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Korea-Australia Rheology Journal March 2001 Vol. 13, No. 1 13

Korea-Australia Rheology JournalVol. 13, No. 1, March 2001 pp. 13-17

Electrorheology and magnetorheology

Jong Hyeok Park and O Ok Park*Dept. of Chem. Eng., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,

373-1, Kusong-dong, Yusong-Gu, Taejon 305-701, Korea

(Received March 26, 2001)

1. Introdution

Scientists and engineers are most familiar with single-crystal or polycrystialline field-responsive materials res-ponses typically occurring while the materials remain inthe solid state. These materials demonstrate dramaticchanges in their rheological properties including yieldstress, loss and storage moduli etc. in response to anexternally applied electric or magnetic field are known aselectrorheological fluid (ERF) or magnetorheological(MRF), respectively. ERF and MRF exhibit a very fast,reversible transition from a free-flowing liquid state to asolid like state. This behavior is often described as Bing-ham plastic characteristics having shear modulus and yieldstress dependent on external field that must be overcome toinitiate gross material deformation or flow.

The majority of the electrorheological fluids (ERF) arecomposed of solid particles suspended in nonpolar liquids.General particles used in preparing ERF are silica, titania,zeolites and the medium used in preparing ERF are sil-icone oil, mineral oil, cast oil. MR fluids are based on fer-romagnetic or ferrimagnetic, magnetically nonlinearparticles including iron, nickel, cobalt, and ceramic ferritesdispersed in organic or aqueous liquids. In electric or mag-netic field, each particle acquires an induced dipole. Whenaligned along the field direction, the particles attract oneanother, whereas the particles in the plane perpendicular tothe field direction repel one another. The dipole-dipoleinteractions cause chain structures in direction parallel tothe field vector. Physical properties of ER, MR under exter-nal field are due to the formation of this chains and col-umns of the field responsive constituent. Mechanicalenergy from shocks or vibrations can be absorbed by thesematerials under external field. The influence of externalelectric or magnetic field on the deformation or flow prop-erties of certain fluids has been a subject of scientific orpractical interest for many years. The change in viscosityand other macroscopic properties has been investigated ina number of systems including molecular polar liquids

(Andrade and Dodd, 1939; Andrade and Hart, 1954;Honda and Sasada, 1977; Hayes, 1988), magnetic disper-sions or ferrofluids (Hayes, 1974; Hess et. al., 1984;Rosensweig, 1969), electrorheological fluid (Gast andZukoski, 1989; Jordan and Shaw, 1989) and magtetorheo-logical suspensions (Shulman et. al., 1986; Promislow andGast, 1996). Among the class of these field-responsive flu-ids, special focus has been placed on the materials havingthe features such as rapid, reversible, and tunable transitionfrom a liquid-like state to a solidified state upon the appli-cation of an external electric or magnetic field. These mate-rials are known as electrorheological (ER) or magneto-rheological (MR) fluids, respectively. When sufficientlystrong external field is applied to these systems, theyundergo remarkable changes in their rheological propertiesas a result of the formation of patterned structures from therandom dispersion of particles. They exhibit a strong field-dependent shear modulus and a yield stress which must beexceeded in order to initiate the deformation or flow. Theavailability of fluids with yield stress or apparent viscositycontrollable over many orders of magnitude by appliedfields enables the development of many mechanical appli-cations, such as high-speed valves, active damping system,brakes, and miniature robotic joints due to the advantage offast response time and simplicity of devices. Unlike the ERor MR fluids, magnetic fluids (or ferrofluids) do notdevelop a yield stress on the application of a magnetic fieldsince they are stable dispersion of nano-sized superpara-magnetic particles governed by the influence of Brownianforce. Application of ferrofluids are primarily in the area ofsealing devices (Rosensweig, 1989).

While these materials are fascinating, the fundamentalscience of these materials the relationships between syn-thesis and processing and the connections between microstructural evolution and the rheological properties is verycomplex and is not fully understood.

2. Electrorheological fluids

Electrorheology is a phenomenon whereby a suspensionof fine polarizable particles (0.1-100µm in diameter) in adielectric liquid undergoes orders of magnitude increase in

*Corresponding author:© 2001 by The Korean Society of Rheology

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viscosity upon application of an electric field. This effectwas first reported by Winslow in 1949 and is sometimestermed the “Winslow effect”. As Winslow reported, appar-ent viscosities can increase by several orders of magnitudewhen electric fields of the order of 1 kV/mm are applied.The rheological changes are rapid and reversible and con-sume very low current, as has been reviewed in severalrecent publications (Deinega et al. 1984; Block et al. 1988,Gast et al. 1989; Jordan et al. 1989; Kreiger et al. 1992,Halsey et al. 1992; Weiss et al. 1993; Zukoski et al. 1993).

For the case of a Newtonian fluid, the steady shear vis-cosity is constant. Non-Newtonian fluids exhibit a shearrate dependent viscosity and may be characterized as eitherpseudoplastic (shear thinning) or dilatant (shear thicken-ing). Electrorheological fluids tend to be pseudoplastic-theapparent viscosity decreases as the shear rate increases(Deinega and Vinogradov, 1984; Marshall et. al., 1989;Uejima, 1972; Klass and Martinek, 1967). At low shearrates the relationship is (Marshall et al.,1989;Klass and Martinek, 1967; Shulman et. al., 1989), whereηa is apparent viscosity. This implies a constant shear stressin the region of sufficiently low shear rates and reflects thesolid-like nature of the ER suspension in the presence ofstrong fields. Typical behavior of electrorheological fluidunder the influence of external electric field is character-ized as the Bingham fluid model (Klass and Martinek,1967; Shulman et. al., 1981; Marshall et al.,1989) Thismeans that flow is observed only after exceeding a min-imum yield stress. The constitutive equation for a Binghamfluid is

τ = τy + ηp (1)

where τy is the dynamic yield stress, ηp is the plastic vis-cosity, and is the shear rate. Upon application of an elec-tric field to the ER fluid, the yield stress increasedramatically while the plastic viscosity remains essentiallyunchanged (Marshall et al., 1989). The yield stress for atruly plastic material is often obtained by extrapolation ofthe flow curve (τ vs. ) to zero shear rate, but recent workhas demonstrated that the method should be confirmed bya direct determination (Yoshimura and Prudhomme, 1988).The Bingham model suggests the solid like behavior belowthe yield stress and liquid like behavior at stress aboveyield stress. The observed dynamic yield stress representsthe ER effect substantially and is scaled to the square of theelectric field strength (Winslow, 1949), but other kinds ofdependency are also reported (Block et. al., 1990).

However, the behavior of ER fluid below yield stress iscompletely overlooked in the Bingham model (Sprecher 1987). This pre-yield behavior can be effectively char-acterized by the modulus. More specifically, dynamic stud-ies conducted with sufficiently small sinusoidal shearstrains suggest that ER fluids deform as viscoelastic bodies

(Brook et al., 1986; Gamota and Filisko, 1991; Shulman etal., 1989; Vinogradov et al., 1986). Moreover, it is gen-erally accepted that under a dynamic stimulus of lowamplitude the structure formed in response to the electricfield is virtually undisturbed. These studies have alsoreported that the viscoelastic parameter, i.e. storage shearmodulus, loss modulus and phase angle, are functions ofthe field strength, ER fluid composition, strain frequency,and strain amplitude.

The stress response of electrorheological fluid subjectedto a sinusoidal strain of small amplitude and an interme-diate electric field shows a linear viscoelastic behavior(Gamota and Filisko, 1991). The response becomes, how-ever, nonlinear with increasing strain amplitude due to thebreak of chain structure induced by the electric field. In aword, the viscoelastic parameters (G', G") of ER suspen-sion with electric field strongly depend upon the strainamplitude. In the case of ER fluids, the limiting strain ofthe linear viscoelasticity is usually 1.0%. Jordan et al.(1992) reported the dependence of G' and G" on the strainamplitude and explained the viscoelsticity of ER fluidswith a string model. Vinogradov et al. (1986) and Shulmanet al. (1989) reported that both loss and storage moduliincrease with electric field for a diatomite in silicone oilsubjected to sinusoidal strain in the frequency range of 0.1to 1.0 Hz. They also reported that the increase in the levelof moduli depends on the particle volume fraction, strainamplitude and frequency. Such an analysis on the vis-coelastic behavior needs the high resolution of measuringdevices due to the relatively narrow window of the linearviscoelasticity of ER materials.

Recently, two new approaches have been tried to enhanceyield stress of electro-rheological fiuid. Chin and Parkintroduced the effects of dispersed drop in the electrorheo-logical (ER) behaviors of a polyaniline particle suspension(Chin et al.2000). Oil-in-oil emulsions, which have dif-ference in the electrical conductivity and dielectric con-stant, were employed for the liquid bi-phase in the presentstudy. We examined the yield stress behaviors of ER sus-pension under steady shear and electric field. Only whenthe dispersed drop with a higher conductivity formed thedispersed liquid phases in the presence of dispersed poly-aniline particles, synergistic effect in the yield stress isobserved, giving a better ER performance and reduced cur-rent density. This is due to the unique microstructures in acomplex composed of particles and deformed emulsiondrops. Not only the magnitude but also a dependence onthe electric field strength of yield stresses were stronglyaffected by the change in relative composition of partic-ulate and liquid drop phases. Based on the direct obser-vation of microstructural evolution in these ER suspen-sions, we have explained the associated mechanism of ERresponse in particle-drop bi-dispersion based on the rela-tionship between microscopic change of structures and

ηa 1 γ·⁄∝




Electrorheology and magnetorheology

Korea-Australia Rheology Journal March 2001 Vol. 13, No. 1 15

macroscopic rheological properties. Figure 1(a) illustratesthe shear stress curve of polyaniline suspensions versusshear rate (0.1~1000 s-1) under electric field strength of0.0~4.0 kV/mm. For a 13 vol% of polyaniline particle dis-persed in the single liquid phase (silicone oil), Binghamplastic behaviors under the steady shear flow and electricfield can be clearly observed. Figure 1(b) represents thesame type flow-curve for the ER fluid containing 13 vol%of polyaniline particle (φp = 0.13), 30 vol% emulsion dropof Celeclor s45, Φ = 0.3) in the silicone oil, giving aincreased stress response overall the range of shear rate andelectric field strength measured. The increase of shearstress was dominant in the range of low shear rate, whereasonly small enhancement is observed at the high shearregion in which hydrodynamic force dominates. Here thevolume fraction of particle (φp), which is defined on thebasis of total volume of suspension, was identical for thetwo cases. Another new approach is introduced by Kim etal. (1999) using Polyaniline/Clay (MMT) composites withintercalated nanostructure. But the value of yield stresses islower than that of conventional ER system. For furtherimprovement of ER yield stress, polyaniline coated clay

nanocomposite was synthesized as new polyaniline (here-after PANI)/organoclay (aminosilane surface treated) nano-composite particles and prepared electrorheological (ER)fluids by dispersing the particles in silicone oil (Park et al.2001). Distinct enhancement in yield stress was observeddue to the presence of PANI coated clay particles. Theeffects of delaminated clay to the ER yield stress wereinvestigated and compared with other ER fluid systemswhich use PANI particles only or simply intercalatedPANI/clay nanocomposite.

Gow and Zukoski (1990) studied the ER behavior of sus-pensions composed of polyaniline particles treated withaqueous sodium hydroxide at pH 6~9. Polyaniline sus-pension with optimal conductivity of particle [O(10-9)S/m]shows relatively high ER-yield stresses, low current densityand wide working temperature range. Moreover, dispersionstability of the polyaniline suspension in oils can beimproved by the use of non-ionic surfactants, which arechemically adsorbed on the surface of particles (Lee et al.,1998). Although these non-ionic surfactants can partiallyreduce the sedimentation and aggregation of dispersedpolyaniline particles, methods of preparing stabilized poly-aniline particle dispersion is still necessary for ensuring thelong-term stability of ER particle suspensions.

There have been several reports on the dispersion poly-merization methods for the synthesis of stable polyanilinecolloids. Conventional polymeric stabilizers like poly (vinylalcohol-co-acetate), methyl cellulose, and poly (vinyl pyr-rolidone) are, however, unsuccessful since they adsorbpoorly on the surface of polyaniline. To overcome such aproblem, Armes et al. (1990) used tailor-made stabilizerwhich undergo graft copolymerization with aniline, andtherefore anchored polyaniline particle dispersions ofimproved stability were obtained. Benerjee et al. (1995)reported the dispersion polymerization of aniline usingammonium persulfate as the oxidant and poly (vinyl methylether) (PVME) as the polymeric stabilizer in a aqueous andnon-aqueous media, yielding stable dispersions of colloidalpolyaniline particles depending on the types of solvent.PVME is an effective stabilizer which enables the re-dis-persion of dried and separated polyaniline particles in bothaqueous and organic media, since it is soluble in a numberof organic liquids as well as water. Furthermore, PVMEstabilizes the polyaniline dispersion even when used at suf-ficiently low concentration, suppressing the possible for-mation of defects in conjugated structures of particles.Benerjee et al. (1995) obtained the oblong rice-grain shapeof the primary polyaniline colloids, which appear to resultfrom the association of the precursor spherical particles.The average size of the aggregated particles was decreasedwith increasing the concentration of stabilizer. In theirreport, particle size, morphology, and the electrical con-ductivity of polyaniline were characterized with respect tothe PVME content and the types of oxidants/continuous

Fig. 1.Steady shear stress versus shear rate for polyanilne par-ticle suspension under various electric field strengths. (a)13 vol% polyaniline particle is suspended in pure siliconeoil (Φ=0). (b) 13 vol% polyaniline particle and 30 vol%Celeclor s45 drop are suspended in silicone oil (Φ=0.3) ;Φ denotes the volume fraction of Celeclor s45 based onthe total volume of liquid phase.

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media. Recently, Chin and Park (2001) synthesized polyaniline

particle suspensions stabilized by PVME in order todevelop a stable electrorheological fluid. Dispersion poly-merization of aniline was performed in an aqueous reactionmedia using ammonium persulfate oxidant and variousconcentrations of PVME. Particle size and its distributionas well as the morphology were investigated in order toexamine the effects of PVME as a steric stabilizer duringthe polymerization of aniline. Then, dispersion stability ofsuspension was investigated by employing the sedimen-tation ratio test and explained in terms of the size distri-bution and morphology of polyaniline stabilized by PVME.The yield stresses and current density of concentrated poly-aniline suspensions were characterized with a wide rangein electric field strength.

3. Magnetorheological fluids

MR fluids represent an exciting family of smart materialsthat possess the unique ability to undergo rapid (within afew milliseconds), nearly completely reversible, and sig-nificant changes in their strength (yield stress change from~0 to 100 kPa) upon application of an external magneticfield. MR fluids typically consist of fine (~1-10µm) par-ticles of a magnetically soft material (e.g., iron or ceramicferrites) dispersed in an organic medium such as siliconeoil

Magnetoheological (MR) fluids were first developed inthe late 1940s (Rabinow, 1948). They have recently arevival of interest as high-shear-strength, low-voltage coun-terparts of electrorheological suspensions. Yield stresses oforder 100 kPa, some two orders of magnitude higher thanin practical ER fluids, can be obtained in MR fluids undermagnetic field strength about 3 kOe, which can readily besupplied using the electro- or permanent magnets (Carlsonet. al., 1993). The substantial field-induced yield stressesexhibited by the MR fluids make some applications pos-sible, such as clutches and rotary brakes that are not prac-tical with existing ER fluids.

Magnetorheological materials are normally comprised ofmagnetically soft ferromagnetic or paramagnetic particles,typically greater than 0.1µm in diameter, dispersed in acareer fluid. When the size of particles becomes smaller,the destabilizing effect of Brownian motion can becomesignificant, leading to a decrease in the yield stress as thetemperature of MR fluid increases. Particles larger than10µm makes it difficult to prepare MR suspension stableagainst the sedimentation. Typical volume fractions of dis-persed phase that produce the respectable yield stressestends to be about 0.3−0.5. In order to maximize the volumefraction of MR fluids without causing the unacceptableincrease of the zero-field viscosity, selecting the particleswith size distribution will be also advantageous.

The possible maximum yield stress induced by magne-torheological effect is mainly determined by the magnitudeof saturation magnetization of dispersed particles. Iron andcarbonyl ion has been a popular choice as dispersed phasedue to the high saturation magnetization of Fe element(µ0Ms = 2.1 Tesla). Using Fe-Co alloys (composition of 50wt% Fe, having the highest saturation magnetization about2.4 Tesla), and Fe-Ni alloys can lead to MR fluids withmuch higher strength. As a ferrimagnetic material, such asMn-Zn ferrite, Ni-Zn ferrite and cerramic ferrites, have rel-atively low saturation magnetization and therefore exhibitreduced maximum yield stress. However, these materialscan be used to prepare the stable nano-MR fluids, com-monly by adsorption of polyelectrolytes (Phule, 1998).

For the practical application of MR fluids, they musthave the good stability and re-dispersibility. Most of theearly MR fluids suffered from irreversible aggregation ofthe suspended particles. Therefore although the MR effectcould be demonstrated practical device applications couldnot be developed. In the 1980s, Shulman, Kordonsky, andco-workers performed detailed research concerning phys-ical properties and dynamics of MR fluids. In the last fewyears, novel MR fluid compositions of significant stabilityand redispersibility have been developed. Without specialadditives, most MR fluids based on the micron-sized par-ticles, undergo significant problems due to the settling andformation of tightly packed sediment or a irreversible“cake”. It is extremely hard to re-disperse the formed“cake”, and the primary reason for this strong aggregationis the remnant magnetization of between the MR particles,which is not disappeared even without magnetic field.Additives such as polymeric surfactants and introducing anano-structured composite with silica would be possiblemethods to enhance the stability of MR fluids. PradeepPhules article summarized the salient features of the syn-thesis and processing of MR fluids. The use of differenttypes of soft magnetic materials the importance of particlesize, particle size distribution, shape of the magnetic par-ticles on the properties of MR fluids is discussed. Also thechoice of continuous phase and the role of nano-structuredadditives on the stability and redispersibility of MR fluidsare discussed.

Recently, two kinds of works for improving MR stabilitywere introduced. Rankin et al. (1999) reported the use ofviscoplastic media for the preparation of stabilized MRfluids. Stability of MR fluids using viscoplastic mediumagainst sedimentation and aggregation was satisfactorycompared with that of ordinary MR fluids using Newto-nian media. Small amount of nanosized ferromagnetic par-ticles was added in an effort to enhance the dispersionstability of MR suspensions by Chin et al. (2001). Sta-bilizing additives composed Co-γ-Fe2O3 (Toda Chem.) andCrO2 (Du Pont) nano-sized particles (used in the com-mercial ferrofluids) were employed in order to improve the

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dispersion stability of concentrated MR suspension withoutaffecting the MR efficiency, and the evaluation of therelated synergistic effects were discussed. For furtherimprovement of stability and reducing the aggregation, weintroduced a new MR system (Park et al., 2001). Water inoil emulsion is adopted as a continuous phase, and mag-netic particles are treated to have hydrophilicity. In terms ofthermodynamics, emulsions are induced unstable systems.However, the time scale for coarsening can vary dependingupon the systems. In certain cases, this time is very long.So novel MR materials based on hydrophilic treated car-bonyl iron used as magnetic particles and water in oilemulsion were prepared as a continuous phase. By usingthe interaction between the water droplet in continuousphase and hydrophilicity of magnetic particles, the stabiliyeffect is studied and the rheological behavior in steadyshear flow was experimentally investigated using a par-allel-plate type commercial rheometer with a magneticinduction iron yoke.


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