october newsletter - amazon s3peace lutheran church 8240 blue ridge kansas city, mo 64138 october...

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Peace Lutheran Church 8240 Blue Ridge Kansas City, MO 64138

October Newsletter

Sunday Worship Services

Traditional 8:30 a.m. Adult and Children Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Contemporary 11:00 a.m.


October 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


2 10:00 am Blended Service 12:00 pm Confirmation Class

LWML Sunday

3 9:30 am Sewing Bee 6:30 pm Board of Worship & Music

4 10:00 am Knit/Crochet 6:30 pm GIP Board Mtg.

5 9:00 am GIP Chapel 6:30 pm Adult Bible Study 7:30 pm Church Council

6 9:30 am John Knox 6:30 pm Choir Practice 6:30 pm Financial Peace

7 Pastor’s day with family


9 8:30 am Traditional 11:00 am Contemporary 12:00 pm Youth Meeting

Food For Needy

10 9:30 am Sewing Bee

11 10:00 am Knit/Crochet

12 9:00 am GIP Chapel 1:30 pm Lydia Circle 6:30 pm Adult Bible Study

13 9:30 am John Knox 6:30 pm Choir Practice 6:30 pm Financial Peace

14 Pastor’s day with family


16 8:30 am Traditional 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Contemporary 12:00 pm Confirmation Class

17 9:30 am Sewing Bee

18 10:00 am Knit/Crochet 6:00 pm LWML Ex Board

19 9:00 am GIP Chapel 6:30 pm Adult Bible Study

20 9:30 am Pastors Conference 6:30 pm Choir Practice

21 Pastor’s day with family


23 8:30 am Traditional 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Contemporary

Mite Box Sunday

24 9:30 am Sewing Bee

25 10:00 am Knit/Crochet 7:00 pm Elders Mtg. 9:30 Topic Leader

26 9:00 am GIP Chapel 9:30 am Book Club 6:30 pm Adult Bible Study

27 9:30 am John Knox 6:30 pm Choir Practice

38 Pastors day with family


30 8:30 am Traditional 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Contemporary

31 9:30 am Sewing Bee 5:00 pm Trunk or Treat


Love Your Enemies

The Word of the Lord came to Jonah many years ago telling him to call out the evil that was being done in Nineveh, a wicked city. Jonah, however, chose to flee from the Lord. Many have speculated and thought of reasons why he would do this, and we get a good indication near the end of the book. He said, “I knew that you are a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and relenting from disaster.” (Jonah 4:2) Jonah did not want the wicked people of

Nineveh to be saved. Instead he was hoping the Lord would destroy the city and the people. The people of Nineveh repented and the Lord saved them, just like Jonah knew the Lord would do. Sometimes I think we act too much like Jonah at times. We wish that God would hurt or destroy our enemies. For some, the enemy is someone of a different religion in the MiddleEast. For others the enemy could be another political party or enforcement officer of the United States. Some even have enemies within their own family. No matter how close we are to our enemies or how distant they can be, God has called us to pray for them and to love them. Jesus commanded us saying, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:44) This is not an easy thing to do. Even a great prophet like Jonah struggled with this same thing. When we are able to recognize our failure to pray for and love our enemies, no matter who they might be, it is comforting to know that we can then flee to the infinite mercy of God through His Son, Jesus. We can flee to the cross of Christ where we, like Jonah, know that the Lord will be gracious and merciful to us. God forgives us our sins because of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. And now that we are forgiven in Christ, we need to stop sinning and obey the commands of our Lord. We must pray for and love our enemies, regardless of how difficult it may be. In the service of Christ, Pastor Rolf


Peace Luther Church Peace Lutheran Church 8240 Blue Ridge Kansas City, MO 64138 peacelutheranlcms.org Phone: 816-353-3813 Pastor: Rev. David Rolf Music Director Luke Nicolay Secretary: Debbie Baldwin Director of Grow in Peace Child Care Center: Carla Hamilton Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Bulletin and Newsletter Items: Send bulletin items by Wednesday to the Church Office at peacelutheranlcms@att.net

Send Newsletter items by the 15th of the preceding month to Sheila Dalen email sheiladalen6@gmail.com

Prayer Chain Requests: Sheila Dalen at: sheiladalen6@gmail.com or 816-585-7715 You can also contact the Church office at: peacelutheranlcms@att.net

Wednesday Evening Bible Study

Come join our Adult Bible Study led by Pastor Rolf.

We meet in the Fellowship Hall every Wednesday evening at

6:30 PM. Currently we are studying the Book of Romans. This

book was composed by the Apostle Paul to explain that

salvation is offered through the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the longest of

the Paul Epistles and is considered his "most important theological



Rehearsals will be every Thursday starting at 6:30 p.m.in the Fellowship Hall. If you love to sing, please join us on Thursday evenings. Our new Director of Music, Luke is ready to start the next phase of enhancing our worship service.

LWML Celebration on Sunday October 2

Based on Psalm 66.5 and John 1:35-51, the theme chosen for LWML Sunday 2016 is “Come and See”. LWML Sunday is celebrated annually in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) churches. Come celebrate LWML Sunday on October 2, 2016. Joint Service at 10:00 AM. Watch for more information about the LWML and becoming involved in reaching others with the love of our Lord, Jesus Christ.


LWML (Lutheran Women Mission League) The topic for October 2016 Circle Meetings is in the Fall Quarterly on page 16, entitled “Joy in all

Circumstances” authored by Betty Marschner. The dictionary defines “Joy” as gladness, delight, and exhilaration. Each

one pertains to some event happening in our lives. We will be looking at some passages in the Bible that speak of the

source of Joy.

Roll call word is “Joy or Happiness.”

Alpha Circle will meet Monday, October 3, 2016 at the home of Connie Shepherd with Cindy McCubbin as her co-

hostess. Ruth Brackman will lead the topic. Acolyte robes will be checked by Dorily Miller for laundering or mending

needs. For more information please call the President of Alpha Circle, Wanda Thurnau at 816-524-8099

Lydia Circle will meet the second Wednesday, October 12, 2016 at 1:30 pm in the Church Fellowship Hall. Norma

Derringer will host the meeting. Lois Gilham will lead the topic. For more information, please call the President of Lydia

Circle, Kathleen Jarvis at 816-763-2894.

+++++ +++++

LWML – Women Joyfully Serve the Lord

“Let them that love thy name be joyful in thee.” (Psalm 5:11). The Psalmist, David expresses here beautifully what the

love of Christ should mean to us. His love should abound in everything we say, do or think. His love in us should shine

forth so brightly that it would reflect in our actions toward others.

“Walk in love as Christ also has loved us” (Ephesians 5:2). Christ would have us go about our daily living expending our

love for others just as He so freely gave His love to us.

“My love be with you in Christ Jesus” (Corinthians 16:24) is the benediction of St. Paul to the Corinthians. What peace

of mind these words bring to all who hear them and what a proper affection they show for God’s people toward one


“Let us love one another” (1 John 4:7). Let our love for our Savior enables us to live and love as He has taught us. Our

love should go out to the people next door, to the stranger across town and the unchurched beyond the oceans.


Sisters in Christ – The fall issue of “The Lutheran Witness” is featuring women in the service of how God accomplished

His purpose through these faithful women.

1. Mary – Mother of Jesus – In her simple surrender, “Let it be to me according to Your word” (Luke 1:38), Mary embodies in the most concrete way the very essence of true faith. She humbly receives all that comes upon her as the good gift of God.

2. Perpeutua – Martyr of North Africa – She was a young 22-year old woman of noble birth, married with an infant son, imprisoned for studying the Catechism, knowing that she would face martyrdom in the arena. Her Christian identity was not a matter of choice. God made her a Christian and she bore a Christian name.

3. Macrina – Sister, Mentor and Servant – Macrina was a first born child of the most significant Christian family in ancient Cappadocia (Modern day Turkey). Three of her brothers became highly influential bishops of the church, yet as important as her brothers were, Macrina arguably surpassed them all. She was a compassionate servant in the community. Following the death of her finance and her father, Macrina cared for her mother and convinced her to turn their vast estate into a house of hospitality. They took in slaves, taught women, cared for


the sick and fed the poor. Macrina cared for many after finding them prostrate along the highway at the moment of starvation and she led them to the pure and incorruptible life.

4. Rosa J. Young – She was instrumental in founding and promoting 30 Lutheran Elementary Schools and 35 Lutheran Congregations in Alabama’s “Black Belt”. But her legacy isn’t confined only to Alabama. Her students went on to become LCMS teachers and pastors, serving schools and congregations around the

country. Rosa’s example of how women can serve the church set the bar high. With persistence, patience and an

unwavering trust in our Lord she touched the lives of many people through several generations.

+++++ +++++ +++

Grants – God’s love was expressed ever so beautifully as members of our LWML recently voted the following grants to

be distributed as follows:

1. Newhouse – Safe haven for women and children leaving domestic violence situation - $500.00 2. Mother’s Refuge – Residential home for pregnant young women and babies - $500.00 3. Lutheran High School Auxiliary – providing $2,000.00 a year in tuition assistance for 4 students - $500.00 4. Concordia Seminary Guild – offering service and support to young men studying for the ministry at St. Louis

seminary - $500.00 ++++++++++

The group granted $200.00 to purchase devotional bibles for women at Newhouse.

+++++ +++++

Halloween candy would be greatly appreciated for residents at Beautiful Savior Home. Please mark the candy for BSH

and put in the kitchen by October 30.

The Kansas City South Zone Fall Rally will be held October 25th at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Raymore. More

information is on the bulletin board in the entry and in the bulletins.

Ruth Oexman,

LWML Publicity


Book Club

An introspective and beautiful dual memoir by the #1 New York Times bestselling novelist and her daughter Sue Monk Kidd has touched millions of readers with her novels The Secret Life of Bees and The Mermaid Chair and with her acclaimed nonfiction. In this intimate dual memoir, she and her daughter, Ann, offer distinct perspectives as a fifty-something and a twenty-something, each on a quest to redefine herself and to rediscover each other. Between 1998 and 2000, Sue and Ann travel throughout Greece and France. Sue, coming

to grips with aging, caught in a creative vacuum, longing to reconnect with her grown daughter, struggles to enlarge a vision of swarming bees into a novel. Ann, just graduated from college, heartbroken and benumbed by the classic question about what to do with her life, grapples with a painful depression. As this modern-day Demeter and Persephone chronicle the richly symbolic and personal meaning of an array of inspiring figures and sites, they also each give voice to that most protean of connections: the bond of mother and daughter. A wise and involving book about feminine thresholds, spiritual growth, and renewal, Traveling with Pomegranates is both a revealing self-portrait by a beloved author and her daughter, a writer in the making, and a momentous story that will resonate with women everywhere The Book Club will meet on Wednesday, October 26 at 9:30 in the Social Room.

Altar Flowers

There are many Sundays available for you to acknowledge special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or remembrances. If you would like to purchase altar flowers, please sign the flower calendar to reserve your date. Contact Cheryl Enke for options and pricing. Cell: 816-590-0189, cenke1053@comcast.net.

Religious Display

Greeting cards are available for purchase by the box or by the card. Individual cards are $0.50 and the boxed cards are $5.00 per box. Each purchase helps support our LWML.


Sewing Bee

The ladies plan to meet every Monday in October. We meet in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 a.m. Bring a sack lunch and stay into the afternoon. We would welcome other ladies to join us when they can. By mid-September we had completed 108 quilts and a number of lap robes and baby quilts.

Please save your Best Choice UPC’s. Not many have been turned in recently and they must be turned in for redemption in December. Also save “Box Tops for Education” and cancelled postage stamps (leaving a ¼ inch margin of envelope around the stamp). Containers for these are on the shelf in the Narthex.

Trunk or Treat October 31st @ 5:00 PM

Trunk or Treat will be celebrated Monday, October 31st. There will be a sign-up sheet on the board for decorating your trunk in the future. We are collecting treats now for the event. You can leave the candy in the office.

Youth Group Gets Lost in a Corn Maze

We have been having a blast in youth group growing in Christ and fellowship together! OCT. 9th at noon is when we will be meeting next and we will be going to get lost in a corn maze! Mark your calendars! Bring 5 dollars to help cover the cost of the maze and lunch. It should be aMAZEing! Contact Taylor Stichler with any questions at (541) 771-6584.

Please take a Child Care flyer to give to your neighbors, Friends, or Family. We are hoping to increase enrollment over the next few months. We are taking applications now. Peace Lutheran Church's mission is to spread the grace of God through Jesus Christ by sharing our faith, growing our faith, and living our faith. National Lutheran School Accredited since August 2013. Flyers are available on the Table in the Narthex.



St Louis Seminary Food Bank

The Food Bank provides the tremendous blessing of free foods and household items to all Seminary students

and their families. Students shop twice a month during the academic year and once a month during the

summer free of charge. A point system is utilized (according to size of the family) to determine how much

each family may receive each month. The Food Bank allows students and their families the opportunity to

stretch their resources beyond any expectations they might have had prior to the Seminary enrollment.

There will be Peace members in St. Louis at the 100 Year Celebration of the Lutheran Hour the weekend of

October 21-23. They will take food items to the Seminary’s Food Bank that are gathered the two Sundays prior

to leaving. Watch for more information in Sunday bulletins.


How Can $10 Help?

Yes, $10 can help in spreading the Gospel message! “How?” you ask. By sending in a $10 membership to the

Concordia Seminary Guild, you are joining Lutherans across the nation who are members, supporting service

and encouragement to the students at Concordia St. Louis Seminary. The Concordia Seminary Guild’s

objectives are to cultivate a deeper interest in Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and to provide items for the

campus and students which are not ordinarily furnished by the Seminary.

This organization exists solely on membership and donations. This year’s adopted service

projects will give each incoming Master of Divinity, Residential alternate Route, Deaconess

and Specific Ministry Pastor students a copy of Gerhard Forde’s book, On Being a

Theologian of the Cross: Reflections on Luther’s Heidelberg Disputation. This represents

$1,600 of this year’s budget of $21,700.

The Food Bank, the Re-Sell It Shop, Direct-to-Student Aid and International students plus other projects are

included in this year’s efforts.

If you would like to become a member of this worthy organization which in a small way helps ensure that

trained church workers will be there for future generations, p make a check to: Concordia Seminary Guild and

send to: Marie Springer, 1115 Oakleaf Cove Court, Fenton, MO 63026

A Cookie “Mini Sale”

Be sure to bring dollar bills on Sunday, Nov. 6th. A dollar will buy three home baked cookies

to help purchase new cots for Grow in Peace. The cots cost $40 each. “This small fundraiser,

a service project, qualifies for a Thrivent grant of $250. Your cookie purchases plus the grant

will help Grow in Peace immensely. Look for the cookies in the Entry Way between services.

Movie Night

LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! Friday, November 4th at 6:30, we will be having a movie

night! We will be watching a kid-friendly movie and will be serving hot dogs, pizza, and

popcorn! Bring your family and invite some friends for a night of fellowship and fun!


Can You Help?

Volunteer needed as Representative for Peace Lutheran Church as a board

member for Beautiful Savior Home.


We are taking pictures for the photo directory on all Sundays in October.

Jennifer Scrivener will be in the Front Entrance between services.

OCT 2ND, 9TH, 16TH, 23RD , & 30TH.












November 11 – 20, 2017

Hosted by Rev. Keith and Joan Loesch

This specially planned 10-day tour features a Cruise on the Rhine River beginning at Amsterdam, Holland, continuing

into Germany to Cologne and Coblenz, Speyer and Heidelberg, then through the picturesque grand Castle region of

the Rhine Gorge as far as Mainz, where Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press, and Worms, where Dr. Martin

Luther made his “Here I Stand” speech before the Emperor. This Rhine Cruise is known to be among the best and

most scenic river cruises in all of Europe.

Following the River Cruise, we will board Tour Coaches that will take us to the major sites of the Reformation: the

Wartburg Castle at Eisenach and the house where Luther lived during his student days. We will visit the Augustinian

Monastery in Erfurt where Luther was ordained into the priesthood in 1507. We will visit Eisleben, the city where

Luther was born and baptized, and where he also died in 1546. Then the climax will come as we visit the historic sites

at Wittenberg, where Luther preached, taught and carried out the Reformation of the Church.

There we will tour the Castle Church with its awe-inspiring Theses Door, the Town Church with its famous Altar

paintings by Lucas Cranach, the Lutherhaus monastery/home where Luther lived, the home of Phillip Melanchthon,

Luther’s dear friend and advisor, and the site where Luther burned the Papal Bull of Excommunication.

Additionally, it is possible that we may be able to attend an English Worship Service and have the awesome

experience of singing Luther’s hymn, “A Mighty Fortress,” in English in Luther’s church!

It is also possible for those who wish to have a two-day extension to visit Berlin, Germany’s Capitol, and Potsdam.

All Tour Arrangements are made by Educational Opportunities Tours

For the BROCHURE including Daily Itinerary, Complete Details,

Costs and Tour Reservation Form,

Contact Rev. Keith Loesch

4625 SW Soldier Drive, Lee’s Summit, MO 64082

Phone: 816-623-5909

Email: kandjloesch@comcast.net



Peace Lutheran Church Sunday Worship schedule

October 2016

October 2 October 9 October 16 October 23 October 30

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

Twenty-first Sunday after


Twenty-second Sunday

after Pentecost

Twenty-third Sunday

after Pentecost

Reformation Sunday


8:30 Divine Service One

Page 151 with Communion

Divine Service Two Page 167

Divine Service Three Page 184

with Communion

Divine Service Four Page 203

Divine Service Four Page 203

11:00 Contemporary

with Communion Contemporary

Contemporary with Communion



Ushers LWML Ladies

Stan Christopher, Mark Harms, Reed McCubbin, Homer Oexman

Elders 8:30 Gary Thurnau, Bruce Johnson, Ron Johnson, Reed McCubbin

11:00 Keith Kirchhoff, Jeff Gardner

Greeters 8:30 Cindy/Reed

McCubbin Nellie Fritz Dennis/Carol Head Jim/Ewart

11:00 Punky McDaniel Jeff/Linda Gardner Homer/Ruth Oexman

Punky McDaniel Jeff/Linda Gardner

Altar Guild 8:30 Gary/Wanda Thurnau

11:00 Linda Gardner/Kathy Jarvis

Alter Care Peggy Noah


4 Gerald Schroeter 4 Phillip Thurnau 6 Faith Okpewho 7 Steven Ledgerwood 7 Stephen Schroeter 8 Elisbeth Kluepfel 9 Kathleen Jarvis 10 Connie Shepard 10 Shirley Smith 11 Jarrod Mitchel 13 Taylor Goodman 13 Brionna Hamilton 14 Jennifer Baker 14 Clay Cooper 15 Vanessa Terrell 16 Carla Cornejo 17 Richard Cody 17 Cliff Noah 19 Al Kuegele 20 Kaen Staehling 21 JD Smith 22 Jesse Pilcher 23 Linda Gadner 23 Matthew Kuhn 23 Drily Miller 24 Cheryl Enke 25 Ryan Clay 26 Selene Tompkins 28 Amarri Lewis 30 Bob Gilham

Mike Benavides Gerald Schroeter 1 Johnna Coleman 1 Lucy Ferber 1 Kathleen Jarvis 1 Cathy Kuhn 1 Reed McCubbin 1 Cliff Noah 1 Mel Routh 1 Damian Ruth 1 Marilyn Ruth 2 Kegan Coleman 2 Ed Seutter, Jr 3 Mary Cook 3 Elias Terrell 8 Danielle McDaniel 11 Frank Kirchhoff 12 Bert Runge 13 Luke Goodman 15 Andy Brackman 17 Phillip Thurnau 23 Elliott Rice 26 Eric McCubbin 27 Macee Edmonds 28 Denise Benavides

11 Glenn/Shirley Smith 1952 27 Stephen/Vanessa Schroeter 2001



Grow in Peace Child

Care Center News




Lord Jesus,

We may not always listen to You or follow the plan

You have laid in front of us but we trust in You and

know that You love us no matter what. May we

begin listening to You with our whole hearts and

show the kind of love You have for us to others. We

are ALL Your children and through You we have

everlasting life. Thank you for your mercy. AMEN!

Welcome to Grow in Peace – New Enrollments Trenton Stigger – Infant Naomi’ Chavis - Infant

Justice Taylor – Toddler Brady Aronson – Two’s

Jase Coulter – Preschool Jersey Kilgore – Preschool

Aaliyah Goldsmith – Preschool Tatum DeHaan - Preschool

Lucy Wells - Prekindergarten Kamora Parks-Wallace – School-age

Elijah Middleton – School-age Jayla Allen – School-age

May God bless the early learning you will

receive while with us!

Upcoming Dates to Remember October 10 and 11 – Picture Day at GIP

Future Dates

November 24 & 25 – Thanksgiving Holiday (GIP CLOSED)

December 25 – Christmas Day GIP to be closed on Monday, December 26th for the Holiday January 1, 2017 – New Years Day GIP to be closed on Monday, January 2nd for the Holiday

October, 2016

816-353-3910 main (353-7826)2nd line

GIP is asking for donations of items for classroom usage: New cots for the children. Brand is Angeles Spaceline Standard cot. Cost is

about $40 each and we need close to 65 of them! That is a total of $2600.

***We would gladly accept monetary donations!

Grow in Peace can give you a tax exemption!

Donations are always welcomed and very much needed for Grow

in Peace Child Care Center!

Attention: For those who do online shopping especially

though Amazon Prime please sign up for Amazon Smile

and be sure to search and click on Peace Lutheran

Church Raytown, MO in the charitable organization tab

and each time you shop a percentage of your purchase

price returns to us as a donation!

GIP Philosophy Statement

Grow in Peace Child Care Center shall provide a safe Christian

environment with loving, experienced, and professional staff that

recognize parents have the primary responsibility in skill development

and Christian training for their children. As an outreach ministry of

Peace Lutheran Church, we strive to set an example of Christ's Love

through God's Word and assist in the spiritual, intellectual, emotional,

social and physical development of the children entrusted to our care.

“Helping children grow in wisdom and in grace.”

Open Invitation to Attend Church Services We extend to you a standing open invitation to come and

explore Peace Lutheran Church and the ministries it serves. Listed below are the times for services. If you would like more

info, please ask Ms. Carla or call the Church office at 353-3813.

Opportunities for worship and Bible Study include:

Traditional Service at 8:30am on Sunday's

Contemporary Service at 11:00am on Sunday's

Sunday Bible Study 9:45 to 10:45am on Sunday’s

Midweek Bible Study 6:00 to 7:15pm on Wednesday’s

Look for the Church on the web at www.peacelutheranlcms.org

and on facebook at

http://www.facebook.com/#!/PeaceLutheranChurchKansasCity or

visit in person during one of the service times or Bible Study times.

Peace Lutheran exists to encourage and equip Christ followers to

grow their faith, live their faith and to share their faith.

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