objectives of communication1

Post on 20-Dec-2014






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Objectives of Communicati


One of the most important objectives of communication is passing or receiving information. It can be done either through spoken or written language.


External Environment of a Business

◦External information Information about its products Information about the availability of credit

Information about the Government rules and regulations

Information about the advertising media

Information about the latest developments in the fields of science and technology

◦Internal information Information on job assignments and procedures governing them

Information on status and decision making powers

General information on the policies and activities of the organization

Due to complexity each individual activity needs specialized handling which cannot be expected from people working single handed.

◦Advice flows





Effective advice is both man-oriented & work oriented does not make the worker feel inferior is given in the worker’s interest promotes understanding can become a two way channel

Order is an authoritative communication. It is a directive to somebody, always a subordinate, to do something, to modify or alter the course of something he is already doing, or not to do something.



Order always flows

◦Types of order Written and oral orders General and specific orders Procedural and operational Mandatory and discretionary

orders◦Characteristics of an effective order It must be clear and complete Its execution should be possible It should be given in a politely

◦Instruction Instruction is a

particular type of order in which the subordinate is not only ordered to do a job but is also given guidance on how to do it.

All instructions are implied orders, but all orders cannot be instructions.

Best ideas on a subject does not only come from the supervisory staff or the directors. The lower staff, in fact being actually in touch with the operative aspect, is capable of giving some positive suggestions on procedural and operative aspects.




It may be defined as an effort ‘to influence attitudes, feelings, or beliefs of others, or to influence actions based on those attitudes, feelings or beliefs.’

To Persuade/ To Convince

Process of persuasion

Analyzing the situation

Preparing the receiver

Delivering the message

Prompting action

It is a very conscious process of communication. It involves both teaching and learning. The main purpose of education is to widen knowledge as well as to improve skills. It can be carried out at three levels:Education for the managementEducation for the employeesEducation for outside public


Warning is a forceful means of communication, for it demands immediate action. If employees do not abide by the norms of the organization, or violate the rules or regulations, it may become necessary to warn them.  Warnings can be general or specificSpecific warning should be administered in private and after thorough investigationThe aim of warning should be organisation’s betterment


Morale stands for mental health. High morale and efficient performance go hand in hand. It acts as a kind of lubricant among people, binds them with a sense of togetherness and impels them to work in cooperation with one another in the best interest of their organization.

Raising Morale

A motivated employee does not need much supervision. He does his work as if it were his own. Motivation can be achieved through:


monetary incentives making the workers participate in the decision making processmaking achievement goals very specificgiving security and a congenial work environment.

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