park street christian church · undesignated tithes & offerings general offering 1,590.00...

Post on 12-Oct-2020






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Park Street Christian Church Minister: Randy Sanders, (608) 354-6671

148 South Park Street, Richland Center, WI 53581

Phone: (608)647-3702, Fax: (608) 647-4268



March 7, 2021 - 10:30 AM Worship Service

WELCOME TO OUR VISITORS! We ask that everyone fill out an attendance card at this time and

pass it to the end of the pew. If you have a prayer request, please

let us know by including it on the back of the card.

There are children’s activity books on the table in the back of the

sanctuary and a nursery room located in the blue foyer.

Park Street Christian Church Financial Statistics for Sunday, February 28, 2021

Undesignated Tithes & Offerings

General Offering 856.00

Sunday School 81.00

Scrip Program Profit

See Shirley Corbin for the following scrip cards:

Culver's, 15%

Dairy Queen, 10%

McDonald's, 5%

Richland Family Restaurant, 10%

Subway, 5%

See Sue Hofer for the following scrip card:

Kwik Trip, 5%

Designated Donations

Adult Choir

Air Conditioner Replacement 10.00

Back Stairs Floor Covering Fund

Building Fund

Church Supplies

Family Fun Night

Fellowship 8.50


Junior Choraliers

Ladies Missionary Society

Local Transportation

Mission of the Month 35.00

Parsonage Rent

Scholarship Fund

Smile Train

Stained Glass Window Repair

WCMA (Rope Holder) 10.00

WRCO Advertising

Youth Group Trip Fund

Christmas Video Fund

Milk Fund 20.00

Free Bibles


See Shirley Corbin

to purchase SCRIP

cards for Kwik Trip

If Sue Hofer isn’t at


Welcome & Announcements: Randy Sanders, Minister

Call to Worship: Psalm 29:1-4, Duane Rohn

Hymn #225 Come, Christians, Join to Sing (all verses)

Hymn #128 I Sing the Mighty Power of God (all verses)

Hymn #17 Our Great Savior (verses 1, 3, 4)

Morning Prayer: Randy Sanders

Hymn #334 The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power (all verses)

Fellowship of the Lord’s Supper Leader: Duane Rohn

Christ’s invitation to “do this in remembrance of me”(Luke 22:19) is

for all Christians.We invite you to “examine yourself” (1 Corinthians

11:28), and remember Christ’s sacrifice. As the trays are passed,

remove the emblems and partake of them when you are ready.

Receiving of Tithes & Offerings

Mission of the Month: Richland County Right to Life LLC

Message: Love Has Mercy

Invitation: If you would like to become a Christian, we offer the

invitation that is given in Acts 2:38, to “repent and be baptized in the

name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and receive the

gift of the Holy Spirit.” Then be willing to be taught how to live your

life for the Lord. If you, as an immersed believer, would like to trans-

fer your membership to this congregation; come forward during the

following hymn:

Hymn #479 Softly and Tenderly (verses 1, 3)

Hymn #208 Let the Redeemed (two times)

Park Street Christian Church “Helping people to know Jesus and grow in Him.”


BY WEARING A NEW TESTAMENT NAME “The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch” (Acts 11:26). “If you

suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed” (I Peter 4:16). “Persuade me to be

a Christian” (Acts 26:28).

BY BELIEVING A NEW TESTAMENT CREED “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God...On this rock I will build my

Church” (Matt.16:16,18). “For no one can lay any foundation other than the

one already laid, which is Jesus Christ” (I Cor. 3:11).

BY OBEYING A NEW TESTAMENT BAPTISM “Whoever believes and is baptized shall be saved” (Mark 16:16).“We were

therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as

Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may

live a new life” (Rom.6:4). “and this water symbolizes baptism that now

saves you (I Peter 3:21).

BY OBSERVING A NEW TESTAMENT COMMUNION “Do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19). “On the first day of the week

we came together to break bread” (Acts 20:7). “A man ought to examine

himself ” (I Cor. 11:28).

BY PRACTICING A NEW TESTAMENT STEWARDSHIP “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). “On the first day of

every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with

his income” (I Cor. 16:2).


“They devoted themselves to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to

prayer” (Acts 2:42). “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and

Savior Jesus Christ” (II Peter 3:18). “Be faithful, even to the point of death,

and I will give you the crown of life” (Rev. 2:10).


We express a warm welcome to those who have come to worship with us

today, especially our first-time visitors. We encourage everyone to fill

out a roll card in the pew in front of you and pass it to the center aisle.

We invite you to join us whenever we gather for times of worship and we

invite you to have fellowship with us during all the activities of our

congregation. We are glad you are here and encourage you to come

again. Above all, may you seek to know Jesus and grow in Him.


NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used

by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide

Sunday School Classes

Class Instructor Room Currently Studying

Preschool &


Vicky M.

& Bonnie M. #204 Bible Stories

1st & 2nd

Grades Phyllis Keller #109 Bible Stories

3rd, 4th, 5th,

& 6th Grades Sherri Rohn #103

Assorted Bible


Junior High

& Senior

High School

Kathy M.

& Randy S. #212 Various Topics

A Walk Thru

the Bible Don VanWoert Library

Current Events

& the Bible

Faith Shirley Corbin #210 Promises

of God

Joy Deb Niemeyer #106 Ray Vander Laan’s

Video Series

Seekers Dan Corbin #209 Book of Job


at Heart Glen Niemeyer #211

Lesson in the Lookout


Mission of the Month: Richland County Right to Life LLC

Wisconsin Right to Life believes that each human life is inherently

valuable from fertilization to natural death. The organization’s mis-

sion is “To make euthanasia, infanticide, abortion, and destruction of

human embryos socially, ethically, and legally unacceptable solutions

to human problems and to promote positive alternatives to each of

these acts.”

Last Month’s Generosity Ministry Blessings: It is a joy to help those

who are helping others, to bless those who bless others, and to sacrifice

for those who are sacrificing for others. All out of love. And the gen-

erosity ministry blessed a family who is helping, blessing, and sacrific-

ing for a loved one who is battling cancer.

Milk, Cheese, & Bible Giveaway: This ministry has been such a huge

success that we would like to continue with it in the new year on the

third Saturday of each month. We need volunteers to help; and of

course we need money to help buy the milk, cheese, and Bibles. If you

would like to help, please be at PSCC at about 10:00 am on the day of

the giveaway. If you would like to donate funds, please designate your

giving to “Milk Money.” Thank you.

Christian Harbor Youth Camp 2021 Camp Dates

Grades 10-13: June 6-12

Grades 6-7: June 20-26

Family Camp: June 30-July 4

Grades 8-9: July 11-17

Grades 4-5: July 18-23

Grades 2-3: July 25-28

Grades K-1: July 28

Ladies Retreat: July 30-August 1

Last Chance Camp: September 3-6

Missions & Ministries

Your Opportunities for Involvement at PSCC


Sunday, March 7

9:00 am Fellowship

9:30 am Sunday School for All Ages

10:30 am Worship Service

12:00 pm Finance Committee Meeting

This Week

Scripture of the Week: Proverbs 22:9

“A generous man will himself be blessed,

for he shares his food with the poor.”

Monday, March 8

6:00 pm Meeting of the Board of Elders & Deacons

Wednesday, March 10

6:00 pm Adult Choir Practice

7:00 pm Midweek Bible Study

Next Week

Sunday, March 14—Daylight Saving Time Begins

Wednesday, March 17—St. Patrick’s Day

6:00 pm Adult Choir Practice

7:00 pm Midweek Bible Study

Saturday, March 20—First Day of Spring

10:00 am Milk-Cheese-Bible Giveaway

Looking Ahead

Sunday, March 21

12:00 pm Elders Meeting

Wednesday, March 24

6:00 pm Adult Choir Practice

7:00 pm Midweek Bible Study

Thursday, March 25

2:00 pm Ladies Missionary Society Meeting


Pictures: In the vestibule is a display of old pictures of friends and

members of the church. Please take time to look them over. If you

see any that you would like to have, go ahead and take them home

with you. Update: Please finish choosing the pictures you want to

take home by the end of church next Sunday, March 14th. After

that, the table will be taken down and an attempt will be made to

put the remaining pictures in a scrapbook.

Calendars: There are 2021 purse sized calendars in the blue foyer that

are free for the taking. Please take a few extra to hand out to your


Milk-Cheese-Bible Giveaway: Please consider donating to this fun

ministry, which is doing really well. Also, we were able to purchase

more Bibles at a really good price - your offering will greatly help to

offset the cost of putting God’s Word into the hands of members of

our community.

Prayer Requests

Virgil Denman Diane Mueller In Nursing Homes:

Dawn Gajdosik June McKittrick Betty Glick

Kay Gies Deb Niemeyer Ruth Flaherty

Lamont Glick Linda Peterson Evelyn Chitwood

Arlene Moser Linda Sandmire Eloise ‘Skip’ Miller

Susan Marino Ella Sanford Roger & Joann Nicholson

Don Maxwell Helen Thaden

Glen Niemeyer Rick Walker Generosity Ministry

Bill Beck, Shirley’s brother Skip Klossowski

Lindsay Edwards, Emilie’s sister DeAnne Kepler, Duane’s sister

Praise & Thank You God’s people are great! I want to “thank” everyone who donated

money toward our new Christmas tree for the foyer. God bless each

and every one who helped out to reach the “Star” on the tree (our

Christmas tree fundraiser “thermometer” shaped like a Christmas tree

with a star on top as our goal).

Sincerely, Sherri Rohn

Birthdays & Anniversaries Connor Klingaman, March 9

Thank You to Those Who Serve on Sunday Mornings

Today, March 7 Next Sunday, March 14

Fellowship: Sherri Rohn Fellowship: Vicky McCauley

Music: Deb Niemeyer

and the Praise Team

Music: Deb Niemeyer

and the Junior Choraliers

Call to Worship, Lord’s Table, &

Offering Leader: Duane Rohn

Call to Worship, Lord’s Table, &

Offering Leader: Don VanWoert

Card Shower

Amber Klingaman is having a baby boy in mid March.

Due to COVID-19, the baby shower will be a card shower.

If you wish to send her a card, her address is:

562 North Park St., Apt. #2; Richland Center, WI 53581

First Robin of Spring 2021

Thursday, March 4

In Northern Richland County

in the Township of Bloom

In verse 25, an expert in the Laws of God asks Jesus a very good ques-

tion, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus answers him by

asking him a question in verse 26, “What does God’s Word say?” The

answer is in verses 27 & 28 (please read).

In verse 29, this guy wanted to justify himself because apparently, like

many of us, at times he had a bad attitude about “loving our neighbors

as ourselves” (loving with mercy). He asks in verse 29, “Who is my

neighbor?” The answer:

1) Those who don’t get themselves into trouble? Or…..

2) Those who do get themselves into trouble?

Someone once said about verse 27, “It’s easy to love God, He doesn’t

live next door to you.”

The answer Jesus gives about, “who is my neighbor” if followed, will

literally change the world. Jesus’ answer, in verses 30-36, is…..your

neighbor is the dumb guy who traveled by himself down the Jericho

Road and got himself beat up and robbed. So, our neighbors are those

who are guilty of doing something dumb and need to be shown leni-

ency and compassion.

Do you know anybody who has done something dumb, wrong, made a

mistake and are paying the penalty for it?

Jesus teaches what not to do and what to do about loving people with


I) What not to do—verses 31 & 32 (please read).

A) The priest in verse 31 just passes by. This priest is “going

down” this same road, which means that he

had been “up” in Jerusalem. At the temple. Worshipping God.

He just came from Church! He sees the hurt man but passes

him by - even walking on the other side of the road. And by the

way, this priest is traveling this dangerous road all by himself

too! Dumb!

B) The Levite in verse 32 just passes by. The Levites (from the

tribe of Levi) were helpers, servants in the Temple in Jerusalem.

So, this religious person sees the hurt man and passes by without

helping. Without showing MERCY.

Today’s example: ______________________________________

Bumper stickers can be funny, but they can also speak the truth: “If

you can read this, you are an idiot.”

I’d like one that says, “The closer you get, the slower I go.” Tailgating

is a very dangerous thing to do. I get mad when people tailgate me.

Especially when it is snowing and the roads are slippery. You’ve been

there when it’s snowing, the car behind you is right on your bumper,

and then it passes you and it fishtailing and sliding all over the road.

Then a little ways up the road, there they are in the ditch. And what is

our response ‘You deserve it, you idiot’ as we drive right on past them.

Jesus teaches us that “love has mercy” in Luke 10:25-37. Mercy is

leniency shown to a guilty person.

Jesus teaches with an example of the “Good Samaritan” and a man

who is traveling down from Jerusalem to Jericho.

In Jesus’ day, it you were traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho (or visa-

versa) you had to travel on what was called “The Jericho Road.” It

was only about 17 miles from Jerusalem to Jericho, but the elevation

dropped 2,500 feet in those 17 miles - lot of hills and valleys, many

narrow places, sudden twists and turns, and many blind spots. This

made it just right for bandits and thieves to hide and attack travelers.

So much so that the road became known as “The Red Way” because

so much blood was shed on this road.

Later on in the 1800’s, people had to pay sheiks “safety money” in or-

der to travel safely on this road. Even in the 1930’s, people were still

being warned to not travel this road at night because they’d be robbed

and the bandits would escape into the hidden valleys and cliffs and not

be caught. So, for close to 2,000 years, this Jericho Road has been a

very dangerous place.

In Jesus’ day, you traveled it in large numbers - a caravan - to be safe;

and anyone dumb enough to travel on it all by themselves was just out

of their minds and deserved to be robbed. Right? Just for being so

dumb. Well, Jesus will use a dumb guy - one who traveled this Jericho

Road all by himself - to make a very important point about love…

has mercy.

Read Luke 10:25-37.

Sermon Notes

March 7, 2021 Love Has Mercy, Luke 10:25-37

II) What to do: verses 33-35 (please read)

To really make the point unforgettable, Jesus will use “a Samaritan

man” as an example of a person who loves with MERCY.

Samaritans were only half Jewish and were hated and despised by

the people who were 100% Jewish. This despised Samaritan sees

the man hurt and takes pity on him (MERCY). In verse 34, he

goes to him, bandages his wounds, puts the hurt man on his don-

key, and takes him to an inn. This means that the Samaritan man

gets down off of his means of safe travel (the donkey = our cars),

and helps the hurt man.

In verse 35, Jesus points out that the Samaritan pays for the room

and for any further medical help sacrificing two days worth of

wages to do so. And he will return to pay more if needed

Then in verse 36, Jesus asks ____________________________

(please read)

The answer in verse 37: _______________________, which is the

only answer this expert in the law could give without looking fool-

ish (please read).

This is what Jesus asks us to do. To go and do like the Samaritan has

done: love people with leniency shown to a guilty person for being

dumb or whatever the reason. Have compassion.

Today’s example:___________________________.

Love has mercy. Go and do likewise.

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