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Fifth Session Manila 10-16 September 1954



WP/RC5,/Min/5, Rev. 1 1 November 1954


Institute of Hygiene, Manila Wednesday, 15 September 19541 at 2:30 p.m.



1 Proposed Budget Estimates for the Financial Year 1 January - 31 December 1956 (continued) 4

2 Statements by Observers 7

3 Proposals Submitted b,y Member Countries 9

3.1 Guiding Principles for the Allocation of Funds from the Regular Budget Proposed by the Philippine Delegation 9

3.2 Endemicity of Insect-borne Virus Diseases in the Western Pacific in Relation to Their Importance and Control 10

4 Resolutions of Regional Interest Adopted by the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Sessions of the Executive Board and the Seventh World Health Assembly 13

4.1 Payment of Travel Expenses of Representatives to Sessions of Regional Committees 13

4.2 Sessions of Regional Committees at Regional Headquarters 13

4.3 Rights and Obligations of Associate Members in Regional Committees 14

4.4 Campaign against Smallpox 14

4.5 Local Costs in Respect of International Project Personnel under the Regular Budget 15

4. 6 Research 18

4.7 Environmental Sanitation 19

5 Election Procedure 20

WP/RC5/Min/5, Rev. 1 Page 2

Fifth Meeting

Wednesday, 15 September 1954 at 2:.30 p.m.

Representatives present















Dr. H. E. Downes

Dr. You Chhin Dr. Mam-Kornsann

Dr. J. Heng Liu Dr. c. H. Yen

Medecin-colonel Robert Augere Dr. Marcel Demange

Dr. Takemune Soda Mr. A kira Sai ta

Dr. Haing In Paik Mr. Yun Young Lim

Dr. Koukeo Saycocie Dr. Chao Souva th

Dr. J. Bierdrager

Dr. F. S. Maclean

Dr. Rafae 1 Tumbokon Mr. Marcelo .Angeles Dr. Demetrio Lacuna Dr. Clemente Gatmaitan Dr. Arsenio C. Regala Dr. Antonio Ejercito

Dr. Joao Albino Ribeiro Cabral

Dr. R. E. Anderson Dr. L. J. Clapham Dr. R. H. Bland Dr. G. Graham-Cumming

Dr. Horace DeLien Dr. Richard K. C. Lee

Dr. Le Van Khai

Observers present













WP/RC5/Min/5, :a.ev ,1 Page 3

Miss Annie Sand

Lt. Col. A. Zarate

Mr. Juan L. Lanting

Dr. Joaquin Canuto

Dr. W. w. Yung

Dr. Guy Lois on

Colonel Ralph V. Plew

Dr. Franco Mortara

Dr. F. Hennessey

Dr. J. Fernandez

Dr. Si.xto Maceda, Jr.

Dr. Eugene Stransky

Members of Technical Discussions Panel present

Dr. A. Dalisay

Dr. H. Lara

Dr. o. R. McCoy

Dr. A. F. Raper

WP/RC5/Min/5, ReV•l Page 4


Dr. RmAIA (Philippines) submitted the following resolution for

consideration of the Committe~z

0The Regional Comroittee1

Taking into account resolution WP/RC4/Rl4 about Travel Study Tour,

Reiterating the :impo.rtance of and benefit to be derived from

group conferences and lectures and/or study tours in the countries included

in the Western Pacific Region,

Believing that these measures will foster cordial relations arxi

understanding among Member States within the Region which will promote closer

cooperative efforts,

REQUESTS the Regional Director insofar as possible to allocate

the necessary funds in 1956 to start implementing resolution WP/RC4/Rl4 and

to plan in consultation with Member Governments the practical and effective

manner of its implementation."

As there were no comm~nts, the resolution was declared adopted.

(WP /RC 5 .R6)

Dr. DOWNES (Australia) referred to resolution WP/RC4/Rl2 which

gave the Regional Director author~ty to establish priorities in 1955 for

projects of regional significance: As this only applied to 1955 and there

might be additional funds in 1956 under TA or out of savings, he proposed

that the Committee approve the following resolutiona

"The Regional Oommittee1

Haying studied the Supplementary List of Projects for 1956

(WP/RC5/4 Add. 1),

/Agreeing to

WP/RC5/Mi.n/5, Rev.l Page 5

Agreeing to the inclusion of the projects proposed during its

Fifth Session in this Supplementary List,

Anticipating that additional funds may become available to this


Reaffirms the authority given at its Fourth Session (WP/RC4,At6 and

WP/RC4/Rl2) to the Regional Director to establish priorities in 1956;

REQUESTS i;.he Regional Director to implement as ma.ey as possible of

the projects in the Supplementary List frOJll savings and from other additional

funds which may become available to the Region.n

Mr. SAlTA (Japan) endorsed the draft resolution but suggested tha\

the word "also" be added between "priorities" and "in 195Qn in the third


Dr. DOWNES (Australia) stated that this amendment was acceptable

to Australia.

Dr. LEE (USA) referred to the resolution proposed by the US dele­

gation which had not been voted on at the end of the last plenary session and

asked whether the Committee might not perhaps consider it at the same time,

as he did not like the reference to "anticipating that additional funds may

become available to this Region" in the Australian resolution.

The SECRETARY stated that in formulating the 1956 budget it had

only been possible to include a small number of projects. If more mon~

became available then the supplementary programme would have to be considered,

the phrase referred to by the US representative was not binding to the

governments concerned and did not commit any government.

Dr. DeLIEN (USA) stated that the phrasing was not acceptable to the

US delegation and suggested that the word "anticipating'' be amnded to "if .n

/l'his was

WP,.1tC5/Min/5, Rev.l Page 6

This was agreed and the resolution was approved. (WP/HC5.R7)

The Committee then considered. the draft resolution proposed by the

US representative at the previous meeting and amended as follows as a result

of discussions between the US, Chinese and Philippine representatives•

"Recognizing that there is an accepted procedure of referring the

Programme and Budget of a Regional Committee to the Director-General,

Recognizing that the Regional Director has deveioped the programme ~~ .

for individual countries in 1956 in conf·ormity with requests from Member


Recognizing also that there is no real assurance of aey increase

in the annual contribution to WHO by Member Governments,

After having examined with care the 1956 Progra:rnroo and Budget

estimates for the Western Pacific Region as submitted by the Regional


RESOLVES that the Regional Committee take note of the 1956 Pro­

gramme and Budget for the Western Pacific Region and instructs the Regional

Director to transmit it to the Director-General."

Dr. YEN (China) suggested that reference should be made in the text

to the resolutions which the Co~ttee had just passed and that the words

nand taking into consideration Resolu:tions WP,AtC5.R6 and WPJRC5.R7" should

be added at the end of paragraph four.

Dr. LEE (USA) stated that he was not quite clear about the ~pose

of the proposed addendum and he would appreciate a further explanation.

The SECRETARY s tated that the addition of the words proposed would

not alter the substance of the resolution in any way but would strengthen it

by t,ring the three resolutions together.

/After further

WP/HCS/M.ill/5) ll.c:o-.,1 Page·7

After further discussion, it was agreed that the amended resolution

should. be carried. (WP/RC5.R8


Dr. DeLIEN (FOA., Philippines) conunented on the work of the FOA in

the seven Far Eastern Missions and in Hawaii where close working relationships

were maintained with WHO and other international agencies. In the territory

of Hawaii an International Cooperation Centre cf Hawaii had been established

whose purpose was to develop and arrange training and observation programmes

on public health, agriculture, public administration, education, vocational

training, business administration, social work, home economics and other

fields of graduate endeavour for st~dents and workers from countries of the

Western and Southem Pacific regions.

Ten technical advisors were provided in the Philippines to assist

in the development and implementation of long range programmes in malaria

control, water sup;ly and sanitation, hospital rehabilitation, health education

of the public, rural health, personnel training and tuberculosis control.

Dr. J. FERNANDEZ (World Federation of Mental Health) expressed his

appreciation for the opportunity offered of attending the meeting. MUch

appeared to have been done for the physical health of peoples in the region

but there was no mention of mental health on the agenda. It was not possible

today to take for granted that the mind was sound because the boqy was sound.

Maqy children born during the war were now suffering from various types of

neurosis, there had been an increase in juvenile delinquenqy and adult

criminality, and also in the incidence of psychosis. Dr. FERNANDEZ requested

better consideration of the problems involved in mental health and suggested

the creation of mental health departments with special emphasis towards child

guidance clinics which could serve as training centres.

Dr. G. LOISON (South Pacific Commission) thanKed the Chairman for

/the opportunity

WP/RC5/Min/5, Revel Page 8

the opportunity of addressing the Committee as he had come to Manila to observe

and not to speak. One observation he had made was that a number of the members

of the Regional Committee did not seem to know anything about the South Pacific

Commission, which was of a consultative nature and had been established by the

governments of the countries in the South Pacific in 1947. The Commission

had a social, economic and health section and every year the Research Council

called a meeting during which recommendations made by governments were con­

sidered. Conclusions and decisions were transmitted to the governments

responsible for implementing them and in some cases this was when they called

on WHO for assistance. The Commission was much interested in filariasis arxl

nutrition on which they were at the moment carrying out research studies. The

Secretary's reference to continued cooperation in the field of filariasis had

been much appreciated and the Committee could rest assured that the Commission

would do its share in promoting better health for the people in the Western


Dr. HENNESSY (UNK:RA) conveyed the thanks of the Agency for the

Assistance received from WHO. The visit of the WHO Health Planning Commission

had been of great value, as had. the WHO cooperation in the purchase of large

quantities of medical equipment. Dr. Hennessy expressed interest in obtaining

fellowships in ·areas where his agency operated, particularly for the staff of

medical schools and teaching hospitals.

Dr. MA.CEDA (World Medical Association) stated his appreciation

of the opportunity to observe the deliberations of the Regional O:>mmittee al:Xi

of the opportunity given to the observers to participate in the Technical

Discussions and to speak freely on matters vital to the health of the people

in this Region.

Dr. MORTARA (UNICEF) stated that the extent of cooperation between

WHO and UNICEF was well known to all members of the Committee, and was reflected

in the. large number of pro46cts carried out by both organizations in this

Region. At the moment the Executive Board of UNICEF was considering requests

/for allocations

WP/R.C5/Min/5, Rev.l Page 9

for allocations to various countries in .Asia amounting to ¢5,000,000.

¢1,000,000 of this amount was for programmes in the Western Pacific Region.

The Regional Director of the UNICEF Asia Office had also asked that his thanks

be conveyed for the resolution of appreciation of the work of UNICEF passed

during the fourth session of the Committee.


3.1 Guiding principles for the allocation of funds from the Regular

Budget proposed by t~e Philippine Delegation

The Committee considered the following draft resolution proposed

by the Philippine 0elegation:

"The Regional Committee,

Having regard to Article 50 (a) and (b) of the Constitution;

REQUESTS the H.egional Director

(1) to endeavour to prepare guiding principles by which projects

to be financed with regular funds may be selected, and

(2) to submit a report on the above subject to Member States for

consideration of the Regional COmmittee at its Sixth Session."

Dr. LEE (USfl) requested the Secretary to .comment as he wished to

know what problems there were in the development of guiding principles.

The SECRETARY stated that at the present time he was not prepared

to develop principles but that in the course of the next few months it should

be possibl~ to submit suggestions to the Member Governments for their con­


The Committee considered that the question required further study

and approved the resolution submitted by the Philippine representative.


/3.2 Endemicity of

WP /RC 5/Min/ 5, Rev ·1 Page ID

3.2 Endemicity of inseet-borne virus diseases in the Western Pacific

in relation to their importance and control

In introducing the draft resolution contained in document WP/RCS/5,

Dr. ANDERSON (UK) stated that this was ~;~, subject which he considered to be of

great importance and a study of these diseases within the Region warranted

consideration by the Committee. A number of requests for fellowships to train

virologists had been received by WHO and facilities for this type of training

were very limited, apart from centres in Australia, Tokyo, Malaya and in Korea.

It had been suggeste~ that it might be possible to establish a local laboratory

to train virologists. In the absence of a representative from Fiji he wished

to propose the adoption of the draft resolution dealing with this matter.

Dr. SODa (Japan) asked whether it was the intention of the UK

representative to limit the virus diseases to insect-borne disease only and

if so what the reason was for doing this.

Dr. ANDERSON (UK) replied that he understood that this had been the

intention of the Fiji representative.

Dr. SODA (Japan) suggested an amendment to the resolution which would

then read as follows&

11The Regional Committee,

Realizing that virus diseases, especially insect-borne v~s

diseases, are new recognized as of major public health importance in the


REOQMMENDS that experts in the Region be asked to prepare papers

on the public health aspects of the problem for the consideration of the

Expert Committee on Virus Diseases, and that a Seminar should be held at a

later date."


WP/RC5/Min/5, ~.J~~.l Page 11

Dr. ANDERSON (UK) stated that he would prefer t hat the motion should

stand as the impression received from the Fiji representative had been that they

wished the s tud;y to be limi. ted to insect borne diseases •

Dr. YEN (China) was of the opinion that the term insect-borne virus

diseases covered a large group of diseases, and that it might be wiser to impose

some. limitation as otherwise there would be difficulties when the holding of a

seminar was considered.

Dr. SODA (Japan) stated that he would prefer to remove the phrase

llinse ct-bornen from the resolution entirely.

Dr. ANDERSON (UK) then proposed that the words "if the Expert Committee

thinks fitn should be inserted in the last line of the resolution.

Dr. EJERCITO (Philippines) felt that insect-borne virus diseases,

which represented a major public health problem were as yet not being well

studied in the Region. Although much had been done in the United States and

America there was still much to be learned about their epidemiology. He felt

that the Committee should limit consideration to the spirit contained in the

resolution, the study of insect-borne virus diseases.

Dr. LE VAN KHAI (Vietnam) suggested that in order to limit the

work of the expert COlllllittee, the following amendment might te made1

"The Regional Committee,

Realizing that ammg the virus diseases those which are transmitted

by insects constitute a major problem to public health •• ·"

/Dr. DOWNES (Australia)

WP/RC5/Min/5, Ilev.l Page 12

Dr. DOWNES (Australia) supported the a.mandrnent of the Vietnam

representative which he considered was more in keeping with the spirit of

the resolution proposed by the Fiji Government. He mentioned a number

of the diseases which would have to be considered if the scope of the

stuqy was enlarged as suggested by the Japanese representative,and

stated that it was preferable to concentrate on those aspects which

were of definite public health interest.

The Committee then proceeded to vote on the amendment proposed

by the Vietnam representative which was carried, eleven voting in its

favour, one against and one abstaining.

As the amended resolution now became the principal

resolution, the CHAI:ru.t.\N asked the Committee to vote again. ~

amended resolution was carried, 12 voting in its favour, with one

abstention. (WP/RC5.Rl0)


WP/RC5/Min/5, Rev.l Page 13



WORLD H;.!JU.TH ASShl-mLY. Item 12 of the Agenda

4.1 Payment of travel expenses of representatives to sessions of

Regional Committees

Mr. JOHNSEN (Regional Office Administration & Finance Officer)

informed the Committee that the Executive Board had studied the comments

of all Regional Committees in regard to the above and had decided to

withdraw its original recommendation that \fflO should take over the

travelling expenses for one representative from each country. This de­

cision had been approved by the Seventh vlorld Health Assembly and

governments would, therefore., continue to meet the travel expenses

of all representatives to Regional Committee meetings.

4.2 Sessions of Regional Committees at Regional Headquarters

Reference was made to the resolutions adopted at the third and

fourth sessions of the Regional Committee in regard to the above matter

and the committee informed that the 1956 session would be held in Manila

unless any Member Country issued an invitation. In order that arrange­

ments could be made in good time it was suggested that same indication

might be given during the 1955 session in Singapore as to whether any

government wished to offer hospitality.

Dr. 00\'lNES {imstralia) stated that he supported the general

principle underlying the resolutions and asked whether Singapore would

meet the extra expenses in 1955.

The SECRE~~y stated this was presumed to be the case and that

negotiations were in progress regarding the arrangements for the meeting

in 1955·

/4.3 Rights and

\11P/RC5/Min/ 5, Rev.l Page 14

4.3 Rights and obligations of Associate Members in Regional


The Committee was informed that the Seventh World Health Assembly

had decided on the recommendation of the Executive Board not to mak~ any

changes i~ the existing rights and obligations of Associate Members at

this time.

4.4 Campaign against smallpox

Dr. GAN of the Regional Office drew the attention of the Committee

to document WP/Ite5/9 which outlined the new developments resulting from

discussions during the Thirteenth Session of the Executive Board and dur­

ing the ?eventh World Health Assembly in regard to the campaign against

smallpox. The Regional nirector had proceeded with arrangements for a

regional survey part of which had already been started.

Dr. DOWNES (Australia) referred to the resolution of the Seventh

World Health Assembly and asked what ~ad been done in implementation of

this request to the Director-General~

In replying, Dr. GAN stated that Dr. Dixon had already visited

the Philippines, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong and would proceed to other

countries later on.

Dr. DOWNES asked for further information on the action taken

since the Seventh World Health Assembly.

The SECRETARY informed him that a survey of the smallpox situation

in the Region had already been started. It was, however, too soon to

/submit a report

WP/RC5/Min/51 Rev.l Page 15

submit a report or to make recommendations; as soon as these became

available th~ would be sent to the governments coneJrned.

4.5 Local costs in respect of international project personnel under

the Regular Budget

Mr. JOHNSLN informed the Committee that in 1955 and 1956 there

would be different methods applied for the payment of local costs for

projects financed under the Regular Programme and those financed under

Technical Assistance funds. There were two types of local costs (a) the

expenses_which governments incurred for salaries of government officials

assigned to projects as counterparts, transportation within the country,

procurement of equipment and supplies, provision of office space, etc.,

and (b) the costs directlY due to the presence of international staff

covering accommodation, living allowances for the staff members, per diem

and hospital and medical expenses. Under the new arrangement, WHO would

take over responsibility in 1955 for the local costs incurred in new

projects and in 1956 would take over responsibility for all existing pro­

jects financed under the Regular Programme. The governments would, how­

ever, continue to pay the fares during duty travel in the country, also

provide the type of medical care given to its own civil servants.

Dr. DeLIEN (USA.) felt that this procedure had good and bad possi­

bilities, money would be required to finance this new arrangement and

he presumed that this would come from fUnds which could be used for field

projects. He felt that governments should be able to find a way to pay

these expenses and he submitted the following resolution for considera­

tion of the Committee•

"The Regional Comnittee,

Having noted document vf.HA ?.42 concerni ng Local Costs in

Respect of International frojec:t Personnel under the Regular Budget ..

/whereby WHO

WP/RG5/Min/S, Rev.l Page 16

whereby WHO would pay for housing, subsistence, per diem, and other

local expenses to international staff assigned to new projects;

Having noted also that the Director-General has been authorized

to defer the starting of the implementation of all new regular projects

planned to be started in 1955 for a further period of approximately

two·months or longer as may be necessaryJ

Believing that this arrangement would seriously affect the plan­

ning, continuity and effectiveness of the World Health Organization


Knowing that public health advances most authoritatively and ef­

fectively by local participation and contribution;

Knowing also that local willingness, enthusiasm and financial

support will develop more permanent and stable health programs;

R1SOLVES to direct the Regional Director to request the Director­

General to bring this subject up for reconsideration at the bighth ~iorld

Health Assembly. 11

The SECRETARY stated that all who had attended the last three

sessions of the Assembly would know about the discussions ivhich had

ensued regarding this question. The argument put forward by governments

was that they spent a much larger sum of mone.y on projects than ~JHO and

in addition were required to pay subsistence, provide accommodation, etc.

In some cases, this had prevented them from seeking international assist­

ance which the,y required.

Dr. REGALA (Philippines) stated that his government was not in

agreement with the resolution proposed by the USA representative. Many

countries had been unable to implement programmes because they were not

able to meet the local costs. The Health Assemb~ had realized the im­

portance of not unduly burdening countries.

/Mr. SAITA (Japan)

Wr/RC5/Min/5, Rav.l Page 17

Mr. SAITA (Japan) concurred with the view of the Philippine

representative and stated that his government would also have to dis­

agree with the resolution.

Dr. ANDERSON (UK) also opposed the attitude of the U&1. repre­

sentative as he felt that if a poor country were requested to finance

these expenses this might prevent them from accepting programmes, local

governments \'lere also often embarrassed when expenses had to be met am

they had to request further financial aid fran the central government

to do so.

Dr. DOWW.GS (ii.ustralia) stated that he agreed with the prin­

ciple of local contributions but for countries who could not afford

this the arrangement was an embarrassing one. Distribution of funds

should be made where the need was greatest and he was, therefore, not

in agreement with the proposed resolution.

Dr. DeLIEN (USA) stated that he appreciated the comments of

representatives but believed that it was necessary to have background

material to support the statements of governments. There had been a

cut in programme funds yet the Committee had asked for the· services of

a Statistician, they were nmv supporting a decision which would necessi­

tate fUrther expenditure. He suggested that the Co~~ittee reconsider

the matter and direct the Regional Director to refer the question back

to the Director-General.

The SECRETIURY referred to a problem which had confronted the

Coordination Committee in Saigon in 1950, when the Vietnam Government

wished to have assistance in several projects but as the aid had been

asked for in the middle of the year·all fUnds had already been committed.

Lxperts had been sent on a reimbursable basis and as it was not possible

/for the government

WP/RC5/Min/5, Rev.l Page 18

for the government to pay for local and other costs these had been

provided by Eel\.. A similar situation existed in Cambodia and Laos.

If any of these governments was obliged to pay local costs then they

would be deprived of assistance which they ful~ needed.

The Cffiti~iN then asked the Committee to vote on the Resolu­

tion which was defeated, there being one in favour, eleven against

and one abstention.

Mr. SAIT1~ (Japan) asked whether a similar arrangement would

be made for programmes .financed by Teclmical Assistance funds. He

hoped . that the Director-General would also approach the Technical

Assistance Board with a view to persuading them to follow out the

same procedure •

Dr. GEAR (WHO, Geneva) infonned the Committee that the matter

was under examination by the bodies concerned although no specific

decision had so far been reached.

4.6 Research

Dr. GAN of the Regional Office drew the attention of the Com­

mittee to the resolution passed by the Seventh World Health Assemb~

urging Member States with suitable research resources to cooperate with

WHO in research programmes applicable to the field of international


Dr. RID.l"a (Philippines) asked the Secretary to indicate the

scope and extent of the cooperation envisaged.

He was informed that the Health 1\.ssemb~ resolution had been a

general one and there had been no clear definition of the scope envi­

saged but if a country expressed interest then direct negotiations

could be undertaken.


WP/RC5/Min/5, Rev.l ?age 19

Dr. DOWNES (Australia) spoke in support of the proposal and

gave details of the many ways in which his government was already

implementing the recommendation.

Dr. G.&ffi (1JHO, Geneva) summarized the background of the

resolution which contained a significant principle which the Seventh

World Health ~issembly had .foWld important to repeats that vlHO did

not itself establish its own research institutions and was, therefore,

dependent on national institutions throughout the We·~

Mr. SAITii (Japan) stated that his delegation was in accord

idth the spirit expressed in the resolution. He felt that it was the

duty of the Regional Committee to note the contents and it was un­

necessar:'· to pass another resolution,

Dr. EJERCITO (Philippines) agreed with the view of the

Japanese representative but asked whether WHO was receptive to the

idea of allocating certain funds as research grants to be given

to member gove~ents who had the knowledge to carry out this work

but lacked the facilities.

Dr. G.o.!iiill. nmo; Geneva) infonned the Philippine representa­

tive that \"iliO did give grants :for such work.

The Committee agreed to note the Resolution and that no fUr­

ther comment was required. (WP/RC5.Rll)

4. 7 Enviromnen tal sanitation

Dr. Gii.N of the Regional Office stated that the background pic­

ture insofar as this item l-vas concerned was contained in document

r1P/RC5/12. 'lhe E.xecutive Board had requested the Director-General,

/through the

WP/RC5/Min/5, Rev. 1 Page 20

through the Regional Organizations, to consider ways and means by

which action in this field might be stimulated at the local level.

Dr. YaJ CHHIN (Cambodia) stated that his goverment was much

interested in the question of environmental sanitation and his country

would probably need assistance in this field. The question was now

under study but he would like the Regional Director to note his state­


The Committee noted the information contained -in document

WP/RC5/12 and then passed to consideration of the next item on the

agenda. (WP/RC5J112)



WESTERN PACIFIC. Item 13 of the Agenda

Dr. TUMBOKON (~hilippines) asked whether consideration of the

Resolution contained in document \iP/RC5/lJ might be deferred.

The SEClhlTARY stated that the item was placed on the i~genda

at the suggestion of the Director-General who wished the matter to

be considered by the Regional Committee. The review of the entire

Rules of the Assembly had already been discussed but as this revision

had not been done during the Seventh Health Assembly it was not yet

possible to proceed with the revision of the entire rules of Regional

Committees. The revision of the two rules under consideration did not

mean exclusion of the remaining rules at a later date.

Dr. TUMBOKON (Philippines) considered that the Rules should

be reviewed in toto and proposed the following resolution for consi­

deration of the Committeea

/The Regional Committee

"The Regional Comrriittee,

·w-.?/RC5/Min/5, Rev.l .i.Jage 21

Considering it necessary to revise its Rules of Procedure

in addition to Rules 26 and 28 in the light of experience already


REQU.$TS the Regional Director

1. To invite Member States to submit any further revision

which they propose to make,

2. To study all proposals for revision and, taking them

into account, prepare a draft of the revised Rules of Pro­

cedure, and

3. To submit copies of the draft of the revised Rules

of frocedure to Member States at least sixty days before

the convening of the Sixth Session of the Regional Committee

for its consideration."

Dr. Gilt.R stated that the question was being examined by all

Regional Committees as the Director-General had considered it desir­

able to draw their attention to defects in their Rules of Procedure

which had been corrected in those of the ~ecutive Board.

Dr. T,F:F; (USlL) then proposed to discuss a resolution which he

had drafted prior to receipt of the Philippine resolution, which,

similar to the latter, called for postponement of the revision of

the Rules of Procedure until proposed revisions from Member States

have been received.

Dr. GEAR (WHO, Geneva) stated that there were actually two

matters under consideration (a) matters of procedure for election of

the Director-General and (b) for election of Regional Directors. As

defects were found in the rules of procedure governing (a) the Bxecu·

tive Board had decided to revise them~ As similar defects appeared

in the Rules governing the election of Regional Directors, it was

/suggested that

W~/RC5/Min/5, Rev.l Page 22

suggested that the Regional Committees might like to deal with the

situation in the same way. This did not preclude in any way revi­

sion of other rules at a later date. Under the old rules when two

candidates were nominated, the selection had been made b,y drawing

lots which in the opinion of the Elcecutive Board had not been a

desirable procedure. Under the new rules when two candidates were

nominated, the committee voted three times, if after this there

was still a tie between the two candidates then the whole process

of nomination would start again.

Mr. SAlTA (Japan) stated that it appeared that under the

old procedure voting had been secret, under the new,this procedure

would only be used in regard to the election of the Regional Director.

On the suggestion of the Chairman, it was decided to defer

further discussion on this item until the next meeting.

The Committee adjourned at 5a30 p.m.

* * * *

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