oasis final powerpoint

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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Oasis(2002) Chang-Dong Lee

Gender / Sexuality

Eun-Kyoung. L and Heakyung. O (2012) Marital Satisfaction Among Adults With Disabilities in South Korea. Hammell institute on Disabilities: Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 1.

Disability / Context

Robinson. M (2005) Contemporary cultural production in South Korea: Vanishing meta narratives of nation. In New Korean Cinema- Author(s): Shin. C.Y and Stringer. J. Edinburgh University Press LtdChoi. B (2008) Chapter 3: Researching the experiences and practices of parents with a disabled child in Korea. In Parenting adisabled child in South Korea: Rewriting disability, parenthood an citizenship, 49-56


Donahue, P. et al. (1993) Journal of Personality Assessment. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, 423.

• Fantasy as escapism.

• Fantasy in contrast to realism.

Living with hidden disabilities

Titchkosky, T. 2003.Disability, self, and society.Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (1st slide) Se Kwang Hwang & Helen Charnley (2010) Making the familiar strange andmaking the strange familiar: understanding Korean children’s experiences of living with an autistic sibling, Disability & Society, 25:5, 579-592, DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2010.489305 (1st slide)


The Intersection of Motherhood and Disability: Being a "Good" Korean Mother to an "Imperfect" Child Author(s): Hyun-Kyung You and Lori A. McGraw Source: Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Vol. 42, No. 4 (2011), pp. 579-598 (3rd slide)

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