our journey to portugal in 2003 by anaïs and clémentine serra da estrela covilhã castelo branco...

Post on 27-Mar-2015






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Our journey to Portugal in 2003 by Anaïs and Clémentine

Serra da Estrela


Castelo Branco





« Serra da Estrela » or « the Star Mountain »

• It is 2000m at its highest. There is a lot of snow in winter.

• It looks like Lozère with its granitous soil. Some rocks evoke people’s heads, like the ones here below.

« The old woman’s head »

« The old man’s head »

« The Tower »

designed to make the summit reach 2000m high

A lake in the « Serra da Estrela »

A statue of Our Lady carved in the mountain

A shepherd’s « house » in  the « Serra da Estrela »

CovilhãOur Daddy standing beside the statue of Pero da Covilhã, a precursor to Vasco da Gama, the man who discovered the route to India.

« Saint Mary’s church » with its typical façade covered with « azulejos »

Mummy and Anaïs

Castelo Branco (« White Castle »)The Episcopal Palace: « O Jardim do Paço » (18th century, Baroque style).

There are a lot of statues representing the Kings of Portugal, the signs of the zodiac, the Saints and the Apostles.

The kings of Portugal

These statues used to be in bronze but they were pillaged by the 3 French Napoleonian invasions (19th century) .

To ridicule the Spanish kings who ruled over Portugal for 60 years,

they are tiny ones compared with the Portuguese kings

Our brother Julien pretending he is strong!

Castelo Branco

Casegas, a village near Covilhã

Beans and chick peas drying outside in the sun…


One of the oldest universities in the world, founded in 1290

« A queima das fitas »: the burning of the ribbons »

• A students’ tradition in Coimbra: Every year they celebrate the end of graduation courses by burning their ribbons. Each colour represents each faculty ( Law, Medicine, Letters, Economics….)

• This festivity lasts for 8 days. There are a lot of concerts, performances…


Dad was taking the photo…

Mum was taking the photo

In 1917 Our Lady of Fatima made several apparitions to these three shepherds: Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia.

She had 3 secrets to reveal to them.

They had to pray every day for Peace in the world.

On 13th May 1981 Pope John Paul 2 was bullet wounded. Later he said that he survived thanks to Our Lady of Fatima’s intervention.

We hope you liked our journey to Portugal…


Anaïs and Clémentine

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