o sarah masso, carmen huser, james purkis 3mt portia · 04-09-2015  · o congratulations – sarah...

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Research & Graduate Studies Bulletin

Faculty of Education 4 September 2015

Welcome to the latest edition of the Faculty of Education’s Research and Graduate Studies Bulletin containing information of upcoming endorsement sessions, research presentations and 3MT news.

HDR Candidate News

o Endorsement of Candidature

o Congratulations – Sarah Masso, Carmen Huser, James Purkis – 3MT

PORTIA – Postgraduate Research Training Information Assistant

CSU Scholarships

Upcoming seminars

o School of Teacher Education

Conceptions of infants’ capabilities: The nexus between conceptions, practices, and infants’ lived experiences – BY Andi Salamon, HDR candidate

o School of Education

“Hello Barbie”: The social organisation of a young child’s telephone conversation in pretend play with digital technologies- BY Brooke Scriven, HDR candidate.

Congratulations Christine Edwards-Groves and Christina Davidson

Research News from the School of Information Studies CSU

100 Questions (and Answers) About Qualitative Research

Evening session: Overcoming procrastination

2016 Practice-Based Education Summit

QUT Digital Media Research Centre PhD Scholarships for 2016 Entry

Survey invitation - Influential literature and scholars in the field of doctoral education

And finally…xxx


HDR Candidate News

o Endorsement of Candidature

Stephanie Garoni – School of Education – 10.00am, 16 September 2015

Accomplishing Transition: Investigating classroom talk practices of students transitioning from primary to secondary schools

Stephanie will present her proposal from the Barb Sparrow Room in the School of Education, Albury with a VC connection to Wagga (SoE upstairs) and Albury (Barb Sparrow Room). If you wish to join the presentation via telephone/MS Communicator please check http://csu.edu.au/vcbookings/ for booking information. You will need to be logged into CSU to access this page.

A Bridgit session will also be set up – look for Stephanie’s name in the list of meeting creators.

George Scorgie – School of Teacher Education – 10.00am, 30 September 2015

To be advised.

George will present his proposal via Adobe Connect https://connect.csu.edu.au/endorsmentsession/ . The upstairs seminar room in Wagga has been booked and will connect to Adobe Connect.

Helen Blake – School of Teacher Education – 10.00pm, 12 October 2015

Enhancing intelligibility: Improving participation of multilingual university students in Australia

Helen will present her proposal from the Gordon Room in the School of Teacher Education, Bathurst with a VC connection to Wagga (SoE upstairs) and Albury (Barb Sparrow Room). If you wish to join the presentation via telephone/MS Communicator please check http://csu.edu.au/vcbookings/ for booking information. You will need to be logged into CSU to access this page.

A Bridgit session will also be set up – look for Helen’s name in the list of meeting creators.

o International student seeking supervisors

An international student is seeking a supervisory team.

The worth of any educational system as an investment lies in its capability to continuously serve its customers (students, parents, employers or labour, the society) better and remain relevant. Educational planners are therefore faced with two main challenges: providing for quantity and for quality in Nigeria. And the quality of our educational system in Nigeria is disseminating day by day. At the heart of the success of any educational system are factors such as quality management and leadership of educational systems, which are propelling factors motivating my interest in the course.

If given the opportunity to undertake a PhD in Education in Charles Sturt University, Australia, I hope to carry out a comparative study of Current Issues and challenges in Educational Management and Leadership in Australia and Nigeria as well as implications for the development of developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Please contact Lisa McLean if you would like further information.

o Congratulations – Sarah Masso, Carmen Huser, James Purkis – 3MT

Congratulations to Sarah, Carmen and James on their fabulous presentations at last week’s Three Minute Thesis Competition. Sarah placed second with her presentation Using a caterpillar to identify children at risk of literacy difficulties.

Congratulations too, to first placed was Luisa Perez Mujica from the Faculty of Science/Institute of Land, Water and Society with her presentation Show me your mental models: using simulation and stakeholder participation for engaging in conversations. Luisa also won the People’s Choice Award and will represent CSU at the Trans Tasman Final at the University of Queensland in October.

Third placed was Muhammad Shoaib Tufail, also from the Faculty of Science, with his presentation Village-based forage seed enterprises (VBFSEs) through farmer participatory research.

For more information about the 3MT and a full list of competitors and their presentations visit the CSU 3MTpage.

The organisers thank the fantastic judging panel: Professor Tim Wess, E/Dean Faculty of Science; Sarah Ansell – Executive Director of Marketing and Communication; Cassily Charles, Academic Literacy, Learning & Numeracy (ALLaN) Coordinator (Postgraduates) in the Office for Students; Dr Ying-Hsang Liu, Lecturer in Information Management in the School of Information Studies and Associate Professor Kogi Naidoo, Director of the Learning Academy.

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DocFest thanks

A big thank you to all contributors, keynote speakers, face to face attendees, on-liners and everyone who participated in DocFest 2015. You contributions made all the difference.

This year DocFest was ‘owned’ by the Faculties of Arts and Education and it was terrific to see some cross-disciplinary action, conversations and friendships sparking over the three days.

Recordings from most of the sessions are currently being downloaded from Adobe Connect and after some brief editing will be available on the DocFest website next week.

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CSU Scholarships

The CSU main round of scholarships for 2016 will be open on the 7th September 2015 and closing on the 31st October 2015.

Current students are able to apply as per the conditions of each scholarship.

Details and access to the application form – More Information.

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PORTIA – Postgraduate Research Training Information Assistant

Do you use PORTIA? Do you know about PORTIA? PORTIA provides HDR candidates and their supervisors (and others such as Sub-Deans) a tool to help manage candidature. You can log events (such as progress reports), due dates for drafts and other milestones and also note information about meetings, things to be done as well as a plan for candidature.

From the Research Office site:

o For HDR Supervisors

PORTIA provides the supervisor with an overview graphic displaying all candidates under supervision (by that supervisor in any capacity) and the load consumed and available. The supervisor has access to details of any of those candidates and the ability to develop a research plan with each candidate that outlines milestones and tasks required for the completion of the research project and thesis preparation and submission. Key administrative milestones (such as bi-annual progress reviews) can also be inserted into the research plan. In addition PORTIA provides functionality to store details of consultations held, tasks set (for candidate or supervisor), to record notes about the candidature and record other matters "for the record", and initiate the administrative processes appropriate for intermission of candidature or other leave sought to be taken by the candidate.

o For HDR Candidates

The candidate can also view the same information about him/herself and the research project, with simple graphical displays of consumed load and load remaining and of elapsed time available. The student can work with their supervisor to set an agreed research plan and has access to view all the milestones (administrative and research related) that are associated with their plan. Details of consultations set or held, tasks set to be achieved and issues "for the record", are automatically emailed to the candidate (and all other supervisors) to ensure transparency of information flow.

Login to PORTIA

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Upcoming seminars

o School of Teacher Education

Conceptions of infants’ capabilities: The nexus between conceptions, practices, and infants’ lived experiences – BY Andi Salamon, HDR candidate.

Literature about infant-toddler pedagogy has highlighted the complexity of early childhood educators’ experiences of working with infants. The emotional intensity of day-to-day work with infants is compounded by demands on educators’ to navigate sophisticated and conflicting discourses that shape their conceptions. That educators’ conceptions can manifest in their practices may have significant implications for the infants for whom they are responsible. However, there is a paucity of research that examines how early childhood educators’ conceptions of infants might be enacted in practice. It is crucial, therefore, to investigate how educators’ practices (as influenced by their conceptions) prefigure possibilities for infants’ own daily practices and subsequent learning. This Brown Bag presents a

doctoral study that examines the nexus between early childhood educators’ conceptions about infants’ capabilities, the ways these conceptions manifest in the educators’ practices, and how these practices can shape infants’ lived experience in early childhood education contexts.

Monday 7 September @1.00pm, Creswell Room Bathurst and VC link to Dubbo. Check http://wsww01.csu.edu.au/vcbookings/ if you wish to join via MS Communicator or by telephone.

o School of Education

“Hello Barbie”: The social organisation of a young child’s telephone conversation in pretend play with digital technologies- BY Brooke Scriven, HDR candidate.

Conversation analytic research of telephone conversations has generated significant discoveries of the orderly and sequential nature of talk. Recent findings of video recorded telephone conversations have shown how talk is connected to ongoing activity continuing beyond the call (Mondada, 2008). However, little is known about how young children orient to the orderliness of talk in pretend telephone conversations, or how their talk relates to the ongoing activity of their play. This presentation considers a young child’s pretend telephone call as she views the music video Queen of the waves (from the film Barbie in a mermaid’s tale) on YouTube. Data are drawn from a video recording made by the child’s mother in their home. The perspective of ethnomethodology and the analytic method of conversation analysis were used to sequentially examine the child’s pretend telephone conversation with Barbie. The child dials Barbie’s telephone number and talks to her using a toy mobile phone. Her talk is touched off by objects onscreen and named in the song lyrics of the music video. Discussion considers how the child orients to and uses digital technologies (the YouTube video on the laptop and the toy mobile phone), and draws on her understandings of how people interact over the telephone, to socially organise a telephone conversation with Barbie in her pretend play.


Mondada, L. (2008). Using video for a sequential and multimodal analysis of social interaction: Videotaping institutional telephone calls. FQS (Forum: Qualitative Social Research), 9(3). Retrieved from www.qualitative-research.net.

Wednesday 30 September @3.00pm, School of Education (upstairs seminar room)

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Congratulations Christine Edwards-Groves and Christina Davidson

Congratulations to Christine and Christina who have been awarded a $75,000 grant from the Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) to complete the project Researching dialogic pedagogies for literacy learning across the primary years.

Read more at CSU News

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Research News from the School of Information Studies CSU

o Publications

Coe, M. (2015). What do readers expect from book indexes and how do they use them? An exploratory user study. The Indexer, 33(3), 90-101.

Coe, M. (2014). Users' expectations of books indexes. Paper presented at the Write Edit Index Conference, Canberra, Australia, May 2015.

Kelly, M. (2015). The materials-centered approach to public library collection development: A defense. Library Philosophy and Practice. Paper 1232. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libphilprac/1232

Kelly, M. (2015). Collection development policies in public libraries in Australia: A qualitative content analysis. Public Library Quarterly 34(1);44-62. DOI:10.1080/01616846.2015.1000783.

Kennan M.A. and Markauskaite, L. Research Data Management Practices: A Snapshot in Time (2015) International Journal of Digital Curation Vol. 10, Iss. 2, 69–95 http://www.ijdc.net/index.php/ijdc/article/view/10.2.69/409

o Conference Presentation

Given, Lisa M., Wade Kelly, Rebekah Willson, and Alain Deloire. 2015. “Expanding information horizons for impact: Exploring information behaviours in wine industry research.” Expanding Horizons – the 2015 Conference on Research Applications in Library and Information Science. Sydney NSW, July.

Given, Lisa M., and Rebekah Willson. 2015. “Models for effective research engagement: LIS professionals and scholars working together for success.” EBLIP8 – Eighth International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference. Brisbane QLD, July.

McCausland, S. (2015). Negotiating a Career as an Archival Academic. Archival Education and Research Institute. University of Maryland, College Park. 15 July.

McCausland, S. (2015). Indigenous People, Records and Social Justice in Queensland. International Council on Archives, Section for Archival Education and Training. University of Maryland, College Park. 12 July.

Thompson, K. M., Kennan, M. A., Lloyd, A., & Qayyum, A. (July, 2015). “Refugee Information Practices: Designing Appropriate Library Services.” EBLIP8 Conference, Brisbane, 6-8 July 2015.

Thompson, K. M. (July 22, 2015). Un marco teórico para la inclusión digital en Honduras/A theoretical framework for digital inclusión in Honduras. Keynote address for the Asociación de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas de Honduras, X Jornadas/10th Annual ABIDH Conference in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Willson, R. (July 2015). Open doors and hallway conversations: Physical proximity and informal social interactions in information gathering during a career transition. Paper presented at the Research Applications in Information and Library Studies (RAILS11) – Expanding Horizons. Sydney, Australia.

Research Workshops

Given, Lisa M., and Virginia Wilson. 2015. “Translating research into practice: Strategies for engagement and application.” EBLIP8 – Eighth International Evidence BasedLibrary and Information Practice Conference. Brisbane QLD, Australia, July.

o Grants

2015-2017 Lisa Given – Principal Investigator Australian Research Council, Linkage Grant.

$191,394 (AUD). Co-investigator. Information seeking & research adoption: Assessing communication strategies. Co-investigator: Prof Alain Deloire. Partner Investigators: Ms Megan Hill, Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Victoria and Dr Dan Johnson, Australian Wine Research Institute.

2015-2018 Lisa Given – Principal Investigator Australian Research Council, Linkage Grant.

$219,959 (AUD). Co-investigator. Assessing Library and Information Studies Research Networks. Co-investigator: Prof Helen Partridge, University of Southern Queensland.

o Awards

Lisa Given 2015 Charles Sturt University, Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Research Supervision Excellence

o Book Review

Kelly, Wade http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19361653.2015.1040187

o Research in the News

Thompson, K.M. (July 24, 2015). Interviewed for UTV Newscast in Tegucigalpa, Honduras for the X Jornadas de Bibliotecología de Honduras Conference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPP90L_HDXU

Thompson, K. M. (July 22, 2015). Interviewed for Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán to create vodcast about research in the field for the Master’s in Library and Information Science program. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG5E9DzNsTg

Wallis, J. published a piece in The Conversation (https://theconversation.com/how-political- engagement-on-social-media-can-drive-people-to-extremes-44903 ) and followed up with two interviews for Sydney radio station 2SER (audio at http://www.2ser.com/component/k2/item/16839-political-extremism-and-social-media and http://www.2ser.com/component/k2/item/17109-is-social-media-truly-social )

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100 Questions (and Answers) About Qualitative Research

Professor Lisa Given officially launched her new book, 100 Questions (and Answers) About Qualitative Research, on Tuesday 25 August at the Arts/Ed DocFest held on the CSU Wagga Wagga campus.

Copies of Lisa’s book, published by Sage, are available here: bitl.y/100answers

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Evening session: Overcoming procrastination

There is an online evening session coming up next week: Overcoming Procrastination.

Your facilitators will be Geoff Simmons, who is a CSU Counsellor, and Cassily Charles, ALLAN Coordinator (Postgrad).

This workshop is provided for higher degree research candidates, but other staff and students are warmly welcome, as always.

6pm-7:30pm, Tuesday 8th September - online in Adobe Connect.

More information and online registration: https://connect.csu.edu.au/e3rrg6o14p9/event/event_info.html

Questions welcome: ccharles@csu.edu.au

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ANU MOOC - How to survive your PhD

This MOOC has now commenced, but it’s not too late to enrol!

The new, free MOOC from ANU “How to survive your PhD” https://www.edx.org/course/how-survive-phd-anux-rsit-01x is designed to help! Built by Dr Inger Mewburn, better known as The Thesis Whisperer, to help build PhD student resilience. You will learn research based tips and strategies to help students and supervisors create a more supportive environment for research study. The MOOC will have many opportunities to connect and discuss the issues with other participants around the world, either in the discussion forums or on social media using the hashtag #survivephd15

The MOOC is suitable for supervisors, current students, prospective students and even parents, partners and friends. The course should take you no more than two hours a week so you can more easily fit it in a busy schedule. You could take the course on your own, or form a small group (have a look at the suggestions Inger has outlined here http://thesiswhisperer.com/2015/08/05/are-most-academics-lonely-at-work/

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2016 Practice-Based Education Summit

2016 Practice-Based Education Summit - 13-14 April 2016, Sydney Olympic Park

You are invited to submit an abstract for a paper or poster presentation for the two-day PBE Summit. Abstracts will be included in the Summit’s proceedings. Presentations should address the Summit’s title and themes:

Bridging Practice Spaces

The PBE Summit 2016 has the following themes:

1. Bridging learning and working spaces

2. Bridging virtual and physical-embodied learning spaces

3. Bridging the university, industry and community sector spaces

4. Bridging theory and practice spaces

5. Bridging human and computer interaction spaces

6. Bridging novice and expert experience spaces

7. Bridging doing, reflecting and growing spaces

The call for abstracts closes on 13 November 2015

In addition, all CSU HDR candidates and doctoral supervisors attending the Summit are invited to attend a complimentary Pre-Summit Doctoral Master Class with keynote Prof. Allison Littlejohn, The Open University, UK. This Master Class will be held at EFPI in Sydney Olympic Park Tuesday, 12th April 2016 from 1-4pm. This is a fantastic opportunity for PhD candidates to learn from and network with other doctoral candidates, present their work and obtain critical feedback on their research in an open, constructive environment. Doctoral supervisors who attend will gain new perspectives of their students’ work, learn additional feedback techniques and collaborate with other PhD supervisors.

For more information about the 2016 PBE Summit and Pre-Summit Doctoral Master Class click here

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QUT Digital Media Research Centre PhD Scholarships for 2016 Entry

The Digital Media Research Centre (DMRC) at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is now calling for expressions of interest from prospective postgraduate research students as part of the University's annual Scholarship Round, closing 30 September 2015 for entry in early 2016.

About the DMRC

The DMRC aims to conduct world-leading research that helps society understand and adapt to the changing digital media environment. It is a leading Australian centre for the fields of media and communication - areas in which QUT has achieved the highest possible rankings in ERA, the national research quality assessment exercise. We are actively engaged with the Asian region across all our research programs; and we have a strong commitment to research training for academic and industry researchers alike.

The Centre is based within QUT's Creative Industries Faculty and located within the Creative Industries Precinct at Kelvin Grove - a $150 million facility for teaching, research, production and business development in media and design, visual and performing arts. This site boasts some of Australia's most sophisticated, high-tech digital facilities, and acts as an incubator for the next generation of ground-breaking ideas, emerging and experimental artists and designers, and creative enterprise.

About the PhD Scholarships

Applicants with excellent academic track records (equal to an Australian Bachelor Degree with First Class Honours) or equivalent research experience may be eligible for competitive PhD scholarships to undertake study with us. Successful applicants will work on topics that align closely with one or more of our four research programs. The DMRC is also offering a number of additional top-ups to these scholarships for highly ranked students.

How to apply

It is essential that you discuss your application with us well before the deadline.

Contact the Centre via email at dmrc@qut.edu.au to express your interest.

Include with your email:

1. Current CV including educational qualifications

2. Brief statement outlining which of the proposed topics interest you

3. Names of preferred supervisors (optional)

If suitable supervision for your project can be arranged, we will then work with you to complete the formal application.

General information on the University's Annual Scholarship Round including eligibility requirements and the application process can be found here: https://www.qut.edu.au/research/scholarships-grants-and-funding/annual-scholarship-round

Closing date: 30th September 2015 (earlier enquiries essential)

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Survey invitation - Influential literature and scholars in the field of doctoral education

Professor Alistair McCulloch, PhD, Head of Research Education, Learning & Teaching Unit, University of South Australia is working on a research project examining (a) the most influential and important literature to have come out of the scholarship of doctoral education/higher degrees by research and (b) which scholars are regarded by the broader community as being the most influential in the field.

If you would like to participate in the survey, the questionnaire can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QFV3LWP

Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary and participants may withdraw from the research at any time. Data will be collected anonymously and will be stored for five years in electronic format before being destroyed. Because the data collection is undertaken through an anonymous online questionnaire, it will not be possible to associate any particular data with any individual. No personal information will be collected. (This also means that once completed, it will not be possible to withdraw data already submitted.)

No risks to those participating in the research have been identified and any benefits will arise from your membership of the community of scholars and practitioners engaged in the field of doctoral education/higher degrees by research about which more will be known once the research is completed. It is anticipated that the project will feed into one or more journal articles and a report detailing the responses as regards the literature in the field. The publication of these will be advertised through the normal community networking channels, including the email lists through which participants have been recruited.

This project has been approved by the University of South Australia's Human Research Ethics Committee. If you have any ethical concerns about the project or questions about your rights as a participant please contact the Executive Officer of this Committee, Tel: +61 8 8302 3118; Email: vicki.allen@unisa.edu.au

If you have any questions or comments about the project, please feel free to contact me directly. My details are at the foot of this email.

Professor Alistair McCulloch, PhD, Head of Research Education, Learning & Teaching Unit, University of South Australia

Email: alistair.mcculloch@unisa.edu.au

Web: http://www.unisanet.unisa.edu.au/staff/homepage.asp?Name=Alistair.McCulloch

L&TU Web: www.unisa.edu.au/ltu

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And finally…donuts

Holes in doughnuts – the philosophical implications (part 1)


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Have a great weekend!

Professor Lisa Given Associate Dean (Research) lgiven@csu.edu.au 02 6933 4092

Dr Brian Hemmings Sub-Dean Graduate Studies bhemmings@csu.edu.au 02 6933 2451

Lisa McLean R&GS Officer lmclean@csu.edu.au 02 6338 4966


www.csu.edu.au @CSUFoE_HDR | @CSUFoE_Research | CSU FoE HDR Facebook | CSU YouTube

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