one million programmers needed by 2020

Post on 10-Apr-2017






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One millionsoftware developers

needed by

2020Joey Rigor Kontak Mobile Apps February 5, 2016

This post talks about

how anyone can become a software developer.

Yup, including you.

Based on projections from the U.S. Bureau of Labor

Statistics, more than one million software developers will be employed by US companies

by 2020.


There is big demand. The surge in information technology.

Mobile, big data and now IoT (Internet of Things).

There were 1,114,600 software developers employed in 2014.

But supply cannot cope up.

There were only 48,700 undergraduate computer science

graduates from accredited US universities in 2014.

Bootcamp coding schools

contributed 16,056 graduates in 2015.

This means millions use apps in their smartphones but

relatively few know what apps really are and how it runs.

Organizations are advocating

that more should be done to teach young people about

computer programming and coding.

The White House

announced an initiative, TechHire, to coordinate the efforts of the

federal government, cities, corporations and schools to train

workers for the thousands of current job openings in the tech


Launched in 2013,®

is a non-profit dedicated to expanding access to computer science.

Their vision is that every student in every school should have the

opportunity to learn computer science.

Even Facebook is

contributing to this by  launching TechPrep, a new online

computer science and programming resource, to address what it sees as a “lack of exposure to computer science

and careers in technology”.

Inspite of these efforts

 projected growth cannot meet the big demand. 

This means that U.S. companies

would be forced to outsource valuable coding jobs to other

countries with growing IT sectors.

To seize this opportunity

we should start learning how to code.

Nope. You don’t have to go back to school

to get a Computer Science (CS) degree.

There are other options.

That are shorter and way cheaper.

Start with the freebies.

Begin your learning journey by teaching yourself using all

the free resources online.

This way, you can check out what you like before investing time and

money into the serious stuff.

When you’re ready, then you can level up to the paid courses.

One is going to boot camps

One is going to boot camps

that teach how to code.

Sometimes much better than getting a CS degree.

Unlike a CS degree boot camps focus on real-world

practice, and less on theory, given the time constraints for

their programs.

A focused program

is definitely faster and more cost-effective than getting an

undergrad or master’s degree in CS.

In only 11 weeks*

you can learn a specialty on what’s in-demand in the coding

job market.

But you have to be there full-time.

*Average duration of a full course


For US$ 11,000* you can enroll on a full program

that gets you ready for an immediate coding job.

*Average cost of a full course


There are also online courses

There are also online courses

that provide the same program at a lesser cost.

And you do it on your own time.

But without hands-on training and guidance of

professional coders.

Meaning you’re on your own.

It’s much cheaper though. From US$ 300 to US$ 5,000.

Depending on the program.

So there you are. Changing careers is not that


Just put your heart into it.

And your time and money,

of course.

Now what?This is part of a series of posts trying to

convince you to be a coder.

Hope you are ready, grasshopper.

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