun at zero Aries at the Northern Vernal Equinox 12 signs of 30° and 60’ each. 12 x 30 =360°Tropical Aries begins 20th -21st March,

• Both now - 25 days/ 25° difference - Ayanamsa

• This is due to Precession of the Equinox.

★ Part 2 - The Precession of the Equinox

The Precession of the equinoxes = 25,920 yrs = (360° rotation)

If the sky is divided into 12 constellations:

(25,920 / 12 = 2,160)

Also known as the Great Year or the Platonic Year • The Platonic Year: • The first recorded recognition of precession in Greece was by the astronomer Hipparchus who, whilst compiling his star

catalogue, noticed that the positions of the stars had shifted in a systematic way from earlier Babylonian (Chaldean) measures.

• The Platonic Year was named after Plato (427 - 347 BC) because of his conviction of the intimate relationship between space and time. Plato believed that the heavens were "designed" by God for the measurement of time. He called one complete cycle of the bodies a 'Perfect Year'. He wrote of it in two texts: Timaeus and The Republic…

★ Part 2 - The Precession of the Equinox

• One complete cycle of Aries Point/Equinox Point moving backward along the ecliptic (zodiac)

• The Great YearThe Platonic Year approx 26,000 years.

• Zodiacal Ages - Divided by 12 signs = 2160 years each - Age of Aquarius, Age of Pisces, Age of Aries, Age of Taurus

• Age of Aquarius?

Age of Pisces to Aquarius• Theories of age of Aquarius begining anywhere from:

Renaissance 16th C to 1960’s and beyond.

• Age of Pisces according to Tropical zodiac begins in:5° (difference in zodiacs) x 72 yrs (rate) = 360 years to go

• 2018 plus 360 = The Year 2378

• Other formulas examples: Each age of 2160 is divided by 12 = 180 years of mini ages.Currently in the Age of Pisces, in Mini Age of Aquarius.

Precession of the Equinox


Current Aries Pointis at approx 5°


Age of Aquarius begins when Zero Aries point moves into sign of Aquarius

When signs and constellations will overlap and be out by 30° each(currently 25°)

Constellational zodiacThe wobble

★ Part 2 - The Precession of the Equinox

• Both aligned at approx 200 ACE

• Constellations are not 30° each, vary in size (can’t) be divided into 30 degrees each

• Precession moves the Vernal Equinox point against backdrop of stars 1° backwards along the ecliptic/zodiac every 72 years, (opposite to motion of Sun)(Precession is now beloved to be speeding up!) - see Recommended Reading

• Denoting long periods of time shifts Age of Pisces to Age of Aquarius.

• (Could we say Age of The Fishes, and Age of the Water Bearer to be clearer! Differentiating Signs and Constellations).

• Precession moves the tropical signs out of alignment with the constellations by 25°

• The tropical zodiac is nearly a whole sign in front of sidereal, 25°

• Movement - credited to Hipparchus and Ptolemy in approx 127 ACE


The Earth’s wobble


The moving backdrop


Age of Aquarius- 5 degrees away 72° x 5 = 360 years away begins approx - 2378 ACE

-According to tropical astrology of signs being 30 degrees each

Inside Wheel - Tropical Zodiac Middle Wheel - Sidereal Zodiac Outside - Constellations Zodiac

★ Part 2 - Further Reading





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