o 00r^^^ and 00 '^ ^^ ^^^ of a^^ of - dolph briscoe center ... · .^^o lubello ^^^ ^^^^ido de...

Post on 15-Feb-2019






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l9^^ or ^^^^^^t]


^ of the ^^^l hou^^

^ or ^^ ^^TrIa:

at for the. ^^^^^^ and

or ^^ ^^^ ^^^^lo. and

^^^^ ^ntbao CWveloa. Vi^^^^Making A1#1 gdjWXjg

of U said ^:; - ^ and app^ved by Oc^^.^.^l ^ ^ .^^^

: ^^ ^^^^^^o 00"r^^^ and 00 '^ ^^ ^^^ of A^^ of

this ^vi^^^ of ^^xas+

^^^^ ^;


^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^ur,,v^^^^

^^^rs, ^^^ W

00--vernor . -a^' ^^

^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^


I V"014,10

^^^^^^^^^ ^^^obad tamo::g,

the ^^^^^ ^^iul. stj vevoir;d^^^ the ^n" It bebouvto hi^ ^^^^^^

..^ ^^^^^ lot 00

^^^^th for Its he.^^

t" rop"4. of the afor :^^^^^^d royal U.. -^:^.

And ^^ ^^^ the _o s of t^^


^^wca,^ ^^^^ was no oth^^ ro-ou ^^^, it vas asreed tbat

^^^^^^^^^^^ to all ^ou^ ^

re^^^^^^^ that ^^^ ^^^ ^^

^^^Od by 4414 aa, Aagi:. , °°,^ se ` ed eo€^ to ^^^ ^^^ ^^^

they vould

whith we :^^^^ a part

the , ; . ^ that ^ ^bU^^An; A-^ ^^^

^^ pt^^^^^e in tM ^^^enteI^'

/4^0 ^^^^^^ on tas

^nuel de , Ar

RU ^^br,do WI . ^^^^


^^a d^ ^^^^^-' ^^;^^^.^

^^^^^^^^ Pirott'^^^ri

^^ de, COS,

^`^ ^ ^• ^^177^ ^9- `^^

^^^ ^^^^ZM"rlel


^^^^ol Roo! ..^^^141^

0" A.^^^^ oalo do . ` . .^^ on the fourteorab 4w Or the^^^^ of ^^g"t of seve:^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ we, the

"VAI and *"t- ftVy 0^ to 4041

^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^xt ^apa:^^ or ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^tiOA ^^le.^^^ ^^^^ to the ^^^^^^^^ WV

the rosI^e^ta ^t^"e aoslsttna twith the W0^'^^ ;.: ^i.^$^;;^

spite of ^umt was ^^^^^ze-A,' by ^^^^^ as ^^^^^^^

the ^^^^^dlng4•^oumer^^ ^ ^r It onother rc^^^ng

oc ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ not be ^^^^^^^ out. ^ ^^

to r- 'Ile.

that ^^^ the r"W^^^^

^^^s-1410 abould :^orle a.^^.:"^

^^ib^^e equal labor to the said pro.^^at$ And

^^^^^ to ^^^ the ^^^^^^ mas^^ ^^^^ to ^y, f^rl ^^^^^ ^

ood, sundry ^^ ^^ ^ and other rmteria

tosts) into shares be made ^^^^^^ said in-

^^^ ^^^^ understood that the ^^

Wha.^ th ^OP-1 and fi^els should produce //^^

be any such ^^^^^^^^ (for they f the ^^^ ^^^

rtnesl are -t!^^, only ji^^^^-pproduaing) brambes whi .ch

the ^^^^^^^ of the ^^^^^^^^

ed to aald ^^oje

vidua.^^ -ahs

be ma^^ ^^own to the

And ^^^ae it is ^^^^^^^^^blew

( H„tl

Governor for his 4pproVS1.

member of sald

be s^^^^^^^ with the ^^^^^nsibili'^^

^^^^^^^^ of the material ^^^^^^^^ ^^^alde, D(oln


In ^^rg^ ^^ereot -

they be

^ ^^^ and ^^


what may be more to

of a ^ ^^ ^^er^ ^^ya ^ or a pu'

ad we ^^^^ ^^^^ed In our, ^

^^! r.


^^^^ de ^^^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^fa^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ntu "br.^^^

^^^^^ ^e Ca.^^^^^^^^^

Amador ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

^^joi ..̂ rtfnez.

^^aft^,^^^ ^^^ez,

^^ ^1779-19^^1,779,1

^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ to ^omp.^^^^

ro-y*.^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ns U^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^

have been exagauedu The //restorins

^^^^^^^^^^^ of this ^^^ Of ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^

the ^^^t that] It le An- 111"t-'ra^^

now (mu-n:^ ^^pal^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ to 'ha^^ou-set and 1bulAdl

Wt ^^^^^

ThIs L^) ^^eordi

Pal .^^^^ Of ^^^^^

^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^

and ^^ ^ ^^^nan^^ A W N

441140 or plac;^ ^^alll

meat on


in au its ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ by the ^^^"-Mentioned

ot this V^.^.^..a,^ I ^^^of ^^^ ^^^^^^ that

^^ ^^^^^tion be ^^^^ with 4" tons l^^^^^^^^ ^^ the

r-r-kes o^' the ^nho^^tmi^^ ^ avtd that a dul

mhting ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ the W-hi0h wi,^^ ^^^l-,

And. It this M, ftMrO

2Ard to the gZ4-g ^ ^^^ld,, ^^^

^over the, i^^^^^^^^^^^e

fU11 ^^^^pl^Uan -of a.ald

project.. ^ ^^^e fu"^^ ^^^

new ^^^^^^^^^^ of ^^^^

v-1 ded 'by

sook ^b^^^^ at ^ prm

the ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^

both the ^^^^^lval

auc.^ ^^^^^^^^

^ ^^^^^ ^^al^ he

ed: Un'^^^^ the ^bliga^,lo:^ ^^^^t4kea sivot3ld be

^^ the a^: F^^

^^^^-Lon_:. (Bu^

^Q 1101100^ ^^^

^^^^^^ and ^^

^ ^^ Mts^ ^ooo,

the Cavalrv

af^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^ure'

110': Colonel In th^ ^^^^^

^^ ^t- A^^^ of ^^^^ ^^^^^^de

^ ^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^emeral r.

maitia" coo^

wl^ CavafITY

Upr"WA ^^ 14 ;^ ^ to by 44wi^s-t^^ ^^^^^ed by ^^^ ^ eLoj,4,0*m^^ +^^^the ^^^^rior 3^^^^^nam^ of t^^^ ^^agdom of New S"io.

7141 vvmst ^^ or ^^^on the ^^^^et-^^^ day of vie vd^^^^ of ^^^^^^

^^ve^^^^^ ^ov'an°^^ ^^ ne ^[,te ^ Qr ^^^

^^^ev^^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^hOm I ^ ^ ^ 44,U^^ ^ ^^ the ^^^^^c

jitvtax;^^ ^^ this ^rd.j.^^

M^'s 040umber Ing

ablou whereof I Oe

.^^o lubello

^^^ ^^^^ido de ^^ft6a; man.^^ ^^^^^^ y Vald:ez^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^

Att ^^ tftss A^^^^^^^ Witm.-mm

D. $* * , 2-3 PP - .s.- 2/15/1779^12^94

0 A^`^^ 0$1 ^^ ^^^Awu

So^ ^^^^^^^ ^e SiXor, on ^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^f t'he month

^^^^^^^^^ In the, year of ^^^^^^^^^ ^Qv^^^^ ^^^ ^

the ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^c 1,,arel assembled and ,^^^^^ed,

In the ^^^^^ and Oust- . ry ^^, in

^^gZ"t of CO .^Orwl AL In,

Oovevnor of this ^^ ^vim 01h It^.`^am ^ ^'

pa'^^^^ 411 pt:^^^ ^^ t"^ ^^^^^^^^ by the ^^

tio^^ it ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ that ^^^ was, ,^^^^^

by aa;14

^^^ into ^^^^^ To that end the ^^^

^s,a:^^^ ^^ound ;^^^^^ Will ^^ 4"W^ ^^ in the

^ ; ^^.^^ ^ 1.100ar d^^^i^^^ of, Oeventy



the plotyawqe^^ on the, other side of the .^^^^^o

Pet^^^ ^^^^^^ not all that the water that

flo" thr- ^ their irr' tio;^ canal Is ^^ou"

^^^^ ^^^ owne_^^ ^^^^li^ ^^^^^^^o*

the W404811 ^^^^^^tl^ft

ar ^v&^^^ ^^^^iA: Will be): Of the

it^^ ^^^oyo and :f^^ the latter to the i^^^a"Iom

- . borj oorrespo , ^ to the ^^^^^ of ^^^^^

^^^^ ama Such q"atity tot vater pravi^^^ ^^^^

^^^^ whith to not ulse4 Up in tillins .. is tt^r-leit^°

The ^^^^^^ or ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ll ^^ ^^^^^^^^ of this

^^li^ for ^hair ^^^^^rj. the. P

Pr sca^ ^Z, s^ll ^^^^^^d 1^^0414^el,^

the ^^^^^^^^on Ot the lovy V.^^ all, voeeiulo -O:^,04:.

This i ^^^^^^^ the tu. . ^^ ^^ (trm the l.^vy]

for ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^eA^^^ ^^49 in:^^^r,04

of the ^^^Al ^^^^es. Aleo. sib4e t"^^ ^ ^^^^^^

^^^ ^^^^^

the re;

^^^S 00 Of ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ the j^^^04-,^^^^ ^h1ohl'

will , neoesgo.^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

r^^ ^^^^^

this o ea;;^h who lends: ^oom^r at a PrOMIUKO to aa,

be ^^^^^^ ^r.,v-, the

be enteX`^^

^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^ aw^^^

^ilut^^^d Pm-,,,̂^^t^^ ,^.Q^r fo^` hi^^^, [dat

e^ ^^:^ ^. ^nst the .^^^^: ta:^tla>


JO^^, ^^^^^^ 0^^r.e:^o, so that be bei^ the OUe-

I^. ^^^^^ ^^ the ^^^^^^tz^ ;^^ UU^^^^ ^^h" 100 ^^^

^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ materiol^^ for the

^^^^^ ^^^ And he ^^ur-'v.el6] sha:

40 ot -^^^rW i^urea., made,

U. that ^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^een^

to the ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^

^^^^^^^a^^o de ^^me^ !̂ ^,^^^^^^^^^^^^

^^ ^a4tro Jva:^ do- AroahRubr.^^^ fftbrl

1,04;A:^ 31m-4vW^-12

^^^^^^^^ of ^^^ ^^^^^ houses

4,t . * .4


^ Ovelato ^^,^#^^A^. e + ^ . ^ .^ ^. •.

^ ^ni " " " ft rA I

Pr oo' ' ,L^ jt^si, .^^ la -%Ata#

941 O^^^fn ploft 's Y ^on


R-.: anl Fran[ cis3 ca Flares de Abreg .Ft FfoO it

& Q^ ^ SWntiago' P4r -^iu" €'e i- ii ^ +i'^ ^^ • • 'r • ♦ r s s * ^. ^002

IIEpa . Antonio Mar^olina del ]RIa • . . n nqfll o

R : onl M3.gual de l^ Garza . . . . . . , , . . ,^ "Ooln 4t,

l^ or^ jas Fgrez C^ sanaua ti ^ • , , t . . * f< ^p+^^ :^

D t311: Jal^^ Placidf3

D_ . Inj Jose Aa.dris Herna"ndez. , , . . , . f, fia41 n 4 u-

R' on, ^^^^^^a Flores de la Tfa . . ". . ,^

DIojn jgnjaelja Lorenzo de Armas...


"000" 4 r eaLesl

Pranicigelo montes de Oca. : . . . . fx f^44lF: ^ xj.•,.^^^

Oregar3. a Qu3.n5anes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ffiC3a1

^069. 4 r, -^_^ jgI,

Total from Reverse. . . »" . ; . . a.. fE ,069ti 41?

C+K is 4/8bT4il Pireii i 4 ; . • . f . ,t i 1 i ♦ ♦ • . .f

Franfclac) fl de la C:erda,. ^ . nOOO if ^ ff

Guadalupe Ca1aorra , , . w ^ , . ;. . . . ^ . . . . It rf400 n 4

Cai rFoi;jj Ri43JAsi;. . . ♦ ♦ 1. i i. .. ^. • : ♦ 'I . 'M ♦ M ♦ • ^' (i nooll,

Dianisio ^a^^^^G • 'A'. ^ • R,- i • . -^: ♦ • •: :+!'!! ♦ . • ^ "0^.^1"

Vi4: enii!'e A3Yi^dor • i • . .. 1 . .. a . . a.; 2:. . ♦ • tt 101"'

Bernarcta ^er^^a^^e^ » . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . , fr nO44 n4 rfe41^^^

DL o n r ] . J- Q a q u f n iJeal. •

5^^^+^^ , , . , ,. :, . • .. . : . ; .JOS4 Antonio

ios0e Salvadar Dfaz., . . . , . . .

• ! a 0 • ;

,- i . k t . "

Juan Francisco Granado. ♦ i. * t


,,00€3. 4 r jAjeS'


"00.0,, 4 4'&a1es::'


.* .t ^^4 IF-w *t^^^ ^^":x Ruiz*** .###.,«.

^^onio Monte$' de 00-0, *r 0 " . * * « . , . . " #^

^^^^^ ^^^^^^*

14 ^to^;^ . ^ ^.

^^^ W-rez

a^^^ ^a^. 4»

^^^ ^0 IA-

...f* .:w .* I

0. is « t .- tr



i^; ^ ^ '... ^^^iF tip^^ ^^^^i^^^^^^ iR •! • s' i{ i. # ^d -i i ^^ Y' ^,^ :Ry0^3

^o^. d^ ^^`bin. ,

^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ I Aloo;^^^^^ ^^vitz: Or

lose '^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^ ^

.^^^ert* o I . 4:. to.#

^^^oao Xwit

k * # s..s

*00^-^ ^^^^ ^ 4 rf^^^

^3- .^'

0003# 4 ^D.



_..,el ^^^ino f., ^ . # ; ^

Pedro ^^^^^*

Total from Rpy;e"O.x

'.i 4 * * # +1F * Y {/

^^^ ^ ^^^s.gAj

^^^ KU^^^^ ^^^

ALML ^^^^^ de ^ ^voe

S!^4"Iiu Kt^

^^^^s Sa^rre"o




A^^ ^ ^^U #,

,`;` ^oos %"Oda

, ur:^^t Lotayo.


# v +#0, if,


OU" And^o V4v!±^^^,,o, ^

^^dro Ota^arz,,

31^ "Stre do lo^3to,

^^^^^^ ^^umpmr 4



. 00020


^ ^Udl

0 Teje-. 'd-A $ 1. F'R * *^ 1R- iR "0 eti:Q 4 a dr, g H "0;

O. 'a ^p-^^^,. r,

Otdiiu do Ar,^tha .: *. ; *

^^ ^^muio 004,00+ .0"14

t^:^v^^3 or. W<

^^^^:1^1 ^V' i► Y k 'ii ifi ^!' '1 ^i1 4 9 ^. .,^^^^^^^

0: :r * W # ^^01a

dri^ ^rzas * [

f;3t I- vad;oi ^^dr^^^^^ . 1(A M 10 R„

ae^ ^^^^^guez., « w

Aio!IF`eSa^r^ :̂.7iPJ4as ♦. i i.[f

josi do 100 santos.;. ..

^^^al^^ sahttos., .*i

'T^se, Guadalupe de Agreds.

jOs6 0 *.. i.

Juan de. la: Cruz

a^^^^ Leal .^'l

Fr^^^ ^^s c.

• n ! # Immogf

. .^ ^ ^ It POO ft

^ ^ . . 0 txooo II


^§.^^.5^ ^ s !^ `1B +r er +^.. -+e M^ s y POO "

1 #._: d ! 1. . -- .ta^^rZ,g.W'Z,.





4. . ^^^^^

141 ix, Rutz. ,.^^^0 ,* * .* # * R.}.

tQr^^^ Pozoss e^ If * *- v . * ** -* *; * _^

^^^^^^^^ Rosa ^re

sexasiv 401 R-fo.. ^ * *' . * W

^tus del x(O. *, W* ,

OgI^^^bal Vallejo. ^


q !

4 * .* t": ^

, .,.riaa^ ^urvolo 00^

.. .., viei^^^^c^ .. P -Yt: Y. * aq ! A * iF 0#

ID F •. al, ^t"ftte A -4i/ "n PloAo es.:1


. *^ .0002;


Ddi* *6V ^ , .^ In I#

^T" following I;^) tMeO-&.

^^^^ to, 'tha^ ^^^^^^^ by

^he. new ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^

ftn,^^ Of his. V Of


tion has ^^^^^^^^ to ^^with the ^^^^^^^^^ it

has fo, ^^^^ in ^ro" tothe InhOLU^.^t Or, Said :^^^ the ^^^est^

^^^^ ^^^^ it has ^^^^^^^ ^ that ead it „ " ^^^^

P0004 t.^^^ ^^^^^^l*nt i.. ^^^^ be provided the ground plot

4 ^^o O:^^^ side of tho,^^^^ of ^^^^^ ^d r-0. And.with roord to the ^^^ ^^^ are ^^^^^ for each ^^^^^^ ^ !Ur, and ^^^^^^ In this 400^^^^^^on*4

and ^^^ ^^ ^ for the ^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ofthat m"t be rendered in the repair of the ^^^^^ ^^^^^^

I Should .^^^^^^^ and do ^^^^^^^ all that has been ^^^

Into ^^^^^^ in this ^^^^^ ^ in the ^^^^^ the ^^^

^^^^ 11f^^ i^^^^tod in the ^ro"a .;.. li^^ ^^OU14

p:^^", I^sumaiant to d:^^^^ the ^^^^^ that _. _ 4r,^^

for ^^ 00 ^^^^^^^ of ^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ new ^^^^ratun

is . ^^^^ to ^^^^^^ ^ith,^^^^^^^^ orderly ^^^^^^^o

*^^^ of ^ir*uftS^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ OW^^ ^^ it ^ that'J

r*#*rO :., A ^4ml acoooti; 0#11 be pre;^^ or all

order that ^^^^ be a ^^^^^ in the ^^-

rOSPOW1,09 ^^^^ Of ^404* the Whi^ may doo':: ^^ the

^^^^ ^^^^ and //^^ ^ ^*M,* r in ^^^h 00 _ w, Co;^^^^^

^^^ two ootod in .; ^ ^^^^^^^ I this. ^^^^^^o O,^,^ ^^^^ro,

and I 4M^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^eroon,^ ^^ DomiM*

^^4110.4 00"rwr . 0. of Arms of the ^^vinee

or ^^^4,4 its M14SI^I Oon ""4 ^^^^ and rroutior:^^Oapto.^ of the Oaval^^ Com.:.:: ny ot the Royal ^^ ift^ of

^^^^^ Ant^^n-ijo do Bhar.the Militia ^^^ of said

U"ea.^or- OantdMa and of the V:; "idl4l

^^^ovs ^^^^or, by c:mi^s'104 ^^^^^^^ by 04

Oo. 4^dl4:: _. Oemral, of tho, Utor_^^^ Provi^^^ of this

^^^^ Of New spain4 t .,^ in this Royal - ^^^^^

of ^^^^ ^ ^^^^ 04,11:^ ^^ ^^ ^^ the ^weotv*fourth-

or the ^^^^ or ^^^^^^^^ in ^^^^^^^^^ ^^vonty

rdne; in ^^^ presence of atton4i. .. With ^^^

^ ^^^^^^ in the ^^^^^^^ of ^ vwta;^^-A On this Ord- - . ^



^^^^^^^ ^^ ftnZdA ^^^^^^ ^ ^t^

AfteAd.i, Vitneot Att: Vitntss

a 0.0 ^`t^ of : O- ft"' on the ^ ^^ ^ ^ Y Of

the month ^W De^^^^^ ^ ^^ year ^^^^^^^ 4004V

n- *ss 14.' .^ O"i

^loo:^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^ the ^^^^lAgj* " OA404

in ^^^^^ of and ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ for the ^^^^^^^

projoct coneerni^ the ^"I bousea, and ^^ ^bliged

to) provide a. ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ to the^^^^^tlon of Oveyyth: i, ^^^^^ on the projeot.: ^^^

^^^^^^^ Is. to be ^^^^^ With ^^^iv 444 ^^^^^si^

^^ter-5 alt3luftdo ^ '^^^^^


^^ ^^^^

the 000"05 ^^^^^ as ^^l'i^

0,^94^ on Said Projoet

sive.^ to m^oter'

Mason - ^. ' [ i"10 lem^oo

^,^ ^^ ^^^ tha,

^^^^ on said ^^^J

040 ^^id^^ his,

given to ^^^ 'Ma,^^^

^^^^ ^^^^lz f^^ 12 ^^^^ that

worked on said ^^oj^ot,#


10 .o,,,11 alven to D'O^;sa

^^^^^^ ^^^^^ fo^ ten ^^^

that he '^orked,, eviftmed by

we requ:^^^ ^ (The ^^^^^



. _ ilez for thAt `^

W¢^^^^^ at ^^^^^ ^^UOMOd.


^^oro with ^^eir ^^ aS,

ub;^^^ were ^^^ for said

proje.^^^ with ^^^^^^ more

^used as timbo^." for

^^and ^m"I ^^^^s

v i$o 4 M a^"^ gi 7pen to ftdro,

OmW,e for five A"it"o he

wov^^^ said pro;^ooo: evI

4 d by ha^^ ^^f-*4^

^^^ ^^^^ to

for, a^^ ^^^^ro m-, ho 4u:^^11,e

said, :^^



^ ^^^^^^^^


on,^^^^^ ^^ 7 ^^oa^^ 404


^^^ beams at one 0

whith Joaqufn de la Garza

supp.^^^^^ he ^av^ his

^ ^oint$, and ^^^^ ^^^^^. Utme3 as shown in his re-


^ ^ ^^^-^^o: sM 4,


the Reverend Padre SaI^s for


Oject,^ em^^^^^^ by

'^ ^ that, he. supp1i^^

Two -glg^ givetk, to ^ ^n]

^^^ado for two an-.^^^^^ he

led# ^^id-t^^^^^

ten to the ^^^^er

mason Ant.^on^^^ ^^lar-ar

he ^orked, evidenced

^# OILIf ,"


ecei.^^b; 4

rried Fo^^^Ca^^

^^^^^ from. ^evor.^e-..3, %egoll value of Some thr^^h-

t I -deli^emd

said projec^ ^ ^ and 1-1


whir^^ I ^ome

; 5

of 93 pl.a-^ ^^ ^

evidc=cd by ^

^ta ^^^^^^^^

^^half, of said p

^^^eo yo'. sters^^ ^



the ^^^^ of the ^^^^^

P.e gla Paid to Aaus,tfa Z.^^^

for 10 days he ^^^^^^^

^ouoos,i he

he, ga`#^^ ^hi

140'^RA tJ 'r r4Lj-^TTCg ^^^^ cmqw4ju:::^^s

PU6.FqOtt4: s,'L.i^o q6.a::'aqj -TcGj

.^' saW"?xati^.'^' 3




S^)T4jvC^PrIt3TX10A) aqj


P:^Ijjo,'?T t,'^

3:ia--,qMF4oSYjo °a^"cicnodo1':;.^

3 !pe [V-^,' cq

^. '.-Ti.j ^:^ui;op'nfsc:sw `.aZiq

; qTtA (,.'`4 'Icnuixi11


ClDtI4 p9ri

^^^ ^ 9 110 0 0 ei

04 s4uncmv q*a

C^^' ^

^^^^^ of two hundre^,

^^^^^^^r al^ ^^ ^^hol

^^^sI^^^ of ^^n Antonio

^''ern[ant^ ^ o'," on the ;^^urth d&#y

of Decevaber In the year s;^^en^^^^ se-venty n^.^^ w^,

^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ry d^^,^^^^^ ^se^ ^^^^^ the

^^^^^^^4^1AZ- anWOa^dioej

preaMitec^ to ^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^

r^^al -housezW We have examined the

mp^ndi^ures .^^^ the ^^^vation and

untt^ with the reates

^^^^^^^ ^^^art. evident

e- proc

L^8 9-S

as ^^ now do approv

^^t If the ^^^^^si^ility i

d retion had not been amc"er.^^d

,upon A^^al^^ ^n : :^os ^ Antonio ^^^^^^^^s, it ^^^ have

^^^t m;^^^ ^^ore; with his ^^^^ ^^^^^e, said ^^

VONI-01; Will ^

^^^^ that the ^^^^^^^^^^

^^^^in^^ each one

absent'A ti

r^^^ to. the


:-alde^, DUW : ^oz,^^

^^^^ain with the ^^^^^^^^


^^^ ^i I nd

apon their return they pay

`*,-*,eeds;s^ it [will be ^^^^^blel, to eatlefr that whie-h

in. t^ af^^^^nti^^^^ ^^^o"'^^ as ^till. OWOd

".^^^^tiont^ The balance, ^ tha'^ am^^^^] ^hich

the ft^ of the. year,

li^ledge Ot the tManl^ RI ^^^^^^^^ioa^ ^omb^^^ who

are "^^^ed for the ^^^^^oomin: year, in ^^^^^ that9v

//^^^al call^^tl^^ may ^^ oftooted« As soon as the work

on the royal ^ouzes Is :^^^^ el*, A.^^^^^^ PLOW ^^^^^^^^ ^

^ado$ ar^^^ With ^hl


this ^^^^^a,&^ that ^s Lor'^^^^p nmi,^ be pl^sed to ^^^

his ^^^^^^^ ^^l*,Wo We: thus. ^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^ In.

^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ In the ^^^^^c* or, ^^^^^^^^ a ^^^li^of ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ on the ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ I

l^ck Of ^^

^^^^^^^dlo de ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

cos de ^^^^oOrl

0 . ^^^n"ftbr 1A

[D. ^:. ^. 9-9v p ?^ *^, in ^^:2/1,5/1779

^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^

^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^

2a ^^^^ Anto:^^^ ^10^

of ^^ ^^rnand

I to the ^^^^^^^^^

^^^^^^^lngs'^^^ri^^ out by

l^^^^^^^^ tMunieipal ^ ^^^^^^^^^ thereof.

I de'^-aile the ,^^^^^^ ^r which, ^^

^^^s-ist-81i, [This ial r he - au:^^^^^^ ^^ t

the *aforeaald AIeal^^ two ^^^pl^^^^ the ^^^^un^ t

T r him th":^ ^^ the ^^^ of the ^ing

sUoh A. tedlou;^

^^^^ ^^^ he haz been ^^le to

the 4eoea'^ ^^^^^^^on- they ^^^ ^^^ ^^dounds to the honor

of the

^^^^wh^^^ ^^^^^ the Olvility rocommonc^^d by the ^awo

to observe^


^^^^^^^ that thoI.^ ^^^^ic, buildings displ^^ the


^^^^pal Oor.^^^^ti^^^ are d

^^ ^ef^ ^^ them,, Alth. ; ^ ^^^^

no ^^^^^ ^^tdl ^^^^^^^^^ to be I^ ^^rs^^

^^^^ in vi^^ of imic^en^^ ^^^ ^^ have

^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^heloss been .^^^^^^^

^^^d;U10A like as .^ev^^ her ^^ca. 'The:^ ^^^ld ^^^^r

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