november the messenger 2020 · 2020. 11. 10. · before the fall of samaria (722 bce) and that he...

Post on 04-Feb-2021






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  • The Messenger “ S e r v i n g G o d ’ s P e o p l e T o G e t P e o p l e T o S e r v e G o d . ” N o v e m b e r

    2 0 2 0

    Pastor Brian Lucas

    Inside this issue:

    Methodist Men 2

    CUMC Women: Bookworms 2

    CUMC Women: Crafters 2

    Prayer Shawl Ministry 2

    All Saints Sunday 2

    Pastor’s Column 3

    Volunteers: Video Team 3

    Christian Education 4

    Adult Sunday School 4

    Men’s Bible Study—Fridays 4

    Teaching Moment 4

    Missions: Our Faith in Action

    Harvest Home Offering 5

    Conf. Camps & Retreat 5

    Thank You—CROP Walk 5

    Operation Christmas Child 6

    Susannah’s Pantry 6

    Ministry Spotlight: Silent Auction 6

    Think Green — Recycle 7

    Moved? New Phone #? 7

    Hospitalized? Surgery? 7

    Newsletter Deadline 7

    Poinsettia Alternative 7

    Noah’s Ark Childcare Center 8

    Christmas At Noah’s Ark 8

    Cookies Needed for Dec. 15 8

    Fundraisers: Noah’s Ark 9

    Serving This Month 10

    Volunteer Opportunities 10

    Altar Flowers 10

    November’s Calendar 11

    Our Annual Church Conference will be held on

    Sunday, November 1

    after 10:45 AM Service Church Conference is our annual gathering of members with the District Superintendent (or his/her representative) to discuss and approve certain financial obligations for the year, approve lay ministers or clergy candidates, elect lay members for annual conference, and things of that nature. In the past these conferences have taken place in person, but this year will be a little bit different: it will be hybrid. This means that Rev. Cathy Boileau (D.S. for the York District) will be at the church building and will be joining us for our 10:45 worship experience and will be delivering the sermon; immediately following the end of worship, we will move into the “business” of conference (although non-members can stay and attend, they cannot vote). Conference will also be viewable from home through Zoom. Join this Zoom Meeting:

    Community Thanksgiving Dinner Sponsored by the Waynesboro Area Fellowship of Churches

    & Waynesboro Community and Human Services

    Thanksgiving Day, November 26 Curb Side or Delivery

    from 11 AM - 12:30 PM at the Evangelical Lutheran Church

    (43 S Church St, Waynesboro)

    Anyone who will be alone Thanksgiving day or anyone unable to prepare a meal themselves is encouraged to sign up for a meal. Please sign up at Waynesboro Community and Human Services (123 Walnut Street) or call 717-762-6941.

    Donations are needed: homemade pies, cakes and sweet bread for the dinner. Anyone who is interested in helping or making donations should call WCHS at (717-762-6941) by November 19th to sign up to help.




  • Page 2 The Messenger

    Prayer Shawl Ministry: Knitters & Crocheters A group, whose purpose is to knit/crochet prayer shawls from a simple pattern, usually meet at 10:00 AM on the Second Tuesday of the month (Nov. 10). The shawls created are given to those who are ill or lonely and in need of both warmth and prayers. If you are interested in helping or for more info, please contact Mary Fry at 717-762-1567.

    Bookworms meet in the church parlor on Tuesday, November 3rd at 6:30 pm to discuss

    the book: A Piece of the World by Christina Baker Kline. (Colleen Middour 301-797-9562)

    Crafters meet Thursday, November 5th, Meet downstairs at 10:00 -3:00 to work on

    Christmas trees. (Patti Lewis 717-655-5559)

    The Methodist Men will meet at 6:00 PM on Monday, November 9 for their monthly dinner and meeting. We will feature a speaker for this gathering and all Covid19 safety rules and procedures will be in place for the event.

    The October toy assembly work shop went well with a total of (40) toys assembled. (15) of these toys will be made available for sale at $35 a piece to the congregation.

    This will be on a first come-first serve basis … sign-up sheet is in Frank Hall.

    If you'd like more information about our Men's group, please contact Bill Hovis or Tom Wynkoop.

    All Saints’ Sunday, November 1st This year for All Saints’ Sunday, we will remember those persons from our congregation (and those whom our pastors have cared for) who have passed on to God’s presence this past year (since All Saints Sunday 2019):

    Dorothy Baylor, Jean Clevenger, Bob Donnelly, Ann Ecker, Donald Haugh, Lillian Hoff, Scott Hoover, James McKenzie, Mary Punt, John Rauch, Butch Yeager

    If we missed someone, please contact Church Office (we do not want to miss anyone on November 1st.)

  • November 2020 Page 3

    Pastor’s Column

    When I was a kid, changing the clocks left me with lots of questions, like, “Why do we do this?” “Did dad change the clocks already? What time IS it?” “What do you mean it’s time to get up/go to bed? I’m still sleepy/wide awake.” And “Which way do we turn them this time?”

    To answer the last question, my parents taught me a little jingle: You spring forward (WHEE!), and you fall back (WHOOOAAA!). So here we are in the fall, and on November 1st it will be time to “fall back” once again.

    Although I don’t know that changing the clocks is really necessary (and would certainly prefer it just stay one throughout the year), I do think this biannual ritual of resetting the clocks can give us the opportunity to pause and see what else needs to be reset in our lives. Since “springing forward” into new ways of living, doing, connecting, and worshipping gets so much attention, let’s consider the “falling back” part instead.

    “Falling back” into negative patterns and bad habits can be easy (it only takes one cigarette, one drink, or one pill to cancel out years of work and sobriety); but “falling back” into positive patterns and good habits can be much more difficult.

    Have you gotten out of the habit of attending worship (in person or digitally)? Consider “falling back” into the habit.

    Have you gotten behind in your Bible reading? Consider “falling back” into the Word.

    Have you stopped “meeting together with other believers” (Hebrews 10:25)? Consider “falling back” into a small group or Sunday school class … or form a new one.

    Four weeks after we reset the clocks will be the first week of Advent. Our series will be “I Believe, Even When” and the Worship Design Team is hard at work to make this a memorable, meaningful, and engaging season in which we can “fall back” into our faith and trust in God. I encourage you to reset your clocks and prepare for this opportunity to reset your spiritual lives and “fall back” into the arms of a loving, caring, grace-filled God.

    In Christian Love,

    Volunteers Wanted: Video Team We Livestream our 10:45 AM Worship — we need help. We are looking for folks interested in the video ministry at CUMC -- especially someone to operate the video camera. For more information, contact Pastor Brian or Carl.

  • Page 4 The Messenger

    Teaching Moment: Micah

    Little is known about the prophet, Micah. Micah is

    number 6 of the 12 minor prophets. The best guess

    is that Micah’s first prophecy took place to just

    before the fall of Samaria (722 BCE) and that he

    was a younger contemporary of Isaiah. Micah was

    born in Moresheth, a small village southwest of

    Judah’s capital city.

    The name “Micah” means “who is like Yahweh”.

    Micah foretold of Jesu’s Bethlehem birth (Micah 5:2).

    Micah provides insight into the nature of God and to

    the way humans relate to God and to each other. (1) The New Interpreter’s Bible, Volume VII, 1996 by Abington Press

    Men’s Bible Study—Every Friday at 8:15 AM in the Parlor The Agents of Babylon study series continues. The study delves into the prophecies of Daniel through such “agents” as kings and rulers, royal counselors, animals, angels and inanimate objects. Taken together, they comprise the most exciting book of prophecy in the Old Testament. All men are welcome. POC: Herb Meininger at 717-352-6130 or (NOTE: Herb’s Adult Sunday School Class uses the same study.)

    Christian Education Classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM

    Children’s & Youth Sunday School

    Grades Pre-K to 5 class is not meeting until we have children (child) who wish to attend class. Contact: Beverly Robinson at the Church Office ( or 717-762-7042).

    Middle & High school students meet with Esther Oney in the West Wing, 2nd room on the left.

    Special Needs class meets in the West Wing, first room on the left. Taught by Jenn Terry.

    Adult Education

    The Adult Bible Study continues the series entitled, Agents of Babylon. (See Men’s Bible Study article below for information on this study.) The class meets in the Parlor located off Frank Hall. Contact: Herb Meininger.

    Combined Adult Sunday School is meeting (except for Adult Bible class) in the Frehn class (Room #1) located off Wolff Hall in the basement at 9:30 AM. They are studying Adam Hamilton's "Christianity's Family Tree". In this book Adam Hamilton presents a welcoming, inspiring vision of Eight Christian denominations and faith tradi-tions: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Anglicanism, Baptist, Pentecostalism and Methodist. Comparing the Christian family to our extended families, he contends that each denomination has a unique, valuable perspective to offer on the Christian faith. If interested contact Cindy Hartman or Pastor David.

    Online Adult Bible Lesson is available via email (and posted on Facebook) for those who cannot attend the Sunday morning class. Lesson is also posted on our Facebook page and our Website. If interested in receiving the weekly email, contact Pastor Dave (

    minor prophet // major message

    And what does the Lord require of you?

    To act justly and to love mercy

    and to walk humbly with your God. -Micah 6:8

  • November 2020 Page 5

    CROP WALK 2020 - THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! for your generosity in both walking and supporting the walkers in the fight against world hunger. Team Christ UMC consisted of 10 walkers (Betty Wolff, Brian Lucas, Bill and Pat Short, Tom Miller, Karen Walters, Bob and Donna Frost, Bob Davis, and Cindy Hartman), raising a total of $2897! Thank you to

    both the walkers and all of those who supported them. We surpassed the goals we had set and retained the trophy for the team with the highest total donations. 25% of the money raised will stay in the Waynesboro area. Thank you for your amazing generosity.


    Did you know … 1 in 6 Americans are living with inadequate food? The crisis of inadequate food extends into many communities worldwide. Our Christian compassion calls us to do all we can to help alleviate hunger in our local community, in our nation and around the world. By participating in Harvest Home for World Hunger Offering you can take one action to help address the urgent need of the hungry in our midst.

    100% of the Offering Goes to Hunger Projects 50% will go to hunger projects and agencies within the Susquehanna Conference.

    25% will go to national hunger projects through UMCOR. 25% will go to international projects through UMCOR.

    Offering will be gathered on World Hunger Sunday, November 15, 2020. The Conference has set a goal of $1.00 per member. We would like to meet or exceed our 2019 donation of $500. Checks can be made out to CUMC with “Harvest Home Offering” on the memo line and then placed in the offering plate. There will also be a receptacle for donations in the back of the church starting November 1st. All monies will then be forwarded to the Conference by the operations treasurer.

    Thank you for your prayerful consideration.


    As has been the case for so many businesses, our Susquehanna Camps and Retreat Centers have been hard hit financially by the COVID 19 closures. Like many in the hospitality industry, our camps and retreat centers have had to cancel all events through the summer and into the fall. In spite of heavy losses, and a deficit of $300,000 in income this year, they are staying afloat through excellent stewardship, and the use of reserved funds, staff lay-offs and cutting costs.

    Our Susquehanna Conference Camps and Retreat Centers are not simply a line on our budget, but a place where every summer hundreds of children and youth from around the conference join together and are formed in Christ. Camp is one of our best expressions of Christian community, as kids from various ethnic, social economic and various abilities gather at table and at the campfire, and learn to recognize the face of Christ in each other. Many of our pastors have received their call to ministry as children or youth at one of our camps.

    We have 118 churches in the York District. If every church gave $100 (and I encourage those of you who can to give more), we would immediately raise $11,800. $100 is a small amount to invest in the future of our younger generations, and to say thank you for many of us in the York District who have experienced adult, family or confirmation retreats at Mount Asbury or Camp Penn.

    The Missions Committee at CUMC has recommended making a donation to the Susquehanna Camps and Retreat Centers through the Camp Fund. Anyone wishing to contribute in addition to that donation can make their check payable to CUMC with “Camp Donation” on the memo line. THANK YOU for your prayerful consideration.

    MISSIONS: OUR FAITH IN ACTION “For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.”

    -----James 2:26----

  • Page 6 The Messenger

    Susannah’s Pantry People come to Christ Church seeking immediate food help. We do not want to turn anyone away and we especially want to meet them as Christ’s hands extended. Our pantry is OPEN – we are bagging groceries and handing them out to community members that come to the church. This is a faith-ministry ... as we give the food away to needy families, we trust God to supply yet more! You can help by donating food.

    We are currently only handing out specific items since we are bagging items and handing them out at the door. We are currently handing out (non-perishable, simple food items): spaghetti sauce, spaghetti noodles, mac-n-cheese, peanut butter, jelly, ham/chicken, tuna, beef stew or similar, soup, corn, green beans, fruit, side dish (noodles), crackers, granola bars (or similar), cereal.

    Currently, the only items that we need are: canned green beans and canned corn. We are well supplied on other items— thanks to your generous donations.

    Thank you for your donations and support! Currently Open: Monday – Thursday from 10 AM – 3:30 PM and Friday from 10 AM – 2:00 PM

    Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes This year, we are asking people to make a monetary donation, checks made out to Christ UMC Women, or to go online to Samaritan’s Purse -Build a Shoebox and fill a box on line. The UMW will match the first $200.00 that is received. We will send the money in for Samaritan’s Purse to use where it is most needed. Money is due November 22. Questions, contact Margaret Eier

    RAISING MONEY FOR MISSIONS: Kurt Oney is offering his time and talents in two different ways:

    Silent Auction is again up and running – featuring as its first offering a set of two beautifully made mahogany cabinets. The intent is to sell them as a set (for use as end tables, night stands, or whatever you need) with minimum bid starting at $375 for both cabinets. Please take a look at the cabinets on display in Frank Hall and place your bids in the container provided. All money goes to Missions.

    Lumbar for Sale – Kurt has a lot of lumber on racks in his shop. It is “mixed up” but, nevertheless, there is a lot of good hardwood lumber throughout, including Walnut, Red Oak, Mahogany, and Maple. Many pieces are rough cut and some degrade is to be expected. There will be no picking through the racks and choosing only certain wood. The deal is “just whatever is on top.” He also has a lot of moldings (like crown molding). He is offering this lumber at $175 for a full pick-up load. Buyer must provide own truck and load lumber themselves. Participants are “guaranteed to get their money’s worth.” All money goes to Missions.



  • November 2020 Page 7

    Think Green We have recycling programs to help the environment. We need your help. Don’t throw those old batteries, ink cartridges, pull-tabs, or metal items. Bring them to the church so they can be kept out of landfills and recycled.

    Metal Recycling: We can recycle anything made of metal or with metal in it - any appliance large or small, anything run electrically or with batteries. We do not take TV’s, computer monitors (computers are ok), tires and stuffed furniture.

    Updates (April 2010 - October 11, 2020) Total Pounds of Metal Recycled: 1,241,241 Current Balance in Recycling Fund: $ 19,207.66 Total Amount Earned from Recycling: $ 125,697.62

    Aluminum Cans Pull-Tabs: A pull-tabs recycle tub is in the narthex to Frank Hall next to all the other recycle tubs. When we collect enough tabs, George Finney will make another delivery to the Ronald McDonald House in Hershey.

    Batteries: A battery recycle tub is by the narthex to Frank Hall – household batteries of all kinds – even hearing aid batteries can be deposited there. They will then be taken for recycling.

    Empty Ink-jet Cartridges: Most inkjet cartridges can be recycled. Please place the your empty cartridges (in its original box or in a plastic bag to keep it safe from spills and damages) in the jar in the Frank Hall.

    Name: Email or Phone:

    Number of $10 Donations: Total Enclosed: $

    Please list my donation(s): In Memory or Honor of and Given by:

    Please return to Church Office no later than Monday, December 14, 2020

    Please enclose payment * Make check payable to the Christ UMC , note Poinsettia Alternative

    Poinsettia Alternative Again this year in our Sanctuary, we will have a Christmas Tree instead of a Poinsettia Tree. You are invited to honor or remember your loved one through a monetary contribution to Missions (all money collected will go to The Lunch Place). Complete the form below then drop it off at the church office or place it in the collection plate. Your gift will be listed in the Christmas Eve bulletins. Your contribution must be received by Monday, December 14 to be listed in the bulletins. Thanks!

    Please fill out the form below and return it to the church office or place in offering plate

    2020 Poinsettia Alternative Order Form (Monetary contribution to Missions — all money collected will go to The Lunch Place)

    Hospitalized? Hospitals do not notify churches when their members are admitted. If you or a loved one is hospitalized, please contact the church office. The same is true for nursing homes, rehab, etc. The best way we learn of your health concern is when you tell us. Thank you and please pass along the word.

    Changes: Have you moved? Changed phone numbers? Heading south for the winter? Please let the church office know of any changes so that we can update our database.

    The deadline for articles to be placed in the December issue of The

    Messenger is Monday, November 16. Please email your articles, information and event dates to the Church Office by November 16th. ( - with Subject:

    Newsletter). (Info received after deadline may not be included in the newsletter) (Newsletter will be mailed on Thursday, November 19th.) Thank you!

  • Noah’s Ark Christian Child Care

    A Ministry of Christ United Methodist Church

    Sitting down and thinking about where to begin sharing always seems to be the perfect time for some self-reflection. It’s so easy to become consumed in society’s fast paced hustle and bustle, combined with recent politics and COVID, that I was very grateful for this week’s bus driving responsibilities. I spent three days taking our two year old toddlers, younger and older preschoolers to the Country Creek Produce Farm’s Pumpkin Patch for some fall fun. We enjoyed a tractor ride to the field to pick some pumpkins, pet lots of farm animals (who doesn’t love a cute pink piglet), rode the zip line from the hay bales, numerous rides down the tube slides, jumping together on the inflatable air bed, and topped it all off with a picnic lunch. I returned to the center to hear all about the infants enjoying the chance to saucer paint with their tootsies and orange paint. Our older infants and young toddlers gave the pumpkins a bath and topped them with colorful paint dabbers. Beautiful fall leaves, colors and fun are in their full glory all around Noah’s Ark. Providing learning opportunities, caring for and playing with the children has a way of putting everything going on in the world into a better perspective. The innocence of children is a true gift. Your ministry continues to be a high quality program that supports the holistic development of His children while strengthening the family and society as a whole.

    For His Children, Amy

    I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. Psalm 69:30

    Our fall fundraiser began on Monday, October 16st and ends on Friday, October 30th. We will also complete our second Scholastic book order with books arriving just in time for Christmas. I will place copies of both the fundraiser and the book order forms for Church members that may find them of interest for the Christmas season. The profits from these fundraisers are used to purchase classroom books, new toys and equipment for the children. (See Page 9 for more information about our Fundraisers.)

    Thank you for your support!

    Christmas at Noah’s Ark On Tuesday, December 15h at 7:00 PM the children from Noah’s Ark will present a celebration of Christmas in word and song for family, friends and any and all who want their spirits lifted. We have been singing Christmas songs for several weeks now and the excitement is beginning to build. The rehearsals are manageable on occasion, but sometimes they are sheer pandemonium. We reach the point where we aren’t sure if it will come off as planned or not. Usually it’s not, but the results are every bit as entertaining as the planned. The program lasts forty-five minutes to an hour and refreshments are served afterwards. If you can find the time in your busy schedule, please come and join us.

    COOKIES NEEDED FOR NOAH’S ARK’S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Following the program on Tuesday, December 15th, we would like to share some cookies, pretzels and punch. We will be baking cookies at Noah’s Ark, but it’s hard to put a dent into about 36 dozen. We would really appreciate your help and they don’t need to be fancy. It will mostly be children eating the cookies and their tastes are pretty simple. Please call the office at Noah’s Ark (717-765-8146) and let us know how many dozen you can spare. You can bring the cookies to the church Parlor any time from Sunday, December 13 to Tuesday, December 15. Thank you so much for your help!

  • November 2020 Page 9

    Noah’s Arks 2020 Fall Fundraiser This year we have created a combination of 3 fundraisers for families to

    choose from. You may buy from any or all of the fundraisers. We

    wanted to give you a variety of choices to show your support for Noah’s

    Ark. We do two large fundraisers a year, which are a vital part of the budgeting for the purchasing and replacing of

    toys and equipment. If families prefer not to buy or sell, a tax-deductible donation is always appreciated.

    Thank you for your support!

    Sale Ends: Friday, October 30th

    Please make “one” check payable to Noah’s Ark Christian Child Care Center,

    memo check “fall fundraiser” and return with the bottom slip.

    You may also send cash with this bottom slip, in a sealed envelope.

    Please include Order Form for each vender that you are ordering from. Thanks!

    Name: __________________________ Phone Number:__________________ Church Member

    Please place the TOTALS of each fundraiser on the appropriate lines.

    The Butcher Shoppe -Cookie Dough & Coffee-_$_________________________________

    Kline’s Hoagie Sale-$_____________________________________________________

    Holiday Wishes -$_____________________________________

    The Butcher Shoppe—Cookie Dough & Coffee

    2.5 lb Cookie Dough for $15.00 All cookie dough made fresh in their store from original recipes

    Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, Oatmeal Raisin, Snickerdoodle, Soft Sugar, Chocomeal, Molasses

    12 oz. Coffee Bags for $12.00 All coffee is 100% Arabica and roasted fresh

    East Africa Blend (A darker roast) Regular, Decaf, Ground, Whole Bean

    Central America Blend (A lighter roast) Regular, Ground, Whole Bean

    Colombian (A medium roast) Regular, Ground, Whole Bean

    French Vanilla (A medium roast) Regular, Decaf, Ground

    Kline’s Hoagie Sale $6/ticket. One ticket entitles you to ONE hoagie of choice (Ham, Roast Beef, Turkey, and Cold Cut

    Redeemable at Kline’s Grocery, 1940 Buchanan Trail E, Shady Grove, PA 717-597-2273

    Holiday Wishes Lots of items to choice from: holiday items, home decorations, chocolate treats, snacks,

    kitchen items, and much more. Catalogs and Order Forms are available in Frank Hall.

    You can also order online. Online ordering may be placed with Holiday Wishes at: Go to “Sellers Register Here”.

    Use School ID: S4100327, click “GO” and fill out form and click “Next”)

    Any questions, please contact Amy at Noah’s Ark

  • Page 10 The Messenger

    S e rv i n g T h i s M o n t h

    2020 Altar Flowers Chart is be posted on the bulletin board in the Second Street entrance to Frank Hall. Sponsoring the altar flowers is a beautiful way to give thanks to God for someone in your life, past or present. We will acknowledge these honorariums and remembrances in the Sunday bulletin. If you would like to present flowers in honor of or in memory of a loved one, please check the chart to see what dates are available, then write your information on the chart. You order the flowers from the florist of your choice. New to sponsoring flowers at CUMC: Beside the Altar Flower Chart, there is a yellow “How to” guide sheet for sponsoring flowers to help you with the process.

    Greeters Everyone who comes through the doors on Sunday morning is met with a smile and a bulletin. Our greeters are the first "face" Christ Church’s guests see and they are our hand of welcome. If you would like to be a greeter at either our 8:15 or 10:45 AM service, please contact Normajean Boyd at 717-655-5574.

    Altar Flowers The flowers on the altar are presented to the Glory of God ...

    Nov.1, 8, 15, 22, 29 (Open)

    Altar Guild

    Nov. Margaret Eier

    8:15 AM Service

    Greeters Nov. 1 Shawn and Tosha Hind 8 Bill and Pat Short 15 Keith and Melissa Rice 22 John and Cindy Hartman 29 John and Cindy Hartman

    Ushers Nov. 1 Dick Hajek and Pat Wolff 8 Jim and Susan Hatcher 15 Janet and Galen Mowery 22 Susan and Jim Calimer 29 Bill Short and Bill Hovis

    Worship Leader - Liturgist Nov. 1 8 15 22 29

    Volunteers Wanted: Special Music Interested in participating in the in-person Worship through singing? Let Pastor Brian or Mat know!

    10:45 AM Service

    Acolyte Nov. 1 8 15 22 29

    Greeters Nov. 1 Terry and Lynn Davis 8 Patti Lewis and Peggy Etter 15 Phyllis Dick and Sheryl Melville 22 Tom and Linda Wynkoop 29 Scott and Jen Terry


    Nov. Rich Benchoff (Capt.), Allen Carlson, Robert Small, Matt William, Chad Williams, Tom Wynkoop

    Worship Leader - Liturgist Nov. 1 Guy W. Camp III 8 15 22 29

    Worship Leaders/Liturgist Liturgist assist in the worship services by leading the responsive readings, reading the Scriptures and prayers. For more info, please contact Pastor Brian. To sign up, please see the list on the bulletin board in Work Room in the Church Office.

  • 1 White 2 3 4 5 6 7

    8 Green 9 10 11 12 13 14

    15 Green 16 17 18 19 20 21

    22 White 23 24 25 26 27 28

    29 Blue 30

    Office Closed

    Office Closed Office Closed

    7:00 PM in Parlor

    8:15 AM 9:00 AM

    Bells Rehearsal Men's Bible Study

    in Parlor in Frank Hall 7:00 PM in Parlor

    7:00 PM 6:30 PM 8:15 AM

    N. A. Bd. Mtg Church Council Bells Rehearsal Men's Bible Study

    in Classroom #1

    6:30 PM

    in Wolff Hall in Parlor 7:00 PM in Parlor

    6:00 PM 10:00 AM 8:15 AM

    Missions Mtg

    UM Men Prayer Shawl Bells Rehearsal Men's Bible Study

    6:30 PM 10 AM - 3 PM 8:15 AM

    Finance Mtg

    6:30 PM

    Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

    Bookworms Bells Rehearsal Crafters Men's Bible Study

    in Library 7:00 PM in Room 1 in Parlor

    1st Sunday of Advent

    10 AM

    Sunday Schedule

    Worship 8:15 & 10:45 AM

    Online Worship 10:45 AM

    Sunday School 9:30 AM

    Noah’s Ark: School Age Program using Downstairs Monday - Friday 6:30-8:30 AM & 3:00-5:30 PM

    “No School” Days 6:30 AM - 5:30 PM 2 Hour Delays 6:30-10:30 AM & 3:00-5:30 PM

    Church Conference after 10:45 AM Serv.

  • 100 South Church Street Waynesboro PA 17268


    The Messenger

    Lo e od

    Lo e all people

    Ma e disciples

    of esus Christ

    The Mission of

    Christ U. M. Church

    is to...

    Our Purpose is to

    Grow God’s Kingdom.

    Ministry Staff

    Pastor Brian Lucas ................... ........................................... Pastor

    Pastor David Deatrich ........ .................... Associate Pastor Rev. Carl Buterbaugh ............................................................................... Pastor Emeritus

    Mat Levine .......................... .......................... Choir Director

    Dan Deatrich ..................... ................. Bell Choir Director

    Brenda Slick ................................................................................................................ Pianist

    Cindy Hartman .................... Lay Leader

    Beverly Robinson ................... ................................. Secretary

    Carl Henry ............................................................................................................. Custodian

    Amy .......... Child Care Center Director

    Statement adopted: March 19, 2019


    P A I D Waynesboro, PA Permit No. 103

    Postmaster: Dated Materials -

    Please Don’t Delay!

    Chris United Methodist Church

    Sunday Morning Worship Schedule

    8:15 & 10:45 AM - Worship Service

    9:30 AM - Sunday School

    10:45 AM Worship Service - Livestreamed on Facebook

    November 2020

    Return Service Requested

    Unless Temporarily Away

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