nudge design pp thus far

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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Nudge design project thus far for FA 102C


Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Changing Children’s Play

Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Situation That May Benefit from Nudge


Many kids ages 7-10 spend more time inside playing

video games than playing outside.

Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Documenting the Situation:

My cousin


and her


playing the

Nintendo Wii

for the whole

day when it is

nice outside.

Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Documenting the Situation Continued:

“We never get bored playing video games

or on our tablets but we get bored playing

outside.” -Nicholas

Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Documenting the Situation Continued:

“There isn’t a

lot we can do

outside and

that’s why we

get bored.

With our

tablets there

are so many

games we

can play!” -


Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Desired Behavior:

Engage and encourage children to play

more outside rather than inside playing

videogames, watching TV, etc.

Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Design Tip:

To encourage one behavior or selection over

another, emphasize its associated gains rather

than its associated losses.

Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Proposed Nudge Design (Text):

A plug in device that adds a screen that pops up

on all devices before loading the home screen that

has a fun character tell children how long they

have spent playing and to go play fun games


Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Proposed Nudge Design (illustration):

Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Logo Design (Words/Countries):

Words Countries

• Improvement

• Persuasion

• Encourage

• Sweden

• Greece

• Italy

Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Logo Design (Translated Words):

Swedish word for Improvement = förbättring

Greek word for Persuasion = κατάπειση

Italian word for Encourage = incoraggiare

Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Associated Images:

Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Logo Design (Sketches):

Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Final Logo Design:

Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Naming Process:

Swedish word for Improvement = förbättring

Italian word for Encourage = incoraggiare

Final Name: förincorä

Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Logo with Logotype:

Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Storyboard :

Research, Branding, Motion Graphic for Nudge Design Studio Jenna Delio

Sound Mix:

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