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List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

Algeria 07.02.2012 EU Delegation (Alger) Not specified Live ruminants from BE, DE, FR, NL and UK

Not officially published

Argentina 24.02.2012 Mission of Argentina in Brussels

Not specified New import conditions for bovine and bull semen and embryos

Argentina has the same requirements for semen and embryo imports as Brazil (see Brazil)

Australia 10.05.2012 WTO SPS Not. G/SPS/N/AUS/295 –



Duration not specified

New certification requirements for semen and embryos of cattle, sheep and goat from the EU


Pending the development and approval of an appropriate, validated ELISA or a satisfactory body of evidence that SBV is not likely to be present in semen and/or embryos at a level likely to transmit the virus, the following shall be inserted into veterinary certification for importation of semen and embryos of bovine, ovine and caprine animals from Europe collected after 1 June 2011:

Prior to the export of this consignment each semen/embryo donor must be certified as follows for Schmallenberg virus:

For semen/embryo collected on or after 1 June 2011, a virus neutralisation test for antibody to the Schmallenberg virus on a blood sample collected

either between fourteen (14) and sixty (60) days after last collection of semen/embryo from the donor for this consignment with negative results

or between fourteen (14) and sixty (60) days before first collection of semen/embryo from the donor for this consignment with positive results

Belarus 28.03.2012 EU Delegation (Minsk) 23.03.2012 Cattle, small cattle, swine Import restrictions for semen and embryos are equal to those for Russia and Kazahkstan (see Russia)

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

Bosnia and Herzegovina

09.03.2012 EU Industry 20.03.2012

Duration not specified

Additional requirements for live ruminants and semen from affected countries (OIE technical factsheet of the SCAD is referred to)

live ruminants and semen must be accompanied by an additional declaration delivered by the official veterinarian stating that:

The animals:- Either, have been protected against vectors attack in vector protected establishments for at least 60 days prior to shipment and during transport to destination;- Either, have been protected against vectors attack in vector protected establishments for at least 28 days prior to shipment and during transport to destination, and were subject during that period to a serological test to detect SBV antibodies, with negative results, carried out at least 28 days after introduction into the vector protected establishments;- Either, have been protected against vectors attack in vector protected establishments for at least 14 days prior to shipment and during transport to destination, and were subject during that period to an agent identification test, with negative results, carried out at least 14 days after introduction into the vector protected establishments;

For semen, the donor animals:- Either, were kept in a vector protected establishments for at least 60 days before the collection of the semen;- Either, were subject to a serological test to detect SBV, with negative results, at least every 60 days throughout the collection period and between 21 and 60 days after the final collection for the consignment;- Either, were subject to an agent identification test on blood samples collected at commencement and conclusion of, and at least every 7 days (virus isolation test) or at least every 28 days (RT-PCR test) during semen collection for the consignment, with negative results.

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

Brazil 09.03.2012 IT 27.02.2012

Duration not specified

Ruminant genetic material from affected countries

Memo Circular 23/2012 – DSA (MAPA): Imports suspended from countries that notified or will notify the disease. Import permits previously issued are now cancelled.

WTO SPS Not. G/SPS/N/BRA/798 –


31.07.2012 G/SPS/N/BRA/798/Add.131 July 2012


Duration not specified

Ruminant genetic material from affected countries

Prohibition to import genetic materials from ruminants from countries with notified cases of Schmallenberg virus

It has been established sanitary conditions to allow the importation of genetic material from ruminants coming from countries with notified cases of Schmallenberg virus.

1. Semen:

1.1. It has been collected before 1 June 2011; or

1.2. In the center for artificial insemination, no case of Schmallenberg disease has been registered for at least 30 (thirty) days earlier than the first semen collection and at least 30 (thirty) days after the last semen collection for export; and

1.3. Two serological tests resulting negative to Schmallenberg virus for donors of semen intended to be exported, being the first sample caught on the same day of collection of semen to be exported and the second sample collected between 21 (twenty one) and 60 (sixty) days after the last collection of the semen to be exported.

2. Embryos:

2.1. They have been collected before 1 July 2011; or

2.2. In the place of origin of the donors as well as in the center of collection and embryo production no case of Schmallenberg disease has been registered for at least 30 (thirty) days earlier than the embryo collection and at least 30 (thirty) days after the last embryo collection for export; and

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

2.3. Two serological tests resulting negative to Schmallenber virus for donors of embryo to be exported, being the first sample caught on the same day of collection of embryo to be exported and the second sample caught between 21 (twenty one) and 60 (sixty) days after the last collection of the embryo to be exported; and

2.4. Semen used for production of embryo to be exported must follow the above-mentioned conditions.

Imports of live animals from countries with reported cases of the disease remain suspended.

02.04.2013 WTO SPS Not. G/SPS/N/BRA/798/Rev.1

– 12.03.2012

05.03.2013 Ruminant genetic material from affected countries

1. Semen:

I - The semen is originated from a country in which no case of Schmallenberg disease has ever been recorded; or,

II - It has been collected before 1 July 2011; or

III - In the center for artificial insemination, no case of Schmallenberg disease has been registered for at least 30 (thirty) days earlier than the semen collection and at least 30 (thirty) days after the last semen collection for export; and

IV - Two serological tests recommended by the OIE resulting negative to Schmallenberg virus for donors of semen intended to be exported, being the first sample caught on the same day of the first collection of semen to be exported and the second sample collected between 21 (twenty one) and 60 (sixty) days after the last collection of the semen to be exported.

2. Embryos:

I - The embryos originated from a country in which no case of Schmallenberg disease has ever been recorded; or,

II - They have been collected before 1 July 2011; or

III - In the place of origin of the donors as well as in the center of

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

embryo collection no case of Schmallenberg disease has been registered for at least 30 (thirty) days earlier than the embryo collection and at least 30 (thirty) days after the last embryo collection for export; and

IV - Two serological tests recommended by the OIE resulting negative to Schmallenber virus for donors of embryo to be exported, being the first sample caught on the same day of collection of embryo to be exported and the second sample caught between 21 (twenty one) and 60 (sixty) days after the last collection of the embryo to be exported; and

V - Semen used for production of embryo to be exported must follow the above-mentioned conditions for exports of semen.

Canada 01.05.2012 EU Delegation (Ottawa) 27.04.2012

Duration not specified

Bovine, bison, water buffalo, sheep and goat semen, as well as bovine and bison embryos, collected

since 1 June

Animals must test negative for the Schmallenberg virus before their semen or embryos can enter Canada from countries in the European Union. Genetic material collected before 1 June 2011 is not subject to additional requirements.Additional declaration for the export of bivne semn to Canada

1. the semen in this consignment was collected before 01-06-2011; or *

2. the semen in this consignment was collected since June 1, 2011 and the donor(s) has (have) been be tested with negative results on a virus neutralization test (VNT), or on another serological test approved by the CFIA, in a lab approved by the competent veterinary authority, within the 30 days prior to the start of the collection of semen intended for export to Canada; and the donor(s) has (have) been tested with negative results on a virus neutralization test (VNT), or on another serological test approved by the CFIA, in a lab approved by the competent veterinary authority, between 28 and 100 days after the last collection date of

25.05.2012 WTO SPS Not. G/SPS/N/CAN/604

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

semen intended for export to Canada; andif the donor (s) was (were) collected on more than one occasion for export to Canada, the donor(s) has (have) been tested as described above, and in addition, the test has been repeated at least every 60 days with negative results throughout the collection period.

Chile 10/05/2012


WTO SPS Not. G/SPS/N/CHL/386 –


WTO SPS Not. G/SPS/N/CHL/432 –




Duration not specified

Import suspension of live bovine, ovine and caprine from affected countries

RESOLUCION EX. Nº 1.999 of 10 April 2012: Transitory suspension of imports of live animals of bovine, ovine, and caprine species from countries affected by Schmallenberg virus, until the veterinary service of the affected countries confirm that there are no more outbreaks of the disease, and a risk analysis performed by "Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero" of Chile shows a negligible risk of such consignments to transmit Schmallenberg virus.

The notified text (CHL/432) establishes preventive measures for artificial insemination centres in countries where the presence of the Schmallenberg virus disease has been reported and which export bovine semen to Chile.MEASURES WITHDRAWN: Withdrawal of emergency measures on the import of bovine semen due to Schmallenberg virus: Derogation of Resolution 3.091 of 2013 which sets up SPS measures to prevent the introduction of Schmallenberg virus into Chile.

China 16.05.2012 EU Delegation in Beijing 16.05.2012Duration not


Bovine and ovine semen and embryos, collected after 1 June 2011, from BE, DE, ES, FR, IT, LX, NL and UK.

Notice No. 67 – China temporarily forbids the import of bovine semen, bovine embryos, ovine semen and ovine embryos produced after 1 June 2011, from countries where the disease was found.Several cooperation activities took place under EUCTP.Next opportunity for technical exchange is during DK/FR study visit tour of China MOA experts from 2-10 June 2014.

Colombia October 2013

Industry Bovine and buffalo semen from affected

Information uploaded in ICA/SISPAP (Information on SPS import export requirements

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

countries (https://afrodita.ica.gov.co/Security/VW_CONSUL_REQUISITOS.aspx)

Additional declaration refer to Schmallenberg disease is required:

1. Semen

1.1. It has been collected before 1 July 2011 and PCR test was performed with negative results.

1.2. In the center for artificial insemination, no case of Schmallenberg disease has been registered for at least 30 (thirty) days earlier than the first semen collection and at least 30 (thirty) days after the last semen collection for export;


1.3. Two serological tests resulting negative to Schmallenberg virus for donors of semen intended to be exported, being the first sample caught on the same day of collection of semen to be exported and the second sample collected between 21 (twenty one) and 60 (sixty) days after the last collection of the semen to be exported.

2. Embryos:2.1. They have been collected before 1 July 2011;


2.2. In the place of origin of the donors as well as in the center of collection and embryo production no case of of Schmallenberg disease has been registered for at least 30 (thirty) days earlier than the embryo collection and at least 30 (thirty) days after the last embryo collection for export;


2.3. Two serological tests resulting negative to Schmallenberg virus for donors of embryo to be exported, being the first sample caught on the

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

same day of collection of embryo to be exported and the second sample caught between 21 (twenty one) and 60 (sixty) days after the last collection of the embryo to be exported; and

2.4. Semen used for production of embryo to be exported must follow conditions required to Schmallenber virus.

Costa Rica 1.5.2013



G/SPS/N/CR/139Duration not


Bovine semen collected after 21 November 2011

Bovine semen and embryos from EU affected countries.

Information from industry in October 2013: Costa Rica started a WTO procedure,

Resolution SENASA-DG-R046-2013: Prohibition to import bovine semen from seropositive animals. Imports of bovine semen and embryos from ruminants from countries with notified cases of Schmallenberg virus are allowed provided that:1. Semen and embryos have been collected before 1 June 20112. For hose collected after 1 June 2011, two serological tests resulting negative to Schmallenberg virus for donors of semen/embryos intended to be exported, being the first sample caught 30 days before the collection of semen/embryos to be exported and the second sample collected between 28 (twenty eight) and 60 (sixty) days after the last collection of the semen/embryos to be exported.

Egypt 30.01.2012 EU Delegation (Cairo) 30.01.2012

Duration not specified

Live cattle, beef and dairy from BE, DE, FR, NL and UK.

Not officially published, but an oral explanation from Egypt GOVS to the EU Delegation: "the delivery of new licenses (on live animals, meat and dairy) from the 5 concerned countries is delayed". In practical terms, imports are blocked.


Faxes from the General Organisation for

Veterinary Services (GOVS) to the EU


Until obtaining clarification from OIE

Live animals, their products and semen, except milk powder, from affected countries

Decision of the scientific committee of GOVS: "temporary suspend the importation of living animals, their products and semen; imports of heat treated milk powder are allowed (from countries that notify the presence of cases of SBV till obtaining complete clarify about the situation from the OIE)".

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

Delegation in Cairo06.03.2012 06.03.2012

Duration not specified

Live animals and semen are banned; milk, dairy products and meat are allowed (with conditions)

Decision of the scientific committee of GOVS: "import of live animals for immediate slaughter, rearing or pregnant heifers, and semen, are not allowed (from EU countries where Schmallenberg virus was recorded); allows imports of milk and milk products from Europe, with a health certificate attesting that herds and farms are free from SBV and that products were heated sufficiently; allows imports of de-boned meat, with a health certificate attesting that the source of meat is from animals and farms free from SBV".

SEMEN: Egypt accepts semen from seronegative bulls and semen collected before 1 June 2011

04.04.2012 WTO SPS Notification - ref. G/SPS/N/EGY/48 (deadline for comments



05.05.2012 Letter from the General Organisation for

Veterinary Services (GOVS) to the EU Delegation in Cairo

05.05.2012 Milk, milk products and meat

GOVS allowed importation of milk, milk products and meat from the EU and accompanied by health certificates mentioning that "the products are free from any infectious or epidemiological diseases only". The Commission understands that the "old" health certificates can be used again (before the SBV measures were introduced), and suggests EU Member States to test the market and inform the Commission if any problem occurs.

10.07.2012 Fax from the General Organisation for

Veterinary Services (GOVS) to the EU Delegation in Cairo

10.07.2012 Live animals GOVS allows importation of live animals from EU countries especially the countries was recorded Schmallenberg virus by the following conditions:1- The animals identified on the health certificate as do not come from herds or areas infected or suspected to be infected by Schmallenberg virus.2 - The animals must be tested for Schmallenberg virus by PCR test and must be negative results

Equator 23.04.2012 FR 20.04.2012 Live animals and genetic material (semen and

Resolution n. 0058 of 20.04.2012, of "Agrocalidad": Temporary suspension of imports of live animals and genetic

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)



EU Delegation (Quito)


Duration depending on scientific or

epidemiological developments

embryos) of cattle, sheep, goats and bison, coming from BE, DE, ES, FR, IT, LX, NL and UK.

material from susceptible species. The list of countries affected might be reviewed according to epidemiological developments.

Resolution n. 00140 of 9.09.2012 of Agrocalidad (derogates resolution 58 of 2012): Temporary ban on genetic material originated from DE, LX, UK, ES, FR, IT, BE. Material coming from DE, ES and IT collected before 1 June 2011 are allowed to enter into Ecuador provided that they comply with import requirements, which requires all consignments to be accompanied by the collecting and releasing date.

Japan 21.02.2012 EU Delegation (Tokyo) 21.02.2012

Duration not specified

Requirements for the import of bovine semen and embryos

The veterinary certificate should state that the embryo donor has been free from clinical signs suspected of Schmallenberg or if the embryo donor showed clinical sign of Schmallenberg virus infection, the embryo donor must be negative to diagnostic test for Schmallenberg virus.

30.07.2012 Japan authorities 30.07.2012 Bovine semen (DE, NL and IT)

Today, we would like to inform you about the revision of animal health requirements for bovine semen to be exported to Japan from Germany, the Netherlands and Italy.

Following the outbreaks of Schmallenberg virus infection in Western Europe, Japanese authority (MAFF) has requested three countries’ authorities to certify the exported bovine semen with the additional requirement for Schmallenberg virus infection on February 21, 2012.

Taking into account the technical factsheet issued by OIE in May 2012 referring to “Experimental infection in cattle and sheep showed no clinical signs or mild symptoms”, Japanese authority makes the revision of the additional requirement to add testing requirements for Schmallenberg virus as from July 30, 2012.

Revised requirements:

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

The donor bull must be subjected to the following test for Schmallenberg virus (Only applied for semen which was collected on and after April 1,2011):

(1) PCR or virus isolation on serum from each collection days of semen for this consignment with negative result,


(2) Serum neutralization test, ELISA or IFA on serum collected between 21 and 60 days after collection of semen for this consignment with negative result,


(3) Serum neutralization test, ELISA or IFA on serum collected between 21 and 60 days before collection of semen for this consignment with positive result. Method, sampling date, result and the name and address of the testing laboratory must be stated on the health certificate.

Jordan 17.02.2012 NL in the SCFCAH Not specified Live ruminants Import permits suspended for live ruminants

Kazakhstan 17.02.2012 FR in the SCFCAH Not specified Live ruminants Import permits suspended for live ruminants

24.02.2012 Official letter to SANCO


Duration not specified

Live ruminants, meat and genetic materials (from BE, DE, NL and FR).

Temporary ban on the import of cattle and small ruminants and their genetic materials from BE, DE, FR and NL.Import permits (previously issued or new) suspended for live ruminants, meat and genetic materials

Korea 18.04.2012 EU Delegation in Seoul Not applicable Bovine Semen Although exports have not started yet, Korea has frozen the import approval procedure for FR and NL (e.g. by delaying inspection missions)

Kuwait 23.03.2012 through

Trade counsellor Unknown Bovine embryos and live Veterinary certificates for bovine embryos (KW EMA MAR

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

delegation Riyadh

Delegation is seeking official confirmation and documentation

cattle 11) and live cattle (KW BVA FEV 12) were modified:

- Embryos: Safety measures applicable to Akabane virus should be followed. With further research, the measures should be reviewed and specified.

- Dairy cattle must not come from a holding infected or suspect or SBV and animals must be subject to PCR test 7 days after being transferred to a vector-free holding OR have undergone two negative serological tests in 28 day intervals in quarantine.

Lebanon 03.02.2012 EU Delegation in Lebanon


Duration not specified

Live cattle and small ruminants from BE, DE, FR, NL and UK

Not officially published - Temporary suspension for imports of live cattle and small ruminants from The EU. Additional import conditions agreed with one MS.

08.06.2012 14.05.2012

Duration not specified

Live bovines, ovines and caprines

Decision number 432/1 of the Ministry of Agriculture - Conditions of importing livestock from the countries where Schmallenberg SBV cases were detected Importing livestock and non-pregnant females for slaughter or breeding (cattle, sheep, and goat) from countries where Schmallenberg SBV cases were detected is allowed, provided that a certificate issued by the relevant veterinary authority in the country of origin confirms that no animal of the shipment is infected by Schmallenberg SBV.Importing cattle, sheep, and goat pregnant females from these countries is allowed, provided that each animal has an individual SNT certificate (holding the serial number of the animal) from an accredited laboratory confirming that the animal is not infected by Schmallenberg SBV.

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

Mexico 17.1.2012

FR: 21.02.2012

EU Delegation in Mexico DF


Duration not specified

Ruminant semen, ovocytes and embryos from BE, DE, NL and FR.

Ban on the imports of genetic material of ovine, bovine and caprine from NL, BE DE and FR. Epidemiological information and measures put in place has been requested to NL, BE, DE and FR and the information has been sent.

5.9.2013 Mexico Competent Authority

Not specified Bovine semen Export certificate includes the following:1. It comes from a country which has never registered cases of Schmallenberg disease; or2. It has been collected before 1st June 2011, or3. For semen collected after 1st June 2011, donor animals did not present clinical signs, during and after its collection and were subject to a serological test for detecting antibodies of Schmallenberg virus, between 28 and 60 days after collection for its embarking with negative results; or4. For donor animals with positive results of the serological test or for those whose SBV status is unknown, each semen lot should be tested to ensure the presence of the genome for the virus with the RNA extraction and RT-qPCR system with negative results. Diagnosis tests were performed in official laboratories.

The European Commission has been informed by the Mexican veterinary authorities (SENASICA) that, Mexico has lifted the suspension of the import of all ruminant genetic material from EU member States, which was imposed on 15 January 2012 due to the outbreak of Schmallenberg virus in certain EU Member States in 2011.The effective date of the lifting of suspension is 21 August 2012.The conditions that apply to the export of these commodities revert to those published in the Hojas de Requisitos

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

Zoosanitarios (HRZ) until the ongoing EU negotiations with the Mexican authorities on harmonised certificates for ruminant genetic material are completed. Link to HRZ:http://sistemas2.senasica.gob.mx/mcrz/moduloConsulta.jsf

Morocco 22.02.2012 BE 22.02.2012

Duration not specified

Bovine semen (from BE) Bovine semen collected since January 2012 must be accompanied by a sanitary certificate delivered by the official authorities stating that a test was carried out for SBV with negative result. (originated from BE)

27.02.2012 EU Industry 25.02.2012

Duration not specified

Live cattle (from DE)

Semen (all ruminants?) (from DE)

Animals: Consignments of cattle that are ready for direct import into Morocco (the animals are in assembly centres): Upon import into Morocco, the animals must be accompanied by an additional health certificate, issued by an official approved veterinary authority, attesting that the animals come from holdings where no cases (infection or disease) of the SBV were detected during the previous 3 months before their were dispatched to Morocco.

From 5.3.2012: All cattle from Germany to Morocco shall be accompanied by an additional health certificate, issued by an official approved veterinary authority, attesting that: a) The animals come from holdings where no cases (infection or disease) of the SBV were detected during the previous 3 months before their were dispatched to Morocco; b) The animals have been protected, during their whole stay in an assembly centre or a quarantine station, against midge insects or other vectors transmitting the disease; c) Animals were (blood) tested within 7 days after the entering into force of the import measures in the quarantine station for detecting the SBV by means of the PCR test with negative result.

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

Semen: Semen that was collected from September 2011 onwards shall be accompanied by an additional health certificate, issued by an official approved veterinary authority, attesting that it has been tested for the purpose of detecting the Schmallenberg Virus with negative result before dispatch to Morocco.

Morocco (cont.) 28.02.2012 From EU DEL who received input from

Morocco (oral information)

25.02.2012 and 5.03.2012

Live cattle (from BE, DE, FR, IT, NL and UK)

Semen (all ruminants?) (from BE, DE, FR, IT, NL and UK)

According to representative of ONSSA following EU MS have received a letter similar to letter sent to Germany: Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, United Kingdom (same measures apply; see above for Germany).

04.09.2013 From EU DEL who received input from


- Bovines, ovines, caprines and their semen

Additional attestations (website of ONSSA, at www.onssa.gov.ma) – see in “Import/Export” the following the links:

- Bovines, ovines and caprines: http://www.onssa.gov.ma/onssa/fr/importation_animaux_bovins.php

- Semen: http://www.onssa.gov.ma/onssa/fr/imp_semences.php

Oman 23.05.2012 WTO SPS Committee 13.05.2012 Genetic material (embryos and semen) from affected countries

Oman notified on 23.05.2012 to the WTO SPS Committee (ref. OMN/47) the Ministerial Decree Number 119/2012.

Requirements are same as Egypt: accepts semen from seronegative bulls and semen collected before 1 June 2011

Peru Published in "El Peruano", the official

legal act publication of Peru, on 5 April 2012

04.04.2012 Semen and embryos of bovine, ovine and caprine animals from affected countries

Bovine and ovine/caprine semen:1. It comes from a country which has never registered cases of Schmallenberg disease; or2. It has been collected before 1st June 2011, or3. In the artificial insemination centre, at least 30 (30) days before the semen collection and at least 30 (30) days after the

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

last semen collection for this export, no cases of Schmallenberg disease have been registered, andThe donors of the semen to be exported where negative to two serological tests recommended by the OIE, the first over a sample taken on the day of the first collection of semen to be exported and the second over a sample taken between twenty one (21) and sixty (60) days after the last collection of semen to be exported.

Bovine and ovine/caprine embryos:1. It comes from a country which has never registered cases of Schmallenberg disease; or2. It has been collected before 1st June 2011, or3. No cases of the disease have been registered in the resident animals, at least 30 (30) days before the embryo collection and at least 30 (30) days after the last embryo collection for this export, no cases of Schmallenberg disease have been registered, andThe donors of the embryos where negative to two serological tests recommended by the OIE, the first over a sample taken on the day of the first collection of semen to be exported and the second over a sample taken between twenty one (21) and sixty (60) days after the last collection of embryos to be exported, and,4. The semen used for the production of embryos to be exported fulfils the above mentioned conditions.

Peru accepts semen from seronegative (testing only after semen collection) and seropositivie bulls (based on blood testing and most probably in the near future on PCR semen testing).

Russian Federation

17.1.2012 EU Delegation in Moscow


Duration not specified

live small ruminants, meat, by-products, semen and embryos (from BE, DE

Temporary restrictions on deliveries of live small ruminants, meat, by-products, semen and embryos from Germany, the

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

and NL). Netherlands and Belgium to the Russian Federation.

30.01.2012 Meeting with Rosselkhoznadzor on

Schmallenberg, 30.01.2012


Duration not specified

Live ruminants (cattle, sheep and goats), its semen and embryos (from BE, DE, FR, NL and UK).

In addition to previous measures

Saudi-Arabia EU Delegation in Ryadh Live small ruminants Resolution No. 174 842 dated  01/07/1433 (22/5/2012) stops issuing permissions on import of sheep, goats and deer, ruminants from countries of the European Union because of the disease until the completion of Schmallenberg virus Epidemiological studies on the disease.

Serbia Industry information received in Oct. 2013

Semen has to be collected before 1 June 2011 or semen (also from seronegative bulls) has to be PCR tested

South Africa Industry information received in Oct. 2013

The Directorate Animal Health has suspended the issuing of veterinary import permits for the importation of ruminant semen from countries in which Schmallenberg virus is present. The Directorate Animal Health is in the process of executing a risk review on the current scientific information available. Until this process is finalised, South Africa halts the importation of ruminant semen and embryos into South Africa.

South-Africa can, however, authorise bovine semen and embryos with specific conditions to be agreed for exporting countries, if they can give guarantees for their safety.

Turkey 17.02.2012 NL in the SCFCAH Duration not specified Live cattle Import permits suspended for live cattle

15.03.2012 EU Delegation in Ankara 13.03.2012

Duration not specified

Cattle for breeding and fattening

Ban will be lifted once the exporting countries provide guarantees on the basis of OIE recommendations.

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

04.09.2013 EU Delegation in Ankara Duration not specified Several Import conditions exist to: a) fattening cattle and sheep/goats; breeding sheep/goat; breeding Cattle; slaughtering cattle and sheep/goats.

Ukraine 06.02.2012 Official letter to SANCO


Duration not specified

Cattle and small ruminants and their genetic materials from (BE, DE, FR, NL and UK).

Temporary ban on the import of cattle and small ruminants and their genetic materials from BE, DE, FR, NL and UK

09.02.2012 WTO SPS notification 01.02.2012

Duration not specified

Cattle and small ruminants from BE, DE and NL.

Small ruminants from FR, and UK)

Import of cattle and small cattle from the territory of BE, DE and the NL, and small cattle from the territory of FR and the UK are not allowed as of 1.2.2012. Imports of other commodities from these countries should be carried out according to veterinary requirements for imports into Ukraine of products subject to state veterinary and sanitary control and supervision.

25.07.2012 G/SPS/N/UKR/81 25 July 2012

Duration not specified

Pedigree small cattle and cattle from BE, FR, DE, IT, LUX, NL, UK

Allowing import into Ukraine of small cattle and cattle from Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, United Kingdom providing certification that the cattle originates from disease free farms and has negative enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) results.

26.04.2013 WTO SPS notification G/SPS/N/UKR/89

10.04.2013 Cattle and small ruminants and their genetic materials from AT, BE, DE, FR, IT, LU, NL, ES and UK.

Description of content: Taking into consideration the findings on animal diseases caused by the Schmallenberg virus and the OIE recommendations, importation of small cattle and cattle and its genetic material (semen products and embryos) is prohibited from the territory of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, and United Kingdom. The exceptions to this prohibition are:

1. Pedigree non-pregnant animals which are:

1.1. studied by ELISA and PCR method with negative

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

results; or

1.2. if animals had positive reaction on ELISA and during the quarantine in the country of origin had negative reaction on PCR.

2. Pedigree pregnant animals studied by ELISA and PCR with negative reaction.

3. Genetic material (semen products and embryos):

3.1. derived before 1 January 2012; or

3.2. derived from sires and donor females studied by ELISA and PCR methods with negative results.

United Arab Emirates

11.12.2013 SPS notification ARE/29 from the United Arab

Emirates on 11.12.2013

22.09.2013 Cattle, sheep and goats and their semen embryos from countries with cases of Schmallenberg

Health certificate to be provided for the animals and their semen and embryos:

(1) for the animals: a health certificate shall state that the animals were under the supervision of a certified government veterinarian and did not show any symptoms of the virus during the 28 days period prior to shipment and either:

the animals come from farms and areas that have never been subject to virus (in vector-free environment) and they have been tested twice for the virus in a laboratory during the last seven days prior to shipment, or

the animals come from farms that were not subject to the virus (in vector-free environment) and they have been tested twice for the virus in a laboratory during the last 28 days prior to shipment with negative results for the virus in both cases.

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

(2) for cattle, sheep and goats' semen and embryos: veterinary health certificate shall state that the semen or embryos are taken from animals which have been laboratory tested for the virus with negative results.

Uruguay 22.03.2012 Mission of Uruguay in Brussels


Duration not specified

Genetic material of susceptible species, from affected countries, collected after 1 May 2011.

Uruguay has the same requirements for semen and embryo imports as Brazil (see Brazil)

10.4.2012 Notification of the temporary ban to the

WTO Secretariat (G/SPS/N/URY/17)

USA 02.02.2012 EU Delegation in US 02.02.2012

Duration not specified

Suspension of imports of bovine semen and embryos collected after 1 June 2011.

Measures to be officially notified by the US authorities in the coming days.The suspension affects all EU members irrespective of their animal health status.

22.02.2012 USDA/APHIS 21.02.2012

Duration not specified

Restrictions on imports of bovine semen and embryos collected after 1 June 2011 from all EU countries. Will also implement restrictions on future shipments of sheep and goat semen.

Official health certificate must include a statement that bovine germplasm was collected before 1 June 2011. For future collections of bovine germplasm, export health certificates will need to include certification statements that the donor animals were tested and that embryo or semen collections occurred in vector-free facilities.Any windows or other openings in the collection centre must be double-screened with screening of sufficient gauge and mesh to prevent the entry or exit of insects and other vectors of livestock diseases and to provide ventilation sufficient to ensure the comfort and safety of all ruminants in the facility. The interior and exterior screens must be separated by at least 3 inches (7.62 cm).

List of third countries that impose import restrictions to EU products concerning Schmallenberg virus (SBV)

Latest update: 19/05/2014

Import restrictions imposed by

Information received by the Commission

Date of entering force and duration

of the measuresProduct(s) affected Comment

On (date) By (source)

23.08.2012 USDA/APHIS 23.08.2012

Duration not specified

Restrictions on imports of bovine semen and embryos collected after 1 June 2011 from all EU countries.

USA has communicated to EU on 23 August the lifting of the vector free establishment requirement; the remaining requirements are still in place.

27.5.2013 USDA/APHIS 27.5.2013

Duration not specified

Restrictions on imports of bovine semen and embryos collected after 1 June 2011 from all EU countries.

The conditions in the current certificate are the following:For bovine semen: The semen for export to the United States was either

(retain the applicable statement and strike out the other) collected prior to June 1, 2011; OR

The semen in the consignment was collected after June 1, 2011 from donors that were negative to two serum neutralization tests (using a 1:8 cutoff titer) for Schmallenberg virus, with the first performed within 30 days prior to collection, and the second between 28 and 60 days after collection. Tests were performed in a laboratory approved by the national Competent Authority.

For bovine embryos: The embryos were either (retain the applicable part and

strike out the other) collected prior to June 1, 2011; OR The embryos were collected after June 1, 2011 from

donors that were negative to two serum neutralization tests for Schmallenberg virus (using a 1:8 cutoff titer), with the first performed within 30 days prior to collection, and the second between 28 and 60 days after collection. Tests were performed in a laboratory approved by the national Competent Authority.

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