parkview baptist school newsletter€¦ · parkview baptist school newsletter 5750 parkview church...

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Parkview Baptist School Newsletter

5750 Parkview Church Road * Baton Rouge, LA 70816 * 225.291.2500 * * @pbsbr

January 9-13, 2017 - Quarter Three, Week Two

Invite a friend to Open House this week!





Kindergarten, Fourth Grade and Eighth Grade Current Parents…..

Mark your Calendars for Division Preview Days!


2nd Annual PBS Gala and Silent Auction

Saturday, April 1, 2017 * Lod Cook Alumni Center



Sponsor Levels Available:

Diamond Sponsorship - HEADLINE SPONSOR! $10,000

Sponsorship includes: • Company logo and name included in advertising (225 Magazine, InRegister and Baton

Rouge Parents) and event website, school website, social media and mobile bidding site • Reserved table with 10

event tickets • Invitation to Sponsor Preview Party • Advertisement at event and in school marketing material and

communications • Logo on 2017 Gala t-shirt

Platinum Sponsorship - $5,000

• Company logo and name included in advertising (225 Magazine, InRegister and Baton Rouge Parents) and event

website, school website, social media and mobile bidding site • 6 event tickets with reserved seating • Invitation to

Sponsor Preview Party • Advertisement at event and in school marketing material and communications • Logo on

2017 Gala t-shirts

Gold Sponsorship - $1,500

• Company Name included in advertising (225 Magazine, InRegister and Baton Rouge Parents) and event website,

school website, social media and mobile bidding site • 4 event tickets • Invitation to Sponsor Preview Party •

Business Name on 2017 Gala t-shirts

Silver Sponsorship - $500

• Company Name included in advertising (225 Magazine, InRegister and Baton Rouge Parents) and event website

school website & social media • 2 event tickets • Business Name on 2017 Gala t-shirts




LiveStream Survey: Do you own a 4k or Ultra-High Definition TV? If so, please email so he can gauge interest in 4k content for next year.




Dear Early Childhood Parents,

2017 couldn't have started off better for Early Childhood. The students and teachers were so happy to see each other. I saw lots of welcome back hugs and even more smiles.

We are back to work in all of our subjects. Keep checking folders and reinforcing skills when needed. Click here for a link to a great little addition game you can play at home. We really appreciate and love our parents.

Do you like to eat bugs??? Well, this week in chapel we will talk about a man that ate them all the time. Feel free to join us because it is going to be fun!

We have field trips and 101 days of school coming soon so be sure and read all of your emails. If there is ever a question please don't hesitate to call or come by. Don't forget to re-register for the 2017-2018 school year. If you have any friends that are interested in PBS be sure and send them our way. Please keep us in your prayers as you are always in ours.

In Christ,

Cathy Wilson, Early Childhood Division Head

*********************************************** SILVER STEPPER WINTER DANCE CAMP

Monday, January 9, 2017

Girls in PreK through 4th grade.

3:15 to 6:00 pm

Middle School Gym

Cost- $30

Each participant will receive a t-shirt to wear during their performance at

the PBS v. U-High basketball game on Tuesday, January 10 (Time of

performance TBA) Snacks will be provided. The girls will learn a routine

and make spirit posters to help cheer the Eagles to victory! to register online!


Dear Elementary Parents,

The start of the new year could not have gone any smoother! The students came back and

seemed to be excited to get started. With the new year and the new semester comes new changes. We

just wanted keep you informed of some changes that have occurred for this semester in the

elementary school.

One of our P.E. teachers, J. Jaye Cole, and our librarian, Rachel Rivers, have moved on to other

opportunities. Both of those positions are being covered at this time as we look for permanent

replacements. Both of these teachers will be missed by our students, but we wish them great blessings

in their new endeavors. Please be in prayer as we continue to find the right replacements for each

position. As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

This week starts our third grading period which includes starting over with tardies. It is very

important that your child be in the classroom before 8:00. The teachers begin with their Bible lessons

as soon as the pledge and prayer are finished and we do not want anyone to miss out on the lessons

that God has for us each day. Please refer to the Student Handbook located on the school website to

read about the Tardy Policy.

Chapel will be back in full swing this week on our regular Thursday time. We meet in the

church sanctuary at 9:00 and would love to see you there worshiping with your child. If you are

available at this time, please join us anytime.

I hope you have stayed warm this weekend and enjoyed some family time! We will see you

tomorrow and have a great evening!

In HIS Grip,

Jeff Lilley, Elementary Division Head


Dear Middle School Parents,

As we start the second semester of this school year I liken it the half time of a football game. It

is time to refocus on our goals, assess what is working well and adjust our plans to finish the school

year strong. In the weeks to come math and English teachers will be meeting with each student to

review their beginning of the year and midyear placement scores on multiple assessments including

STAR test, Moby Max (5th and 6th) and ALEKs. They will also go over each students’ strengthens and

areas of weakness on the ERB. After the teachers have conferenced with each student they will send

them home with a form outlining their progress and the plan that the student has come up with to

meet their goal for the end of the 2017 school year. Use this as a time to encourage your student to use

their resources to “get out of the pit” when they are struggling with a concept or skill. With a growth

mindset the focus isn’t on where you start, how quickly you grow but how much you’ve grown.

Our famous failure this week: Michael Jordon

His in the pit moment

o After being cut from his high school basketball team, he went home locked himself in his

room and cried

His Success

o Literally the most famous basketball player of all time.

o Led the Chicago Bulls to six NBA championships

o Received the Most Valuable Player award 5 times


Joana Dieterich, Middle School Division Head


Dear High School Parents,

This weekend renewed my appreciation once again for our Parkview parents, families, and alumni. I

spent Saturday morning in the freezing cold watching my daughter’s soccer game out at the Burbank fields. It

was amazing to see all of the middle school parents bundled up cheering on their daughters and sons despite

the bitter cold and a stinging wind in our faces. We were all grateful for the sunshine that at least made us feel

like we were a little warmer than we really were.

If I was impressed with that set of parents, my hat goes off to the parents of the varsity girls soccer team

who supported their daughters who played at Parkview that evening just after sundown. The stands looked like

a migration of Eskimos, but the parents were present and loud in their enthusiasm for the girls despite the

temperature dropping into the low 30’s while sitting in those unforgiving aluminum bleachers.

At the same time, the gym was packed on a Saturday night with basketball fans who came out to cheer

on our varsity girls and boys teams and to honor our 1997 State Championship Basketball team led by Coach

Don Green. It was an honor for me to meet many of the players as they re-lived their glory days and were so

proud to be back on our campus. Many of these men now have families of their own, so it was a special

moment for them to see old friends and reminisce about so many special moments they shared.

These unique moments all reminded me of the exceptional culture and bond we share as Parkview

parents and families. I believe our parents are often taken for granted; yet I know the sacrifice you make, not

only monetarily, but through your time and energy as well. Your presence and support make a difference and

make Parkview a strong force to be reckoned with. It is a privilege to partner with you in educating and guiding

your children.

We are grateful for your prayers, your sacrifices, your presence, and your involvement. Not every

school can count on their parents like we can at PBS. Thank you. It means the world to your children, and we

are grateful for you.

For His Glory,

Ben D. Haindel, High School Division Head


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