optical properties of heavily doped gaas nanowires and ... · nanowire el structures have already...

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Nanotechnology 22 (2011) 085702 (8pp) doi:10.1088/0957-4484/22/8/085702

Optical properties of heavily doped GaAsnanowires and electroluminescentnanowire structuresA Lysov1, M Offer1, C Gutsche1, I Regolin1, S Topaloglu2,M Geller1, W Prost1 and F-J Tegude1

1 Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen, D-47048Duisburg, Germany2 Department of Electronics Engineering, Maltepe University, Marmara Egitim Koyu, 34857,Maltepe, Istanbul, Turkey

E-mail: andrey.lysov@uni-due.de

Received 8 September 2010, in final form 30 November 2010Published 17 January 2011Online at stacks.iop.org/Nano/22/085702

AbstractWe present GaAs electroluminescent nanowire structures fabricated by metal organic vaporphase epitaxy. Electroluminescent structures were realized in both axial pn-junctions in singleGaAs nanowires and free-standing nanowire arrays with a pn-junction formed betweennanowires and substrate, respectively. The electroluminescence emission peak from singlenanowire pn-junctions at 10 K was registered at an energy of around 1.32 eV and shifted to1.4 eV with an increasing current. The line is attributed to the recombination in thecompensated region present in the nanowire due to the memory effect of the vapor–liquid–solidgrowth mechanism.

Arrayed nanowire electroluminescent structures with a pn-junction formed betweennanowires and substrate demonstrated at 5 K a strong electroluminescence peak at 1.488 eV andtwo shoulder peaks at 1.455 and 1.519 eV. The main emission line was attributed to therecombination in the p-doped GaAs. The other two lines correspond to the tunneling-assistedphoton emission and band-edge recombination in the abrupt junction, respectively.Electroluminescence spectra are compared with the micro-photoluminescence spectra takenalong the single p-, n- and single nanowire pn-junctions to find the origin of theelectroluminescence peaks, the distribution of doping species and the sharpness of the junctions.

(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

1. Introduction

The miniaturization of devices remains one of the mainapproaches used in microelectronics for the creation of systemswith an enhanced functionality [1]. Shrinkage of the devicesize makes use of the expensive ‘top down’ techniques, makingclear that new cheaper ‘bottom-up’ concepts are necessaryto overcome the limitations of conventional lithographicmethods [2].

III/V semiconductor nanowires are interesting candidatesfor the bottom-up fabrication of nano-photonic [3–6] andphoto-voltaic [7] devices. They offer the possibility forthe monolithic integration of compound semiconductors withmature silicon technology [6, 8]. Nanowire array light emittingdiodes (LEDs) were reported to possess higher light extraction

efficiency than conventional broad area LEDs due to their largesidewall surface area [9].

The vapor–liquid–solid (VLS) nanowire growth modeused in this work utilizes a gold seed as a catalyzer for thenanowire growth [10]. It combines a high growth rate at lowtemperatures, where conventional layer growth is suppressed,with a localization of the nanowire at the gold seed position.

The important key features for the fabrication of ananowire LED are a control of both nanowire morphology anddoping. This way the realization of axially doped nanowirepn-junctions with specific electroluminescent (EL) propertiesbecomes feasible.

The first axial GaAs nanowire based LEDs were realizedin 1992 using top-contacted nanowire arrays grown under

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Nanotechnology 22 (2011) 085702 A Lysov et al

alternating silicon and carbon supply during the growth on n-GaAs substrate [11, 12]. Since carbon has a low solubilityin gold and nanowires were heavily tapered, pn-junctions mayhave been realized not within the nanowire but rather betweena carbon-doped shell grown via the conventional vapor–solid(VS) growth mode and a silicon-doped GaAs substrate.

Nanowire EL structures have already been demonstratedin axial pn-junctions [3, 5] as well as in axial quantum wellstructures [4] grown by the VLS mechanism in InP.

The VLS growth mechanism has a significant influence onthe incorporation of the doping species.

In recent reports a grading of the nanowire doping wasobserved by conductivity measurements on GaAs nanowiresdoped with zinc and tin due to memory effects in the growthseed [13, 14]. The carrier concentration was increasedtowards the nanowire tip, leading to an increased conductivity.The sample preparation for electrical measurements requiresdefinition of the position for every nanowire with consequentcontacting via electron beam lithography, which is quite timeconsuming. In addition, electrical measurements do not allowdetermination of the doping distribution with high spatialresolution. For that reason the development of new methods forthe investigation of the doping distribution along the nanowirelength and its influence on the sharpness of the pn-junction andthe EL properties of the diode is an important goal.

We present the optical properties of single axial pn-GaAsnanowires and nanowire EL structures grown on (111)B GaAssubstrates by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) inthe VLS growth regime based on Au seed particles.

Micro-photoluminescence (μ-PL) spectroscopy is used asa direct means to measure the band gap energy as a function ofthe carrier concentration along the nanowire length and to drawconclusions about the distribution of doping species along thesingle nanowire pn-junctions.

To compare the luminescent properties of the single pn-junctioned nanowires with those from sharp nanowire basedpn-junctions grown under the same conditions, we havefabricated arrayed nanowire top-contacted pn-diodes. Thesharp pn-junctions were realized with an n-type-doped GaAssubstrate serving as the n-type part of the diode and zinc-dopednon-tapered nanowires serving as the p-type part.

The EL spectra of the nanowire arrayed LEDs at low androom temperature are presented and compared with μ-PL-andEL-spectra of single nanowire pn-junctions.

2. Experimental details

Nanowires were grown via VLS growth mode by use of lowpressure MOVPE (50 mbar).

Trimethylgallium (TMGa), tertiarybutylarsine (TBAs),diethylzinc (DEZn) and tetraethyltin (TESn) were used asgroup-III and group-V precursors as well as p-type and n-type doping precursors, respectively. The total gas flow of3.3 l min−1 was adjusted within the reactor, with nitrogen ascarrier gas and hydrogen as source gas.

As templates for the nanowire growth, polydispersenanoparticles were used. The polydisperse nanoparticles wereobtained from a nominally 2.5 nm thin Au-layer during the

annealing step of 600 ◦C for 5 min before growth. Annealingwas carried out under TBAs flow with a molar fraction ofχTBAs = 3.16 × 10−4.

The nanowire growth was initiated by introduction ofTMGa (χTMGa = 1.32 × 10−4) into the reactor at an elevatedtemperature of 450 ◦C to promote the nucleation of the wireand reduce kinking effects at the beginning of the growth [15].After a growth of the intrinsic nanowire stump for 3 min,the temperature was lowered to 400 ◦C. The p-part of thenanowire was grown under supply of DEZn with a molarfraction of χDEZn = 5.72 × 10−7, corresponding to the meanhole concentration of 2 × 1019 cm−3 in the nanowire [13].For n-doped nanowires, TESn was used as a doping precursorwith a molar fraction of χTESn = 1.05 × 10−5, correspondingto the mean electron concentration of 1 × 1018 cm−3 in thenanowire [14]. The carrier concentrations in the nanowireswere determined by the mobility versus carrier concentrationmodel, which is thoroughly discussed in [13, 14]. Aftergrowth, the sample was cooled down to room temperatureunder arsenic stabilization. The nanowire pn-junctions weregrown by switching the doping precursors from DEZn toTESn without any growth interruption. More details aboutthe growth, morphological and electrical properties of singlenanowire pn-junctions can be taken from [16].

For the growth of arrayed nanowire pn-junctions, n-doped(111)B GaAs substrate with a carrier concentration of n =1.5 × 1018 cm−3 was used. Polydisperse Au-seeds wereproduced by annealing of a 2.5 nm thick Au-layer, whichwas pre-patterned via optical lithography. P-doped GaAsnanowires were grown with the above parameters without anintrinsic stump. DEZn has been supplied into the reactor for2 min at 400 ◦C before growth to pre-saturate an Au seedwith zinc and facilitate an abrupt junction formation betweensubstrate and the nanowire.

The substrate serving as an n-part of the junction wascontacted by Ge/Ni/Ge/Au metallization and annealed at400 ◦C for 30 s to achieve an ohmic contact behavior.

A durimide based technology was adopted to contactfree-standing nanowires. A durimide layer was deposited onthe free-standing nanowires by spin-on coating and formedan isolator separating the top contact from the substrate.Pt/Ti/Pt/Au metallization was patterned to form the ohmic top-contacts to the p-doped nanowires.

For photoluminescence characterization, nanowires werescratched off the substrate, dispersed in isopropyl alcoholand deposited on a Si substrate. For electrical and ELmeasurements as-grown pn-doped nanowires were transferredto pre-patterned insulating carriers and contacted by electronbeam lithography and the evaporation technique. Pt/Ti/Pt/Auwas used to contact the p-GaAs nanowire part. To achieveohmic contact behavior, rapid thermal annealing was carriedout at 360 ◦C for 30 s. Pd/Ge/Au annealed for 30 s at 280 ◦Cwas used as an ohmic contact for the n-doped nanowire part.

μ-PL and EL measurements were carried out in a liquidhelium cooled continuous flow optical cryostat fitted with anXY piezo-driven scanning stage. Optical excitation was madeby a CW Nd:YVO4 laser with λ = 532 nm. For μ-PLmeasurements, the optical resolution of the setup is given by


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a) b)

Figure 1. (a) μ-PL spectra taken at different positions along the Zn-doped GaAs nanowire. Positions on the nanowire are denoted by numbersin the inset of (b). (b) Peak energy and the FWHM along the nanowire length. The inset shows a scanning electron microscopy (SEM)micrograph of the investigated nanowire.

the diameter of the focused laser spot (<1 μm) on the sample.An aperture determines the field of view for EL measurements,which has been 5 μm in our measurement. The measurementswere carried out using a Czerny–Turner monochromator (focallength f = 500 mm) with an LN2-cooled charge-coupleddevice as a detector.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Photoluminescence

To investigate the optical properties of the p-doped GaAs:Znnanowires μ-PL spectra were taken at a temperature of 6 Kat different locations along the nanowire length. The opticalpower density was 8 × 104 W cm−2. Figure 1(a) shows μ-PL spectra taken from a 125 nm thick nanowire at differentpositions. The corresponding positions are indicated bynumbers in the inset in figure 1(b). The peak energy aswell as its line shape change along the nanowire length. Atthe nominally undoped nanowire stump (position 3) the mainpeak has a maximum at 1.519 eV and originates from a free-exciton recombination. In the case of nanowires, the free-exciton peak is broader than for the bulk samples (width at halfmaximum (FWHM) <5 meV at liquid helium temperature).Peak broadening appears because of the encounters betweenexcitons and imperfections such as a nanowire surface orimpurities (Au) as well as due to possible strain present in thenanowire stump. The second peak at 1.493 eV originates fromthe p-doped nanowire part, which was excited by the same laserspot as well. As the laser spot is moved towards the nanowiretip the line corresponding to the p-doped region becomes moreintensive and finally dominates the whole spectrum as can beseen on the spectra for the positions 1 and 2.

In figure 1(b), the peak position and its FWHM arepresented. The peak position shifts slightly to lower energy(from 1.495 to 1.489 eV) towards the nanowire tip. Asignificant broadening of the line appears towards the nanowiretip and the peak intensity is decreased, which is not presentedhere.

We explain this behavior by the gradient of the degeneratep-doping along the wire length. The impact of increasingdoping degeneration on photoluminescent properties hasalready been reported in [17, 18] for heavily Zn-dopedGaAs bulk samples. The authors attributed the peak to therecombination of the electrons with holes via acceptor statesabove the valence band edge, which form a broadened acceptorband in the heavily p-doped semiconductor. This assumptionis supported by the fact that the energy difference between thisline and the exciton peak nearly corresponds to the bindingenergy of the Zn-acceptor in GaAs of EA = 24 meV. Anincreasing doping concentration results in the broadening ofthe acceptor band and leads therewith to an increased linewidth of the peak. This band broadening, which is strongertowards the conduction band, explains a slight peak shift to thelower energy.

n-doped GaAs nanowires were characterized via μ-PLmeasurements to investigate the influence of the graded dopingprofile on the optical properties of the wires.

Figure 2(a) shows μ-PL spectra of a tin-doped GaAsnanowire of 120 nm diameter at different positions. Thepositions corresponding to the spectra are indicated bynumbers on the inset in figure 2(b). The spectra were takenat a temperature of 9 K under an optical excitation density of4×103 W cm−2. Due to the high PL signal intensity, the powerdensity was chosen lower than for p-doped nanowires.The peakenergy as well as its line shape change as the laser spot isscanned along the nanowire. At the intrinsic nanowire stump(position 3) the main peak was observed with a maximumat 1.519 eV originating from a free-exciton recombination.This line is superimposed on the broad peak with a maximumat 1.557 eV stemming from the n-doped nanowire part. Asthe nanowire is scanned towards the nanowire tip, the linecorresponding to the nanowire stump disappears and a peakoriginating from the n-doped region shifts towards higherenergies (positions 1 and 2). At the same time a substantialbroadening of the peak appears, as can be seen in the FWHMcurve in figure 2(b).

We attribute this effect to the Burstein–Moss shift of thePL peak observed in heavily doped n-GaAs samples [18].


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a) b)

Figure 2. (a) μ-PL spectra taken at different positions along the Sn-doped GaAs nanowire. Positions on the nanowire are denoted by numbersin (b). (b) Peak energy and the FWHM along the nanowire length. The inset shows an SEM micrograph of the investigated nanowire.

a) b)

Figure 3. (a) μ-PL spectra taken at different positions along the pn-junctioned GaAs nanowire. Positions on the nanowire are denoted bynumbers in (b). (b) Peak energy along the nanowire length. The SEM image of the investigated nanowire is shown in the inset.

Since the nanowires are highly doped, the Fermi level islocated inside the conduction band. With a further increase ofcarrier concentration towards the nanowire tip, a band fillingwith electrons is taking place, which manifests itself in theFermi level shift and consequently in the shift of PL peak tothe higher energies [19].

The high-energy edge of the peak has an abrupt cutoffat a photon energy corresponding to the separation betweenthe quasi-Fermi levels of electrons and holes. The low-energyedge of the emission spectrum represents a convolution of thestates below the quasi-Fermi levels linked by the same photonenergy and possessing, therefore, a mild slope. For n-dopedGaAs nanowires the Burstein–Moss shift overrules a band gapnarrowing, taking place at the same time. The reason for thisis that the density of states in the conduction band of GaAs isan order of magnitude lower than in the valence band.

The developed μ-PL investigation method was applied toGaAs nanowire pn-junctions grown with a direct switching ofdoping precursors to analyze the sharpness of the fabricatedjunction.

Figure 3(a) shows μ-PL spectra taken at the pn-dopedGaAs nanowire of 150 nm diameter at different positions.The spectra were taken at a temperature of 9 K under anoptical excitation density of 8 × 104 W cm−2. The positions

corresponding to the spectra are indicated by numbers on theinset in figure 3(b).

Four regions can be recognized on the plot of the peakenergy along the nanowire length. At the intrinsic nanowirestump (position 4) an exciton peak at 1.519 eV is observed(spectrum 4 in figure 3(a)). As the laser spot moves furtherto the p-doped nanowire part, the main peak shifts to therange 1.47–1.49 eV (figure 3(b) and spectrum 3 in figure 3(a))characteristic for the graded p-doped GaAs nanowires asdiscussed above. In the n-doped area close to the nanowire tipthe position of the PL peak was measured in the range between1.48 and 1.58 eV, which corresponds to the results for the n-doped nanowires, discussed above.

In the area between n- and p-doped nanowire parts aPL peak position between 1.38 and 1.48 eV is observed(figure 3(b) as well as spectrum 2 in figure 3(a)). These lineenergies correspond neither to p- nor to n-doped nanowires.The emission lines with these energies were reported in [20]for compensated GaAs samples. Therefore, we attribute theselines to the compensated region located in the area of thepn-junction. Due to the memory effect of the growth seed,some zinc is still present in gold after switching of the dopingprecursors from DEZn to TESn, yielding a region whereboth doping species are present. An origin of such lines is


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a) b)


e) f)


Figure 4. (a) I (V ) characteristics of the single GaAs nanowire pn-diode in semi-logarithmic (left axis) and linear (right axis) plots at roomtemperature. The inset shows an SEM micrograph of the contacted nanowire-diode. (b)–(d) EL spectra taken at the single pn-junctioned GaAsnanowire for different excitation levels at 10 K, 150 K and 300 K, respectively. The band gap of GaAs at corresponding temperatures isindicated in the figures. (e) Integral emission intensity versus current at different temperatures. Current density through the pn-junction isplotted on the upper axis. (f) Model of a band structure for a diode with a compensated region biased in the forward direction with a voltageVDiode. Efn and Efp are the electron and hole quasi-Fermi levels, respectively. The tunneling-assisted radiative transition in the compensatedregion is indicated by an arrow.

described in [19] and is illustrated in figure 4(f). The emissionis believed to come from the tunneling-assisted transitionsbetween spatially separated degenerate donator and acceptorstates, so that emission lines with energy much lower than theband gap may appear.

3.2. Electroluminescence

To investigate the electroluminescence properties of singlenanowire pn-diodes, the contacted nanowire samples (inset in

figure 4(a)) were glued to the chip-carrier and wire bonded.The single nanowire pn-junction with a diameter of 200 nmand a diode-like I (V ) characteristic (figure 4(a)) was excitedby a constant current in the forward direction while emissionsspectra were measured. The diode had a diffusion voltageof approximately 1.3 V and an ideality factor of 3 in a lowvoltage range under the measurement conditions. The poorideality factor of the investigated diode is explained by highparasitic serial resistance, which was calculated to be 8×105 �.This serial resistance can be taken into account according to


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I = Io exp[(V − Rs I )/nkT ], which results in an intrinsicideality factor of 2.3. This value gives evidence for a defectrelated recombination of minority carriers in a junction regionat low currents. An inverse current in the low picoampererange limited by the measurement setup was measured. Anon–off ratio Imax/Irev was estimated to be 1010, demonstratinggood rectifying performance of a diode. Concerning the on–offratio, axial pn-junctions are advantageous over both radial pn-junctions and free-standing top-contacted nanowire junctionsembedded in an isolator, which typically exhibit lower on–offratios.

Figure 4(b) shows EL spectra from a single pn-junctionednanowire taken at 10 K under different excitation currents.

At low currents the emission peak has a maximum at1.32 eV (figure 4(b)). For higher injection current thepeak shifts to 1.4 eV and its intensity increases until aninjection current of 1.85 μA. The observed peak energy isunusual for exciton-and tunneling-assisted photon emissionobserved in abrupt pn-junctions [21], which occurs at higherenergies at liquid helium temperature. On the other hand theenergy of the observed emission line corresponds to thoseobserved in the compensated region via photoluminescencein pn-GaAs nanowires, which is described above. For thatreason we attribute the peak to the tunneling-assisted transitionbetween the donor and acceptor band, taking place in thecompensated region of the pn-junction (figure 4(f)). Thisassumption of radiative tunneling is supported by the shiftof the emission peak to higher energies with an increasingexcitation current [22]. This shift is expected for tunneling-assisted transitions and is explained by shifts of the quasi-Fermi levels with respect to each other.

The slope of the band structure at the junction flattensat higher bias voltages, causing a reduction of tunnelingprobability and a decrease of the tunneling emission. Forthis reason the tunneling-assisted emission peak diminishes forhigh injection levels and becomes dominated at 4.5 μA byband-edge emission, appearing at 1.51 eV for 10 K.

Scattering of free carriers by phonons increases at highertemperatures. This lowers the tunneling probability andmakes it more difficult to distinguish between two emissionmechanisms. Tunneling-assisted emission is still observed forlow injection currents at 150 K (0.72 and 2.21 μA curves infigure 4(c)). At room temperature broad band–band emissiondominates the whole spectrum even for low injection currents(figure 4(d)). The population of states above the quasi-Fermilevel increases with temperature and explains broadening ofthe emission peak at the high-energy side while the low-energytail stays saturated.

The dependence of the integral emission intensity on theinjection current is shown in figure 4(e). While at 150 and300 K the integral EL intensity increases linearly with current,a saturation of integral intensity is observed at 10 K from1.85 μA. Saturation of an integral intensity for high injectionlevels at 10 K indicates that tunneling-assisted photon emissionis a more efficient radiative process than band–band emissionat low temperature. Band–band emission takes place in theadjacent p-doped nanowire part rather than in the junctionregion and comes along with a high rate of non-radiativerecombination due to the high doping in the nanowire.

To improve the sharpness of nanowire pn-junctions,arrayed nanowire EL structures were fabricated. A pn-junction was formed between p-doped non-tapered GaAsnanowires grown on n-doped (111)B GaAs substrate, asshown in the schematic in figure 5(a). Contacted arrayscontained approximately 50 nanowires. Durimide technologywas adopted to form an isolator separating the substrate fromthe top contact. Using oxygen plasma, the durimide was etcheddown until the whisker top became free. A SEM image of thefabricated structure is presented in figure 5(a). The fabricatedpn-structure possessed a typical diode-like I (V ) characteristicwith quite high forward currents of about 2 mA at 2 V, andhad an ideality factor of 1.5 in the low voltage range at roomtemperature (figure 5(b)).

Figures 5(c) and (d) present the EL spectra of thefabricated pn-diode. Arrayed nanowire EL structuresdemonstrate at 5 K a strong EL peak at 1.488 eV, which isattributed to the electron–acceptor band recombination in thep-doped GaAs wires. Besides the main peak, two shoulderpeaks at 1.45 and 1.52 eV are present. We attribute the peakat 1.45 eV to tunneling-assisted photon emission, observedin abrupt GaAs pn-junctions at this energy [21]. The peakat 1.52 eV corresponds to the GaAs band gap at 5 K andoriginates from the band–band recombination at the junction.At room temperature one main peak was observed at 1.427 eV,only. This line energy corresponds to the band gap of GaAs atroom temperature and is therefore attributed to the band-edgeemission due to thermal injection. Since the peak was verybroad neither of the other lines could be distinguished.

4. Conclusion

We have investigated the optical properties of single heavilydoped p-GaAs, n-GaAs as well as pn-GaAs nanowires viamicro-photoluminescence. A strong impact of the gradeddoping distribution along the nanowire length on the opticalproperties of nanowires was found. An emission line at1.495 eV was observed in heavily p-doped GaAs nanowires,and was attributed to electron–hole recombination via theacceptor band. An increasing hole concentration towards thenanowire tip caused a line shift to lower energies (1.489 eV)and its broadening along the nanowire length.

The Burstein–Moss shift of the emission line to higher en-ergies (from 1.55 to 1.62 eV) was observed in heavily n-dopedGaAs nanowires along the nanowire length due to the increaseof doping and resulting band filling towards the nanowire tip.

The presence of the compensated region due to thememory effect of the growth seed was found in the single GaAsnanowire pn-junctions via μ-PL measurements.

Electroluminescence in single axial GaAs pn-junctionswas demonstrated for the first time. An emission linewas observed at 1.32 eV and shifted to 1.4 eV with anincreasing injection current at 10 K. The line was attributed tothe tunneling-assisted transition between donor and acceptorstates, taking place in the compensated region of the diode.At high injection levels, band–band transition dominates theEL spectrum. At higher temperatures broad band–bandtransition sets in even for low injection levels and dominatesthe spectrum.


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c) d)


Figure 5. (a) Schematics and an SEM micrograph of the fabricated arrayed nanowire LED. (b) I (V ) characteristics of the arrayed nanowireLED in semi-logarithmic (left axis) and linear (right axis) plots. (c) EL spectra of the arrayed nanowire LED taken at 5 K. (d) EL spectra ofthe arrayed nanowire LED taken at 300 K.

Arrayed nanowire EL structures with an abrupt pn-junctions at the nanowire–substrate interface were fabricatedfrom the free-standing p-doped nanowires on the n-dopedsubstrate. Strong electroluminescence was demonstrated atboth 5 K and room temperature. The main emission lineat 1.488 eV was attributed to recombination in the p-dopedGaAs wires and two shoulder peaks at 1.45 and 1.52 eV wereattributed to tunneling-assisted photon emission and the band–band recombination at the abrupt junction, respectively. Atroom temperature a broadened peak at 1.427 eV originatingfrom band-edge emission was observed.


We gratefully acknowledge partial financial support by theSonderforschungsbereich SFB 445 and European projectNaSol within the Ziel2.NRW program.


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