oe register -updated as of 27-dec-13 (4)

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    As of 02-Dec-13





    Major Projects 9 9 2 22% 22%

    AMO 10 11 0 9% 18%

    OSV 16 31 14 61% 61%

    T&I 13 23 5 30% 53%

    BAE 15 31 7 45% 31%

    Procurement 22 23 0 9% 0%

    HSSE 12 18 1 33% 6%

    Quality 12 12 0 58% 0%

    Interface 16 28 0 7% 0%

    BC&CSR 9 9 0 0% 17%

    HR&ADMIN 0 0

    CRM 0 0

    TOTAL 134 195

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    Berhad Private and Confidentialction Register

    : Massimiliano Bellotti

    Person: Mumtaz / Catalinw workshop - 10-Jun-13


    COPQ T&IMooring winch - excessive gear Wear & Tear, hence

    high cost spares procured - Armada Installer

    Maintenance done by Manufacturer- Continuous

    monitoring during operation.

    Second intervention planned for January

    2014.catalin Q1 2014 2

    Imp Plan

    by T&IT&I Management System - SOP's improvements

    Develop more operational specific

    documentations (SOPs) for off-shore units

    After detailed review, present SOPs'

    deemed sufficient.Davide / Catalin Q4-2013 3

    11Imp Plan

    by T&IT&I

    Improvements in Competency / Training


    Develop training program based on key

    personnel competences assessment and JD

    The matrix for industrial/HSE training on-

    goingDavide / Catlin Q4-2013 NA 0 1

    Standardised HSE / technical Industrial training

    program to all vessel personnel's - Starts from


    catalin / Dan Q4-2013 3

    OE Total Improvements / Gaps: 13

    OE Recommendation: 23

    OE Recommendation closed: 5

    Planned Progress ( till current Month): 30%

    Actual Progress: 53%


    Due DateProgress RatingInitial Due Date



    Slippage In


    tment : T&I

    Source BU / Dept. O.E Improvement Description Action OwnerRecommended Action PlanProgress Update

    (As of 03-Dec-13)

    Page 3 of 29

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    O.E Action Register

    .E Owner: John

    .E Focal Person: Arjan





    (In progress



    (In progress





    As per directions received from top

    management, for ease of understanding and

    reference, AIM is being prepared in the form of

    a Flow chart with relevant references to SMS,

    BASSNET, Classification and AIM general

    guidelines.Preliminary flow chart has been developed and

    undergoing review.

    For 1, 2 & 3 - Completed

    As per directions received from top management, for

    ease of understanding and reference, AIM is being

    prepared in the form of a Flow chart with relevant

    references to SMS, BASSNET, Classification and AIMgeneral guidelines.

    FAIT (Yew) Jan-14 2

    Data population and clean up in line with vessel

    specific PMS requirements. (Delayed to effect

    the change of Ver 2.5 to Ver 2.8)4) In line with BASSnet

    Data population and clean up in line with vessel specific

    PMS requirements

    FAIT (Yew)1st week of

    Jul-13 April-14 4 2

    Full power ahead on BASS Net - Team in place

    by mid April 13 - Additional resources planned

    Full ahead on BASS Net - Team in place by mid April

    13 - Additional resources planned

    - Bassnet Team visited 27 out of 33 vessels to installthe BASSnet System.

    - Senior Officers being trained how to use/update/ the

    Procurement & Maintainance Module on BASSnet.

    FAIT 31-Oct-13 30-Nov-13 1 2

    Clear communications to crew on what we

    expect from them - High level of compliance

    BASS Net Training Program to Crew

    All vessels are equipped with BASS Net by mid

    Aug 2013 including International Vessels, up

    and running.

    33 +4 (in progress) vessels out of 50 are in BASSNET

    system. 13 vessels not required

    Phase out manual reporting & monitoring during

    this transition period and Move to BASS by April


    BASS Net implementation completed by April

    2014 - Up & Running on all Vessels

    As an added benefit to maintain crew loyalty -

    Discuss with New Crew HR head& Finalise?

    As an added benefit to maintain crew loyalty -

    Discussed with New Crew HR Head on 30/08/13 and

    retention analysis to be shared for next course of action



    Consider staff contracts for key positions of

    Master and Chief Engineer FHR 31-Oct-13

    Validate the benefits of the cadet program and

    re-instate if justified - Proposal to Nigeria cadet


    FHR 31-Oct-13 1


    (Initiated viameeting with

    FHR 27/08/13)Oct-13 Oct-13

    April'14 June'14


    Initial Due



    Due Date




    Slippage In


    Progress Rating

    Action Owner

    2Blue print /

    BE ConsulOSV

    BASS Net Implementation & Multiple gaps in PMS /


    1) Preventive maintenance schedule not reflectingmakers recommendations.

    2) Unclear who is to develop, review and approve the

    PMS for a particular vessel.

    3) PMS check sheet too generic to be used for all type

    of vessels.

    4) PMS check sheets sighted were updated inaccurately

    (copy and paste from previous reading and wrong


    5) Difficulty of monitoring maintenance status i.e.

    deferral, overdue, completed and corrective action due

    to lack of matrix type PMS report.6) The Capt. for ATH82 was using older version of


    MACHINERY) from OSV SMS Manual to keep track of

    routine check as new version is not yet available.

    7) Lack of Technical Superintendent to support

    activities in East Malaysia fleet.

    8) propeller entanglement due to fishing net and other


    9) Radar frequent malfunction onboard ATH82

    10) AE frequent repair onboard ATM

    11) very high steel renewal during docking for ATM

    12) battery frequent replacement

    13) AC/chiller/freezer frequent breakdown

    14)copper tubing leaking

    15) compressor frequent breakdown

    16) SW piping failure

    Recommended Action PlanProgress Update

    (As of 03-Dec-13)


    1) AIM General Document Completing mid April,

    circulating for Internal review

    2) Corrosion Management Plan - Planned completionmid April.

    3) Inspection & Maintenance Management Plan -

    Planned completion around mid April.

    4) PMS - Inline with BASSNET.



    Phase out manual reporting & monitoring during this

    transition period and Move to BASS by April 2014.

    -BASSnet reporting being sent by BASS team member

    on weekly basis.


    Clear communications to crew on what we expect from

    them - High level of compliance

    - 27 vessels senior officers being trained on BASSnet.

    Senior offices on every vessel are recommended to

    undergo BASSnet training/refresher before sign-on.Applies to all bases

    - 2 x IT personel in Nigeria being trained how to

    troubleshot/install BASSnet in case of any future failure

    to the operating system

    U / Department: OSV

    O.E ID SourceBU /

    Dept.O.E Improvement Description

    3BE Cons /

    Blue printOSV

    High Turnover:

    How do we build loyalty and accountability among our


    Crew retention

    Crew hiring

    Pressure on the market

    Are our wages on par with the market

    Crew ownership

    1Blue print /

    BE ConsulOSV

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    4 Blue print OSV

    Crew competencies / Training Crew training new

    PSVs, sophisticated systems

    is there a management system in place? Do we need

    one like AMOs

    planned ETOs / ECDIS training - Competency

    system in place already. REF STCW 95

    Planned CE/ETOs for DP maintenance course. ECDIS

    training for vessels fitted. Competency system in place

    already. REF STCW 95



    (Initiated via

    meeting with

    FHR 27/08/13)


    5 Blue print OSV HSE Improvements 1. PAP HAM/ACT Rewards OSV / HSE 31-Dec-13

    Implementation of Ship Energy Efficiency Management

    Plan (SEEMP)

    Roll-out on Oct-13.

    FAIT/OPS 31-Oct-13 31-Oct-13 4

    Monitoring of Energy Performance* Energy efficiency

    indicator is one of the module in environmental

    specification (cintellate) maintained by Copr HSSEQ.

    Collection & monitoring of SEEMP data is on-going and

    consistenly analysed to check against compliance.

    Improvement measures shall be identified next year.

    FAIT/OPS 31-Oct-13 12-Nov-13 1 4

    7 Blue print OSV Emission ControlOngoing review/consider vessels to apply/how

    to apply?Diesel Electric Engine for new vessels? Target to be fitted on

    AT 300 / Mawei ProjectArduni/ OSV 31-Dec-13

    8 Blue print OSV Fuel pilferingDifficult to manage-above actions help

    somewhat, other ideas to consider

    Fuel oil flow meters being installed. Currently AT23 &

    AT26 have been installed with remote monitoring

    system which can be accessed and tracked via web.

    Trials have been extended to effect new changes to

    enhance monitoring.

    FAIT/OPS 15-Nov-13 1

    1. Simplifying OSV SMS and MSM - A master

    and CE would assist HSE to amend SMS and

    MSM. Investigation Procedure also would be


    OSV / HSE 31-Dec-13 2

    2. Implementation of AIMS? 2. Vessel specific PMS as per BASS Net FAIT/OPS April'14 2

    Currently being updated by OSV - E&Y audit

    findings tooCommissioning SOP FAIT 30-Sep-13 30-Sep-13 2 4

    6 Blue print OSV Fuel EfficiencyOngoing review/consider vessels to apply/how

    to apply?

    9 BE cons OSV

    Other Improvement Areas from BE Consultants:

    1. Incident reporting and investigation procedures are

    too simplistic with insufficient focus on root cause

    analysis and process/people changes to prevent


    2. A robust communication infrastructure

    Maintenance strategy is currently driven by Class

    requirements and should be driven by optimised life-

    cycle costing based on reliability and utilisation data.


    SOP'S Implementation:

    '1) OSV PMT team to implement OSV SOPs including:

    - OSV Final Document Handover Procedure, OSV-


    - - -

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    China yard / Namcheong strategy to revisit.Completion (handing over) SOP included in

    commissioning SOPFAIT 30-Sep-13 30-Sep-13 2 4

    Bulletin system to implement for group FAIT/OPS 4

    Share the Operation Lesson Learned in common


    Share the Operation Lesson Learned in common

    database - Flash Outs & the same maintained in


    FAIT/OPS 4

    Share within Cintellate FAIT/OPS Feb-14 2

    12 QIW OSV Document Management System? "VISTA" launch Aug 2013 - Implement in OSV OPS Feb-14

    1. In place - verify - Risk Identified by BE Consultant

    need to be reviewed by OSV.FAIT/OPS 4

    2. P-trap system in place - safe distance and reportingre-inforced. Purchase of software has concluded.

    FAIT/OPS 31-Oct-13 31-Dec-13 2 3

    Design review for new build to avoid poor

    design of systems,Design review for new build to avoid poor design of

    systems. Lesson learnt database in place.FAIT 4

    Component vendor selection,

    AVL, etc.

    _SW piping rubber coated (WSD1000)

    _Main deck with portable opening (WSD1000).

    _MGSP installation during building stage (WSD1000)

    FAIT 4

    Hard to standardize with multiple engine types.Hard to standardize with multiple engine types.

    Ongoing review to make common critical parts list.FAIT/OPS 15-Nov-13 31-Dec-13 2

    Ongoing review to make common critical partslists.

    Additional split units/spare compressors/AC tech FAIT/OPS 4

    Simplified annual audit planning Ops & Tech Sup

    audit combined - no more overlap - one

    checklistFAIT/OPS Jan-14

    Redefined job descriptions to improve efficiency -

    OngoingOSV 4

    Redefined OSV logistics group function to

    improve efficiencyEmployed OSV 4

    1 16 3 56

    OE Total Improvements / Gaps: 16

    OE Recommendation: 31

    OE Recommendation closed: 14

    Planned Progress ( till current Month): 61%

    Actual Progress: 61%

    13 BE cons OSV1.Helicopter operations on OSVs (3 in total).

    2.Security arrangements in troubled waters.

    1. In place - verify - Risk Identified by BE

    Consultant need to be reviewed by OSV.

    2. P-trap system in place - safe distance and

    reporting re-inforced.


    - Vendor Coordination Procedure & Reporting

    Procedure, OSV-VCP-8503

    2. NO QA/QC, Engineering, HSE, Mechanical completion

    & commissioning resources sighted in Org chart.

    Lack or No Lesson Learned data base and



    QIW /



    16 OE OSV Other Improvement Plan

    14 COPQ OSV

    Inadequate spec during new-build or Non

    compliance construction by Yard

    - SW piping frequent repair due to corrosion.

    - OBM tanks design faulty, cannot discharge fully and

    remaining's can block pipeline and tanks.

    - main deck not having portable opening to facilitate

    moving in/out of big equipment from under deck.

    - installation of MGPS to be done at the early stage

    - piping system clog / corrosion

    - at low level, OBM cannot be pumped out and left

    excessive ROB

    - design of bulk cargo tank bottom which makes it

    difficult to clear the tank as the level is low.

    15 LL OSV

    Inadequate Spares

    - lack of critical spares

    - no spares standardization

    - all due to different makers

    - Workboat AC frequent breakdown

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    a Berhad Private and Confidentialction Register

    : Noor Azmi Abdul Malek

    Person: Razali


    (Started 25%)


    (In progress



    (In progress





    Issue Lesson Learned register - for all Projects

    done / in progressRazali 1-Jul-13 4

    Communication to all personnel's in BU and

    Project PersonnelsRazali ongoing 2

    Applicable LL to translate in to Risk for Future

    ProjectsRazali 1-Jul-13 4

    LL workshop for each project incl FEED on

    completion - - D1, Balnaves, C7 -Yearly Once.Razali ongoing 2

    Engineering Quality Managment Plan - Feed &

    Detail - Major RevisionCompleted (Closed) Razali 1-Sep-13 1-Sep-13

    Design Control Procedure Completed (Closed) Razali 1-Sep-13 1-Sep-13

    Design Change procedure ( Change

    Management Procedure) - Corp SOPUsed CORP SOP (Closed) Razali 1-Sep-13 1-Sep-13

    Technical Bid evaluation Procedure In progress Razali 1-Sep-13 2

    QA Instruction to Sub-contractors - Engineering

    (Change to Procedure for Subcontracting

    Engineering services)

    Completed (Closed) Razali 1-Sep-13 1-Sep-13

    Hazop procedure Completed (Closed) Razali 1-Sep-13 1-Sep-13

    TA Authority Procedure Completed (Closed) Razali 1-Sep-13 1-Sep-13


    Completed - Covered in Engineering

    Quality Plan Procedure under the QA plan

    matrix (Closed)

    Razali 1-Sep-13 1-Sep-13

    Interface Management - Done - to Re Review Used existing approved procedure Razali 1-Sep-13 1-Sep-13

    Technical Queries - Done - to Re Review Used existing approved procedure Razali 1-Sep-13 1-Sep-13

    Internal workshop to fromulate design and

    const drawing freeze startegyRazali 1-Jul-13 4

    Workshop with Project for Input / agree on

    design and const drawing freeze startegyRazali 1-Jul-13 4

    Two Design / Drawing freeze option to be

    developed by Eng/Projects- One for Less

    regulated / complex enviromental project.

    Another one for more regulated / complex

    enviromental project

    Razali 1-Jul-13 4

    Change management tracking (post freeze

    AFD) to be improved -Change register

    maintained for all disciplines

    Razali 1-Jul-13 4

    Modify the existing procedure (Design control &

    Design Freeze and Change mangement) and

    Implement the agreed system

    Razali 1-Jul-13 4


    Initial Due


    Revised Due





    Slippage In


    Progress Rating

    rtment: BAE

    Source BU / Dept. O.E Improvement Description Action OwnerProgress Update

    (As of 27-Nov-13)

    QIW /



    BAE Lack or No Lesson Learned data base andcommunication to team.

    Recommended Action Plan

    Aud, QIW BAEBAE Management System development (SOPs

    overdue 1 year plus)


    No proper Freezing of drawing design and

    documents from (P&IDs). Changes after AFD are

    incurring many additional site costs.Dynamac/Keppel VORs.

    Page 7 of 29

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    a Berhad Private and Confidential


    (Started 25%)


    (In progress



    (In progress





    Initial Due


    Revised Due





    Slippage In


    Progress Rating

    Source BU / Dept. O.E Improvement Description Action OwnerProgress Update

    (As of 27-Nov-13)

    Recommended Action Plan

    Improve Procurement & Tender committee

    process - due to delay between TBE

    completion to Actual awards affects vendor info

    required for design & drawing activity. (late

    vendor info = late design)

    Razali /


    Conduct Commercial / Schedule impact analysis

    for late changes proposed by vendor

    Eng Commercial


    MOC process should be applied to procurement

    changes initiated by Vendor as it greatly affectsProject schedule and cost. Procurement MOC?

    Vendor deviation process?

    Razali /Procurement

    Providing Priced PO for lead design Engineers to

    better control costs.Not agreed by Procurement

    Razali /


    Engineering and Procurement interface

    workshop session to be arranged to better align

    dept. processes

    Razali /


    Adequate Resources and Schedule for

    Process and Detail Engineering - Due to lack

    of input to design schedule most of the dates

    assumed for packages / equipment areinaccurate. AFC Issued based on assumption

    data leading to late changes after award and


    _ _ _ _ 0 0 0 0

    Realistic Engineering Schedule - Engineering

    to be invloved / provide input to schedule at

    kick off/ during Project initial scheduling (min

    time required for design) and detail



    Dedicated Planner for Engineering activities -

    FEED and detail engineering-all projects Azmi

    Outsource Specialised engineering process -

    Summarise the specialised vendors and have

    Framework contract with those vendorsRazali / Theo

    Combined Materials (Metallurgist)/Corrosion /

    Welding/NDT/ and Coating Engineer? (To add

    to Project org (KL based) covering all projects).



    More Expeditors needed to ensure VDRL itemsare on time (avoiding late design) - which then

    impacts site (VORs) (Sis) (MOC items)

    Expeditors shall be by Procurement

    Department not EngineeringRazali

    Document Controllers must expedite VDRL

    documents - this is not occurring

    Document Control procedure to revise. No

    progress yetRazali

    Ensure proper drawing and document review

    process, plus IDC Check with standard design

    and drawing verification checklist

    Discipline Internal Check & IDC procedures

    have been developed and approved.

    Checklist preparation in progress andf

    target to complete by end of DEC.

    Razali / Leads 1-Aug-13 31-Dec-13 3 3

    QIW, AUD,


    BAE - TGT


    Late Design / Drawing Changes after Award

    or fabrication: Structural / Piping / E&I /

    Layout drawing revisions, clashes.

    Additional of Corrosion Inhibitor system.

    LV Switchgear Modification Work Including Addition-


    Additional 2 pressure relief valves for FW line.

    Fabrication and supply of slug catcher pipe system -

    Additional work due to design change based on

    quote ref : JN983-VO1-REV.3

    Piping spool modification after fabrication &

    Installation - ref COPQ dynamac SI report & KSL SI

    Report - approx 200 Over spools

    Armada TGT requested that Sofec provides one

    each spare pump and one each spare electric motorfor the HPU

    Additional Cable for LAN/Telephone/TV Sockets

    Late Design change after Award - 249 Surplus

    Manual valves procured

    COPQ BAE / MajProj - D1

    Late Material spec / Sizing Changes after

    Award or fabrication:

    Addition / Deletion of control Valves, Revision of

    Valve sizes and Trim Materials

    Additional (new requirement) SS316L material and

    machining works, to provide flange bearing (new


    9 no's chain stopper and work carry out with repair

    Changes in Piping Material & requirements of

    Revised P&ID's

    MWAJ material Change


    Page 8 of 29

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    a Berhad Private and Confidential


    (Started 25%)


    (In progress



    (In progress





    Initial Due


    Revised Due





    Slippage In


    Progress Rating

    Source BU / Dept. O.E Improvement Description Action OwnerProgress Update

    (As of 27-Nov-13)

    Recommended Action Plan

    COPQBAE / Maj

    Proj - TGT

    Poor Interface and vendor data verification

    Changes of the cabling in the Low Voltage Slip Ring

    from single mode to multi mode cable to be

    compatible with vessel side cabling. - Interface


    Proper interface review and vendor data review

    - Identify the extended scope and multiple

    vendors interface

    Handle as per Interface management

    procedure.Leads Oct-13 4

    QIW BAE / Proc

    No Standard Technical bid evaluation / clarification

    process and forms (templates) for business group

    for easy interpretation and to improve process


    Technical Bid Evaluation and Clarification SOP

    will be developed by Engineering and same

    shall be used by all Business group.

    In progress Razali 13-Sep-13 2 2

    Ensure proper drawing and document review

    process, plus IDC Check with standard design

    and drawing verification checklist

    Discipline Internal Check & IDC procedures

    have been developed and approved.Checklist preparation in progress and

    target to complete by end of DEC.

    Razali / Leads 1-Aug-13 31-Dec-13 2

    Ensure Engineering internal audit program is in

    place (prepare and implement audit schedule)-

    for self improvement for key process (SOPs)

    Audit plan has been developed and Vendor

    (Oil Tech) has been audited on July 2013Razali 1-Aug-13 NA Jul-13 4

    As built Documentation - Check with ops? AMO





    Lack of Technical competency system - BAB


    Balnaves project TA system in place - TA /

    competency Gap analysis in progress. final list

    shall be submitted and approved by Validation.

    TA's document have been completed

    compilation. Submission for approval to

    Validation body is not required.

    Razali 1-Jul-13 NA 1-Jul-13 4

    VFR-DYM BAE High spec requirement is another constraint Establish general specs for BAE in progressCompleted 29 Nos of Corporate

    Engineering standardRazali 13-Sep-13 4

    _ 0 0 0

    _ _ _ 0 0 0 0

    _ _ _ 0


    _ _ _ 0 0 0 0

    BAB Modules Pancake design could be improved

    Engineering deliverables could be improved

    Late issuance of changes /modifications


    Engineering Deliverables need to Improved -

    delayed more than two months from Scheduled

    date - Many revisions and delays jeoparadizing the

    schedule & Budget.

    BAB to look in to the issue of releasing / issuing the

    structure/piping isometrics revisions after the

    scheduled cut-off date



    CSR-Eni /

    HLJOC /




    Accuracy and completeness of records & reports,

    submittals & other deliverables / documentation

    Quality of design & drawings


    BAB could improve their structural design by

    considering tight construction schedule of 7 -8

    months. BAB Seams Very much conservative in

    weight control at the expense of Labour which is

    increasing our construction time, cost and especially

    nearly thousands of Stiffners.



    Page 9 of 29

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    a Berhad Private and Confidential


    (Started 25%)


    (In progress



    (In progress





    Initial Due


    Revised Due





    Slippage In


    Progress Rating

    Source BU / Dept. O.E Improvement Description Action OwnerProgress Update

    (As of 27-Nov-13)

    Recommended Action Plan



    Maj Proj /


    Validation NCR - Issued by BAB QA - Apr-2013

    Validation comments tracking register Not

    adequate info Individual comments are not tracked

    Vendor Design Document submission to validation

    (SCE) No VDRL Submitted and waiver sighted

    from Validation for this exemption.

    Nominated Codes & Standards for Old and New

    Equipment / Structures agreed with Validation are

    not adequately listed in BAB Design Specs whichissued for vendor and BAE design

    Response to Validation body comments are slow,

    Min & Max Overdue days - 11 & 99 respectively.

    Open CRS 42, No of doc commented open is 58

    Validation NCR? Actions?

    Need to set a meeting to discuss again on

    the findings. Ownership of the NCR not

    agreed to the finding raised by Raja

    NCR already closed

    Razali 13-Sep-13 19-Jul-13 4

    Obs BAE Training Engineering training program?

    Training program and schedule for

    Balnaves project has been developed and

    most of them have attended the training

    as planned.

    Razali 1-Jul-13 NA 1-Jul-13 4

    0 8 3 28

    OE Total Improvements / Gaps: 15

    OE Recommendation: 31

    OE Recommendation closed: 7

    Planned Progress ( till current Month): 45%

    Actual Progress: 31%

    Page 10 of 29

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    O.E Action Register

    .E Owner: Steve Whitely

    .E Focal Person: Karen Jacka


    (Started 25%)


    (In progress



    (In progress





    "Management decision on Perdana and other facilities with less

    than 2 years remaining on contract was to leave as is. Inventory

    management level have never been established properly on these

    facilities. TGT sparing review and upgrade completed on budget

    allocated ; still inadequate as only criticality 1 and some criticality

    2 equipment have been spared properly due to budget restriction.

    Same can be done for Armada Sterling but need similar

    budget assignment. - Action: Funding Decision required.

    Alvin Strang TBA

    The example of not servcing PSVs due to no spare parts is invalid

    and indicates a planning/procurement problem not a spare issue.

    If one is about to service/conduct PMs on PSVs that is a time

    based task with a long interval between tasks, one normally does

    not need to carry spares for PSVs. One plans this activity in

    advance and orders the spares one believes will be required

    based on assessment/history/service conditions since last service.

    The real action here is for planner to do their jobs and look ahead

    for this work/check we have spares and order if not/confirm we

    have tech knowledge/process and equipment to do the task

    before the work becomes overdue - Bassnet has a float facility

    that can be used for this purpose - it flags the task coming in the

    future and allow the planning/spares/ materials requirement to

    be done and ordered/delivered before the task becomes due.

    Provide the detail according to facility situation for CMMS in KL to

    update job details





    Overdue maintenance task of all facilities (Perdana,

    Perkasa and TGT) due to lacking of spare parts or

    waiting for shutdown.

    Again this is a planning/procurement issue not a sparing issue

    unless a decision is made to hold a lot more spare inventory/and

    tie up capital in the store.The bassnet system should be used to

    look ahead and plan task/confirm and order spares .

    Planners should not be scheduling tasks when the required

    operational condition are not available. - they should develop

    shutdown lists of tasks that require differnet levels of plant

    shutdown and keep the Maint Suptd informed/updated on the list

    and how overdue the tasks are so case for outage can be pressed

    and/or other mitigations can be implemented.





    Apache ,


    AMO Asset Integrity management System - AMOA comprehensive and formalised Asset Integrity Managememt

    Sysytem is in the process of being rolled out.Dennis Ward 31-Dec-13


    Spare parts Stock level is none or fewer than the

    recommended quantity in many areas. E.g.: safety

    critical items like safety relief valves were not

    serviced/changed as per schedule due to lack of

    spare parts - Refer Armada Perdana records in BASS

    Revised Due





    Slippage In


    Progress Rating

    U / Department: AMO

    Recommended Action Plan Action OwnerInitial Due


    Progress Update

    (As of 29-Nov-13)O.E ID Source BU / Dept. O.E Improvement Description

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)



    QIW /



    AMOLack of or No Lesson Learned data base and


    A combined LL/COPQ database has been developed (in

    compliance with the COPQ Procedure and LL Procedure) for each

    FPSO Facility and is updated weekly during the Leadership Team

    Meeting. What is not clear is how items are actioned following

    reporting of the items - Corporate Quality to communicate an

    effective framework for this (is it Cintellate?). Discussions andtraining to be provided by Corporate Quality.

    Response from Corp QA

    Cintelalte has LL / COPQ module with action tracking ( if

    required). Corpoarate HSEQ provided two session trainings to

    advance users of all BU, another training session would be

    provided for those not attended.

    AMO should start use cintellate data base for capturing LL and

    communicate to action parties.

    Awaiting training for Cintellate. AMO TBA

    5 QIW AMOEfficient and reliable CMMS Database? development

    from project phase

    Internal deliverables from project/engineering - action should be

    for us to define the deliverables and required schedule - project

    /engineering to deliver. This will always be conflict due to timing

    of engineering documents availability.

    Will develop comprehensive list and

    the months/lead time before required

    " approved CMMS required onboard


    Dennis Ward /

    Michael Russel31-Dec-13 2

    6 QIW AMO Document Management System

    The AMO CAMS is in the process of being built into a

    comprehensive management system. The Document

    Management System (DMS) is included in this system. The new

    VISTA System will also tie in to the DMS.

    Karen Jacka 31-May-14 2

    7 BE cons AMO

    Potential improvements were identified with FPSO

    Operations that will help protect the core business

    during the current growth phase

    With the CAMS build, a number of improvements are being

    incorporated within the AMO management system, these include

    but are not limited to:

    1. Facility Hazard & Effect Registers

    2. Interview Guidelines

    3. CBTAs for all Facilities

    4. Facility Management Plans - health, waste, emergency

    5. Interface procedures, etc.

    Karen Jacka 31-Oct-14 1

    8 BE cons AMOOff-take tankers and helicopter operations are

    significant risks and need to be evaluatedIncluded in above - Hazard & Effects Register. Karen Jacka 31-Oct-14 1

    9 COPQ AMO

    Lack of thorough project's planning:

    - failure to meet requirements at project stage -

    client, statutory, regulation

    - failure to capture 'Lesson Learned' and use them

    in next project.

    A Regulatory Compliance Manager has been appointed within

    AMO to address these requirements via Regulatory Compliance

    Plans (in conjunction with Projects).

    The RC Manager will however need to be informed by other

    bussinees/suport units what projects are on the go and this

    requires close working between the BAB support units.

    Lessons Learned are being formally captured and have been

    communicated - e.g. D1 LL for C7.

    Karen Jacka On-going 2

    2 6 0 0

    OE Total Improvements / Gaps: 10

    OE Recommendation: 11

    OE Recommendation closed: 0

    Planned Progress ( till current Month): 9%

    Actual Progress: 18%

    This will be captured in the new Health Management Plans.

    Apache is the Duty Holder in Austratlia and thus their Health

    Managememnt System will be adopted. Karen Jacka has had

    discussions with Colin Know with regards this.

    Andrew Gill 31-Mar-14Not started.10AUD-OBS

    (Apache)AMO / HR

    BAB only carry out pre-employment health checksthey do not have a continuous system for monitoring

    the health of their personnel.

    BAB does not identify those situations where

    employee health surveillance is required and the

    implementation of appropriate systems to monitor

    the health personnel. This is a requirements of

    OHSAS 18001 and NZS/AS 4801

    And would be expected to be in place when working

    in Australia.

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    a Berhad Private and Confidentialction Register

    r: Eric Cheong

    Person: Jonathan


    (Started 25%)


    (In progress



    (In progress





    Review SOP - Vendors Criticality assessment to be

    revisitedJonathan 1-Aug-13 3

    Establish Communication / action taken

    subsequent improvement process by vendor based

    on Performance evaluation

    Jonathan 1-Aug-13 3

    Ops / project should initiate the evaluation

    process. Feedback of the evaluation report issued

    to Proc for further action

    Interface workshop

    & Agree - with Ops



    workshop Date

    Establish Material Master coding in SAP will

    address AVL issues - for further discussion with

    Ops/Engg/T&I/MP /OSV interface workshop for

    proper implementation

    Identify focal point for each BU /dept. and start

    issue Pre q records for assessment. E.g.: HSEQ,

    Operations, Engg, etc. as specified in SOP


    workshop -

    with all BU

    Vista can be utilized (DDM) for review and

    approval process till dedicated software identified

    and implemented.

    T&I Single source issue - Early warning to

    procurement regarding single source in order tocomply min bidders requirement also Pre Q

    potential vendor - discuss further in Interface


    Interfaceworkshop -

    with T&I

    AUD - CAR,

    EniCORP - Proc

    Critically rating not fully implemented to all vendors

    Critically rating selectively used depending on technicality

    and values of the items

    Criticality Rating shall be specified in PR and

    procurement will ensure that captured in PO.

    AUD-NCR CORP - ProcLengthy & Delayed Procurement process in Nigeria


    Procurement process is took over by BAB from

    Century to improve the Nigeria procurement

    activity - Verify


    workshop -

    with AMO/OSV

    Interface with Engg / T&I / AMO / OSV workshop


    workshop -

    with all BU

    Establishing Material Master coding in SAP may

    resolve this issue - same as item no 2

    Need to verify?

    rtment : PROCUREMENT

    Source BU / Dept. O.E Improvement Description

    AUD - CAR,

    Eni, QIWCORP - Proc

    Pre-Q not carried out as per procedure

    No complete involvement from other dept.

    1.Engineering and FPSO Operations were not involved or

    seldom involved in Pre Qualification Process

    2.Inadequate Team to perform this task - Closed

    3.No Comprehensive vendor list - Equipment

    manufacturer or service providers with qualified ranges

    and products/service - Material Master

    4. Ops was not involved in FPSO Projects approved

    vendor list selection or shortlisting process.

    5. Both bidding / PO and prequalification happen

    simultaneously and delay bidding / PO process

    QIW CORP - Proc

    Lack of information in PR while raise in SAP by requester

    (Engg & Business group) which may result inadequate

    PO description and discrepancy in later stage of project


    Revised Due





    Slippage In


    Progress Rating

    QIW CORP - Proc

    Engineering and other potential discipline personnel's are

    not involved in un priced PO content review before

    awarding which is essential to ensure all required details

    and contents are captured in PO.

    Presently Procurement and Contracts only involved in

    this process.

    Action OwnerInitial Due


    AUD - CAR,

    Eni, QIWCORP - Proc

    Vendors Performance Evaluation:

    1. Vendor performance & evaluation and vendor

    performance report generation, Communication to

    vendors, Improvement action Tracking.

    2. OPS was not involved in performance evaluation of

    vendors - e.g.: end of first year's operation (initial

    performance evaluation)

    Recommended Action Plan Progress Update

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  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    a Berhad Private and Confidential


    (Started 25%)


    (In progress



    (In progress





    Source BU / Dept. O.E Improvement DescriptionRevised Due





    Slippage In


    Progress Rating

    Action OwnerInitial Due


    Recommended Action Plan Progress Update

    QIW CORP - Proc


    variations occur due to lack of P.O specifications, etc. Rootcause? Do we need to ensure improved PO / contractspackages? & attachments?

    Purchase order / Request standard template to be

    developed. List of standard documents list to be

    identified- Need to further discussion with

    Interface workshop - Engg


    workshop with


    QIW CORP - Proc

    Expediting of following items needs improved -

    Engineering Deliverables, Product delivery, Logistics,

    Comm & Ops spare delivery, Inspection, progress, final

    documents and etc.

    Expediting resources being expanded - incl

    Manager - Close liaise with package engineer


    (Apache) CORP - Proc

    Project Personnel and Other relevant personnel's do not

    received copies of un-priced Purchase Orders. Need to verify with Gary-project QA?


    (Apache)CORP - Proc

    Ina equate invo vement o project personne i e Ops,

    HSE in:

    Development or approval of PO Bid List

    RFQ Review or RFQ approval

    Quality/Technical Bid Evaluations

    Bid Clarification Meetings (BCM)

    Review/sign off of PO documentation prior to issue

    Criticality Level (that is, the level of BAB Vendor

    Inspections) not included in PO documentation

    Proper DDM to be established for each of these

    activities at commencement - To be discussed with

    PM & Maj proj -


    workshop with

    Major Projects

    BAE -OE CORP - Proc

    Improve Procurement & Tender committee process -

    due to delay between TBE completion to Actual awards

    affects vendor info required for design & drawing activity.

    (late vendor info = late design)

    Raise major gap items with Senior managementthrough gap analysis workshop for OE. Including

    this item.

    BAE -OE CORP - Proc

    MOC process should be applied to procurement changes

    initiated by Vendor as it greatly affects Project schedule

    and cost. Procurement MOC? Vendor deviation process?

    discuss during interface workshop

    BAE -OE CORP - ProcProviding Priced PO for lead design Engineers to better

    control costs.

    discuss during interface workshop, master coding

    may help

    BAE -OE CORP - ProcEngineering and Procurement interface workshop session

    to be arranged to better align dept. processesas above

    T&I - OE CORP - Proc

    Develop frame agreement with critical sub-contractor for

    trainings and operational consumables (PPE, lubes,

    rigging etc.) improving procurement efficiency

    preparing / also possible service order Jonathan

    T&I - OE CORP - ProcOperate logistic supporting bases in Caspian sea and Far

    East Asiastarted Astrakhan - Lukoil,

    NCR CORP - Proc TGT 1 BDV & SDV valve failures? EnFlow & Ringo Valves. ongoing

    AUD - CAR,Apache

    CORP - ProcApache Audit Findings - Lack of QA/QC involvement inthe Procurement process until after P.O. award.

    as above

    AUD - CAR,

    ApacheCORP - Proc

    Apache Audit Findings - QA/QC Manager not received

    copies of un-priced Purchase Orders.as above

    AUD - CAR,

    ApacheCORP - Proc Apache Audit Findings - Category I and II Vendors and P.O.s to

    Apache - Not Issuedas above

    QIW CORP - Proc KPI's - E.g.: RFQ to Award, Etc. re-visit KPIs and decide applicable

    AMO - 1 buyer, T&I 2 buyers,1 PM, 2 matlcoordinators, Projects- sourcing Proc mgr, OSV - 1

    buyer and admin

    Page 14 of 29

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    a Berhad Private and Confidential


    (Started 25%)


    (In progress



    (In progress





    Source BU / Dept. O.E Improvement DescriptionRevised Due





    Slippage In


    Progress Rating

    Action OwnerInitial Due


    Recommended Action Plan Progress Update

    Logistic dept., KL based,

    Procurement SOPs to be revisited,

    Materials management - Equipment preservation

    SOP0 0 0 0

    OE Total Improvements / Gaps: 22

    OE Recommendation: 23

    OE Recommendation closed: 0

    Planned Progress ( till current Month): 9%

    Actual Progress: 0%

    Other's CORP - Proc Any other planned improvements from Procurement?

    Page 15 of 29

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    a Berhad Private and Confidentialction Register


    Person : Thayalan


    (Started 25%)


    (In progress



    (In progress





    AUD - CAR

    / BE ConsCORP - HSE

    HSE Management system document gaps -

    1) an effective management system framework

    exists across the business but is not consistently

    applied across all Business Units (BUs) - Policies

    Realignment and review of HSE SOP'sand reports

    after Cintellate Launch - Integrated Management

    System deployment

    Thayalan Dec-13

    AUD - CAR

    & CRM / BE



    Crisis Management System

    BABs emergency response capability needs to be

    reviewed and owned at a corporate level

    Policy and Crisis management standard being

    developed, aligned to ISO 22301.Michael Sep-13 2

    Audit HSE

    HSE Continual improvement process like corrective,

    preventive action register, LL register not verifiable

    QA-MM-9630Verify through cintellate once rolled out Thayalan Dec-13

    Audit HSESenior management Site Visit Report system not

    demonstrable HSE-IANP-9604 Close - Andy has reports Verify - Raja

    Audit HSE

    Emergency response drill records and effectiveness

    report not verifiable HSE-EPR-9632 Verify - building Drill reports Verify - Raja

    Audit HSE

    Implementation of ACT and positive observation

    card for FPSO operation not verifiable HSE-HOS-

    9640Verify through cintellate once rolled out Thayalan Dec-13

    Audit HSECategorization. trend analysis of HSE incidents and

    accidents sighted QA-MM-9630 Verify through cintellate once rolled out Thayalan Dec-13

    Audit HSEHSE training records and plan for employees not

    verifiable.New HSE Training Coordinator joining in July end tocover corporate personnel's

    Thayalan 31-Jul-134

    BE cons HSE Policies - Identify & consolidate Discussion on policies between HSSEQ group Raja to arrange Jul-134

    OE HSE Document Management System - Vessels & Office Document Management Alignment- apparent overlapwith BASS- to stud and assess with I.T dept.

    Thayalan Aug-13

    OE Env PWC greenhouse gas inventory, in cintellate Thayalan / Arduni Oct-134

    OE Env2013-2015 detailed action plan to improve carbonemissions targets based on 14064

    Raja-Verify Done 4

    OE Env ABS to revisit corp env management framework, gapassessment, detailed action plan.

    Thayalan / Arduni Dec-13

    OE EnvBV / PWC to help develop corp Env manual inc energy


    Thayalan / Arduni Dec-13

    OE HSESafety Corporate campaigns: Dropped Objects; slip,trip and falls; etc Thayalan Q4 2013

    OE HSE Global Safety Awareness Program Plus PAP Thayalan Q2 2014

    OE HSE Corporate Induction and Training Plan Thayalan Q4 2013 72

    OE HSE Corporate reward and Recognition Program Thayalan Q4 2013

    0 0 0 4 4

    OE Total Improvements / Gaps: 12

    OE Recommendation: 18

    OE Recommendation closed: 1

    Planned Progress ( till current Month): 33%Actual Progress: 6%




    Slippage In


    Progress Rating

    tment : HSSE

    Source BU / Dept. O.E Improvement Description

    HSE- Other Improvement plans

    Action OwnerInitial Due


    Revised Due


    Environment - Other Improvement plans

    Recommended Action Plan Progress Update

    Page 16 of 29

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    O.E Action Register

    O.E Owner: Cameron

    O.E Focal Person: Raja


    WorkshopCORP - QUA

    Detailed Quality Management Organisation

    improvements - New Organisation Structure Major

    projects / Quality Managemnt Group


    WorkshopCORP - QUA

    Detailed Quality Management Organisation

    improvements - reporting system not working with

    current matrix organisation.


    WorkshopCORP - QUA

    PQM / BU QM reporting systems must be properly

    complied with.


    WorkshopCORP - QUA

    COPQ must get 3 rd party audit by end 2013



    WorkshopCORP - QUA OE must get 3 rd party audit by end 2013 latest.


    WorkshopCORP - QUA COPQ awareness training currently ongoing.


    WorkshopCORP - QUA O.E Awareness program currently ongoing.


    WorkshopCORP - QUA

    OE standards SOP reconciliation agree with each

    BU one session to arrange and agree who

    Prepares OE standards.


    WorkshopCORP - QUA Inputs for HSEQ IMS (OE actions)

    10 O.EWorkshop

    CORP - QUA OE Standards Development.


    WorkshopCORP - QUA NCR and QA Bulletin sharing system.

    12 COPQ Maj Proj - D1Additional D1 turret refurbishment work (beyond


    BU / Department :Quality Management / Audit & Compliance

    O.E ID Source BU / Dept. O.E Improvement Description

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    New positions to be included in the organisation -

    Kraken PQM, Apache PQM, technical clerk.

    Matrix organisation to be rectified.

    NCR to be issued for noncompliance of not

    complying to proper reporting system.

    Proposed to use E&Y as 3rd party auditor for

    COPQ. To get quotation from them.

    Proposed to use E&Y as 3rd party auditor for OE.

    To get quotation from them.

    Corp Quality to coordinate and facilitate

    sessions.Corp Quality to coordinate and facilitate


    One session for OE standards SOP to be

    arranged so to get agreement with each BU and

    decide who will be preparing the standards.

    OE workshops to be conducted for all relevant

    depts to consolidate gaps and action summaries.

    Responsibility in preparing OE Standards to bediscussed and decided.Development of the system to be done with

    input from other depts and BUs.

    Recommended Action Plan Progress Update

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    OE Total Improvements / Gaps: 12

    OE Recommendation: 12

    OE Recommendation closed: 0

    Planned Progress ( till current Month): 58%

    Actual Progress: 0%

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)



    (Started 25%)

    Jesse / Cameron Aug-133

    Jesse / Cameron Aug-133

    Raja / BU QA

    manager Jul-134

    TBA Nov-13

    TBA Nov-13

    Sudesh Dec-13

    Sudesh Dec-13

    Cameron / Raja Aug-13


    Raja / Napisah Sep-132

    Cameron / Raja Dec-13

    Raja / Napisah Aug-13 3

    QA/QC team Aug-13 3

    Revised Due





    Slippage In


    Action OwnerInitial Due


  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)



  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)



    (In progress



    (In progress






    fr Majproj

    Progress Rating

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    O.E Action Register

    O.E Owner: Dept / BU Head

    O.E Focal Person: Refer Action Owner





    (In progress



    (In progress


    1.) Summarise all clarifications and finalise

    promptly with vendors - EngineeringEngineering - Razali

    2.) Set C7 as priority test case - Identify the lead

    time required for Quotation received to TBE

    Completion - Engineering

    Engineering - Razali

    3) Set C7 as priority test case - Identify the lead

    time required for TBE to Award - Procurement

    Procurement -


    4) 1-2 week - Leads to plan dates set timeframe

    for TBE completion & Procurement to complete

    award in reasonable time

    Engineering - Razali

    / Procurement -


    5) MRs to capture changes to go with P.O -avoid

    late changes - EngineeringEngineering - Razali

    Prepare recommendations to TC from group Finance / Corp

    Nomination of represntatives in the absence of TC

    membersFinance / Corp

    Revise LOA - in progress. Finance / Corp

    Enforce Distribution for Vendor deviations to

    include Ops, Eng, Proc, Commercial.

    Procurement -

    Jonnathan / Shafiq

    (MOC) Re-visit Vendor deviation form QA/QC - Raja

    establish DC DDM auto distribution Project DC

    Providing Priced PO for lead design Engineers to better

    control costs.

    Package manager to be included in distribution of

    priced P.Os

    Procurement/DC -

    Jonnathan / Shafiq

    Engineering and Procurement interface workshop

    session to be arranged to better align dept. processesto be arranged Razali / Jonnathan

    Realistic Engineering Schedule - Engineering to be

    invloved / provide input to schedule at kick off/ during

    Project initial scheduling (min time required for

    desi n and detai l en ineer in .

    Earlier consultation from planning - discuss and

    agree with planningRazali/Azmi/Ben

    2 COPQ BAE / Maj Proj -D1

    Late Material spec / Sizing Changes

    after Award or fabrication:

    Addition / Deletion of control Valves,

    Revision of Valve sizes and Trim Materials

    Additional (new requirement) SS316L

    material and machining works, to provideflange bearing (new requirement).

    9 no's chain stopper and work carry out with


    Changes in Piping Material & requirements of

    Revised P&ID's

    MWAJ material Change

    Combined Materials (Metallurgist)/Corrosion /

    Welding/NDT/ and Coating Engineer? (To add to

    Project org (KL based) covering all projects).

    Mini workshop - to review and agree process andaction parties


    Avoid any such interfaces with sub-sea - leave it with

    1 contractor PM/Eric/Elias

    Establish clear contracting /execution strategy prior to


    4 COPQ Maj Proj - TGT

    Incomplete mechanical completion and

    turnover - Man Power required for M30/M80

    integration on board FPSO after module load

    out, Heating Coil Repair work at offshore

    Free issue items must be delivered on time to


    5 COPQ AMO

    - no material controller causing material

    went missing at project stage

    - heat coil not changed causing them to be

    changed during operation. Proper study has

    to be conducted to assess their condition

    before accepting.

    For material receiving in the first stage is a project

    responsibility not AMO. Following this the AMO

    storekeeper does the MROB and inputs into CMMS

    which is happening. For heating coils it is clear from

    AMO that all heatings coils are to be renewed during

    the project phase.

    Projects TBA

    6 COPQ AMO

    Improper maintenance / low quality product


    - repeat order of same equipment in SAP

    - lack of spare management

    - many pending maintenance jobs in BASS

    Purchasing/QA-QC policy with QA and procurement

    department for action plan.

    There is a spares management system in Bassnet and

    if populated and used properly provides for adequate

    spares management. Pending jobs are a planning

    issue as per previous.

    Procurement TBA

    7 LL AMO

    Inadequate spec during new-build:

    - installation of heat sensitive equipment

    (i.e. air compressor, PLC panels) in the ER

    causing them to malfunction.

    - inappropriate installation of crowcon gas

    detector. allowing water ingress to damage


    - installation of drain line not considering

    the vessels trim during operation.

    - fire ring main valves of wrong spec - placement of the crane to ensure that it

    can lift the engine

    - WHRU not installed

    - improper painting job done causing paint


    All the items in this list are eng/projects not AMO as

    such. Installing of such equipment is a No No and has

    been advised many times by AMO and will be included

    in the min guidelines that we will ask the CEO to sign

    off on. Poor quality gas detectors and poor installation

    is a project responsibility but will also be included in

    the AMO Minimum Design Guidelines. Installation of

    drain lines is a project responsibility again AMOignored in this respect. Fire water ring main valves

    wrong spec is a purchasing and project issue will try

    to include something on this in the AMO minimum

    design guidelines. Location of crane to lift engines?

    Believe it or not crane in fact is not situated to lift the

    gas turbine engines and nor should it be.

    Engineering /



    8 QIW - ProcAMO / Maj Proj /


    Lack of maintenance spares and tools that

    seriously affects reliability and availability of

    FPSO operations due to

    1.) Lack of budget (Capex - 2 years spares

    and open budget after two years operation)

    2.) Delays in procurement process (due to JV


    3.) Final approved 2 years spares list not

    provided to Ops before procurement to

    confirm initial Ops recommended spares is

    being ordered.

    Procurement/Finance process issues.

    Lack of budget is a project management issue.

    Nothing AIMS can do to help here.



    9 NCR Maj Proj - TGT /

    QA / Proc

    Poor Pipe Fittings and Pipes supplied byvendors and Keppel - approx 200 fittings

    supplied by Chinese manufacturer rejected

    due to cracks and other failures after


    Purchasing - Keppel controls need enforced & better

    receiving inspectionEric/Qa/QC


    CSR-Eni /

    HLJOC /




    Lack of Accuracy and completeness of

    records & reports, submittals & other

    deliverables / documentation

    Quality of design & drawings

    lack of As built Drawingsfor Ops- Check with ops? Are

    As-built P&IDs complete and on board? (native files)

    Perdana Perkasa, TGT, D1

    mini-workshop to discuss As built SOP and agree

    necessary changes, actions. Vendor as-built dwgs-

    should be part of process-Vendor coordination


    Razali / AMO 1-Aug-13 3

    Standards and codes must be made available to all. Engineering

    Distribute index of standards and codes to all

    engineers and PMT / QA/QCEngineering

    Subscription needed for full access to codes and


    Standards and codes must be made available Engineering

    Distribute index of standards and codes to all

    engineers and PMT / QA/QCEngineering

    Subscription needed for full access to codes and


    Recommended Action Plan

    MOC process should be applied to procurement

    changes initiated by Vendor as it greatly affects

    Project schedule and cost. Procurement MOC? Vendor

    deviation process?



    In Months

    BU / Department: Interface - BAE / Major Projects / AMO / T&I / Procurement / Contracts

    1QIW, AUD,


    BAE - TGT


    Late Design / Drawing Changes after

    Award or fabrication: Structural / Piping

    / E&I / Layout drawing revisions,


    Additional of Corrosion Inhib itor system.

    LV Switchgear Modification Work Including


    Additional 2 pressure relief valves for FW


    Fabrication and supply of slug catcher pipe

    system - Additional work due to design

    change based on quote ref : JN983-VO1-


    Piping spool modification after fabrication &

    Installation - ref COPQ dynamac SI report &

    KSL SI Report - approx 200 Over spools

    Armada TGT requested that Sofec provides

    one each spare pump and one each spare

    electric motor for the HPU

    Additional Cable for LAN/Telephone/TV


    Late Design change after Award - 249

    Surplus Manual valves procured

    O.E ID Source BU / Dept. O.E Improvement Description




    Progress Update

    11 O.E Maj Proj / Engg Other Improvements

    Delay between TBE completion and Actual awardsaffects vendor info required for design & drawing

    activity. (late vendor info = late design)

    Slow Tender committee approval process

    Progress Rating


    To circulate proposed standrads access system to

    each BU head for comment/input.

    Interface actions Action OwnerInitial Due


    Revised Due


    3 COPQ Maj Proj - TGT

    Scope Change after Award of PO / Contract -

    Cancellation Charges of Mid Water ArchJacket

    12 O.E Maj Proj / Engg Other Improvements

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    13AUD - CAR, Eni,

    QIWCORP - Proc

    Vendors Performance Evaluation:

    1. Vendor performance & evaluation and

    vendor performance report generation,

    Communication to vendors, Improvement

    action Tracking.

    2. OPS was not involved in performance

    evaluation of vendors - e.g.: end of first

    year's operation (initial performance


    Ops / project should initiate the evaluation process.

    Feedback of the evaluation report issued to Proc for

    further action

    Ops loss report and incident reports to be fed into

    evaluation process - discuss the process - mini


    AMO / Procurement

    Establish Material Master coding in SAP will address

    AVL issues - for further discussion with

    Ops/Engg/T&I/MP /OSV interface workshop for proper


    to discuss further - future workshopprocurement / AMO

    / BAE

    Identify focal point for each BU /dept. and start issue

    Pre q records for assessment. E.g.: HSEQ, Operations,

    Engg, etc. as specified in SOP

    DDM to be established by procurement - get

    names of focal points and start process.Procurement

    Interface with Engg / T&I / AMO / OSV workshop

    Establishing Material Master coding in SAP may

    resolve this issue - same as item no 2

    16 QIW CORP - Proc


    contract variations occur due to lack of P.Oattachment SOPs and specifications, etc. Weneed to ensure improved PO / contracts

    packages? & attachments?

    Purchase order / Request standard template to be

    developed. List of standard documents list to be

    identified- Need to further discussion with Interface

    workshop - Engg

    Mini workshop - to review and agree process and

    action parties

    procurement / AMO

    / BAE / Projects

    0 0 0

    Note: A mini workshop to be arra nged between Procurement, AMO, BAE and Projects to discuss following issues in detail OE Total Improvements / Gaps: 16

    1. Vendors / Contractors Evaluation process - AMO - Operations feedback on Vendors equipments performance OE Recommendation: 28

    2. Combined Materials (Metallurgist)/Corrosion / Welding/NDT/ and Coating Engineer? (To add to Project org (KL based) covering all projects). OE Recommendation closed: 0

    3. Establish Material Master by Procurement, BAE, AMO Planned Progress ( till current Month): 7%

    4. Purchase order / Request standard template to be developed. List of standard documents list to be identified- Proc & BAE Actual Progress: 0%

    15 QIW CORP - Proc

    Lack of information in PR while raise in SAP

    by requester (Engg & Business group) which

    may result inadequate PO description and

    discrepancy in later stage of project


    14AUD - CAR, Eni,QIW

    CORP - Proc

    Pre-Q not carried out as per procedure

    No input from other dept. (Ops e.g.)

    1.Engineering and FPSO Operations were not

    involved or seldom involved in Pre

    Qualification Process

    2.Inadequate Team to perform this task -


    3.No Comprehensive vendor list - Equipmentmanufacturer or service providers with

    qualified ranges and products/service -

    Material Master

    4. Ops was not involved in FPSO Projects

    approved vendor l ist selection or shortlisting


    5. Both bidding / PO and prequalification

    happen simultaneously and delay bidding /

    PO process

    BAE / Procurement interface workshop

  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)





  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)



  • 8/12/2019 OE Register -Updated as of 27-Dec-13 (4)


    O.E Action Register

    O.E Owner: Grace

    O.E Focal Person: Vishnu


    (Started 25%)


    (In progress



    (In progress






    BrandCommunications & CSR

    Brand equity evaluation To appoint an agency to conduct evaluationWe have obtained quotation, but managementdecided to KIV.

    Grace On going 2


    BrandCommunications & CSR

    Brand - brand awarenessRegular brand refreshers for all BA dept.,Induction,Communications channels

    Have provided refresher course for Admin,T&I, Treasury.

    Susanah On going 2


    BrandCommunications & CSR

    Brand - brand guidelines (framing, advertising, corporatematerials)

    Establishing brand guidelinesDevelop brand portfolio for reference Ongoing Susanah Q1 2014


    BrandCommunications & CSR

    Getting a plaque maker who meets our requirement To find the right supplier Still sourcing Ying Hui Q4 2013


    BrandCommunications & CSR

    Media contactsPay/research global media landscapeEstablish contact in key markets

    Explore with Meltwaters on what the could

    provideExploring with other channels for medialandscape.Osaretin working on Nigeria's medialandscape

    Kuan Q4 2013


    BrandCommunications & CSR

    Crisis management - full team resources to respond in theevent of a cri sis (currently only two team members trained)

    Train the other team members

    Participating in regular simulation and drillsconducted by HSEQUnderstand the facilities in the EmergencyCommand Room, L23

    Grace Q4 2013



    s & CSR

    CSR awareness Develop a rollout programme and activitiesTo further discuss with HSE and Training forintegrated programme

    Vishnu On going 2


    BrandCommunications & CSR

    CSR - obtaining information from offices on CSR activitydetails

    To set up a system to obtain information on detailedinformation such as beneficiaries' information

    System set up done, to be sent out to office inOct.

    Vishnu Q4 2013


    BrandCommunications & CSR

    CSR - obtaining information on video conferencingTo set up a system to obtain information on no of user,location of the call to analyse travel time and carbonfootprint

    To study the data received and discussfurther with IT and Admin.

    Vishnu Q4 2013

    0 6 0 0

    OE Total Improvements / Gaps: 9

    OE Recommendation: 9

    OE Recommendation closed: 0

    Planned Progress ( till current Month): 0%

    Actual Progress: 17%

    BU / Department: Brand Communications & CSR

    O.E ID Source BU / Dept. O.E Improvement Description Revised DueDate




    SlippageIn Months

    Progress Rating

    Recommended Action Plan Progress Update(As of 21-Oct-13)

    Action Owner Initial Due Date

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