nursing summer 2017 student slo report

Post on 28-Oct-2021






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Nursing Summer 2017 Student SLO Report

Q3 - What did you like about this program?

that it was a 2 year program with the opportunity to take the classes in less time. I think there are some great teachers who really want their students to succeed.

I liked about the way the instructors took their time to teach and explain in class and in the clinical. They made the students understand the concept from class and apply them in clinical area.

The clinical faculty, experiences, and facilities were great.

It's too long

Most instructors were great and truely cared about outcomes.

I like that it was a 2 year program and you could do it in less time. I also thought there are some great teachers who really care about their students success

I liked the amount of hands on time that we had, more so compared to surrounding schools it seemed. After being at another university where I was just a number I feel like instructors really take the time to know you and work with you to help you succeed. I would recommend this program to anyone!

I liked the clinical experiences and the hands on learning

the 4 semesters in a row was a nice timeframe option to have

VERY STRUCtured and organized

I liked that I was able to be with fellow LPN to ADN students. Forth semester instructors.

It was fast paced, didn't get bored.

I liked the program overall with the variety of clinical settings and education.

The community feeling of the program. I enjoyed the small class sizes, the connections with staff and peers, and the intimate and caring feeling of the program. I feel that I got an incredible education and great clinical experiences.

The option to do the fast track option and get finished in a year and a half.

Q4 - What would you change about this program?

I think there should be more opportunities for students. Some of the teachers especially adjunct didn't have the enough training. I think some of the expectations for students were not laid out well. There should be an informational meeting before each semester for student, and I feel transition was very poorly organized, leaving students with a week until it was suppose to start and still had not heard from their preceptor. I think the test throughout the program should reflex the NCLEX: more multiple choice, one question at a time, and exhibit questions. I feel unprepared for the NCLEX

Mental health and management to be face to face.

Have more frequent exams that focus on less material.

Do it 2 weeks before the finals

Organization and choosing transition preceptors/sites

I think there should be more opportunities for students. Some of the teachers especially adjunct didn't have the enough training. I think some of the expectations for students were not laid out well. There should be an informational meeting before each semester for student, and I feel transition was very poorly organized, leaving students with a week until it was suppose to start and still had not heard from their preceptor. I think the test throughout the program should reflex the NCLEX: more multiple choice, one question at a time, and exhibit questions. I feel unprepared for the NCLEX

I would change the expectations at clinical, I felt like some students were held to higher or lower standards, everyone should be held responsible for the same things. Maybe a brief on pharmacology before the course starts, I feel like it is something that we can never get too much of.

More guidance and explanations of what's expected in the coming semesters.

I think there would be more benefit to spending an additional week in 2nd semester on the med surg floors rather than the 6 weeks spent at the long term care facility.

Shorter days in taking the ATI exam

Have management blended. Some how have ati work properly when needed for testing purposes. Each time I have came in for ati testing we spend 30 min trying to get everyone logged into the test.

Management would have a face to face option. RN Predictor would be given after the final tests of the semester.

There has been some situations where there was a lack of communication among staff and clinical settings. Fixing those for future students would be a good idea. I.E. DEU changes and general confusion.

Increased communication regarding expectations for end of semester tests and beginning clinical course expectations and prerequisite expectations.


Q5 - How many of your nursing classes did you choose to take in an online format?

# Answer % Count

1 None 6.67% 1

2 Less than 5 86.67% 13

3 5 or more 6.67% 1

Total 100% 15

Q7 - As a result of this program: I have learned effective communication skills.

# Answer % Count

1 Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

2 Disagree 7.14% 1

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 7.14% 1

4 Agree 42.86% 6

5 Strongly Agree 42.86% 6

Total 100% 14

Q8 - Provide any comments you have on effective communication skills you learned.

I have learned to communicate well by handing over the report

How to communicate effectively with other cultures, students, and instructors.

more confidence

I have learned how to effectively communicate between different health care providers to maintain safety

With post conferences I feel like that was something that was almost always discussed, some of the content told us what we should do but it is always easier doing it in practice when you have to.

More confident in my public speaking abilities and speaking with others

Q9 - As a result of this program: I am able to apply mathematical concepts.

# Answer % Count

1 Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

2 Disagree 0.00% 0

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 0.00% 0

4 Agree 28.57% 4

5 Strongly Agree 71.43% 10

Total 100% 14

Q10 - Provide any comments you have on mathematical concepts you learned.

mathematic is a continuous practice, I'm still working on dosage calculation

How to check my answers.

I feel confident solving math problems associated with the health care field

I have always liked and seemed to have caught on to math, so that is something that I never really found an issue with

I am terrible at math but feel confident in dosage and drip rate calculations now

Q11 - As a result of this program: I learned how to transfer social and natural science

theories into practical applications.

# Answer % Count

1 Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

2 Disagree 0.00% 0

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 21.43% 3

4 Agree 35.71% 5

5 Strongly Agree 42.86% 6

Total 100% 14

Q12 - Provide any comments you have on transferring social and natural science theories

into practical applications.

Not sure on how to answer that question


I feel I have the basic education to start me off in my nursing career with advanced learning I will become a great nurse.

I am not sure what that is supposed to mean

Q13 - As a result of this program: I learned critical thinking skills.

# Answer % Count

1 Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

2 Disagree 0.00% 0

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 0.00% 0

4 Agree 28.57% 4

5 Strongly Agree 71.43% 10

Total 100% 14

Q14 - Provide any comments you have on critical thinking skills you learned.

I learned the importance of checking vitals before administering any blood pressure medication.

I learned how to thinks outside of the box and analyze things first.

I have learned how to think critically and apply it to many situations on the health care field

Learning material and content has really shown us what should be priority as a nurse rather than what we would have thought before as a CNA. Things that used to seem more important do not now and that is something that has come from clinical and classroom experience

Q15 - As a result of this program: I have learned to use technology effectively.

# Answer % Count

1 Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

2 Disagree 0.00% 0

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 14.29% 2

4 Agree 35.71% 5

5 Strongly Agree 50.00% 7

Total 100% 14

Q16 - Provide any comments you have on what you learned about using technology


I have learned on how to use EPIC


I know and feel comfortable using epic

We use technology everyday and while at clinical we use many different kinds, the stuff we use in skills lab an stuff for the most part is kind of outdated so if it weren't for clinical and work experience I think we'd be lacking with that.

Q17 - As a result of this program: I have learned to value myself and work ethically with

others in a diverse population.

# Answer % Count

1 Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

2 Disagree 0.00% 0

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 14.29% 2

4 Agree 28.57% 4

5 Strongly Agree 57.14% 8

Total 100% 14

Q18 - Provide any comments you have on what you learned about valuing yourself and

working ethically with others in a diverse population.

Coming from a diverse background it was not a big challenge to work with diverse population

I think there was some opportunity to work with diverse groups I think there is room for diversity in this program

I have caught myself saying before how I am just a CNA and oh I'll just be a nurse, but there is a lot of value and responsibility in both of those roles so it is important to remember. Caring for people is a privilege and seeing different populations and some lifestyle choices you might not agree with can be tough but it is important to remain professional

Q19 - As a result of this program: I am able to make decisions that incorporate the

importance of sustainability.

# Answer % Count

1 Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

5 Strongly Agree 50.00% 7

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 21.43% 3

2 Disagree 0.00% 0

4 Agree 28.57% 4

Total 100% 14

Q20 - Provide any comments you have on what you learned about incorporating the

importance of sustainability in decisions you make.

I have been able to participate in group projects make decisions and also make decisions on what we are supposed to do

We talk about the importance

It is important to make decisions that you can stand by, and if you can't support your decision you shouldn't be making it

Q22 - As a result of this program, I learned to: implement my role as a nurse in ways that

reflect integrity, responsibility, ethical practices, and an evolving professional identity as a

nurse committed to evidence-based practice, caring, advocacy, and quality care.

# Answer % Count

1 Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

2 Disagree 0.00% 0

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 0.00% 0

4 Agree 35.71% 5

5 Strongly Agree 64.29% 9

Total 100% 14

Q23 - Provide any comments you have about learning this program outcome.

I have learned high quality nursing standards, which I will apply to provide quality care to the patient.

Xxxx was a great example on how nurses should act.

Q24 - As a result of this program, I learned to: demonstrate appropriate written, verbal,

and nonverbal communication in a variety of clinical contexts.

# Answer % Count

1 Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

2 Disagree 0.00% 0

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 0.00% 0

4 Agree 46.15% 6

5 Strongly Agree 53.85% 7

Total 100% 13

Q25 - Provide any comments you have about learning this program outcome.

I have written nursing care plans, nursing journals, and also chart in patient medical records

I think the clinical paperwork helps but the feedback could be more in depth

Q26 - As a result of this program, I learned to: integrate social, mathematical, and physical

sciences, pharmacology, and pathophysiology in clinical decision making.

# Answer % Count

1 Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

2 Disagree 0.00% 0

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 0.00% 0

4 Agree 50.00% 7

5 Strongly Agree 50.00% 7

Total 100% 14

Q27 - Provide any comments you have about learning this program outcome.

mathematic is a continuous practice, I'm still working on dosage calculation

I liked when the clinical instructor was able to go over labs and diagnosis with us.

Q28 - As a result of this program, I learned to: provide patient centered care by utilizing

the nursing process across diverse populations and healthcare settings.

# Answer % Count

1 Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

2 Disagree 0.00% 0

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 0.00% 0

4 Agree 42.86% 6

5 Strongly Agree 57.14% 8

Total 100% 14

Q29 - Provide any comments you have about learning this program outcome.

By utilizing nursing process I have been able to provide individualized nursing care in a diverse population.

could be more diverse

Q30 - As a result of this program, I learned to: minimize risk of harm to patients, members

of the healthcare team and self through safe individual performance and participation in

system effectiveness.

# Answer % Count

1 Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

2 Disagree 0.00% 0

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 0.00% 0

4 Agree 42.86% 6

5 Strongly Agree 57.14% 8

Total 100% 14

Q31 - Provide any comments you have about learning this program outcome.

By use of three identifier this minimizes risk and promotes safety

Q32 - As a result of this program, I learned to: lead the multidisciplinary health care team

to provide effective patient care team to provide effective patient care throughout the


# Answer % Count

1 Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

2 Disagree 0.00% 0

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 0.00% 0

4 Agree 69.23% 9

5 Strongly Agree 30.77% 4

Total 100% 13

Q33 - Provide any comments you have about learning this program outcome.

collaborate and communicating with the instructor and the preceptor provides effective care to the patients

Q34 - As a result of this program, I learned to: use information and technology to

communicate, manage data, mitigate error, and support decision-making.

# Answer % Count

1 Strongly Disagree 0.00% 0

2 Disagree 0.00% 0

3 Neither Agree nor Disagree 0.00% 0

4 Agree 50.00% 7

5 Strongly Agree 50.00% 7

Total 100% 14

Q35 - Provide any comments you have about learning this program outcome.

Use of school email , blackboard , and charting patient cares in their charts at a timely manner.

Q36 - CONCLUSION Please use this space to share any other feedback, comments, or

suggestions about your experience at Western Technical College.

This has been my best experience being in college. I would recommend to any individual who wants to become a NURSE ready to study and learn to join western Technical college.

Please have the predictor AFTER the other courses are completed, as you do with the Community & Mental Health ATI exams. Also, please do not have the Predictor AND the other testing on the same day!

It was a wonderful learning experience. The instructor worked well to help every student succeed.

Xxxx, Xxxx, and Xxxxx make this program stand above the rest.

Overall I have had a great experience, a big thanks to the dedicated instructors that offer their personal numbers that they can be reached at any time. They might not answer right away but they answer in a timely manner. Some instructors I think have had their better years and I did have some poor, not valuable experiences with clinical. Char, Xxxx, Xxx, and Xxxxx I can't say enough good things about!

The only problems I had with the program involved ATI and Gundersen Epic training. There were no clear directions or announcements of when EPIC training needed to be completed. Instead we received strongly worded e-mails saying we had by the end of day to complete. ATI was often problematic and involved calling ATI several times. I felt the instructors were all great and really wanted us to succeed. At times the paper work felt overwhelming but in the end I realized it helped me to better myself in the nursing field.

I recommend WTC for anyone pursuing a nursing degree. The classes are well structured, the instructors are professional and they allow students to get a feel for "real life" practice during clinicals.

Thank you so much. My experience has been wonderful. I am so grateful to this program. I leave excited for my future as an RN with a job already lined up. I just have to pass my NCLEX!

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