object oriented technology (oot)

Post on 07-Jul-2016






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In this tutorial






1. What do you understand by Abstract data type and abstraction with example?2. Explain data Encapsulation & data hiding in details?3. Explain Class & objects with types and also explain the life of an object (External object,

static & dynamic)?4. Explain Object instantiation and message passing (object interaction) with example?5. WAP to show CALL BY VALUE and CALL BY REFERENCE in Function?6. Explain active & passive object?7. Write short notes on:

a) Meta class b) Attributes & Methods c) modeling with real world object


8. What are the different kinds of relationships among the classes?9. Explain Association, semantics of association & its types?10. Write short notes on the following:

a) Composition b) Navigation c) Generalization D) Delegation11. Define aggregation, its types and also compare generalization vs Aggregation?12. Explain the following term: (a) qualified association (b) recursive association

(c) Multiplicity 13. WAP to perform increment and decrement using OPERATOR OVERLOADING?14. WAP to create two classes DM and DB which store the value of distances?15. Explain overriding and how it overcomes?


16. Explain inheritance (Reusability) and also explain the different types of inheritance in details?17. Explain polymorphism & its types (Function overloading, virtual function)?18. Define multiple inheritance?19. Explain virtual base class and how it overcomes the disadvantage of multiple inheritance?20. Explain various accesses specifies (Public, private & protected)?21. Write short notes:

a) Disinheritance b) Ambiguity c) mandatory profile 22. WAP to calculate volume of cube, cylinder, rectangular box using function overloading

in C++.23. How diamond problem is resolve by using the virtual keyword in inheritance?24. Explain Redefine methods with example?

Prepared by: Yatendra kashyap, Asst. Prof (CSE dept.) Page 1


25. Explain container, its types & also explain container class with example?26. What is heterogeneous container?27. Explain persistent object with example?28. Define a stream? What are the three streams used for inputting, outputting and for both inputting

as well as outputting?29. What is object oriented programming & its features and also compare it with procedure oriented

programming?30. Explain template class with example?31. Write a program to show different types of CONSTRUCTOR?32. WAP to demonstrate the use of local object?33. WAP in C++ to demonstrate the creation and the use of dynamic object?34. Explain scope resolution operator? With example?35. Explain Inline function with example?


36. Compare C++ v/s Java.37. Explain control structure in details?38. What is friend function? Explain it with example?39. What is generic class & why they are useful?40. Explain java, its featur3es & also explain Java Virtual machine with its component?41. Explain various types of packages used in java?42. Explain interfaces in java?43. What are the various ways for handling the exception in java and in c++?44. Explain Inline function?45. WAP using function which outputs all the prime numbers between 2 and a given

positive integer.46. Write a class “employee” to store following information Name, employee ID, Age,

Marital Status, and Salary.

47. Create a class called employee that contain a name (an array of character) and an employee id (type int)with member function called getdata()to get data from user and another function called putdata() to display the data, lustrate the given scenario in c++?

48. Write a program in java to print 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4

Prepared by: Yatendra kashyap, Asst. Prof (CSE dept.) Page 2

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