nursing diary writing:health behaviour change diary entry

Post on 31-Jul-2016






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Assessment 2 - Health Behaviour Change Diary. Task Description: Students are to keep a health behavior change diary using the template provided in the ‘assessments folder’ on the Moodle site. In this diary, students are to: · · Document a key health behavior that they wish to change (i.e. weight loss, increasing exercise levels, quitting smoking, cutting down on alcohol intake); · · Document goals in relation to achieving the behaviour you wish to change, as per the template; · · Write down the pros versus the cons of changing the behavior (a costs/benefits analysis); · · Document the impact of the behaviour on your health and lifestyle; · · Measure and record your progress on a weekly basis to achieving your change goal; · · At the end of the change period, document a reflective piece (incorporating literature and other resources) on your change journey (1500 words). In this, you are to reflect on how you can use your intern-ship work experience.


Document a key health behaviour in a Diary Health Behaviour I wish to Change. A reflection on my health behaviour change journey

targeted towards achieving and maintaining weight reduction.

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Filename: 1SAMPLE16C38-Nursing-Document-key-health-behaviour-diary.PDF

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Uploaded: April 26, 2016



Fortunately, I was always well-aware of the benefits of eating healthy diet and

exercising regularly. However, sustained commitment towards adopting the healthier lifestyle

was lacking, termed self-liberation in the literature (Romain 2014, p. 262). Of course, there

were numerous short-term, intangible costs associated with my changed lifestyle–unable to eat

my favourite food, inability to spend quality time with my friends in my favourite restaurant

over dinner almost every alternate day, an abrupt end to binge drinking parties during the

weekends, eating a relatively bland diet rich in dietary fibres, forced to walk at least 2 miles a

day irrespective of competing priorities, drinking plentiful of water irrespective of whether I

am thirsty or not and thus staying optimally hydrated, to name a few. However, I was able to

gradually offset most of these short-term costs by adopting the change management process

through counter-conditioning (substituting the behaviours that are undesirable), helping

relationships (seeking support from the community), reinforcement management (rewarding

myself on a regular-basis for implementing the change process successfully), self-liberation

(embarking on this change journey and remaining committed to the change process), and

stimulus control (removing all direct and indirect incentives for unhealthy habits). Notably, my

approach was evidence-informed (Stumpf 2013, p. 24).

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