ows adv word list

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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  • 8/6/2019 OWS Adv Word List


    [Oxford Word Skills Advanced]

    Word list / Index

    Numbers are unit numbers, not page numbers

    a likely story 59

    a small world 66

    a tight corner 39

    abandon 43, 55

    abnormal 71

    abolish 36, 63

    abolition 36

    about as in be about to do sth 35

    abrupt 67

    absence 51

    absent 51absent-minded 3

    absolute ADJ 56

    absorb 5

    abuse N 6

    abuse V 6

    accent 4

    accept 16

    access N, V 33

    accident-prone 30

    acclaim 22

    acclaimed 22acclimatized as in get acclimatized 32

    accompany 26

    accomplish 49

    according to 39

    account as in current/deposit account 48

    accountable to 45

    accumulate 48, 51

    accustomed as in get accustomed 32

    achieve 49

    acquire 24

    acquisition 46action as in take action 40

    actions speak louder than words 66

    actually 64

    adapt to 27

    adaptation 22

    addict as in drug addict 25

    addicted to sth 25

    additional 45

    address V 54

    adjust 11

    adjust to 27

    adjustment 11

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    admit sb to hospital 33

    adopt 69

    adrenalin 43

    advance 30

    adversary 53

    adverse effect 52advertising agency 34

    affection 14

    affectionate 14

    affluent 70

    after sth 25

    against all (the) odds 40

    age 57

    agency 34

    aggravate 54

    agile 9

    agility 9agree entirely 4

    aims and objectives 61

    air force 37

    albeit 68

    alcoholic 25

    alert N 38

    alien 70

    all the same 64

    all things being equal 60

    all things considered 77

    allegation 39, 41

    allege 39, 41

    allegedly 41

    alleviate 11

    allocate 34

    allowance 44

    almonds 20

    alongside 31

    aloof 14

    alternate V 9

    alternatively 64ambiguity 1

    ambiguous 1

    amend 27

    amendment 27

    amid 39

    amidst 39

    an eye for an eye 66

    an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 66

    analyse 69

    anchorV 72

    ancient 55angle N, V 72

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    animosity 32

    ankle 13

    anonymity 53

    anonymously 53

    anti- 74

    anti-depressant 74anti-drugs policy 74

    anti-inflammatory 74

    anti-racism 74

    anti-spam filter 31

    anti-virus protection 31

    anti-virus software 74

    anti-war 74

    anticipate 49

    anticipation 49

    antique N, ADJ 55

    anyhow 64anyway 64

    apart as in take sth apart 63

    apologetic 6

    apologize 6

    appalled 15

    apparently 79

    appeal N 67

    appeal for 67

    appealing 18

    appetite 12

    appetizing 12

    applaud 22

    applause 22

    appliance 28

    apply pressure to 12

    appreciate 16

    appreciation 16

    aptitude 76

    archive N, V 71

    arduous 9

    argument 69arise 54

    armed combat 37

    armed forces 37

    arms 38

    arms as in folded arms 8

    army 37

    aroma 12

    arouse 52

    artichoke 20

    articulate ADJ 54

    articulate V 54as a favour 5

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    as a matter of fact 64

    as far as sth is concerned 79

    as blind as a bat 62

    as deaf as a post 62

    as dry as a bone 62

    as for 64as good as gold 62

    as I was saying 64

    as light as a feather 62

    as quiet as a mouse 62

    as red as a beetroot 62

    as strong as an ox 62

    as thin as a rake 62

    as time went by 16

    as white as a sheet 62

    as you will see from my CV . . . 67

    asap (= as soon as possible) 73ask a favour 5

    ask after 63

    aspect 71

    assert 69

    assertion 69

    assertive 14

    assess 69

    assessment 69

    assimilate 27

    assimilation 27

    assist 37

    associated with 42

    association 42

    assurance 6

    assure 6

    astute 14

    asylum 32

    at a moments notice 77

    at an angle 72

    at any rate 64

    at easeas in

    put sb at ease 33at home 23

    at once 77

    at one time 57

    at random 43

    at short notice 77

    at stake 50

    at the last minute 57

    at the very least 77

    atb (= all the best) 73

    8 (= -ate) 73

    atom 71atrocious 22

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    attackas in under attack 77

    attention 7

    attn 73

    attract 24

    attract sbs attention 7

    attribute N 14audience 22

    authentic 55

    authority 37

    away 23

    away as in get away from it all 21

    away as in right away 77

    awkward 26

    B & B (= bed and breakfast) 73

    b (= be) 73

    b4 (= before) 73

    b4n (= bye for now) 73backV 46

    backas in behind sbs back 16

    back and forth 61

    back down 4

    back to front 61

    backing 46

    bad run 23

    bad taste as in be in bad taste 19

    bad-tempered 3

    badly hit 49

    baffle 53

    baffled 78

    bags of 65

    bail 35

    bail sb out 48

    balance as in on balance 77

    balance as in tip the balance 46

    ballot N, V 50

    ban N 76

    bank 37

    bank statement 48bankrupt as in go bankrupt 46

    barbed wire 3

    bare 78

    barely 11

    bargain hunting 25

    barkN, V 10

    basic unit 71

    basically 79

    basis 49

    bat 62

    batteries as in recharge your batteries 21battery charger 28

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    battle as in fight a losing battle 60

    battle as in locked in battle 39

    be about to do sth 35

    be behind sb/sth 54

    be bullied 17

    be carried away 26be composed of 37

    be confined to a wheelchair 30

    be confined to bed 30

    be cruel to be kind 14

    be detained in custody 35

    be distracted by sth 25

    be drawn against 23

    be drawn to 14

    be economical with the truth 53

    be entitled to 44

    be getting on for 7be humiliated 60

    be in a mess 18

    be in a world of your own 60

    be in bad taste 19

    be in favour of 42

    be in poor taste 19

    be in the driving seat 42

    be in the red 48

    be in two minds about 2

    be into sth 58

    be locked in battle 39

    be off 25

    be on top 23

    be on your best behaviour 19

    be out of hand 49

    be out of your depth 42

    be overdrawn 48

    be overwhelmed by 43

    be past it 56

    be promoted 23

    be put out 19be reconciled with 63

    be referred to sb 33

    be relegated 23

    be the last thing on sbs mind 2

    be thrown in at the deep end 42

    be tied up 2

    be under siege 43

    be uprooted 32

    beam 72

    bean sprouts 20

    bear sth in mind 8beat 20

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    beautiful 21

    beauty is only skin-deep 66

    bee 10

    beepN, V 10

    beetroot 20, 62

    before sbs time 57beforehand 26

    behalfas in on behalf of sb 34

    behaviouras in be on your best behaviour 19

    behind as in be behind sb/sth 54

    behind closed doors 39

    behind sbs back 16

    behind the scenes 39

    behind the times 57

    believe it or not 60

    belt as in tighten your belt 46

    bending 9beneficial effect 18

    benefits 44

    bereaved 77

    besides 64

    best as in the best of both worlds 60

    best as in the best thing 59

    bet as in your best bet 59

    betray 70

    betrayal 70

    better late than never 66

    better safe than sorry 66

    better still 28

    bfn (= bye for now) 73

    bias 71

    biased 71

    bidN, V 38, 46

    bid as in make a bid for 46

    big chance 23

    bigoted 3

    birth as in give birth 41

    birth certificate 3birth rate 30

    bit of a drag 58

    bite your fingernails 8

    bizarre 78

    blame as in take the blame 4

    bland 12

    blast 38

    blazing row 39

    blinkV 11

    blister 13

    block spam 31bloke 58

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    blood is thicker than water 66

    blood pressure 13

    blow 38

    blow sth out of proportion 50

    blunt 67

    blurred vision 11boast V 10

    boat as in rock the boat 42

    body 5, 67

    boil down to sth 52

    bolt V, N 72

    bond 16

    bone 62

    bonus 44

    bookas in dont judge a book by its cover 14

    boom as in economic boom 47

    boostN, V 38boost morale 45

    bored out of your mind 22

    bored stiff 22

    bored to death 22

    bored to tears 22

    boring 22

    boss as in your own boss 45

    bottle sth up 15

    bounce back 47

    brace 7

    bracket N 72

    braise 20

    branch 37

    brand new 55

    brave 17

    bravery 17

    breadwinner 20

    break 57

    break down 3

    break into a gallop 9

    break off from sth 49break out 3, 4

    break the deadlock 50

    break up 3

    break-up 3

    breakdown 3

    breaking point 43

    breakthrough 56

    breath as in dont hold your breath 59

    breathtaking 11

    breed 29

    bribe V 61bribery 61

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    brief summary 4

    briefly 79

    bright as in not exactly bright 80

    bright and cheerful 61

    brilliant 22

    bring sb somewhere 2bring sth about 27

    bring sth up 63

    broad-minded 3

    broadcast V 41

    broadly speaking 64

    broadsheet 41

    broke 58

    broken home 18

    browse 25

    browser 31

    brusque 67btw (= by the way) 73

    bubble 47

    buckas in pass the buck 50

    budget N 34

    budget N, V 48

    bug 58

    build up 48

    built-up 3

    bulb (= light bulb) 28

    bulb (= plant) 24

    bullet-proof 75

    bullyN, V 17

    bump into sb 63

    bumpy ride 47

    buoyant 47

    burden as in debt burden 47

    burst into flames 4

    burst into tears 4

    bury your head in the sand 50

    bush 24

    butt in 63butterfly 24

    buy sth on impulse 25

    buzz V 10

    buzz about 10

    by and large 64

    by any chance 60

    by chance as in purely by chance 70

    by choice 77

    by common consent 36

    by means of 77

    by mutual consent 36by the way 64

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    c (= see) 73

    c/o 73

    cake as in have your cake and eat it 20

    cake as in sell like hot cakes 62

    calculate 48

    calculation 48call sth off 63

    camcorder 31

    cancel 63

    canteen 44

    capital punishment 36

    capitalism 42

    capitalist 42

    capitulate 18

    captivity as in in captivity 29

    car chase 9

    carbon footprint 28carried away as in be/get carried away 26

    carry out (= implement) 27

    carry out (a procedure) 30

    carry out (a survey) 41

    case as in in any case 64

    cashews 20

    casserole 20

    cast 22

    casualty 53

    catch 63

    catch a glimpse of 11

    catch fire 4

    catch sb out 53

    catch sight of 11

    cause 27

    caution V 35

    cautious 15

    CCTV (= closed circuit television) 73

    cease 38

    celeb 41

    celebrity 41cell (= prison cell) 36

    cell (e.g. blood cell) 71

    centre party 42

    CEO (= chief executive officer) 73

    certificate as in birth certificate 3

    chain of events 52

    chairN, V 34

    chairman 34

    chairperson 34

    chairwoman 34

    chalkas in like chalk and cheese 20chance 23

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    chance as in by any chance 60

    chance as in purely by chance 79

    chance as in take a chance on sth 40

    change 27

    channel of communication 54

    chaos as in total/utter chaos 4character 14

    characteristic 75

    characterize 75

    chargeN, V 9

    charge sth 28

    charge sth up 28

    charger 28

    charisma 14

    charismatic 14

    charity 34

    charity begins at home 66charity organization 34

    charm 21

    charming 21

    chase V 9

    chatterbox 14

    chatty 14

    cheek (= rude behaviour) 19, 58

    cheeky 19

    cheerful as in bright and cheerful 61

    cheers 58

    cheese as in like chalk and cheese 20

    chemical weapon 37

    chemotherapy 30

    chickens as in dont count your chickens 20

    chief 38

    chief constable 35

    chiefly 79

    childcare 44

    childish 78

    childlike 78

    childproof 75chill out 21

    chocoholic 25

    choice as in by choice 77

    choose as in pick and choose 61

    chop V 20

    chopsticks 19

    chore 24

    chronic 40

    chubby 7

    chubby cheeks 7

    cinnamon 20circumstance 5

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    citizen 34

    city-wide 34

    civil 37

    civilian N, ADJ 37

    claim V 63, 69

    clap 22clarify 75

    class as in lower/middle/upper/working class 19

    classic example 4

    classified 74

    clean as in spotlessly clean 33

    clear 29

    clear sb of 38

    clear sth up 26

    clear up 26

    clearly 79

    clenched fist 8clich 22

    clichd 22

    clinch V 46

    clinical trial 33

    clip N 31, 76

    clique 26

    cliquey 26

    close to tears 15

    closure 50

    clue as in I havent a clue 59

    coarse 17

    cobbled streets 21

    cock 10

    coerce 52

    coercion 52

    coffee break 57

    coherence 69

    coherent 69

    coincide with 31

    coincidence 31

    colander 20collaboration 45

    collateral damage 80

    collocation 4

    combat 37

    combination 8

    combine 8

    come across as 14

    come bottom 56

    come in 2

    come into effect 52

    come into sight 11come into view 11

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    come top 56

    come under attack 39

    come under fire 39

    come unstuck 56

    come up 54, 63

    come with 2comeback 56

    command N 69

    command V 37

    comment 19

    commentary 70

    commercial 79

    commercialize 75

    commercially 79

    commit 6

    commitment 6

    common goal 45communicate with 63

    communism 42

    companionship 70

    company 26

    comparable 6

    compare 6

    compatible with 76

    compensate for 63

    compilation 76

    complementary medicine 33

    complex 76

    compliance 72

    compliment N, V 16

    complimentary 16

    comply with 72

    compose 37

    composed as in be composed of 37

    compost 24

    comprehensible 78

    comprehensive 44, 78

    comprise 37compulsive 25

    con V 58

    conceal 7

    conceited 14

    conceivable 78

    concept 74

    concern as in main/principal/growing concern 4

    concerned as in as far as sth is concerned 79

    concerning 67, 68

    concerted effort 4

    concise 67conclude 69

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    concluding 78

    conclusion 69

    conclusions as in jump/leap to conclusions 8

    conclusive 78

    concrete 72

    condemn 69condemnation 69

    condition 30

    condolences 67

    condone 69

    conduct (a survey) 41

    conference 69

    confess 6, 63

    confession 6

    confide in 16

    confidential 33

    confidentiality 33confine 36

    confined as in be confined to bed / a wheelchair 30

    confinement 36

    conflicting 47

    confound 53

    confront 54

    conscientious 14

    conscription 37

    consentN, V 36

    consent as in by common/mutual consent 36

    consequences 52

    conservation 28

    Conservative 42

    conserve 28

    consider 19

    considerable 37

    considerable difficulty 4

    considerably 37

    considerate 14

    considered as in all things considered 77

    considering 68consist of 37

    constable 35

    constant 9

    constipated 13

    constipation 13

    constrain 72

    constraint 72

    construction as in under construction 77

    consult 27

    consultation 27

    consultative 27consume 28

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    consumer 28

    consumption 28

    contingency 48

    contradict 47

    contradiction 47

    contradictory 47contrary as in on the contrary 77

    contribute 26

    contribution 26

    control 76

    control as in under control 49

    controversial 39

    controversy 39

    convalesce 33

    convalescence 33

    convention 30

    conventional 30convey 70

    conviction 71

    convincing 22, 78

    convoluted 67

    copyN, V 24

    coriander 20

    corkscrew 20

    corneras in a tight corner 39

    corporate 47

    corporation 47

    corrupt 61

    corruption 61

    cosmetic surgery 33

    cottage 24

    could as in I could do with 59

    council 34

    councillor 34

    count 5

    counter-productive 37

    counteract 72

    countryside 24courage 17

    courageous 17

    courteous 19

    courtesy 19

    cover sth up 39

    cover-up 39

    coverage 41

    crackN 42

    crafty 14

    crane 72

    crawl 2crazy as in drive sb crazy 52

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    creakN, V 10

    create 27

    create an illusion 7

    credit 48

    creep 9

    crime as in organized crime 35crippling 25

    crisis as in in crisis 36

    criteria 69

    criterion 69

    criticism 4

    criticize 17, 63

    croc 40

    crocodile 40

    crop up 63

    crow 10

    crude 17cruel 6

    cruel as in be cruel to be kind 14

    crush V 20

    cul8r (= see you later) 73

    culture shock 32

    cunning 14

    curable 30

    curb V 38

    cureN, V 30

    curiously enough 79

    current as in in current use 1

    current account 48

    curt 67

    curtail 57

    custody 35, 41

    custom 19

    customary 19

    cut N 47

    cut sth back 24

    cutbacks as in make cutbacks 48

    cute 7cutting edge 55

    cutting edge technology 55

    cyber- 31

    cyber-caf 31

    cyberspace 31

    cynical 14

    cynicism 14

    d (= the) 73

    daft 58

    damage as in extensive/widespread damage 4

    damp 11dangeras in in danger 29, 77

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    danger zone 43

    dank 12

    dare V 40

    darling 58

    dashN, V 9

    date as in out of / up to date 55date as in set a date 50

    dated 1

    dawn on 2

    day as in its not sbs day / its been one of those days 59

    dazed 40

    de- 74

    deadlock 50

    deadly dull 22

    deadly weapon 37

    deafening 26

    deal N 38death rate 30

    debate as in heated debate 42

    debit card 48

    debris 43

    debt burden 47

    decade 30

    decaffeinated 74

    decay as in fall into decay 55

    deceit 53

    deceive 14, 53, 63

    deceive yourself 53

    decentralize 74

    deception 53

    deceptive 14

    declare a ceasefire 53

    declare war 53

    declassified 74

    decline as in gradual/steady decline 29

    dedicate 17

    dedicated 17

    dedication 17deep end 42

    deep fat fryer 20

    deep-fry 20

    defect 71

    defective 71

    defenceless 6

    defend 6

    defiance 70

    defiant 70

    deficit 48

    deforestation 29defraud 35

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    defrost 74

    defy 70

    degree of 45

    dejected 78

    delegate sth to 49

    delicate 12delude yourself 53

    deluge 49

    dentN, V 52, 54

    dent sbs confidence 54

    dent sbs reputation 54

    dependent on 76

    depict 70

    depopulated 74

    deport 32

    deportation 32

    deposit account 48depreciate 74

    deprivation 18

    deprived 18

    depth 42

    depth as in out of your depth 56

    derogatory 1

    describe 6

    desert V 43

    deserve 41

    desire 32

    desperate 15

    desperately 15

    desperation 15

    despicable 17

    despise 17

    despondent 78

    destabilize 74

    detain 35

    detect 53

    deter 18, 36

    deteriorate 53, 56deterioration 53

    determine 72

    deterrent 18, 36

    detrimental effect 18, 52

    devalued 74

    devastated 15

    deviate 36

    deviation 36

    device 55

    devise 9

    diagnose 30diagnosis 30

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    diagnostic 30

    diarrhoea 13

    die down 4

    die out 29

    difference as in make a difference 52

    different as in entirely different 4differentiate 37

    difficulty as in great difficulty 4

    diffident 14

    dig 24

    dignified 17

    dignity 17

    dilapidated 55

    din 58

    dire 22

    direction as in head in the right/wrong direction 42

    directly 79disadvantaged 74

    disappear from sight 11

    disappear from view 11

    disapproving 1

    discard 13

    discharge sb 33

    disclose 15

    disclosure 15

    discomfort 11

    discourteous 19

    discreet 7

    discreetly 7

    discriminate 32

    discrimination 32

    discursive 69

    discussion as in under discussion 77

    disgrace 19

    disgraceful 19

    disgusting 12, 58

    dislike as in take an instant dislike to 16

    dislocate 13dismantle 63

    disorder 13

    disorientated 40

    displayN, V 8

    disposable 26, 28

    dispose of sth 28

    dispute N 50

    dispute as in settle a dispute 4, 50

    disregard N 76

    disrepairas in fall into disrepair 55

    disrespectful 19disrupt 45

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    disruptive 45

    dissolve 13

    dissuade sb from doing sth 63

    distant 14

    distinction as in make a distinction 37

    distinguish between 37distinguished 78

    distort 53

    distract sb from sth 25

    distracted as in be distracted by sth 25

    distribute 42

    distribution 42

    diverse 21, 37

    diversity 37

    divert 29

    dividend 46

    DIY (= do-it-yourself) 73do N 26, 58

    do V 2

    do as in inclined to do sth 50

    do a search 31

    do away with 63

    do for 2

    do no such thing 4

    do sb a favour 5

    do sth at the last minute 57

    do sth up 55

    do the weeding 24

    do your fair share 18

    doddery 7

    dodgy 58

    domestic 37

    dominant 23

    dominate 23

    dont ask me 59

    dont count your chickens 20

    dont count your chickens before theyre hatched 20

    dont hold your breath 59dont judge a book by its cover 14

    dont you dare 40

    donor 30

    doors as in behind closed doors 39

    dosage 13

    dose 13

    down-to-earth 14

    downfall 70

    downhill as in go downhill 56

    download V 31

    downright 19downs as in ups and downs 16

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    downsize 80

    downsizing 80

    downwards 19

    draft as in the draft 37

    drag 58

    drag sth out 63drain V 20

    drastic 40

    draw 23

    draw attention to 7

    drawback 45

    drawing pin 3

    drawn as in be drawn against 23

    drawn as in be drawn to 14

    dream 62

    dream up 31

    dress as in fancy dress 3dried fruit 20

    drive sb crazy 52

    drive sb insane 52

    drive sb mad 52

    driving licence 3

    driving seat 42

    drop in the ocean 39

    drop out 3

    dropout 3

    drown sth out 26

    drowsiness 13

    drowsy 13

    drug addict 25

    drug-trafficking 35

    drunk 26

    dry up 47

    dump sb 41

    duplicate V 71

    during 57

    dust as in the dust settles 46

    duty 75duty-free 75

    dying for sth to eat 58

    e- 31

    e-business 31

    e-learning 31

    earn sbs respect 16

    earth as in What/Where on earth . . . ? 60

    ease V 11

    easier said than done 66

    easy as in take it easy 21

    easy-going 58eat as in dying for sth to eat 58

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    eat your words 20

    eco- 28

    eco-disaster 28

    eco-friendly 28

    eco-home 28

    ecology 28economic boom 47

    economic migrant 32

    economic slump 47

    economical with the truth 53

    economize 48, 75

    ecstatic 15

    effect 13, 18, 22,


    effort 4

    egg sb on 52

    elapse 57elated 15

    electrify 75

    eligible 34

    eliminate 11, 23

    elimination 11

    embark on 76

    embellish 53

    embodiment 70

    embody 70

    emerge 39

    emergence 39

    emigrant 32

    emigrate 32

    emigration 32

    eminent 78

    emission 28

    emit 28

    emotion 6

    emotive 6

    empirical 71

    empiricism 71employment agency 34

    encl. 73

    enclosed 13

    encompass 37

    encounter 45

    encourage 45

    encroach 29, 45

    end as in the end justifies the means 66

    end result 52

    endangered 29

    endangered species 29endow sb/sth with 70

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 22 22

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    energetically 12

    energy-saving 28

    enforce 27

    enforcement 27

    enhance 7

    enlist 37enlisted 37

    enough as in strangely/oddly/curiously enough 79

    enquire as in I am writing to enquire whether 67

    enrich 24

    enrol 33

    ensuing 40

    ensure 34

    enter 31

    enterprise (= project) 28

    enterprise (= ability to think of new ideas) 45

    entice 35, 46entirely 4

    entirely different 4

    entirely responsible 4

    entitled as in be entitled to 44

    entitlement 44

    environmentally-friendly 28

    equal 42

    equal as in all things being equal 60

    equality 42

    equalize 75

    equally 42, 79

    equities 47

    era 30, 57

    eradicate 30

    erroras in trial and error 61

    escape as in (have a) narrow escape 4

    essentially 79

    establish 72

    ETA (= estimated time of arrival) 73

    ethnic group 32

    ethnic minority 32etiquette 19

    euphemism 80

    euphoric 15

    evaluate 69

    evaluation 69

    even so 64

    event 6

    eventful 6

    events as in sequence of events 52

    every bit as 60

    evidently 79evil 78

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 23 23

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    evolution 27

    evolve 27

    exacerbate 54

    exact 1

    exaggerate 7

    exaggeration 7example as in perfect example 4

    example as in set an example 18, 50

    exceed 8, 13

    exceed sbs expectations 13

    excel 6

    excellent 6

    exception as in take exception to 19

    exceptional 78

    excerpt 76

    excess 8

    excess as in in excess of 13excessive 8

    exchange as in in exchange for 77

    exclusiveN, ADJ 41

    exclusively 36

    excruciating 40

    exemplary 19

    exemplify 69, 75

    exhausted 78

    exhaustive 78

    expect 18

    expectations as in exceed sbs expectations 13

    expenses 44

    expire 13

    expiry date 13

    explain 6

    exploit V 35

    exploitation 35

    explore 69

    expose 70

    extend 57

    extensive damage 4extent 45, 64

    exteriorN, ADJ 37

    external 37

    extinct 29

    extinction 29

    extinguish the fire 4

    extra 45

    extract N 76

    extraordinarily 22

    extravagant 48

    extreme 42extremist 42

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 24 24

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    eye contact 8

    eye strain 11

    eye V 11

    eye as in have an eye for sth 25

    eye as in have your eye on sth 25

    eyesight 11eyesore 4

    fabulous 22

    face V 54

    face as in familiar face 4

    face as in lose face 60

    face as in to sbs face 16

    face the prospect of 4

    face the prospect that 4

    face up to 54

    facet 71

    facilitate 27fact as in as a matter of fact 64

    fail to do sth 51

    fail as in without fail 77

    faint ADJ 12

    fair share as in do your fair share 18

    faith 32

    fall into decay 55

    fall into disrepair 55

    falsehood 53

    fame 41

    familiar face 4

    familiarize 75

    famous last words 66

    fancy (= be attracted to) 8

    fancy (= want to do) 26

    fancy dress 3

    fao (= for the attention of) 73

    faras in as far as sth is concerned 79

    faras in so far, so good 66

    far-reaching 42

    fastidious 33fate 70

    faulty 71

    favourN 5

    favourV 42

    favouras in be in favour of 42

    feather 62

    feature 7

    fed up with 61

    feeble 22

    feelings as in suppress your feelings 15

    fellow ADJ 41fennel 20

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 25 25

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    for some reason 60

    for the time being 57

    force as in air force 37

    forced labour 35

    4 (= fore) 73

    foregone conclusion 59forest fire 4

    forever 79

    forge V 35

    forgery 35

    forgive 6

    form 23

    formal 69

    format N 31

    formerADJ 46

    formerN 37

    formerly 55foremost as in first and foremost 61

    foster 45

    foul play 39

    foundations 42

    fragrance 12

    fragrant 12

    frail 7

    frailty 7

    frankly 79

    fraud 35

    freckles 7

    -free 75

    free of charge 33

    -friendly 28

    friendly fire 80

    friendly takeover 46

    from time to time 57

    frown on/upon 19

    fruit machine 3

    fruity 12

    fryeras in

    deep fat fryer 20fuel V 46

    fulfil your potential 56

    fulfilling 45

    fully inclusive 6

    fund 48

    fundamental 37

    funding 37

    funds 29

    furnish 6

    furnished 6

    furniture 6further 45

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 27 27

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    further to 67

    fuss 18

    fyi (= for your information) 73

    gadget 25

    gain N 47

    gain access to 33gain control of 76

    gain sbs respect 16

    gale-force winds 4

    gallopN, V 9

    gang 35

    gap 57

    garlic crusher 20

    gatecrasher 26

    gazeN, V 11

    gem 38

    gene 29gene pool 29

    generalization as in make generalizations about 8

    generalize 8, 75

    generate 52

    genetic 71

    genetics 71

    gently 12

    genuine (= real) 55

    genuine (= sincere) 67

    gesture 8

    get a scoop 41

    get acclimatized 32

    get accustomed 32

    get away from it all 21

    get by 63

    get carried away 26

    get hold of 33

    get nowhere 59

    get out of hand 49

    get out of sth 2

    get sb down 54get sb to do sth 2

    get somewhere 59

    get sth across 63

    get the hang of 32

    get there 59

    get through 23

    get to grips with 54

    get-together 26, 58

    get up sbs nose 14

    get used to 32

    getting on (a bit) 80getting on foras in be getting on for 7

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 28 28

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    ghost story 22

    giant 77

    giggle 51

    ginger (= colour of hair) 7

    ginger (= spice) 20

    girder 72give birth 41

    give in 18

    give or take 65

    give sb a say 34

    give sth a go 14

    give sth a try 14

    give sth away (= disclose sth) 15

    give sth away (= lose a game, etc.) 23

    glare N, V 11

    glimpse N, V 11

    gloss over sth 53go as in give sth a go / have a go 14

    go as in have a go at sb 17

    go as in make a go of sth 56

    go-ahead 38

    go back 27

    go bankrupt 46

    go by 57

    go down that road 46

    go down with 63

    go downhill 56

    go for a stroll 9

    go for a hike 9

    go for a wander 21

    go from strength to strength 56

    go in one ear and out of the other 59

    go mad 15

    go off 12

    go on and on 18

    go on at 63

    go out 4

    go pear-shaped 20go red 8

    go to pieces 23

    go under 46

    go up in flames 4

    goad V 52

    goal as in common goal 45

    goalposts as in move the goalposts 39

    gobsmacked 15

    gold 62

    gonna 2

    good as in its no good + ing 59good as in so far, so good 66

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 29 29

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    good as in too good to be true 60

    good as new 55

    good company 26

    good laugh 58

    good run 23

    google sb/sth 31gorgeous 7

    gossipN, V 17

    government funding 37

    gr8 (= great) 73

    gradual decline 29

    grant 34

    grate V 20

    grater 20

    great chance 23

    great difficulty 4

    great honour 4green 28

    grim 43

    gripping 22

    groundbreaking 28

    grounds 35

    group therapy 36

    growing 54

    growing concern 4

    growl 10

    grudge N 76

    gruelling 40

    gtg (= got to go / Ive got to go) 73

    guaranteeN, V 45

    guardN, V 37

    guarded 15

    guerrilla warfare 37

    guess what! 60

    guidelines 7

    gutted 15

    guy 58

    habitat 29hack into 31

    half-truth 53

    halt V 50

    hammer sb 58

    hand (= have a nice day) 73

    hand as in be out of hand 49

    hand sth over 51

    handle 6

    handling 6

    handover 51

    hands as in safe pair of hands 42hang as in get the hang of 32

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 30 30

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    happen to 60

    happen to as in if anything happens to sb


    happy as in not entirely happy 4

    happy-go-lucky 14

    hard-hit 49hard of hearing 80

    hard-wearing 3

    hate as in pet hate 51

    have a go 14

    have a go at sb 17

    have a narrow escape 4

    have a say in sth 34

    have access to 33

    have an eye for sth 25

    have control over 76

    have no desire to do sth 32have sb/sth in mind 59

    have second thoughts 2

    have your cake and eat it 20

    have your eye on sth 25

    hay fever 13

    hazard as in occupational hazard 36

    haze 11

    hazy 11

    head V 42

    head as in off the top of my head 59

    head as in bury your head in the sand 50

    head as in two heads are better than one 66

    head for 25

    head in the right/wrong direction 42

    head towards 25

    headache as in splitting headache 13

    headquarters 73

    healthcare 44

    healthy 47

    hearing as in hard of hearing 80

    hearing from youas in

    I look forward to hearing from you 67heart 6

    heart as in not have the heart to do sth 15

    heart as in wear your heart on your sleeve 15

    heart as in sbs heart is not in sth 15

    heartbroken 15

    heartless 6

    heat V 42

    heated debate 42

    heated discussion 42

    hectic 51

    hedge 24heel 13

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 31 31

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    heighten 75

    helicopter 37

    help yourself to sth 80

    hence 68

    henceforth 68

    herb 20hereditary 71

    heredity 71

    hero 17

    heroine 17

    hide 7

    high blood pressure 13

    high-pitched 10

    high priority 49

    high profile 34

    highlight 69

    hike (= walk in the country) N, V 9hike (= sudden increase) 47

    hindsight as in with hindsight 57

    hint of irony 1

    hips 7

    hit back at 63

    hit the roof 15

    hit as in severely hit 49

    hitherto 68

    hobby 25

    hold as in get hold of 33

    hold sb responsible for 4

    hold sb/sth up 3

    hold-up 3

    home 23

    home as in broken home 18

    honest as in to be honest 64, 79

    honest as in to be perfectly honest 79

    honouras in great honour 4

    honouras in in honour of 77

    hootN, V 10

    hoots of derision 10horn 29

    horrified 15

    host 26

    hostess 26

    hostile 16

    hostile takeover 46

    hostility 16, 32

    house N 6

    housing 6

    how dare you 40

    howl V 10howl in pain 10

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 32 32

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    howl with laughter 10

    HQ (= headquarters) 73

    huge 37

    hum 51

    human remains 55

    human-trafficking 35humble 17

    humiliate 53

    humiliated 53

    humiliated as in be humiliated 60

    humiliation 53

    humility 17

    hustle and bustle 61

    hypocrisy 17

    hypocrite 17

    hypocritical 17

    hypotheses 71hypothesis 69, 71

    hypothesize 69, 71

    hypothetical 71

    hysterical 15

    I agree 64

    I am delighted to inform you that 67

    I am writing in response to 67

    I am writing to enquire whether 67

    I am writing to inform you of my intention to 67

    I am writing to inform you that 67

    I could do with 59

    I have to admit 60

    I havent a clue 59

    I havent the faintest idea 59

    I look forward to hearing from you 67

    I regret to inform you that 67

    I would be grateful if you could 67

    I would like to draw your attention to 67

    idea as in not have the faintest idea 59

    idealist 17

    idealistic 17identify 75

    idiom 59

    idol 17

    idolize 17

    if all else fails 60

    if anything happens to sb 80

    if you dont mind my/me asking 60

    -ify 75

    iirc (= if I remember/recall correctly) 73

    ill- 74

    ill-advised 74ill-informed 74

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 33 33

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    ill-prepared 74

    ill-treated 74

    illusion as in create an illusion 7

    illustrate 69

    illustrious 78

    imagine 75imho (= in my humble opinion) 73

    imitate 24

    imitation 24

    immaculate 33

    immigrant 32

    immigration 32

    imminent 46

    immune system 71

    immunity 71

    impact N 18

    impeccable 19impetuous 14

    implausible 78

    implement V 27

    implementation 27

    implication 8

    imply 8

    impose 27

    imprison 36

    imprisonment 36

    impulse 25

    impulse to do sth 25

    impulsive 14

    in any case 64

    in captivity 29

    in command 37

    in company 26

    in conclusion 68

    in credit 48

    in crisis 36

    in current use 1

    in custody 35in danger 29, 77

    in decline 29

    in due course 57

    in excess of 13

    in exchange for 77

    in good form 23

    in great form 23

    in honour of 77

    in memory of 77

    in mint condition 55

    in motion 72in office 77

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    in passing 77

    in perfect condition 55

    in possession of 77

    in power 77

    in regard to 68

    in reply to 67in reserve 37

    in retrospect 57

    in search of 25

    in season 28

    in sbs way 56

    in tears 15

    in the centre 42

    in the firing line 39

    in the nude 78

    in the process of doing sth 24

    in the public eye 41in the region of 65

    in the way 56

    in the wild 29

    in touch 77

    in transition 27

    in trouble 77

    in turmoil 47

    in view of 68

    inc. 73

    incentive 18

    incident 52

    incidentally 64

    incl. 73

    inclination 50

    inclined to do sth 50

    include 6

    inclusive as in fully inclusive 6

    incoherent 69

    income 48

    incomprehensible 78

    inconceivable 78inconsiderate 14

    incurable 30

    indescribable 6

    indicate 6

    indication 6

    indirectly 79

    indiscreet 7

    indulge in 25

    industrial dispute 50

    industrialize 75

    ineligible 34inevitable 16

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 35 35

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    inevitably 16

    inexcusable 6

    inexplicable 6

    infamous 78

    infested 40

    inflation-proof savings 75information as in should you require any further information 67

    informed as in keep sb informed 33

    inherent 70

    initial 16

    initially 16

    initiative 45

    inmate 36

    innermost thoughts 15

    innovative 55

    inoffensive 19

    insane 70insanity 70

    insert V 71

    insertion 71

    insight into 45

    insipid 12

    insolence 19

    insolent 19

    insoluble 54

    inspection 71

    inspector 35

    inspiration 17

    inspirational 17

    inspire 17

    install 31

    instant as in take an instant dislike to 16

    instinct 15

    instinctive 15

    insult V 1

    insulting 1

    insurmountable 54

    integrate 32integration 32

    integrity 14

    intelligible 78

    intense 75

    intensify 75

    intent on/upon 76

    intention 67

    inter- 74

    interact 74

    interaction 74

    interchangeable 1interdependent 74

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 36 36

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    interest-free 75

    interfere 50

    interference 50

    interiorN, ADJ 37

    interminable 49

    internal 37internet caf 31

    interpret 1

    interpretation 1

    interrelated 74

    interrogate 53

    interrogation 53

    interrupt 63

    interval 57

    intervene in sth 50

    intervention 50

    into 58intrinsic 70

    intrude into sth 41

    intrusion 41

    inundated 49

    invade 30

    invaluable 78

    invariably 79

    invasion 30

    invasive 30

    invest 47

    investigation as in under investigation 77

    investor 47

    invisible 11

    involvement 76

    IQ 73

    ironic 1

    irony 1

    irreversible 27

    irritated 11

    irritation 11

    isolated 21issue a warrant 35

    its about time 57

    its been one of those days 59

    its high time 57

    its more trouble than its worth 60

    its no good + ing 59

    its no use + ing 59

    its none of your business 73

    its not sbs day 59

    its true 64

    itch 13itchy 13

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 37 37

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    itemize 75

    -ize 75

    jamN, V 51

    jargon 31

    jaw 12

    join in 26joint 46

    jointly 46

    jot sth down 49

    jubilant 15

    judge as in dont judge a book by its cover 14

    juggle 45

    jump to conclusions 8

    junior 33

    justifiable 36

    justification 36, 69

    justify 36, 69keep 2

    keep control of 76

    keep sb going 2

    keep sb informed 33

    keep sth in perspective 54

    keep still 11

    keep track of 48

    keep your feet on the ground 60

    keep yourself occupied 6

    key as in the key to 7

    keyhole surgery 33

    kick up a fuss 18

    kidnap 38

    kidnapper 38

    kidnapping 38

    kind of 65

    kip 58

    kitchen scales 20

    knock-on effect 52

    knock sb out of sth 23

    knockout 23labour-saving 28

    ladle V 20

    laid-back 58

    landfill 28

    landfill site 28

    lapse 39

    last chance 23

    last minute as in leave sth to/till the last minute 57

    last-minute 3

    last resort 60

    last thing as in be the last thing on sbs mind 2late as in better late than never 66

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 38 38

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    l8r (= later) 73

    latterN 37

    laugh N 58

    law and order 61

    lawnmower 24

    lay down rules 18lay out 3

    lay siege to 43

    lay sth on 26

    lay the foundations 42

    laze around 21

    lead a charge 9

    leaf 24

    leafas in turn over a new leaf 36

    leaflet 13

    league 23

    leakN 39leak sth to sb 39

    lean towards 8

    leap to conclusions 8

    lease N 67

    least as in at the very least 77

    leave as in maternity/paternity leave 44

    leave sth to sb 2

    leave sth to/till the last minute 57

    leave sth with sb 2

    left-wing 42

    legal battle 39

    legalize 75

    leisure pursuits 25

    lemon squeezer 20

    lemony 12

    lengthen 7

    lentils 20

    let-down 3

    let sb down 3, 23, 56

    let sb go 80

    let sleeping dogs lie 66let your hair down 60

    lethal weapon 37

    lethargic 13

    lethargy 13

    level playing field 39

    level with 53

    Liberal 42

    liberalism 42

    life expectancy 3

    life-threatening 18

    light a fire 4lightly 12

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 39 39

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    lightning never strikes twice 66

    lightning never strikes twice in the same place 66

    like chalk and cheese 20

    like new 55

    likelihood 29

    likely story 59limit as in set a limit 50

    limpN, V 9

    link 31

    literal 1

    literary 1

    live and let live 66

    live at peace with 32

    live in a world of your own 60

    live with 76

    liven sth up 26

    liven up 26load N 72

    loads of 65

    lock sb up 36

    locked in battle 39

    lodged in sth 40

    log 62

    log in/out 31

    log on/off 31

    logic 79

    logical 79

    logically 79

    lol (= laughing out loud) 73

    lol (= lots of love) 73

    loner 26

    long and hard 61

    long-lived 71

    long-sighted 11

    long-term 13

    long weekend 3

    loo 58

    look down on sb 17look forward as in I look forward to hearing from you 67

    look out for 8

    look up 16

    look up to sb 17

    looking back 57

    loosen 7

    loosen up 9

    lose control of 76

    lose face 60

    lose track of 48

    lose your appetite 12lose your temper 15

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 40 40

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    loss 47

    lousy 58

    love (= darling) 58

    love is blind 66

    low blood pressure 13

    low-pitched 10low priority 49

    lower class 19

    luckas in stroke of luck 56

    luckas in no such luck 59

    lucrative 45

    lunch break 57

    lure V 46

    lying down as in not take sth lying down 46

    mad as in go mad 15

    magistrate 35

    magnet 75magnetic 75

    main concern 4

    maintain the status quo 42

    major 54

    major change 27

    make as in What do you make of ? 14

    make a bid for 46

    make a comeback 56

    make a commitment 6

    make a confession 6

    make a dash 9

    make a difference 52

    make a distinction 37

    make a fuss about 18

    make a go of sth 56

    make a meal of sth 20

    make a mess 18

    make a rapid recovery 40

    make a sacrifice 16

    make a speedy recovery 40

    make cutbacks 48make fun of 1

    make generalizations about 8

    make it 56

    make it clear 4

    make it sth 2

    make it up with 63

    make light of 54

    make out (= claim) 63

    make sb feel welcome 26

    make sb/sth out (= see/hear with difficulty) 11

    make that sth 2make things difficult 16

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 41 41

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    make up (= comprise) 37

    make up for 63

    make your mouth water 12

    malice 17

    malicious 17

    malnourished 74manifesto 34

    manners 19

    marchN, V 9

    massageN, V 12

    maternity leave 44

    maternity unit 71

    matteras in as a matter of fact 64

    maximize 28

    mayor 34

    mayoress 34

    meadow 24meal as in make a meal of sth 20

    means 42

    means as in by means of 77

    means as in the end justifies the means 66

    measure 39

    medicine as in complementary medicine 33

    medieval 55

    mediocre 22

    meet the needs of 72

    memory as in in memory of 79

    mentally 79

    merciful 70

    merciless 70

    mercy 70

    merely 37

    merger 46

    merit as in on merit 77

    mess 18

    messy 18

    metaphor 39

    meticulous 33microscope 42

    Middle Ages 55

    middle class 19

    migrant as in economic migrant 32

    migration 32

    military ADJ 37

    military operation 37

    military service 37

    mind as in be the last thing on sbs mind 2

    mind as in bear sth in mind 8

    mind as in bored out of your mind 22mind as in have sb/sth in mind 59

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 42 42

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    mind as in my mind goes a complete blank 59

    mind as in set sbs mind at rest 54

    mind like a sieve 62

    mind you 64

    mind your own business 73

    minds as in be in two minds about 2minimize 28

    minister 38

    minor 54

    minority as in ethnic minority 32

    minute as in at the last minute 57

    mint as in in mint condition 55

    minute as in the minute 25

    mis- 74

    miscalculate 74

    miscast 22

    misconceived 74misconception 74

    misdiagnose 74

    misfire 74

    mishandle 74

    misinform 74

    misinterpret 8

    misinterpretation 8

    misjudge 74

    mislay 74

    mislead 14

    misleading 14

    mismanage 74

    misplace 74

    misprint N 74

    miss out on 63

    missile 37

    mistakeN, V 6

    mistreat 74

    mix V 20

    mix-up 33

    moan V 58moaning 58

    mobilize 37

    mock 1

    model as in role model 18

    moderate ADJ 42

    modernize 75

    moist 11

    molecular 71

    molecule 71

    moment as in at a moments notice 77

    moment as in the moment 25money talks 66

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 43 43

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    morale 45

    more as in the more the merrier 66

    mortality rate 30

    motion 72

    motive 52

    motive as in ulterior motive 2motto 66

    mount V 46

    mount up 48

    mouse 62

    mouth ulcer 13

    mouth-watering 12

    move the goalposts 39

    mow the lawn 24

    msg (= message) 73

    mud 24

    muddle 33muddy 24

    muscle 13

    musty 12

    mutate 71

    mutation 71

    mutual 45

    mutual as in by mutual consent 36

    my mind goes a complete blank 59

    my mind goes blank 59

    myob (= mind your own business) 73

    n (= and) 73

    n (= in) 73

    nag 18

    nail-biting 22

    nail polish 3

    naive 14

    naivety 14

    naked 78

    namely 53

    narrative 69

    narrator 69narrow escape 4

    narrow-minded 3

    nasty 13

    nationalization 50

    nationalize 75

    nationwide 34

    native 32

    natural habitat 29

    naturally 79

    nature 18, 24

    nature reserve 29nauseating 12

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 44 44

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    navy 37

    NB 73

    needless to say 53

    needs as in meet the needs of 72

    neglectN, V 51

    neglect to do sth 51negligence 33

    negligent 33, 78

    negligible 78

    nerve 58

    nestN, V 24

    networkN 34

    neutral 23

    never-ending 3, 49

    nevertheless 64

    new as in like new 55

    new era 57newlyweds 41

    news as in no news is good news 66

    next of kin 3

    nick sth 58

    no chance 59

    no doubt 26

    no matter what 49

    no matter when 49

    no news is good news 66

    no reason 52

    no regard for 76

    no such luck 59

    no way 59

    no wonder 60

    noise 4

    none as in second to none 33

    nose as in get up sbs nose 14

    nose as in poke/stick your nose in sth 51

    nosey 58

    nostalgia 32

    nostalgic 32nosy 58

    not entirely happy 4

    not entirely satisfied 4

    not entirely sure 4

    not exactly bright 80

    not have the faintest idea 59

    not have the heart to do sth 15

    not necessarily 8

    not put a foot wrong 56

    not take sth lying down 46

    nothing is too much trouble 33notice V 6

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 45 45

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    notice as in at short notice 77

    notice as in take notice of 33

    noticeable 6

    notorious 78

    notwithstanding 68

    now and again 57nowhere as in get nowhere 59

    nuclear capability 37

    nuclear reactor 37

    nuclear weapon 37

    nude 78

    nursery rhyme 3

    nurtureN, V 18

    nut 20

    nutcase 20

    nutty 12

    objective 71objectivity 71

    observant 8

    observation 8

    observe 8

    obstacle 56

    obstinacy 8

    obstinate 8

    obvious 27

    obviously 79

    occupant 72

    occupational hazard 36

    occupied 6

    occupy 6

    occur 54

    ocean as in drop in the ocean 39

    -odd 65

    oddly enough 79

    odds as in against all (the) odds 40

    odour 12

    of course 79

    offas in

    be off 25offas in go off 12

    off form 23

    off-putting 3

    off the beaten track 21

    off the top of my head 59

    offence as in take offence 4, 19

    offensive 19

    office as in in office 77

    officially 79

    old-fashioned 1

    on and on as in go on and on 18on at as in go on at 63

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 46 46

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    on balance 77

    on behalf of sb 34

    on fire 4

    on hold 77

    on merit 77

    on principle 17on reflection 77

    on sbs behalf 34

    on standby 28

    on the brink of 38

    on the cards 46

    on the contrary 77

    on the edge of your seat 22

    on the left 42

    on the right 42

    on the rocks 41

    on the surface 14on the verge of sth 23, 24

    on the whole 64

    once as in at once 77

    once bitten, twice shy 66

    one thing leads to another 52

    one time as in at one time 57

    ongoing 27

    only just 11

    opaque 1

    open-minded 3

    operation 37

    opinion poll 39

    opinion as in second opinion 33

    opposed to 42

    opposition 42

    or so 65

    or something 65

    or something along those lines 65

    or something like that 65

    or something of that sort 65

    or something on those lines 65or thereabouts 65

    ordeal 38

    organ 30

    organized crime 35

    origin 6

    originate 6

    oust 38

    out- 25

    out of date 55

    out of hand 49

    out of hours 33out of luck 77

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 47 47

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    out of respect 77

    out of season 28

    out of sight 77

    out of sight, out of mind 66

    out of touch 77

    out of your depth 56outbreak 3

    outcome 52

    outcome as in final outcome 52

    outdoor pursuits 25

    outgoings 48

    outlay 3

    outlineN, V 69

    outlive 25

    outlook 47

    outnumber 25

    outside chance 23outspend 25

    outstanding 78

    outweigh 25

    ovenproof 75

    over- 74

    over the moon 15

    over time 57

    overbook 74

    overcome 54, 56

    overdose 74

    overdraft 48

    overdrawn as in be overdrawn 48

    overemphasize 74

    overload V 74

    overrated 74

    overreact 52

    overwhelm 43

    overwhelmed 49

    owe sb a favour 5

    owl 10

    own company 26own up 63

    ox 62

    pacify 75

    package 44

    packaging 55

    pain 58

    pain in the neck 58

    panel 72

    panic-stricken 3

    papaya 20

    paper clip 3paper jam 51

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 48 48

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    paperas in wrapping paper 1

    parachute 37

    partially sighted 11

    party as in centre party 42

    pass 57

    pass away 80pass on 80

    pass the buck 50

    passer-by 3

    passing as in in passing 77

    passion 14

    passion fruit 20

    passionate 14

    password 31

    past as in be past it 56

    pastime 25

    pat V 12paternity leave 44

    paunch 7

    pay attention 7

    pay dispute 50

    pay sb a compliment 16

    PC (= police constable) 35

    PC (= politically correct) 73

    peacekeeping 37

    peacekeeping force 37

    pear-shaped as in go pear-shaped 20

    peel V 20

    peeler 20

    peer pressure 18

    pejorative 1

    pencil sth in 40

    pension 44

    pent-up 15

    peppery 12

    per 48

    perceive 19

    perennial 54perfect example 4

    performance-related 44

    perks 44

    perplexed 78

    persist 13

    persistent 13

    personality 41

    personalize 75

    personally 79

    perspective as in keep sth in perspective 54

    perspiration 8perspire 8

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 49 49

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    persuade sb to do sth 63

    pertinent 67

    pet hate 51

    phase 1, 57

    phenomena 71

    phenomenal 31phenomenally 22, 31

    phenomenon 71

    phoney N, ADJ 53

    photocopier 51

    physically 79

    pick and choose 61

    pick sb/sth up 63

    pick up 63

    pieces as in go to pieces 23

    pieces as in take sth to pieces 63

    pile up 51pin as in drawing pin 3

    pinch (with fingers) 12

    pinch (= steal) 58

    pitiful 70

    placate 75

    plague 49

    plain 67

    plantN, V 24

    plastic surgery 33

    plausible 78

    play a part 18

    plea 38

    please accept my sincere condolences 67

    please do not hesitate to contact me 67

    please find enclosed 67

    pls (= please) 73

    plummet 30, 47

    plunge 47

    poacher 29

    poaching 29

    point 6point as in theres no point in + ing 59

    point as in breaking point 43

    point as in to the point 67

    pointless 6

    poke fun at 1

    poke your nose in sth 51

    police V 34

    police chief 38

    police constable 35

    police force 35

    police officer 35policing 34

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 50 50

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    political asylum 32

    politically correct 73

    poll 39

    pomegranate 20

    pool V 45

    poor taste as in be in poor taste 19pop in 26

    pop over 26

    pop round 26

    popularize 75

    populated 74

    portray 70

    portrayal 70

    pose a threat to 29

    posh 58

    position 69

    possession as in in possession of 77post 62

    posthumously 53

    pot as in the pot calling the kettle black 66

    potential 56

    pour sth out 15

    poverty 29

    practically 79

    practice makes perfect 66

    practice as in put sth into practice 27

    prbly (= probably) 73

    precedent 50

    precise 1

    precisely 79

    precision 1

    predominantly 79

    prejudice against 32

    prejudiced 32

    present V 69

    presentation 69

    preservation 55

    preserve 55press-up 9

    pressure as in under pressure 23, 47

    presumably 79

    pretentious 14

    prevention is better than cure 66

    previously 55

    price tag 25

    primarily 79

    principal concern 4

    principles 17

    prior to 68prioritize 49

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 51 51

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    priority 49

    privacy 41

    privatization 50

    privatize 50, 75

    proactive 50

    probability 29probeN, V 38

    problem as in tackle a problem 50

    procedure 30, 71

    proceeds 35

    process as in in the process of doing sth 24

    procrastinate 50

    procrastination 50

    productive 49

    profile as in high profile 34

    prolly (= probably) 73

    prolong 57, 63promote 34, 45

    promoted as in be promoted 23

    promotion (= movement up to a higher league) 23

    promotion (= support) 34

    prompt ADJ 49

    prompt V 52

    promptly 49

    prone to 30

    pronounced limp 9

    -proof 75

    proportion 36

    propose 5

    pros and cons 45

    prospect as in face the prospect of 4

    prosperity 70

    prosperous 70

    protagonist 70

    protest as in storm of protest 39

    provision 44

    provocation 52

    provoke 52prudence 50

    prudent 50

    prune V 24

    pry into 41

    PS 73

    PTO (= please turn over) 73

    public eye as in in the public eye 41

    pull a muscle 13

    pull the strings 42

    pull your weight 18

    pulse 20pun 40

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 52 52

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    punctureN, V 40

    pungent 12

    punishing 40

    punishment as in capital punishment 36

    pure 75

    purely 79purely by chance 79

    purify 75

    pursue 27

    pursuit 25

    push V 2

    push and shove 61

    pushy 14

    put 2

    put a strain on 16

    put out as in be put out 19

    put out a fire 4put sb at ease 33

    put sb at their ease 33

    put sth down 80

    put sth into (a bank account) 48

    put sth into practice 27

    put sth into words 2

    put sth right 51

    put sth to sleep 80

    put your feet up 24

    put your foot in it 19

    puzzle V 53

    puzzled 53, 78

    qualification 23

    qualify 23

    quantify 75

    quick-witted 14

    quid 58

    quote V 39

    r (= are) 73

    racket 58

    radical 42radical change 27

    radish 20

    rage as in road rage 52

    rain as in torrential rain 4

    raise 54, 63

    raise funds 29

    raisins 20

    rake N 62

    rally (= support sb) 41

    rally (= increase in value) 47

    ramshackle 55random 43

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 53 53

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    rank 35

    ransom 38

    rash ADJ 14

    rash N 13

    rat-infested 40

    rate N 30rate V 31

    rate as in at any rate 64

    rattleN, V 10

    re- 74

    reach 4

    reactionary 42

    real character 14

    real effort 4

    real eyesore 4

    real pain 58

    realistic 79realistically 79

    realize your potential 56

    reappraise 74

    reason as in for some reason 60

    reason as in no reason 52

    reason as in within reason 14

    reassess 74

    reassure 54

    rebel N 17

    rebel V 17

    rebellious 17

    recall V 73

    recharge your batteries 21

    rechargeable battery 28

    recognition 6

    recognize 6

    recollect 73

    recollection 73

    reconciled as in be reconciled with 63

    reconciled to 76

    reconditioned 55reconstruct 74

    record as in set a record 50

    recover 47

    recovery as in make a rapid/speedy recovery 40

    recuperate 33

    recuperation 33

    recur 9

    recurrent 9

    recycle 28

    recycling 28

    red as in be in the red 48referral 33

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 54 54

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    referred as in be referred to sb 33

    reflect 5

    reflection as in on reflection 77

    reformN, V 27

    refreshing change 27

    refuel 74refuge as in seek/take refuge 32

    refugee 32

    regain your senses 40

    regard sb/sth as 19, 36

    regarding 67, 68

    regardless of 54

    region as in in the region of 65

    registerN 69

    registerV 33

    registered user 31

    regulations as in rules and regulations 61rehab 41

    rehabilitate 36

    rehabilitation 36

    reinforced 72

    reinvent 74

    reject V 46

    rejection 46

    relatively 79

    relax 21

    release V 12

    relegated as in be relegated 23

    relegation 23

    relentless 9

    religious faith 32

    relocation 44

    reluctance 16

    reluctant 16

    remaining 40

    remains 55

    remand V 35

    remanded in custody 35remark 19

    remarkable 21

    remarkably 21

    remedy N 76

    reminiscent of 76

    remote 21

    renovate 55

    reoffend 36

    reoffender 36

    repel 71

    repercussions 52replicate 71

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 55 55

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    reply as in in reply to 67

    represent 70

    representative of 76

    reproduce 55

    reproduction 55

    reputable 6reputation 6

    resent 16

    resentment 16

    reserve 29

    reserve as in in reserve / the reserve 37

    resident N 34, 72

    resigned to 76

    resilience 70

    resilient 70

    resist 27, 72

    resistance 27resistant to 76

    resolution 50

    resolve 50

    resort as in last/final resort 60

    resounding 56

    respectN, V 16

    respectful 19

    response as in I am writing in response to 67

    responsible 4

    rest as in the rest 23

    restoration 21, 27

    restore 21, 27

    restrict 30

    restriction 30, 72, 76

    resume 30

    resumption 30

    retain 21

    retaliate 52, 63

    retaliation 52

    retell 74

    retention 21retribution 36

    retrospect as in in retrospect 57

    reveal 15

    revelation 15

    revenge 36

    reversal 27

    reverse V 27

    reversible 27

    revert back to 27

    revert to 27

    revolting 12rewarding 45

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 56 56

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    rewrite V 74

    rhino 29

    riddle 38

    ride as in bumpy ride 47

    right away 77

    right-wing 42rigorous 49, 72

    rip-off 58

    rip sb off 58

    road as in go down that road 46

    road rage 52

    roarN, V 10

    roar with laughter 10

    rock the boat 42

    rockV 41, 42

    rocks as in on the rocks 41

    rocket V 30, 47role model 18

    roofas in hit the roof 15

    roots 24

    round 23

    round about 65

    RSVP 73

    rubbish 22

    rubble 43

    ruins 55

    rule sth out 38

    rules and regulations 61

    rumbleN, V 10

    rumour 41

    run 31

    run as in bad/good run 23

    run-down 55

    runner-up 23

    runners-up 23

    rushed off your feet 33

    rustleN, V 10

    ruthless 14ruthlessly 49

    s/t (= something) 73

    sacrifice V, N 16

    sae (= stamped addressed envelope) 73

    safe 42

    safe as in better safe than sorry 66

    safe and sound 61

    safe pair of hands 42

    sage 20

    saliva 12

    salty 12same as in all the same 64

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 57 57

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    sample 67

    sand as in bury your head in the sand

    sane 70

    sarcasm 1

    sarcastic 1

    satisfied as in not entirely satisfied 4savings account 48

    say N 34

    saying as in as I was saying 64

    sbs bark is worse than their bite 10

    sbs heart is not in sth 15

    scales as in kitchen scales 20

    scalp 13

    scandal 41

    scanner 30

    scarce 43

    scarcity 43scare sb out of their wits 22

    scathing 39

    scatter 24

    scenery 24

    scenes as in behind the scenes 39

    sceptical about sth 14

    scepticism 14

    scheduleN, V 49

    scheme N 38, 44

    scoop 41

    scrape through 56

    scratch V 13

    screechN, V 10

    scroll V 31

    scroll bar 31

    scrutinize 71

    scrutiny 71

    seal V 73

    search as in do a search 31

    search as in in search of 25

    seasonas in

    in / out of season 28seat as in on the edge of your seat 22

    second-hand 55

    second opinion 33

    second to none 33

    secret as in the secret of your success 56

    seed 24

    seek refuge 32

    segregate 36

    segregation 36

    self- 36

    self-assessment 36self-catering 36

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 58 58

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    self-contained 36

    self-esteem 54

    self-explanatory 1

    sell like hot cakes 62

    senate 38

    senator 38send sb/sth flying 2

    senior 33

    sensational 22

    sense 1

    senses as in regain your senses 40

    sentimental 22

    sequence of events 52

    sergeant 35

    serve 37

    set N 22

    set V 50set a budget 34

    set a date 50

    set a limit 50

    set a precedent 50

    set a record 50

    set a standard 50

    set an example 18, 50

    set fire to 4

    set phrase 59

    set sb/sth back 3

    set sbs mind at rest 54

    set sth aside 49

    set sth off 46

    setback 3, 54

    settle a dispute 4, 50

    settle an argument 4

    settle down 16

    severe 6

    severely hit 49

    severity 6

    shake sth off 63shake sth up 3

    shake-up 3

    shallow 22

    share as in do your fair share 18

    shareholder 46

    shark-infested 40

    shed 24

    sheer desperation 15

    sheet 62

    shellN, V 43

    shelterV 40shockas in culture shock 32

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 59 59

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    shop around 25

    shop till you drop 25

    shopaholic 25

    short cut 3

    short-lived 71

    short-sighted 11short-term 13

    shortage 48

    shortfall 48

    shortly 57

    should you require any further information 67

    shove 61

    show sth off 7

    show up 63

    shrewd 14

    shy 14

    sick and tired of 61side effect 13

    sideways 73

    siege 43

    sieveN, V 20, 62

    sight 11

    simplification 6

    simplify 6, 75

    simply (= just) 79

    simply (= purely) 79

    sincere 67

    single-minded 3

    single sb/sth out 41

    sink in 63

    sink or swim 42

    sit on the fence 69

    sit still 11

    site N 24

    slam V 10

    slang 1

    slash V 47

    sleep like a log 62sleep as in put sth to sleep 80

    slice V 20

    slide 12

    slight accent 4

    slopeN, V 24

    slot machine 3

    sluggish 9

    sluggishness 9

    slumpN, V 47

    small world 66

    smiley 73smuggle 35

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 60 60

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    smuggling 35

    snap sth up 47

    snarl V 10

    sniff 51

    sniper 43

    snob 17so far, so good 66

    soak sth up 21

    soar 47

    sociable 26

    social 79

    socialism 42

    socialist 42

    socialize 26, 75

    socially 79

    software 31

    soil 24solely 45

    solicitor 35

    solidify 75

    soluble 13

    solution 76

    somehow 65

    somehow or other 65

    something 65

    something along those lines 65

    something to do with 65

    somewhat 79

    somewhere as in get somewhere 59

    somewhere in the region of 65

    soon 57

    sooner or later 61

    sorry to keep you waiting 59

    sort as in or something of that sort 65

    sort of 65

    sort sth out 50

    sought after 29

    sound as in safe and sound 61soul 1

    sound effects 22

    soundproof 75

    sour 12

    sour grapes 20

    source N 39

    spade 24

    spam 31

    spamming 31

    spare part 3

    sparkV 39, 52speaking 79

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 61 61

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    special effort 4

    specialize 75

    species 29

    spectacular 11

    speed limit 13

    spell 57spell sth out 67

    spice 20

    spinN, V 42

    spin doctor 42

    spin-off 52

    spine-tingling 22

    spirit 1

    spite 17

    spiteful 17

    spk (= speak) 73

    splashN, V 10splitting headache 13

    spokesman 34

    spokesperson 34

    spokeswoman 34

    spontaneity 14

    spontaneous 14

    spot V 11

    spotless 33

    spotlessly clean 33

    sprain V 13

    spread 4

    spread gossip 17

    spree 25

    sprint V 9

    sprouts as in bean sprouts 20

    squander 8

    squash 20

    squeakV 10

    squeaky 10

    squeeze V 12, 20

    squelch V 10sry (= sorry) 73

    stables 55

    stacks of 65

    stage 1, 57

    staggerV 9

    stake 50

    stake as in at stake 50

    stance 69

    stand-offish 14

    stand still 11

    stand up for 34stand up to 72

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 62 62

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    standard as in set a standard 50

    standardize 75

    standby as in on standby 28

    starving 58

    state V 67

    stated dose 13status quo 42

    stay put 40

    stay still 11

    steadily 12

    steady decline 29

    steam V 20

    steamer 20

    stem N 24

    stem from 76

    stench 12

    step aside 46step down 46

    step sth up 50

    stereotype 32

    stereotypical 32

    stethoscope 30

    stew V 20

    stickN 58

    stick at 63

    stick out 7

    stick to sth 49

    stick up for 16, 34

    stick your nose in sth 51

    stiff 9

    stiffas in bored stiff 22

    stiffness 9

    stifle 45

    still (= mind you) 64

    still (= without moving) 11

    still as in better still 28

    stimulate 12

    stingy 58stir-fry 20

    stomach upset 13

    storm of protest 39

    story 69

    straightaway 77

    straighten 7

    straightforward 67

    strain as in eye strain 11

    strain as in put a strain on 16

    strangely enough 79

    strategic 34strategy 34

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 63 63

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    stray 40

    stream 49

    strength as in go from strength to strength 56

    strengthen 7, 47

    strenuous 9

    stressed out 49stretching 9

    strictly 79

    stride as in take sth in your stride 54

    strike sb as 14

    stringent 72

    strings as in pull the strings 42

    stripe 7

    stroke V 8, 12

    stroke of luck 56

    stroke of sth 56

    strollN, V 9strong accent 4

    strong criticism 4

    stubborn 8

    stubbornness 8

    stuff 65

    stunned 15

    stunning 21

    style 69

    stylistic 69

    subject matter 67

    subject to 76

    subjective 71

    subservient to 76

    subsidize 48

    subsidized 44

    subsidy 48

    substitute N 76

    subtle 12, 27

    subtract sth from 48

    success as in the secret of your success 56

    suffer abuse 6sultanas 20

    sum N 48

    sum sth up 69

    summarize 69

    summary 4, 69

    superficial 22

    superfluous 67

    supple 9

    support 46

    suppress your feelings 15

    sure as in not entirely sure 4surface as in on the surface 14

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 64 64

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    surgeN, V 47

    surgery as in cosmetic/keyhole/plastic surgery 33

    surplus 48

    survey N 41

    survival rate 30s

    sustain 53sustainability 28

    sustainable 28

    swamp 40

    swamped 49

    swampland 40

    sway 72

    sweatN, V 8

    sweeping change 27

    sweet 2

    switch to 28

    symbolize 75synonym 1

    synonymous 1

    synopsis 70

    ta 58

    tabloid 41

    tackle 54

    tackle a problem 50

    tag as in price tag 25

    tail back 3

    tailback 3

    take a chance on sth 40

    take a heavy toll on 29

    take action 40

    take an instant dislike to 16

    take exception to 19

    take in 5

    take it easy 21

    take no notice of 33

    take notice of 33

    take offence 4, 19

    take refuge 32take revenge 36

    take sb in 63

    take sb/sth seriously 34, 54

    take sth apart 63

    take sth away from 48

    take sth in your stride 54

    take sth out (of a bank account) 48

    take sth to pieces 63

    take the blame 4

    take to 14

    takeover 46talk sb into / out of doing sth 63

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 65 65

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    talk sth up 53

    tank 37

    taste as in be in bad/poor taste 19

    tasteful 78

    tasteless 78

    tasty 78tax-free 75

    team spirit 45

    tear (from the eye) 11

    tears as in bored to tears 22

    tears as in burst into tears 4

    tears as in in tears / close to tears 15

    technical 79

    technically 79

    technique 79

    tedious 22

    tell as in to tell you the truth 64temperas in lose your temper 15

    tension 12

    terminate 67

    territorial 29

    territory 29

    thank you for 67

    the best of both worlds 60

    the best thing 59

    the bubble will burst 47

    the draft 37

    the dust settles 46

    the end justifies the means 66

    the faintest idea 59

    the go-ahead 38

    the key to 7

    the military 37

    the minute 25

    the moment 25

    the more the merrier 66

    the pot calling the kettle black 66

    the reserve 37the rest 23

    the secret of 7

    the secret of your success 56

    the thing is 60

    the tide is turning 39

    the way things are 16

    theoretically 79

    theory 71

    therapeutic 36

    therapy 36

    theres no point in + ing 59thereabouts 65

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 66 66

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    thick 2

    thick-skinned 3

    thing as in be the last thing on sbs mind 2

    thing as in the thing is 60

    things 16

    think sth up 9think up 31

    thorough 72

    thoughtful 14

    thrash V 58

    threat as in pose a threat to 29

    threat as in under threat 29

    threatened with 29

    thrifty 48

    thriving 21

    throughout 57

    thus 68thx (= thanks) 73

    tide as in the tide is turning 39

    tied up as in be tied up 2

    tight 58

    tight corner 39

    tight-fisted 58

    tighten 7

    tighten your belt 46

    till 25

    time 57

    time as in as time went by 16

    time-consuming 26

    time flies 57

    times as in behind the times 57

    tip N 40

    tip the balance 46

    tiptoe V 9

    tired as in sick and tired of 61

    TLC (= tender loving care) 73

    tnx (= thanks) 73

    2 (= to) 73to a degree 45

    to a large extent 64

    to an extent 45

    to be honest 64, 79

    to be perfectly honest 79

    to sbs face 16

    to tell you the truth 64

    to the point 67

    2day (= today) 73

    2moro (= tomorrow) 73

    2nite (= tonight) 73toll as in take a heavy toll on 29

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 67 67

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    tone 67

    tongue-tied 3

    tons of 65

    2 (= too) 73

    too good to be true 60

    top as in be on top 23top priority 49

    torrential rain 4

    total chaos 4

    touch as in in / out of touch 77

    tough 16

    tower 55

    toxic 28

    trace V 55

    trace of irony 1

    trackas in off the beaten track 21

    traditional 79traditionally 79

    trafficking 35

    train of thought 49

    trait 14

    transaction 48

    transform 27

    transformation 27

    transition 27

    transparent 1

    transplant N 30

    transplant V 30

    travel agency 34

    travel expenses 44

    travelling expenses 44

    trekN, V 21

    trial as in clinical trial 33

    trial and error 61

    tricky 56

    triggerV 47

    trivial 54

    tropical 20trouble as in in trouble 77

    trouble as in its more trouble than its worth 60

    trouble as in nothing is too much trouble 33

    trouble-free 75

    true as in its true 64

    true as in too good to be true 60

    truly 79

    trustworthy 14

    truth as in economical with the truth 53

    truth as in to tell you the truth 64

    ttyl (= talk to you later) 73tumble dryer 28

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 68 68

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    turbulence 47

    turbulent 47

    turmoil 47

    turn as in the tide is turning 39

    turn out (= attend an event) 3

    turn out badly 56turn out well 56

    turn over a new leaf 36

    turn sth down 46

    turn up 63

    turnout 3

    twist N (in a plot) 22

    twist V (twist your ankle) 13

    two heads are better than one 66

    two wrongs dont make a right 66

    u (= you) 73

    ulterior motive 2ultimately 79

    ultra- 55

    ultra-cautious 55

    ultra-modern 55

    un- 74

    unanimous 22

    unanimously 22

    unappealing 18

    unappetizing 12

    unarmed combat 37

    unbeaten 23

    unbiased 71

    uncomfortable 15

    unconvincing 22, 78

    uncooked 74

    under 77

    under- 74

    under attack 77

    under construction 77

    under control 49

    under discussion 77under investigation 77

    under pressure 23, 47

    under the microscope 42

    under the weather 59

    under threat 29

    undercooked 74

    underdeveloped 74

    underemployed 74

    underfed 74

    undergo 21

    underlying 47undermine 45

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 69 69

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    undernourished 74

    underpaid 74

    underpin 47

    underprivileged 74

    underrated 74

    undersold 74undeveloped 74

    uneasy 15

    unemployed 74

    uneventful 6

    unflattering 7

    unforgivable 6

    unfurnished 6

    unintelligible 78

    unique 21

    unit 71

    unlike 70unmitigated 56

    unofficially 79

    unpaid 74

    unpalatable 53

    unproductive 49

    unsold 74

    unspoilt 21

    unstuckas in come unstuck 56

    unwilling 16

    unwind 21

    up against it 56

    up to date 55

    upload 31

    upper class 19

    uprooted as inbe uprooted 32

    ups and downs 16

    upset stomach 13

    upwards 19

    urge (sb to do) sth 38

    urgent 54

    useas in

    its no use + ing 59useras in registered user 31

    user-friendly 28

    username 31

    usual 19

    utter 22

    utter chaos 4

    vaccinate 30

    vaccination 30

    vaccine 30

    value V 45

    valueless 78values 17

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 70 70

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    vandalism 75

    vandalize 75

    vanish into thin air 11

    vast 37

    venture 28

    venue 23verge as in on the verge of sth 23, 24

    verification 71

    verify 71

    vertical 72

    vertical load 72

    vibrant 21

    vice 14

    victorious 23

    victory 23

    video clip 31

    videoblog 31view V 19

    view as in in view of 68

    vigorously 12

    vile 58

    virtual 31

    virtually 1, 79

    virtue 14

    virtuous 14

    virus 31

    visible 11

    vision 11

    visualize 75

    visually impaired 80

    volatile 47

    volatility 47

    voluntary 34

    voluntary sector 34

    volunteer 34

    vow N 38

    vow to do sth 38

    vulgar 17vulnerable 15

    w/ (= with) 73

    w/o (= without) 73

    waiting as in sorry to keep you waiting 59

    wander 21

    wanderas in go for a wander 21

    war zone 43

    warfare 37

    warily 11

    warm up (= become interesting) 26

    warm up (= do physical exercises) 9warm welcome 26

    OWS Advanced list + phonetics 71 71

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    warrant 35

    waterV 12

    wateras in fish out of water 20

    water-saving 28

    waterproof 75

    wayADV 56way as in by the way 64

    way as in in sbs/the way 56

    way as in no way 59

    way as in the way things are 16

    weaken 7, 47

    weapon 37

    wear off 63

    wear your heart on your sleeve 15

    weatheras in under the weather 59

    web browser 31

    weeding as in do the weeding 24weeds 24

    weekend as in long weekend 3

    weight as in pull your weight 18

    weird 78

    welcome N, ADJ 26

    welcome change 27

    What a cheek! 19, 58

    What a disgrace! 19

    What a nerve! 58

    What can you expect? 18

    What do you expect? 18

    What do you make of ? 14

    What on earth . . . ? 60

    whatever 49

    wheelchairas in be confined to a wheelchair 30

    whenever 49

    Where on earth . . . ? 60

    wherever 49

    whiskN 20

    white lie 53

    wholesale change 27wicked 78

    widespread criticism 4

    widespread damage 4

    wild as in in the wild 29

    wildlife 24

    wildlife reserve 29

    win sbs respect 16

    wind sth up 46

    winds as in gale-force winds 4

    winkV 73

    wipe sb/sth out 29, 30wipe sth off sth 47

    OWS Advanced list + phon

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