organic farms in sa

Post on 13-Jul-2015






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WWOOF IndependentsPreview list of WWOOF Independents Hosts for PERUNumber of hosts for PERU = 3 Host ID : PER008 Region : Huacho,Lima

We are a family who work in the desert, at 200km in the north of Lima , coast of Peru. we are growing trees, plants to feed animals (rabbits, chickens,...) and also we have a garden where we grow vegetables to eat, we have honey too... We function as a rural education center that has been working for 12 years here in the desert. In our institution migrant children, teenagers, mothers in extreme poverty learn drip irrigation, learn how to plant native plants in the desert, academic reenforcement, nutrition, higiene, enivironment awareness, political awareness, self esteem workshops. The volunteers work goes to benifit the institution so that it can keep running. The volunteer will be working closely with the communtity here. We are looking for volunteers that have studied agriculture especially agriculture in the desert. We are also looking for someone that has some experience in solar and wind energy. We are especially looking for a technicion in water conservation and drip irrigation. We are also looking for a partnership with a non profit organization that can support an agriculture institute in the desert to train technicions in drip irrigation and alternative forms of energy. We would also like any contacts with institions that work with water conservation. The volunteers must at least speak a basic spanish, but we are interested to learn english.It is a simple life, we do not have electricity for the moment. You will have your own confortable room . Host ID : PER013 We have a farm of forty-one thousand almost square meters, with very special characteristics of climate and location. We grow vegetables, tubers, fruit trees, trees native to the region. We developed humus of vermiculture and prepare land for planting with the help of oxen. We have all basic tools for a good working farm, we have a water well in the sub floor or basement, we also have drinking water and electricity, and mobility for emergency. What we need: people who have some expertise, some are studying or have professional experience in any activity related to the draft program of volunteer of our farm, a lot of enthusiasm. Our life: we are a group of friends that we are a family, which over the years went by integrating together the founder and director of Pro Andes farm, Lodging and meal

accommodations are secure within our facilities on the farm and varied and safe food organic products of the region and mainly on our farm, the food is conducted by our chef. Host ID : PER014 Region : Quellomayo SfCfNa5c3AdcKaTtLefsDtnXsH6Y5.2M1Zdepends

I am British and my wife is Peruvian. We have left the UK to start an organic farm, or more accurately to improve the current organic farm run by my mother and fatherin-law. The property is actually several plots, some of which belong to the in-laws and some are ours and currently produces fruit and coffee without us doing anything at all. This is fertile land and the people here do not use pesticides generally as they can't afford them so most farms are already organic. Our land needs clearing and planting, which will take some time. We have a 15 acre plot that will hopefully serve as a base for our major planting or coffee, passion fruit, potatoes etc. and the smaller plots can be used for other fruits and products such as bananas and mango. We live in the cloud forest a few hours from Machu Picchu by foot. It is a beautiful part of the world. The family is in the process of completing an organic restaurant which will serve tourists on their way to Machu Picchu. We are looking for ways to eliminate our carbon footprint as much as possible and want help with innovations that will allow us to survive with minimal recourse to electricity from the grid. We hope to build eco-showers heated by the clay oven (which is not yet built) etc. It's essentially a story of a huge exciting blank canvas on which we hope to project a lot of our ideas and possibly some of yours. The restaurant is nearly finished and has rooms for accommodation. We have a lot of fresh fruit and want to start growing veg too. We will try to provide you with some time to see the local area but the initial work will definitely involve some rather dull clearing of overgrown land. We won't expect anyone to do this for their entire stay of course, but helping out in this venture is the only way we're going to be able to start producing food. We are a small friendly family who needs help in realising our projects and hope that you can help. Note that we don't have regular access to email so we may be slow in responding to your enquiries.

WWOOF IndependentsPreview list of WWOOF Independents Hosts for BOLIVIANumber of hosts for BOLIVIA = 9 Host ID : BOL008 Region : Santa-Cruz

SgNa3AdKaPhTtWgLefgsdpGcH6Y1 We 're in the process of setting up a communal ecological garden, it's the precursor of a future community here in Samaipata. Because we 're only in the startup phase of our project to develop a future community, we only need help one day a week. This work will be divided in helping the members with their gardens and working in the communal garden itself. For this one day I will provide food, the others it's up to you. The accommodation will be in my house or in a tent, maybe in other members houses, but this is still in discussion. Host ID : BOL006 Region : Tarija SfCfNa4c2AdcKaPtToWtLesiDtsGctH8Y6M3Z8B2-4

I have 4 hectares of vinyards, vestibles and construccion that includes the only actual hostel in the town, a restaurant and a place for artisan winemaking. The farm is the only totally organic in the area with full organic treatment for vinyards and frutal plants, it's an example for the neighbors and local farms. We work organic since 10 years in a very difficult place to communicate and show the benefits of this culture. We do all as we can to spread the organic world in the area. I work all day in everything it's need to do, for example curing vinyards, the harvest, to make wine, to sell it, to make promotions and touristic trips inside the farm because there's almost no help. I only have 4 workers that are local farmers who also live in the farm. I dream to return to nature, to the antique good practices in harmony with the land, and also to invite the fruits of this hard work that is an organic fine wine handmade by this little group of dreamers. We also want to be known as a temple of good wine tasting, relax and friendship. We by the moment are not vegetarian but we can make arrangments to cook special food for our volunteers if we have to. Host ID : BOL001 Region : Santa cruz SfgCfNa2c3AdcKyaPhTtfWgawtcbLefgspDtnsH7Y6M2B1 - 12

Organic farm with animals and many plants. We work on such things as building, arts and crafts, gardening. The farm is still growing and learning. We are musicians and artists as well as organic farmers. We like to have people with a genuine interest in the land and productivity. We are surrounded by majestic mountains rivers and streams. We try to meet most of our needs by working the land and we do not sell many things outside the farm. we are hard working by day, but love to make music play chess at night. we want people who really want to get things done learn in the process! Host ID : BOL007 Region : Cochabamba CfNa4c1AdcKnWwLsH3Y4

La propiedad luz de luna se encuentra en la selva del chapare en el tropico de cochabamba Bolivia Sud America, tiene una superficie de 13 Ha. Con cultivos forestales en convinacion con cacao. Contamos con un arroyo para nadar todo natural y estamos proximos a un rio llamado Chimore. La comida es variada y tenemos espacio para dos personas, se tiene conocimientos basicos de Ingles. Mucha naturaleza y animales silvestres como monos y pajaros. The property "moonlight" is in the forest of the Chapare in Cochabamba Bolivia South America, has an area of 13 hectares of forest crops and cocoa. We have to swim across a stream and we are naturally close to a river called Chimore. The food is varied and we have room for two people, we have a basic knowledge of English. Lots of nature and wildlife such as monkeys and birds. Host ID : BOL002 Region : Santa Cruz SfCiNa1c1AdrcKaPiWgawbLefgsDtH4Y6M2B1 - 12

Picacho is an organic farm surrounded by a sprinkling landscape of jungles, hills, lagoons, rivers, with the closest village 16 km away. Its the ideal place to escape civilisation (no phone, internet) and experience simple life and nature in the Amazon. Help needed in animal care (horses, cattle, pigs, chickens, dogs, cats, rabbits), construction, renovation, orchard, kitchen. Vegetarian food, we make bread, dairy products. It is difficult for me to respond to emails quickly so please go to our website to find further information and book your stay. Host ID : BOL005 Region : santa cruz SfCfNa2cdependeAdrcKyPhTtWgawLegsDtsGctbXsH7Y6M1Z4

tenemos una propriedad en el tropico boliviano (con muchos mosquitos), bosques, pequeos rios, vacas, caballos, ovejas, juca, platano y muchos otros frutales tropicales, criadero de peces, cafe, huerta casera.... somos una pareja vieja (59 y 71 aos de edad). esperamos interes y ayuda en todo. Host ID : BOL004 Region : La Paz SfCciNa150c140AdcKyTfWgawtbLefsdDtnGtH5Y6M3

I am Bruno from Belgian origin. Since 2006 I am a member of this indian community in Bolivian high Amazony. The community (300 persons) have asked me to represent it in its relations with the outside world. We have our primary and secundary schools. Indians speak Qeshwa and Spanish. We are founding with the community an Andean-Amazonian permaculture experimental center, to safeguard the enorm grown biodiversity of the region. You will work with me from Monday to Saturday from seven a.m. to twelve. In the afternoon, rest, bath, walk, games, free work and prepare dinner. You will sleep in a earthhouse in two common rooms on beds made

of leaves and dry grass. 7 persons in 40 m2. Bring your sheet and sleepingbag (the climate is rather hot), workclothes and very strong boots.Camping is possible. Pure springwater at the fountain.Little river to swim and to wash you. We eat our crops: manioc, sweet potatoes and other roots, corn, amarantus, beans, coca, rough canesugar, honey, fruits of the season and other wild fruits from the forest; We can cook vegetarian or vegan,or eat raw (the best!) Climate is rather hot the whole year. Dry season-with some rains-from April to November.Hard rains season from December to March, with some sunhours nearly every day. I strongly advise a minimum 3 weeks stay. In 2008, from the 25th of March.The children are welcome, they'll camp with their parent(s). Enrollment by email only Host ID : BOL009 Region : La Paz

Tarapari Chulumani is a 1-hectare organic coffee and citrus farm located in the Yungas ecoregion of the Central Andes of Bolivia. The farm is about 3.5 hours from La Paz, Bolivia and is also the site of an environmental education "conservation garden" sponsored by the Rufford Small Grants program (UK). We need two volunteers for garden greenhouse work, coffee plantation maintenance expansion, coordinating visits by local schoolchildren and developing our biodiversity museum, housed in the adobe eco-lodge on the farm. Spanish speaking is a must, as is some gardening experience, patience and a willingness to learn-bydoing. Host ID : BOL010 Region : Tarija SfCfNa2c1ArKyPhTtLesDtGcH8Y6M3B4 -10E11-3

I live on our farm with my wife youngest daughter (18 yrs). We grow fruit veg for the local market (Tarija), also we ship to La Paz Santa Cruz fresh produce: cherry tomatoes, leeks, asaparagus, artichokes others. I work as a horticultural consultant for a growers associacion with similar products, berries veg. The work I would like help with is rearranging the greenhouses for out of season crops (a couple would be ideal).

WWOOF IndependentsPreview list of WWOOF Independents Hosts for COLOMBIANumber of hosts for COLOMBIA = 4 Host ID : COL003 Region : Amazonas

I will be doing a description of my place soon. Live in the Positive timing!!!! Host ID : COL004 Region : Caldas, Manizales SfCfNa4ArcKaPhTtWgatLfsDtGctXsaH6Y5M1B1-12

Granja familiar, de 2 Ha. agroecologica y biodiversa (productos alimenticios, ornamentales, medicinales, aromaticas y artesanales ) Recuperamos alimentos ancestrales y olvidados, los multiplicamos, los damos a conocer en las escuelas, universidades, visitantes e inventamos nuevas formas de cosumirlos. Por medio del dialogo recuperamos el conocimiento de los campesinos, abuelos y de todas las personas en general. Protegemos la biodiversidad (fauna y flora inventarios de plantas aves y mariposas de la zona ). Tratamos de aprovechar todos los recursos que la tierra nos da y la utilizamos de una forma sostenible: fibras, bejucos, semillas. por medio de las artesanias. Reciclamos y cosechamos aguas lluvias. Aprovechamo todo lo biodegradable para la produccion de abonos (sanitarios ecologicos). Me gustaria conocer personas inquietas y creativas con quienes compartir conocimientos y que podamos fortalecer y sacar adelante estos proyectos. Tenemos una biblioteca veredal donde compartimos con los campesinos. Aprender modos de vida de otras partes del mundo. Perfeccionar el conocimiento de otras lenguas Host ID : COL002 Region : Huila SfCiNa1KyPhTtWgwtbLsDtnsGtH6Y5M2Z5B3, 4, 11, 12

It is an estate of 2 ha behind of San Agustin's archaeological park. This one in projection of being a biofabrica and collaboration is needed for the construction of the infrastructure and of the gardens and orchards. Nowadays there are cultures of coffee(caf), maize(corn), bean and blackberry, organic all of them. I am very interested in sharing experiences and advising. I offer vegetarian and nonvegetarian food and educational experience to level of ecological agriculture and alternative medicine (ayahuasca). Here I wait for you! Host ID : COL001 Region : Huila SfgCfNa2c2AdrcPhTtWgbLsDtH8M4B1-12

Mi propiedad consta de Granja organica Hostal. Puedo ofrecer hospedaje a los voluntarios que vengan a ayudar a realizar el proyecto organico. Soy agricultora, jardinera paisajista,y constructora. Me interesa intercambiar trabajo y conocimientos con personas que lo deseen hacer en mi granja. Todo mi interes y mi vida es dirigido a la conservacin del medio ambiente. A mi Hostal llegan personas de todo el mundo porque vivo en la Capital Arqueologica de Colombia. Mi sueo es realizar un jardin, Huerta organica con la colaboracin de algunos voluntarios con manos verdes que

deseen hacer lo mismo. Mi granja contiene cultivos de rboles de caf, frutales, hierbas aromticas,Huerta organic, potreros,bosque autoctono,jardn, paisajes hermosos con vistas al caon del rio Magdalena y de los volcanes del Purac, Sotar y Pan de Azucar, y las cabaas para el hospedaje. Horas/da de Ayuda, 4 horas por dia. Intercambio por habitacin. 8 horas por dia por habitacin y comida. Das por semana, Los que quiera el wwoofer por el intercambio.

WWOOF IndependentsPreview list of WWOOF Independents Hosts for GUATEMALANumber of hosts for GUATEMALA = 5 Host ID : GUA006 Region : Chimaltenago SgCcNa4AdcKaPhTtWgwtcbLesDsGtH8Y6M2

Small ecological park needs volunteers for work in rural Guatemala. Park consists of organic food and botanical gardens, tree nursery, protected forest, nature trail, soccer field and basketball court. Short-term volunteers can expect physical labor (rammed earth construction, weeding, trail work, turning compost, etc.), while longterm volunteers may have more opportunities to be involved with park and community projects. Spanish and Mayan Kaqchikel language classes are available. Project provides volunteers with a bed or tent and has a community kitchen for volunteers to prepare their own meals. Homestays with Guatemalan families are also available. Space is limited, please visit the website and contact us before coming. Host ID : GUA007 CcAdrcKaPhTtWgawbLesDtH4Y5M1

Horse and ostrich ranch looking for help developing organic garden, building log cabins with wood from the ranch, taking care of animals, and more. We're looking to start a sustainable community here and there's a lot of room for creativity as we are just starting up. Hearty meals are provided as well as a furnished kitchen for volunteers, hot shower, good hiking and nearby farms to explore. Host ID : GUA011 Region : Peten SfCcNa30c3AdrcKnPhWgawtbLegsH8Y6M6

The Finca Ixobel is an Ecological Hotel located in the foothills of the Mayan Mountains in Peten, Guatemala. The farm was started in the 1970's and has been developed today in to a Ecotourism Hotel, restaurant and working farm. We raise chickens, horses and sheep, have an organic garden, water from our own spring and

use passive solar heating for water and clothes drying. We supply some produce for our restaurant and many of the buildings are built from local materials. The Finca's 400 acres have been protected and reforested and are now a oasis of pine trees and jungle. Activities at the Finca include horseback riding, caving, river innertubing, hiking and trips to local Mayan sites. The full-time employees are from the local town and volunteers help in the restaurant, hotel reception, organic gardens and with other eco-projects. Some recent projects include building grey-water filtration systems. We are interested in expanding the operation of the organic gardens and orchards, building composting toilets and more water-filtration systems. We look for volunteers to help in these projects and the gardens and/or the restaurant and hotel reception. We welcome new and creative ideas about how we can further reduce our environmental impact. Volunteers must speak some spanish and knowledge of organic farming. Work is 6 days/week, 8 hrs/day in exchange for accomodation, all the delicious food you can eat and free access to all the hotel's activities. The staff is fun and diverse and the environment is relaxed. Please visit our website for more information and help us keep this small oasis alive and thriving. Diet - Food is included but if you have special dietary needs you can have access to a kitchen and food to prepare meals for yourself. Host ID : GUA010 Region : SOLOLA CiNa15AdKaPhWgtbLesDtH8Y6M3

Long term sustainability guides every move we make at Hotel Isla Verde, we respect our gorgeous environment and attend the needs of every one of us that makes a part of Islaverde. The hotel was sustainably built and we follow the same maxima when it comes to our functioning; we make compost, recycle rubbish into building materials, refill water bottles, grow our own organic herbs and teas... We are in the process of organizing ECO BUILDING WORKSHOPS to spread the word on what we consider is a must do shift in the way we build and live. MARCH 2009: Calling all marketers, computer literate and motivated volunteers to help us develop our ecoworkshops and events. If you think you have some particular skill in this area, please get in touch VOLUNTEERING POSITIONS - In the garden: helping with maintenance and development of the plants and vegetable garden, putting your experience to helping us develop permaculture and sustain what we already have - Construction and organisation of hotel - Helping in the hotel part of the business, marketing and management where necessary We would prefer candidates who have experience in these areas but are willing to work on a variety of projects. You must be selfmotivated and want to become part of the small team we have working here, and some Spanish proficiency is required as a lot of the outdoor work will be in coordination with our local staff. All the volunteering posts include 3 fresh and healthy meals a day and dormitory style accomodation and chances are you will learn how to work with the day to day runnings of a hotel, in exchange for 8 hours work a day, 6 days a week. As our little piece of paradise evolves we continue to seek anyone who

feels they have a particular skill or attribute that they feel will contribute to achieving our goals so please drop us an email if you want to join the team. Host ID : GUA008 Region : Solola Na8c50AdcKyPhWgatcbLesDtGtXsaH6Y5M4

17 acre farm in Guatemala 25 minutes from beautiful Lake Atitlan. We are a nonprofit providing a home for 40 orphans and a feeding program at the local school. Need help with developing organic gardens and orchards. Also want to raise livestock. Working towards self-sufficiency. Need help developing an alternative healing center. Have the facilities for clinics and educational classes. Need help with building. Families welcome. Applicants will be interviewed. Prefer experienced and self motivated. Must be modest, sober people as we live in a very traditional Mayan environment with children.

WWOOF IndependentsPreview list of WWOOF Independents Hosts for URUGUAYNumber of hosts for URUGUAY = 2 Host ID : URU003 Region : Tacuaremb SfCiAdrcKaTtWgawtcbLesDtnXsaY4M2Z12B8-1

Located 5 hours from Montevideo in the heart of gaucho culture. Batov Instituto Orgnico centers on the 26 hectare Eco-farm Abamba located in Sauce de Zapar 12 kilometers from the capitol of the department Tacuaremb. B.I.O. promotes sustainable systems of production and serves as a network for agroecological methods regionally through educational programs with students, producers, and poor as well as internationally through exchange programs with universities in North Carolina. There is a labritory for development of locally appropriate biological control. WWoofers can expect to help maintain the gardens and help with animals. The pastures and gardens are under rotation. As well as vegetable and fruit production WWoofers can gain experience working with cows, sheep, horses, pigs, chickens, turkeys and geese. Willing workers are welcome anytime and are expected to participate in daily activities on the farm and show interest in various programs involving the local community- including working with rural youth and poor as well as encouraged to participate in various workshops that are hosted on the farm throughout the year. Value-added products such as yogurt, cheese, dulce de leche, and preserves are made in the communal kitchen. The majority of people in the

region eat meat, however, vegetarians and vegans are welcomed. Live in dormitorystyle situations with hot and cold running water and accommodations include composting and flush toilets for your choosing. WWOOFers are welcome year round but must give at least two weeks notice prior to their arrival and stay for a total of at least two weeks. Host ID : URU002 Region : Colonia SfgCfNa2c2AdrKaPhTtfWgawtbLefsiDsGctbH6Y6M4Z12B8-3

Lucilla (Psychologist) and Agustin (Eco-Architect) welcome you to their 38 ha. farm. 120 sheep in dairy farm. Sheep milk cheese, yoghurt and butter (During season. July to March), working with horses, sheep, pigs, and ducks. Big vegetable garden (Help needed always here!) with organic and permaculture tecniques. We grow and breed everything we eat (autosufficient). Manufacture preserves and arts and crafts. Ecoconstruction (Help could be needed in adobe construction or bale building. But depends on season and each volunteer's will). We run an art school workshop (Wednesdays and some Saturdays) and a tiny Agro-Hostel, where we might also need help with guests (Depends on volunteers, help is welcome with cooking, walking around with tourists through trecking areas, or guiding them on horserides to the sandy beach). Plenty of things to help with, but our idea is to know on what area you would like more to volunteer (although sometimes we all do a same task if needed urgently).We are not vegetarians, but autosuficient and really enjoy and thank to be surrounded by nature! Swiss, Italian and German colonies nearby. Uruguay is a tiny country that cares for the people and environment. Welcome.

WWOOF IndependentsPreview list of WWOOF Independents Hosts for VENEZUELANumber of hosts for VENEZUELA = 2 Host ID : VEN001 Region : Merida Venezuela SfgCcNa3ArcPhTfWgbLefsDtnH4Y5M2 daysZ1 month

This is a small organic "test" farm located 20 minutes from Merida, Edo. Merida, Venezuela. We grow a variety of vegetables and fruits for our own consumption. We have BIG plans to convert the horse field into yet another hectare of organic cultivation, the soil is ripe! For this reason we accept WWOOFers for a stay of minimum two nights and maximum 6 weeks. (We also like to travel often!) Email with enquiries.

Host ID : VEN002

Region : Estado Mrida SfCfNa2AdrKnPhTtfWgawbLefsdDsXsH6Y5M1Z8BWHOLE YEAR

About 7 hectares of mountain land. Tropical Andes region, at 1850 meters above sea level, spectacular views. Temperate climate - eternal spring, however with strong rainfall and frequent misty cool days, mainly during the rainy season.(march until december).We just started to develop the farm after we were able to construct a small internal road. Activities under way: planting of a small timber plantation combined with organic coffee and cardomomo, vegetable garden for home consumption. Main work will be on expanding the coffee plantation (under a diverse shade); establishment of a small watercress growing unit, maintenance and expansin of the timber tree plantation, maintenance of the vegetable garden, possible establishment of a plot for ornamentals (Heliconias for cut flowers) and start up of a goat raising unit: establishment of pastures, areas for fodder and hay production, building of shed, fencing etc...all managed as an agro-silvi-pastoril system. We are not certified (still), however we also work with a local organic and Fairtrade certified coffee producing cooperative, which is also in coffee roasting for the local market, fruit drying, handicraft production - a great place to learn on organic coffee growing - and associated crops-, interchange with the farmers and their families and to lend a hand during harvest season (november-march). The guest house (being accommodated) is at 5 min walk from our farm and even has a small pool. The Andes University in Merida town offers ample cultural activities, there are several options to learn Spanish (or other languages), many tourist organizations offering a diverse range of excursion possibilities...We would accept volunteers for a minimum of 8 days and a maximum of 2 months.We need prior notice by interested people at least 1 month in advance for planning purposes. Our farm is at 46 km drive from the office (address above) in the nearby municipality of Campo Elias. The main reference is the town Jaji.

WWOOF Argentina

ARG002 LOCATION : Rural area 4 km from small town, Chubut A 15 ha farm at the foot of the Patagonian Andes with an organic garden, partially cultivated in the bio-intensive method; herb garden; orchard with walnut, chestnut and a variety of fruit trees. Property includes pasture land, a forested area, carpenter shop, communal kitchen and dining room. Diet primarily vegetarian. We produce jams from our fruit, and bake our own bread. Visitors usually bring own tent. Help needed in gardening, fruit harvesting, occasional building. Prefer WWOOFers to write about one month in advance. ARG006 LOCATION: 2km from a tiny town, on a well travelled road, Mendoza

TRAVEL : bus from Vista Flores - 8 buses a day. A 14 ha. organic farm with fruits and vegetables. The main crop is apples, from which we make juice. We make preserves of almost everything, and sun dry fruits during the summer. Almost everything we eat comes from our gardens and orchards - we bottle/ preserve fruits and veggies. Also the seeds to grow these things come almost entirely from last years crop. We're located very close to the Andes, so day and weekend trips to the mountains are possible. ARG007 LOCATION: Buenos Aires Our community here in Argentina began in 1997. We are a small community of about 45 people. Our community is located in a semirural environment, near the capital, Buenos Aires. Our main occupations are organic gardening, whole wheat bread baking, and the development of alternative energy and Permaculture methods. Our life together in community is a simple expression of the love we have for one another. The deep personal relationships we have with each other are being built daily through our common life in the community. Our community and our common life together are based on our obedience to the simple, clear teachings of our master, Yahshua, the Son of God. Our lives and relationships are being restored daily through our life of love. We invite and welcome all who are interested in our life and our community to come and visit. Our homes and our hearts are open to you. ARG008 LOCATION : 25 Km from the nearest town, Mendoza A 30 ha farm, 4 with cherries, 9 with apples, the others are gardens. We have a large workshop for maintaining the farm machines and garden tools. We prefer a two week notice before you arrive. We want volunteers who like the country side and like to learn new things. Help on the organic farm harvest of fruits, gardening, animals and construction. ARG013 LOCATION : Provincia de Salta We are a family farm (w 3 kids ageing from 3 to 14).We have an organic vegetable garden, a nursery for native trees, an orchard, beehives and a small herd of goats. we produce cheese for ourselves, we make soap and jams/marmalades all organic. we are located 15km from main city, public transport available.We own 30ha, most of it with native bush forest. We are involved in social projects and specially orientated to children' education Together with neighbors we support a public library and cultural activities for the local community. ARG0014 LOCATION : in the middle of nowhere, Provincia de Santa Cruz Ranch in patagonia, Argentine 1.500 sheeps, 40 horses. all ranch work: monitoring of herds of sheep in great spaces according to periods, gathering of the herds for shearing and marking construction of buildings cleaning of the sources fences reparations

irrigation vvork gardening mecanic hays independant people requiered with experience or strong arms ARG015 LOCATION : On the coast of the Rio Azul 8 km. in vehicle from El Bolson, Rio Negro We are a community-in-the-making on 8 hectares along the Rio Azul among the Patagonian Andes. Living off the land by organic low-till manual agricultural and natural building. Composting Toilets. Seed Saving. Food preservation. Solar design. We have fruit trees and grow grains and vegetables. Work with horses, raise cows and chickens, and looking to include bees, aspiring to CSA-model. Experimenting with biodynamics. Need help all year round (except June, July) in garden, animals, building, etc. Encourage music, dance, sharing wisdom, and educating on local current affairs. Mostly vegetarian. Communal cooking. Simple and rustic living. We don't have electricity. Please write at least one month in advance. ARG016 City: Epuyen Province : Chubut Type of property: family farm Size (ha): 2 Cultivos: We speak: castellano, un poco ingles. Description: 2 ha farm with big vegetable garden and plantations of fruit trees and berries (2000 m2). Beehives, chicken and sheep. Greenhouse made of adobe bricks. Making of compost, conservation manual farming (conservation farming, sowing, phytosanitary work, pruning, irrigation and harvest, beekeeping work). We work in the farm with a flock of 13 sheep and we use the land rotatively for pasture. There's a big vegetable garden and plantations of fruit trees and berries (on a surface of 1500 m2) and we incorporate all years new crops. The farm is 9 years old and we combine there animal and vegetal production. Daily activities will be 6 hours per day and we will offer organic food from the farm (you will have to prepare it) and lodging in exchange for your work. We eat animal- and vegetal-derived food and drink alcohol only occasionally. Please write us at least a month before coming. Please bring your sleeping bag. We accept only people with verifiable experience in farm work and willing to learn about organic agriculture and natural construction. The stay should be for at least 3 weeks. If you want to stay less time, we offer you a hostel under no obligation to participate in the project. For more information, enter the blog. Accomodation: Indoor shared place for woofers. You can put your sleeping bag indoors or outdoors if you bring a tent. Food: Food from the farm. We are: Organic production professionals. Agriculturist and teacher with more than 15 years of experience. Restless 5-year-old collaborator. When to come: August ~June Additional comments: You can stay at the hostel if you are planning to be here for a

week or less. Children: No for the time being. ARG018 LOCATION : farm close to the Andes mountains, Mendoza Farm using permaculture-biodynamic methods (8ha) close to the Andes mountains. We are growing vegetables, fruits and nuts and we conserve our products in an artesan way. We are constructing a space where people can find alternative means for maintaining their health or to recover it. We can receive up to 16 volunteers, 10 in the dormitory and 6 in tents. We are a family with two children (9 and 4 years old), we eat vegetarian, give the opportunity to practise yoga and we speak spanish. Please visit our website. ARG019 LOCATION : 15 Km from downtown, Patagonia We are a group of permaculturists developing a demonstration centre, in appropriate techniques, for sustainable quality lifestyles. Our intention is to give back to Mother Nature what we have taken from her, and to consider future generations and their right to enjoy her as we have done. Our vision is to create a harmoniously organized community, based on the care of the relations between all its members and with their surroundings. We are developing active and passive solar systems and optimizing firewood reserves, used for furnaces and 'adobe heating systems'. Organic agriculture (traditional and intensive), natural construction methods e.g. adobe, 'fardos', living roofs, waterproof mud, natural paints, dry baths. We work in group, consensus and spontaneous music. Somos un grupo de Permacultores, desarrollando un Centro demostrativo, en Tecnicas apropiadas, para un Diseno Sustentable en Calidad de Vida. Comprometidos con una Relacion y manejo de la naturaleza con respecto e intencion de devolver a la Madre Natura limpio lo que tomamos de ella, considerando a las futuras generaciones en su derecho de gozar de ella como lo hemos hecho nosotros. Agricultura Organica Biointensiva y tradicional. Construccion Natural. ARG020 LOCATION : 2 km del pueblo. rural area, but very close to an urban center, Mendoza Nuestra finca esta! ubicada en una zona rural, pero muy cerca de un centro urbano. Tenemos variedad de animales para el sustento familiar to y una extensa huerta orga! nica, adema!s de variados frutales y via. Nuestra idea se basa en el autosustento y la mejor calidad de vida, ademaa!s del ahorro.Ofrecemos un lugar con jardines y flores, pues creemos que la vida en el campo debe tener belleza y comodidades. Los invitamos a compartir innumerables tareas en un ambiente familiar,ofrecemos comida sana y solicitamos traer carpa We keep a variety of animals for a living and a large organic orchard with a variety of fruit and veg. Our idea is based on self-sufficiency and improved quality of life. We believe that life in the countryside must have beauty and comodidades. We invite you to share tasks in a myriad family atmosphere. We offer healthy food. We don't speak English!

ARG021 Not receiving wwoofers at this time, June 12th, 2009. ARG022 Cancelled as of June 12th, 2009. ARG023 LOCATION : Rural community, Mendoza Small farm started just 1 yr ago. Beautiful tranquil area near Andes, 1 hour south of Mendoza. Bordered by two other organic WWOOF farms and swimmer friendly ditches. Basic, clean accommodations, composting toilet, solar shower, functional kitchen. Looking for help with construction of a passive solar off the grid adobe house and large, organic garden with fruit trees. Requesting volunteers with experience and/or strong interest in natural construction and gardening. Also looking for someone that would mainly oversee meal prep and clean-up. Strong work ethic and positive mood REQUIRED. Beds limited, tents recommended. Please give minimum 2 weeks notice. ARG024 LOCATION : Paraje Mallin Ahogado Km. 15. El Bolson, Rio Negro. Argentina we are a family of two adults and two childrens. we are a farm of 15 Has. in the patagonia, El Bolson. We have vegetable organic gardens, greenhouse, berries, flower gardens, and fruit trees. We also have three cows, three sheeps, chickens, ducks, gooses, pigs, bees. We produce beer, honey, embutidos, cheese, meat, jams, liquors, bread and wine. we also work frecuently with a rural school in gardens and raise animals projects. Daily activities will be 6 hours per day and we will offer you food and lodging (in a bedroom or tent) in exchange for your work. You can work with us from September until March. We speak spanish, but we welcome all WWOOFers. Please write us at least a month before coming. Somos una familia de 2 adultos y 2 ninos, en una granja de 15 Has en la Patagonia, El Bolson. Tenemos huerta organica, invernadero, berries, jardines de flores y arboles frutales. Tenemos vacas, ovejas, gallinas, patos, gansos, chanchos y abejas. Producimos cerveza, miel, embutidos, queso, carne, mermeladas, licores, pan y vino. Tambien trabajamos frecuentemente con una escuela rural en proyectos de huerta para mejorar la calidad de la comida de los chicos, y crianza de animales. Las actividades diarias seran de seis horas y te ofrecemos la comida y el alojamiento a cambio de tu trabajo. Puedes trabajar con nosotros de septiembre a marzo. Hablamos espanol, pero recibimos voluntarios de todo el mundo. Por favor escribannos con un mes de anticipacion ARG025 LOCATION : Perdriel , Lujan de Cuyo , Mendoza Somos dos jubilados, vivimos en un terreno con frutales y una pequena huerta a 22 Km al sur de la ciudad de Mendoza. Ofrecemos compartir la mesa familiar y el alojamiento con las comodidades usuales de una casa de campo. Necesitamos ayuda para la huerta, limpieza y poda de frutales.

ARG026 City: Villa Union Province: Misiones Type of property: Granja organica Size (ha): 32 Cultivos: Huerta, yerba mate, mandioca We speak: espanol y ingles. Description: Activities: composting, Earthen building, solar energy, hydro-electric, reforestation, alternative-building, farming, gardening, permaculture, husbandry, dairy, community, reforestation, arts&crafts, yoga and meditation Description: Our project is about sustainable lifestyle, more self-sufficiency, less environmental impact. She exists in the gorgeous jungle hills of Misiones, Argentina. This is a homestead, a learning project, a place to live in peace. We want to be constructive, responsible beings, which for us means living as ecologically as possible, cultivating a deep partnership with the land we live on. We believe we can provide for our basic needs (food/water, shelter, clothes, medicine) through simple, natural means. An organic garden. Natural buildings using local, site-found, and salvaged materials. Connecting with our fellow beings by offering a place to share knowledge and skills, and gain new insight and understanding.We want to live in harmony with nature, reconnect with her wisdom, and savor her delights. By cultivating awareness of our attitudes and actions, we can have a positive effect on our place in this world. Program: We are a shared learning project, currently taking volunteers and long-term interns. We are looking for people to help out with gardening, reforestation, carpentry, food-product making (like cheeses and jams), dairy cow and chicken care, fungus identification, alternative energy, bee-keeping, and creative projects (like furnituremaking and crafting). We offer healthy food, nature hikes, swimming, yoga and meditation, and hands-on learning about sustainable living. We work in the mornings for 4-5 hours, break for lunch and siesta, then do personal projects and garden work for 1-2 hours in the evening. We are just starting out and are building sleeping spaces, but for now we stay in tents and share the communtiy kitchen. We only ask that volunteers contribute with positive attitudes and responsible awareness. Accomodation: Hasta 6 voluntarios, Dormimos en carpas por ahora, Voluntarios deben traer su propio carpa Food: Dieta Vegetariana, cocina comunitaria We are: Una pareja, con animales When to come: todo el ano Additional comments: n/a Children: si ARG030 City: Aristobulo del Valle Province: Missiones Type of property: Natural Reserve Size (ha): 30,5 We have 30,5 hectareas is a natural reserve, with an strem and a fall, we are protecting this jungle wich is in state of recuperation, we are 800mts of Salto Encantado Provincial

Park 13000hectareas, thats why sometimes we see monkeys, tucans, litle cats or coaties. We also are triyng to grow corn, mandioca, carrots, onion, lettuce, etc, we have alternative energies like solar panels, sistem of water call Bomba de Soga, Parabolic coocks and we are making a solar secadero for fruits and vegetables Accomodation: there are places to put yours tent. We receive 2 or 3 volunteers no more than Food: Colective cook, we eat everithing but majority green food. We are: a family Andrea (Mother, terapist 40), Jara (daugther 3), Aldana(daugther student 15), Gol (father park ranger 34) When to come: all the year Additional comments: if you speak spanish or you are in the way to learn or doing an intercambe is better for us because our english is no too good. Thanks Children *yes ARG002 LOCATION : Rural area 4 km from small town, Chubut A 15 ha farm at the foot of the Patagonian Andes with an organic garden, partially cultivated in the bio-intensive method; herb garden; orchard with walnut, chestnut and a variety of fruit trees. Property includes pasture land, a forested area, carpenter shop, communal kitchen and dining room. Diet primarily vegetarian. We produce jams from our fruit, and bake our own bread. Visitors usually bring own tent. Help needed in gardening, fruit harvesting, occasional building. Prefer WWOOFers to write about one month in advance. ARG006 LOCATION: 2km from a tiny town, on a well travelled road, Mendoza TRAVEL : bus from Vista Flores - 8 buses a day. A 14 ha. organic farm with fruits and vegetables. The main crop is apples, from which we make juice. We make preserves of almost everything, and sun dry fruits during the summer. Almost everything we eat comes from our gardens and orchards - we bottle/ preserve fruits and veggies. Also the seeds to grow these things come almost entirely from last years crop. We're located very close to the Andes, so day and weekend trips to the mountains are possible. ARG007 LOCATION: Buenos Aires Our community here in Argentina began in 1997. We are a small community of about 45 people. Our community is located in a semirural environment, near the capital, Buenos Aires. Our main occupations are organic gardening, whole wheat bread baking, and the development of alternative energy and Permaculture methods. Our life together in community is a simple expression of the love we have for one another. The deep personal relationships we have with each other are being built daily through our common life in the community. Our community and our common life together are based on our obedience to the simple, clear teachings of our master, Yahshua, the Son of God. Our lives and relationships are being restored daily through our life of love. We

invite and welcome all who are interested in our life and our community to come and visit. Our homes and our hearts are open to you. ARG008 LOCATION : 25 Km from the nearest town, Mendoza A 30 ha farm, 4 with cherries, 9 with apples, the others are gardens. We have a large workshop for maintaining the farm machines and garden tools. We prefer a two week notice before you arrive. We want volunteers who like the country side and like to learn new things. Help on the organic farm harvest of fruits, gardening, animals and construction. ARG013 LOCATION : Provincia de Salta We are a family farm (w 3 kids ageing from 3 to 14).We have an organic vegetable garden, a nursery for native trees, an orchard, beehives and a small herd of goats. we produce cheese for ourselves, we make soap and jams/marmalades all organic. we are located 15km from main city, public transport available.We own 30ha, most of it with native bush forest. We are involved in social projects and specially orientated to children' education Together with neighbors we support a public library and cultural activities for the local community. ARG0014 LOCATION : in the middle of nowhere, Provincia de Santa Cruz Ranch in patagonia, Argentine 1.500 sheeps, 40 horses. all ranch work: monitoring of herds of sheep in great spaces according to periods, gathering of the herds for shearing and marking construction of buildings cleaning of the sources fences reparations irrigation vvork gardening mecanic hays independant people requiered with experience or strong arms ARG015 LOCATION : On the coast of the Rio Azul 8 km. in vehicle from El Bolson, Rio Negro We are a community-in-the-making on 8 hectares along the Rio Azul among the Patagonian Andes. Living off the land by organic low-till manual agricultural and natural building. Composting Toilets. Seed Saving. Food preservation. Solar design. We have fruit trees and grow grains and vegetables. Work with horses, raise cows and chickens, and looking to include bees, aspiring to CSA-model. Experimenting with biodynamics. Need help all year round (except June, July) in garden, animals, building, etc. Encourage music, dance, sharing wisdom, and educating on local current affairs. Mostly vegetarian. Communal cooking. Simple and rustic living. We don't have electricity. Please write at least one month in advance. ARG016 City: Epuyen Province : Chubut Type of property: family farm Size (ha): 2

Cultivos: We speak: castellano, un poco ingles. Description: 2 ha farm with big vegetable garden and plantations of fruit trees and berries (2000 m2). Beehives, chicken and sheep. Greenhouse made of adobe bricks. Making of compost, conservation manual farming (conservation farming, sowing, phytosanitary work, pruning, irrigation and harvest, beekeeping work). We work in the farm with a flock of 13 sheep and we use the land rotatively for pasture. There's a big vegetable garden and plantations of fruit trees and berries (on a surface of 1500 m2) and we incorporate all years new crops. The farm is 9 years old and we combine there animal and vegetal production. Daily activities will be 6 hours per day and we will offer organic food from the farm (you will have to prepare it) and lodging in exchange for your work. We eat animal- and vegetal-derived food and drink alcohol only occasionally. Please write us at least a month before coming. Please bring your sleeping bag. We accept only people with verifiable experience in farm work and willing to learn about organic agriculture and natural construction. The stay should be for at least 3 weeks. If you want to stay less time, we offer you a hostel under no obligation to participate in the project. For more information, enter the blog. Accomodation: Indoor shared place for woofers. You can put your sleeping bag indoors or outdoors if you bring a tent. Food: Food from the farm. We are: Organic production professionals. Agriculturist and teacher with more than 15 years of experience. Restless 5-year-old collaborator. When to come: August ~June Additional comments: You can stay at the hostel if you are planning to be here for a week or less. Children: No for the time being. ARG018 LOCATION : farm close to the Andes mountains, Mendoza Farm using permaculture-biodynamic methods (8ha) close to the Andes mountains. We are growing vegetables, fruits and nuts and we conserve our products in an artesan way. We are constructing a space where people can find alternative means for maintaining their health or to recover it. We can receive up to 16 volunteers, 10 in the dormitory and 6 in tents. We are a family with two children (9 and 4 years old), we eat vegetarian, give the opportunity to practise yoga and we speak spanish. Please visit our website. ARG019 LOCATION : 15 Km from downtown, Patagonia We are a group of permaculturists developing a demonstration centre, in appropriate techniques, for sustainable quality lifestyles. Our intention is to give back to Mother Nature what we have taken from her, and to consider future generations and their right to enjoy her as we have done. Our vision is to create a harmoniously organized

community, based on the care of the relations between all its members and with their surroundings. We are developing active and passive solar systems and optimizing firewood reserves, used for furnaces and 'adobe heating systems'. Organic agriculture (traditional and intensive), natural construction methods e.g. adobe, 'fardos', living roofs, waterproof mud, natural paints, dry baths. We work in group, consensus and spontaneous music. Somos un grupo de Permacultores, desarrollando un Centro demostrativo, en Tecnicas apropiadas, para un Diseno Sustentable en Calidad de Vida. Comprometidos con una Relacion y manejo de la naturaleza con respecto e intencion de devolver a la Madre Natura limpio lo que tomamos de ella, considerando a las futuras generaciones en su derecho de gozar de ella como lo hemos hecho nosotros. Agricultura Organica Biointensiva y tradicional. Construccion Natural. ARG020 LOCATION : 2 km del pueblo. rural area, but very close to an urban center, Mendoza Nuestra finca esta! ubicada en una zona rural, pero muy cerca de un centro urbano. Tenemos variedad de animales para el sustento familiar to y una extensa huerta orga! nica, adema!s de variados frutales y via. Nuestra idea se basa en el autosustento y la mejor calidad de vida, ademaa!s del ahorro.Ofrecemos un lugar con jardines y flores, pues creemos que la vida en el campo debe tener belleza y comodidades. Los invitamos a compartir innumerables tareas en un ambiente familiar,ofrecemos comida sana y solicitamos traer carpa We keep a variety of animals for a living and a large organic orchard with a variety of fruit and veg. Our idea is based on self-sufficiency and improved quality of life. We believe that life in the countryside must have beauty and comodidades. We invite you to share tasks in a myriad family atmosphere. We offer healthy food. We don't speak English! ARG021 Not receiving wwoofers at this time, June 12th, 2009. ARG022 Cancelled as of June 12th, 2009. ARG023 LOCATION : Rural community, Mendoza Small farm started just 1 yr ago. Beautiful tranquil area near Andes, 1 hour south of Mendoza. Bordered by two other organic WWOOF farms and swimmer friendly ditches. Basic, clean accommodations, composting toilet, solar shower, functional kitchen. Looking for help with construction of a passive solar off the grid adobe house and large, organic garden with fruit trees. Requesting volunteers with experience and/or strong interest in natural construction and gardening. Also looking for someone that would mainly oversee meal prep and clean-up. Strong work ethic and positive mood REQUIRED. Beds limited, tents recommended. Please give minimum 2 weeks notice.

ARG024 LOCATION : Paraje Mallin Ahogado Km. 15. El Bolson, Rio Negro. Argentina we are a family of two adults and two childrens. we are a farm of 15 Has. in the patagonia, El Bolson. We have vegetable organic gardens, greenhouse, berries, flower gardens, and fruit trees. We also have three cows, three sheeps, chickens, ducks, gooses, pigs, bees. We produce beer, honey, embutidos, cheese, meat, jams, liquors, bread and wine. we also work frecuently with a rural school in gardens and raise animals projects. Daily activities will be 6 hours per day and we will offer you food and lodging (in a bedroom or tent) in exchange for your work. You can work with us from September until March. We speak spanish, but we welcome all WWOOFers. Please write us at least a month before coming. Somos una familia de 2 adultos y 2 ninos, en una granja de 15 Has en la Patagonia, El Bolson. Tenemos huerta organica, invernadero, berries, jardines de flores y arboles frutales. Tenemos vacas, ovejas, gallinas, patos, gansos, chanchos y abejas. Producimos cerveza, miel, embutidos, queso, carne, mermeladas, licores, pan y vino. Tambien trabajamos frecuentemente con una escuela rural en proyectos de huerta para mejorar la calidad de la comida de los chicos, y crianza de animales. Las actividades diarias seran de seis horas y te ofrecemos la comida y el alojamiento a cambio de tu trabajo. Puedes trabajar con nosotros de septiembre a marzo. Hablamos espanol, pero recibimos voluntarios de todo el mundo. Por favor escribannos con un mes de anticipacion ARG025 LOCATION : Perdriel , Lujan de Cuyo , Mendoza Somos dos jubilados, vivimos en un terreno con frutales y una pequena huerta a 22 Km al sur de la ciudad de Mendoza. Ofrecemos compartir la mesa familiar y el alojamiento con las comodidades usuales de una casa de campo. Necesitamos ayuda para la huerta, limpieza y poda de frutales. ARG026 City: Villa Union Province: Misiones Type of property: Granja organica Size (ha): 32 Cultivos: Huerta, yerba mate, mandioca We speak: espanol y ingles. Description: Activities: composting, Earthen building, solar energy, hydro-electric, reforestation, alternative-building, farming, gardening, permaculture, husbandry, dairy, community, reforestation, arts&crafts, yoga and meditation Description: Our project is about sustainable lifestyle, more self-sufficiency, less environmental impact. She exists in the gorgeous jungle hills of Misiones, Argentina. This is a homestead, a learning project, a place to live in peace. We want to be constructive, responsible beings, which for us means living as ecologically as possible, cultivating a deep partnership with the land we live on. We believe we can provide for our basic needs (food/water, shelter, clothes, medicine) through simple, natural means. An organic garden. Natural buildings using local, site-found, and salvaged materials. Connecting with our fellow beings by offering a place to share knowledge and skills, and

gain new insight and understanding.We want to live in harmony with nature, reconnect with her wisdom, and savor her delights. By cultivating awareness of our attitudes and actions, we can have a positive effect on our place in this world. Program: We are a shared learning project, currently taking volunteers and long-term interns. We are looking for people to help out with gardening, reforestation, carpentry, food-product making (like cheeses and jams), dairy cow and chicken care, fungus identification, alternative energy, bee-keeping, and creative projects (like furnituremaking and crafting). We offer healthy food, nature hikes, swimming, yoga and meditation, and hands-on learning about sustainable living. We work in the mornings for 4-5 hours, break for lunch and siesta, then do personal projects and garden work for 1-2 hours in the evening. We are just starting out and are building sleeping spaces, but for now we stay in tents and share the communtiy kitchen. We only ask that volunteers contribute with positive attitudes and responsible awareness. Accomodation: Hasta 6 voluntarios, Dormimos en carpas por ahora, Voluntarios deben traer su propio carpa Food: Dieta Vegetariana, cocina comunitaria We are: Una pareja, con animales When to come: todo el ano Additional comments: n/a Children: si ARG030 City: Aristobulo del Valle Province: Missiones Type of property: Natural Reserve Size (ha): 30,5 We have 30,5 hectareas is a natural reserve, with an strem and a fall, we are protecting this jungle wich is in state of recuperation, we are 800mts of Salto Encantado Provincial Park 13000hectareas, thats why sometimes we see monkeys, tucans, litle cats or coaties. We also are triyng to grow corn, mandioca, carrots, onion, lettuce, etc, we have alternative energies like solar panels, sistem of water call Bomba de Soga, Parabolic coocks and we are making a solar secadero for fruits and vegetables Accomodation: there are places to put yours tent. We receive 2 or 3 volunteers no more than Food: Colective cook, we eat everithing but majority green food. We are: a family Andrea (Mother, terapist 40), Jara (daugther 3), Aldana(daugther student 15), Gol (father park ranger 34) When to come: all the year Additional comments: if you speak spanish or you are in the way to learn or doing an intercambe is better for us because our english is no too good. Thanks Children *yes

ARG031 LOCATION : El bolson Hola somos artesanos y estamos en faeria Regional de EL Bolson con nuestras artesanias Campanas Tubulares \" Canta vientos \" y somos constructores de \"Construccion Natural\" y Trabajamos con Permacultura y cultivos Organicos y disponemos de una chacra de fruta fina , huertas ,frutales , una Taller de artesanias Estamos desarrollando una Comunidad .cultivando ua Huerta comunitaria una construccion comunitaria en las orillas del Rio Azul. Accomodation: Tenemos disponible una casita de fardos y de adobe para 2 personas con una cosinita y un bano. Food: Alimentacion variada cocina colectiva. We are: Somos una familia muy grande y trabajadores . nos gusta la musica las danzas los cantos y las fiestas y conocemos mucha gente en chacras organicas y trabajamos para el cambio Planetario Espiritual de LZ When to come: Octubre a Marzo ( prinavera - verano ) Additional comments: somos gente alegre, abierta, buena onda y espirituales. Children *tenemos dos hijos. Si, puden.

ARG 032 Province: Jujuy Type of property: Small familiar farm Size (ha): 963 Cultivos: organic vegetables We speak: Spanish and english Description: We have a house in there we live. There are also two cabins made of stones ,wood and adobe. We are building more cabins to receive tourists and signing paths in the forest for trecking. We also work in our organic garden and take care of our animals(chickens & horses). There is no energy supply in our place. We are looking for volunteers to help us in all the works listed before. Accomodation: We have a cabin with private bathroom & hot water to receive a maximum of 4 volunteers. Food: We will cook with the volunteers together. And of course we will eat together. Our diet is vegetarian. We are: We are a Family. Martin & Elizabeth with our son(10 years old) Matias.We have 5 dogs. When to come: Any time Additional comments: During the wet season(from december to april) they can only reach our place by a 3km walk(1 hour). If they call us before, we can pick them up with the horses,so they have not to carry their baggagge. Children *yes

ARG033 Province: Buenos Aires Type of property: dynamic organic farming Size (ha): 20 Cultivos: prairie, corn, wheat, linen, garden We speak: spanish & basic english Description: our task is to return him the life to the groud so that healthy plant grow in her and on them our animals feed, and they all are correct food for the man, our end is to educate in this sense; cattle, agriculture, garden, milk pruduction, learn of organic farm; 3 houses,hothouse, swimming sink Accomodation: 4 rooms 2 bed each one, acampment we can receive up to 4 volunteers Food: food served to the volunteers, vegetarian or conventional meal We are: we are a family with 4 daughters who do not live in the farm, 8 personel When to come: the whole year Additional comments: thank you Children *yes

ARG035 City: El Bolson Province: Rio Negro Type of property: Organic farm and natural building center Size (ha): 120 Cultivos: Fruits, vegetables We speak: Spanish, english & italian Description: We are an organic Farm, working in natural building sistems. Olso we work with bees,natural water harbing sistems and much more. We are building a host center with sun shower, dry toilet, public kitchen, passive natural heating sistem and acomodation for 6 persons. Out door kitchen, out door dry toilet. Place for camping. The hostel will be finish in the begining of january 2009, so it is important to bring until it is finish your tent and sleeping bag. Accomodation: 6 beds in the host center in a common room, camping site. We can receive 5 volunteers Food: We have a cooking team so the food will be organiced for us with your help when it is necessary. Vegetarian menu, very rich. We are: We are 3 brothers, Gabriel, Gerardo and Leonardo. Gerardo is married with Paula. They have 2 childrens, Apolo and Lao. In the summer a lot of friends comes to help and enjoy the beauty of the land. We have 4 dogs and 4 cats. We are developing a comunitary self sustainable eco village. Targeted in natural building, natural growing, renowable energy, art development and natural conscience development. When to come: We can start receiving volunteers from december 20/ 2008. We can receive volunteers until May.

Additional comments: Be happy and enjoy the life Children *we dont have a place to take care of the until now but at the time you can ask

ARG036 Not longer listed as of May 8th, 2009. ARG037 City: Capilla del Monte Province: Cordoba Type of property: Granja educativa de fauna silvestre y prod. alternativas Size (ha): 4 We speak: spanish & english Description: La Granja is an organic educational farm located in Capilla del Monte, in the sierras of Cordoba, very close to Cerro Uritorco. We grow organic vegetables, develop alternative productions and provide environmental education to visitors from all over the country. The farm has a surface of 4 h. where we breed several species- pheasants, rabbits, hens, lamas, nandues, lizards, silk worms, sheep and goats and keep an organic orchard. The place -which is full of beautiful native botanical species- also has a composting area, a camping site and a hostel where we lodge small groups of tourists who want to be in touch with nature. Besides regular tourists, we host groups of students and adults in seminars and workshops on sustainable agriculture, organic farming, composting, sustainable energy and environmentally friendly practices. We also work locally in collaboration with organizations dedicated to education, culture and local development. We are a family with three teenage kids and wed like to host volunteers interested in organic agriculture, sustainable practices and alternative productions. Well be glad to receive wwoofers all year long. Just let us know some time in advance! We offer nice, quiet lodging in the camping area, a communitarian kitchen, and the opportunity to live and learn in a healthy, ecological environment at the foot of the Sierras. Accomodation: Area de acampe. Hasta 4 voluntarios. Camping Site. Up to 4 volunteers. Food: Cocina abierta. Communitarian kitchen We are: Family with 3 kids. Familia con tres hijos. When to come: Todo el ano/All year long Additional comments: we are only accepting from Ausgust 2009 Children * not specifiedARG039 City: San Nicolas Province: Buenos Aires Type of property: Granja organica de hortalizas Size (ha): 8

Cultivos: hortalizas, aromaticas, extensivo (calabassa, maiz, trigo etc) We speak: Espanol, aleman e ingles Description: Estamos trabajando desde hace 8 anos organico. La granja tiene 8 has y en 1 ha estamos cultivando hortalizas (para la entrega domiciliario), 0,5 ha de aromaticas, 0,5 ha de calabassa y algo de maiz para los animales. En el futuro frutales. Hay una familia argentina viviendo y trabajando en el campo. Hay algunos animales, como ovejas, conejos, gallinas, perros, una chanchita y un caballo. Estamos trabajando en un lindo grupo de trabajo y estamos ofreciendo un lugar para aprender de agricultura organica, trabajar, y compartir o intercambiar experiencias. Nos gustaria que la gente sea interesada en el tema campo, abierta para aprender y integrarse en un grupo de trabajo. Accomodation: Nosotros podemos recibir hasta 2 voluntarios. Hay un cuarto para los voluntarios en la casa del campo, compartiendo el bano y la cocina con la familia que vive en la casa. Pero se puede acampar tambien. Hay una piscina. El campo esta a 12 km de San Nicola Food: Los voluntarios tienen que cocinar por su propia cuenta y la dieta esta vegetariano. se pueden alimentar de todas las verduras organicas (y la variedad esta muy grande), como hay gallinas tambien hay huevos para consumir. We are: yo (Britta) soy Ingeniera de horticultura, alemana y estoy encargada del campo y trabajando todos los dias en el campo. Mi novio es Eduardo, Ingeniero agronomo y me ayuda mucho en questiones tecnicas. Oscar es el dueno del campo, normalmente tambien cada When to come: Desde Septiembre hasta Mayo. Additional comments: Todavia hay mucho trabajo por adelante en la granja, por ejemplo armar lindos corales para los animales (construcciones alternativas, reciclados etc.) Entonces junto a nosotros los voluntarios pueden aprender con nosotros. Children: para discutir

ARG040 City: El Bolson Province: Rio Negro Type of property: Organic farm Size (ha): 200 Cultivos: vegetables, fruits, grain, hay, medicinal herbs We speak: English and Spanish Description: We are located in the Patagonia region of Argentina and is an organic farm with a lodge/spa for eco/agro tourism. The farm is located in a small valley on the eastern slope of the Andes Mountains in southwestern Argentina, We utilize the BioIntesive method of farming and have been greatly influenced by the works of John Seymour regarding sustainable farming and living. Currently we have Jersey milk cows, Scottish blackface sheep, beef cows and horses. All of these animals are sources of food, fiber and manure. While the farm is not vegetarian, the goal is to encourage less dependence on a meat based diet, thus fostering a more sustainable circle of fertility. The farm is located in a natural protected area that allows for easy access to a variety of

outdoor activities: trekking, kayaking, rafting, horseback riding, and mountain biking. The following work is potentially available to volunteers: garden work, planting, harvesting and preparing grain to make bread, lumber preparation utilizing a hand operated saw mill., work with animals including milking cows and shearing sheep, preparation and use of medicinal herbs, trail building and maintenance, and natural construction. Requirements: the requirements will vary for each individual and will be determined on a case by case basis. Smoking is not allowed on the farm because of the extreme fire hazard in this area. Accomodation: We are currently able to receive no more than 2 persons at a time. We are not set up to receive children. Depending on the time of year, there may be dorm rooms with shared baths available in the lodge. Tents are the second option; we have outdoor bathro Food: Depending on the time of year, volunteers may eat with the family or prepare their own food in a communal kitchen. This will be decided on a case by case basis. The diet is a mixed one. We are: We are a family of four from the United States that has been living in Argentina for more than 10 years. When to come: We are able to receive volunteers from the beginning of Spring through Autumn (March to November) Additional comments: Please check our site for more information Children: No

ARG041 City: Pcia.Cordoba Province: Cordoba Type of property: Granja Biodinamica Size (ha): 3 Cultivos: Huerta familiar y comercial, vivero y pasturas para ganado We speak: Espanol and catalan in the house but we can speak english, french, portuguese, and italian... Description: La granja esta en un suelo muy pobre de la sierra cordobesa , al que estamos recuperando desde hace casi 3 anos. Tenemos 1/2 Ha de diferentes cultivos de hortalizas, frambuesas, frutillas,etc.., vivero de aromaticas y algunos arboles nativos y otros leguminosos, gallinas, 2 vacas, y 2 caballos ( de los vecinos). Para el pastoreo usamos tambien el terreno de nuestros vecinos en rotacion.Estamos involucrados en las actividades de una escuela waldorf del pueblo cuyos chicos vienen periodicamente a hacer huerta y sembrar trigo. Tambien participamos de un grupo de medianos y pequenos productores del sur de la pcia. de Cordoba y de un grupo de estudio de biodinamica de la zona. En casa vivimos la familia ( nosotros dos y nuestros 3 hijos :Mika(16) Gabriel(15) y Mayra (13)). Diego sale alrededor de una semana al mes para dar cursos y algun pequeno asesoramiento y poder sostener la economia de la familia.Elaboramos varios de nuestros productos y vamos un dia al pueblo a venderlos. La granja esta a 4 km. del pueblo. Accomodation: Tenemos un cuarto independiente para algun pasante. Esta fuera de nuestra casa , al lado del establo y tiene un pequeno bano con ducha. Podemos albergar a dos en el

mismo cuarto. Food: El pasante que este comparte todas las comidas con nosotros. Comemos poca carne ( entre 1 a 4 veces por mes) y un poco de pescado. Nuestra dieta es principalmente a base de cereales , verduras y lacteos. We are: nosotros dos y nuestros 3 hijos: Mika(16) Gabriel(15) y Mayra (13) When to come: En lo posible nos gusta recibir voluntarios por un ano. En nuestro verano ( de dic. a marzo) podemos recibir por un mes y en nuestro invierno por min. 3 meses Additional comments: Venimos al cyber, con suerte, una vez por semana para ver los mails... Tendriamos ya disponibilidad a partir de abril Children: En principio, no.

ARG042 City: Barreal Province: San Juan Type of property: Finca andina Size (ha): 5 Cultivos: Manzanos, perales, membrillos, alamos, verduras We speak: Espanol - Ingles Description: En la esquina de la finca hemos reciclado un edificio de adobe construido hacen 80 anos, alli funcionan un restaurante criollo y la posada, por ahora de 3 habitaciones. Ademas un salon con biblioteca, la cocina, nuestras habitaciones, habitacion de planchado y un cuarto con dos camas para huespedes familiares o amigos o voluntarios. Accomodation: En dormitorio con cama, dos. En carpa, diez. Food: Tenemos restaurante, por lo cual podemos prepaparar nosotros la comida, o si quieren tambien pueden cocinar ellos a las brasas en parrilla y horno de barro. No hay problema si son vegetarianos, estamos acostumbrados. Podemos comer juntos con el personal o We are: Somos dos hermanos del corazon, Martha de 51 anos y Luis de 27, la perra Chiquita y el gato Barnie. Tambien tenemos a la vaca Aurora con su hijo Picho, Wilson, el chancho grande y sus dos hijos Rocco y Blanquita, gallinas, patos, cabras y ovejas. When to come: De febrero a diciembre. Additional comments: Tenemos mucho espacio para carpas, los acampantes pueden compartir los banos para comensales, y banarse en horarios en que el restaurante esta cerrado. Children: Nos gustaria pero no tenemos las comodidades suficientes.

ARG043 Not receiving wwoofers at this time, June 12th, 2009. ARG045 City: El Bolson

Province: Rio Negro Type of property: fruits trees farm Size (ha): 0 Cultivos: manzanas, nueces, berrys, flowers, plums We speak: Espanol, english, deutch, french Description: dependiendo del mes hay mas o menos actividades los volunntarios tambien puedes hacer trabajos de carpinteria , arte e innovaciones , pero lo mas atractivo del lugar es la naturaleza , nosotros tenemos bicicletas para los invitados y estamos abiertos a las propuestas de labores y skills que tengan los wwoofers. Los interesados pueden contactarnos via email, tenemos acceso todos los dias , nuestra finca esta situada a solo 15 minutos del centro del pueblo , asi que venimos casi todos los dias al ciber, lo mejor seria via e mail, ya que los celulares, como sabemos, se pierden se rompen etc . Accomodation: 1 dormitorio para 2 personas con cocina, camping 4 personas Food: Cocina abierta a vegetarianos, aqui hay muchos vegetales y frutas todo el ano , tenemos nuestro propia produccion de pan y pizzas en horno a lena We are: dos amigos, uno aleman y otro argentino When to come: todo el ano Additional comments: me gusta ensenar espanol a los viajeros, Los europeos y estadounidenses vienen mucho a la Patagonia y algunos no encuentran un lugar para quedarse sin pagar hostal, a la vez se pierden la maravillosa experiencia de conocer estos lugares llenos de parques Children: no, aun estamos mejorando el lugar por eso no podemos recibir ninos.ARG046 City: Quebrada de los Pozos Province: Cordoba Type of property: granja biodinamica Size (ha): 50 Cultivos: pumpkin, onion, choclo, tomatoes compost, planting of small trees, gardening, and other activities according to what is being done, wwoofer's is welcomed to contribute with their skills. We speak: Espanol, portugues, frances, italiano, ingles entendemos y algo hablamos Description: Our project has started two years ago, therefore we have a lot of things to fix and work on. The main area/building is the centre of operations, where we eat together, take shower with hot water, place to camp, etc. One of the projects that is currently being developed is the construction of a building for visitors/volunteers: wwoofers will be involved in developing this project. 2 ha of the place is used for compost, we have a tractor and tools, solar powered electricity, we practice rudolf steiner's biodinamic agriculture. No one person is the expert, we like to share all our knowlege and learn from each other. Accomodation: Only camping at this time, one wwoofer, bring your own tent and sleeping bag. Food: Wwoofers will be eating exactly what we eat. Breakfast: mate, toasts, butter and sweet

Lunch: integral rice, salad, milanesas de mijo cebada or aduki and some type of boiled veggie, dessert is usually fruit, and tea-same as for breakfast Dinner: usually We are: We are a fundacion in the countryside, converting into a non-profit When to come: all year, we prefer to be contacted at least 2 weeks before arrival Additional comments: n/a Children: si

ARG047 City: Perez Province : Santa Fe Type of property: mini granja familiar Size (ha): 5 Cultivos: horticolas, aromaticas, medicinales, frutales, arboles en general We speak: espanol Description: vivimos y trabajamos en nuestro predio proyectando una granja agroecologica demostrativa. Reproducimos arboles y plantas en general desde semilla y plantines. Trabajamos en huerta de autoconsumo y comercializamos el exceso de produccion. Criamos gallinas ponedoras en un ambiente de carino y libertad. Nuestro objetivo actual es intensificar el manejo de la lombricultura (actualmente en funcionamiento) y ampliar la practica hacia el compostaje. Disponemos de una casa con varias habitaciones para albergar voluntarios. Tambien tenemos un amplio galpon, gallineros, etc. Buscamos personas interesadas en estos temas y que fundamentalmente posean un profundo respecto y amor por la naturaleza en todas sus formas. Accomodation: En la casa principal tenemos dos habitaciones disponibles, ademas del cuarto en el que dormimos mi novio y yo. Se puede tambien acampar, no obstante precaverse del frio en invierno. Podemos recibir hasta 2 voluntarios Food: Nosotros corremos con los gastos de alimentacion. La mayor parte de los alimentos tratamos de que sean de la propia granja, salvo algunos que debemos comprarlos. Proponemos cocinar entre todos. Preferentemente deseamos vegetarianos, pero no es esta una condicion excluyente, solo es una caracteristica favorable para reducir los gastos. We are: Somos una pareja de jovenes, yo de 24 y mi novio de 29 anos. Tenemos varios perros y dentro de poco tambien una gata. When to come: Estamos dispuestos a recibir voluntarios todo el ano. De enero a enero. Additional comments: Bienvenidos/as!. Children: no por ahora

ARG050 City: Isla Rama Negra Province : Buenos Aires Type of property: Organic plot of land used for investigation. Rustic

Size (ha): 1 Cultivos: frutihorticola We speak: Spanish, English (full-time); French, German (part-time) Description: Interested participants work on their own ecology projects or volunteer to assist others with projects. Shared work: All volunteers must help with preparing food, hauling water, cleanup, and maintenance of the property. Activities: Research in permaculture, sustainable and organic agriculture, green construction, alternative energy. Crops: Investigative vegetable garden plots, fruits, nuts. Facilities: Central cabin with bathroom and full kitchen; open space Accomodation: Up to 6 volunteers can sleep in the cabin; camping space is available for lots of people - campers must provide their own camping equipment. Food: Communal meal preparation and pot luck'; meals are mostly vegetarian (though not always!) We are: Researchers, documentarians, and travelers interested in the project - a great mix of people from all over the world. When to come: all year long Additional comments: Sometimes there are few people at the project, sometimes there are many, we have not had any problems yet and we want to keep it that way. We love meeting new people and we're always looking for new ideas for projects. We do not have internet on the island, so please be patient in waiting for responses to email inquiries. Please ask before bringing pets. Children: No, children are not allowed. Most of the people working on the project are young people without children.ARG051 City: Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, Rio Negro Province : San Carlos de Bariloche Type of property: conditions. Size (ha): 1.5 Cultivos: fruta fina, huerta organica We speak: espanol y frances Description: Los voluntarios tendran la posibilidad de colaborar con un proyecto educativo, en contacto con la naturaleza, aprendiendo sobre produccion de alimentos, cultivos organicos, elaboracion de dulces, quesos, etc, todo esto dentro de un marco natural imponente. Diversas tareas: cosecha, ordene, elaboracion de dulces, trabajos en huerta organica, acopio de lena, construcciones ecologicas, recepcion de alumnos. Accomodation: Refugio de montana (segun disponibilidad). Carpa Hasta 5 voluntarios. Food: Los voluntarios no deben la mayoria de las veces, cocinar su comida. We are: Familia, matrimonio y dos hijos. Animales domesticos y de granja When to come: De octubre a abril Additional comments: La consulta sobre el trabajo voluntario y las disponibilidades de

alojamiento deben realizarse con, por lo menos 2 meses de anticipacion. Children: Si


BRA002 City: Botucatu State: Sao Paulo Type of property: farm Size (ha): 42 Cultivos: wheat, rye, sillage, corn & sorghum, onions, potatoes, winter species forgreen manuring & winter grazing. Fruit harvesting, varied. Field cultures: In summer a lot of tree planting. Green houses with onions and horticulture. We speak: English, German. Portuguese is necessary to communicate with the locals. Description: Located amongst a 500 people neighbourhood (grown around the farms), a Waldorf School nearby, a house for courses (agriculture, education, etc.), and other activities. In a beautiful savannah region, with lake, many waterfalls and other landscape features nearby. Also running a vegetable/fruit processing unit & bakery. Farmshop. Two farms, 1st 42ha, 2nd 130 ha. Biodynamic management. Basic operation dairy cows, all milk processed to 14 products in a cheesery as well as producing the only organic ice cream in the country!! Minimum skills required. Accommodation: in spare rooms Food: Communal meals, vegetarian meals OK We are: Two families, many children. Chicken, horses, ducks, dogs, cats. When to come: Help needed all year round, preference for long (6 month) stayers. Additional comments: NO smoking in house. No alcohol. Children b.a... Children *NO BRA006 City: Londrina State: Parana Type of property: community Cultivos: We speak: portuguese, spanish and english Description: Our community is located in a semi-rural environment in Londrina, the capital of the state of Parana. We are part of a couple of sister-communities in Brazil that are running for more than 15 years. Our main occupations are organic gardening, whole wheat bread baking, and the development of alternative energy using permaculture methods. Our life together in community is a simple expression of the love we have for one another. The deep personal relationships we have with each other are being built daily through our common life in the community. Our community and our common

life together are based on our obedience to the simple, clear teachings of our master Yahshua, the Son of God. Our lives and relationships are being restored daily through our life of love. We invite and welcome all who are interested in our life and our community to come and visit. Our homes and our hearts are open to you. Accomodation: we can accomodate lots of WWOOFers! We are: a small community of about 80 people. When to come: all year round Children *YES BRA007 City: Rio de Janeiro State: Rio de Janeiro Type of property: Rural - organic farm Size (ha): 10000m2 Cultivos: organic vegetables such as Couve Manteiga, cucumber, mustard leaves, parsley, basil, tomatoes, radishes, beets, carrots, sweet peppers, lettuce and pumpkin we have plans to plant more varieties in the future. We speak: Portuguese, Spanish, English, German & Dutch fluently Description: We are situated in the middle of the Tingua Reserve, outside of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The orphanage aims to take children away from aggression, drugs & criminality in Rio and surrounding suburbs. It provides these children with shelter, nutrition, education and a lot of freedom to play. In February 2007 our new organic farming project was initiated thanks to sponsors and the arrival of Juan Bautista an Argentinean Agriculturalist who brought enthusiasm, a lot of ideas and the hard working example, which made each and everyone enthusiastic about the project. Within 2 months he realized a running organic farm and the involvement of staff, volunteers and children of the orphanage. Long Term objectives of the project) 1. Provide quality food for the children and teenagers 2. Provide farming education to children and teenagers 3. Make the project self-sustaining and guarantee continuity 4. Pass on knowledge to the surrounding impoverished farmers We are looking for a Project Leader to take over the responsibility of this project to help with continuity and development, plus enhance the involvement of the kids and the community. You need to be able to efficiently manage the project and to coordinate the other organic farming volunteers. As the project is still evolving we are open to new ideas and suggestions. We are also looking for Volunteers willing to gain farming experience by providing daily farm maintenance. Organic farming skills are very welcome since our project is young and our team is still learning. However this is not a must and you will learn quickly the basics of organic farming.

You will work approximately 6 hours a day. We need enthusiastic, hardworking, nature loving, volunteers who like to work on our farm. We are situated at the outskirts of the Tingua reserve, which means that you will be surrounded by beautiful green mountains. A fantastic experience; an opportunity to see Brazil, people, life and yourself at whole different level! Accommodation: You receive accommodation and food in exchange for your services. Shared accommodation is available in the volunteers house, which houses up to 10 volunteers involved in various roles in the orphanage. There is normally space for 2-3 WWOOFers to work on the organic farm Food: Meal times are shared with the children as a community; there is also a kitchen available in the volunteers house if you wish to prepare your own food. Additional Comments: The organic project is located within the orphanage grounds, therefore it is important that you enjoy or have had experience working with children. You can combine your organic farming work with activities with the children and doing various tasks in the orphanage. When to come: All year-mininum stay of 6 months. Children *YES BRA016 City: Itapetininga State: Sao Paulo Type of property: ORGANICS - HORTI-FRUTI Size (ha): 8 Cultivos: HORTI-FRUTI We speak: portuguese, spanish and english Description: The property is still under development but we do have large space for camping and 7 rooms -can sleep 3. There are still limited organic production but working on it and would like to expand variety. Food will be prepared by someone at the property, help is welcome of course! Its a family run property. BRA019 City: Sao Luiz Paraitinga State: Sao Paulo Type of property: little farm Size (ha): 90 Cultivos: mushroom Shiitake We speak: portugues / espanhol Description: The property has 90ha, 55ha is preserved Mata Atlantica. We produce mushrooms in two cabins and then we process them into preserve, sause or pasta. We have also started working with the garden and apiculture. We are just starting to plant other things except for the mushrooms, which we had them for 4 years. This is a very attractive and special place. Colonial architecture from XIX and XVIII

characterizes the city. We are located in a montaneous region-a great place for relaxing and meditation. Approx. 3 hours from the city of SP Accomodation: We have two rooms available with beds. (One in the house and another separate) Food: Everyone has the same food, we do prefer vegetarian. But we do serve honey and meat ocasionally. Children*YES please let us well in advance BRA020 City: Picada Cafe State: Rio Grande do Sul Type of property: Rural Size (ha): 80 Cultivos: Fig, hibiscus, peach, guava, grapes, strawberries, lettuce, tomato, rebolho, green pepper, cado of milk. We speak: Portuguese and German Description: We are a group of farmers with small properties of about 10ha each. Each farmer and family produce for self sustent and whatever is left is comercilized by the cooperative. We are involved in all the steps of the final the product (producing, packaging, selling at the farmer's market etc.) We participate in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Brasilia and Rio Grande do Sul's farmer's market. The market's we participate in are usually organic or revolving to solidary economy. We believe in fair trade. Toxics are not used in our soil. To summarize, our production can be considered rudimental as we still use the "old ways" to produce vegetables, fruits. For those who would like to come to Brasil and help in our properties, we would like to leave a couple of quotes for those who are planning to visit us: "Work is the doctor of nature and its essential for the happiness of humanity."(Galeno) "To rest is good, but boredom is brother of rest" (Voltaire) "Quality is never achieved accidentally; it is always a result of hard work and intelligence". Accomodation: We have 2 rooms with one bed in each. At the farmer's house. Food: The kitchen will be in the house of the farmer. We are not vegetarians but we do produce and consume healthy food. You will be eating with the family. Children *NO BRA023 City: Planaltina State: Distrito Federal Type of property: Rural Size (ha): 109 Cultivos: soy , corn, beans, birds We speak: Portuguese and German Description: You will be welcomed to join us in our family run property in Distrito Federal. The surrounding is tranquil and family atmosphere.

Our main activities are to take care of bids in our property. We started growing birds since 1994, now we have more than 20 species. All the food fed to our animals are prepared here. Accomodation: You will have your own room with washroom Food: You will be eating with our family. BRA024 City: Piata State: Bahia Type of property: family run Size (ha): 170 Cultivos: fruits, mangoes, vegetables We speak: portuguese and a little english (simple) Description: we are located in a montaneous region surrounded by preserved area in the Chapada Diamantina at an altitude of 1100m. We are a farm that uses organic and biodinamics techniques to produce coffee, mangoes and vegetables. With a total area of 170 ha, 70ha is used and the rest is still untouched. You will be included in planning and the execution (preparing the soil, planting, harvest) of the projects at our farm. Other activities will be according to season and/or as needed. Accomodation: house for 4 with 2 washrooms, simple furniture but confortable. Food: collective kitchen where we prepare our food. Additional comments: no drugs Children *YES BRA025 City: Crissiumal State: Rio Grande do Sul Type of property: 8 families Size (ha): 80 ha Cultivos: Organic sugar cane, native medicinal plants, and other organic cultures (beans, watermelon, melon, potato, pumpkin) We speak: Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and English Description: We grow organic sugar cane and other(beans, watermelon, melon, potato, pumpkin). Industrialization of artesanal cachaca, bottling and selling for internal and external market. We also work with environmental projects (refloresting of the matas ciliares at the Vale do Rio Uruguai) and the training of farmers. We have a small factory and a training center. Accomodation: 2 rooms with 2 beds and place for camping Food: colective kitchen and mixed diet Comments: We work in community for a more organic world. BRA026 City: Sao Joaquim State: Santa Catarina Type of property: Family run Size (ha): 18

Cultivos: variety of fruits and vegetables We speak: portuguese Description: Da

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