off the scoreboard

Post on 11-Apr-2022






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Page 1 Newsletter for members : Off The Scoreboard—Issue 98, autumn 2020

We are certainly in the midst of extraordinary times and the year 2020 will no doubt go down in history. I know I for one have had to find a whole new way of ‘filling in’ my weekends. If any good can come out of having to stay home, the silver lining will be I may finally get to sort out my parents boxes that have taken over my ENTIRE dining room since they moved into aged care; I have no excuse for my house not to be cleaner and tidier than it has EVER been; my little Cavalier King Charles will no longer be a wombat with all the walks we go on, and my roses will be pruned on time!!!!

At the time of this newsletter being distributed we are not yet in Stage 3 Lockdown, though I sense it is imminent. There are really no platitudes to make people feel better about the situation, but if we can all remain as upbeat as possible, know we really are all in it together, and go back and use the phone for its’ original purpose to keep in touch, we WILL make a difference. Take care out there, stay safe, stay WELL and remember … A smile is the same in every language – Julianne Van V


Basketball shorts were short

until 1984, when Michael Jordan

asked for longer ones

Off The Scoreboard

From the editor

Leap years in history: During leap years, George

Armstrong Custer fought the Battle of the Little Bighorn

(1876), the Titanic sank (1912), Benjamin Franklin proved that

lightning is electricity (1752) and gold was discovered in

California (1848)

Page 2 Newsletter for members : Off The Scoreboard—Issue 95, winter 2019

2019 Scoretable Official of the Year Award goes to …

Vicky is a level 3 scoretable official, whose home association is Ballarat. Her membership number is 52! The reasons for Vicky’s nomination are: • she did a marvelous job coordinating the scoretable people for the Ballarat U14 Tournament in 2019

• she helped Bendigo with the WBNL

• in season 2019 she was a great help to the associations in the Western Suburbs region if they needed assistance with their rosters, education and evaluations

• if an association had an issue she would listen and help where she could

• she was very approachable and easy for the officials to talk to and ask questions of without feeling nervous

Vicky has also been a scoretable coach and educator for many years, and as can be seen by her membership number has been a part of the scoring family for longer than she would probably care to mention! The VBSA committee was very pleased to accept this incredibly deserved nomination. Congratulations and extremely well done Vicky!

“Tough times

never last, but tough people

do.” Robert H.


Page 3 Newsletter for members : Off The Scoreboard—Issue 95, winter 2019

Your 2020 VBSA committee The committee can be contacted by email:

Contact details are also available in the members only area of the website

Convenor: Ian Collings Secretary: Wendy Middleton Treasurer: TBC Registrar: Douglas McRae Head Educator: David Booth Events: Wendy Parsons Events Asst: Angela Embleton Property: Matthew Carpenter Newsletter: Julianne Van Veenendaal Social Media Officer: TBC

Please note that due to the current health crisis, VBSA committee

meetings have been suspended for at least the next two months.

Normally they meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month

Basketball Victoria now have a skeleton staff at the State Basketball Centre, however are still contactable

Remember to like VBSA on Facebook

VBSA Facebook Page

Page 4 Newsletter for members : Off The Scoreboard—Issue 95, winter 2019

Presentation of Membership Awards

Annual Reporting meeting held on Sunday 23 February 2020

First Name Surname Service Badge First Name Surname Service Badge Sam Carmody 10

Peter Shepheard 25 Amy Vine 10 Leah Collings 25 Louise Watach 10 Pat Collings 25 Deborah Scannell 10 Graeme Robinson 25 Leanne Symes 10 Sheelagh Nihill 25 Vanice Kelly 10 Vic Nihill 25 Jacque Chapman 10 Michael Robinson 25 Ann Sheehan 10 Kaye Harrison 25 Kenneth Hart 10 Daryl Lynch 25 Jackie Bridge 10 Gail Brodie 25 Terry Jackson 10 Gretta Jamieson 25 Krystal Waters 10 Clare Clarke 25 Chris McCready 10 Jim Oliver 25 Anne Billinghurst 10 Helen Fraser 20 Vivienne Wylie 10 David Eden 20 Ron Bates 10 Simon Venn 20 Maree Delaney 10 Kathryn Cousins 20 Belinda Cousins 10 Rebecca Allen 20 Sandra Dalton 10 Karen Carmody 15 Frank Obersnel 10 Bill Powell 15 Craig McClanahan 10 Scott Samson 15 Justine Moller 10 Diane Smyth 15 Marcus Nancarrow 10 Aida Draper 15 Lorraine Connell 15 Bev Suter 15 Wendy Parsons 15 Stacey Bloxsom 15 Bernie Brincat 15 Carolyn Floyd 15

The membership awards are calculated on completed number of financial years. Any queries or questions on Years of Service to VBSA should be directed to for the attention of the Registrar.

Page 5 Newsletter for members : Off The Scoreboard—Issue 95, winter 2019

Quiz answers

1. A1 dribbles in his backcourt when A5 and B5 start to fight each other in team A frontcourt. An official calls a double foul and disqualifies both players. The game shall be resumed with a team A throw-in from the backcourt, nearest to A1 place when the double foul was called. True or False? Which Article applies? False - The ball shall be thrown in at the point closes to the infraction (Article 35.2 - dot point 2)

2. After the ball has left player A1's hand on a shot for goal, the siren

sounds for the end of the quarter. The ball hits the ring and rises vertically above the ring, where player B5 taps the ball away. This is goal interference and the points should count. True or False? Which Article applies? True – (Article 31.2.5)

3. The disqualifying foul by an excluded player shall be entered on the player as a D. In addition, the technical

foul by the coach shall be recorded as a B2. True or False? Which Article applies? True – (Article 38.3.4 dot point 6.)

Now … here are the answers, what is the question!!!???

1. Only at the start of the game When is the only time an official tosses the ball in the centre circle between two opponents? (Article 12.1 dot point 1)

2. 3 seconds in the key When does the referee blow his whistle, make the signal to stop the clock and brings his arm from his leg to right angles to his body showing 3 fingers? (A. Officials signals, Picture 20)

3. Drawing a circle around the player’s number When a player makes a successful 3 point field goal, the scorer will indicate this how? (B.11 The scoresheet, dot point 1)

Page 6 Newsletter for members : Off The Scoreboard—Issue 95, winter 2019

Quiz Questions

1. As the players head to the bench for a time out, the referee calls a technical foul on player Blue 6. How is this recorded on the scoresheet? 2. When does the interval of play before the game end? 3. When a player has a shot for goal a. When does team control end b. When does the "Act of Shooting" end

Need some motivation …?


Are you hesitating to get started on your fitness journey?

“Dead last finish is greater than did not finish, which trumps did not start.”

Would you rather start a fitness regime and see minimal results (but results nonetheless), or never start and constantly be filled with regret, wondering what could have been if you’d started?

Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. – Joshua J. Marine

Page 7 Newsletter for members : Off The Scoreboard—Issue 95, winter 2019

Helpful links Link to home page of VBSA website

FIBA Documents

VBSA Facebook Page

Link to order VBSA uniform / name badge

In-House Level 1 Evaluations

Calendar dates

10 April – Good Friday

11April – Holy Saturday

12 April - Easter Sunday

13 April – Easter Monday

25 April – ANZAC day

10 May – Mother’s day

8 June - Queen’s birthday

Feb 29th isn’t the only extra time added to the calendar. In 2008 an extra second was added to the end of the year

The shot clock was invented by Danny Biasone, owner of the

Syracuse Nationals, during the 1953–54 season to help speed up the game. It has been cited as the “most

important event in the NBA.”

Page 8 Newsletter for members : Off The Scoreboard—Issue 95, winter 2019

and just to finish with, a medium skilled maze

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