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Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Can and can't young


His video esprime fundamental concets of smoke. There are some

teenagers and child that ask for a cigarette to adults, and

they don't accept the proposal of him. Adults

explain that smoke is bad and what it cause, say them to stay distant to smoke, and children give adults a sheet of paper where there's write

"you worry about me. But why not about yourself". This

video explain that the addictive cause it to smokers

and they can't stop.

Video on YouTube about smoke and relationship with teenagers

There are some reasons for teenagers' smoke, but the main is that they want to be cool and accepted, without understanding the dangerousness of this. A lot of teens start to smoke between 13 and 18 years old and they don't worry of the addictive habit that is difficult to stop. That it can shorten your life by10 years or more, and that the habit can cost a smoker thousands of dollars a year. It's so different for adult because they think that they are cool also without the smoke. They start to smoke also because they watch men on movies and tv shows to do it so to be as they they start smoke. But it's very important that the proportion of children who have ever smoked continues to decline. In 2014, 18% of 11-15 year olds (22% in 2013). Portrayals of smoking in the media are nearly all attractive. Many of the teenagers admire the actors will follow what the actors do by watching those movie or drama. They do not think of the negative effect of smoking on their health but just want to be like the actors.

Country should make more efforts to prevent teenagers smoke. More information about the effect of smoking should show by public service announcements.The country should also enforce the rules so that teenagers could not smoke under age. Besides, the sale of cigarettes in the country also should decrease. Also teachers play an important role, because they can to stop the teenagers smoke, support teenagers and teaching on the effect of smoking. Teenagers can stop smoking with your parents and teacher's help, with the support of his good friends, understand that they can be "cool" without smoke.

HEALTH EFFECTS OF SMOKING AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE * In adults, cigarette smoking causes heart disease and stroke. Studies have shown that early signs of these diseases can be found in adolescents who smoke. * The resting heart rates of young adult smokers are two to three beats per minute faster than nonsmokers. * Smoking at an early age increases the risk of lung cancer. For most smoking-related cancers, the risk rises as the individual continues to smoke. * Teenage smokers suffer from shortness of breath almost three times as often as teens who don't smoke, and produce phlegm more than twice as often as teens who don't smoke. * Teenage smokers are more likely to have seen a doctor or other health professionals for an emotional or psychological complaint. *impact on physical activity many smokers report a diminished ability

Effects of smoke • Cancer • Short breath • Diminished fisicall activity

Effects of nicotine In a cigarette there are over 4000 chemicals, 51 of them are known to be carcinogenic. People continue to smoke because of nicotine.

Nicotine addiction is why people keep grabbing the next cigarette, nicotine produces changes in the brain that form its addictive qualities. Nicotine targets the area of the brain that produces dopamine--a mood altering neurotransmitter and neurohormone that produces an emotional response including pleasure. Nicotine cause icky teeth and yellow fingers

Some reason to quit smoking 1) if you smoke you Smell like smoke Your hair and yours clothes smell bad People don't like it 2) in your mouth there is a Smoke flavour 3) smoking increase Premature aging and wrinkles 4)Smoke have a lot of impacts appearance Like Bags under your eyes, Icky teeth, with the smoke your teeth are yellow Nicotine in cigarette can't only make your teeth yellow, but it's also notorius for yellow fingers. Smoke huts your hair, it damage the DNA in hair. Cigarettes can be an appetite suppressant 4) Impotence Smoking increase the chances of impotence 6)smoking you increase infections like long terms cancers 7) impact on physical activity Many smokers report a diminished physical activity due to smoke in your lung 8) Cigarettes are expensive

Can and Can't

Can is a modal verb. It's used to say ability, opportunity, request, permission, possibility and inappropriateness.

It means potere and saper fare It's used only in the present tense, it isn't S on third person and it's

followed by another verb at the base from. To form the negative we add "not" after can to form one word: cannot.

We can also contract the negative to form can't. (can't = cannot) To from the question we change the position of the subject and the

auxiliary verb.

Ability Es. I can play football.


Es. I can't swim.

Permission Es. Can I organizer a pygiama party with my friends?

Request: Can I go to the borrow please?


Es. My friend go to his grandpa early come to me.

Inappropriateness Es. You don't use my computer!!! It' only mine.

Nicotine is the "heart" of the cigarettes? At what age teens start to smoke? which are apparent effects of cigarettes? What problems have teenagers that smoke? Is smoking in decline?

Exercises Complete the sentences with can or can't. football. We.....go to cinema because I can help my father to wash the car. ...I open the door please, it's hot? ...I go to the toilette please? You...go play football or you can go out with your friends, but with PlayStation. My friend invite me to his home, .... I go to him. Use can to form questions and write answers. You play football? I go with my brother? I ask a question? They want go out? I stay with my friends? Can she dress those stocks?

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