of drug matrix boundaries · 2020-04-08 · mechanism of drug release from matrix tablets involving...

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A thesis submitteù in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, Graduate Department of Phannaceutical Sciences,

University of Toronto

O Copyright by Balaji Venkatammappa Kadri November ZOO1

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Master of Science, 2001

Balaji Venkataramanappa Kadri Department of ~harmaceutical Sciences

University of Toronto


Dmg release kinetics in relation to surface properties. liquid uptake behavior, and

swelling and erosion of matrix tablets containing dmgs of different solubility has been

studied. Contact angle, liquid uptake and swelling kinetics were studied by goniometry,

gravimetry and microscopy respectively

The contact angle and liquid uptake depended on HPMCnactose ratio and solubility of

the h g . Drug release became sustained with increasing HPMC concentration, because

of poorer wettability, slower hydration and formation of gelatinous layer. During

hydration of the tablets, the movement of three distinct moving fronts narnely swelling,

diffbsion and erosion fronts were obsewed, In the case of indomethacin tablets, the

diffbsion front moved outwards with the erosion front due to the presence of un-dissolved

drug. The correlation between release rate and different characteristics of matrix tablets

has been established based on the solubility of the dmg and the ratio of HPMC to lactose.

1 wish to acknowledge a number of people who contributed to the completion of this

thesis. First, 1 would like to extend my deepest gratitude and appreciation to my

supervisor, Professor X.Y.Wu for her constant encouragement, advice and guidance. 1

would also like to thank the members of my supervisory cornmittee, Professor Piquette

Miller and Professor Chalilcian Tigran for their valuable comments and suggestions. 1

wish to thank my parents, wife and my family for their support, both financially and

emotionally. 1 would also like to thank al1 my colleagues in the laboratory, especially Dr.

Talukdar and Dr. Huang, for their helps in so many ways; Mr. Andras Nagy for making

the dissolution apparatus. Finally 1 wish to acknowledge A p e x Inc. for financial support

of my tuition fee and NSERC for sponsoring the project.


Balaji, V.K. and Wu, X.Y. Mechanism of dnig release from matrix tablets involving

moving boundaries. SYNERGY 2000 at Apotex Inc.

Balaji, V.K. and Wu. X.Y. Mechanism of drug release from HPMCLACTOSE matrix

tablets. AAPS annual meeting, Pharm Sci. vol. 2 (2000) 3146.

Wu, X.Y., Zhou, Y. and Balaji, K.V. Modeling of in vitro and in vivo release kinetics of

matrix tablets with rnoving boundaries of matrix and solid dmg. AAPS annual meeting,

Pharm Sci. vol. 1 (1999) 3321.

Balaji, KY. and Wu, X.Y. Effect of interfacial energy on drug release from rnatrix tablets

involving moving boundaries. Manuscnpt in preparation.

Table of contents


Acknow ledgements

i i


Publications ffom this thesis iv

Table of contents v

List of figures

List of tables

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 S tatement of problem

1.2 Scope of the thesis

1.3 Objective



1.4 Literahire review

1.4.1 Matrix tablets 4

1 .4.2 Mechanism of drug release from swellable matrix tablets 5

1.4.3 Polymers and disintegrants 10

1.4.4 Drug solubility

1.4.5 Swelling and diffusion fronts in mabix tablets

1.4.6 Methods used to snidy swelling kinetics 15

Re ferences

Chapter Two Dependence of release kinetics on moving boundaries of

erodible tablets

2.1 Introduction 25

2.2 Materials and methods

2.2.1 Tablets 27

2.2.2 Determination of changes in weight and dimension of

tablets 27

2.2.3 Release kinetics

2.3 Results and discussion

2.3.1 Erosion and release kinetics of ~ r a d o s o l ~ tablets 28

2.3.2 Erosion and release kinetics of ASA tablets 30

2.4 Conclusion 31

Re ferences

Chapter Three Influence of different characteristics on matrix tablets

containing drugs of different solubility

3.1 In trduction 35

3.2 Materials and method

3.2.1 Active dmg 38

3.2.2 Polymer 39

3.2.3 Diluent 39

3.2.4 Media used in this study 39

3.2.5 Manufacture of tablets 40

3.2.6 Surface properties 40

3.2.7 Release kinetics 41

3.2.8 Liquid uptake 41

3.2.9 Swelling kinetics 42

3.3 Results and discussion

3.3.1 Effect of HPMC content on surface properties 43

3.3.2 Effect of drug properties on surface properties 46

3.3.3 Effect of HPMC content and dnig solubility on release kinetics 48

3.3.4 Effect of HPMC content and dnig solubility on liquid uptake study 49

3.3.5 Swelling kinetics Effect of HPMC content and drug solubility on erosion front 5 1 Effect of HPMC content and dnig solubility on diffusion front 53 Effect of HPMC content and h g solubility on swelling front 55

3.4 Discussion 59

3.5 Conclusion 67


Chapter Four 74 Summary and funire research


Lisi of figures

Figure 1.1

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.2

Figure 2.3

Figure 3.1

Figure 3.2

Figure 3.3

Figure 3.5

Figure 3.6

Figure 3.7

Figure 3.8

Figure 3.9

Figure 3.10

Figure 3.1 1

Figure 3.12

Figure 3.13

Variation in solids content within a matrix tablet undergoing dissolution

Weight loss and release studies of Bradosol" tablets

Photographs of Bradosol' tablets in water at different time intervals

Weight loss and release studies of ASA tablets

Different fronts of a swellable matrix tablet

Contact angle studies 0' and 180'

Contact angle studies of tramadol hydrochloride matrix tablets with

different HPMC/LACTOSE ratio of 20:30,30:20 and 40: 10

Contact angle studies of indomethacin matrix tablets with different

HPMC/LACTOSE ratio of 20:30,30:20 and 40: 10

Contact angle of matrix tablets containing different dmgs

Contact angle of matrix tablets containing different drugs

Contact angle of matrix tablets containing different drugs

Dmg release profile of trarnadol hydrochloride matrix tablets with various

HPMCLATOSE ratio of 20:30,30:20 and 40: 10

Dnig release profile of indomethacin matnx tablets with various

HPMCLACTOSE ratio of 20:30, 30:20 and 40: 10

Liquid uptake studies of tramadol hydrochloride matrix tablets with

various HPMULACTOSE ratio of 20: 3O,3O: 20 and 40: 10

Liquid uptake studies of indomethacin matrix tablets with various

HPMCLACTOSE ratio of 20:30,30:20 and 40: 10

Kinetics of the erosion front of tiamadol hydrochloride matrix tablets with

various HPMC/LACATOSE ratio of 20:30,30:20 and 40: 10

Kinetics of the erosion front of indomethacin matrix tablets with various

HPMCLACATOSE ratio of 20:30,30:20 and 40: 10


Figue 3.14 Kinetics of the di fision front of tramadol hydrochlonde matrix tablets

with various HPMC/LACTOSE ratio of 20:30,30:20 and 40: 10

Figure 3.15 Kinetics of the diffusion front of indomethacin matrix tablets with various

HPMC/LACTOSE ratio of 20:30,30:20 and 40: 10

Figure 3.16 Kinetics of the swelling front of tramadol hydrochlonde matrix tablets

with various HPMC/LACTOSE ratio of 2O:3O, 30:20 and 40: 10

Figure 3.17 Kinetics of the swelling front of indomethacin matrix tablets with various

HPMC/LACTOSE ratio of 20:30,30:20 and 40: 10


Ust of Tables

Table 1.1 Summary of methods used for studying swelling kinetics of matnx tablets

Table 3.1 Summary of formulations of the tablets

Table 3.2 Contact angle vs. time intercept plot in degrees, initial work of adhesion

and standard deviation

Table 3.3 Summary of al1 expenrnents of our study

Chapter one

1.1 Statement of problem

The use of controlled-release technology in the formulation of pharrnaceutical product

is becoming increasingly important. Controlled dnig delivery involves the application of

physical and polymer chemistry to produce well characterired and reproducible dosage

forms, which control dnig entry into the body within the specifications of the required

drug delivery profile [l]. In this type of dosage forms, the rate of h g releose is mainly

controlled by the delivery system itself, though it may be infîuenced by extemal

conditions, such as pH, enzymes, ions, motility and physiological conditions [2].

The performance of matrix tablets is strongly dependent on the matrix materials used,

which are normally synthetic or serni-synthetic polymer 131. Synthetic polyrners which

are relatively well known for this purpose are poly(hydroxyalky1 methacrylate),

poly(viny1 alcohol) and their copolymers, poly(ethy1ene oxide). Semi-synthetic polymers

are cellulose ethers such as hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC), methylcellulose (MC),

hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) and sodium carboxy methylcellulose (Na CMC)

141. Depending on the properties of the polymer used, drug release fiom the tablets may

be swelling-controlled, erosion-controlled, multiple mechanism controlled.

Moreover, drug release from matrix tablet depends on other factors such as pore

permeability, shape and size of matrix, h g solubility, polyrner molecular weight, dntg

loading, compression force and hyâroâynamic conditions [5,6]. The compression force

has major control over the porosity, which directly influences the release charactenstics

of the tablet [7].

Drug solubility. hydrophilicity of the polymer. and tablet porosity detemines the rate

of liquid penetration into the tablet [8], and thus influences drug release rate. It has been

found that pore size distribution of the matrix and the permeation pressure of the release

media is defined by its surface tension and contact angle (91.

Swelling of matrix tablet is influenced by the initial wetting of the surface of matrix

tablet, hydrophobicity of the dmg and the arnount and type of polymer in the matrix

tablet [IO]. The property of the gel layer formed by swellable polyrners is the key factor

for prediction of the kinetics of matrix swelling [I l , 121.

The above factors are important in designing of controlled-release matrix tablet.

Therefore they desewe in-depth studies.

I.2 Scope of the thesis

This thesis comprises of a series of studies leading to the developrnent of a

relationship between dnig release kinetics and characteristics like surface properties.

liquid uptake behavior, kinetics of swelling and erosion of matrix tablets and drug

solubility. The rest of this chapter is devoted to the discussion of background information

from existing literature related to this thesis. Chapter 2 presents the study of release

kinetics of cornmercially available erodible tablets in relation to their erosion kinetics.

Chapter 3 focuses on an investigation of the relationship among nlease kinetics, swelling

kinetics, surface energy, and tablet composition such as HPMC content and the type of

dnig. Chapter 3 also includes a discussion of our results with the results of other groups.

The thesis concludes with a summary and recommendation for future work.

13 Objective

The main goal of this study is to correlate dnig release kinetics with surface

properties, liquid uptalce behavior, kinetics of swelling and erosion of matrix tablets

containing drugs of different solubility. The research carried out attempted to answer the

following questions:

1. How is release kinetics dependent on moving boundaries of erodible tablets?

2. What is the effect of composition of tablets and property of dmgs on surface energy of

swellable matrix tablets?

3. What is the effect of composition of tablets and property of dmgs on swelling kinetics

of the matrix tablets?

4. How is release kinetics dependent on the composition of tablêts and property of dnigs?

1.4 &tatute review

l.4.l M* tablets

Tablets are the most extensively used solid dosage forms. They are prepared by

molding or usually compressing a powder coniûining a dmg or dmgs with excipients on

machines called presses.

Conventionai tablets normally comprise the following components:

(1) Active ingredient - for therapeutic considerations

(2) Non-active ingredients - (a) for compressional characteristics of the tablet include




and (b) those that affect the bio-pharmaceutics, chemical/physicai stability and marketing

considerations of the tablet such as




MISCELLANEOUS COMPONENTS - Buffers, adsorbents [13]

Some matrix tablets do not contain disintegrants, so they release their pay-load by

surface erosion. Lozenges such as ~radosol' are erodible tablets.

The goal of controlled delivery systems are to reduce the frequency and 1 or to

increase the effectiveness of the h g by localization at the target site, thereby reducing

the dose required to provide uniform drug delivery. The comrnonly used polymen for

controlled release are HPMC, HPC, HEC, EC, methylcellulose (MC), carboxy

methylcellulose (CMC), polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP) and polyethylene glycol (PEG).

These polymers, which swell in aqueous medium, are often used for the preparation of

controlled-release dosage foms. These are highlighted with the presence of a solvent

front, the potential for unlirnited swelling, and the combined controlling mechanism of

diffusion and erosion as king the distinguishing feature of HM devices.

Advantages perceived for some hydrophilic matrix systems are:

1. Simplicity of formulation

2. High dnig loading

3. Reduction in drug blood level fluctuations

4. Reduction in dosing frequency

5. Reduction in adverse side effects and

6. Rcduction in health care costs i.e., economy [14].

1.4.2 Mechanh of drug releasefrom swelbble mriirix tablets

Controlled dmg release is based on diffusion through polymers, erosion of polyrners

and special polymer characteristics such as osmotic and ion exchange properties.

When a glassy (or dry) polymer cornes into contact with water or any other medium with

which ii is thennodynarnically compatible, the solvent penetrates into the free spaces on

the surface between the macromolecular chahs. When enough solvent has entered into

the maaix, the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polymer drops to the level of the

experimental temperature (which is usually 37OC) except for poly(ethy1ene oxide) whose

Tg is approxirnately -60°C. Therefore polymers with a Tg pa t e r than 37OC in their dry

(glassy) state can be used to prepare swelling controlled-release dosage foms. The

presence of solvent ia the glassy polymer causes stresses. which are then accommodated

by an increase in the radius of gyration and end-to-end distance of the polymer

molecules, i.e., the polymer chahs get solvated. The increase in the radius of gyration of

the polymer molecules is seen macroscopically as "swelling of the matrix". The solvent

molecules move into the glassy polymer matrix with a well-defined front at a particular

velocity and simultaneously, the thickness of the swollen or rubbery region increases

with time in the opposite direction. The time taken for the increase in radius of gyration

of the polymer molecules, which is a relational phenomenon, is a characteristic for that

particular polymer/solvent systern [4].

A matrix tablet dunng swelling is an aggregate mass of water-swollen polymer, drug,

and excipients experiencing various degrees of hydration or solution as illustrated in

Figure 1.1. The tablet contains regions with solid content varying from O to 100%. In the

ana near 100% solids, the gel is a wetted mass of powders. As water content of the

wetted powder mass increases, the polymer becomes hydrated and develops into a gel. At

the outer most layers, the polyrner is diluted to the point where it no longer has structurai

integrity and dissolves or wears away. This cornplex gelatinous layer controls the release

of dnigs by two mechanisms.

1. Water-soluble dmgs released by diffusion out of the gel layer.

2. Drugs released by erosion of the gel regardless of dnig solubility in the dissolution

media. A water insoluble dnig is exposed through erosion.

Dry tablet

Expnsim af the gel layer takes piacewith die fOtlllSLtim of

cmèmlt fîmts

Figure 1.1 Vaiiotion in s d i d r cmtent wahh a AicrhLt &blet undergoing dissoluth

- When dmg released from a matrix is controlled by diffusion ihrough the polymeric

matrix, its release kinetics obey Fick's 1" and 2" daws [15]:

Where J represents the diffusional flux of the dmg; D i s the diffusion coefficient of the

h g ; C is the concentration of the h g ; and x the distance of diffusion.

For a planar rnatrix, whose shape is close to a flat thin tablet, with dmg loading lower

than or equal to dnig solubility (C&Cs), the fraction of dmg released from the matrix into

a perfect sink by time t is described by Crank [15]:

where a is the thickness of the matrix and D is the diffusion coefficient. A simplified

equation cm be used for early tirne, e.g. M' 1.0.6, M,

Equation 1.4 suggest a square-rwt relaticn,

- When drug release is dominated by surface erosion, Hopfenberg's equation provides

good prediction for sphencal, cylindrical, and planar geometries (see details in Chapter

two). When dnig loading is much higher than dnig solubility ( C d S 3 , Higuchi's mode1

provides good approximation for planar matrix in a perfect sink. though it was initially

developed for drug release from ointment bases containing drugs in suspension [16].

Later Korsmeyer and Peppas developed a general mode1 for drug release fiom a planar

matrix containing dissolved drug, i.e., ( C M , ) :

M log- = logk + nlogt


M Where 2 is the fractional release of the drug, t denotes the release time, K represents a


constant incorporating structural and geometric characteristics of the release device, and

n is the time exponent indicative of the release mechanism for a slab. This equation

includes two cûug transport mechanisms, which are only valid for slab geometry: Fickian

diffusion (n=0.5 for square root of time kinetics) and case II transport (n=1 for zero-order

release kinetics) which means that dnig release rate is independent of time.

The dnig release kinetics and its exhibition of Fickian or case II dmg transport can

also ôe mechanistically analyzed using a novel dirnensionless analysis. Peppas and

Franson 1171 who introduced the swelling interface number, Sw, studied the physical

conditions that determine the kinetics of dmg release from swellable matrix. This number

compares the mobility of the solvent front relative to dmg mobility in the presence of

polymer relaxation and is detined as:

Where u is the velocity of the penetrating swelling front, d ( f ) represents the tirne-

dependent gel thickness and D is the h g diffusion coefficient in the swollen phase.

Values of S, near unity indicate anomalous transport, whereas values much greater

than 1 indicates Fickian diffusion, and values much lower than 1 indicate case II transport


To analyze the experimental results about dmg release from moving fronts of limited

swelling hydrophilic matrices, the following equation can be used:

dMJSdt=n COW" ( 1 .9)

Which represents the release velocity per unit area. Ractically Equation 1.9 was used for

the determination of n. and this value can be determined by a graphic representation of

dmg percentage (MiIM-) versus time 151.

Since, swellable matrix tablets normally contain a high dmg content (CX,), and the

polymer matrix experiences swelling and erosion none of the above mentioned models

can be applied.

1.4.3 Polymers and disintegrants

S yn thetic pol p e r s li ke pol y(h ydrox yeth y lmet hacrylate) (HEMA), poly(viny1 alco hol)

(PVA), poly(ethy1ene oxide) (PEO) and cellulose ethers like HPMC, HPC, MC and Na

CMC have been widely studied for controlled release [4, 18, 19,201. Cellulose ethers are

found to accommodate a large percentage of drugs and are easy to use in tablets. They are

also very stable over a wide range of conditions. In the presence of strong acid, water and

heat a cellulose ether polymer will àegrade by chain scission causing a loss of average

molecular weight or viscosity. HPMC is often used to prepare matrix of SR tablets

because the polymer is non-toxic, easy to handle and do not require any special

manufachuing technology [2 1-24].

Many factors affecting the release of drugs from cellulose matrices have ken

investigated. Alderman [l] studied various polymers and formulation variables such as

polymer molecular weight, chemical substitution, particle sizes and hydration rate.

Significant formulation variables such as polymer content, dosage form, dosage size and

manufacturing process were also dealt. From a cornparison of various polymers, it was

found that one important polymer property should be that the polymer must hydrate

quickly to fonn a gel layer before the contents of the tablet can dissolve prematurely. It

was evident that HPMC 2208 (methocel K4M premium) and carboxy vinyl polymers c m

release dmgs for longer time by quickly foming a gel layer. The particle size of polymer

is a key parameter becauss it affects hydration rate and thus the rate of gel formation and

dnig release.

Another important factor is viscosity of the polpers, which is higher as the molecular

weight increases. If the viscosity of the polymer increases, the gel layer viscosity also

increases, so that the gel layer becomes resistant to dilution and erosion. The dmg release

rate is then slower.

Like viscosity of the polyrner, the concentration of polyrner can also affect the

strength of the gel. The increase in polyrner concentration can result in stronger

difisional layet that is resistant to difhision or erosion. Ultimately this will slow drug

release. Aiderman [1] concluded: 1. Dnig release becarne more sustained with increasing

poiymer concentration or viscosity grade; 2. Different levels of rnethyl and

hydroxypropoxy substitution resulted in intrinsically àifferent hydration rates, which

&- affected the performance of the polyrner in the initiai stages of tablet hydration; and

3.Different substitution levels gave nse to different dnig release profiles, principally as a

result of differences in gel strength and susceptibility to erosion.

Size and shape (e.g. tablet or capsule) of matrix are other factors. For instance smaller

tablets will generally require higher polymer content. An increase in tablet size can result

in slower h g release due to a smaller surface to volume ratio and a smaller amount of

initial gel formation.

Swellable insoluble polymers and non-swellable insoluble fillers are used to modify

the release of drug in the early stages of dissolution. These fillers tend to expand the gel

layer and cause more dmgs to be released in the early stages, and thus function as

disintegrants. These include swellable insoluble fillea, e.g. MCC, cross-linked CMC, and

non-swellable insoluble tillers e.g. dicalcium phosphate. With non-swelling insoluble

polymea the gel layer is unable to swell uniformly. It causes intemal stress and results in

cracks, so that the tablet disintegrates prematurely.

Carmella et al. [25] studied the role of disintegrants in the swelling process, which

was carried out by studying a number of disintegrants available in the market. They used

various methods like X-ray analysis, rnicroscopic observation, particle volume increases

and hydration or solvation capacity. It was suggested that swelling could happen in ways

like capillary swelling and molecular swelling. So capillary and pore wetability are

important in the development of the sweiling force. The whole process involved the steps

of disintegration in the sequence of water penetration, particle swelling of the

disintegrant, force development and bond disruption. Nevertheless, swelling is the

--- - . goveming factor regarding the kinetics of the whole process. since it is linked to both

water penetration and force development.

1.4.4 Dtug solubiliry

In order to identify the different factors like solubility or the molecular size of the

solute influencing the release through cellulose matrices. Ranga Rao et al. [26] studied

the release rate of 27 dmgs with various solubilities and molecular weights through

HPMC and HPMC + Na CMC. Several less soluble drugs were released at a neariy zero

order rate through HPMC matrices, which indicates that the solubility of the drug plays

an important role in release behavior.

Ford et ai. [27] reported similar observations by studying the release of 7 soluble and

insoluble dmgs through HPMC matrices. The drugs of low aqueous solubility showed a

considerable lag time, before 4 5 kinetics (see equation 1.4) is obeyed. The lag times

are probably due to poor wetting of these dmgs with low aqueous solubility.

The swelling controlled release systems consist of a drug molecularly dissolved or

dispersed at high concentration in a polymer matrix. If the drug has a limited solubility in

the swollen polymer matrix, it is probable that an undissolved dnig front will be observed

within the continuously swelling polymer gel layer. Lee [28] using theoretical moàels for

the case of bio-erodible systems first made this observation. In addition, Peppas and

collaborators 129) indicated that in swellable matrix tablets, cirug dissolution might be

responsible for an observed zero-order release mechanism. Later Lee [30] observed a

h g dissolution front due to a limited solubility phenomenon.

L4.5 Sweüing and d&sbn fionts in nicinu tablets

Peppas [17.31] et al. studied the swelling and release process of matrix tablets and

observed swelling, dnig diffision and erosion fkonts. These fronts are sharp boundaries

separating various thermodynamic states of the polymer or various phases of the matrix,

which may be correlated with drug release kinetics. In their work, Peppas et al. studied

the influence of polymer molecular weight, matrix porosity, pH and ionic strength of the

dissolution medium. Matrix tablets were compressed by a wet granulation method.

Release kinetics was determined using USP II dissolution apparatus. The dnig used was

yellcw in color, which when dissolved in water gave a bright orange solution. This

helped in identifying clearly not only the boundaries between the glassy and rubbery

states of the polymer but also the boundary between the un-dissolved and the dissolved

dmg in the polymer gel state. It was noted that the dnig release was influenced by

polyrner molecular weight, probably because at high molecular weights, the polymer was

entangled and the effective molecular difision area was nduced. It was found that the

arnount of drug released increased with the increase of porosity because tablets with

higher porosity had a larger lateral ma . It was also shown that the amount of drug

released was significantly higher at pH 1.2 than at pH 7.4, and the dnig diffision front

movement was the main parameter affecting dmg release rate [16]. The role of polymer

relaxation stress on drug transport in swellable matrices was very evident in the case of

insoluble h g s where the undissolved / dissolved dnig boundary outward movement

indicated dnig particle displacement in the gel layer [32].

Belen Pirez-Marcos et al. [33] studied the effect of carbomer of different molecular

weights on the release rate of furosemide. Carbomers are a group of acrylic acid

A b derivatives, commercially hown as ~arbopol? As aforrmentioned, the solubility of the

dnig played an important role in the release behavior, which was also pointed out by

Aldeman [1] and confirmed by Ford et al. [27] and Ranga Rao et al. [4]. From the

crushing strength test of tablets, it was clear that dl three carbomers had similar surface

behavior. The friability and release profiles did not have any difference. The compression

force was major control over the scope of porosity parameter. They concluded that the

release mechanism was matrix erosion.

1.4.6 Methds used to study swelüng kinetics

Many methods have been applied to study swelling kinetics of matrix tablets, as

summarized in Table 1.1. Talukdar, M.M. and Kinget, R. [IO] studied high molecular

weight xanthan gum, which is prodwed by fermentation. They studied the swelling of

xanthan matrix tablet by measuring the radial and axial expansion of the tablet. The other

methods like weight gain, photographie technique and image analysis have not ken

studied here. The axial swelling showed that xanthan gum retarded drug release for a

long time. From radial swelling, the swelling and erosion was observed. The swelling

kinetics followed square mot of time profile. It was concluded that soluble dnigs were

released via. diffusion mechanism, whereas insoluble drugs by mechanism of erosion.

In order to look into the reasons for the previously observed difference in retarding

ability of dnig release, Talukdar, M.M. et al. [34] studied difision of three mode1 dmgs

by using two hydrophilic polymers, xanthan p m and HPMC. Again higher ability of

xanthan gum than HPMC to retard the release of h g was observed. The release rate and

diffisivity of soluble drugs increased with increasing salt concentration, while with the

insoluble drugs, the release rate decreased and the diffisivity increased with increasing

*-.A salt concentration. The final conclusion was that, other than diffusion, erosion also

contributed to the release of insoluble dnig from xanthan gum matrix tablets.

Other significant factors such as dmg solubility, polymer molecular weight, drug

loading dose, compression force and hydrodynamic conditions of dnig release from a

swellable hydrophilic delivery system have also been studied by another group [26].

Nishihata et al. 1351 studied sustained release tablet matrices prepared using HPMC

2910 of different viscosity and three different drugs of different solubility: methylpanben

(MP), propylparaben (PP) and U-78875. The tablets were prepared by granulating the

active compound with cornstarch and purified water, and blending the granulated

material with HPMC and lactose. The weight change of the tablets during release was

monitored. Solubility results indicated that MP was soluble, PP was reasonably soluble

and U-78875 was poorly soluble in the test medium. The wet weight of the tablet

prepared with HPMC 2910 4000 cps. increased with time indicating infiltration of

medium into intersperse of the tablet matrix. This was followed by swelling and erosion

of the matrix tablet. Surface erosion of the tablet was also observed. The drug release also

depended on the amount of dmg loaded and the solubility of dnig in the matrix.

The swelling of matrix tablets were studied, by Gao et al. using optical imaging (361.

The matrix tablets were prepared using different ratios of HPMCAactose and different

grades of HPMC. It was shown that the dmg release rate decreased with increasing

HPMC content and the dnig release rate decreased with increasinp molecular weight


Many approaches have been undertaken to study the swelling process and characterize

moving fronts (see Table 1.1). Some of the approaches used in the past are NMR imaging

techniques to study dimensional changes, a modified Enslin apparatus to study water

uptake and swelling. Other spectrometry techniques such as Rutherford back-scattering

spectrometry, electron spin resonance have also been applied to study liquid transport in

polymers. But the rnost used method is optical image analysis due to its accuracy and low


Moussa et al. [1 il studied moving fronts in cross-linked amylase [CLAI tablets.

Analysis of the swelling profile of CLA tablets was conducted for both radial and axial

direction. The degree of cross-linking had a significant influence on the swelling

properties of the matrix. In fact, equilibnum swelling degree of the tablets in the axial

direction increased with an increase in the degree of cross-linking of the polper. The

swelling rate was higher in the axial direction than in the radiai direction, probably due to

a greater contact surface area of the axial sides of the tablet with the solvent medium.

Also the percentage swelling at equilibrium was more prounced in the axial direction

compared to the radial direction probably linked to the influence of compression force

exerted mainly on the axial side of the tablet. Theu result also showed that reducing the

degree of cross-linking led to a significant decrease in the degree of swelling of the

matrix and drug release rate. The values obtained from image analysis were compared

with the data by gravimetry. Both showed excellent agreement. suggesting that image

analysis is an effective tool for studying swelling and solvent transport in large matrices.

Hat et al. [38) developed a mode1 to describe drug release from erodible tablets, based

on Hopfenberg's equation (see equation 2.1). Amoxicillin trihydrate tablets containing

polyrner were prepared and dissolution studies were also canied out. The erosion studies

were done using USP 1 basket method. At the end of the release experiments the matrix

- - A -- - was completely dissolved suggesting that the dnigrelease be controlled by tablet erosion.

Al1 of the formulations exarnined had a low degree swelling. The erosion rate constant

obtained from the axial direction was higher than in the radial direction. implying that the

different gel properties exist in the axial and radial directions. Results of the erosion

studies demonstrated that an erosion mechanism contmlled the dmg release.


- A v - . Tuble 1.1 Surnmaty of Methods Usedfor Studying SweUiRg Kinelies of M m Tablets

Author's Name Carmella, et al. [25]

peppw et al. [17]

Talu kdar, et al. [IO]

Gao, et al. 1361

Moussa, et al. [ I l ]

Pwpose of study The role of disintegran t in swelling process

Swelling and release process

To measure the radial and axial expansion of the tablet Characteriz ation of swelling

To snidy radial and axial swelling profile

Methods Used X-ray analysis, rnicroscop y, particle size hydration or solvation capacity

--- - -

Photographie technique

Graphic paper

Optical imaging

Image analysis, scanning electron microscop y


1. Swelling could happen in capillary swelling and moleculai swelling 2. Steps of disintegration in sequence are water penetration, particle swelling of disintegrant, force development and bond disruption 1. Clearly identi fied boundaries between the glassy and rubbery state 2. Observed front between undissolved and the dissolved drug in the polymer gel state 1. The axial swelling showed that xanthan gum retards dmg release for a long time. 2. From radial swelling, the swelling and erosion was observed

1. Swelling is isotropic with a preferential expansion in the axial direction. 2. Swelling is isotropic with respect to the gel layer thickness and composition in both axial and radial directions. 3. The gel layer develops in 3 stages. 4. Water penetration is Ficlcian in nature. 1. Swelling kinetics was faster in the axial direction than in the radial direction due to p a t e r contact of surface area of the axial sides of the tablet with the solvent medium, and also due to compression force exerted mainly on the axial sides of the tablet.

References Aldeman, D.A.9 A review of cellulose ethers in hydrophilic matrices for oral

controlled release dosage fom. Int. J. Pharm. Tech. Prod. Manuf., 5 (1984) 1-9.

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Melia, D. C. Hydrophilic matrix sustained release systems based on polysaccharide

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10. Talukdar, M.M. and Kinget, R., Swelling and drug release behavior of xanthan p m

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Il. Moussa, I.S. and Cartilier, L.H. Characierkation of moving fronts in cross-linked

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15. Crank, J. The mathematics of Difision, Oxford University Press, London (1975).

16. Colombo, P., Bettini, R., Massirno, O., Catellani, P.L., Santi, P. and Peppas, N.A.,

Drug diffusion front movement is important in drug release control from swellable

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17. Colombo, P., Bettini. R. and Peppas, NA., Observation of swelling process and

diffusion front position during swelling in hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC)

matrices containing a soluble drug. J. Contr. Rel. 61 (1999) 83-91.

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19. Langer, R.S. and Peppas, N.A. Fresent and future applications of biomaterials in

controlled dnig delivery. Biomaterials 2 (1 987) 20 1-2 14.

20. Hogan, J.E. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose sustained release technology. Dmg Dev.

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21. Shah, A.C., Britten, N.J., Olanoff, L.S. and Basalamenti, N.J. Gel-matrix systems

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22. Tahara, K., Mikawa, M., Yokohoma, S. and Nishihata, T., Characteristics of intestinal

absorption of adinazolam and in vivo evaluation of oral sustained release tablets of

adinazolam in beagle dogs. Int. J. Phami. 99 ( 1993) 3 1 1-320.

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24. Brazel. C. S., and Peppas, N. A. Modeling of dmg release from swellable polymen.

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of the solute on its release f'rom swelling and erosion controlled polyrneric matrices.

J. Contr. Rel. 12 (1990) 133-141.

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27. Ford, J.L., Rubinstein, M.H., McCaul, F., Hogan, J.E. and Edgar, P.J. Importance of

dnig type, tablet shape and added diluents on ârug release kinetics from

hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose matrix tablets. ht. J. Pharm. 40 (1987) 223-234.

28. Lee, P.I., Diffusional release of a solute from a polymeric matrix approximate

anal ytical solution. J. Membr. Sci. 7(l98O) 225-275.

29. Gumy, R., Doelker, E. and Peppas, N.A. Modeling of sustained release of water-

soluble dmgs from porous, hydrophobic polymers. Biomaterials 3 (1982) 27-32.

30. Lee, P.I., J. Contr. Rel. 2 (1985) 227.288.

31. W n i , R., Peppas, N.A. and Colombo, P., Polyrner relaxation in swellable matrices

contributes to dnig release. Procee. Int'l. Symp. Control. Rel. Bioact. Mater. 25

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hydrophilic furosemide matrices. Int. J. Pharm. 67 (199 1) 1 13-12 1.

33. Gao, P., Nixon, P. R. and Skoug, J. W. Diffusion in HPMC gels II. Rediction of drug

release rates from hydrophilic matrix extended release dosage forms. Pharm. Res. 12

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34. Taiukdar, M.M. and Kinget, R., Comparative study of xanthan gum and

hydroxypropyl methylcellulose matrices for controlled-release dmg delivery II. Drug

difision in hydrated matrices. Inter. J. Pharm. 15 1 (1997) 99-107.

35. Tahara, K., Yamamoto, K. and Nishihata, T., Overat1 mechanism behind matrix

sustained release (SR) tablets prepared with h ydrox yprop y1 meth ylcellulose 29 10. J.

Contr. Rel. 35 (1995) 59-66.

36. Gao, P. and Meury, R.H. Swelling of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose matrix tablets.

1. Charactenzation of swelling, using a novel optical imaging methoà. J. Pharm. Sci

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37. Gao, P., Skoug, J.W., Nixon, P.R., Ju, T.R., Stemm, N.L. and Sung, K. Swelling of

hydroxypropyl methylcellulose matrix tablets 2. Mechanistic study of the influence of

formulation variables on matrix performance and dnig release. J. Pharm. Sci. 85

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38. Katzhendler, L, Hoffman, A., Goldberber, A. and Friedman, M. Modeling of drug

release from erodible tablets. J. Pharm. Sci. 86 (1997) 1 10-1 15.

39. Talukdar, M.M. and Rombaut, P. and Kinget, R. The release mechanism of an oral

controlled-release delivery system for indomethacin. Pharm. Dev. and Tech. 3 (1998)


40. Wu, X. Y. and Zhou, Y. Finite element analysis of difisional drug releases from

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41. Colombo, P., Catellani, P.L., Peppas, N.A.9 Maggi, L. and Conte, U. Swelling

characteristics of hydrophilic matrices for controlled release new dimensionless

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usehl twl, for hydrophilic matrix release mechanism elucidation. Int. J. Pharm. 202

(2000) 2 1-28.

Chqpter Two Dependence of Release Enetics un Moving BoundMes

of Erodible Tables

2.1 Introduction

In erosion controlled monolithic systems. the dnig is distributed uniformly throughout

the polymer matrix and the difhision rate of the drug in the matrix is very slow compared

to polymer dissolution. The difference between erodible systems and nonerodible

systems is that the polymer phase in non-erodible system rernains unchanged with time

and drug is released by diffusion, while the polymer phase in erodible system decreases

with time [4].

Drug release from surface-eroding devices with various geometries, was analyzed by

Hopfenberg et al. [20]. They developed dissolution models describing the instantaneous

drug release from spheres, tablets, cylinders, and other shapes undergoing surface

erosion. Hopfenberg proposed a general mathematical equation describing dnig release

fiom slabs. spheres, and infinite long cylinders controlled by heterogeneous, i.e., surface


MJM- = 1 - [1 - kot/&ln (2.1)

Whmc Mt is the amount of h g rcteascd frwi the device in time t, Mm is the total

amount of drug released when the device is exhausted, and 4 is the erosion rate constant.

Co is the uniform initial concentration of drug in the matrix, and is the initial radius for

a sphen or cylinder or the half-thickness, n=l for a slab, n=2 for a cylinder, and n=3 for a


Equation 2.1 suggests a linear relationship between MtIM- and t for a slab if surface

erosion is a dominant mechanism of h g release. RecentIy, Mockel and Lippold [1] have

shown that the zerwrder release behavior is due to the erosion front movement, which

controls the drug release rate.

Heller [2,3] considered erodible systems in terms of k e e dissolution mechanisms:

(1) water-soluble polymers insolubilized by degradable cross-links; (2) water insoluble

polymers solubilized by hydrolysis, ionization. or protonation of pendant side groups and

(3) water insoluble polymers solubilized by backbone-chah cleavage to small water-

soluble molecules. These mechanisms represent extreme cases. and erosion by

combination of mechanism is possible.

The erosion mode of the delivery system is one of the factors controlling drug release.

There are two different modes of erosion: surface (heterogeneous) and bulk

(homogeneous) erosion. In bulk-degrading devices. degradation occurs homogeneously

throughout the bulk of the device. In surface-degrading devices, however, degradation is

confined to the outer surface of the device [12]. The rate of dmg release fkom a surface-

eroding device is determined by the relative contribution of the dmg diffusion and the

degradation of the matrix.

In order to undeatand the release kinetics of erodible tablets in relation to their weight

change, some commercially available products were used in this study. Both erosion rate

and release rate were detennined and correlated.

2.2 McrterCaIs and methods

2.2.1 Tablets

Commercially available lozenge, ~radosol@, erodible tablets containing 5 mg of

hexylresorcinol (Ciba-geigy Canada) and USP non-disintegrating tablets of acetyl

salicylic acid containing 300 mg of pure dnig (U.S.P.C. hc.) and weighing lgram and

0.2 grams respectively, were used in this study.

2.2*2 Detemination of changes in weighf and dimension of tablets

Above mentioned tablets were placed on a metal mesh in such a way that the medium

could penetrate the tablet fkom dl sides of the tablet and its dimensional change could

occur freely. The mesh and the tablet were placed in a water-jacketed container

containing 50ml distilled water for ~radosol" or 0.05M pH 7.4 phosphate buffer for

ASA tablet. The metal mesh was hanged to a balance and the weight was recorded versus

time. The weight change was calculated as a hinction of time. The dimensional change of

~radosol' tablet was also studied by photographing at different time intervals.

2.2.3 Releose kinetics

The release studies were carried out using a Cary 50 probe UV-Visible

spectrophotometer. The tablet was placed on a USP dissolution basket and immersed in

distiiled water for ~radosol' and in 0.05M pH 7.4 phosphate buffer for ASA tablet

respectively, in a 500-1111 water-jacketed beaker. A fiber optic probe was located in the

medium above the tablet and absorbance of the solution was measured at different times

at a wavelength of 280 nm for ~ radoso l~ and 294 nm for ASA tablets, respectively. The

calibration curves were obtained by making dilutions according to the amount of active

mentioned on the label.

2.3 Results and discussion

2.3.1 Erusion and release kinerin qf BIWIÙSOP rablets

The weight loss and the mount of dmg released from ~radosol" are plotted in Figure

2.1 as a function of time. It is shown that the erosion rate of the matrix is near constant

and the release rate is steady up to 90% of dnig released. This near zeroorder release

suggests that the release is erosion-controlled. However a significant difference between

the two curves is noticed: the release curve is faster and less linear than the weight loss

curve. This phenornenon may be ascribed to water uptake by the tablets, which adds more

weight to the tablets. Furthermore, drug diffusion plus erosion rnay also contribute to a

faster release than erosion only. In fact, a fast initial hydration of the tablets was observed

in water uptake, supporting this interpretation.

O 10 20 30

Time (minute)

Figure 2.1 Weight loss Md telease studios of ~mdosot@ tablets (nd) contaifiing 5 müligrams of hexylresorcinoi. Stananl devicilion LF srnalier than the symbols

The photographs shown in Figure 2.2 were taken at different time intervals during

the erosion studies. It is clearly visible that the tablet is undergoing surface erosion, with

the corners eioding faster. This agrees with the previous prediction by Wu and Zhou that

water penetration at the corners of a cylindrical matrix is faster [2 11.

Figure2.2 Photogrcr;phs of B ~ O S O P tablets in water a& different time intetvals

2.3.2 Erosion and release kànetics MASA tablets

Figure 2.3 depicts that both erosion and drug release rates of ASA tablets are constant

and both sets of data drop on the same line. This result implies that drug release from

ASA tablets may be described as a process that is controlled solely by surface erosion of

the tablet, because, according to Equation 2.1, drug release from a planar geometry

should be zero-order if it is controlled by surface erosion.

W e i g h t loss

O 50 1 00 150

Time (minute)

Figure 2.3 Weight loss and reiease studics of ASA tablets ( n a containing 300 müligrruns of ace@l salkylk acid. Stanhd deviotion i s smaller than the symbols

Our data has shown that the surface erosion of the commercial lozenge tablet,

13radosole, is not uniform in al1 the dimensions witb the corners king eroded faster. In

contrast, the erosion of ASA tablets is more uniform, mainly taking place on the axial

direction. The release profiles appear to follow near zeroorder kinetics as predicted by

theory of drug release ftom an eroâible tablei maintaining constant surface area with time

[ I l . The theoretical mode1 is more applicable to ASA tablets than ~radosol".

Finally the above experimental results of eroàible tablets have demonstrated an

erosion mechanism, which controls the dnig release. At the end of the release

expenments, the matrix was completely dissolved together with the completion of drug

release. suggesting that the dnig release was controlled by tablet erosion [4].

The determination of dnig release by gravimetry and release kinetics can provide

insight into the release mechanism of erodible tablets.


Mockel, J.E. and Lippold, B.C. Zero order dmg release from hydrocolloid matrices.

Pharm. Res. 10 (1993) 1066-1070.

Heller, J. Biomaterials 1 (1980) 5 1-57.

Tess, W.T. and Gary W.P. Appl. P o l p . Sci. 22 (1985) 1191-2009.

Katzhendler, I., Hoffman, A., Goldberber, A. and Friedman, M. Modeling of dnig

release from erodible tablets. J. Pharm. Sci. 86 (1997) 110-1 15.

Colombo, P., Bettini, R., Massimo, G., Catellani, P.L., Santi, P. and Peppas, N.A.

Drug diffision front movement is important in drug release control from swellable

matrix tablets. J. Pharm. Sci. 84 (1995) 991-997.

Colin, D. Melia. Hydrophilic matrix sustained release systems based on

polysaccharide carriers. Critical Reviews in Therapeutic Drug Carrier Systems, 8

(199 1) 395-42 1.

Talukdar, M.M. and Kinget, R., Swelling and drug release behavior of xanthan gum

matrix tablets. Inter. J. Pharm. 120 (1995) 63-72.

Talukdar, M.M. and Kinget, R., Comparative study of xanthan gum and

hydroxypropyl methylcellulose as matrices for controlled release drug delivery II.

Drug diffision in hydrated matrices. Inter. J. Pharm., 15 1 (1997) 99-107.

Kim, H. and Fassihi, R. Application of binary polymer system in drug release rates

modulation 2. influence of formulation variables and hydrodynamic conditions on

release kinetics. J. Pharm. Sci. 86 (1997) 323-328.

IO. Hogan, J.E. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose stustained release technology. Drug Dev.

Ind. Pharm. 15 (1989) 975-1000.

1 1. Shah, A.C., Britten, N.J., Olanoff, L.S. and Basalamenti, N.J. Gel-matrix systems

exhibiting bimodal controlled release of oral dmg delivery. J. Contr. Rel. 9 (1989)

169- 174.

12. Tahara, K., Yamamoto, K. and Nishihata, T., Overall mechanism behind matrix

sustained release (SR) tablets prepared with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose 2910. J.

Contr. Rel. 35 (1995) 59-66.

13. Gao, P. and Meury, R.H. Swelling of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose matrix tablets.

1. Characterization of swelling, using a novel optical imaging method. J. Pharm. Sci

85 ( 1996) 725-73 1.

14. Moussa, I.S. and Cartilier, L.H. Characterization of moving fronts in cross-linked

amylose matrices by image analysis. J. Contr. Rel. 42 (1996) 47-55.

15. Katzhendler, L, Hoffman, A., Goldberber, A. and Friedman, M. Modeling of drug

release from erodible tablets. J. Pharm. Sci. 86 (1997) 1 lû- 1 15.

16. Hogan, J.E. Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose sustained release. Drug Dev. Ind. P h m .

15 (1989) 975-999.

17. Rao, K.V.R., Devi, K.P. and Buri, P. Influence of molecular size and water solubility

of the solute on its release from swelling and erosion controlled polymeric matrices.

J. Contr. Rel. 12 (1990) 133-141.

18 Singh, P., Desai, J.S., Simonelli, P.A. and Higuchi, LW. Role of wetting on the rate of

dmg release h m inert matrices. J. P h m . Sci. 57 (1968) 217-226.

19 Lee, P. 1. Diffisionai release of a solute from a polymeric matrix, approximate

analytical solution. J. Membr. Sci. 7 (1980) 255-275.

20 Hopfenberg. H.B. In Controlled release polymeric formulations; Paul, D. R.. Haris.

F. W.. Eds. ACS Symposium Senes 33; American Chernical Society: Washington,

DC (1976) 26-3 1.

21 Wu. X.Y. and Zhou, Y. Finite element analysis of diffusional drug release from

complex matrix systems. II. Factors influencing release kinetics. J. Contr. Rel. 51

(1998) 57-7 1.

Chapter Three IMuence of Material Properh'es on Swellable

Mahix Tablet Containing B u g s of Dufetent


3.1 Introduction

Hydrophilic matrix (HM) continues to be a popular and widely used choice for

sustained drug release. A HM tablet is a compressed powder mixture of drug with a

swellable polyrner. In such a swelling controlled release system, the release of a drug is

controlled by one or more of the following processes: the transport of the solvent into the

polymer matrix, swelling of the associated polymer, diffision of the solute through the

swollen polymer, and erosion of the swollen polyrner.

When a HM tablet is placed in water, the medium starts to penetrate the matrix

creating sharp boundaries (fronts) that separate various thermodynamic States of the

polymer or various phases of the matrix. As illustrated in Figure 3.1, depending on the

solubility of the drug, thm fronts can be observed, (1) a swelling front, identifying the

boundary between the glassy polymer (A) and its nibbery gel state (B); (2) a diffision

front, indicating the boundary between the still un-dissolved (solid) dnig (B) and the

dissolved dnxg in the gel layer; and (3) an erosion front, identiîjmg the boundary

between the matrix (C) and the dissolution medium (water or buffer). The polymer

dissolves because of chah dis-entanglement. Thus, there is slow diminution of the

thickness, until finally the tablet disappears. The relative importance of these steps is

dictated by the characteristics of the polyrner and the dnig solubility.

Figure 3.1 Different fronts of a swellable mat& tablet

The movement of these fronts can be used to calculate three important parameters of

the swellingldissolution process: (1) the rate of water uptake, broadly associated with the

position of the swelling front, (2) the rate of dnig dissolution depending on the position of

the diffusion front, and (3) the rate of matrix erosion indicated by the erosion front


The important role that the solubility of the dmg plays in its release behavior was

pointed out by Alderman [ I l ] and confirmed by Ford et al. 1471. In order to identify

whether the solubility or the molecular size of the solute is a primary factor influencing

dmg release from cellulose matrices, the release of 27 dmgs with various solubilities and

molecular weights h m matrices of HPMC and HPMC + Na CMC was studied by Ranga

Rao et al. [29]. Several less soluble drugs were released at a nearly zero-order rate

through matrices of HPMC indicating that the solubility of the drug plays an important

role in the release behavior.

The effect of polymer and diluent ratio has also widely been studied. Gao et al. studied

the effect of HPMCnactose ratio on drug release fiom matrix tablets. It was found that

HPMCAactose ratio modulates drug release rate by altering dmg difisivity [23].

The surface property of hydrophilic matrix tablet cm be studied by measunng the

contact angle of a liquid droplet on the surface of the solid. As shown in Figure 3.2, the

contact angle between a liquid and a solid may be 0'. signifying complete wetting, or

may approach 180' at which wetting is impossible. Since wetting is the first step of

hyâration of HM, the contact angle is a good measun of the easiness of hydration.

Contact angle may change with the size of the droplet. A larger droplet would result in

a greater contact angle for a given liquid-solid interface. For a given initial droplet size,

the contact angle may decrease with time depending on the matrix permeability and the

rate of liquid penetration through the matrix. The latter is deterrnined by pore size,

hydrophilicity and swellability of the matrix. On a surface of HM, an aqueous medium

can penetrate into the matrix readily, leading to a reduction in droplet size. When a gel

layer is fomed by polymer swelling, the rate of liquid penetration decreases. In this

work, the contact angle has been measured as a function of time and the dynamic contact

angle was used to describe the behavior of initial hydration of the matrix tablets.

Figure 3.2 Contact angle studics ff and 180'

The solubility of the drug plays an important role in its release kinetics. On this bais,

matrix tablets containing the water-soluble drug tramadol hydrochloride or the water

insoluble drug indomethacin were used for our study. The tablets of different

HPMCAactose ratios were used in order to get a better understanding of the effect of

polymer / diluent ratio on release mechanism and kinetics. The relationship amongst

release kinetics, surface properties. liquid uptake and kinetics of swelling and erosion of

matrix tablet was studied.

3.2 Mrtterials and merlrod

3.2.1 Dtugs

To investigate the infîuence of dmg propeiries on the release mechanism and kinetics,

two dmgs were chosen, one was k l y soluble in water and the other was insoluble in


Tramadol hydrochloride (Sigma Chernical Co.), a narcotic analgesic, was used. It is

white crystalline, readily soluble in water and its melting point is 180 -181'C. The name

-- - of pmprietary solid dosage form in USA is Ultram.

hdomethacin (Sigma Chemical Co.). which was first introduced in 1962, is an

effective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) agent and a potent inhibitor of

prostaglandin synthesis. Practically insoluble in water; soluble in 1 in 50 of ethanol, 1 in

30 of chloroform, 1 in about 40 of ether; soluble in acetone. It is a white to yellow-tan,

crystalline powder and its melting point is 158 - 162'C.

3.2.2 Polymer

Methocel K4M Premium, HPMC 2208, a commercial product of hydroxypropyl

methylcellulose obtained hom the Dow Chemical Co. was used in the tablets as a

swellable polymer. According to the manufacturer's specification, the nominal viscosity

of a 2% W N aqueous solution of the K4M grade is 4 0 0 cps. It has no ionic charge. and

will not complex with rneta.Uk salts and ionic organics to form insoluble precipitates.

Solutions of HPMC are stable over a wide range of pH between pH 3.0 and 11 .O. A basic

structure of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose is shown below, where R is H, CH3 or



OR -09 acpr : 3.2.3 Diluent

Anhydrous lactose from Wisconsin Dairie was used as a diluent. It is primarily beta

Iactose or a mixture of alpha and beta lactose. Lactose is a sugar obtained from milk and

is white to off-white, crystalline particle or powder. It is odorless and slightly sweet


3.2.4 Mediai m d in this study

(a) MQ wufer: Distilled deionized water was obtained from a M U Q water purification

system. Hence it is called MQ water h m now on.

(b) R e m o n of pH 7.2 phosphate buffer: To 50 ml of 0.2 M potassium phosphate

monobasic (27.2 gram in 1 0 ml) in a 200 ml volumetric flask, 34.7 ml of 0.2 M (8

grams in 100 ml) sodium hydroxide solution was added, and then a necessary amount of

water was used to make up the volume to 200 ml. This buffer was diluted four times with

MQ water resulting in a pH 7.2 phosphate buffer solution, as per the dissolution

procedure mentioned in a pharmacopoeia [3]

3.2.5 Manufacture of tablets

Matrix tabtets were manufactured using the following compositions:

Table 3.1 Summuty of fornuMons of the tablets

Indomethocin/ Tt~madol Hel*

(Sigma chern. CO.)

Formulation 1 1 50%

Formulation 2

Methocel K4M premium (Dow chem.co.)

Lmctose Anhydrous

(Wisconsin daine)

Powders with the above compositions were mixed and compressed using a CARVER'

hydraulic press at 2000 lbs. with a 6.25mm flat-faced die and punches. These tablets were

Formulation 3

used to study surface properties, release kinetics, liquid uptake and swelling kinetics.

3.26 Surface propertr'es

The contact angle of MQ water or pH 7.2 phosphate buffer on the matnx tablet was

measured with a goniorneter (OLYMPUS PGHM mode1 115). A tablet was placed in the

50% 40% 10%

chamber where the temperature was maintained at 37OC by a thermal stat. A &op of

water or pH 7.2 buffer was placed on the surface of the tablet with a syringe. The contact

angle was read every minute, until constant reading was obtained. The experiment was

repeated for three tablets of each formulation. The average of three readings was then

plotted against square root of tirne.

3.2.7 Releme kinetics

Drug release kinetics was studied in MQ water for tramadol hydrochloride or pH 7.2

phosphate buffer for indomethacin matrix tablets. A USP dissolution apparatus Il was

used with one liter of dissolution medium in the vesse1 for al1 experiments. The paddle

speed was maintained at 50 RPM and the medium temperature was 37OC. The medium

was pumped through connections to the UV cells in order to collect the data

automatically. The absorbance of the dissolution medium was read at 280 nm for

trarnadol hydrochloride and 320 nm for indomethacin respectively using a UV

spectrophotometer (HP8452A).

3.2.8 Liquid uptake

The liquid uptake of the matrix tablet was studied by gravimehic method. A hanging

mesh was placed in a jacketed beaker containing MQ water or pH 7.2 phosphate buffer

for tramadol hydrochloride or indomethacin matrix tablets respectively. The temperature

of the medium was maintained at 37OC. The weight of the tablet was measured using an

analytical balance at predetermined time intervals. The tablet dong with mesh was

removed from the liquid and transfed back to the balance after weighing. During the

weighing time the stop - watch was paused. nie percent weight gain was cakulated by

using the following formula:

% Weight gain = (W2-Wl)X100 Wl

WI = Weight of the dry tablet

W2 = Weight of wet mesh and tabiet - Weight of wet mesh

3.2.9 Swelhg Rinetics

The initial movement of different fronts was studied by measunng the diameter of the

fronts. A hanging mesh with a tablet was placed in a jacketed beaker containing MQ

water for trarnadol hydrochloride or pH 7.2 phosphate buffer for indomethacin matrix

tablets, respectively. The temperature of the medium was maintained at 37OC. The

diarneter of different fronts (see Figure 3.1) was measured at different time intervals by a

microscope (Wild makroskop M420). equipped with a Wild MMS 235 digital optical

accessory. Dunng this time the stop - watch was paused. The diarneter was plotted

against time for each front.

3.3 Rus& and disctlssions

3.3.1 Eflect of HPMC content on surface propertes

Figure 3.3 shows the contact angle of tramadol hydrochloride matrix tablets of

different HPMCAactose ratios as a function of square - root of tirne. The contact angle

was found to increase with an increase in the polymer proportion. In other words,

wettability decreases with an increase in the polymer proportion. The figure also shows

thiit it took longer for the contact angle to reach the equilibrium for tablets with higher

polymer proportion because of initial gel formation. Furthemore, owing to a stronger gel

layer, the liquid àroplet stayed on the surface of the tablets containing 40% HPMC,

whereas, the droplet disappeared quickly for tablets with 20% HPMC.

1 2 3

SQRT Time (min")

Figure 3.3 Contact angle stirdies of tramado1 hydmch20ride matrit tablets w$h different HPMC/LCTOSE mtii of 2O:3O, 30:20 and 40:lO (nd) . The standatd

deviolion LF indicated by emr bat.

Figure 3.4 shows the dynamic contact angle of indomethacin matrix tablets for

different HPMCnactose ratios. Like the previous case the contact angle was found to

increase with increasing polymer proportions. In other words. wettability decreases with

increasing polymer proportions.

O 1 2 3 4

SQRT Time (minIn)

Figute 3.4 Contact angie studies of Indomethucin matrije tablets with d o r e n t HPMC/LA CTOSE ratio 0f20:30,30:20 and 4O:l O (nd j rn The standard deviation Zr

indicated by emw bar. increasing the polymer Ied to more surface free energy at the interface which also

meant that a larger 0 means lower surface energy. Interestingly, the effect of polymer

content on the contact angle and its dynarnics was less significant for indomethacin

tablets than tramadol hydrochloride tablets. This is probably due to the dominating effect

of hydrophobicity or solubility of the dnig.

Generally the plot of contact angle 0 against t "' was linear. But some curves, e.g. that

for tramadol hydrochloride tablets with a 40: 10 HPMCnactose ratio, were non-linear. So

in order to evaluate the initial contact angle, O,, a portion of the curve was used using the

following equation:

The estimated values of 0, were obtained by calculation of the work of adhesion, WA,

using an alternative f o m of Young's equation WA= y~ (l+cos go) (3.2)

where y~ is the surface tension of the medium. We used YL = dynekm 72.8 for water at

2 0 ' ~ to complete the work of adhesion. The readings of initial contact angle and work of

adhesion along with standard deviations are shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Contact angle vs. time intercepf plot in degrees, iniiicl work of udhesion and standard deviarion

Tablet lactose ratio angle, 0, adhesion deviation 1 1 (Degrees) 1 (Dpe/cm) 1 of



Table 3.2 shows that the initial contact angle increased From 19' to 36' for tramadol

hydrochloride tablets and 28' to 37' for indornethacin tablets with increasing

HPMCllactose ratio. This result indicates poocer wetability for tablets with higher

HPMCIlactose ratios. Moreover, the contact angles on indomethacin tablets were

generally larger than tramdaol tablets, which means that the hydrophobicity of the dmg

contribute to surface energy and wettability of the tablets. Interestingly, the effect of

polymer content on the contact angle and its dynamics was less signifiant for

indomethacin tablets than tnunadol hydrochloride tablets. This was probably due to the

dominating effect of hydrophobicity or solubility of the drug. WA decreased with increase


Tramadol Hydrochloride


Initial contact HPMCI

Initial work of

20:30 30:20 40: 10 20:30 30:ZO 40: 10

19 24 36 28 35 37

142 139 132 137 132 131

0.58 0.58 2.00 0.58 1.15 3.79

of polymer proportion in the ma& tablet and was also more in the case of tramadol

hydrochloride matrix tablet than indomethacin because of its solubility. This depended on

the hydrophobicity of the dmg and also the formation of gel in the matrix.

3.3.2 Effect of dtug propem on surfae propedies

As shown in Table 3.2 and Figures 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7, the contact angle was generally

larger on indomethacin tablets than that on tramadol hydrochloride matrix tablets. In

addition, the change of contact angle with time for indomethacin tablets is slower than

tramadol hydrochloride tablets. This is because indomethacin is much more hydrophobic

and less water soluble than trarnadol hydrochlonde, which hindered liquid penetration. It

is also due to the presence of insoluble dnig at the surface and the time taken by polyrner

to change to gelatinous state immediately.

HPMCAac tose (20:30)

O 1 2 3 4

SQRT ~ime(min'~)

+ Tramadol h ydroc hloride

+ Indomethacin

Figura 3SContact a~gle of mat& tablets conralning different dtugs ( n a The standard devitation is indicated by error bar.

HPUCAac tose (30:20)

+ Tramadol hydroc hloride

+ indomethacin

Figure 3.6 Contact angle qfmaîrir tablets containing different drugs ( n a The standard deviah'on is indjcated by error bar.

I + Tramadol h ydrochloride I indomethacin

Figure 3.7 Contact angle of matràx tablets containhg different drugs (nd) . The standord devùation is intltcaîed by error bar.


3.3.3 Effect of HPMC content and drug solubil@ on telease Ainetics

Drug dissolution profiles from tramadol hydrochloride and indomethacin matrix

tablets of three different HPMCnactose ratios (20:30, 30:20, and 40: 10) with 50% dmg

are depicted, respectively in Figure 3.8 and Figure 3.9. It is evident that the dmg release

rate time increased with increasing HPMC content suggesting that the gel layer became

stronger and more resistant to difhision with an increase in HPMC content.

O 100 200 300 400

Time (minute)

Figun 3.8 Dtug relèase profile of î t d 1 hy&ochlorUlc matrix tablets with v M o v s HPMC/LACTOSE tatio of 2O:3O (SD=f LJ), 30:20 (SD= f1.6) and 40:lO (SD=S.J)(nd). The standard deviaih'on was srnalier than the symbols.

Molecular size and water solubility of drugs are important determinants in the release

of a drug from swelling and erosion controlled polymenc matrices [26]. As nported

previously [22-251 and from this study, it is seen that increasing the polper content led

to a corresponding decrease in the rate of h g release, and the dnig release was

sustained. This also indicated that lactose variation with HPMC altered the drug release

rate, mainly by altering the dnig difisivity in the gel layer. Inspection of release profile

fiirther indicates that there was surface erosion in indomethacin matrix tablets for 20%

polyrner proportion, whereas, in case of 30% and 40% polyrner proportion the release is

sustained. The release is faster due to the much higher solubility of tramadol

hydrochloride than indomethacin, a sparingly soluble dnig.

O 200 400 600 800 1OOO 1200 Time (minute)

Figun 3.9 Drug retease profle of indmethacin matrix tablets with vadous HPMCILACTOSE rorio of 2O:3O (SD=it2.4), 30:20 (SDtB.5) and 40:10 (SD=arn 7)(n4)rn The standard deviotion war smaller thun the symbols.

3.3.4 Effect of HPMC content and dmg solubil& on tiqua uptake studies

The effect of polyrner proportion on weight change of Trarnadol hydrochloride and

indomethacin matrix tablets studied is illustrated in F i p n 3.10 and Figure 3.11

respectively. In bah cases, the percent of weight gain increased with an increase of

polyrner proportion. The liquid uptake was slower as polymer proportion increased. This

is because the presence of polymer enhanced gel formation and inhibited water

5 1

penetration. Moreover, because lactose is very water-soluble, its solution would generate

more liquid-filled pores on channels for water to diffuse in.

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Time (minute)

Figure 3.10 Uquùà uptake studies of ttamadol hydrochlodde mat& tablets WM various HPMC/UCTOSE d o of 2O:JO (SD=ff lS), 30:20 (SD-9.5) and 40:10

(SD=Hm9)(n=J). The stan&vd deviation was smalter than the symbolï.

The % weight gain changing with time for matnx tablets containing indomethacin was

slower than the tramadol hydrochloride matrix tablets because of the presence of

undissolved drug in the hybated region. which prevented water penetration. It is seen

that indomethacin matrix tablets containing 20% polyrner underwent an initial fast

hydration, followed by a steady state, and then a rapid decrease in the weight. This

phenomenon may be a result of lactose dissolution and matrix erosion, a further

investigation on this is recommended. Thenfore a polynomial trendline has been plotted

in Figure 3.11 in order to explain this better.

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Time (minute)

Figure 3.11 Liquid uptcukr studks of indomethacin mat& tabtets with various HPMC/LACTOSE &O of 2O:JO (SLkfPS), 30:20 (SDd9mO) and 40:lO (ShfiBa5)

(n =3). The standotd devialion war smaller than the syrnbols.

3.3.5 Swelling kinerics

3.3S.1 Effect of HPMC content and dmg solubility on crusion front

As shown in Fipre 3.12 and Figure 3.13 the diarneter of the erosion front of tramadol

hydrochloride and indomethacin matrix tablets of diffennt HPMCnactose ratios

decreased with increase in the polymer proportion. or weight gain (Figure 3.10).

Robably, the presence of HPMC slowed down the liquid uptake by the tablets and

swelling of the matnx.

Figure 3.12 Kinetics of the erosion fiont of tramadol Irydrochiotùie mat& tablets WU various HPMC/LCTOSE mtio of 2O:3O, 30:20 and 40:lO ( n d ) . The stanhrd

devirriion was smaller (SD=H.I) than the symbols.

The results have also shown that the presence of more polymer at the surface resulted

in instant formation of a gel layer upon contact wi th medium, which prevented initial

burst of drug release. This supports Lee's [8] observation that for relatively water

insoluble dmgs and /or lower viscosity grades of HPMC, polyrner dissolution plays an

important role in regulating dmg release.

v m 1 m m m I

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Time (minute)

Figure 3.13 Kinetics of the etosion fiont of indomethacin rnatrîx tublets with various HPMC/UCTûSE tath of IO:M, 30:20 and 4O:lU ( n a The standard devwon was

srnulter (SD=dû.I) than the symbols.

The diameier of the erosion front in the tramadol hydrochloride matrix tablet was

smaller than in the indomethacin matrix tablet, because of a fast dissolution of the dmg

present on the surface of the matrix tablet. In addition, a slower increase in the erosion

fiont of indomethacin tablet after 10 hours was indicative of erosion Effect of HPMC content and drug sdubilirp on diffusion pont

The movement of direction of the diffusion front of mamado1 hydrochloride and

indomethacin matrix tablets respectively is shown in Fipre 3.14 and 3.15. In the

indomethacin matrix tablet, the diffision front was clearly visible because of the presence

of un-dissolved dnig. which moved outwards with the erosion front. Hence, the diffusion

fiont of the indomethacin tablets increased with time, unlike tramadol hydrochloride

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Tirne (minute)

Figure 3.14 Kittetics of the diffusion fmnt of honad02 hydrochloridr mat& tablets wàth various HPMULACTOSE ratio of 2O:3O, 30:20 and 40:10 (n=3). The stanàard

deviarion was smaller (SD=iM) than the symbolî.

The diameter of diffusion front increased with an increase of polyrner proportion,

which suggested that the diffusion front becarne stronger and resistant to diffusion with

the presence of more polymers in the matrîx. This supports kinetic studies where a

sustained drug release was observed with increase of polymer proportion. The distance

between the diffusion front and the erosion front represented the thickness of the

dissolved h g gel layer. That is the difisive layer played a role in controlling the dmg's

release process. The diffusive layer was smaIIer with smailer amounts of polymer thereby

showing less amounts of un-dissolved dmg in the difision front.

O 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Time (minute)

F m 3.15 Kinetics of the d@sion front of indomethacin niath tablets wUh diffcent HPMC/LACTOSE d o of 2O:JO, 3O:2O and 40:10 (nd).The standard

deviotion was smaller (SD=IO.I) than the symbols.

3a3aS.3 Effect of HPMC content and drug solubilirp on swelling front

The swelling front diameter of tramadol hydrochloride and indomethacin math

tablets with various HPMCnactose ratios at different tirnes is shown in Figure 3.16 and

3.17 respectively. The swelling front moved in the inward direction faster in tablets with

low polyrner proportion than in tablets with higher polymer proportion because of

formation gelatinous layer. The diameter of swelling front increased with an increase of

polymer proportion due to gel formation which showed that the low amount of polymer

in the matrix rendered the matrix more sensitive to water penetration. The penetration of

the medium was faster in hydrophilic drug and slower in hydrophobie dmg. The

formation of gel layer was therefore slower. This may be due to hydrophobicity of the


Figure 1 1 6 Kineffcs of the swelllng front of b a n d o f hydrochlorido rnahix tablets willr varbus HPMCUCTOSE mi0 of 2O:JO, 30:20 and 4O:I O ( n d ) . The stanhrd

devùztion wtas smaIIer (SD=Hel) than the symbokk.

Figure 3.1 7 Kinetics ofthe swelüngfnonf of indomethacin maîrix tablets wifh differeni HPMC/UCIOSE rcirlo of 2O:JO, 30:20 and 4 M 0 ( r d ) * The standad deviotion was

smaller ( S M 0 . l ) than the symbols.

Finally, the results of swelling lainetic studies of tramadol hydrochloride mauix tablets

showed the movement of erosion front outwards due to the swelling of matrix, whereas

the movement of diffision and swelling front was inwards towards the matrix core. But

in the case of indomethacin matrix tablets the movement of diffûsion front was outwards

dong with crosion fmnt. This was due to the hydrophobicity of the drug where the

undissolved drug remained in the gel layer and was c d e d outwards by the movement of

the gel.

The results of al1 the experiments of this study are summarized in Table 3.4. It is seen

that the type of dmg and the HPMCnactose ratio have significant effects on surface

energy, hydration rate, swelling rate and dmg release rate. The direction of the movement

of the diffision front dong with swelling front or erosion front depends solely on the

properties of the drug in the matrix.

Table 3.3 Summaty of al1 the experiments of our study




1 1 diffision front 1 1








matrix tablets






matrix tablets

Change in contact


Surface energy

Release rate

Weight gain

Swelling rate

Movement of









Inw ards


Ou twards

HPMCAac tose I ratio increases

in the following sections, the influence of dmg properties and HPMCllactose ratio on

the properties and performance of the matrix tablets will be discussed in detail.

3.4.1. Effect of drug pmperti*es

The properties of h g in the matrix are very important for understanding the

mechanism of cimg nlease fiom matrix tablets. The important drug properties include the

form of the h g i.e., a salt or a free baselacid, ionization degree, molecular weight,

solubility and hydrophobicity of the h g . Since the polymer, HPMC. is nonionic, and it

does not complex with any salts, the influence of complexation between the ionized dmgs

and HPMC will not be considered.

(i) loni&ioon degree of the drugs: The ionization degree of weak base and weak acid can

be cdculated using the following Henderson Hasselbatch equations:

[salt ] For weak acid pH = pKa + log- [acid]

[basel For weak base pH = pKw - pKb + log- [salt ]

Indomethacin is a weakly acidic dmg. Its ionization degree c m be found as follows:

[salt] 7.2 = 4.5 + log- [acid]

[salt ] log - = 7.2 - 4.5 = 2.7


[salt 3 - = anti log 2.7 [acid]

501*2 x 100 = 99.8% % [salt] = - 502.2

The above calculation shows that the ratio of ionized indomethacin to free acid is

501.2, which means that 99.8% of the drug is ionized at pH 7.2. Since tramadol

hydrochlonde is a salt f o m that is readily ionized in water, the difference in ionization

degree between tramadol hydrochloride and indomethacin could not solely contribute to

the release rate in the studied pH range.

(ü) Moleculor weight of the drugs: The molecular weight (MW) of a dmg would affect

its diffusion coefficient and thus its release rate. The dependence of difision coefficient

on MW is described by Stokes-Einstein equation:

Where R is the gas law constant, r) is the viscosity of the solvent. No is Avogadro's

number, T is the absolute temperature and r is the radius of the spherical solute molecule.

This equation was initiated by Einstein who applied Stokes law to describe large,

spherical solute molecules moving through a continuum of small molecules. Thus, for

solute molecules that are sphencal and large compared to solvent moIecules, the solvent

perfonns as a continuum to the diffushg solute molecules. Assuming that r a M,"~, Di

and 4 are the diffusion coefficients of tramadol hydrochloride and indomethacin,

respectively, one can obtain

The above calculation shows that the difference in molecular weight only contributes

to 20% difference in the diffision coefficient of the two dmgs. This difference is much

smaller than that seen in the release rate, which was up to 80 % of uamadol

hydrochloride in 2 hours and while 80 % of indomethacin was in 8 hours (Figures 3.8 and

3.9). nienfore, it is believed that the molecular weight of the dmgs could not solely

contribute to the release rate in this snidy.

(iii) Drug solubil@ and drug hydrophobicàty: As the above analyses suggest, the

ionization degree and molecular weight of the two dnigs are not significantly different.

a- -- . Therefon, one may infer that dnig solubility and dnig hydrophobicity would play an

important role in drug release kinetics. As presented in section 3.2.1 trarnadol

hydrochloride is readily soluble in water and indomethacin is practically insoluble in

water. Moreover, surface energy of indomethacin tablets is lower than that of tramadol

tablets, as reflected by larger contact angle (Figure 3.4) and slower liquid penetration.

Figures 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 have shown that the presence of indomethacin in the matrix

tablet lowered the initial and equilibrium contact angle of the liquid and slowed the

penetration of the droplet into the matrix. These results indicate that, for a given

HPMCAactose ratio, indomethacin tablets have poorer wettability and slower liquid

penetration, owing to higher hydrophobicity of indomethacin. Our results of the % weight

p i n of the tablets also showed slower liquid penetration into the indomethacin tablets.

Comparing the observations that the matrix tablet with higher contact angle and slower

liquid penetration showed slower dmg release, we can conclude that dmg solubility and

hydrophobicity are two major determinants of dnig release kinetics.

Several groups have studied the dependence of release kinetics on dnig solubility.

Kim et al. [15] studied various drugs in matrix tablet and the release showed a slight burst

effect for the highly soluble drug and a small lag time with the insoluble dmg. Ranga Rao

et al. 1381 studied the release of 27 dmgs of various solubility and found that several less

soluble dmgs were released at a nearly zero order rate through HPMC matrices. Ford et

al. 145) obtained similar results with 7 drugs of different solubility. These results support

Our findings that solubility is an important factor in determining release kinetics.

However, these gmups did not investigate on drug hydrophobicity and its influence on

the properties like wettability and performance of tablet.

As demonstrated by this study, h g solubility and hydrophobicity have shown

significant effect on the movement of the fronts in the matrix. The movement of the

erosion front was outwards and the swelling front was inwards, while the movement of

the diffision front depended on the solubility of the dnig in the matrix. In tramadol

hydrochloride matrix tablets, the diffusion front moved inwards along with the swelling

front, whereas, in indomethacin matrix tablets, the undissolved drug remained in the gel

layer, so the difision front moved outwards together with the growth of the gel layer.

This is because of low solubility of indomethacin, which repels solvent. Over dl , this

lead to a slower release of indomethacin.

Colombo et al. [37] studied the movement of diffusion front in matrix tablets by using

a color drug (Buflomedil pyridoxalphosphate). The dmg diffusion front was readily

determined due to the yellow color of the h g . They showed that the dnig diffusion front

best described the overall release behavior of the system. Later the same group [46]

studied the diffusion front position with a soluble and the colond drug, which was used

in the previous study. It was found that the diffusion front was visible in tablets with

more than 30% h g , due to the presence of an undissolved drug layer. Al1 of these

results with different dmgs have shown that the movement of the diffusion front is

dependent on the solubility and concentration of the h g in the rnatrix. Lower dnig

solubility and or higher dnig concentration in the matrix would delay the exhaustion of

undissolved dnig in the p l layer. As a result, the diffusion front moves outwards as the

gel layer grows. This is another piece of evidence that dnig solubility is an important

factor of drug release mechanism and kinetics.

3.4.2 Wect qfHPMC/krctose tatiio

The proportion of excipients like HPMCnactose ratio greatly influences the drug

release from the matrix tablet. In this section the effects of HPMCnactose ratio on surface

properties, release kinetics, liquid uptake and swelling kinetics of tramadol hydrochloride

or indomethacin matrix tablets will be discussed.

(i) Effect on surface properfirs: This work showed that the increase in polymer

proportion caused a slower penetration of medium into the matrix and a decrease in

wettability, i.e., lower surface energy. This was evident by the larger contact angle

(Figure 3.4), slower change of 0 with time (Figures 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7) and slower weight

gain for the tablets containing more HPMC. The main reason is that the matrix with more

polyrner can form a stronger gel at the surface and make the penetration of medium into

the matrix difficult. In tum the release of drug h m the matrix becomes slower. Singh et

al. [l] studied the effect of wetting on the rate of h g release from matrices by

measuring the contact angle using a Gaertner telemicroscope. They observed that matrix

permeability and the penneation rate of the solvent could individually limit drug release

rates. However, they did not observe the dynamic contact angle.

(ii) Effect on releare kinetics und làquid uptake: The drug release rate decreased with the

increase in polymer proportion. This is because, on one hand, lactose dissolves quickly,

leaving liquid filled pores and channels that allow quicker medium penetration and drug

release; On the other hand, the polyrner swells and the resultant gel blocks the pathway of

the medium and the drug, thus slows down medium penetration and drug release. The

effect of polymer concentration on medium penetration is evidenced by the change rate

of 0 and weight of the tablets, as discussed above.

The slower dnig release at a higher polymer concentration is attributable to a stronger

or more viscous gel layer of HPMC and lactose that reduces the difision rate of the drug

and water concentrations. Gao et al. [23] measured the diffusion coefficient of the drug in

an aqueous solution of HPMC and lactose. They obsewed that the drug diffusivity

decnased with increasing HPMCAactose ratio. Their work explains why drug release rate

decnases as the HPMCnactose ratio increases. In addition to retardation of h g

difision, the increase in the polyrner concentration also prolongs the time of water

uptake, as indicated by a slower 8 weight gain.

(iii) Effect on swelling kinetics: The growth of erosion front, diffusion front, and

swelling front decreased with the incnase in polyrner proportion because of the

formation of a stronger gel layer, which made the entry of medium into the matrix

difficult. These results are consistent with those of dmg release and liquid uptake, which

were also slowed by the formation of a stronger gel layer. A similar observation was

reported by Talukdar et al. [ZI] on xantham pm/lactose matrix tablets. Similar type of

front movements was obsewed by Ferrero et al. [6] on matrix tablets containing two

different pol p e r s .

Unlike the movement of diffision front, whose direction depends on the

hydrophobicity of the dmg in the matrix, the HPMCnactose ratio did not show any

impact on the direction of rnovement of the diffusion front. In other words, the direction

of the diffision front was altered by the type of drug, instead of the HPMCnactose ratio.

This particular work involved similar type of measurement of fronts and the results were

similar to our work.

The above results reveal a close relationship between the release kinetics and the

surface properties, liquid uptake and swelling kinetics of the matrix tablets. The solubility

and hydrophobicity of the drug are more significant factors that influence dmg release

kinetics than the ionization degree and molecular weight of the drug. In conclusion, the

release of a drug from matrix tablets depends on the drug properties and the composition

of the matrix tablets.

3.5 Conclusion

The relationship between contact angle, liquid uptake, release rate and kinetics of

swelling and erosion of matrix tablets was studied using matrix tablets containing drugs

of different hydrophobicity and various HPMCAactose proportion.

It is shown that drug hydrophobicity and HPMCAactose ratio play important roles in

the properties of the tablets. and thus the release kinetics. An increase in dmg

hydrophobicity or in HPMCllactose ratio caused a decrease in surface energy, hydration

rate, swelling rate and dnig release. The presence of undissolved hydrophobic dmg in the

diffusion front changed the direction of movement of the front.

This work has demonstrated that release kinetics for swellable matrix tablets can be

correlated with the physicochemical properties, kinetics of hydration and swelling, and

composition of the tablets.


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- -- - Chapter F o w Summaiy and Future Direction

This study has correlated h g release kinetics with surface properties. liquid uptake

behavior, kinetics of swelling and erosion of matrix tablets containing drugs of different

hydrophobicity. Initially from the studies of erosion and release kinetics of commercial

erodible tablets, the mechanism of erosion-controlled release was understood. The

influence of different characteristics on the performance of swellable matrix tablets

containing various HPMCllactose ratios with dmgs of different hydrophobicity was

studied. The surface energy of the tablets depended on the proportion of polymer and the

type of drug in the matrix of the tablets. The release rate and weight gain increased with

an increase in the polymer proportion. The hydrophobicity of the drug also influenced

swelling kinetics where movement of the diffusion front was in different directions and

showed un-dissolved drug in the gelatinous layer.

The present study was limited to two different àrugs, one type of polymer and one

type of diluent. However, investigation of tablets made of dnigs of various

hydrophobicity and different types of polymers or different grades of one polyrner will

provide additional information. In addition, further studies using different methodologies

to study charactenstics of matrix tablets are desirable. We anticipate that hure studies

will lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms of drug release fiom matrix tablets.

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