o-o water vapour complex in the earth’s atmosphere · the h2o-o2 water vapour complex in the...

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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 8607–8612, 2011www.atmos-chem-phys.net/11/8607/2011/doi:10.5194/acp-11-8607-2011© Author(s) 2011. CC Attribution 3.0 License.


and Physics

The H2O-O2 water vapour complex in the Earth’s atmosphere

Y. Kasai1, E. Dupuy1, R. Saito1,*, K. Hashimoto2, A. Sabu2, S. Kondo2, Y. Sumiyoshi3, ** , and Y. Endo3

1National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Nukui-kita, Koganei, Tokyo, 184-8795, Japan2Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji, Tokyo, 192-0397, Japan3Department of Basic Science, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Komaba, Meguro-ku,Tokyo153-8902, Japan* present address: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) Showa-machi, Kanazawa-ku,Yokohama-city, Kanagawa, 236-0001, Japan** present address: Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Graduate School of Engineering, Gunma University,4-2Aramaki, Maebashi, Gunma 371-8510, Japan

Received: 5 January 2011 – Published in Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.: 28 March 2011Revised: 1 July 2011 – Accepted: 27 July 2011 – Published: 23 August 2011

Abstract. Until recently, abundance estimates for boundmolecular complexes have been affected by uncertaintiesof a factor 10–100. This is due to the difficulty of accu-rately obtaining the equilibrium constant, either from lab-oratory experiments or by statistical thermodynamic calcu-lations. In this paper, we firstly present laboratory experi-ments that we performed in order to determine the molecu-lar structure of H2O-O2. We also derive global abundanceestimates for H2O-O2 in the Earth’s atmosphere. The equi-librium constantKp evaluated using the “anharmonic oscil-lator approach” (AHOA) (Sabu et al., 2005) was employed:the AHOA explains well the structure of the complex ob-tained by the present experiment. TheKp calculated by thismethod shows a realistic temperature dependence. We usedthis Kp to derive global abundance estimates for H2O-O2 inthe Earth’s atmosphere. The distribution of H2O-O2 followsthat of water vapour in the troposphere and seems inverselyproportional to temperature in the lower stratosphere. Pre-liminary estimates at the surface show amount of H2O-O2 iscomparable to CO or N2O, ranking water vapour complexesamong the ten most abundant species in the boundary layer.

Correspondence to:Y. Kasai(ykasai@nict.go.jp)

1 Introduction

Molecular complexes in the Earth’s atmosphere are of twotypes: collisional, such as the oxygen dimer O2·O2, or bound– van der Waals complexes – like the water vapour dimerH2O-H2O. In both cases, we can assume that they are atequilibrium with their parent molecules in the atmosphere.Their formation and loss processes can then be expressed as areaction of the type [A] + [B] [A−B], with an equilibriumconstant usually notedKp.

Collisional complexes have a short atmospheric lifetime,of the order of a few picoseconds, and a broad spectrum forabsorption of solar radiation. They can be observed in theUV/Visible spectral range and have already been measuredby satellite-borne instruments. These measurements are of-ten used, for example, to obtain cloud top heights. The abun-dance of collision complexes depends on the partial pressureof the parent molecules, such as O2, H2O or N2, and on thetemperature. Their atmospheric abundance and variations arequite well known.

On the other hand, there have been no reports of unam-biguous detection of bound complexes in the atmosphere sofar. In the past 2–3 decades, numerous laboratory and theo-retical studies of bound complexes have been published (e.g.,Calo and Narcisi, 1980; Tao et al., 1996; Paul et al., 1997;Svishchev and Boyd, 1998; Aloisio and Francisco, 2000;Vaida et al., 2001; Headrick and Vaida, 2001; Robinson andKjaergaard, 2003; Paynter et al., 2009).

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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Theoretically, it should be possible to evaluate the atmo-spheric abundance of bound molecular complexes using theequilibrium constantKp. But estimatingKp is not a trivialtask, either by laboratory experiments or statistical thermo-dynamic calculations, and both estimations are still affectedby large uncertainties. Knowing the molecular structure ofthe complex is also a major issue in estimating theKp, sincethe calculation requires knowledge of the partition functionand of the binding energy (Vaida and Headrick, 2000).

Among the bound complexes, water vapour complexes(H2O-X with, e.g., X = H2O, O2 or N2), are expected to havea combined surface abundance at the ppmv level, as esti-mated by statistical thermodynamic calculations (for exam-ple,Vaida et al., 2001). This represents ten times the amountof CO or N2O and would place hydrated complexes amongthe ten most abundant molecular compounds at ground level.More accurate knowledge of the equilibrium constant is thusof primary importance to assess their atmospheric role.

We succeeded in determining the structure of the H2O-O2complex by Fourier-transform microwave (FTMW) spec-troscopy in the laboratory. The experimental structure androtational constant are in good agreement with the theoreti-cal results with the anharmonic oscillator approach (AHOA)by us (Sabu et al., 2005). The equilibrium constant,Kp, eval-uated by the AHOA (Sabu et al., 2005) was used to estimatethe atmospheric abundance of H2O-O2.

2 Determination of the molecular structure of theH2O-O2 complex

2.1 Laboratory experiment

We generated and observed the H2O-O2 spectrum using apulsed nozzle (PN) Fourier-transform microwave (FTMW)spectrometer. A detailed description of the PN-FTMW spec-trometer used in this study was presented in an earlier re-port (Ohshima and Endo, 1992). In short, the gas mixture ofH2O and O2 in a concentration of 0.4 % and 0.2 %, respec-tively, diluted in Ar was expanded into a Fabry-Perot cav-ity at a stagnation pressure of 3039 hPa (3 atm) through asolenoid valve and adiabatically cooled to a few Kelvin dur-ing supersonic expansion. The pressure was approximately5×10−5 torr inside the chamber. The frequency region of themeasurement was from 8 GHz to 30 GHz with a resolutionof 4 kHz. The signals were integrated from a hundred to afew thousand pulses to achieve adequate signal-to-noise ra-tio. We confirmed that the observed transitions belonged toH2O-O2 by verifying the following conditions:

1. When a sample without O2 was used in the gas mixture,the signals disappeared. Similarly, without H2O in thegas mixture, no spectral signature was observed.

2 Kasai et al.: TheH2O−O2 complex

structure and rotational constant are in good agreementwith the theoretical results with the anharmonic oscillatorapproach (AHOA) by us (Sabu et al., 2005). The equilibriumconstant, Kp, evaluated by the AHOA (Sabu et al., 2005) wasused to estimate the atmospheric abundance ofH2O−O2.

2 Determination of the molecular structure of theH2O−O2 complex

2.1 Laboratory experiment

We generated and observed theH2O−O2 spectrum using apulsed nozzle (PN) Fourier-transform microwave (FTMW)spectrometer. A detailed description of the PN-FTMW spec-trometer used in this study was presented in an earlier report(Ohshima and Endo, 1992). In short, the gas mixture ofH2OandO2 in a concentration of 0.4% and 0.2%, respectively,diluted in Ar was expanded into a Fabry-Perot cavity at astagnation pressure of 3039hPa (3 atm) through a solenoidvalve and adiabatically cooled to a few Kelvin during super-sonic expansion. The pressure was approximately5×10−5

torr inside the chamber. The frequency region of the mea-surement was from 8GHz to 30GHz with a resolution of 4kHz. The signals were integrated from a hundred to a fewthousand pulses to achieve adequate signal-to-noise ratio.

We confirmed that the observed transitions belonged toH2O−O2 by verifying the following conditions:

1. When a sample withoutO2 was used in the gas mixture,the signals disappeared. Similarly, withoutH2O in thegas mixture, no spectral signature was observed.

2. Paramagnetic behavior due to the oxygen molecule. Byapplying a magnetic field, we confirmed that the lineswere due to a paramagnetic species.

3. Magnetic hyperfine structure due to the presence of twonon-zero nuclear spins withI = 1. The magnetic hy-perfine structure was observed with a relatively small(< MHz) splitting in each of the observed rotationaltransitions. This is considered to be due to water vapour,sinceI = 1 is the composite angular momentum of thetwo equivalent proton spins in the water molecule. Thewater molecule has a large amplitude motion with re-spect to the C2 axis and the average structure is C2v, asexplained in Sabu et al. (2004, 2005), .

A total of 21 transitions including fine and hyperfine split-tings were successfully observed in the 8-30GHz region.They are listed in Table 1, which also gives the less numer-ousD2O−O2 observed transitions. An example spectrumfor H2O−O2 around 14520MHz is shown in Figure 1.

2.2 Spectral analysis

We succeeded in analyzing the spectrum of theH2O−O2

complex using the Hamiltonian of a3Σ state for Hund’s case(a), since the observed transitions are assigned to the seriesof the Ka = 0 component.




Frequency / MHzCenter freq. = 14520.4166 MHz

Fig. 1. Example of spectra acquired with the PN-FTMW around14520.4MHz, attributed to the van der Waals complexH2O−O2.

The Hamiltonian can be expressed as

H = Hrot +Hsr +Hss (1)

= BN2−DN

4 +γN·S+(2/3)λ(3S2z −S

2) (2)

whereN is the angular momentum of the rotation andS isthe electron spin.γ andλ are the spin-rotation and spin-spincoupling constants, respectively.

The following hyperfine terms were included in additionto Eq. 2 due to the two hydrogens of water vapour:

Hhfs = bF I·S+c/3(IzSz −I·S) (3)

wherebF andc represent the Fermi contact interaction andthe dipole-dipole interaction constants, respectively. The cal-culated transition frequencies were fitted to the experimentalvalues through a least squares fitting procedure. The molec-ular constants thus determined are listed in Table 2 for boththeH2O−O2 and theD2O−O2 complexes.B0 andD0 arethe rotational constant and the centrifugal distortion constantin the vibrational ground state (v = 0), respectively.λ0 is thespin-spin coupling constant (also forv = 0), while λD is thecentrifugal distortion constant for the spin-spin coupling.

2.3 Molecular structure of theH2O−O2 complex

The values of the rotational constantB0 for H2O−O2

and D2O−O2 were found to be 3633.197(14)MHz and3357.211(13)MHz, respectively. The difference betweenthese constants indicates a C2v structure with the two hy-drogens of the water molecule in an outer position, as shown

Fig. 1. Example of spectra acquired with the PN-FTMW around14520.4 MHz, attributed to the van der Waals complex H2O-O2.

2. Paramagnetic behavior due to the oxygen molecule. Byapplying a magnetic field, we confirmed that the lineswere due to a paramagnetic species.

3. Magnetic hyperfine structure due to the presence of twonon-zero nuclear spins withI = 1. The magnetic hy-perfine structure was observed with a relatively small(< MHz) splitting in each of the observed rotationaltransitions. This is considered to be due to water vapour,sinceI = 1 is the composite angular momentum of thetwo equivalent proton spins in the water molecule. Thewater molecule has a large amplitude motion with re-spect to the C2 axis and the average structure is C2v, asexplained inSabu et al.(2004, 2005).

A total of 21 transitions including fine and hyperfine split-tings were successfully observed in the 8–30 GHz region.They are listed in Table1, which also gives the less numer-ous D2O-O2 observed transitions. An example spectrum forH2O-O2 around 14 520 MHz is shown in Fig.1.

2.2 Spectral analysis

We succeeded in analyzing the spectrum of the H2O-O2 com-plex using the Hamiltonian of a36 state for Hund’s case (a),since the observed transitions are assigned to the series of theKa = 0 component.

The Hamiltonian can be expressed as

H = Hrot+Hsr+Hss (1)

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Table 1. Observed transition frequencies (in MHz) of H2O-O2(upper part) and D2O−O2 (lower rows) and difference with thefrequencies calculated using the Hamiltonian in the36 state forHund’s case (a) and K = 0.N , J andF represent the rotational an-gular momentum, the total angular momentum and the total angularmomentum including nuclear spin, respectively.

Transition Obs. Freq. Obs.-Calc.N ′ J ′ F ′ N ′′ J ′′ F ′′ (MHz) (MHz)


2 2.0 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 14520.0732 −.06972 2.0 2.0 1 1.0 1.0 14520.8316 −.05732 2.0 3.0 1 1.0 2.0 14519.6794 −.09052 2.0 1.0 1 1.0 .0 14521.2234 −.03852 2.0 2.0 1 1.0 2.0 14518.5576 −.09342 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 1.0 17839.8957 .02222 2.0 3.0 1 2.0 2.0 17839.5000 .07852 2.0 4.0 1 2.0 3.0 17838.9337 −.06763 3.0 2.0 2 2.0 2.0 21755.9556 .07933 3.0 3.0 2 2.0 3.0 21755.3957 .07893 3.0 4.0 2 2.0 3.0 21756.1194 .05673 3.0 2.0 2 2.0 1.0 21756.7120 .08983 3.0 3.0 2 2.0 2.0 21756.5144 .07873 4.0 3.0 2 3.0 2.0 24090.4179 −.07833 4.0 4.0 2 3.0 3.0 24090.1436 .02373 4.0 5.0 2 3.0 4.0 24089.8048 .02634 4.0 3.0 3 3.0 2.0 28963.7677 −.01624 4.0 4.0 3 3.0 3.0 28963.6508 −.02124 4.0 5.0 3 3.0 4.0 28963.4508 −.03474 4.0 3.0 3 3.0 3.0 28963.2342 .03534 4.0 4.0 3 3.0 4.0 28962.9613 .0098


2 2.0 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 13419.5779 −.02892 2.0 2.0 1 1.0 1.0 13419.6962 −.03312 2.0 2.0 1 1.0 2.0 13419.3506 −.02452 2.0 3.0 1 1.0 2.0 13419.5144 −.03263 3.0 3.0 2 2.0 2.0 20111.9415 .07653 3.0 3.0 2 2.0 3.0 20111.7272 .03413 3.0 4.0 2 2.0 3.0 20111.8461 .04154 4.0 3.0 3 3.0 2.0 28963.7677 .01064 4.0 4.0 3 3.0 3.0 28963.6508 −.02044 4.0 5.0 3 3.0 4.0 28963.4508 −.0299

= BN2−DN4

+γ N·S+(2/3)λ(3S2z −S2) (2)

whereN is the angular momentum of the rotation andS isthe electron spin.γ andλ are the spin-rotation and spin-spincoupling constants, respectively.

The following hyperfine terms were included in additionto Eq.2 due to the two hydrogens of water vapour:

Hhfs= bF I ·S+c/3(IzSz − I ·S) (3)

wherebF andc represent the Fermi contact interaction andthe dipole-dipole interaction constants, respectively. The cal-culated transition frequencies were fitted to the experimentalvalues through a least squares fitting procedure. The molec-ular constants thus determined are listed in Table2 for both

Kasai et al.: TheH2O−O2 complex 3

Table 1. Observed transition frequencies (inMHz) of H2O−O2

(upper part) andD2O−O2 (lower rows) and difference with thefrequencies calculated using the Hamiltonian in the3

Σ state forHund’s case (a) and K = 0.N , J andF represent the rotational an-gular momentum, the total angular momentum and the total angularmomentum including nuclear spin, respectively.

Transition Obs. Freq. Obs.-Calc.N ′ J ′ F ′ N ′′ J ′′ F ′′ (MHz) (MHz)


2 2.0 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 14520.0732 -.06972 2.0 2.0 1 1.0 1.0 14520.8316 -.05732 2.0 3.0 1 1.0 2.0 14519.6794 -.09052 2.0 1.0 1 1.0 .0 14521.2234 -.03852 2.0 2.0 1 1.0 2.0 14518.5576 -.09342 2.0 2.0 1 2.0 1.0 17839.8957 .02222 2.0 3.0 1 2.0 2.0 17839.5000 .07852 2.0 4.0 1 2.0 3.0 17838.9337 -.06763 3.0 2.0 2 2.0 2.0 21755.9556 .07933 3.0 3.0 2 2.0 3.0 21755.3957 .07893 3.0 4.0 2 2.0 3.0 21756.1194 .05673 3.0 2.0 2 2.0 1.0 21756.7120 .08983 3.0 3.0 2 2.0 2.0 21756.5144 .07873 4.0 3.0 2 3.0 2.0 24090.4179 -.07833 4.0 4.0 2 3.0 3.0 24090.1436 .02373 4.0 5.0 2 3.0 4.0 24089.8048 .02634 4.0 3.0 3 3.0 2.0 28963.7677 -.01624 4.0 4.0 3 3.0 3.0 28963.6508 -.02124 4.0 5.0 3 3.0 4.0 28963.4508 -.03474 4.0 3.0 3 3.0 3.0 28963.2342 .03534 4.0 4.0 3 3.0 4.0 28962.9613 .0098


2 2.0 1.0 1 1.0 1.0 13419.5779 -.02892 2.0 2.0 1 1.0 1.0 13419.6962 -.03312 2.0 2.0 1 1.0 2.0 13419.3506 -.02452 2.0 3.0 1 1.0 2.0 13419.5144 -.03263 3.0 3.0 2 2.0 2.0 20111.9415 .07653 3.0 3.0 2 2.0 3.0 20111.7272 .03413 3.0 4.0 2 2.0 3.0 20111.8461 .04154 4.0 3.0 3 3.0 2.0 28963.7677 .01064 4.0 4.0 3 3.0 3.0 28963.6508 -.02044 4.0 5.0 3 3.0 4.0 28963.4508 -.0299

in Figure 2. The direction of the complex axis is perpen-dicular to that of the molecular oxygen axis, as indicated bythe symmetry of the complex, where the electronic groundstate is anti-symmetric with respect to the C2 rotation aboutthe complex axis. These values ofB0 with the C2v struc-ture are consistent with the theoretical ab initio calculationsof Sabu et al. (2004, 2005), but not with the Cs structureof Svishchev and Boyd (1998). Details of the comparisonof the rotational constants obtained in our experiment withthese obtained by ab initio calculations are described in Sabuet al. (2004). Therefore, we concluded that the molecularstructure ofH2O−O2 is C2v in the vibronic ground state.




Fig. 2. Molecular structure of the van der Waals complexH2O−O2

determined to be C2v by PN-FT microwave spectroscopy

Table 2. Molecular constants inMHz for H2O−O2 andD2O−O2.For theD2O−O2 calculations,λ0, λD and γ were fixed to theH2O−O2 values (left column).

H2O−O2 D2O−O2

B0 = 3633.197(14) 3357.211(13)D0 = 0.39942(84) 0.29293(49)λ0 = 64136.0(19) —λD = 0.051673(fixed) —γ = -1997.924(49) —bF = -1.82(23) -0.28c = 6.09(36) 0.94(15)

3 Estimation of Kp

3.1 Determination method and previous studies

Aside from atmospheric observations, there are two main ap-proaches to estimate the equilibrium constant: direct mea-surement in the laboratory or estimation with statistical ther-modynamics.

In the statistical thermodynamics approach, Kp is cal-culated using Gibb’s free energy∆G from the equationKp ·P = exp(−∆G/RT ), whereR is the universal gas con-stant andT the temperature.∆G is calculated as∆G =∆H−T∆S. Here,∆H and∆S represent the change in en-thalpy and in entropy, respectively, for the formation of thecomplex at a total pressure P and temperature T.

In the case ofH2O−O2, Kp depends on the temperatureand on the binding energy betweenH2O and O2 through∆H , while∆S uses the partition functions obtained from therotational, vibrational, and electronic energy level structuresof H2O−O2, H2O, andO2. A more detailed descriptionis given elsewhere (Vaida and Headrick, 2000; Kjaergaardet al., 2002; Sabu et al., 2005).

3.2 Kp obtained with the anharmonic approach

The studies of Vaida and Headrick (2000) and Kjaergaardet al. (2002) both used the harmonic oscillator approxima-tion to calculate the partition functions needed to estimateKp. Alternately, Sabu et al. (2005) calculated the partitionfunction, and thus Kp, using another approach. They care-

Fig. 2. Molecular structure of the van der Waals complex H2O-O2determined to be C2v by PN-FT microwave spectroscopy.

Table 2. Molecular constants in MHz for H2O-O2 and D2O−O2.For the D2O−O2 calculations,λ0, λD and γ were fixed to theH2O-O2 values (left column).

H2O-O2 D2O−O2

B0 = 3633.197(14) 3357.211(13)D0 = 0.39942(84) 0.29293(49)λ0 = 64136.0(19) —λD = 0.051673(fixed) —γ = −1997.924(49) —bF = −1.82(23) −0.28c = 6.09(36) 0.94(15)

the H2O-O2 and the D2O−O2 complexes.B0 andD0 are therotational constant and the centrifugal distortion constant inthe vibrational ground state (v = 0), respectively.λ0 is thespin-spin coupling constant (also forv = 0), whileλD is thecentrifugal distortion constant for the spin-spin coupling.

2.3 Molecular structure of the H2O-O2 complex

The values of the rotational constantB0 for H2O-O2and D2O−O2 were found to be 3633.197(14) MHz and3357.211(13) MHz, respectively. The difference betweenthese constants indicates a C2v structure with the two hy-drogens of the water molecule in an outer position, as shownin Fig. 2. The direction of the complex axis is perpendic-ular to that of the molecular oxygen axis, as indicated bythe symmetry of the complex, where the electronic groundstate is anti-symmetric with respect to the C2 rotation aboutthe complex axis. These values ofB0 with the C2v struc-ture are consistent with the theoretical ab initio calculationsof Sabu et al.(2004, 2005), but not with the Cs structureof Svishchev and Boyd(1998). Details of the comparisonof the rotational constants obtained in our experiment withthese obtained by ab initio calculations are described inSabuet al. (2004). Therefore, we concluded that the molecularstructure of H2O-O2 is C2v in the vibronic ground state.

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3 Estimation of Kp

3.1 Determination method and previous studies

Aside from atmospheric observations, there are two main ap-proaches to estimate the equilibrium constant: direct mea-surement in the laboratory or estimation with statistical ther-modynamics.

In the statistical thermodynamics approach,Kp is cal-culated using Gibb’s free energy1G from the equationKp ·P = exp(−1G/RT ), whereR is the universal gas con-stant andT the temperature.1G is calculated as1G =

1H −T 1S. Here,1H and1S represent the change in en-thalpy and in entropy, respectively, for the formation of thecomplex at a total pressureP and temperatureT .

In the case of H2O-O2, Kp depends on the temperatureand on the binding energy between H2O and O2 through1H , while 1S uses the partition functions obtained fromthe rotational, vibrational, and electronic energy level struc-tures of H2O-O2, H2O, and O2. A more detailed descriptionis given elsewhere (Vaida and Headrick, 2000; Kjaergaardet al., 2002; Sabu et al., 2005).

3.2 Kp obtained with the anharmonic approach

The studies ofVaida and Headrick(2000) and Kjaergaardet al. (2002) both used the harmonic oscillator approxima-tion to calculate the partition functions needed to estimateKp. Alternately,Sabu et al.(2005) calculated the partitionfunction, and thusKp, using another approach. They care-fully examined all inter- and intra-molecular vibrations andevaluated the anharmonic levels below the dissociation limit(Sabu et al., 2005).

These estimatedKp values are plotted against temperaturein Fig. 3. From this figure, it is easy to notice the limitationsof the harmonic oscillator approximation in estimating theequilibrium constant. TheKp of Vaida and Headrick(2000)shows a peculiar increase, almost linearly proportional totemperature. TheKp values ofKjaergaard et al.(2002) havea minimum around 225 K and increase at high temperatures,indicating no dissociation of the complex. In both cases thebehaviour ofKp is not compatible with the estimated struc-ture of the H2O-O2 complex.

In sharp contrast, only the anharmonic estimate ofKpmonotonically (exponentially) deacreases with increasingtemperature. The absolute values ofKp are much smallerthan the other estimates, because of the low binding energyand the small number of bound states. On the basis ofKpdecreasing correctly with temperature, the inferred volumemixing ratios of the H2O-O2 complex at atmospheric tem-peratures are 1–2 orders of magnitude lower than those cal-culated by the harmonic approximation (Sabu et al., 2005).

It is worth emphasizing that only the calculations ofKpfrom Sabu et al.(2005) show a correct decrease with increas-

4 Kasai et al.: TheH2O−O2 complex

Fig. 3. Calculated equilibrium constant Kp for H2O−O2 using dif-ferent methods (after Sabu et al. (2005)) . The uppermost line (smallsquare symbols) shows the results of Kjaergaard et al. (2002) andthe triangle symbols those of Vaida and Headrick (2000). Thelineswith lozenge and big square symbols are the results of the anhar-monic and harmonic calculations of Sabu et al. (2005), respectively.

fully examined all inter- and intra-molecular vibrations andevaluated the anharmonic levels below the dissociation limit(Sabu et al., 2005).

These estimated Kp values are plotted against temperaturein Fig. 3. From this figure, it is easy to notice the limitationsof the harmonic oscillator approximation in estimating theequilibrium constant. The Kp of Vaida and Headrick (2000)shows a peculiar increase, almost linearly proportional totemperature. The Kp values of Kjaergaard et al. (2002) havea minimum around 225K and increase at high temperatures,indicating no dissociation of the complex. In both cases thebehaviour of Kp is not compatible with the estimated struc-ture of theH2O−O2 complex.

In sharp contrast, only the anharmonic estimate of Kp

monotonically (exponentially) deacreases with increasingtemperature. The absolute values of Kp are much smallerthan the other estimates, because of the low binding energyand the small number of bound states. On the basis of Kp

decreasing correctly with temperature, the inferred volumemixing ratios of theH2O−O2 complex at atmospheric tem-peratures are 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than those cal-culated by the harmonic approximation (Sabu et al., 2005).

It is worth emphasizing that only the calculations of Kp

from Sabu et al. (2005) show a correct decrease with increas-ing temperature. Therefore, this set of values is the best esti-mate of Kp for H2O−O2 among the data currently available.

4 Atmospheric abundance of theH2O−O2 complex

The atmospheric abundance of theH2O−O2 complex is rep-resented by the equilibrium equation given below:

[H2O]+[O2]+[M] ⇋ [H2O–O2]+[M]. (4)

From Eq. 4 we can infer the atmospheric partial pressureof the complex:(




= Kp ·P ·








, (5)

where(PH2O−O2/P ), (PH2O/P ), and(PO2

/P ) are the par-tial pressures of theH2O−O2 complex, H2O and O2, respec-tively, for a given atmospheric pressureP . The partial pres-sure for a given molecule is related to its volume mixing ratio(VMR) by PP= VMR×Pdry air. Kp is the equilibrium con-stant. The abundance ofH2O−O2 is proportional to Kp andto the abundances of water vapour and of molecular oxygen(and inversely proportional toP ).

4.1 Calculation setup

TheH2O−O2 VMR distribution was derived from the par-tial pressure calculated using Eq. 5. We used the Kp valuescalculated by Sabu et al. (2005) with the anharmonic oscil-lator approximation, tabulated as a function of temperaturefrom 150K to 350K with a step of 5K.

The partial pressure of O2 was set to a constant value atall levels, equal to 20.946% of the dry air pressure. Thetemperature, pressure and specific humidity were taken fromthe European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecast(ECMWF) ERA-40 reanalysis dataset (Uppala et al., 2005).The ERA-40 data fields, sampled on 23 pressure levels from1000 to 1hPa, are provided as monthly averages at 0h, 6h,12h and 18h (Local Time) on a latitude/longitude grid witha2.5◦×2.5◦ horizontal resolution.

For this study we calculated an annual average for 2001at 0h LT, sufficient to assess the usefulness of the Kp mea-surements for atmospheric applications. Fig. 4 shows the in-ferred global distribution ofH2O−O2 (middle column) forthe 2001 average, at 200 and 50hPa (about 12 and 21km, re-spectively). These height levels were chosen to illustratethedifference between the tropospheric (200hPa) and strato-spheric (50hPa) distributions of the molecular complex. Forcomparison the distribution of the water vapour VMR and ofthe atmospheric temperature are given at the same heights.

4.2 Distribution of H2O−O2

From Fig. 4 it is possible to get some qualitative understand-ing of the distribution of theH2O−O2 complex. Two differ-ent behaviours can be identified. In the upper troposphere(represented by the 200hPa level, lower row) the VMRof the complex is strongly correlated to the water vapour

Fig. 3. Calculated equilibrium constantKp for H2O-O2 using dif-ferent methods (afterSabu et al., 2005) . The uppermost line (smallsquare symbols) shows the results ofKjaergaard et al.(2002) andthe triangle symbols those ofVaida and Headrick(2000). The lineswith lozenge and big square symbols are the results of the anhar-monic and harmonic calculations ofSabu et al.(2005), respectively.

ing temperature. Therefore, this set of values is the best esti-mate ofKp for H2O-O2 among the data currently available.

4 Atmospheric abundance of the H2O-O2 complex

The atmospheric abundance of the H2O-O2 complex is rep-resented by the equilibrium equation given below:

[H2O]+[O2]+[M] [H2O–O2]+[M]. (4)

From Eq. (4) we can infer the atmospheric partial pressureof the complex:(



)= Kp ·P ·





), (5)

where(PH2O−O2/P ), (PH2O/P ), and(PO2/P ) are the par-tial pressures of the H2O-O2 complex, H2O and O2, respec-tively, for a given atmospheric pressureP . The partial pres-sure for a given molecule is related to its volume mixing ratio(VMR) by PP= VMR ×Pdry air. Kp is the equilibrium con-stant. The abundance of H2O-O2 is proportional toKp andto the abundances of water vapour and of molecular oxygen(and inversely proportional toP ).

4.1 Calculation setup

The H2O-O2 VMR distribution was derived from the partialpressure calculated using Eq. (5). We used theKp values cal-culated bySabu et al.(2005) with the anharmonic oscillator

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 8607–8612, 2011 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/11/8607/2011/

Y. Kasai et al.: The H2O-O2 complex 8611Kasai et al.: TheH2O−O2 complex 5

Annual average, 2001; 00h (LT) H


2, 50 hPa


0 90 180 270 360 −60 −30 0

30 60







Longitude [°]



2, 200 hPa


0 90 180 270 360 −60 −30 0

30 60












2O, 50 hPa


0 90 180 270 360 −60 −30 0

30 60






Longitude [°]





2O, 200 hPa


0 90 180 270 360 −60 −30 0

30 60









, 50 hPa


0 90 180 270 360 −60 −30 0

30 60







Longitude [°]


, 200 hPa


0 90 180 270 360 −60 −30 0

30 60






Fig. 4. Global distribution in latitude/longitude of the H2O (left) andH2O−O2 (middle) VMRs and of the atmospheric temperature (right).The annual averages for 2001 at 0h (Local Time) are shown at 50(top) and 200 (bottom)hPa (∼21 and 12km, respectively). The temperaturedata and the specific humidity field used to derive the H2O VMR are taken from the ERA-40 reanalysis of the ECMWF data (see text). TheVMR of theH2O−O2 complex is calculated using the equilibrium equation (Eq. 5), with the Kp values derived from Sabu et al. (2005). Thehorizontal grid sampling is2.5◦


amount. TheH2O−O2 VMR is largest in the equatorial re-gion and small in the mid- and high latitudes of both hemi-spheres. This corresponds very well to the water vapour dis-tribution, whereas the temperature is highest at Northern highlatitudes.

Above the tropopause (50hPa level, upper row), the sit-uation is different. Temperature has a marked minimum atthe Equator, where there is also littleH2O or H2O−O2.Conversely, at higher latitudes (from 30-40◦ in both hemi-spheres), there is an obvious correlation between high tem-peratures and low levels ofH2O−O2: the VMR of themolecular complex seems inversely proportional to the atmo-spheric temperature, while the water vapour distribution israther homogeneous with large values in the Northern hemi-sphere and small values in the Southern hemisphere.

The inferred abundance ofH2O−O2 in the Earth’s bound-ary layer (1000hPa, not shown) ranges from 1 to about 250ppbv. This is comparable to CO (∼200 ppbv) or to N2O(∼300 ppbv). Estimating the abundance of water vapourcomplexes is therefore important for tropospheric chemistry.

5 Summary

We performed laboratory spectroscopic experiments for theH2O−O2 complex and determined its molecular structure.

The result differs from the potential minimum-structures butagrees well with that calculated by the anharmonic oscilla-tor approach, which increases our confidence in the qualityof the Kp estimated by the same method. Using these high-quality values of Kp allowed us to provide a first (theoretical)estimate of the atmospheric distribution ofH2O−O2. Theinferred abundance ofH2O−O2 at the Earth’s surface is atthe sub-ppmv level. This is comparable to the surface con-centrations ofCO or N2O and shows that knowledge of theabundance of water vapour complexes is undeniably impor-tant to further our understanding of tropospheric processes.

Acknowledgements. This work was supported in part by grants-in-aid from the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPSGrant-in-Aid for Scientific Research C, no. 20550019, and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, no.13127102).Y. K is grateful for supports and encouragements from Prof. N.Washida, and Dr. T. Imamura.


Aloisio, S. and Francisco, J. S.: Radical-water complexes inEarth’s atmosphere, Acc. Chem Res., 33, 825–830, doi:10.1021/ar000097u, 2000.

Calo, J. M. and Narcisi, R. S.: Van Der Waals molecules – Possibleroles in the atmosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 7, 289–292, doi:10.1029/GL007i005p00289, 1980.

Fig. 4. Global distribution in latitude/longitude of the H2O (left) and H2O-O2 (middle) VMRs and of the atmospheric temperature (right).The annual averages for 2001 at 0 h (Local Time) are shown at 50 (top) and 200 (bottom) hPa (∼21 and 12 km, respectively). The temperaturedata and the specific humidity field used to derive the H2O VMR are taken from the ERA-40 reanalysis of the ECMWF data (see text). TheVMR of the H2O-O2 complex is calculated using the equilibrium equation (Eq.5), with theKp values derived fromSabu et al.(2005). Thehorizontal grid sampling is 2.5◦


approximation, tabulated as a function of temperature from150 K to 350 K with a step of 5 K.

The partial pressure of O2 was set to a constant value atall levels, equal to 20.946 % of the dry air pressure. Thetemperature, pressure and specific humidity were taken fromthe European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecast(ECMWF) ERA-40 reanalysis dataset (Uppala et al., 2005).The ERA-40 data fields, sampled on 23 pressure levels from1000 to 1 hPa, are provided as monthly averages at 0 h, 6 h,12 h and 18 h (Local Time) on a latitude/longitude grid witha 2.5◦

×2.5◦ horizontal resolution.For this study we calculated an annual average for 2001 at

00:00 h LT, sufficient to assess the usefulness of theKp mea-surements for atmospheric applications. Figure4 shows theinferred global distribution of H2O-O2 (middle column) forthe 2001 average, at 200 and 50 hPa (about 12 and 21 km,respectively). These height levels were chosen to illustratethe difference between the tropospheric (200 hPa) and strato-spheric (50 hPa) distributions of the molecular complex. Forcomparison the distribution of the water vapour VMR and ofthe atmospheric temperature are given at the same heights.

4.2 Distribution of H 2O-O2

From Fig.4 it is possible to get some qualitative understand-ing of the distribution of the H2O-O2 complex. Two differentbehaviours can be identified. In the upper troposphere (repre-sented by the 200 hPa level, lower row) the VMR of the com-plex is strongly correlated to the water vapour amount. TheH2O-O2 VMR is largest in the equatorial region and small inthe mid- and high latitudes of both hemispheres. This cor-responds very well to the water vapour distribution, whereasthe temperature is highest at Northern high latitudes.

Above the tropopause (50 hPa level, upper row), the sit-uation is different. Temperature has a marked minimumat the Equator, where there is also little H2O or H2O-O2.Conversely, at higher latitudes (from 30–40◦ in both hemi-spheres), there is an obvious correlation between high tem-peratures and low levels of H2O-O2: the VMR of the molecu-lar complex seems inversely proportional to the atmospherictemperature, while the water vapour distribution is rather ho-mogeneous with large values in the Northern Hemisphereand small values in the Southern Hemisphere.

The inferred abundance of H2O-O2 in the Earth’s bound-ary layer (1000 hPa, not shown) ranges from 1 to about250 ppbv. This is comparable to CO (∼200 ppbv) or to N2O(∼300 ppbv). Estimating the abundance of water vapourcomplexes is therefore important for tropospheric chemistry.

www.atmos-chem-phys.net/11/8607/2011/ Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 8607–8612, 2011

8612 Y. Kasai et al.: The H2O-O2 complex

5 Summary

We performed laboratory spectroscopic experiments for theH2O-O2 complex and determined its molecular structure.The result differs from the potential minimum-structures butagrees well with that calculated by the anharmonic oscilla-tor approach, which increases our confidence in the qualityof theKp estimated by the same method. Using these high-quality values ofKp allowed us to provide a first (theoretical)estimate of the atmospheric distribution of H2O-O2. The in-ferred abundance of H2O-O2 at the Earth’s surface is at thesub-ppmv level. This is comparable to the surface concentra-tions of CO or N2O and shows that knowledge of the abun-dance of water vapour complexes is undeniably important tofurther our understanding of tropospheric processes.

Acknowledgements.This work was supported in part by grants-in-aid from the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPSGrant-in-Aid for Scientific Research C, no. 20550019, and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, no.13127102). Y.K is grateful for supports and encouragements from N. Washida(NIES; Kyoto Unievrsity), and T. Imamura (NIES).

Edited by: R. Volkamer


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