paleoanthropological findings from the valle huny of thi...

Post on 20-Oct-2020






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    Paleoanthropological Findings from the Valley of the Huni

    By T. T Ó T H , Budapest

    During recent years an intensive cooperation was established between Hungarian and Mongolian archeologists, mafesting itself in the organisation of expeditions. In 1 9 6 3 , the Mongolian-Hungarian Archeological Expedition, led by D . N A V A A N and I . E R D É L Y I , worked in the Hangai Range, along the river Huni, a tributary of the Selenga ( E R D É L Y I , 1 9 6 3 ) .

    In the course of the archeological investigations, the osteological remains of three adult individuals were also successfully collected. One skeleton originated from the locality called Hana, and is to be dated to the VI —VII I centuries. The other two were excavated from a double grave in the locality Naïmaa tolgoï, and can be dated to the first century A. D. I t should be recorded that these sites are about 3 0 0 km W of Noin-Ula, on the left shore of the river Huni.

    In the present paper, I submit the anthropological description of the osteological re-mains of the three adult individuals*, obtained by the application of the methods of G. F. D E B E C ( 1 9 5 7 ) , T Ó T H ( 1 9 5 8 ) , E . H U G ( 1 9 4 0 ) , R . M A R T I N ( 1 9 2 8 ) , T . M O L L I S O N ( 1 9 3 8 ) , and Y. Y. R O G I N S K I Y — M. G. L E V I N ( 1 9 5 5 ) . For the calculation of the stature, I used N. Wo-LANKSI'S nomogramm ( 1 9 5 3 ) . In the followings, I submit the morphoscopical and morpho-metric analyses of the three adult individuals, and then attempt to interpret the results obtained.

    Naïmaa tolgoï I /A . — A well preserved female (Mat) skull with mandible and skeletal bones. From the Hun period. Of the essential morphoscopical characteris-tics, the tubera frontalia and the linea temporalis are expressed. The tubercidum articulare is weak. An obelion flatness present. The occiput is weakly arched. Abrasio I . The processus mastoideus is medium, the protuberantia occipitalis externa weakly developed. A sphenoid form. Generally gracile features. By the morphometrical cha-racteristics, the forehead is steep. The skull is medium long, medium wide, brachy-cranial. The width of the forehead is especially striking, eurymetopic. The zygomatic arch is also very wide, so that, despite the great dimensions, the complete face is only mesoprosopic. The upper face is medium high, mesen. The orbital cavity is wide, medium high, mesoconch. The nose is wide, high, chamaerhinal. The lower margin of the apertúra piriformis is anthropine. The fossa canina is medium deep. The upper angle of the facial flatness shows a value characteristical of the Europoids, but the lower (zygomaxillar) angle reflects a strongly flat median face. The nasal root is rather low. The nasal ridge is weakly elevated from the facial plane. In the type-compo-sition, the elements of the Europoide and Mongoloidé great reaces can both be dis-cerned. The calculated stature is greatmedium (Plate I , Fig. 1).

    •For the ceding of the anthropological materials, I express my gratitude to the Mongolian Aca-demy of Sciences and to Dr. I . E R D É L Y I .

  • Naïmaa-tolgoï I / B . — A well preserved male (Mat) skull with mandible and ske-letal bones. From the Hun period. Of the more important morphoscopical charac-teristics, the glabella, the linea temporalis, the tuberculum articulare, and the pro-tuberantia occipitalis externa are strongly expressed. The processus mastoideus is developed. Abrasio I . The occiput is weakly arched. A lambdoid flatness, os apicis An ovoid form. Mandible with trigonum mentale. Generally massive features. By the morphometrical characteristics, the skull is medium long, medium wide, mesocranial. The forehead is extremely narrow, stenometopic. The zygomatic arch is wide. The complete face is high, the upper face medium high or mesen and mesoprosopic. The orbital cavity is wide, medium high, mesoconch. The nose is medium wide, me-dium high, mesorhinal. The lower margin of the apertúra piriformis is infantile. The fossa canina is deep. The nasal ridge is strongly projecting from the facial plane. The face is strongly profiled, and the primary taxonomical characteristics refer to a Euro-poid individual. The calculated stature is great medium (Plate I , Fig. 2).

    Hana 1. — A well preserved male (Sen.) skull with mandible and skeletal bones. From the Turk period. Of the more important morphoscopical characteristics, the glabella is medium, the linea temporalis strongly, developed. The processus mastoideus is medium. The forehead is flatly retreating. The protuberantia occipitalis externa is weakly expressed. The occiput is weakly arched. Abrasio I . An ovoid form. Mandible with trigonum mentale. By the morphometrical characteristics, the skull is medium long, medium wide, mesocranial. The forehead is narrow, stenometopic. The zygoma-tic arch is wide, hence the index of the high upper face is merely medium, mesen. The complete face is very high, leptoprosopic. The nose is wide but very high, leptorhine. The orbita are wide, high, mesoconch. The lower margin of the apertúra piriformis with a weakly expressed fossa praenasalis. The fossa canina is very shallow. The nasal ridge projects but slightly from the facial plane. The complex of characteristics expres-sing the facial profile is not wholly uniform. Aside of the relatively small value of the nasomalar angle, the zygomaxillary angle takes a midway position between the cor-responding values of the Europoids and Mongoloids. The metric data of the nasal region also express the Mongoloid influence. The calculated stature is great medium (Plate I , Fig. 3).

    In the interpretation of the results, the historical value of the findings should, despite their small number, primarily be taken into consideration. True, the factor of variability renders the typological relegation of the meagre material extremely dif-ficult (and it might also be omitted), but the primary taxonomical character-complex can be sufficiently analysed in all three cases. As for the male from the Hun period, its definitely Europoid character is especially worthy of note. This fact is most im-portant in the search for historical connexions. Despite the fact that we have to do with a finding from the Hun period in Central Asia, the Naïmaa tolgoï male resembles not so much the Hudjirte finding (TÓTH, 1962), but rather the u-suns from the Hi area, SE Kazahstan (GINZBURG, 1959; ISMAGULOV, 1962) (Table 2). The Naimaa tolgoï female takes, on the other hand, an intermediate place between the Tastiik population ( A L E X E iE v, 1961) and the u-sun findings, but rather approaches the Tastiik values (Table 3). Hence the historical connexion between the ethnic groups of the Hun period of the Minusinsk Basin and SE Kazahstan is amply expressed on even the small Central Mongolian findings.

    The male skull from Hana, of a considerably later time, displays the greatest amount of similarity not with the Türks of the Hi ( G I N Z B U R G , 1959), but with the findings of the nomad Kimaks from the end of the first millenium (GINZBURG, i960, 1963), (Table 2).

  • I t is to be noted tha t our comparisons are not exclusive. Indeed, they m i g h t be regarded as one-sided. However, this does not alter the implicat ions outlined above. B u t i t w i l l be indispensable tha t also other findings be compared i n the future w i t h those excavated i n the val ley of the H u n i .

    References : l .AJIEKCEEB, B I L : najicoaHTponojioriiii XaiKCJie3a (Cö. MA3, 20. 1961, CTp. 238-327). - 2.XlEBEi4, T. 0 , : C n o c o ô BbuincJieHHH cpe/wero n m i e K c a yn-j i o m e H H o c T i i HHUCBoro CKCJieîa (pykornc , 1957, CTp. 1-7) . - 3 . E R D É L Y I , I . ; A mongolm a g y a r régészeti expedició 1961-1963 évi eredményei (Magyar T u d o m á n y , V I I I , 9. 1963, p p . 647-651). - 4 . r M H 3 E y p r , B. B.: MaTepnaJibi KaHTponoJionni ^ p e B H e r o HaccJiemiíi K)ro-BOCToqHoro Ka3axcTaH.a (Tpy^bi H H A 3 A H Ka3. CCP. 7. AjiMa-ATa, 1959, CTp . 2 6 6 - 2 6 9 ) . - 5 . G U I N S B O U R G , V . V . ; Données craniologiques du Kasakhstan Septentrional et l a question de 1' origine des anciens turcs nomads (Communication de la délégation soviétique au V I - Congres International des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnographiques, 1960, pp. 3 -19 ) . —6. r idH3ByPr, B. B.: MaTepuaJibi K a H T p o n o j i o r n n . i p e n n c r o Hace-j i e H H H CeBepHoro Ka3axCTana (Có. MA3, 21. 1963, CTp. 297-337). - 7 . TOXMAH, 14. H . AHTponojioniMecR 'aH x a p a K T t p n c T H K a lepcjiOB H3 HiiOJinmcKoro ropoAnma (Tpyjiui E K H H H CO A H CCP, 3, YjiaH-YAe, 1960, CTp. 166-173). - 8 . H U G , E . ; Die Schädel der frühmittelalterlichen Gräber aus dem solothurnischen Aargebiet i n ihrer Stellung zur Reihengräberbevölkerung Mitteleuropas (Zschr. f . Morphol. u. Anthropol., 38. Heft 3, Stuttg a r t , 1940, pp. 402-406). - 9 . H C M A r y j l O B , O.: AHTponoJionrMecKaii xapaKTtpncTiíKa y c v H e n CeMiipeubíi (TpyAH H H A 3 A H Ka3. CCP, 16 AjiMa-ATa, 1962, CTp. 168-191). - 1 0 M A R T I N , R. ; Lehrbuch der Anthropologie (2-e Auflage, 2. Jena, 1928, pp. 579-1182). - 11. MoLLisoN, T H . ; Spezielle Methoden anthropologischer Messung (in: Abderhalden, Handb. der biol. Arbeitsmethoden, 7, Teil 2, Heft 3, Be r l i n -Wien , 1938, pp. 523-682). - 1 2 , P O r H H C K H H , H. 51. & JIEBHH, M . F.: OcHOBbianrponojiornn ( H S A - M T Y , MOCKBH, 1955, CTp. 25-120). - 1 3 . T Ó T H , T . ; Profilation horizontal du c r â n e facial de la populat ion ancienne et contemporaine de l a Hongrie (Cran. Hungarica, 3, 1958, pp, 3-126) . — 14. T Ó T H , T.; Paleoanthropological Finds from the Valley o f Hudjirte (Noin-Ula, Mongolia), (Acta Arch. Hung., 14. 1962, pp, 249-253). - 1 5 , W O L A N S K I , N . ; Graficzna metoda obliczania wzrostu n a podstawie kosci dlugich ( Przeglad Antropologiczny, 19. 1953, pp. 403—404).

  • The detailed data of the paleoanthropologies! findings from the river Huni Mongolia Table 1

    Findings Naïmaa-tolgoï Hana 1.

    Measurement Numbers

    Dating 1st half of 1st c. AD.

    V I . - V I I I . c. AD. Measurement

    Numbers sex. Male Female Male

    1. Giabello-occipital length 188 171 185 8. Maximum breadth of cranium 144 146 140

    17. Basion-bregma height 139 135 129 5. Basion-nasion length 105 97 108

    20. Porion-bregma height 1 15 120 111 9. Minimum frontal diameter 88 105 92

    10. Maximum frontal diameter 1 13 124 115 11. Bi-auricular diameter 127 135 139 12. Bi-asterial diameter 10'. 115 116 24. Transverse arc (po.-br.-po.) 316 320 306 25. Sagittal arc :i80 370 352 26. Frontal section of sagittal arc 132 136 126 27. Parietal section of sagittal arc 129 121 113 28. Occipitial section of sagittal arc 123 112 113 29. Nasion-bregma chord 115 116 113 30. Bregma-lambda chord 100 111 104 31. Lambda-opisthion chord 108 98? 93 32. Frontal angle (nas.-met.) 80 90 74 — Frontal angle (gl. met.) 66 86 64 — Frontal angle (nas.-breg.) 45 50 40 — Frontal angle (gl.-brg.) 40 46 37

    8 : 1 Cranial index 76.60 85.38 75.68 17 : 8 Breadth-height index 96.53 92.47 92.14

    17 : 1 Length-height index 73.94 78.95 69.73 9 : 8 Transverse frontopar. index 61.11 71.92 65.71 9 : 10 Frontal index 77.88 84.68 80.00

    11 : 8 Bi-auricular-parietal index 88.19 92.47 99.29 12 : 8 Occipitoparietal index 72.22 78.77 82.86 19 : 26 Frontal chord-arc index 87.12 85.29 89.68 30 : 27 Parietal chord- arc index 77.52 91.74 92.04

    45. Bizygomatic breadth 142? 138 141? 40. Basion-prosthion length 102 92 104 48. Upper facial height, 71 69 77 47. Total facial height 127 119 130 43. Upper facial breadth 104 114 107 46. Maxillar breadtht 90 101 98 60. Maxillo-alveolar length 57 53 60 61 Maxillo-alveolar breadth 64 69 67 62. Palatal length 50 45 53 63. Palatal breadth 37 40 38 55. Nasal height 51 51 62 54. Nasal breadth 24 27 28 51. Orbital breadth (from, inf.) 43 44 45 51a. Orbital width (from d.) 39 i l 40 52. Orbital height 33 34 38 50. Maxillo-frontal chord (mf. mf.) 15.5 18.0 17.0 MS Maxillo-frontal subtense 6.5 6.6 5.0

    Maxillo-frontal index 41.93 36.66 29.41

  • Table 1 (eont.)

    Findings Naïmaa - tolgoï H a n a 1.

    Measurement Da ting 1st hali of 1st c. A. 1). V I . - V I I I .

    c. A . D.

    Numbers Characteristics ~ ^ ~ - - - ^ j 5 e x ^ Male Female Mali'

    43, Bi-malar chord (fmo-fmo) 94.0 103.0 99.0

    IOW Bi-malar subtense 17.5 19.5 18 0

    sub. 77. Nasomalar angle (fmo-n-fmo) 138.8 138.0 140.0 — Zygornaxillar shord (zm-zm) 90.0 102.0 97.0 — Zygomaxillar subtense 24.0 20.5 21.0 — Zygornaxillar angle (zm-ss-zm) 123.5 135.9 133.0 DC Dacryal chord 18.5 23.0 22.0

    DS Dacryal subtense 15.5 10.5 9.5

    SC Simotical chord 6.5 10.0 8.0

    SS Simotical subtense 4.0 4.0 3.0

    DS : DC Dacryal index 83.78 45.65 43.18

    SS :SC Simotical index 61.54 40.00 37.50 48 : 45 Upper facial index 50.00 50.00 54.60

    47 : 45 Total facial index 89.44 86.23 92.20

    45 : 8 Cranio-facial index 98.61 94.52 100.71

    9 : 45 Zygo-frontal index 61.97 76.09 65.25

    48 : 17 Vertical cranio-facial index 51.08 51.11 59.69

    40 : 5 Facial-prognathic index 97.14 94.85 96.30

    54 : 55 Nasal index 47.06 52.94 45.16

    52 : 51 Orbital index (mf. -ek.) 76.74. 77.27 84.44

    52 : 51a Orbital index (d-ek.) 84.62 82.93 95.00

    63 : 62 Palatal index 74.00 88.89 71.70

    72. Total facial angle 82 86 88


    73. Medium facial angle 84 86 88 88

    74. Alveolar angle 75 76 70

    75. Nasal profil angle 39 67 65

    75, Nasalspine angle (with n-pr.) 43 116

    19 20 65. Bicondylar diameter

    43 116 121 128

    66. Bigonial diameter 94 102 107

    68. Mandibular length (from go.) 92 85 91 68(1) Mandibular length (from kdl.) 119 107 126

    70 Ramus height .67 68 72

    71a Minimum ramus bread Hi 37 37 39 79. Mandibular angle 121 117 131

    Calculated stature (cm.) 168.1 155.6 167.1

  • Comparisons of some male skulls Table 2.

    Inv . N ° l / B . Gr. 2. 6268-1 1 6268-15 K l " . Zs 7. 14. 6235- 6



    K i l K l i 11ÍTS Naïmaa-tolgoï

    Hudj i r l e U — S U N Hana Ivolga Turks from I L I T Ü R K -K I M A K



    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Dating Ist half of 1st c.

    AD. 1st c. B.C. 1st c. A. D.

    (Ind c. B.C. -1s t . c. A. D.

    VI . - V I I ] c. A. D.

    Und c. B. C.

    I I . nd. c. A. D.

    V I . - V I I I . c.

    V I I I . - I X .

    c. Measu-rement


    Characteristics A H( hoi' TÓTH

    1964 T Ó T H .

    1962 GINSBURG, 1959


    1964 JOIIMAN

    1960 GINS-B U R G 1959



    77. Nasomalar angle 138.8° 153.0° Ï

    145°? 139° 140.0° 156.7° 151° 142° — Zygomaxilla angle 123.5° 138.8° 131° 133° 133.0° 141.4° 136° 130° DS Dacryal subtense 15.5 8.8 11.2? 13.7 9.5 6.2 - 10.2 SS Simotical subtense 4.0 2.5 — 5.9 3.0 2.2 3.8 3.4 75, Nasalspine angle 43° 15° 48° 29° 20° 28° 25° 21°?

    1. Glabellooccipilal length 188 — 181 182 185 176 181 188 8. Maximum breadth of cranium 144 — 152 144 140 149 147 152

    45. Bizygomatic breadth 142? — 144 144 141? 143 136 144 48. Upper facial height 71 71 78 79 77 64 80 78 51. Orbital breadt (from inf.) 43 42 43 43 45 42.5 42 48 52. Orbital height 33 34 36 32 38 36 35 35 54. Nasal breadth 24 27 26 26 28 27 28 ' 32 55. Nasal height 51 50 57 54 62 48 57 59

    8 : 1 Cranial index 76.00 — 83.98 79.12 75.68 85.1 81.22 80.9 48 : 45 Upper facial

    index 50.00 54.17 54.86 54.60 44.7 58.82 54.2

  • Comparison of some female skulls Table 3.

    Explanation of Plate

    Plate I

    Fig. I . Naimaa tolgoi I / A ; Fig. 2. Naimaa tolgoi I / B Fig. 3. Hana 1

    \ Inv . N° I / A . 27. 6268-6 6268-17

    " \ Findings Naimaa-tolgoï TASHTU-

    E K U - S U N

    Measu-rement Dating

    Ist half of 1st c. B.C. Is tc . A . D . I V t h . A . D.

    U n d c. BC. -Ist C. AD


    Characteristics ^ ^ N . Author TÓTH, 196 4

    A L E -X E TE V


    GINSBURG, 1959 rsMAGULOV, 1962


    D S

    SS 75(1)

    1. 8.

    45. 48. 51. 52. 54. 55.

    8 : 1 48 : 45

    Nasomalar angle Zygomaxillar angle Dacryal subtense Simotical subtense Nasalspine angle Glabello-occiptial length Maximum bread th of cranium BÍ7.ygomatic breadth Upper facial height Orbital breadth (from mf.) Orbital height Nasal breadth Nasal height Cranial index Upper facial index

    138.0° 135.9°

    10.5 4.0

    19° 171 146 138 69 44 34 27 51 85.38 50.00

    143° 136°

    9.1 2.7

    17° 172 141 128 64 40.5 31.5 21 48 82.0 50.0

    1 '.il 135°


    3.0 22°

    170 139 126

    63 39 32 24 51 81.76 50.00

    140° 129°

    15.1 6.8

    32° 175 144 140 74 45 36 26 52 82.29 52.86

  • Plate I .

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