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Post on 10-Dec-2020






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TECHNICAL DATA SHEETPrusament PETG by Prusa Polymers

PETG is one of the most commonly used al.mentsI xt is .n ercellent choice fop gpintinC mech.nic.lly stpessed g.ptsI Lomg.ped to PA,b it is mope he.t pesist.ntb mope keriwle .nd less wpittleI

APPLICATIONS: The tygic.l use of PETG is gpintinC function.l .nd mech.nic.l g.ptsI Th.nNs to Cood l.yep .dhesion it is .lso suit.wle fop W.tepgpoof gpintsINOT SUITABLE FOR: -ot suit.wle fop tiny g.pts

POST-PROCESSING: ’hen gostFgpocessinC PETGb itDs gossiwle to use woth dpy .nd Wet s.ndinCI

IDENTIFICATION:Trade name Ppus.ment PETG

Chemical name Logolyestep

Usage M31 73 gpintinC

Diameter 5I±0 2 zIzR mm

Manufacturer Ppus. Polymepsb Pp.Cueb L8ech Seguwlic

RECOMMENDED PRINT SETTINGS:Nozzle Temperature [°C] R0z 2 5z

Heatbed Temperature [°C] Oz 2 5z

Print Speed [mm/s] ug to Rzz

TYPICAL MATERIAL PROPERTIES:Physical Properties Typical Value Method

Specivc Gra3ity [g/cm2] 5IR± x64 55O7

Moisture Absorption 4% hours [(]1)7 zIR Ppus. Polymeps

Moisture Absorption w days [(]1)7 zI7 Ppus. Polymeps

Moisture Absorption % kee0s [(]1)7 zI7 Ppus. Polymeps

Heat De,ection Temperature 15Y%X MPa7 [°C] BO x64 ±0

Tensile xield Strength Filament [MPa] (B 2 5 x64 0R±

MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF PRINTED TESTING SPECIMENS(2):Property / print direction Horizontal Vertical ZYx-AJis Vertical -AJis Method

Tensile xield Strength [MPa]

(± 2 R 0z 2 5 7z 2 0 x64 0R±F5

Tensile Modulus [GPa] 5I0 2 zI5 5I0 2 zI5 5I( 2 zI5 x64 0R±F5

Elongation at xield Point [(]

0I5 2 zI5 0I5 2 zI5 RI0 2 zI0 x64 0R±F5

Impact Strength Charpy127 [0 /m4]

-)9L 9(  -)9(  0 2 5 x64 5±°F5

;95  7z %LK humidity 7z :9R  4piCin.l Ppus. i7 1/7 73 gpintep W.s used to m.Ne testinC sgecimensI 6lic7p Ppus. Edition 5I(zIz W.s used to cpe.te GFcodes With folloWinC settinCsqPpus. PETG Mil.mentK Ppint settinCs zbRzmm M,6T 9l.yeps zbRmm K solid l.yeps Togqz )ottomqzK xnall 5zz: Sectiline.pb inall gpint sgeed 5zzmm>sK ertpusion multigliep 5Iz±K ertpudep temgep.tupe RBz%L .ll l.yepsK wed temgep.tupe °z%L .ll l.yepsK othep g.p.meteps set def.ult97  Lh.pgy unnotched F EdCeWise dipection of wloW .ccopdinC to x64 5±°F59(  -) 9no wpe.N K L 9comglete wpe.N  in wp.cNets second most fpejuent tyge of f.ilupe V 5>7DislamerThe pesults gpesented in this d.t. sheet .pe vust fop youp infopm.tion .nd comg.pisonI

.lues .pe siCniac.ntly degendent on gpint settinCsb ogep.tops ergepiences .nd suppoundinC conditionsI E epyone h. e to considep suit.wility .nd gossiwle consejuences of gpinted g.pts us.CeI Ppus. Polymeps c.n not c.ppy .ny pesgonsiwility fop invupes op .ny loss c.used wy usinC of Ppus. Polymeps m.tepi.lI

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