order of service - carmel · prepare themselves for this outreach and for us to do our part in...

Post on 18-Mar-2020






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Worshippers are invited to come forward for personal prayers with elders/pastors in the front pew.





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ORDER OF SERVICE 9.00 am/11.00 am 6 August 2017

Worship Leader: Kenneth Lim Speaker: Rev David Wong

Prayer/Holy Communion: Rev Peter Teo Scripture Readers: Serene Lim/Kim Kijin

Silent Prayer & Meditation


Call to Worship

Opening Song Holy is the Lord Almighty

We All Bow Down

Opening Prayer “Gloria Patri”

Responsive Scripture Reading

Psalm 84

Worship in Songs Blessed Be Your Name You Are My All in All

My Abba Father

Offertory & Thanksgiving Prayer Alpha Video “Doxology”

Congregational Prayer & Announcements

Scripture Text

Ephesians 5:21-33

Message Balance of Power in Marriage

Holy Communion

Beneath the Cross - by Choir

Closing Song Day By Day


“Three-Fold Amen”

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a. Submission is “as to the Lord” (v.22)

b. Submission is not only for the wife (v.21)


a. Leadership is always demonstrated in love (vv.25,28,33)

b. Leadership is not being served by others, but to serve others (v.25)

3. BALANCE Pivot is Christ.

a. Submission to each other is “out of reverence for Christ” (v.21)

b. Submission to husband is “as to the Lord” (v.22)

c. Love for wife is “just as Christ loved the church” (v.25)

Balance of Power in Marriage Ephesians 5:21-33

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Come, join our prayer warriors in Room #03-06 on Wednesday @ 7.45 pm !


As we celebrate our 52th National Day, let us give thanks to God for His blessings & favour upon Singapore, and for the Government He has placed over us. Ask God to grant PM Lee and his ministers godly wisdom and understanding to govern Singapore well, not for personal gain or for the advantage of a favoured few so that her people may lead peaceful and quiet lives. Ask also that justice be executed fairly, protecting those who live decently and punishing those who do wrong. Pray for our leaders that they will be humble, teachable, and willing to change for the good of the nation. In the arena of public administration, human resource development, economic innovation and entrepreneurship —that tiny Singapore will bless the world in big ways to bring strategic change and practical benefits, with no strings attached. May Singapore be a bright shining light in the arena of:

foreign policy and international affairs — she will be a peacemaker and a bridge-builder, God's ambassador of reconciliation.

humanitarian concerns, servant-leadership and volunteerism

media and the arts — Singapore will showcase world-class works that are clean, creative and contemporary to unlock nations for His glory!


Missions: Praise God for His blessings on the Missions Festival 21-30 July 2017. Give thanks for every missionary and partner who joined us. They testified that they have been truly blessed by coming to our Missions Festival. Pray that they will put into practice what they have learned here. Pray also for Carmelites that we will obey the Great Commission in giving, going and praying. Continue to pray for our missionaries and partners to serve God in their churches diligently and with power from Holy Spirit. Thank God too for Carmelites who gave generous to the Missions Food Fest. May God grant wisdom to the OMM committee in the distribution of the money collected for the extension of His kingdom.

Journey Mercies Musical (11-13 Aug): Commit the entire cast, crew and musicians in prayer – oneness of hearts and minds in serving God through their gifts and talents, good health including preservation of voices (cast), God’s strength and empowerment each day and for each performance. Pray for the colleagues, friends and relatives we invite (especially the non-Christians) that they will attend the musical. Pray that through the musical, God is glorified.

Alpha course (18 Aug to 10 Nov): From 18 Aug and thereafter every Friday till Nov 10, Dn Jerry Ng & team will be meeting, befriending, and discussing the Christian faith with colleagues/friends/relatives of Carmelites/regular worshippers. Do pray with them as they prepare themselves for this outreach and for us to do our part in inviting our colleagues/friends/relatives for Alpha.

Young Adults Ministry: Come 20 Aug, the young adults will come together for “The Feast” lunching and fellowshipping together followed by a combined Bible Study. Pray that many young adults will make time to meet other young adults and establish friendships with each other.

Children Ministry: 1) Pray for the P6ers as they prepare for their upcoming PSLE: Oral (17-18 Aug), Listening Comprehension (15 Sep) - that they will experience His presence and peace as they learn to trust in Jesus and manage the stress they feel. 2) Pray for wisdom and strength for Edward, Sharon Chung and daughters as they facilitate the Music Weekend Aug 26-27 for Primary Children in KidSparks & Sunday School. Pray for enriching time of learning for all participants on Christian music, songs and Scripture, and through various activities.

Jubilee Dinner 27 & 28 October: Continue to pray for the committee working on the ticket sales for the dinner, and those responsible for the planning of the dinner programme.

PRAYER PAGE ““””“Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that

I fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.” Ephesians 6:19

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Use, Misuse and Abuse

Some of us use things. Some of us use people. Some of us use people in a good way that empowers them and liberates them to make full use of their talents. Some use people in an ungodly way for selfish intentions.

Human trafficking in our present world and slavery in the past are ways of using people in an ungodly way. Migrant workers in our midst are mistreated when they are deprived of basic living and working conditions by their employers. The weak, the poor and the uneducated are easy prey in the hands of cruel people with a sinister bent.

What about the home place? Can there be any kind of ill treatment of members in the family? Instead of nurturing love and thoughtful care, can a person at home feel used in an ungodly way or worse, abused? Between a husband and a wife, what kind of abuse can take place? If we even dare switch on our minds, we can easily pop these to the surface: verbal abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse and psychological abuse.

Verbal abuse: name-calling – “You are stupid! A fool! You are a failure as a wife/husband.” Roaring so that your neighbours know you are in charge.

Emotional abuse: “I don’t know why I chose to marry you! You are not good for me and you are good for nothing.” Applying a cold judgmental exterior. Withdrawal of sex.

Physical abuse: shoving the spouse, slapping, punching, charging into his/her body etc.

Psychological abuse: “Your friend is a rat and I guess you are not much of a human.” Firing bullets of silence while present at home or slamming doors and drawers to ventilate.

Can abuse take place in a so-called Christian home? When it does happen in a Christian home, what does the church do or don’t do?

Research shows that the men most likely to abuse their wives are evangelical Christians who attend church sporadically. (By Julia Baird with Hayley Gleeson)

When there is abuse, some people blame menopause or the devil. The brazen Christians cover their abusive behavior with a cowardly cloak of scriptural justification. Be not surprised when they quote such verses without considering the context and without taking ownership/responsibility of their ungodly actions:

"Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Saviour." - Ephesians 5: 22-23

"Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or have authority over a man; rather, she is to remain silent." - 1 Timothy 2: 11-12

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Here lies the fifth type of abuse. Spiritual abuse: “Your problem is that you don’t obey me according to what the bible teaches.” Hurling selected bible verses at a spouse without first adhering to its authority is a misuse of Scripture and is an abuse.

The Australian Institute of Family Studies concluded: "The vital element to consider is the gender norms and beliefs surrounding male dominance and male superiority, created by power hierarchies that accord men greater status."

This is confirmed by global research. A study published in the Lancet in 2015 analysed data from 66 surveys across 44 countries, covering the experiences of almost half a million women.

It found that the greatest predictor of partner violence was "environments that support male control", especially "norms related to male authority over female behaviour".

Why have there been so few sermons on domestic violence? Why do so many women report that their ministers tell them to stay in violent marriages?

And if the church is meant to be a place of refuge for the vulnerable, why is it that the victims are the ones who leave churches while the perpetrators remain?

The Bishops in Victoria, Australia say "we reject a reading of scripture that condones domestic violence. A correct reading of scripture leads to an understanding of the equal dignity of men and women and to relationships based on mutuality and love".

Let us admit it: Christians can be naïve about this subject matter and are prone to submit token efforts at handling abuse. How can we be better?

1. More than just Talking about It - We keep quiet about it thinking that talking about someone who is experiencing abuse is gossip. I found this on a website: Imagine if you found out your brother-in-law was beating your sister. Would your first response be, “That’s none of my business”? The same way domestic abuse involves a whole family, abuse involves a whole church family. The abuse may have taken place in private, but that doesn’t make it a private matter. It is also more than a matter of private morality.

As Christians, if we’re going to start taking abuse seriously, we need to stop comparing it to gossip.

2. Protectors, Lanterns & Kryptonians - Telling women to endure domestic violence in the name of God is being an accomplice to a slow murder of a person’s humanity and dignity.

In Sydney, as recently as 2015, David Ould, the rector of Glenquarie Anglican Church, told ABC News: "I would understand how women would read that passage (1 Peter 3) and choose to stay, but I myself would be urging them to get out and work out what it means from a safe position."

The last thing a victim of abuse needs to do is go right back into the environment that hurt them in the first place.

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If someone has been attacked by a dog, would you tell them to go back and risk getting bitten again? Christians who insist on reconciliation in the face of spiritual abuse are forgetting one important thing: Abusive people can’t always be reasoned with.

Not only is it dangerous to ask a victim to make amends with their abusers, it also puts an undue burden of responsibility on the victim to come up with a solution. It’s like saying, “They’re the ones who hurt you, but now it’s your job to make it right.”

3. Making Big Things out of Small Talks – if you suspect that something is amiss in someone’s life or marriage, then refuse to take replies like “I’m okay. We are fine.” as endorsement that everything is in a godly place. Pursue further like a bloodhound.

4. The Wide Gate and the Broad Road – Having a quiet word with the abuser and giving “advice” to the victim do not solve everything. Consultation with counsellors and the police are essential steps to adopt.

What has been lacking in church communities, counsellors say is an understanding of the psychology of violent men, and a recognition of how unlikely is it that they can change.

The main problem is that churches are too easily hoodwinked by the charm and manipulation of abusers:

"Jesus told his followers they needed to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves, but most churches are not wise about the mentality and tactics of evildoers, nor are they aware of how evildoers masquerade as believers in the church. The abuser typically has a Dr Jekyll persona that depicts him (or occasionally her) as a wonderful and godly man, so that no-one would suspect the truth … If the victim reports the abuse to church leaders, the abuser is skilled at shifting blame, evading account-ability, and pretending repentance and reformation. The vast majority of church leaders aren't discerning enough to detect these tactics of abusers for what they are: lies [and] often advise the victim to remain with or return to the abuser."

I can confirm the above excerpt based on my experience in helping a couple, and that was more than ten years ago.

4. Be it domestic violence or abuse of a different kind, Mount Carmel’s Board of Elders (BOE) attends to such needs with an attentive redemptive purpose and measured steps of church discipline. Have a chat with us.

NOTE: Paragraphs in italic are excerpts from these online reports.



Ps Jabez Chia

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Our Holy Communion is open to all who have confessed Jesus in baptism. If you are visiting and are regularly partaking Communion in the church where you come from, you are welcome to join us.

The church warden, Malcolm Ho is on leave from 1-8 August. Ah Jia, the cleaner will be taking care of opening and closing of the premises during his absence. He can be contactable at 9050-6876 (h/p).

We are inviting applicants for the post of Facilities Manager in Clementi Bible Centre (CBC).

The main functions of the facilities manager are (1) Maintenance Management (2) Administration and (3) Security.

Details of the job scope, salary and educational qualification are attached to the application form which is available at the office of Mt Carmel BP Church and The Bible Church.

If you are interested in the above position, please send your application and resume to Church Office. The email address is : church@carmel.sg. You can also direct your queries to the same email address. Application closes on 15 August 2017.

For those of you who have purchased e-tickets for the musical, please take note that unless all of you (and your guests) are arriving together, you will need to transfer (or gift) the tickets to your guests.

For information on how to transfer tickets , please go to: http://help.peatix.com/customer/en/portal/articles/155703-can-i-transfer-my-ticket-

Your guest will then need to claim the ticket according to the following http://help.peatix.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1030332

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All KidSparks and Sunday School co-workers serving this year are warmly invited to this annual event, details: DATE: 2 SEPTEMBER (SATURDAY) TIME/VENUE: 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. @ Joy Chapel (Programme);

1.00 p.m. to 1.45 p.m. @ Faith Hall (Lunch-fellowship) SPEAKERS: Mr. Alan Wong and Ms. Lorita Lim (Child Evangelism Fellowship) TOPIC: Elements of a Life-Changing Lesson Please register with the following contact persons by 13 Aug (Sunday), for catering of lunch and logistics purposes: KidSparks (Reading/Tuition hour): Cindy Tan

KidSparks (Bible hour): Melissa Choo

9.00 a.m. Preschool (Sun School): Phoebe Chua

9.00 a.m. Primary (Sun School): Stephanie Siow

11.00 a.m. Preschool (Sun School): Margaret Ong

11.00 a.m. Primary (Sun School): Aileen Khong

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In light of aging worshippers in both churches, both Mount Carmel Bible

Presbyterian Church’s Session as well as The Bible Church Singapore’s

(TBCS) Church Council have decided to make Clementi Bible Centre (CBC)

more elderly friendly. The CBC Management Committee (CBC MC) was

thus tasked to consider installing an additional lift, adding more female

toilets as well as wheel chair friendly toilets on every floor of the premises.

These renovations will also benefit younger members, especially ladies in


The CBC MC has worked with the appointed architect to draw up the

plans and have estimated the total costs of replacing the existing lift with 2

lifts and adding a wheel chair friendly toilet on each of the upper floors of

CBC at $1,074,900.

Summary of Cost (Lifts & Toilets) – estimated as of 1 July 2017

Mount Carmel BP Church’s half-share of the cost is estimated to be $537,450.

(The actual cost will only be known when tenders are awarded for the

project.) The projects are expected to take 14 months from the time the

plans are submitted to the authorities for approval. The heavy-duty

construction is expected to take place during the holidays to minimize

disruption to kindergarten operations.

If you have questions, please direct them by 21 August 2017, to any of

the following:

Eld Yeo Siew Yam, ysywpl@gmail.com

Jimmy Lam, junelbc@yahoo.com.sg

Dns Samantha Tsang, joanweien@yahoo.com.sg

No Description Total Cost 50% Share

1 Lifts $762,700 $381,350

2 Toilets $312,200 $156,100

Estimated Cost $1,074,900 $537,450

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● Please make all cheques, including those for the Development Fund, payable to Mount Carmel BP Church Ltd (exact payee name must be stated on the cheque).

● Please note that NO receipts will be issued for cheques received by the Church below $5,000 except upon request.

● All Offerings and Pledges to Mount Carmel BP Church Ltd is not tax deductible.




Ushers Clementi Woods CG Shalom CG

Refreshment Ayer Rajah CG

Worship Leader Ben Koh

Congregational Prayer Rev Toh See Kiat

Musicians Shawn Poon

Scripture Readers Rina Lai Tan Gek Kee

Welcome Corner Tan Mun Kiat Joyce Lin/Sunny Yap

Librarians — Library closed till after musical —

AVA Crew Peh Chee Siong/Peter Go/Sam Kong Choy John Tan/Francis Tay

Collection of As at 31 July 2017

S$ As at 30 July 2016


General Offerings / Pledges 1,282,356.05 1,297,979.11

General Missions Fund 188,659.50** 147,924.75*

Total General Offerings / Pledges & General Missions Fund

1,471,015.55 1,445,903.86

Extract of Collection of Offerings / Pledges

*amount included missions Festival Food Fund of $29,892.85 ** amount included Mission Festival Food Fund of $63,367.85

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Senior Pastor Rev Oh Boon Leong


Missions & Strategic Planning Rev Peter Teo


Ladies, ConnexUs & Rhoda Ps. Assoc. Ang Lee Luang


Children Ps Asst Margaret Ong margaret@carmel.sg

Youth & Family Rev Jabez Chia

jabez@carmel.sg Young Adult & Youth

Ps Asst Marianne Wong marianne@carmel.sg

Pastor-at-Large Rev Daniel Chua daniel@carmel.sg

SEMS Ps Asst Joyce Goh


Mandarin Service Rev Goh Ngiam Heng ngiamheng@carmel.sg

Rev Ng Eng Chye engchye@carmel.sg

Remnant Korean Service Rev Ezra Jang


BOARD OF ELDERS Eld Bruce Lockhart

(BOE Chairman)hisbl@nus.edu.sg

Rev Oh Boon Leong (Session Moderator)

Eld Yeo Siew Yam ysywpl@gmail.com

Eld Ho Peng Kee pengkeeho@gmail.com

Rev Peter Teo

Rev Jabez Chia



Rhoda - Combined Service Hope Sanctuary 9.00 am/11.00 am

Youth - Combined Service Hope Sanctuary 9.00 am/11.00 am

Mandarin Service Chapel 10.45 am

Remnant Korean Service Chapel 2.30 pm

SEMS Service Sanctuary 7.45 pm

Ushers: Youth/West Bay CG Refreshments: Beng Guan/Jimmy/June AVA: Yu Ta Wen/Lee Sin Yee/Chan Wen Hui/Christie Phua Welcome Corner: Tan Choon Kiat/Sim Chui Hoong/Dn Jonathan Lum Librarians: — Library Closed — Thanksgiving Flowers: Foo Kim Peng Goh Leng Khiang & Swee Hong Ellen Cheng Leanne Siew & Soh Kwee Cheng


English Services Hope Sanctuary 9.00 am/11.00 am Speaker: Rev Peter Teo - The Christian at Home and at Work (Ephesians 6:1-9)

Mandarin Service Chapel 10.45 am

Rhoda Fellowship ACE Room 11.00 am Worship Service

Youth Service Chapel 12.15 pm Speaker: Rev Jabez Chia - The Christian at Home and at Work (Ephesians 6:1-9)

Remnant Korean Service Chapel 2.30 pm

SEMS Service Sanctuary 7.45 pm

Wednesday, 9 Aug: No Prayer Meeting due to National Day Public Holiday.

Thursday, 10 Aug : No Thursday Men’s Group (TMG)

Thursday 8.00 pm ACE Room: Choir Practice

Saturday, 12 Aug 5.30 pm Chapel: SES Worship Leader: Chan Kum Soon Congregational Prayer: Rev Peter Teo Speaker: Rev Peter Teo - The Christian at Home and at Work (Ephesians 6:1-9)

Dear guests, we trust that you have a meaningful time of worship. We invite you to join us for Welcome Tea in the Fellowship Hall.

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