para el blog -the metamorphosis

Post on 04-Jul-2015



Health & Medicine



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Claudia NogueraNatalia Goyes

Ricardo LizcanoDeiby DavidWilly Botina

Merely: mere·ly


adverb 1. only as specified and nothing more; simply: merely a matter of


2. Obsolete . a. without admixture; purely.

b. altogether; entirely.

e.g: I merely said that I was tired.

These columns have no function and are merely decorative.

2. Flip /flɪp/

To cause something to turn over quickly one or more times, or to cause

something to move by making a short, quick motion.

E.g: - I flipped the pages of the dictionary to look up a word.

- You just flip a switch to turn on the computer.

3. DISTRESS: /dɪˈstres/ ngreat mental or physical suffering, such as extreme anxiety, sadness, or pain, or the state of being in danger or urgent need: e.g: emotional/financial distress.

-Four men were rescued from a fishing boat in distress off the coast.

4. PANGS: /pæŋ/

a sudden, sharp feeling of pain or painful emotion.

- hunger pangs.

- pangs of remorse.

5.swung /swɪŋ/ v [I/T] (past tense and past participle swung /swʌŋ/):

to move easily to one direction and then to the other from a fixed point, or to cause something to move this way.

-He hung upside down and swung back and forth. -The heavy door swung open.

6. Rub: /rʌb/to press or be pressed against something with a repeated circular, side to side, or up and down movement:

5. Scoundrel: /ˈskɑʊn·drəl/a person, an elected official, who treats others badly and can not be trusted.

8. Fretwork (n) /ˈfret.wɜˈk/decorative open patterns especially cut out of wood or metal or made in embroidery.

7. Squeak:/skwik/to make very high sound or cry.e.g: Her expensive shoes squeaked when she walked.

9. Stubborn: /ˈstʌb·ərn/opposed to change or suggestion: - He’s sick, but he’s too stubborn to see a doctor.If something is stubborn, it is hard to fix or deal with: - stubborn stains a stubborn problem.

Hurl: (verb)

To throw something with a lot of force, usually in an angry or violent way

Sigh: /saɪ/ verb [I, T] To breathe out slowly and noisily, often because

you are annoyed or unhappy

Conceal: /kənˈsiˈl/ verb

To hide something

Length: noun DISTANCE the measurement or distance of

something from one end to the other The village is so small that its entire length could be

walked in 15 minutes.

1. Startle (v) - (n)

/ stɑrtəl / v [T]

Definition : to surprise a person or animal.

-She startled him when she said hello.

2. Intermingle (v)

/ IntɚmIŋgəl / v [I]

Definition: to become mixed together.

- The flavours intermingle to produce a very unusual taste.

- Fact is intermingled with fiction throughout the book.

3. ONSET: (n) / ɔnsέt /

Definition : the beginning of something, especially unpleasant.

- the onset of winter. - the onset of cancer.

- Synonym : beginning.

- Antonym: end.

4. Chill: (v) / tʃIl /

v [I/T]

Definition : to make or become cold but not freeze.

-[I] Allow the pudding to chill.

- [T] Chill the pudding before serving.

5. Drowsy (adj) / draʊzi /

Definition: feeling sleepy especially

when it is not the usual time to sleep.

-The room is so warm, it’s making

me drowsy.6. Beg (V)

/ bƐg / v [I/T]

Definition : to ask for money, or to ask

someone to do something in an urgent way:

-[I] There are a lot of homeless people

begging on the streets these days.

-[T] Is your child begging you for a


7. Slam (v) / slæm / v [I/T]

Definition: to move against a hard surface

with force and usually a loud noise, or to

cause something to move this way.

- [I] The truck slammed into an oncoming


- [T] Ray slammed the door shut.

8. Flutter / flʌtɚ / v [I/T]

Definition: to move in quick, irregular motions,

or to cause something to move this way.

- [I] The flags fluttered in the breeze.

As Gregor saw the alarm clock he realized that he had spent too much time sleeping. His worry started to relate to his job because it was late and he had not taken the train yet. Besides, someone had already told his boss something about Gregor's absence and that would get him into trouble with the boss because he could think that Gregor was lying for avoiding working and it would be very strange because during five years of working Gregor had never been absent or sick. Furthermore, the family started to talk about the fact that Gregor was still at home, and it was weird for them.When the alarm clock was indicating quarter to seven, his mother was knocking on the door asking questions and Gregor wanted to answer but he didn’t because his voice could make her discover his transformation. Gregor’s body was aching so much and he was becoming sad because his fantasies and dreams were fading with the time.

Gregor listened to the ring at the door of the apartment. Immediately, he thought that it was someone from his office. His sister called with a loud voice but Gregor only answered her with a low voice and her sister couldn´t hear him. Later, his father said that Mr. Manager was asking of Gregor and he demanded for Gregor to open the door, in the middle of all this, the manager in a friendly way said “ Mr. Samsa!” and Gregor´s mother said to Mr. Manager that her soon was very responsible and a good person but for any reason he was not very well and that he was very stubborn to open the door.

Gregor didn’t feel so comfortable with his new body, so he tried to move around his room, but it was so difficult for him, because at that moment he had lost his legs, and he just had a lot of small limbs, and suddenly he just listened the visitor’s first word of greeting to recognize him, so he tried to move again. His back was more elastic than he had thought, so he was able to get up of the bed.

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