october 17, 2021 ~ mark 10:45

Post on 08-Apr-2022






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St. Joseph the Worker 804 S. Cleveland St., Dayton, Texas

St. Anne Mission CR 622 at FM 686, Dayton/Eastgate, Texas

Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Regular Mass Schedule

Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 10:30 a.m. Spanish 12:30 p.m.

Tuesday 5:30 p.m. Wed-Fri 8:15 a.m.

Confession is Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. or by appointment.

Regular Mass Schedule

Sundays 8:00 a.m. Confession is Sundays at

7:30 a.m. or by appointment.

Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Vigésimo Noveno Domingo en

el Tiempo Ordinario

October 17, 2021

~ Mark 10:45 ~

Parish Contact Information: PO Box 640, Dayton, TX 77535 ~ 936.258.5735 Office Email: officestjoseph@comcast.net

Fr . Peter Phong Nguyen, S .V.D. ~ Rectory (Emergency): 936.258.9499 Father’s Email: pnguyen@dobcentral.org

Secretary: Dai sy Sa l inas Director of Faith Formation: Kerri Bartee ~ drestjosephchurch@comcast.net

Please visit our Facebook page and our website at www.stjosephdaytontx.com

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for

many.” (Mark 10:45) If you held a mirror up to your life, would it reflect God’s love and mercy? If you are struggling with this, try changing your attitude from “I want more” to “thank you God for everything you have given me, I have enough to share”. This change in perspective will bring you joy through service to others. Pray daily to become less self-centered and to become more God-centered.

“El Hijo del Hombre no vino para que le sirvieran sino para servir y dar su vida para

rescatarnos” (Marcos 10:45) Si sostuviera un espejo frente a su vida, ¿reflejaría el amor y la misericordia de Dios? Si

está teniendo dificultades con eso, trate de cambiar su actitud de “quiero más” a “gracias a Dios por todo lo que me has dado, tengo suficiente para compartir”. Este cambio en perspectivas le traerá alegría a través del servicio a los demás. Ore diariamente para ser menos egoísta y más centrado en Dios.

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mark 10:35-45 In the daily routine of family life, power struggles seem unavoidable. Whenever two or more people live together, there will be occasions of disagreement and attempts to exert influence over each other. Today’s Gospel can be an invitation to consider how authority is exercised in your household. There is a temptation to exercise our authority in ways that show our power over others. Especially when conflicts emerge, many of us rely upon the power we believe our role gives to us. Jesus teaches us that there is a more persuasive form of leadership. In these daily challenges we have the opportunity to practice and teach the kind of service and leadership Jesus modeled for us in his ministry and in his passion and death. TALK TOGETHER As you gather as a family, invite family members to participate in a role play in which family roles are reversed. For example, you might assign children the role of parents putting their children to bed with parents acting like the children. Or you may have them role play parents asking for cooperation from children to clean up the family room. When the role play is finished, ask if it was an accurate picture of how this situation usually plays out in your household. Does everyone cooperate when asked? What happens when someone doesn’t cooperate? How are the conflicts that emerge resolved? Observe that conflicts based on power struggles in situations such as these seem unavoidable in family life. In today’s Gospel, Jesus teaches how Christians are to show their authority over others. READ TOGETHER Mark 10:35-45, After reading the Gospel, talk with your family about Jesus’ unique message to his disciples about how they are to exercise authority. Talk about ways in which you might apply Jesus’ words in your family life. Conclude by praying we may receive honor in God’s eyes by learning to serve others in love. PRAY TOGETHER The Peace Prayer of Saint Francis.

M a s s I n t e n t i o n s

F o r t h e W e e k

Vigésimo Noveno Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Marcos 10:35-45 En la rutina diaria de la vida familiar, las luchas de poder parecen inevitables. Cuando dos o más personas vivan juntas, habrá ocasiones de desacuerdo e intentos de ejercer

influencia mutua. El evangelio de hoy puede ser una invitación a considerar cómo se ejerce la autoridad en su hogar. Existe la tentación de ejercer nuestra autoridad de manera que muestre nuestro poder sobre los demás. Especialmente cuando surgen conflictos, muchos de nosotros confiamos en el poder que creemos que nos otorga nuestro rol. Jesús nos enseña que existe una forma de liderazgo más persuasiva. En estos desafíos diarios tenemos la oportunidad de practicar y enseñar el tipo de servicio y liderazgo que Jesús nos modeló en su ministerio y en su pasión y muerte. HABLAR JUNTOS Al reunirse como familia, invite a los miembros de la familia a participar en un juego de roles en el que los roles familiares se invierten. Por ejemplo, puede asignar a los niños el papel de padres que acuestan a sus hijos y los padres que actúan como los niños. O puede pedirles que jueguen a los padres pidiendo la cooperación de los niños para limpiar la sala familiar. Cuando termine el juego de roles, pregunte si fue una imagen precisa de cómo se desarrolla esta situación en su hogar. ¿Todos cooperan cuando se les pregunta? ¿Qué sucede cuando alguien no coopera?¿Cómo se resuelven los conflictos que surgen? Observe que los conflictos basados en luchas de poder en situaciones como estas parecen inevitables en la vida familiar. En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús enseña cómo los cristianos deben mostrar su autoridad sobre los demás. LEER JUNTOS Evangelio de hoy, Marcos 10:35-45.Después de leer el Evangelio, hable con su familia sobre el mensaje único de Jesús a sus discípulos sobre cómo deben ejercer la autoridad. Hable sobre las formas en que podría aplicar las palabras de Jesús en su vida familiar. Concluya orando para que podamos recibir honor a los ojos de Dios al aprender a servir a los demás con amor. ORAR JUNTOS La oración por la Paz de San Francisco de Asis.

Sunday, October 17th

9:30 a.m. †Teodoro Garcia, Jr.

†Eleazar Escobar Limon Ernesto Maciel (salud)

Gilberto Flores Juarez y familia (salud)

Wednesday, October 20th 8:15 a.m.

†Eleazar Escobar Limon

Mass Contributions October 10th

St. Joseph’s St. Anne’s

Regular $3,718 $809

Bishop’s Faith Appeal

St. Joseph’s Goal $28,521 Total pledges $26,280 Total payments $18,442

650 Registered families 42 Pledge families

Father would like to thank all who have pledged to the BFA this year. If you have not yet made a financial pledge, Father asks that you

prayerfully consider doing so.

FOOD P@NTRY Monday, Otober 18th

9 a.m. - 11 a.m.

DESPENS@ DE @LIMENTOS El Lunes 18 de Octubre de

9 a.m. a 11 a.m.

Oración Después de la Comunión

Alma de Cristo, santifícame

Cuerpo de Cristo, sálvame Sangre de Cristo,

embriágame Agua del costado de Cristo, lávame

Pasión de Cristo, confórtame Oh buen

Jesús, óyeme Dentro de tus llagas, escóndeme No permitas que me separe de Ti Del maligno enemigo, defiéndeme En la hora de

mi muerte, llámame Y mándame ir a Ti Para que con Tus santos Te alabe

Por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.

Prayer After Communion

Soul of Christ, sanctify me. Body of Christ, save

me. Blood of Christ, inebriate me. Water from Christ’s side, wash me.

Passion of Christ, strengthen me. O good Jesus, hear me. Within Thy wounds hide me. Suffer me not to be

separated from Thee. From the malicious

enemy, defend me. At the hour of my death, call me.

And bid me come unto Thee, That I may praise

Thee with Thy saints and with Thy angels, forever

and ever. Amen.


La próxima clase de bautismo en Español será el Sabado 30 de Octubre de

10:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. En el edificio de catecismo.

***Por favor de completar el papeleo en la oficina parroquial PRIMERO ***

The next baptism class in Spanish will be Saturday, October 30th 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

In the CCE Building

***Please complete paperwork in the parish office FIRST***

Please be sure to join the “SJSA Family Faith Formation” GroupMe for important messages about classes. This is

especially important at this time since we are dealing with COVID and weather. This messaging system helps us

communicate with everyone quickly.

Por favor asegúrese de unirse al GroupMe “Formación en la fe de la familia SJSA” para recibir mensajes importantes sobre las clases. Esto es especialmente importante en este momento ya

que estamos lidiando con COVID y clima. Este sistema de mensajería nos ayuda a

comunicarnos con todos rápidamente.

Aceves, Jaime Adams, C.B Jr. Adams, Linda Adams, Louise Alvarado, Eulalio Cortez Anders, Aspen Anders, Liam Ager, Lynda Anderson, Jeff Ansley, Shelby Bederka, Martha Bederka, Curtis Bellard, Billie Bexley, Mary Bielamowicz, Beverly Bietz, Carolyn Bilinski, Michael Bomer, Burton Borski, Thersa Borrego, Carmen Campbell, Anna Lee Carson, George L Cienfuegos, Aurora Cortright, Lori Coules, Joann Darby, Dalton Jr. Davis, Nancy Davis, Valery Dearbonne, Olivia Delong, Darlene Doty, Homer Dybala, David Dybala, Pauline Fisher, Tommy Fruge, Larry (Family) Galvan, Michael Gansky, Jerry Goff, Landrey Granier, Carla Green, Mike Guerrerra, Barry Hanel, Maria & Leroy Harer, Jane Harris, Barbara Hernandez, Alizae Hohn, David Jamison, Cathy Janacek Young, Emily Johnson, Loretta Jones, Dany Jones, Virginia

If you would like to add or remove a name from the prayer list, please contact the church office.

Pr[y_r Int_ntions God of all creation and of our salvation,

we ask for your healing to come to those who are in need, physically or spiritually, through Christ our

Lord. Amen. Khan, Jabar Khan, Amy Kelly, Frances Klotz, Jimmy Kolarik, Catherine Kotch, Angie Kowis, Pat Kubeczka, Carol Kubeczka, Jim Kubeczka, Jimmy Kulak, Alan Landry, Pat Lara, Clarissa Lavergne, Loraine Charity & Paul Lasco Lechowit, Bill Lee, Bobby Lee, Lydia LeBlanc, Rory Lopez, Jesse Luce, Elanie Marshall, David Martinez, Rita McDonald, Bill McKinney, Bernadette McKinney, Curtis McLaughlin, Bonnie Medina, Josie Mendoza, Carlos Merka, Stephanie Michaelski, Kevin Moore, Alton Owen Moore, Joan Moreno, Martha Mosley, Maxine Mueller, Dan Nash, Leonard Nichols, Tyson Novotny, Matt Parras, Helen Parish, Ryan Patterson, Cynthia Payne, Bobby Payne, Jacqueline Plauche, Phil Potter, Shawn Proctor, Ronnie Provost, Sandy Quiroz,Madeline Raczkowski, Sharon Ramos, Mary Lou

Rangel, Isidro Ripkowski, James A Sr. Rivera, Joel Rodriguez, Angelicia Rodriguez, Rudy Rossow, Devin Rossow, Randy Romo, Alvaro Rousselle, Michelle Rousselle, Roland Ruiz, Jose Luis Ruiz, Juan & Family Ruiz, Maria Guadalupe Salek, Ruth Salinas, Emilio Saenz, Reynaldo Gentry, Melanie Shaver, Donny Sjolander, Bridget Skarpa, Earlene Skarpa, Felix Skarpa, Marie Skillen, Jacob Stephens, Sandra Taylor, Charley Teeter, Jim Theriot, Bertha Theriot, Terry Theriot, Paul Trevizo, Aaron Turk, Paul Tyler, Ann Tyler, Annette Valdez, Angelina Vaughn, Elizabeth Vyoral, Ed Vyoral, Margaret Wagner, Jacob Ward, Julia Watson, Cameron Wetterman, Dee White, Sidney Wolfford, Laura Wood, Quinn Wyatte, Diane Zaruba, Juanita

Divine Word Missionaries & Sister Servants of the Holy Spirit 800-553-3321

VOC@TION REFLECTION Greatness in the Kingdom is found not in ruling

and lordship, but in service. Daily, we must put the needs of the other before our own.

R_fl_xiòn vo][]ion[l La grandeza del Reino no se encuentra en la regla y el señorío, sino en el servicio. Diariamente, debemos

poner las necesidades del otro antes que las


2021 All couples planning to marry in the Church or those who are civilly married and planning to have their marriage validated

in the Church must attend this one day marriage seminar.

Seminar Schedule Saturday, November 20, 2021

For more information, please call: 409-924-4362

Diocese of Beaumont Office of Family, Marriage, and Youth Ministry

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