opensource study tools - a presentation

Post on 12-Nov-2014






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For creating the presentation, I firstly organised all the information (with extras) on a FreeMind mindmap. Files are available here: (.mm) (.pdf)


OpenSource toolsTools to help you through studies and life

Presentation @ RUC - Paul Henckel CC feb2009


Ordered by Activities (Title is misleading, we know)

Namedropping tools/techniques (30min)

/Break (5min)

Workshop (30min)

Grab the pdf presentation -

To Find Stuff

Google Operators

"link:" - To find sites that link a specific site

"info:" - To see Google’s information of a Site

"related:" - To find sites similar to a specific

"site: + filetype:" - To find specific kind of material on a site

Tidsskrifter + Artikel Søgning + Eksterne Databaser

To Maintain Your System


AVG antivirus(Win)


Manage Space

AppCleaner(Mac) - To uninstal app's correctly

CCleaner(Win) - A no-frills way to maintain Windows

To Manage Information

DeepaMehta - For knowledge management, and creating conceptmaps collaboratively

alt: CmapTools

alt: PersonalBrain

Google Reader - To access the content of selected RSS content streams

alt: Snackr

To Communicate

Pidgin - A central client for IM

Skype - Telephony and videoconferences through VoIP

Highrise - To manage an extended number of emails

Jing - For screencasting or snapshooting your desktop

alternatives for screencasting

online no-frills alt: Screencast-O-Matic

To Collaborate

Yuuguu - To collaborate remotely by seeing eachothers screens: “Hold online meetings, share your screen and work together on the same documents in real time.”

To Write: Std. Reports

Google Docs - For writing documents, with real-time collaboration

alternative: Buzzword

TurnItIn - A tool for managing the writing cycle

DK alternative: Scribo

OttoBib - To make a bibliography from ISBN

Scribus - For press quality documents

To Write: Chronologic Narratives

Celtx - For creating a storyline/sript to a timebased narrative: “Celtx is the world's first all-in-one media pre-production software. It has everything you need to take your story from concept to production.”

To Draw

Pencil - A simple all around drawing pencil, like MS Paint with extras

Thinkature - To easily draw something collaboratively

To Graph/Diagram

Gliffy - “With Gliffy online diagram software, you can easily create professional-looking flowcharts, diagrams, floor plans, technical drawings, and more.”

To do Mathematics

Cinderella - For interacting with mathematical geometry (euclidean and non-euclidean)

Sage - To do mathematics (≈MatLab and Maple)

alternatives (Maxima)

To do Chemistry

ChemSketch - For drawing chemical molecyles and LOADS of other tools for chemistry

To do Biology

BioKnoppix - A working self-contained linuxOS for molecular biologists

To do Finances/Budgets

Wesabe - To get control of your money by easily getting an overview of it

YNAB - To manage money by budgeting based on previous months expenses

The endThe Keynote file for this presentation is available at:

The FreeMind mindmap with extra programs/resources at:

Paul Henckel feb2009

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