opposite feedbacks in the hippo pathway for growth control and … science jukam.pdf · opposite...

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Opposite Feedbacks in the HippoPathway for Growth Controland Neural FateDavid Jukam,1*† Baotong Xie,2*‡ Jens Rister,1* David Terrell,2 Mark Charlton-Perkins,2

Daniela Pistillo,1 Brian Gebelein,3 Claude Desplan,1§ Tiffany Cook2,3§

Signaling pathways are reused for multiple purposes in plant and animal development. The Hippopathway in mammals and Drosophila coordinates proliferation and apoptosis via the coactivatorand oncoprotein YAP/Yorkie (Yki), which is homeostatically regulated through negative feedback.In the Drosophila eye, cross-repression between the Hippo pathway kinase LATS/Warts (Wts) andgrowth regulator Melted generates mutually exclusive photoreceptor subtypes. Here, we show thatthis all-or-nothing neuronal differentiation results from Hippo pathway positive feedback: Yki bothrepresses its negative regulator, warts, and promotes its positive regulator, melted. This postmitoticHippo network behavior relies on a tissue-restricted transcription factor network—including a conservedOtx/Orthodenticle-Nrl/Traffic Jam feedforward module—that allows Warts-Yki-Melted to operate as abistable switch. Altering feedback architecture provides an efficient mechanism to co-opt conservedsignaling networks for diverse purposes in development and evolution.

Core signaling pathways are reused for dif-ferent purposes during development, al-lowing extraordinary cell-type diversity (1).

For example, the transforming growth factor–b(TGF-b), Notch, receptor tyrosine kinase/mitogen-activated protein kinase (RTK/MAPK), and Wntsignaling pathways each act repeatedly, from embryo-genesis to adulthood, to coordinate tissue patterning,growth, and specification throughout the animal. TheHippo pathway is best known for its role in growthcontrol in both flies and mammals, where it regulatesthe balance between division and death in mitoticcells (2). But the Hippo pathway also regulates post-mitotic events such as photoreceptor subtype spe-cification in theDrosophila eye (3, 4). How the samesignaling network can be regulated for context-appropriate outcomes as diverse as proliferationand differentiation is not well understood.

The Drosophila eye comprises about 800 uniteyes (ommatidia), each containing eight photo-receptors (R1 to R8) (5). Two main ommatidialsubtypes are defined by light-sensing Rhodopsin(Rh) proteins expressed in the color vision photo-receptors R7 and R8: “p” ommatidia, with ultra-violet (UV)-sensitive Rh3 in R7 and blue-Rh5in R8, and “y” ommatidia with longer UV-Rh4in R7 and green-Rh6 in R8 (Fig. 1A) [reviewed

in (6)]. p and y subtypes are distributed randomlyin the retina in a p:y ratio of ~30:70, followingstochastic expression of the transcription factorSpineless in the R7 of subtype y (yR7s). pR7s,which lack Spineless, signal to underlying R8s toinduce pR8/Rh5 fate, whereas the remaining R8sbecome yR8/Rh6 by default (6). p versus y fate inR8s is established by a bistable transcriptional feed-back loop between Melted (Melt), a pleckstrinhomology–domain protein that specifies pR8/Rh5fate, and Wts, a kinase in the Hippo pathway thatspecifies yR8/Rh6 fate (Fig. 1, B and C) (3).

In its canonical role as a tumor suppressor,Wts is activated by the Hippo kinase (Hpo) andphosphorylates Yki, the Drosophila ortholog ofthe human oncoprotein YAP, to sequester Yki in thecytoplasm (2). In the absence of Hippo signal-ing, nonphosphorylated Yki enters the nucleusand binds as a coactivator to transcription fac-tors like Scalloped (Sd), Homothorax (Hth), andMothers against Dpp (Mad) (7–11) to activatetarget proliferation and anti-apoptotic genes. Ykican also induce its negative regulators expanded,merlin, kibra, or dmyc to provide negative feed-back onto itself during growth control (12–14).

Here we show that in postmitotic R8s, as ingrowth, Yki and its DNA-binding partner Sdmediatetranscriptional output of the Hippo pathway. How-ever, the R8 regulatory architecture is fundamen-tally different, as Yki promotes positive feedbackonto itself. This regulation requires a tissue-specifictranscription factor network that includes Ortho-denticle (Otd) and Traffic Jam (Tj), orthologs of themammalian photoreceptor determinants Crx andNrl (15), respectively, as well as Pph13 and Gfi1/Senseless (Sens). This network generates the post-mitotic context for the Hippo pathway to regulatean all-or-nothing fate decision and ensure robustterminal differentiation of sensory neuron subtypes.

Yki and Sd Regulate R8 Subtype SpecificationTo test whether Yki functions in R8 neurons, wemanipulated yki and assayed Rh5 and Rh6 ex-pression. yki null mutant eye progenitor cells donot divide and are eliminated by apoptosis (16).We therefore used Gal4 drivers to express yki-targeted RNA interference (RNAi) in postmitoticphotoreceptors. Knockdown of yki in all photore-ceptors throughout development (lGMR>ykiRNAi),only in adults (using Gal80ts), or in all R8s (andsomeR1 toR6) (sens>ykiRNAi) caused almost all R8sto express Rh6, whereas Rh5 was nearly absent(Fig. 1D and fig. S1, A and C). Conversely, over-expressing wild-type or activated yki/YAP (ykiS168A

or human YAPS127A) (17, 18) in all photoreceptors(lGMR>yki) transformed almost all R8s into Rh5-expressing pR8s (Fig. 1D and fig. S5C). EctopicYki did not require the pR7 signal to induce pR8fate because Yki induced Rh5 even in the ab-sence of R7s (sev; GMR>yki) (fig. S2A). Further-more, misexpressing yki only in yR8s after thefate decision (Rh6>yki) also induced Rh5 (fig.S2C). yki manipulations did not affect generalneuronal fate, specific photoreceptor fate, or ex-pression of other Rhodopsins (fig. S2, B, D, E, andF). Thus, yki is necessary and sufficient in R8s tospecify pR8/Rh5 and prevent yR8/Rh6 subtypes.

Yki is a cofactor for DNA-binding transcriptionfactors such as Sd, Hth, or Mad (7–11) to activateHippo target genes. hth or mad loss-of-function[lGMR>hthDN (19) and lGMR+ey>madRNAi] (fig.S3D) did not noticeably affect Rh5 or Rh6. In con-trast, retinas with sd loss-of-function (sdDB, sdDC,sd47M, or lGMR>sdRNAi), like yki loss-of-functioneyes, expressed Rh6 in almost all R8s with a cor-responding loss of Rh5 (Fig. 1F and fig. S3E) anddid not affect other photoreceptor subtypes (fig.S3, A to C). sd mutants or sdRNAi also suppressedthe yki gain-of-function phenotype (sd; lGMR>yki)(Fig. 1F and fig. S3, E and F), indicating that sd isrequired for yki function and likely encodes theYki partner required for Rh5 and Rh6 regulation.

We next confirmed that yki acts canonicallydownstream of Wts to regulate Rhodopsin ex-pression. In yR8s, Merlin (Mer) constitutively ac-tivates Hippo signaling to promote Wts activity(4). Their loss (mer4 or wtsRNAi) led to Rh5 expan-sion, but ykiRNAi suppressed these phenotypes (Fig.1G and fig. S4A); furthermore, ectopic yki (GMR-yki) strongly suppressed Hippo pathway–inducedRh6 (GMR-wts, GMR-hpo, or GMR-wts+sav) (fig.S4, B and C). We also tested whether yki andmelt require each other to activate Rh5. Strong(ey+lGMR>ykiRNAi) or even mild (ykiB5/+) ykiloss-of-function suppressed the ability of ectopicmelt to induce Rh5 (fig. S4D). However, ectopicyki still induced Rh5 when melt was absent,even when expressed late in yR8s (Rh6>yki;melt) (Fig. 1H), consistent with yki functioningdownstream of Melt and the Hippo pathwayto regulate Rhodopsins. This regulation occurredthrough Wts-dependent Yki phosphorylation andinactivation because misexpression of dominant-negative kinase-dead (KD) forms of Wts or Hpo


1Center for Developmental Genetics, Department of Biology,New York University, New York, NY 10003, USA. 2Division ofPediatric Ophthalmology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medi-cal Center, Cincinnati, OH 45229, USA. 3Division of Develop-mental Biology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,Cincinnati, OH 45229, USA.

*These authors contributed equally to this work.†Present address: Department of Biology, Stanford Universi-ty, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.‡Present address: Department of Integrative Biosciences, OregonHealth & Science University, Portland, OR 97239, USA.§Corresponding author. E-mail: tiffany.cook@cchmc.org (T.C.);claude.desplan@nyu.edu (C.D.)

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in the retina (lGMR>hpoKD or lGMR>wtsKD) (3)or constitutive gain-of-function alleles that reducephosphorylation by Wts ( ykiDbo1, ykiDbo2) (20) re-sulted in Rh5 expression in >70% of R8s (fig. S5)(3). Thus, the molecular relationship among Hippopathway members in growth also exists in R8 fate.

Yki Creates Network-Level Hippo PathwayPositive Feedback by Regulating wts and meltWe next assessed whether yki-dependent feed-back exists with its upstream regulators in R8sby removing retinal yki and sd function andassaying expression of wts (yR8s/Rh6) and melt(pR8s/Rh5). ykiRNAi or sd47M mutant clonescaused wts-lacZ expansion and melt-lacZ loss inmost R8s (Fig. 2, A, B, and D), mirroring the gainof Rh6 and loss of Rh5. Conversely, activated yki

(ykiDbo1/+, lGMR>yki, or lGMR>ykiS168A:GFP)expanded melt-lacZ into >85% of R8s, with cor-respondingly decreased wts-lacZ (Fig. 2C and fig.S6, A to C), and this function required sd (fig. S6,A to C). Therefore, in postmitotic photoreceptors,Yki promotes its own activity with positive network-level feedback by activating melt and repressingits direct negative regulator, wts—a regulationopposite from that in growth control.

Yki/Sd could regulate the wts-melt cross-repression by activating melt, repressing wts, orboth. To determine the feedback mechanism, wefirst performed epistasis analysis between yki andwts while monitoring melt expression. In wtsRNAi

retinas,melt expanded into all R8s, yet when ykiwassimultaneously removed (lGMR>wtsRNAi+ykiRNAi),melt expression was lost (Fig. 2D). Conversely,

ectopic wts failed to repress melt in the presenceof ectopic yki (fig. S6C). Thus, yki does not ac-tivate melt by repressing wts; rather, it acts down-stream of wts to promote melt.

If Yki repressed wts exclusively by inducingmelt, wts should be derepressed in meltmutants evenif upstream Hippo signaling is inactive. However,wts-lacZ was absent in mer;melt double-mutantR8s (fig. S6D), suggesting that a melt-independentfactor(s) represses wts in mer mutants. We hypoth-esized that the factor(s) includes Yki. Indeed, meltfailed to repress wts in the absence of yki or sd (Fig.2D), and ectopic yki largely retained the abilityto repress wts expression in the absence of melt(melt; GMR>yki) (Fig. 2E). Thus, Yki not only func-tions downstream of wts to activate melt, but alsofunctions downstream of melt to repress wts.






y w





melt; Rh6>yki


Photoreceptor subtypes





p subtype ~30%

y subtype ~70%

Rh1Rh1 Rh1 Rh1










Rh5 Rh6



R7 signalRh4Rh3






sens>ykiRNAi tub>ykiS168A

Rh5 Rh6E

mer; ykiRNAi

Rh5 Rh6



% R

8 ce









melt-lacZRh5 Rh6




sd sd lGMR>yki

GFP (wt)

Rh5 Rh6

Hippo pathway in R8

Fig. 1. Yki and Sd instruct mutually exclusive R8 neuron subtypes.(A) Main photoreceptor subtypes and Rhodopsin coupling in the Drosophilaeye. (B) Confocal images of whole-mounted, wild-type adult retinas. (Left)R8 subtypes visualized with antibodies to Rh5 (blue) and Rh6 (red); (right)R8 subtypes labeled with transcriptional reporters for melt [antibody againstb-galactosidase (b-Gal), magenta] and wts (antibody against GFP, green). Scalebar, 25 mm. (C) Hippo pathway regulation of R8 subtypes. R7 signals to R8 toinduce pR8s (melt and Rh5). yR8 cells express wts and Rh6. wts and melt act ina double negative transcriptional feedback loop. Additional Hippo pathwaymembers required to specify yR8 fate include the entire “core complex” (Wts,the Hpo kinase, the adapter protein Salvador (Sav), and Wts cofactor Mats)and the upstream regulators Lethal Giant Larvae (Lgl), the FERM-domain pro-tein and NF-2 ortholog Merlin (Mer), and the WW-domain protein Kibra (Kib)(4). Atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) antagonizes yR8 fate. Black arrows and linesrepresent genetic regulatory interactions. (D) yki is necessary and sufficientto specify pR8 fate. yki knockdown (ykiRNAi) (left). Pan-photoreceptor expres-sion of activated Yki (right), induced by GMR-flp/FRT–mediated excision of a

transcriptional STOP between tubulin promoter and ykiS168A (GMR-flp, tub-FRT-STOP-FRT- ykiS168A). Scale bar, 25 mm. (E) Effect of yki manipulations on per-centage of R8 cells expressing Rh5 or Rh6 (y axis). Yki is necessary (left) andsufficient (right) to induce Rh5. Wild-type range is ~20 to 40% Rh5. From leftto right in graph: sens-Gal4 (n = 10, N = 2998 R8 neurons), sens>ykiRNAi (n =8, N = 2112), y,w (n = 14 retinas, N = 2790), GMR-yki (n = 4, N = 510). Errorbars are T SD; two-tailed, unpaired Student’s t test; **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.(F) sd is required for pR8 fate. (Left) sd47M mutant clone (GFP absence). Thetotal number of ommatidia was not reduced, indicating that R8 cells weremisspecified into yR8 rather than pR8 cells being lost. (Right) Yki misexpressionin sd mutant background. (G) Yki acts downstream of the Hippo pathway andmelt to control Rh5 and Rh6. (Left) mer4; (right) lGMR>ykiRNAi suppresses themer4 phenotype. Scale bar, 50 mm. (H) Ectopic expression of yki in the op-posite subtype with Rh6-Gal4 induces Rh5 in melt∆1 mutants. (Left) Rh6-Gal4–expressing cells colabeled by expression of GFP (green). (Right) Rh5channel only. Except where noted, in all manuscript figures, Rh5 and Rh6 arelabeled in blue (Rh5) and red (Rh6).

11 OCTOBER 2013 VOL 342 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org1238016-2


If ectopic Yki can repress wts independently ofmelt, what is the role of melt? Although all R8sexpressed Rh6 in melt mutants, up to 20% of R8sstill coexpressed Rh5 in 1-day-old adults, which de-creased to < 8% after 3 weeks (fig. S7). Because

no such delay was observed when ykiwas removed,and because yki activation consistently inducesRh5 in 100% of R8s, we infer that the transient Rh5expression in young melt mutant flies reflects tran-sient Yki activity. The above data suggest that Melt

and Yki are temporally separated: Melt is not re-quired to initiate pR8 fate in response to the pR7signal, but instead likely consolidates Wts in-activity and Yki activity immediately after the fatedecision to ensure robust Yki function in pR8s.

Fig. 2. Yki andSd regulatewtsand melt expression in Hippopathwaypositive feedback. (A)ykiRNAi retinas (top right) con-tain wts-lacZ (green) in almostall R8s, compared to about two-thirds of R8s in wild-type con-trols (top left); melt-lacZ (blue)is absent from most R8s inykiRNAi retinas (bottom right)compared with controls (bot-tom left). Top panels: anti-bodies to b-Gal (wts-lacZ) andRh6 (red). Bottom panels: b-Gal(melt-lacZ), Rh5 (green), andRh6 (red). Images at R8 nucleifocal plane. Scale bar, 10 mm.(B) sd mutant clones (absenceof GFP) labeled with antibodiesto b-Gal to mark wts-lacZ (top,green) and melt-lacZ (bottom,blue) transcriptional reporters.Dashed circles in top panelsshow wild-type R8s withoutwts-lacZ, whereas all sd mutantR8s contain wts-lacZ. Dashedlines indicate clone boundary.Bottom panel also stained forRh6. Scale bar, 10 mm. (C) A het-erozygous yki gain-of-function(GOF) allele is sufficient to in-duce melt expression in mostR8s. Images in focal plane of R8nuclei. Antibodies to b-Gal (blue),Rh5 (green), and Rh6 (red). Scalebar, 10 mm. (D) Sagittal sectionsof adult eyes with nuclei stainedfor the R8 marker Sens (blue)and wts (b-Gal; green) or melt(b-Gal; magenta) expression.(Left) melt requires yki and sdto repress wts. wts-lacZ is absentfrom R8s in lGMR>melt retinas,but derepressed when yki orsd are simultaneously removed(bottom two panels). (Right)melt-lacZ is expressed in mostR8s in lGMR>wtsRNAi retinas, butis lost when yki or sd are re-moved. White bracket denotesR8 layer. Scale bar, 50 mm. (E)Top: melt; lGMR>yki:GFP adultretina labeled for Rh5 and Rh6(left). Yki can repress wts (b-Gal,green in right) in most R8s inthe absence of melt. (Right) Panels shows R8 nuclear layer. A minority of R8sstill express wts, but most do not. Compare to melt mutant retina, where wts isexpressed in almost all R8s (bottom right). Scale bar, 25 mm. (F) Model of Wts-Yki-Melt feedback circuit in R8 subtypes. Regulatory arrows are genetic andshow transcriptional control, except for Wts inhibition of Yki, which is bio-chemical and posttranscriptional. Dashed lines indicate non–mutually

exclusive interactions. (G) Lineage-tracing experiment for wts-Gal4 expressionin R8 subtypes using G-TRACE (45). Adult retinas stained for RFP (red), GFP(green), and phalloidin (Ph; blue). RFP alone labels contemporary, adult wts-Gal4 expression. GFP labels wts-Gal4 expression lineage. Right two panels aregrayscale of RFP and GFP, respectively. Dashed circles show that pR8 cells didnot express wts-Gal4 in their history. Scale bar, 10 mm.

merge adult lineage adult










cZ R












Rh5 Rh6



s (R




cZ R





sd clones

sd clones


ykiDbo1/+ (GOF)mel


cZ R








Rh5 Rh6


melt; lGMR>yki





lGMR>melt + ykiRNAi wtsRNAi + ykiRNAi

lGMR>melt + sdRNAi wtsRNAi + sdRNAi


lGMR>melt wtsRNAi

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Together, these data indicate that Yki regulatesboth wts and melt to promote pR8 specificationand reveal that Yki network-level positive feedbackoccurs through two mechanisms (Fig. 2F): (i) aWts-Yki double negative-feedback loop, whereinWts inactivates Yki biochemically and Yki represseswts transcription; and (ii) a double positive-feedbackloop between Melt and Yki, wherein Yki acti-vates melt expression, and Melt promotes Yki (orinhibits the Hippo pathway to activate Yki). Thiscombination ensures a complete switch from thedefault (yR8) to the induced (pR8) fate.

The R8 Hippo Network Is Distinct fromthe Hippo Growth Regulation NetworkTo evaluate the context specificity of the R8 Hipponetwork, we asked whether wts transcriptionalregulation is specific to postmitotic R8 cells. Weused the G-TRACE lineage reporter (21) to simul-taneously label historical [green fluorescence pro-tein (GFP)] and contemporary [red fluorescenceprotein (RFP)] wts-Gal4 expression and foundthat GFP was only coexpressed with RFP inyR8s (Fig. 2G). This indicates that wts-Gal4 wasnot expressed earlier in mitotic pR8 progenitorcells and instead is activated postmitotically tocontrol R8 subtype specification.

We also asked whether the previously un-known Hippo regulatory relationships in R8—melt repressing wts, yki/sd repressing wts and ac-tivating melt—also exist in growth contexts. First,we examined wts-lacZ expression after Hippo path-way manipulation in the posterior compartmentof the larval wing disc using an engrailed (en)–Gal4 driver. Unlike in R8s, neither ykiRNAi nor wtsmisexpression increased wts-lacZ expression. Fur-thermore, in third-instar larval eye discs, we did

not detect up-regulation of wts-lacZ in sd mutantclones (fig. S8A) or ofmelt-lacZ inwtsmutant clones(fig. S8B). This suggests that the Hippo pathwaydoes not regulate the expression of wts or melt individing epithelial cells of the wing or eye disc.

We next tested whether the Wts-Yki-Meltregulatory circuit exists in growth control by ma-nipulating melt and assaying the Yki growthtarget Ex. Whereas ectopic yki or wtsRNAi (whichphenocopy melt gain-of-function in R8) auton-omously induced Ex levels when expressed inthe wing, ectopic melt did not increase Ex pro-tein or ex transcription (ex-lacZ) (fig. S8D). Al-though en>melt adult wings were slightly largerthan en-Gal4 control wings, strong overexpres-sion of melt in the developing and adult eye didnot noticeably affect eye size or morphology(fig. S8C). This difference is likely due to melt’sknown role in the wing as a growth promoter inthe insulin/target of rapamycin (TOR) pathway(22), which is dispensable for melt-dependent R8subtype determination (3). Collectively, these ex-periments indicate that the regulatory architectureand transcriptional feedback mechanism of theHippo network differ between R8 subtype speci-fication and growth regulation in at least twomitotically active tissues.

A Conserved Feedforward Otd-Tj (Crx-Nrl)Module Regulates Photoreceptor SubtypesGiven the differences in Yki-mediated feedbackin growth and R8 fate, we investigated how theWts-Yki-Melt regulatory circuit is establishedspecifically in R8s but not in growth. Becausemelt is a context-specific inhibitor of the Hippopathway, we focused on mechanisms underlyingmelt regulation in the eye. We generated serial

deletions of the melt first intron (4 kb), previ-ously shown to confer expression in pR8s (3), andidentified a 450–base pair (bp) (melt450-lacZ)element that drives reporter expression in pR8s(and pR7s) and responds appropriately to wts inR8 (Fig. 3, A andB, and fig. S9, A andB).melt450contains two conserved K50 homeodomain (HD)binding sites whose mutations abolished reporterexpression (Fig. 3, A and B, and fig. S9A), suggest-ing that a K50 factor directly promotes melt expres-sion. A good candidate was the pan-photoreceptorK50 HD transcription factor Otd (23), which di-rectly activates Rh5 in pR8s and controls properpR8:yR8 ratios (24–26) (fig. S9C). Consistentwithotd being required formelt transcription,melt-lacZwas lost from all R8s when otd was removed(sens>otdRNAi) (Fig. 3B), and melt450-lacZ waslost in eye-specific otduvimutants (fig. S9B).More-over, Otd was sufficient to activate a melt450-luciferase (luc) reporter 3-fold in culturedDrosophilaS2 cells, requiring intact K50 sites (Fig. 3C).Thus, Otd directly activates expression of boththe fate determinantmelt and its downstream out-put Rh5, generating feedforward regulation topromote pR8 fate (Fig. 3C).

Because Otd is expressed in all photore-ceptors, we posited that other factors may actwith Otd to regulate the Hippo pathway in R8.We performed a photoreceptor-specific RNAiscreen and identified traffic jam (tj), which en-codes a basic leucine zipper (bZIP) transcriptionfactor (27). tj knockdown in all photoreceptors,or a null tj allele that we generated (tjD1), each ledto loss of Tj protein and a significantly reducedRh5:Rh6 ratio (Fig. 4, A to C, and fig. S10, B andC) without affecting R7 opsins (fig. S10D), sug-gesting that Tj is required for pR8 fate.

K50 (Otd) sites

1 kb

1 kb


melt intron 1



1.2kb 2.0kb



Amelt reporter LacZ


s (R








3 R



melt450 melt450∆K50Sal

melt450-lacZ melt450∆K50-lacZ

otdRNAi melt-lacZ




expression: NC pR8

+ +++ +


+---- --







Fig. 3. The photoreceptor regulator Otd promotes melt expression inpR8s. (A) Schematic diagram of melt locus and genomic DNA fragmentstested for pR8 expression. Blue boxes: K50/Otd binding sites (TAATCC). RedXs: Otd site mutations. (B) (Top left) A 4-kb intronic melt-lacZ reporter ex-presses in a subset of Sal-positive R8 cells and distal nonneuronal cells(“NC”). (Bottom left) A 450-bp melt enhancer is expressed in pR8s (andsome pR7s). (Top right) Adult otd loss-of-function retinas immunostainedfor b-Gal (magenta) and the R7/R8 marker Sal (green). (Bottom right)

Mutation of two K50/Otd binding sites in the melt450 enhancer (melt450DK50-lacZ) abolishes reporter expression. Scale bar, 50 mm. (C) Luciferase re-porter assays in S2 cells. y axis: relative luciferase units (RLU) normalizedto a control that represents cells transfected with empty expression vector(= 1 RLU). Otd activates the melt450 enhancer about threefold, but doesnot activate melt450DK50. Error bars are TSD; n = 3; **P ≤ 0.01. Bottombox: Otd and Melt form a feedforward loop to promote Rh5 expression(pR8 fate).

11 OCTOBER 2013 VOL 342 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org1238016-4


Tj retinal expression preceded Rhodopsin ex-pression and was restricted to all R7s and R8sfrom ~60 hours after pupal formation (APF) intoadulthood (Fig. 4F and fig. S10A). tj knockdownin R8 (sens>tjRNAi) phenocopied tjD1 mutants,whereas R7 knockdowns (sev>tjRNAi) had wild-type Rh5:Rh6 ratios (fig. S10, B, C, and E),indicating that tj autonomously affects R8 fate.

Consistent with Tj’s role in promoting pR8fate,melt-lacZwas lost and wts-lacZwas expandedinto most tj mutant R8s (Fig. 4D and fig. S11A).Epistasis experiments revealed that tj both promotesmelt, independently fromwts (wtsp1; lGMR>tjRNAi;melt-lacZ) (Fig. 4D and fig. S11A), and is neces-sary for melt to fully repress wts (tjD1; lGMR>melt;warts-lacZ) (Fig. 4D and fig. S11A). Furthermore,

although Rh5 was uniquely expressed in all R8sin melt gain-of-function or wts loss-of-function re-tinas, simultaneous removal of tj in either situationresulted in Rh5:Rh6 coexpression in most R8s(Fig. 4E and fig. S11B). This indicates that tj func-tions downstream of wts and melt to repress Rh6,but does not activate Rh5. Combined, these ex-periments reveal that Tj controls pR8 fate through

1 kb


p{XP}d06467 tj∆1

traffic jam (tj)


meltwts Rh6



pR8 fate opsins



Rod fate opsins

Rh5 Rh6



% R

8 ce






































+ con Otd Tj Otd+Tj + con Otd Tj Otd+Tj

y w

% R

8 ce















R>wtsRNAi +t










y w y w













R>wtsRNAi +t


% R

8 ce





** ****

**** ** **

Tj S




otd LOF









Fig. 4. Tissue-restricted transcription factors control melt and Rhodopsinswith regulatory logic conserved in mammalian eye development. (A)Retinas expressing tjRNAi lose Rh5 and gain Rh6. Scale bar, 50 mm. (B)Diagram of the tj locus. tjD1 was generated by imprecise excision of a Pelement (triangle) in the 5′ untranslated region (UTR). The tjD1 null mutantdeletion is indicated by the black line. (C) Quantification of Rh5 and Rh6-expressing R8s. From left to right in graph: control (otd-GAL4): (n = 5, N =997), otd>tjRNAi (n = 4, N = 898), tj∆1 (n = 6 retinas, N = 1230 R8 neurons).Error bars are SD; **P < 0.01. (D) Tj regulates wts and melt: Quantification ofwts- and melt-expressing R8s. From left to right: control (yw): (n = 4, N = 920),lGMR>tjRNAi (n = 7, N = 1411), lGMR>melt (n = 4, N = 980), lGMR>melt+tjRNAi

(n = 4, N = 892), lGMR>wtsRNAi (n = 5, N = 912), lGMR>tjRNAi+ wtsRNAi (n = 4,N = 760); error bars are SD; **P < 0.01. Diamonds denote complete loss ofmelt-lacZ. (E) Tj regulates Rh6 downstream of wts and melt. From left to right: yw control (n = 6, N = 1185), lGMR>tjRNAi (n = 8, N = 1675), lGMR>melt (n = 5,N = 1081), lGMR>melt+tjRNAi (n = 5, N = 1021), lGMR>wtsRNAi (n = 4, N =

782), lGMR>tjRNAi+ wtsRNAi (n = 4, N = 774). Percent Rh5 compared; errorbars are SD. **P < 0.01. Right diagram: Tj regulates wts, melt, and Rh6.(F) Tj is expressed in R7 and R8, but not in otd mutants. Adult sections;(top left) wild-type retinas labeled for the neuronal marker Elav (blue),the R7/R8 marker Sal (green), and Tj (red). (Bottom left): Tj alone in gray-scale in wild-type retinas. (Right) otd loss-of-function (LOF) mutants(otduvi) lose Tj (red); Sal (green). Scale bar, 50 mm. (G) Luciferase reporterassays in S2 cells. (Top left) Tj activates melt450 expression ~12-fold,whereas Otd and Tj synergistically activate melt450 ~37-fold; (bottom left)mutating K50/Otd sites in melt450 abolishes Otd-dependent, but not Tj-dependent, activation. (Top right) Otd, but not Tj, activates Rh5 promoterexpression. (Bottom right) Tj can repress Rh6. Error bars are TSD; n = 3.(H) A OTX/CRX/Otd–MAF/NRL/Tj coherent feedforward motif instructsphotoreceptor fate in flies and mammals. Crx (Otd) promotes expressionof Nrl (Tj), and both factors promote a specific photoreceptor fate andRhodopsin expression. Left, mammalian motif; right, fly motif.

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three distinct mechanisms: Tj promotes melt, re-presses wts, and represses Rh6 (Fig. 4E, right).

Tj is the single Drosophila ortholog of thefour mammalian MAF-bZIP transcription fac-tors (28). One MAF factor—Nrl (neural retinaleucine zipper)—is a target of the Otd orthologsOtx2 and Crx and functions synergistically withCrx in the mouse retina to promote rod photore-ceptor formation at the expense of cones (29–31).Given that otd and tj also promote one photore-ceptor fate (pR8s) at the expense of another (yR8s),we examined the genetic relationship between otdand tj in the fly retina. Otd was unaffected in tjRNAi

retinas (fig. S11C), but Tj was absent in otduvi mu-tants (Fig. 4F). Thus, Otd promotes tj expresssionin fly photoreceptors, analogous to how Otx2/Crxpromotes Nrl expression in mammalian rods. Otd-dependent pR8 gene expression, however, is notjust a consequence of activating tj, as resupplyingtj in otduvi mutants did not restore melt (fig. S11,D and E). Hence, otd acts upstream of tj, but bothare required to promote melt expression. Thus,similar to Crx and Nrl regulation of mammalianphotoreceptor fate, Otd and Tj form a coherent feed-forward loop that promotes pR8 fate (Fig. 4H).

This model predicts that Otd and Tj coop-erate to promote melt. Indeed, although no MAFconsensus DNA binding sites were detected inthe melt450 enhancer, Tj was sufficient to inducemelt450-luc 12-fold and synergistically increasedOtd-dependent activation from ~3-fold to 35-foldin S2 cells (Fig. 4G). Similar to our in vivo results,Tj did not induce Rh5 expression in S2 cells, butdid repress Rh6 promoter activity (Fig. 4G). Com-bined, our in vivo and in vitro results uncover a

second and conserved feedforward system inpR8s, wherein Otd induces tj and Otd and Tjtogether activate melt expression in pR8s.

Yki Requires the Conserved Otd-Tj Moduleto Induce pR8 FateBecause Otd and Tj are expressed in all R8s,whereas Yki/Sd function is biochemically re-stricted to pR8s by Wts, we asked whether thesetranscriptional regulators integrate to promote pR8fate. Consistent with otd and tj being essential formelt activation, ykimisexpression failed to inducemelt in otduvi or tjRNAi eyes (Fig. 5A). Moreover,yki failed to activate Rh5 in otduvi flies or repressRh6 in tjRNAi eyes (fig. S12A). Thus, yki requiresotd and tj activity to exert its pR8 specificationfunctions: (i) yki requires otd and tj to induce melt,(ii) yki requires otd to activate Rh5, and (iii) ykirequires tj to repress Rh6 (Fig. 5B, right).

To test this integration molecularly, we ana-lyzed the ability of Yki+Sd to influence Otd-and Tj-dependent activation of melt and Rh5 inS2 cells. Yki+Sd weakly activated melt (~3-fold),additively increased Tj-dependent activation (from8- to 12-fold), and synergistically increased Otd-dependent activation of melt (from ~3- to 20-fold)(Fig. 5B). However, the highest melt activationwas observed with Otd, Tj, Sd, and Yki together(60-fold), consistent with the requirement of allfour factors for pR8 fate in vivo. Similarly, Yki andSd minimally activated the Rh5 promoter (~3-fold),but largely increased Otd-dependent activation(from 60- to 125-fold) (Fig. 5B). Although theK50/Otd sites were necessary for expression ofmelt and Rh5, mutating potential Sd sites in the

Rh5 promoter did not decrease reporter expressionin vivo, suggesting that Yki/Sd-dependent acti-vation of Rh5 occurs indirectly. These studies sup-port the model that Otd, Tj, and Yki/Sd cooperateto promote pR8-specific gene expression.

Together, our results indicate that the pR8state depends on two overlapping feedforwardregulatory networks: (i) Otd directly promotesmelt and Rh5 expression (Fig. 3, A to C) (24, 25).Melt then further promotes Rh5 by antagonizingthe Hippo pathway and promoting Yki activity;(ii) Otd promotes tj expression, and Tj and Otdthen synergistically induce melt, while Tj also re-presses wts and Rh6. Because Yki requires Otdand Tj to induce melt (which ultimately promotesYki), Otd/Tj provide a critical transcriptionalcontext for Yki positive feedback in R8.

Photoreceptor- and R8-RestrictedTranscription Factors Promote yR8 FateWe next investigated the mechanisms controllingthe yR8 “default” state (active Hippo pathwayand Rh6). Sens, an R8-restricted zinc finger tran-scription factor necessary early for R8 specifica-tion (32) and later for terminal R8 differentiation(25, 32, 33), and Pph13, a pan-photoreceptorQ50 homeodomain transcription factor, are bothessential for Rh6 expression (34). Thus, we testedwhether these factors also promote yR8 fate.Removing sens late (sens>sensRNAi) reduced wtsexpression (fig. S13A), indicating that Sens func-tions in yR8s to promote wts and Rh6 expression(Fig. 5C). Sens did not, however, strongly affectpR8 fate as Rh5 was only mildly affected (Fig. 5C).In pph13hazy-null mutant retinas, not only were wts






otd; otd>yki

lGMR>yki, tjRNAi lGMR>yki








100 Rh6

con Pph13 Tj Pph13 +Tj









pph13 control

pph13 control



pph13 control


Yki melt

Yki Rh5



Yki Rh6









5 R



sens sens




60 70

Otd - + - - + - + Tj - - + - - + + Yki - - - + + + + Sd - - - + + + +

melt450 RLU


0 25







Otd - + - - + Tj - - + - + Yki - - - + + Sd - - - + + +


+ -

] ]

Fig. 5. The Hippo pathway requires photoreceptor specification factors to regulateR8 subtypes. (A) Yki requires Otd and Tj to induce melt. Adult sections of (top) lGMR>yki (left) and otduvi; lGMR-GAL4>UAS-yki (right)retinas labeled for melt-lacZ (b-Gal, magenta) and Sal (green), or (bottom) lGMR>UAS-yki (left) and lGMR>UAS-tjRNAi+UAS-yki(right) labeled for melt-lacZ (magenta) and Sens (blue). Scale bar, 50 mm. (B) Yki, Sd, Otd, and Tj synergistically activate meltand Rh5. Luciferase reporter assays for melt and Rh5 enhancer activity in S2 cells. Cells were transfected with indicated combinations of Otd, Tj, Yki, and Sd.(Right) Yki requires Otd and Tj to activate melt and Yki requires Otd to activate Rh5. Error bars are TSD; n = 3. (C) sens late-mutant retinas (45) lose Rh6 and wtsexpression; some Rh5 remains. (D) pph13 mutant retinas lose wts expresssion. wts>GFP remains expressed in R8s of the dorsal rim area (DRA) R8s (bracket) at themargin of the retina, but is absent in yR8s. Scale bars, 50 mm. (E) (Left) pph13 mutants gain melt-lacZ (blue) in most R8s. (Right) Pph13 is required for wts andRh6 expression and to specify yR8 fate. Scale bar, 10 mm. (F) Tj reduces Pph13-mediated activation of Rh6 promoter. Error bars are TSD; n = 3.

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and Rh6 expression lost, butmeltwas also expandedinto most R8s (Fig. 5, D and E). In addition, the Rh6promoter required the Pph13/Q50 HD binding sitefor its in vivo activity (fig. S13C), supporting thenotion that Pph13 binds to and activates the Rh6promoter (34). Rh5 protein was difficult to assessowing to pph13’s role in forming rhabdomeres,where Rh5 protein localizes. Nevertheless, Rh5-GFP remained expressed (fig. S13B), confirmingthat Otd, but not Pph13, is required for Rh5 pro-moter activity (34). Therefore, pph13 regulates yR8fate determinants (it promotes wts and repressesmelt) and directly activates Rh6 (Fig. 5E), in an-other feedforward loop resembling Otd-Tj-Melt andOtd-Melt-Rh5 regulation in the alternate subtype.

Since Sens and Pph13 are expressed in allR8s, what prevents these factors from activatingyR8 gene expression in pR8s? Tj plays this rolefor Rh6, as Pph13 strongly activates Rh6 promoteractivity (~80-fold) and Tj represses this activation(Fig. 5F). Because Rh5 persists in sens and pph13mutants, these factors are likely to be permissiveto promote wts and Rh6 in all R8s.

Together, these results indicate that the R8Hippo network topology requires Otd, Tj, Pph13,and Sens activity to permissively promote bothsubtypes in all R8s. Such regulation endows anyR8 with competence to respond to the stochas-tically expressed signal from pR7. Ultimately, theYki-Wts-Melt feedback module provides the in-structive switch that decides between default (yR8)and acquired (pR8) states (Fig. 6A).

DiscussionA fundamental strategy in animal developmentis to repurpose the same signaling pathways fordiverse functions. We identified a tissue-specifictranscription factor network that enables the other-wise homeostatic Hippo growth control pathwayto act as a bistable switch for terminal cell fate.This alteration in network-level properties—suchas positive versus negative feedback—within bio-chemically conserved pathways is an efficientmeans to reuse a signaling network in contexts asdistinct as proliferation and terminal differentiation.

How is the R8-specific Hippo regulatory circuitachieved? The two interlinked Yki positive feed-back loops (one with wts, one with melt) providethe R8 Hippo pathway with multiple points ofpotential regulation. Context-specific expressionof wts and melt is defined by overlapping ex-pression of four transcription factors: Otd, Tj,Pph13, and Sens (Fig. 6A). Otd and Pph13 areexpressed in all photoreceptors and generate apermissive context that endows the initially equi-potent R8s with the competence to become eithersubtype: Otd promotes melt/Rh5 whereas Pph13promotes wts/Rh6 expression. This competenceis further restricted by expression of Tj in R7and R8, and Sens in R8s, which ensures that meltand wts cross-regulation is restricted to R8s. Im-portantly, the status of Yki activity and resultingfeedback assures the outcome of p versus y fate:In pR8s, Yki functions with Otd and Tj to pro-mote melt and Rh5; in yR8s, wts inhibits Yki, pre-

venting melt and Rh5 expression and allowing“default” wts and Rh6 expression by Pph13 andSens. Each of these four transcription factors reg-ulates a partially overlapping subset of R8 subtypefate genes, and together, the network cooperatesat multiple regulatory nodes to provide the spe-cific context for repurposing the Hippo pathway.

Although other instances of pathways withboth positive and negative feedback exist, these areconceptually different from R8 Hippo regulation.For example, in Sprouty (hSpry) regulation ofRas/MAPK-mediated epidermal growth factorreceptor (EGFR) signaling, EGFR induces hSpry2expression but hSpry2 inhibits EGFR function(negative feedback); however, hSpry2 also pro-motes EGFR activity by preventing Cbl-dependentEGFR inhibition (positive feedback) (35, 36).hSpry2 positive feedback is likely coupled to its

negative feedback to fine-tune the length and am-plitude of receptor activation (36). By contrast,the opposite Hippo pathway feedbacks occur invastly different cell types (mitotic epithelial cellsversus postmitotic neurons), and both forms offeedback are unlikely to coexist in R8 becauseYki’s repression of wts expression (positive feed-back) would render Yki up-regulation of upstreamWts activators (negative feedback) inconsequential.

Gaining positive feedback or losing negativefeedback within Hippo signaling could permitoncogenesis. Indeed, the yki ortholog, YAP, is anoncogene (37, 38) and is amplified in multiple tu-mors, and LATS1/2 (wts) down-regulation is asso-ciated with non–small cell lung carcinomas, softtissue sarcoma, metastatic prostate cancers, retino-blastoma, and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (39).Otx and MAF factors are also oncogenic in a num-





lgl ex







yki yki

Rh5 Rh6

Growth Control Post-mitotic Fate

Hippo Signaling Network

Yki Feedback











Rh5 Rh6

Fig. 6. Tissue-restricted transcription factors promote reuse of the Hippo pathway with positivefeedback for postmitotic neuronal fate. (A) A functionally conserved cassette of genes from Kib/Merto Yki/Sd is rewired for a context-specific purpose through changes in network-level feedback. Compari-son of network-level feedback switch in Hippo pathway for growth versus postmitotic R8 fate. In growthcontrol (left), at least four negative feedbacks onto Yki generate homeostatic regulation for Yki’s growth-promoting function. In postmitotic R8 fate specification, positive feedback onto Yki induces an all-or-nothingdecision to become pR8 and express Rh5. Four tissue-specific transcription factors (red ovals), including theconserved Otd-Tj (OTX-NRL) module, are coexpressed only in R8 in the eye and generate the permissivecontext for a Wts-Yki-Melt regulatory circuit and Yki positive feedback. Gray ovals are Hippo growth pathwaygenes not involved in R8 subtype specification. Orange ovals are genes involved in both contexts. Yellowovals are genes that create the R8 feedback mechanism and are yellow in the growth pathway for compari-son. (B) Effect of Hippo pathway regulatory interactions on network-level feedback onto Yki, in growthcontrol (left; negative feedback) or postmitotic neural differentiation (right, positive feedback).

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ber of tissues (40, 41). Thus, understanding whetherthe regulatory interactions identified here functionin other cellular contexts will be crucial for deciph-ering how normal Hippo signaling could go awry.

Our findings also reveal that a Crx/Otd-Nrl/Tjfeedforward module plays a conserved role in post-mitotic photoreceptor fate specification in both fliesand mammals. Both induce one photoreceptor fateat the expense of another, and both regulate opsinswith a feedforward loop wherein Crx/Otd activatesNrl/Tj expression and Crx-Nrl or Otd-Tj synergis-tically activate downstream targets (31). Givensuch deep evolutionary conservation, this modulemay be critical for generating photoreceptor di-versity in other complex visual systems.

This study has two main implications. First, al-though positive feedback is well documented inother switch-like, irreversible cell fate decisions suchas in Xenopus oocyte maturation or cell cycle entry(42–44), our work suggests that positive feedbackcould have a broad role in terminal neuronal differ-entiation, which often requires permanent fate deci-sions to maintain a neuron’s functional identity.Second, the changes in network topology in R8photoreceptors allows a finely tuned growth con-trol pathway to be used as a switch in a permanentbinary cell fate decision. Context-specific regulationallows the feedback architecture to change in anotherwise conserved signaling module. This maybe a general mechanism to endow signaling net-works with new systems properties and diversifycell fates in development and evolution.

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Acknowledgments: We thank J. Bell, S. Britt, R. Carthew,S. Cohen, I. Davis, B. Dickson, R. Fehon, D. Godt, G. Halder,I. Hariharan, K. Irvine, J. Jiang, D. J. Pan, N. Tapon, J. Treisman,T. Xu, C. Zuker, the Bloomington Stock Center, the Kyoto StockCenter, the Vienna Drosophila RNAi Center, and the ExelixisCollection at Harvard Medical School for providing fly stocks andantibodies. G. Mardon generously provided sens-Gal4 flies andS. Sprecher kindly shared Pph13 results prior to publication. We thankT. Blackman and C. Tsanis for transgenic injections and members ofthe Desplan and Cook labs for discussions and comments.Supported by a New York University (NYU) Dean’s DissertationAward (D.J.), a University of Cincinnati Postdoctoral ResearchFellowship (B.X.), European Molecular Biology Organization(EMBO) long-term fellowships (ALTF 506-2002 and ALTF462-2008) (D.P. and J.R.), NIH grants RO1 EY13012 (C.D.) andRO1-EY017907 (T.C.), and Research to Prevent Blindness (T.C.).

Supplementary Materialswww.sciencemag.org/content/342/6155/1238016/suppl/DC1Materials and MethodsFigs. S1 to S13References (46–65)

19 March 2013; accepted 29 July 2013Published online 29 August 2013;10.1126/science.1238016

11 OCTOBER 2013 VOL 342 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org1238016-8


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