oral history workshop history 300b march 9, 2009

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Oral History Oral History WorkshopWorkshopHistory 300BHistory 300B

March 9, 2009March 9, 2009

Center for Oral & Public HistoryCenter for Oral & Public History California State University, FullertonCalifornia State University, Fullerton

http://coph.fullerton.edu/ http://coph.fullerton.edu/






9/11, war

Newspapers, diaries,


Fires, floods, thrown away

Archives, libraries, museums, person collections

Must be available

What is Oral History?

Valerie Yow: Oral history is the recording of personal testimony delivered in oral form.

Donald Ritchie: collection of spoken memories and personal commentaries of historical significance through recorded interviews.

From Internet (Answers.com): Historical information, usually tape-recorded or videotaped, obtained in interviews with persons having firsthand knowledge.

Terms often used interchangeably with oral history: self-report, personal narrative, life story, memoir, life testament.

Other terms used: life history, recorded memories, life review. (implies someone else involved)

Why is Oral History Important?

historical documents and books can't tell us everything about our past.

often concentrate on famous people and big events, and tend to miss the ordinary people living ordinary lives.

Neglect people on the fringes of society, e.g., the poor, disabled, ethnic communities.

Oral history fills the gaps and gives voice to history that includes everyone.

Oral History and Memory

Remembering – Constructing Narratives from our Memories Even young children create stories from their memories Psychologist David Rubin shows that most people begin reminiscing in

their forties. We remember what is important to us.

Memory – Fallible or Trustworthy? Aging and Memory Consistencies in Feelings Individual Memory v. Collective Memory

Whenever memory is involved, we need to ask: by whom, in what context?

Legal Stuff

Copyright Who owns the material? Legal agreements

Libel Libel is the published statement that is false and that is

intended to harm a person’s reputation. Cannot libel someone who is deceased.

Slander Defamation that is spoken.

Anonymity Make copy of tape and include pseudonym

Ack! What if they won’t sign the release?

A Few More Forms

IRB Deed of Gift Restriction Agreement

(we’ll talk about these a little bit more as they appear in the packet.)

Ethics and Privacy

No taping without narrator’s knowledge Recording without narrator’s knowledge is invasion of privacy Doesn’t hurt to get narrator’s permission on tape

Explain why and how oral histories will be used Don’t make promises you can’t keep Interviewers and transcribers must understand: this

is confidential until completed. Remind narrators that information will be made

public Revealing too much about personal life Revealing too much about ANOTHER person’s life

Before You Proceed

Acquaint yourself with Oral History Association

Check out other professional organizations

Work with instructor or supervising entity

Read, read, read!

Preparing for Oral History Project Do your homework – Research!

Are there similar projects? Are we offering new information?

Conceptualize the project What is it that we wish to accomplish? Focus How do we finance this project? This interview? Interviewing, Transcribing, Archiving

Interview Steps

Identify narratorsLetter of introduction

Research People’s lives do not take place in a

vacuumPrepare for pre-interview

Develop questions/outline Recorders - Equipment


Analog tape v. digital filesMagnetic tape still viewed as most

stableCommitment to digital files

Recorder Microphone Tapes

Preparation is the Key

Equipment Questions/outline Directions Release forms Prompts Review your checklist Know your narrator

Agreement Form(s)

Do YOU understand it? Can you explain it? Keep it visible Ask narrator to sign AFTER interview

Rapport, Rapport, Rapport

More Forms!

Labeling Cassette Creating Field Notes Creating Tape Log

And, Still More!

Deed of GiftUnderstanding nature of use

RestrictionWhat’s reasonable?Role of rapport“It’s just my family.”

Developing Questions

Who What When Where How Why How did you feel?


Introduction – on tape Narrator name, interviewer name, date, where

interview is taking place, project name Verbal agreement

Biographical sketch Parents, earlier years, schooling, adulthood

“Meat” of the interview Closing remarks

“Is there anything else you’d like to add?”


Opened-ended v. closed-ended questions

What do you remember about your grandparents? What was your grandfather’s name?

What kind of reception did the Cambodians receive when they moved into town?

Was there prejudice against Cambodians moving to your town?

More Questions

Childhood Teens Family Military Vocation Marriage/Family Religion Attitudes/beliefs Retirement Historic events Folklore, superstitions, customs, holidays, celebrating

Post-Oral HistoryWhat do we do now? Publications Theatrical productions Museum exhibits Document events, businesses,

community Identify artifacts and photographs Add to the historic record

Wrap Up/Questions

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