office of latino student services and outreach georgia state university dylan hart-medina, m.s....

Post on 31-Mar-2015






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Office of Latino Student Services and Outreach

Georgia State University

Dylan Hart-Medina, M.S.

Program Coordinator for Latino Outreach & Support

About Georgia State University

About Georgia State University

Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 20121000






Hispanic Undergraduate Enrollments


Mission of the Office (LASSO)

• Strive to promote academic success, leadership development, and inclusivity

• Recruit, retain, empower, graduate, and advance Latino/Hispanic students at Georgia State and in the community

• Collaborate with campus departments and community allies to promote academic, personal, career, social, and cultural development

Goals of LASSO

• Provide a safe space for all students irrespective of class, race, sexual identity, nationality, citizenship, or immigrant status

• Increase academic, social, career, and leadership opportunities for Latino/Hispanic students at Georgia State

• Increasing awareness about the value of family involvement in a student’s educational journey

• Aiding in the increase of Latino/Hispanic student retention, progression, and graduation rates

• Establish and promote sustainable partnerships with community members

Efforts to Engage Youth and Increase Access to College

• Latino Leadership Initiative (LLI)

• Increase awareness about college process and encourage path to higher education

• GSU students serve as mentors to high school students

• College Fairs/Conferences

• Present at college fairs

• Presentations at high schools and community organizations

• Faith-based organizations

• Partner with Office of Admissions

• Latino Listserv on Campus

Identifying Obstacles

• Lack of adequate knowledge about college process, FAFSA, financial aid

• Student

• Family

• Financial difficulties (college is expensive)

• Adjustment to college life

• First-generation

• GSU ~32,000 students

Efforts to Overcome Obstacles and Ensure Success

• Academics and Awareness

• Bienvendios (Fall and Spring)

• Workshop Series and Academic Coaching

• Leadership Series-community engagement-purpose

• Engage family members

• Financial Aid

• Scholarship Opportunities (Goizueta Scholarship; Endowment Scholarship)

• Scholarship Resource Center (Writing; Coca Cola, Hawks Foundation; Panther Retention)

Efforts to Overcome Obstacles and Ensure Success

• Adjustment

• Peer Mentoring Program (Latinos on the Fast Lane)

• Collaborate with various departments and divisions on campus and community

• Promote identity development, opportunities for engagement on campus

• Safe space-bonding with other students, embrace all aspects of self in judge free environment

Becoming a National Model for Success

Graduation Rates by Ethnicity

Graduation, Retention, Clearinghouse Data

What We’ve Found So Far to be Successful Ingredients

• Raise awareness, knowledge, and expectations

• Recognize role that family plays

• Promote peer-support opportunities

• Provide opportunities for leadership roles

• Collaboration

How You Can Utilize Our Services

• College fairs, information sessions, workshops

• Initiatives to expand peer-mentoring and tutoring programs

• Collaborations-Internship, employment, and volunteer opportunities

• Encourage others to apply for the Goizueta Scholarship

• Come visit-and encourage others to visit!

• –search “Latino” and “Goizueta”

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