panda bear primary research

Post on 09-Jul-2015






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Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?I think Person Pitch sums Panda Bear up over-all, because it shows his potential and what else he is capable of creating when he focuses on using samples and manipulating them, whilst blending them with electronic sounds. This album creates an overall feel of calm but also shifting between faster and more upbeat melodies, all in the same album, even in the same song. His voice and lyrical style is also very typical and fits in with his unique sound.

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?Personally I prefer him in Animal Collective just because I feel on other solo albums, such as Tomboy, he is not as strong. Even Person Pitch, which I love a great amount still doesn't match up with to other Animal Collective albums such as Merriweather Post Pavillion, Strawberry Jam, Feels or Sung Tongs. I think that Panda Bear works better with Avey Tare in a team blending their sounds and ideas.

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?Lyrically I find it quite difficult to distinguish certain words on a lot of Panda Bear songs, and his songs for me are not about the lyrics, but what the music makes me feel. But the lyrics in 'Take Pills' stand out to me.

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?Even though I really love the single 'Mr. Noah' a lot, I found the rest of his EP didn't match up to this song, so I'm hoping his new album will. I found I enjoyed Panda Bear's debut because it was interesting, in a sense that he was just starting out andwas trying to find his own sound, there are also some catchy songs on there as well.

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?My favourite live performance of him is the was him singing 'My Girls' with Animal Collective at Hove festival in 2008. I really love how stripped back it was, the atmosphere seems really magical. I also like how Panda Bear displays his vocals, incontrast to Avey's.

Interview 1-

Primary Research

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?I think 'Young Prayer' is the most experimental because it is completely different to the rest of his discography, there are acoustic guitars and singing acapella, and very little digital or sample elements being displayed. It also deals with different themes of melancholy and sadness in contrast to his other albums.

Tags: Person Pitch Animal Collective Merriweather Post Pavilion Strawberry Jam Feels Tomboy Avey Tare Lyrics Take Pills Mr Noah EP Panda Bear My Girls Hove Festival 2008 Sung Tongs Young Prayer

Quotes:“I think Person Pitch sums Panda Bear up over-all”“I think that Panda Bear works better with Avey Tare in a team blending their sounds and ideas.”“his songs for me are not about the lyrics, but what the music makes me feel. But the lyrics in ‘Take Pills’ stand out to me.”“I enjoyed Panda Bear’s debut because it was interesting, in a sense that he was just starting out and was trying to find his own sound”“My favourite live performance of him is the was him singing ‘My Girls’ with Animal Collective at Hove festival in 2008”“I think ‘Young Prayer’ is the most experimental because it is completely different to the rest of his discography,”

Interview 2-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Person Pitch, its the one that shaped his style

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?Animal Collective, cause there is panda bear and more!

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?Last Night at the Jetty (i don't want to hide the hopes that i have....)

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?Mr Noah, the first album is just very amateur

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?Not sure, sorry

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?i think probably PBMTGR will be his most crazy album

Tags: Person Pitch Animal Collective Panda Bear Last Night At The Jetty Mr Noah Panda Bear Meets The Grim Reaper PBMTGR

Interview 3-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Person Pitch. It defined a genre (chillwave) and was built using a revolutionary sampling technique to create lush soundscapes.

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?I'm assuming this question is asking do I prefer his solo work over his work with AC...? I think he really lets his talents shine with his solo work, but AC wouldn't be AC without him.

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?Friendship Bracelet. very relatable

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?Mr Noah. It's much more cohesive and complete, and really just better in every way

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?I personally favor the 2004 ZBD Homebase show, just because it shows such an early stage in his music.

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?Person Pitch, easily. It invented a new way to use samples.

Tags: Person Pitch Chillwave AC Animal Collective Friendship Bracelet 2004 Homebase

Quotes:“Person Pitch. It defined a genre (chillwave)”“I think he really lets his talents shine with his solo work”“Mr Noah. It’s much more cohesive and complete,”“I personally favor the 2004 ZBD Homebase show,”

Interview 4-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Person Pitch. It is a perfect statement of Panda Bear's musical style, combining candid, relatable lyrics with hypnotic loopsand soaring vocal melodies. However, with an artist like Panda Bear, I think that all of his albums are just about equally worth the listener's time (with maybe the exception of his first, self-titled album).

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?I can't pick one over the other; I like them both for separate reasons, so they're hard to compare. I do like the way that his solo career allows him to push the bounds of his creativity a little bit more, since it gives him the chance to take some risks that he might not take with Animal Collective. However, like I said, I enjoy listening to both for different and separate reasons.

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?Surfer's Hymn. It's a beautifully-put statement of self-affirmation and encouragement.

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?Mr Noah. The songwriting and production of his first self-titled album are too amateur-sounding to me.

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?His entire 2014 tour. The instrumentals, the vocals, and visuals—everything worked together to create an amazing experience unlike anything PB or Animal Collective have done before.

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?I would say Young Prayer because of its unique mix of Eastern drones, Western pop, and Baroque-like melodies. It's also pretty stark/makes extensive use of negative space. I think that these qualities can make it a difficult listen at first, but they also make relistening that much more rewarding.

Tags: Person Pitch Animal Collective Surfers Hymn Mr Noah 2014 Tour Self-Titled Young Prayer Eastern Drones Western Pop Baroque-like

Quotes:“Person Pitch. It is a perfect statement of Panda Bear’s musical style, combining candid, relatable lyrics with hypnotic loops and soaring vocal melodies”“I do like the way that his solo career allows him to push the bounds of his creativity a little bit more, since it gives him the chance to take some risks that he might not take with Animal Collective.”“Surfer’s Hymn. It’s a beautifully-put statement of self-affirmation and encouragement.”“Mr Noah. The songwriting and production of his first self-titled album are too amateur-sounding to me.”“His entire 2014 tour. The instrumentals, the vocals, and visuals-everything worked together to create an amazing experience”“I would say Young Prayer because of its unique mix of Eastern drones, Western pop, and Baroque-like melodies”

Interview 5-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Tomboy

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?I enjoy both. He has a unique solo style. However, the dudes from anco bring something special out of him as well.

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?Sheherazade. I'm not sure what he is describing. Personally I believe he is speaking of a wait something from his past which surrounds his being. That is what I think of when I hear the lyrics and relate to it.

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?I love both. Panda bear lp because it's very raw and the foundation to what would come later. And enjoy mr noah because it is a reflection of the mastery he has over his particular voice. Sort of as if he were graduating.

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?I've only seen him once solo. But I enjoyed the energy he puts into his singing. You can't appreciate that in the YouTube videos but you can if your there live.

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?Person pitch. It's the least structured and emotionally all over the place.

Tags: Tomboy Anco Animal Collective Sheherazade Panda Bear LP Mr Noah Live Person Pitch

Quotes:“He has a unique solo style. However, the dudes from anco bring something special out of him as well.”“Sheherazade. I’m not sure what he is describing. Personally I believe he is speaking of a wait something from his past which surrounds his being”“Panda bear lp because it’s very raw and the foundation to what would come later. And enjoy mr noah because it is a reflection of the mastery he has over his particular voice”“You can’t appreciate that in the YouTube videos but you can if your there live.”“Person pitch. It’s the least structured and emotionally all over the place.”

Interview 6-Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Person Pitch—not sure there's an alternative!

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?I prefer Panda Bear TO Animal Collective, but I like his AC songs a lot (more than Avey's probably). I think this question is phrased kind of funny!

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?Comfy in Nautica—posi, personal, etc.

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?The EP—the s/t has some bright moments but is strictly "juvenilia" that's only interesting for the superfan.

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?2013 ATP, premiere of GR material—really high level of performance both vocally and with the new samplers. These are always the most interesting AC performances.

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?Young Prayer—brave record lyrically + instrumentally and the live performance shows how highly-composed it is.. [good luck with the paper. jfw7.]

Tags: Person Pitch Panda Bear Animal Collective Avey Comfy In Nautica EP Mr Noah 2013 ATP GR Panda Bear Meets The Grim Reaper AC Young Prayer

Quotes:“the s/t has some bright moments but is strictly “juvenilia” that’s only interesting for the superfan.”“2013 ATP, premiere of GR material-really high level of performance both vocally and with the new samplers”“Young Prayer- brave record lyrically + instrumentally”

Interview 7-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?person pitch bc it came out when i was a sophomore in college and i connected to it immediately. it is just perfect.

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?panda bear, because i feel we get a more unique approach, he can bo overshadowed a bit by avey in AC sometimes.

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?Carrots, specifically: "take a risk just for yourself and wade into the deep end of the ocean" that sums up what that album is all about for me, and is a good mantra for life really.

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?Mr Noah. The songwriting and production is just tops. But I do love listening to his first album every now and then.

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?Live at Warsaw, Brooklyn, fall of 2013. I've seen panda bear three times, once during person pitch era, once for tombay, and once for grim reaper. These grim reaper songs are amazing live, and the special light show at warsaw was unbelievable.

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?I'd say peson pitch. nothing like that had really ever been done before.

Tags: Person Pitch Panda Bear Avey Tare AC Animal Collective Carrots Mr Noah Warsaw Brooklyn 2013 Tomboy Grim Reaper Panda Bear Meets The Grim Reaper

Quotes:“person pitch bc it came out when I was a sophomore in college and I connected to it immediately”“he can be overshadowed a bit by avey in AC sometimes”“”take a risk just for yourself and wade into the deep end of the ocean” that sums up what that album is all about is all about for me, and is a good mantra for life really”“These grim reaper songs are amazing live, and the special light show at warsaw was unbelievable.”

Interview 8-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Person Pitch, even though I somewhat prefer Tomboy's aesthetic, especially the single versions of the songs, the mixing was really disappointing on the album, while his attention to detail on Person Pitch made it a real masterpiece. Don't discount the impact good/bad mixing can have. :P

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?As Panda Bear. I've personally grown less interested in Avey Tare's style lately while the repetitious, monotonous (in a good way) style of Panda Bear has gotten even more interesting for me.

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?Tomboy (the song), because of it's very frank and open pouring out of dissatisfaction with life that has at times been very relatelable for me.

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?Mr Noah, I guess, his first album has some good songs but it's overall feel is of a bedroom demo of a 16-year old. On Mr Noah I really enjoyed Untying the knot, but I was I thought the singing and mixing of Faces in the crowd was a bit of a letdown. I don't know how I feel about the title track, sometimes I like it sometimes I don't, while This side of paradise feelsa bit sappy and awkward to me.

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?Hard to say, either his early stuff (07 and pre-07) or some of his later performances (post-13) when he got in-ear monitors. The live performance of young prayer is awesome. He has said he pretty much always drink before performances to calm his nerves and I think that affects his voice in a negative way, he often sounds pitchy and strained.

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?Person Pitch i think, it was really groundbreaking in it's innovation and had a lot of influence on younger artists. Young prayer had less of a pop sound but was in a lot of ways a reflection of Animal Collectives earlier work. (Or maybe I'm wrong and it was the other way around.)

Quotes:“the mixing was really disappointing on the album, while his attention to detail on Person Pitch made it a real masterpiece”“I’ve personally grown less interested in Avey Tare’s style lately while the repetitious, monotonous (in a good way) style of Panda Bear has gotten even more interesting for me”“it’s very frank and open pouring out of dissatisfaction with life that has at times been very relatable for me.”“I don’t know how I feel about the title track, sometimes I like it sometimes I don’t, while This side of paradise feels a bit sappy and awkward to me.”“He has said he pretty much always drink before performances to calm his nerves and I think that affects his voice in a negative way, he often sounds pitchy and strained”“Person Pitch I think, it was really groundbreaking in it’s innovation and had a lot of influence on younger artists.”

Tags: Person Pitch Tomboy Panda Bear Avey Tare Tomboy Mr Noah Untying The Knot Faces In The Crowd This Side Of Paradise Young Prayer Live Person Pitch Pop Animal Collective

Interview 9-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Tomboy. It's his most lyrically interesting and showcases what he can do w/o samples.

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?As Panda Bear. I tend to enjoy his songs that end up on AC albums the least compared to Avey's AC songs.

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?Alsatian Darn. "Drop a bomb on the spots where my doubt streams grow”

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?Mr Noah. Better sounds. Better songs.

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?Haven't seen him live but his most recent tour seems like the best.

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?His first/self-titled. It's not very cohesive and he's clearly just figuring out how he makes music. His later stuff has been much less experimental and much more grounded in pop sensibilities.

Tags: Tomboy Samples Panda Bear Avey Tare AC Animal Collective Alsatian Darn Mr Noah Recent Tour First Self-Titled Experimental Pop

Quotes:“Alsatian Darn. “Drop a bomb on the spots where my doubt streams grow”“His first/self-titled. It’s not very cohesive and he’s clearly figuring out how he makes music”

Interview 10-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Person Pitch. Because it not only marked his transition to more sample based music in his solo career, but also signaled a transition for the music group Animal Collective to follow his unique take on electro-pop . Between Person Pitch and the Animal Collective albums Panda Bear helped create afterwards, the impact on the world of alternative music and contemporary electronic music in general, was tremendous.

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?While I feel there are few solo contemporary artists that come close to Panda Bear, I prefer the rich and diverse music he creates as a part of Animal Collective. That in itself sums up Animal Collective sounds, a diverse and layered landscape that showcases the personal and unique tones of each musician involved.

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?All of Panda Bear's solo lyrics come from a personal place of expression for him, which is why they draw such appeal, but formyself I would say "Take Pills" off of Person Pitch is my favorite. While many of PB's songs lend themselves to repetition in beat and lyrical styles, Take Pills covers a wide gamma of rhythms, tones, and tempos and the lyrics themselves are the guide. The content of the lyrics also covers addiction, attempting to escape reality through artificial means, and the love and care a family has. Something that hits home for many people.

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?Panda Bear's first album will always hold a place in my music heart, but this new EP Mr Noah is groundbreaking in many ways and is the hint of another dramatic shift in the world of electronic and alternative music.

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?The best was when I saw him live at the Fillmore in San Francisco earlier this year. I had seem him perform solo twice before, but this felt the most organic as well and polished. His set list included new songs, coupled with some older ones, that showed his diverse sound, skill, and songwriting ability. I will remember it forever!

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?Young Prayer is the most experimental album in his discography. Like his other albums, the style of Young Prayer led to anew era of Animal Collective's sound, but it also showed Panda Bear in self-imposed isolation. He is solo on the album with a guitar. Very bare bones, acoustic, gritty, yet playful. The playfulness of Young Prayer, coupled with the dark intensity andpersonal meaning it had for him and his family's loss, are themes that would repeat throughout his career. The mantra and meditative quality of Young Prayer is what makes Panda Bear the unique musician he is. This album was the sign to his audience and the alternative music world that he was and is not afraid to experiment outside of the comfort zone and push himself to create. In Young Prayer, Noah finds the light even when life feels overwhelming and full of darkness.

Tags: Person Pitch Animal Collective Electro-pop Panda Bear Alternative Music Contemporary Artists Take Pills EP Mr Noah Electronic Fillmore San Francisco 2014 Young Prayer

Quotes:“Between Person Pitch and the Animal Collective albums Panda Bear helped create afterwards, the impact on the world of alternative music and contemporary electronic music in general, was tremendous.”“That in itself sums up Animal Collective sounds, a diverse and layered landscape that showcases the personal and unique tones of each musician involved.”“While many of PB’s songs lend themselves to repetition in beat and lyrical styles, Take Pills covers a wide gamma of rhythms, tones, and tempos and the lyrics themselves are the guide”“live at the Fillmore in San Francisco earlier this year. I had seen him perform solo twice before, but this felt the most organic as well as polished”“Like his other albums, the style of Young Prayer led to a new era of Animal Collective’s sound, but it also showed Panda Bear in self-imposed isolation.”“This album was the sign to his audience and the alternative music world that he was and is not afraid to experiment outside of the comfort zone and push himself to create.”

Interview 11-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Person Pitch

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?Panda Bear

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?Good Girl/Carrots

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?Mr Noah

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?Governers Island, NYC

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?Young Prayer

Tags: Quintessential Album Person Pitch Noah Lennox Panda Bear Animal Collective Lyrics Song Good Girl/Carrots EP Mr Noah Governors Island NYC Live Experimental Young Prayer

Interview 12-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Person Pitch. It combines a warm, tropical aesthetic with Panda Bear's simple and insightful lyrics as well as his booming vocals (that have a honeyed quality like their heavily manipulated in the throat rather than, say, in the mouth).

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?I prefer him slightly in Animal Collective. Not only are the songs written by him and performed by Animal Collective more appealing to me, I also greatly enjoy his contributions to Avey Tare's songs. This includes drumming, but also small vocal additions and harmonies sung by Panda Bear.

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?At the moment, This Side of Paradise. It features odd and idiosyncratic nature imagery that is framed under sound parental advice and tone of lyrics. The parental frame is an excellent example of the simple insightfulness in Panda Bear's lyrics that Ireferred to in an earlier question.

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?I prefer Mr Noah, simply because I haven't heard his first album in full.

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?If including Animal Collective performances of Panda Bear -written songs, I would go with either the 2007 Coachella performance of My Girls or the 2007 Midi Festival performance of Brother Sport. I choose these performance for no other reason than his vocal performance that anchors both and, in addition, on purely personal and nostalgic grounds.

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?Person Pitch. It has unique uses of sampling as well as interesting song structures and sequencing.

Tags: Person Pitch Panda Bear Animal Collective Avey Tare Drumming This Side Of Paradise Mr Noah My Girls 2007 Coachella Midi Festival Brother Sport Sampling Structures Sequencing

Quotes:“It features odd and idiosyncratic nature imagery that is framed under sound parental advice and tone of lyrics.”

Interview 13-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Person Pitch due to its aural and thematic qualities

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?Hard to say. Animal Collective, I guess. Person Pitch is by far his best release, but his collaboration with the Animal Collective bandmates enhances many of his best qualities as a musician that are otherwise more on the periphery in his most recent solo releases (e.g. his drumming).

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?Ponytail - the lyrics touch some beautiful sentiments without getting "preachy.”

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?Mr. Noah strikes me as more dynamic. His vocals are a strength, and he comes across as tentative on his debut solo record. The production is fairly weak on his debut as well.

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?That's hard to say; I have only seen him at the Pitchfork Music Festival (in 2010, I think?), and I thought that set was phenomenal.

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?Person Pitch, I suppose, for its experiments with form, structure, and samples. Young Prayer is a close second as it is an atypical "folk" album.

Tags: Person Pitch Animal Collective Drumming Ponytail Mr Noah Debut Pitchfork Music Festival 2010 Young Prayer Atypical Folk

Quotes:“his collaboration with the Animal Collective bandmates enhances many of his best qualities as a musician”“Ponytail – the lyrics touch some beautiful sentiments without getting “preachy.”“His vocals are a strength, and he comes across as tentative on his debut solo record.”“Person Pitch, I suppose, for its experiments with form, structure, and samples. Young Prayer is a close second as it is an atypical “folk” album.”

Interview 14-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Person Pitch; most influential/first "Panda album, very unique

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?Noah at his best can trump most things AC puts out as a group, but I feel like those instances are fewer than the amounts of time he really makes the band sound good

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?You Can Count On Me; "Know you can" or "No, you can't"? Fun stuff

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?Mr. Noah; hard to compare these two since one's an assortment of songs and the other's a very professional production

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?The one I went to in May of this year! (El Rey 5/26/14) Live Preakness!!!

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?Young Prayer; it manages to eschew lots of traditional song structures yet does it without ever feeling alienating

Tags: Person Pitch Influential Noah Animal Collective You Can Count On Me Mr Noah May 2014 Live Preakness Young Prayer

Quotes:“Noah at his best can trump most things AC puts out as a group,”“You Can Count On Me; “Know you can” or “No, you can’t”? Fun stuff”“Young Prayer; it manages to eschew lots of traditional song structures yet does it without ever feeling alienating”

Interview 15-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Person Pitch. It's the one most associated with him and most influential.

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?If I had to chose, solo. Because he has more room to play around.

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?Bros. Good storytelling.

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?Mr. Noah. More advanced songwriting.

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?My favorite was Dallas 2011. He played Tomboy front to back and 4 Person Pitch songs.

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?Person Pitch because of the dense soundscapes and long songs.

Tags: Person Pitch Influential Solo Bros Mr Noah Dallas 2011 Tomboy Person Pitch

Quotes:“Person Pitch. It’s the one most associated with him and most influential.”“Bros. Good Storytelling.”“Person Pitch because of the dense soundscapes and long songs.”

Interview 16-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Person Pitch! The approach to song writing on the album was done in a way that has rarely or never been done before it. Truly a standout piece of art.

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?Both. Probably more in Animal Collective but that could be about to change with the release of PBVSGR. I think I prefer him in AC because of the way that he and Avey Tare mesh so well together both vocally and melodically. When it comes to sounds there's little to no way of telling who is doing what, so I'd have to say I just really prefer Panda's vocal more whenAvey is right in there with him.

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?This is a tough choice but I would probably have to go with either Bros or Carrots. Bros is an interesting take on a friend who won't leave you alone, someone who always wants to hang out and spend time together even through you might be trying to get something done on your own, or in your own headspace. Carrots is interesting because of a certain section which always hit me pretty hard where he tells you to not act like you're better than anyone for having listened to his music and considered his musings. Something which I tended to do for quite some time after I got into AC and PBear.

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?His EP, there is no debate here. His first album was underdeveloped, before a lot of his work with AC and before the summer of 2001. The EP is an encapsulation of nearly everything he's done up until this point.

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?I don't know I've only seen 1.

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?Young Prayer. The uneasiness of this one make it's almost unpleasant to listen to if you're not ready for it. While it still hassome excellent melodies and a couple poppy gems, it is generally far off in space somewhere. Plus, no song names?

Tags: Person Pitch Art Animal Collective PBVSGR Panda Bear Meets The Grim Reaper Avey Tare Bros Carrots EP Mr Noah AC 2001 Young Prayer

Quotes:“The approach to song writing on the album was never done in a way that has rarely or never been done before it. Truly a standout piece of art.”“I think I prefer him in AC because of the way that he and Avey Tare mesh so well together both vocally and melodically”“Carrots is interesting because of a certain section which always hit me pretty hard where he tells you to not act like you’re better than anyone for having listened to his music and considered his musings. Something which I tended to do for quite some time after I got into AC and Pbear.”“His first album was underdeveloped, before a lot of his work with AC and before summer of 2001. The EP is an encapsulation of nearly everything he’s done up until this point.” “Young Prayer. The uneasiness of this one make it’s almost unpleasant to listen to if you’re not ready for it.”

Interview 17-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Person Pitch

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?As part of AC. Brothersport.

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?Alsation Darn.

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?Mr Noah. He's come into his own as a songwriter.

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?Austin, Texas at Mohawk. Clear vocals, new jams.

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?Person Pitch

Tags: Person Pitch AC Animal Collective Brother Sport Alsation Darn Mr Noah Austin Texas Mohawk

Interview 18-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Person Pitch, it literally changed my perception of music and Bros is my favorite song of all time

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?Impossible to choose. Animal Collective are my favorite artists, but I appreciate Panda and Avey's solo work on the same level.

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?Bros. The lyrics are so simple yet so meaningful and emotional at the same time and completely relatable.

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?Mr Noah. The first album is an interesting experiment that shows Panda's abilities in their earliest stage but Mr. Noah, eventhough it's really short, is mind-blowing and makes me think PBVSGR has the chance to be on a Person Pitch level.

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?His Grim Reaper set this year was the best concert I've ever been to. I saw him at the El Rey Theatre in LA and was moved to tears.

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?His first album is probably the most experimental, it has way less vocals and memorable melodies than his later work.

Tags: Person Pitch Bros Animal Collective Panda Bear Avey Tare Mr Noah First Album PBVSGR Panda Bear Meets The Grim Reaper

Quotes:“Person Pitch, it literally changed my perception of music and Bros is my favorite song of all time”“Bros. The lyrics are so simple yet so meaningful”“The first album is an interesting experiment that shows Panda’s abilities in their earliest stage”“I saw him at the El Ray Theatre in LA and was moved to tears.”“it has way less vocals and memorable melodies than his later work”

Interview 19-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Person Pitch. The biggest reason being it was his first solo release that really made an impact solo wise vs his contributions to Animal Collective.

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?Animal Collective. Preferably because as a group effort his songs takes twists and progressions that his solo work lacks.

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?My Girls. It really speaks to the challenges a professional musician undergoes in regards to a family sort of lifestyle.

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?Mr. Noah. Like most things usually as time progresses certain creative faculties become more natural and stronger with time.

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?The new performances he's been touring with have been best so far. Everything about them is almost unreal and yet very well put together.

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?Panda Bear. Because it was his first that album undergoes many song ideas and genre specific structures.

Tags: Person Pitch Animal Collective My Girls Mr Noah New Performances Panda Bear

Quotes:“as a group effort his songs takes twists and progressions that his solo work lacks.”“My Girls. It really speaks to the challenged a professional musician undergoes in regards to a family sort of lifestyle.”

Interview 20-

Q1: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's quintessential album? Why?Person Pitch. It was his most succesful album when he released it and it sparked Animal Collectives MPP.

Q2: Do you prefer Noah Lennox as Panda Bear, or in Animal Collective? Why?Brothersport is one of the best things the band has done, but the solo stuff has a special separate place in my heart.

Q3: Lyrics wise, which is your favourite Panda Bear song? Why?Scheherezade, cause it's about how Panda wishes he could stop or kill our illuminati overlords, but he can't. "But if I could do..... then what I would do... to you...”

Q4: Which do you prefer, Panda Bear's first album Panda Bear or his latest EP Mr Noah? Why?Not sure how easily I can compare the two. They are from totally different worlds. 15 years apart.

Q5: Which has been the best live performance from Panda Bear? Why?I saw him at the Riviera in Chicago with Sonic Boom during the tomboy your. That is my favorite cause sonic was there and the visuals were top notch. This years tour has been amazing too though.

Q6: Which do you think has been Panda Bear's most experimental album? Why?Young Prayer.

Tags: Person Pitch Animal Collective MPP Merriweather Post Pavilion Brother Sport Scheherezade Illuminati Riviera Chicago Sonic Boom Tomboy Tour Young Prayer

Quotes:“Brothersport is one of the best things the band has done, but the solo stuff has a special separate place in my heart.”“I saw him at the Riviera in Chicago with Sonic Boom during the tomboy your. That is my favorite cause sonic was there and the visuals were top notch”

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