webinar 0208

Post on 17-May-2015



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Overview and introduction to


  • 1.
      • Free and Open Source Office Suite
    • Michelle Murrain, Nonprofit Open Source Initiative
    • February 26 th2008

2. What well cover today

  • What is
  • Brief history of
  • components
    • Writer
    • Calc
    • Impress
    • Base
    • Other components
  • Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Examples of use (and demos)
  • How to get help
  • Do you migrate?


  • is a cross-platform, mutli-function office suite
  • is software that supports open standards
  • reads and writes MS Office formats (except .docx)
  • has matured considerably
  • is free (as in beer) as well as free software/open source
  • is not Open Office! (Trademark issues)

4. Cross Platform

  • Available as a free download from for windows
  • Is bundled with most Linux distributions
  • Two versions are available for Macintosh
    • Official works only with X-Windows
    • NeoOffice is an Aqua port of
    • Official Aqua port is in alpha

5. Brief History of

  • Originally a proprietary office suite
  • Bought by Sun Microsystems in 1999
  • Most of the code was released as open source as in 2000
  • 1.0 released in 2002
  • StarOffice still exists, and has some proprietary components (like the database, and clip art, etc.)
  • is now on version 2.3.1

6. Components

  • Writer word processor
  • Calc spreadsheet
  • Impress presentation program
  • Base desktop database
  • Drawing drawing program
  • HTML editor
  • Formula Editor

7. Components

  • are the basics of any office suite, and more
  • work together
  • have similar interfaces (easy to get familiar with)
  • are full-functioning
  • are pretty much bug-free

8. Writer

  • Word Processor
  • lots of input and output filters
  • exports directly to PDF
  • columns, tables, etc.

9. Calc

  • Spreadsheet
  • Graphs
  • Functions
  • lots of input/output fiters

10. Impress

  • reads and writes .ppt files
  • templates, master pages, etc.
  • animation
  • this presentation was written using Impress

11. Base

  • Designed as an Access clone
  • Uses HSQLDB (foss Java database) for back-end or can use other databases via ODBC
  • can read Access files (table structure and data only)
  • Not equivalent to Access (think Access97)

12. Drawing

  • Basic draw program
  • useful for diagrams and flowcharts

13. Math

  • nice equation editor, if you need one

14. HTML Editor 15. Strengths of OOo

  • Open Source
  • Free (as in beer)
  • depends on open standards
  • reads and writes MS Office formats (except ooxml at this point)
  • Google docs reads OOo files
  • 90% of the functionality of Word, Excel and Powerpoint

16. Strengths, cont.

  • Components are integrated
  • Lots of developers
  • backed by Sun, IBM and Novell, among others
  • lots of third party extensions

17. Weaknesses of OOo

  • still a few kinks to work out
  • Base isnt up to snuff
  • cant read ooxml yet
  • OOoMS Office rendering has issues at times
  • Menus and features are different than MS Office
  • true collaborative editing between OOo and MS Office doesnt work well (but thats less of an issue now than it used to be.)
  • Not as slick
  • Can be slower/take more resources than MS Office

18. Open Standards

  • What are they?
  • Why are they important?
    • Faithful reading and rendering of files forever
    • Faithful reading and rendering of files no matter what the software used
  • Open Document Format vs. Office Open XML
    • ODF is a bonified open standard (since 2006)
    • OOXML has not been approved as a standard yet (a big meeting about it is happening this week.) Word on the street is that it might not happen.

19. Examples of use

  • Letters
  • Writing articles/whitepapers, etc.
  • Newsletters
  • Contact lists
  • Charts and graphs
  • Presentations
  • Simple databases

20. How to get help

  • Forums
    • Active and helpful
  • IRC channel
    • on
      • I hang out there
      • it is possible to get immediate help with problems
    • OpenOffice.orgLinks

21. Should you migrate?

  • First, for whom?
    • individual
    • organization
      • Some users
      • All users
  • Then, ask why?
    • committed to open standards/open source
    • need inexpensive software
    • run out of donation licenses for MS Office

22. Should you migrate, cont.

  • Ask about how much interoperability you need with MS Office or other office suites
    • read/write all types of documents
    • collaborative editing
    • interoperability with MS Access
  • Platform is also an issue
    • Windows and Linux versions of are good. Macintosh versions are lagging

23. Should you migrate, cont.

  • tech-savvy users
  • no need for collaborative editing of documents
  • no integration with MS Access required
  • few very high-level MS-specific functionality used
  • have both Windows and Linux users
  • less tech-savvy users
  • lots of collaborative editing
  • integration with MS Access required
  • uses bleeding edge MS-only functionality
  • want the cheesy clip-art

Smooth Sailing Rough Waters 24. Should you migrate, cont.

  • There are differing opinions about how much training is needed to move people to become comfortable with OOo.
  • Certainly, the vast majority of organizational tasks that MS Office can do, can be done with OOo (with the exception of MS Access functionality.)
  • Assessment of both functionality needed, as well as end-user issues must be balanced with impetus to migrate, if any.

25. Process of Migration

  • Talk to end-users. Make sure all functions that they need have an equivalent (or work-around.)
  • Allow time for training, and users to get used to it.
  • If some users in an organization still have MS Office, make sure that the default setting is to save in MS Office formats

26. Conclusions

  • is a full-featured, cross-platform, mature office suite that you should at least download and try out
  • It is based on open standards
  • It has all of the features (and more) of MS Word, Powerpoint, and Excel
  • It is freely available, and open source
  • It has the backing of big companies, so it is not going away
  • It does have weaknesses, and migration to OOo is not a slam-dunk.

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