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November Edition November 21, 2017

The Spooktacular Halloween Dance By Mira Elstub

On Friday, October 27, Lo-Ellen Park’s Student Council hosted the annual Halloween dance. Unsurprisingly, it had an amazing turnout. The dance’s DJs included Patrick Thom, Parker Szilva, and Shake It Up Sound and Lighting who were huge parts of the success. They really pumped up the crowd with great music and lots of fun! LEP Student Council really went all out on this one with great decorations, snacks, and a cool backdrop for spooky photos. “There's no doubt that the Halloween dance was a blast!” says grade ten student Ian Langille. “Being with friends, seeing nothing but smiles on people's faces, it just really shows the great environment the dance provided.”

The GSA Conference By Stephanie Suitor

On October 17, 2017, Lo-Ellen’s very own Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) participated in the Rainbow District School Boards annual “Embrace Diversity: Free to be Me” conference. Held in the Lexington Hotel, the members celebrated sexuality and gender identity along with several other schools in the district. Keynote speaker Brock McGillis shared his coming out story to the 400+ students and teachers who attended. Following the Pulse Club massacre, McGillis wrote an


Girls’ Basketball

By Jayde Hurley

No doubt Lo-Ellen Park is home to the strongest group of female basketball players in all of Sudbury! Every team, in all the divisions— Senior, Junior, and Midget— have yet to be defeated, as all of them took the city champion titles. With the momentum the girls are playing with, it is very likely we will be seeing them compete well at NOSSA on November 17-18, and also at OFSAA November 23-25.

Cross Country

By Jayde Hurley

Lo-Ellen Park’s runners have proven to be the best, not only in Sudbury but also in the whole northern region. Lo-Ellen Park claimed the overall NOSSA title, while also claiming each individual girl’s title for all Midget, Junior, and Senior teams. Lo-Ellen Park's Junior girls also swept the first four spots at NOSSA, with athletes Meredith Kuneski, Fiona Symington, Dylan Mazzuchin, and Delaney Bourget all finishing within 31 seconds of each other for the win.

Lo-Ellen Park had 5 teams, for a total of 27 athletes that qualified for the OFSAA competition that took place in Petawawa on November 5th.

LEP PRESS LEP News | World News | Sports

Photo by Yearbook Club

November Edition November 21, 2017

article about being a gay hockey player. “Hockey has always been homophobic,” McGillis wrote in his article. He shared his philosophy and his life story as he began to revolutionize the hockey world, attempting to eliminate homophobic language in the sport. Each student was offered two workshops of their choice, including Art, Yoga, and Being an Ally, which informed participants about perspective and the ability to change one’s perspective to be more accepting and understanding of others. Other workshop included “Here I Am! The Story of How I Became Fabulous” in which Vincent Bolt shared his hilarious perspective on life with his Batman belt buckle and his coming out story as he transitioned from female to male, Ancient History, “Let's Thrive in Life”, Healthy Sexuality, and Law and Rights: Greater Sudbury Police Service. Each workshop offered a wide variety of information and tools for the students and teachers.

LEP’s GSA meets every Tuesday at lunch in room 207, with a pizza lunch provided. It is a safe and inclusive space for anyone and everyone where people can share their stories and sexuality without the fear of being judged. There is always room to join, so if you’re LGBTQ+ or just an ally looking to support the community within our school, then stop by the GSA to learn more.

Environmental Council Waste Reduction Week By Stephanie Suitor

What a shame! Waste Reduction Week has come to a close. Starting on October 16, the Environmental Council started their remarkable week by encouraging the school community to wear blue to support recycling and to reduce waste. A fantastic turnout helped encourage the high spirits for the rest of the week. On Tuesday, a clothing drive and water bottle sale were conducted in the foyer, selling the limited edition Environmental SHSM water bottles for $7.00. On Wednesday, the council conducted a waste audit on the amount of waste Lo-Ellen produces in a day. Using the information collected, data was extrapolated to suggest how much each student and teacher would produce, daily, per semester, and yearly at Lo-Ellen Park, as well as the overall waste produced by 48 staff members and 703 students daily and yearly. The results are quite shocking!

Total projected generated waste/school year by Lo-Ellen Park each staff or student: 49,470 lbs. or 22,439.2 Kg

Thursday, water bottles were sold again, along with a screening of An Inconvenient Truth in Mr. Lafraniere’s room, collecting donations for the David Suzuki foundation. Friday was plastic-free Friday, where the Environmental Council attempted to reduce the plastic used in the school.


Lo-Ellen Park Athletics

By Jayde Hurley

Lo-Ellen Park has had a strong start to all athletics this year. As a school, we’ve managed to excel at every sport thus far. Our boys’ Golf team was the first to start the momentum, stealing the top four positions at cities. Our Midget, Junior, and Senior girls’ Basketball followed the winning impression, with all teams yet to be defeated in league games. The Junior boys’ Volleyball team is similarly undefeated. The Senior boys’ Volleyball team came so close to par, having won all their games but one, and the Girls’ Hockey team has two wins to start off their season. Finally, our Cross Country running team took the overall team, overall boys’, and overall girls’ title at relays, cities, and NOSSA, leaving them with a massive total of 27 individual athletes advancing to OFSAA. Go knights go!

Upcoming sports this season include Hockey, Swimming, Gymnastics, Wrestling, Curling, girls’ Volleyball, boys’ Basketball and Bowling.

Your Story

By Jayde Hurley

‘’We can convince almost anyone of almost anything‘’ a wise friend of mine once said to me. Actors get on stage and convince us they are sad, or happy, or perhaps even feelings that are more complex. They make us feel a story that never actually existed. We, ourselves, are actors. We tell ourselves what we choose to believe. We act based on the person we’ve made ourselves up to be. We fit the character that we play in our story. What you tell yourself, what you think, what you choose to believe, to be, that's a choice. You, yourself, have the power to be anything which you could ever want to be. As cliché and childish as it may sound, scientists have actually found that people who choose to change, not their life, but what they perceive of it, are actually the happiest. How you tell the story is up to you. How you think is a habit, and like any other habits it can be changed. Rewrite your story, change your thoughts, and convince yourself of your wildest dreams. You have that power as soon as you tell yourself you do!

November Edition November 21, 2017

After a tremendous week, the events came to a close; however, it won't be long before you see more events! World Paper Free Day was also celebrated on November 6. If you would like to be a part of such a great cause, then stop by room 304 Tuesdays at lunch to help bring change to our school.

4:44 - Jay-Z (2017) Album Review By Farah Abou-Rabia

Artist Jay-Z has been a revolutionary addition to the music industry since his debut album in 1996—before we were even born! With the higher stakes to maintain his popularity to this day, who knew that he could bring a masterpiece such as 4:44 to the table adding to his collection of other ground-breaking albums. To add icing to the cake, Jay-Z’s mother Gloria

Carter was featured on songs on 4:44 such as the hit song “Smile” as a celebration of her coming out as gay to her son. The emotion that she carries through to the surface with Jay-Z changed the world of hip-hop. It mixes Jay-Z’s timeless rapping style with her angelic voice, and his meaningful lyrics tie it all together. While all of this is happening, he also incredibly includes intimate topics from his personal life such as his

family life, his relationships, stereotypes, and even racism. His emotional and personal content will leave you with complete satisfaction of the heart and ears.

Rating: 9/10

Recommended Favourites: Bam, 4:44, Smile, The Story of O.J.

The Origins of Halloween By Jayde Hurley

Halloween nowadays is known as a time where children dress up, adults party, and people of all sorts eat sweets, but was it always that way? Halloween originally wasn't actually meant for people to go out and have a good time, but rather it was a celebration of the dead, where rituals and celebrations commemorated and warded off evil spirits.

Halloween actually originates from the Ancient Celtic people, Indo-European peoples of 800 BC, who lived over 2000 years ago. These peoples originate from contemporary Austria, and had a culture that expanded into the British Isles, Iberian Peninsula, central Europe, and northern Italy. The Celtic people’s new year began on November 1. To them,


Ask Mr. Lafraniere

By Benjamin Corrigan

What is ‘Ask Mr. Lafraniere? - ’Ask Mr. Lafraniere’ is a new section of the LEP Press in which Mr. Lafraniere will be answering any day-to-day questions, and of course, offering some advice with his words of wisdom. The best part. . . you, the students, will be able to get involved! By sending email to with the subject line “Ask Mr. Lafraniere” (it will be discarded otherwise), you can suggest topics that will be chosen for Mr. Lafraniere to discuss.

This edition's question from Ben:

“Dear Mr. Lafraniere, I’ve always been told that I use the semicolon incorrectly in my essay writing. What’s the deal with semicolons? Do you, personally, use them?

“I love the semicolon. The semicolon should be used as a punctuation mark, to join two closely related ideas together (independent clauses). Many people are afraid of the semicolon; I say, don’t be. I say, embrace the semicolon! I encourage everyone at Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School in their next email, memo, even poem you write, to incorporate at least 3 semicolons. Don’t be afraid of semicolons folks. Don’t. Be. Afraid.”

November Edition November 21, 2017

October 31, the last day of their year was a lot more than just “a new beginning”. In their culture this marked the end of summer and the beginning of a dark, cold, winter. To the Ancient Celts, the conditions of life in that era meant that winter was often associated with death. They also believed that on this day the world of the dead and the world of the living collided together, for just one night; on this night ghosts of the dead returned to earth for a visit. To them, the belief of the dead being closer to the earth in the past meant they were also more likely to be closer to the future as well, leaving them to believe they may be able to see into the future.

In European tradition, it was known as the Festival of Samhain, which celebrated the spiritual beliefs of Halloween. On this day people lit big bonfires and wore costumes with hopes to scare off the ghosts. They would sacrifice animals in rituals, while wearing costumes made of the animals’ skin and heads with hopes of finding out their own futures. Some even went as far as attempting to visit with the dead.

As much fun as we all have with the Halloween spirit, it's interesting to remember that the original ritual and beliefs actually had nothing to do with enjoyment, but rather were a way to represent the world of the dead spiritually.

Seven Tips For Life: Homework By Gray Brogden

Picture this: you just got home from school, you have a social life, you play sports, and you have the need for some quality alone time, but you have to do your homework. With the mountain of Math questions, English essays, and Science labs, you don’t know how you are going to get it all done. Well, there is no need for fright. Here are seven tips for getting your homework done right.

1. Choose a Homework Spot

Try to avoid doing your homework near a TV set or on your bed. You should find a quiet space with a table to do your work on; this could be at home or even at the library. Make sure you have everything you need before you begin: pencils, erasers, or a calculator. You want to be able to focus once you get going.

2. Do Not Disturb

Your phone is a total distraction, especially when you're trying to focus on your homework. Try turning off your phone and placing it in in your bag or in another room when you sit down to do your homework. You'll be able to get a lot more done if you aren't constantly bombarded with text tones and Snapchat notifications.


5 4 3 2 1… Improv!

By Gabriel Glover For over 20 years here at Lo-Ellen Park, we have had an amazing improv team. Run by Mrs. Ames, both Junior and Senior Improv teams participate at the Canadian Improv Games and other regional competitions annually. To practice for these competitions, the team meets twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays to hone their skills. They warm up by playing games to practice creating characters, settings, and conflicts to make a story, then they get to practice Improv events on stage. Everything they perform is made up with only a few seconds of thought, and once on stage, anything can happen. When asked ‘Why Improv?”, Thomas Pouta, a grade 12 Improv member said: “In Improv, it is hard to get used to thinking right on the spot. People who are too nervous to come out this year should definitely come out next next year. Improv is a great way to make friends and it really changes you for the better, such as speaking in front of a crowd. In Year 1 I got into Improv after not enjoying volleyball which was what I was playing, and I wanted to try something new. I had no confidence at first, but then after a while became more confident just entertaining people and making them laugh. Now I’ve been doing it for 4 years and I don’t have any fear on stage. It’s a great community.” Overall, Improv is a great place to improve your thinking skills and have lots of fun on stage.

Senior Improv Team

Photo by Olivia Taylor

November Edition November 21, 2017

3. Healthy Study Snacks

“Brain food” is a very popular term for foods that can help boost your brain power and improve your memory. Blueberries and walnuts are both very high in antioxidants (compounds found in certain foods that can help prevent or delay damage to your cells) and vitamins. Plus, they are easy to munch on, which makes them a great substitute for a much fattier bowl of chips. You can also try replacing fruit juices or pop with water or green tea during homework time. Green tea is chock full of antioxidants, and its sugar level is much, much lower than pop or juice.

4. Manage Your Time

It is very important to block off time to complete your homework each day. Consider how important each assignment is and how long you will need to complete it. Remember to schedule in short breaks every half an hour or so, just to stretch your legs and reset your brain. If you don’t like spending too much time after school on homework, you can save time by doing some of your homework at lunch.

5. Read the Rubric

Rubrics are a great way to know what is expected and how to go the extra mile, so if a teacher gives you a rubric or checklist, take a few minutes to read over it. Knowing what you have to do will make it a lot easier to find a starting point, and to know when you’re truly finished.

6. Ask for Help

Sometimes there will be things you just don’t understand, and that’s okay. If you’re at home, you can ask an older sibling or your parents/guardian for help. Try not to get stuck on one specific question. If you absolutely can’t figure something out, skip it and come back to it later, then ask your teacher for help the next day. Lo-Ellen Park also has a Homework Help Club on Tuesdays at lunch in room 312, where you can go to get extra help with your work.

7. Get it Ready to Go

As soon as you're done your homework, make sure to put it back in your bag or binder for the next day. Putting your homework away as soon as it’s done will help ensure you don’t forget it in the morning and have to tell your teacher that your dog ate it.

I hope these seven tips have made your homework seem a little less daunting and a little more manageable. Be sure to check out next month's edition for another Seven Tips for Life!


A Day In The Life: Full IB

By Emily Cooke The schedule for this semester starts off with History. I go into Mr. Pagan’s class, and we have a quiz on the reading from the night before. We then continue discussing content and sometimes watch informative videos. Next comes French with Madame Vachon. We do readings, projects, presentations and written assignments. We discuss quite often world news, and work on content for each of our units. At lunch, some days are more busy than others. I’m part of multiple clubs, and most of my lunch times become busy, but I do get down time. After lunch, things are a little different this year compared to previously; with so much interest in Chemistry and Biology, there’s one Biology class this semester and one next semester, and the same is true for Chemistry. I have Biology this semester with Mr. Lafraniere. We listen to notes, watch demonstrations, and complete labs to continue working, or as Mr. Lafraniere would say, ‘trucking’ through the curriculum. Finally, in fourth period I head to English with Ms. Ames. Our days consist of analyzing literature, and this year so far we’ve started off with world literature—the play Antigone, the novel Fathers and Sons and the poetry of Wislawa Szymborska. We also talk about essay writing on these works and do presentations on themes, characters and more. After school I participate in multiple sports, and make sure to fit in homework around practices. While my nights get very busy, I enjoy the IB program, the challenges that it brings, and the interesting things we get to learn each day.

Photo by Olivia Taylor

November Edition November 21, 2017

Ontario College Faculty Strike By Tyson Harris

Ontario College faculty went on strike on October 16, affecting roughly 330,000 full- and part-time students at the 24 colleges in the province. The main point of disagreement before instructors walked out was staffing. The Ontario Public Service Employees Union, which represents the faculty, wanted to see an even 50-50 split of full- and part-time faculty – the split is currently at 70 per cent part-time to only 30 per cent full-time, according to OPSEU. The union was also asking for better job security and increased pay. The College Employer Council claims that union demands would add millions of dollars to the costs of running the colleges. How long will the strike drag on before the two sides reach an agreement or the government steps in? And at what point will the school year be in danger? Nobody knows for sure, but if past strikes are any indicator, the semester may still be salvaged, and the strike could potentially last a fair bit longer. Two previous strikes lasted more than three weeks, and colleges found a way to salvage the semester for students. Ever since the college system in Ontario has been created no student has ever lost a semester due to a strike. Colleges have not yet said how lost time will be made up due to the strike. In past strikes, some of the solutions included reducing Christmas break, cancelling winter study break, and extending the semester. Regardless of how much longer the strike may last, it has already had an effect on classes and students. The strike by full-time and partial-load instructors at Ontario’s 24 colleges has left more than 330,000 students out of class. A petition calling for both sides to return to the table, (which also included a demand for tuition refunds, should the strike be prolonged further), now has more than 108,000 signatures.



By Jayde Hurley “Look, If you had, one shot, or one opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment, would you capture, or just let it slip?” (Eminem, “Lose Yourself”) We all have something we want, whether that be a person, a result, a change, or a job. But the question that needs to be asked is, will you go for it? How many chances do you think you get at this? The answer is: as many as you make. If you live to the age of 90, you will have lived 32,873 days. Each day you let pass by is one more -1 off that number. So here's a question: how many days have you spent working towards your goals? How many days have you spent living your dream, and unapologetically doing what you want? Doing what makes you happy? “If people can’t do something they’re gonna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it, period.” (The Pursuit of Happyness) This is your life, your story, and frankly I can only guarantee you one. I think it's time, that no matter what it is that you want most, you go and get it; regardless of what anyone else thinks, regardless of what you may or may not be afraid of. True meaning emerges when you do what you love most. <3

Atypical Review: 4/5 Stars

By Kate Watters Atypical is a Netflix original TV show about an 18-year-old boy named Sam who has Autism. Sam decides he wants to get a girlfriend, and along with that, gain his independence. His journey causes a massive change in his family, leading to total chaos that can only be truly seen by the viewers. Atypical accurately displays the hardships of growing up today, finding romance, and dealing with your own internal struggles. Old secrets come to light, new secrets are made to replace them, and the main characters desperately try to keep them hidden. A drama, comedy, and romance all in one, Atypical should definitely be on your watch-list.

Photo by http://cpcml.caI give this show a 4/5 because it’s interesting, it has an original plot, and is extremely accurate about how the world is for a teenager is these days. The only reason it is not a 5-star show is because sometimes it’s so awkward that it is hard to watch, as I’m too busy cringing. Overall, I recommend taking the time to watch this show, as it is definitely worth your time.

November Edition November 21, 2017

IB Myths By Augustin Marks de Chabris and Emily Cooke

You have heard the rumours. In the hallways, in the classrooms, even outside of school. Rumours about what, you ask? The IB programme of course! For those not intimately familiar, IB stands for International Baccalaureate: it is an internationally recognized and standardized programme offered in many countries around the world. There are many advantages to taking this programme, and yet the programme receives criticism from many. Not without good reason: there are some disadvantages to taking it, but these are sometimes overblown. With this article, we hope to separate fact from fiction by outlining multiple myths and explaining why they are myths.

The most prominent line used to dissuade the average student from taking IB classes is this: “The IB programme is only for the brightest and smartest students; you will easily get overwhelmed!” This is far from the truth: the IB curriculum isn’t harder than the standard Ontario Secondary curriculum, just different. There is more work to be done than in the Ontario courses, but IB teachers recognize when students are overloaded with work and will give them less if that is the case. Instead of having more day-to-day homework, IB courses have week- or month-long projects doled out. The IB diploma website’s description of the IB Diploma Programme is that it’s an open program available to anyone between 16 to 19 years of age. Literally anyone can participate.

Another part of this misconception is that students who do only partial IB, or the IB Certificate (as opposed to the IB Diploma) aren’t as smart as the students who do full IB. Knowledge and success in the IB program is not dependent on how many of the IB courses you take— if you are planning on going into a specific career pathway that requires certain courses that the school doesn’t offer for IB, you can’t take all IB courses. With the set schedule, there’s no room for many electives and if you have a course you need, you have to drop some IB courses. It also depends on interest level—if a student doesn’t want to do IB Chemistry and History but wants to do IB French and Math, you can’t fault them for taking only those courses.

The second biggest myth is that doing the IB programme means that all extracurricular activity is immediately terminated, and that students in the programme do nothing but homework. That is a false assumption. The International Baccalaureate programme says on their website that: “The programme aims to develop students who have excellent breadth and depth of knowledge – students who flourish physically, intellectually, emotionally and ethically.” Not the kind of statement you would expect from a programme focused solely on academics. As for the workload, students


Sport Scores

Junior Boys’ Football September 20th vs Confederation // Lost 21-13 September 27th vs St.Bens // Won 14-10 October 11th vs Lively // Lost 27-21 October 18th vs St.Charles // Lost 26-6

Senior Boys’ Football Lasalle forfeit September 22nd vs Confederation // Lost 17-8 September 29th vs CND // Win 31 - 0 October 6th vs Lively // Lost 31-14 October 13th vs St.Charles // Lost 35-0 October 17th vs Confederation // Lost 19-3

Girls’ Flag Football September 26 vs Lockerby // Lost 7-0 September 28 vs Marymount // Lost 26-0 October 3rd vs Confederation // Lost 35-0 October 5th vs Lasalle // Won 3-0 October 11 vs Lively // Won 35-0 October 16th vs Notre Dame // Won 1-0 Tuesday October 31 vs Confederation // Lost 7-0

Midget Girls’ Basketball October 12th vs Champlain // Win 62-16 October 19th vs Chelmsford // Win 47-25 October 24th vs CND // Win 45-25 October 26th vs Champlain // Win 31-18 October 31st vs Chelmsford // Win 35-13 November 2nd vs CND // Win 44-22 November 9th vs Chelmsford // Win 38-24 November 11 vs CND // Win 60-24

Junior Girls’ Basketball September 21 vs Lasalle // Win 52-11 September 26 vs Macdonald Cartier // Win 42-15 September 28 vs CND // Win 54-11 October 10th vs Lockerby // Win 62-0 October 24th vs Macdonald Cartier // Win 30-29 October 26th vs Lasalle // Win 43-10 October 31st vs Lockerby // Win 55-2 November 2nd vs CND // Win 51-5 November 9th vs CND // Win 60-12 November 11th vs Macdonald Cartier // Win 39-16

November Edition November 21, 2017

quickly learn to improvise, adapt, and overcome time constraints by managing their time very wisely.

Yes—taking the IB programme can mean putting in some significant hours; but that does not mean that IB hopefuls should be discouraged. We don’t grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges. To have some insight into a day in the life of a Year-1 full IB student here at Lo-Ellen Park, see page 5.

Helpful Apps and Websites for Students By Mya Sparling-Labonte

If there’s one thing all students can agree on it’s this: school can get tough. Finishing homework, handing in assignments on time, keeping organized— it can be a challenge. As we all know, technology can be a huge distraction from completing work. However, there are many sites and apps that can actually assist you with work and everyday activities as well.

Need to complete a French paper? Paste in your text at to find out if there are any misspelled words, incorrect verbs, improper adjective placements, and much more.

If you’re someone who presses snooze five times before actually waking up, then Alarmy is for you. Download the app on android or IOS devices for free to set up an alarm and choose the method of deactivation. You can choose from taking a picture of a pre-taken scene (preferably away from your bed), shaking the device a certain number of times, solving a math problem, or scanning a barcode.

Need to complete an essay for English? will tell you your number of words, paragraphs, sentences, characters, letters, and writing grade. It will also highlight adverbs, sentences that are difficult to read, sentences with an easier substitute, and phrases using a passive voice.

Mathway is an app (available for android and IOS for free), as well as a website, that shows solutions to any math problem. Just type in the question


Sport Scores (cont.)

Senior Girls’ Basketball September 21 vs St.Bens // Win 59-8 September 26 vs Macdonald Cartier // Win 66-24 September 28 vs CND // Win 47-29 October 10th vs Lockerby // Win 47-18 October 24th vs Macdonald Cartier // 41-24 October 26th vs St.Bens // Win 82-14 October 31st vs Lockerby // Win 48-21 November 2nd vs CND // Win 67-14 November 9 vs CND // Win 54-20 November 11 vs Macdonald Cartier // Win 62-33

Cross Country Individual Finishers

Midget Girls Kristen Morzeski (1) (2) (1) (1) * City Champ Chandyn Bachiu (4) (3) (2) Kalila Bachiu (5) (5) (3) (5)

Midget Boys Austin Mashinter (3) (2) (2) (2) (5) (Pre-OFSAA 13th) Ethan Thomas (4) (5) Hunter Clarke (6)

Junior Girls Meredith Kusnierczyk (2) (3) (1) (1) (1) (Pre-OFSAA 11th) * City Champ * NOSSA champ Fiona Symington (3) (4) (2) (2) (2) ( Pre-OFSAA 22nd) Dylann Mazzuchin (4) (2) (4) (3) (3) Delaney Bourget (5) (3) (5) (4) Paris Macey (5)

Junior Boys Kendyn Mashinter (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) ( Pre-OFSAA 3rd) * City Champ * NOSSA champ Max Mahaffey (6) (4) Gio Bondi (6)

Senior Girls Jayde Hurley (1) (1) (5) (4) (Pre-OFSAA 11th) Sydney Tarini (3) (1) (2) ( Pre-OFSAA 20th) * City Champ Natalie Marks de Chabris (4) (3) (3) (2) (1) * NOSSA champ Eden Sanit (5) (4) Erin Gaffney (6)

Photo by

November Edition November 21, 2017

and the answer, as well as the process to solving it, will appear. The question can be about anything math related—from Algebra to Calculus to Graphing.

Kahoot and Quizlet are both great apps and websites for studying. These apps allow you to test yourself and your friends on questions you create or on pre-made quizzes.

The X-Games By Gabriel Glover

The Improv X-Games were hosted at Lockerby Composite School on October 29 at 7:00pm. The X-Games are not like a normal Improv competition such as the regional tournaments. Lo-Ellen Park’s team participated in the event to learn, grow, and have fun as a team. Before the games the team did warm ups to prepare, since everything performed in improv is all made up on the spot. At the games, the team participated in two events, each four minutes long on stage. For the first event they were given an object; the team was given tweezers and had to create a story that revolved around the tweezers using elements of a story such as setting, characters, conflict, raising stakes, and a resolution. For the second event instead of an object, the team was given a theme which was nature. They then proceeded to create a story with a nature theme. According to Abby Brown, Grade 10, “It was a fun time. There were a lot of teams there. It was a very friendly community.”

Overall the X-Games was a great opportunity for the Improv team to stretch their legs and prepare for future tournaments down the road.


Sport Scores (cont.)

Senior Boys Augustin Marks de Chabris (1) (2) (1) (1) (2) * City Champ Connor Jermyn (3) (3) (4) Josh Tilson (4) (2) (5) Kelly Thompson (6) (4) Nick Lambert (5)

Para Jordan burke (1) (1) (1) (1) * City champ * NOSSA champ

Team Results Cross Country

Fielding Relays Girls 1st // Girls 2nd // Girls 3rd // Boys 1st // Coed second

Relay Championships Overall 1st // Senior boys 1st // Senior girls 1st // Junior boys 2nd // Junior girls 1st // Junior girls second // Exhibition 1st

Cities // 1st overall // 1st overall girls // 1st overall boys // 1st Midget girls //1st Junior girls // 1st Senior girls // 1st Senior boys // 2nd Junior boys // 3rd Midget boys

NOSSA // 1st overall // 1st overall girls // 1st overall boys // 1st Midget girls // 1st Junior girls // 1st Senior girls // 2nd Midget boys // 3rd Junior boys // 2nd Senior boys

Junior Boys’ Volleyball St.Charles // Won 3-0 St.Bens // Won 3-2 Macdonald Cartier // Won 3-0 CND // Won 3-1 Confederation // Won 3-1 L'Horizon // Won 3-1 Thursday November 2nd vs Lasalle

Senior Boys’ Volleyball St.Charles // Won 3-1 St.Bens // Won 3-1 Macdonald Cartier // Won 3-1 L’horizon // Lost 3-1 Lockerby // Won 3-1 Thursday November 2nd vs Lasalle

Girls’ Hockey October 27th vs Lasalle // Won 5-1 October 27th vs L'Horizon // Won 7-1

Photo by Ms. Ames

November Edition November 21, 2017

LEP Crossword By Paul Giles

Answers found at the bottom of this page (10)

Is It Too Early? By Lexi High


Crossword answers — Across: 1. Hades; 2. Tampa Bay; 3. Tale; 5. Curling; 7. Mice — Down: 1. Houston Astros; 4. Balloons; 6. Peregrine

Our Team Special thanks to your LEP Press team:

Co-Editors: Emily Cooke, Lexi High

Our writers and photographers:

Farah Abou-Rabia, Malek Abou-Rabia, Safia Bagha, Gray Brogden, Alaina Charbonneau, Ella Cocco, Benjamin Corrigan, Abbas Dedanwala, Mira Elstub, Paul Giles, Gabriel Glover, Tyson Harris, Jayde Hurley, Naomy Lafond, Allie Lumme, Augustin Marks de Chabris, Sarai Munkhzul, Divya Pandey, Sara Phillips, Lianna Simmons, Mya Sparling-Labonte, Stephanie Suitor, Olivia Taylor, Lauren Thomas, Kate Watters








1. The team that won the 2017 World Series

4. A decoration used for birthday parties

6. The fastest animal in the world is the ____ Falcon


1. The name of the Greek god who has a three-headed dog

2. Name of the NHL team that is first in the Eastern conference

3. A synonym for story

5. The goal of ____ is to get the rock in the house

7. The well known nursery rhyme three blind ____

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