on energy management

Post on 19-Apr-2017






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On Energy Management1

Most, if not all, psionic or magickal practices deal with energy manipulation. One of

which that I have studied is Reiki. Rei means universal, while Ki means energy. Basically,

Reiki is the universal energy understood commonly as the phenomenon of Love in its raw

form. It is an intelligent energy guided by the Divine, binding us as it binds the parts of an

atom, as it holds the planets on their axes, as it maintains the proper balance necessary to

keep the universe from falling apart – and so on.

The practice of Reiki refers to the art of channeling this universal energy. The

practitioner merely refines the energy he/she takes into his/her own body, isolating the Reiki

particles in the air. Once inside the body, the practitioner then directs the flow of Reiki from

the universe to an object, usually a person asking for healing. On the very basic level, the

practitioner need not do anything more beyond directing the flow of Reiki. The energy,

intelligent in itself, will do the actual healing process.

As simple as it may sound, a person needs an attunement process before he/she can

start channeling Reiki. The current psychological state of the human body acts as a barrier

between the person and Reiki. Years of traditions and of arguments between science and faith

has inculcated an atmosphere of distrust. The need for reason and logical explanations had

conditioned our minds and bodies to accept and take in only things that have tangible forms.

Every day mundane and worldly concerns also influence us. These are blockages which may

prevent reception of Reiki. Attunement helps the practitioner release these blockages. For

more info about attunement, a Reiki Master would be best to speak to. :)

Can Reiki be practiced without being attuned by a master? I believe this is highly

probable, but it is risky. Tapping and dealing with Reiki have effects on one's karma. Can the

same system being used in the practice of Reiki healing be used by non-Reiki practitioners? I

can categorically answer this with a yes.

1 The information found in this article have been gathered from various e-books and online articles, the lessons I learned from my Reiki Master Noel Resella, and my humble personal practice and experience. Hope this helps! :) ♥, Eileen :)

As earlier mentioned, Reiki is an example of energy manipulation. The word

“manipulation” only implies that raw energy is programmed with certain intentions to deliver

specific results. With Reiki, the usual intention is to heal or to help ease the “dis-ease” of a

patient. More complex topics are associated with energy manipulation, as carelessly injecting

“programs” into raw energy and using it may hasten the effects of karma, which may have a

negative result for the user and/or the object of the energy.

There is, however, a simpler and more important relative of energy manipulation – that

is energy management. We do this everyday, but do not realize it. Walking, talking,

involuntary movements such as digesting food and blinking are forms of energy management.

Sitting and trying not to move any muscle is a form of energy management. We, individually

and collectively, is Energy. The cells in our body, our thoughts and actions consist of energy.

Energy management is important even for non-esoterically inclined individuals, as it

may help us manage our lives better. Some practitioners say that it can be used to strengthen

the muscles while doing physical exercises. Some even go as far as managing energy to burn

food and lose weight. Personally, I find it useful to release stress. More than that, knowing

that we are energy and that we affect the energy surrounding others, we have an opportunity

to harness a better potential for all – be it be in the form of maintaining the delicate balance

and flow of Energy, or as simple as desisting from unknowingly doing harm unto others and

unto one's self.

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The first step in managing one's energy is to be aware of it. Keep your left hand relaxed

and shake your right hand vigorously for 10 seconds. You will feel a tingling sensation on your

right hand. That is blood rushing through your veins. Concentrate all your attention on that

rushing feeling, and just feel the blood flowing to your right hand. You will notice after a time

that even if your right hand has been relaxed for some time now, you still feel a tingling

feeling. That is energy. Focusing on the blood flow is managing your energy.

A basic exercise in energy management is breathing. Breathing properly in itself is

energy management. In a comfortable position, inhale long and slow through your nose,

letting your belly and lungs expand to its full capacity. As you slowly exhale, contract and pull

your belly in, squeezing air out starting from your stomach, diaphragm and lungs. Inhale

positive energy, feeling the warmth spread from your chest to every part of your body. Exhale

all your worries and frustration, allowing your mind, body and spirit to relax.

You can say out loud or in your mind that, “All is well,” as you exhale, to affirm to

yourself that you are becoming more positive while releasing negative energies.

Another exercise used to center one's self, allowing the self to focus and, with practice,

experience a state of oneness with the Universe is the Gassho Meditation. It means “two

hands coming together.”

– Sit down in a comfortable position, and just concentrate on breathing for a

few seconds until your mind and body settles down.

– Bring your hands together in front of your chest in a prayer position.

– With your eyes closed, focus your attention at the point where your middle

fingers meet.

– Release all incoming thoughts and just focus on your fingers. If a thought

does come, acknowledge it and let it pass away, returning your focus on your


A technique I learned from my Reiki master, Noel Resella, when my attention drifts from the meditation exercise is to lightly press the middle fingers together while letting my breath on the exhale touch the tip of my fingers. This helps bring my focus back on my fingers and my breathing.

Centering meditation exercises are often discussed alongside grounding exercises. Centering is more about focusing within ourselves, pulling our scattered energy back into our center. Grounding is the act of releasing excess or negative energy from our body back to the Earth and anchoring to the Earth's energy, providing us with an infinite source of energy.

The next exercise is still focused on breathing, but it would be better experienced with the help of visualization. We have a physical center of gravity located about two to three fingers beneath the navel. This is called the dantian or tanden. It is a point where energy is stored, and where all important veins and nerves in the body meet. The Japanese also refer to this point as the “hara;” hence, their practice of cutting their abdomens when committing

suicide is called hara kiri, with kiri meaning to cut. In certain martial arts practices, students are taught to focus on their tanden to reinforce their center of balance and gravity. For yoga practices, the tanden is the point that stores the life force which radiates throughout the body.

Tanden Breathing and Joshin Kokyu Ho (Breathing/Cleansing Style)

– Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.– Take slow, deep breaths. Close your eyes and gently release the tension in your body.– Let your mouth slightly open. Touch the tip of your tongue to your palate as you inhale

through your nose. Place your tongue on the bottom of your mouth as you exhale, making an “aahhh” sound that comes from your diaphragm.

– Focus your attention on your abdomen. Continue slow breathing until you can feel a warm point below your navel. That is the tanden. Once you have felt this point, you have accessed the tanden energy in your body.

– Once accessed, start to visualize a white light coming from your concept of God and entering your crown chakra.

– As you inhale, visualize that this white light is traveling from your crown to your tanden. Hold it there for a few seconds, and feel the warmth spreading and filling up your whole body.

– As you exhale, expand this energy out of your body through your skin into infinity, in all directions.

In general, breathing properly alone helps in clearing the blood of toxins and aiding

blood circulation. It also assists in keeping us calm, lending us strength and giving us a sense

of peace. A caveat on the Tanden Breathing and Joshin Kokyu Ho. Because of the boost it

gives to blood circulation, it is not an advisable exercise for people who have high blood

pressure and for women who are pregnant. Also, if you start feeling lightheaded with all the

energy coming into your body, do not immediately stop or bow your head down. Just open

your eyes, slowly sit either cross-legged or kneel and sit on your heels, keep your spine

straight and your hands on your knees, focus on one point in front of you, and slowly breathe

in and out through your nose until the dizziness passes. This prevents the energy from being

released too fast by your body.

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Breathing meditation exercises are simple, especially as breathing itself is part and

parcel of living. However, even simple things can generate great results. Great is, after all, only

a matter of perspective.

Happy meditating! :)

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