northern pine snake

Post on 09-Dec-2015






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Northern Pine Snake

Scientific Name: Pituophis melanoleucus

Characteristics: This is a

large, robust snake which

has an average of 48-66

inches (122-168 cm). It has

black to dark brown blotches on a white, cream, yellow, or light grey

background colour. The belly is white with dark spots on the sides. This is

a very secretive snake. When cornered, this snake will coil up, hiss loudly,

vibrate the tail, and strike rapidly.


Interesting information about snakes:

Snakes don’t have eyelids. Snakes smell with their tongue. Snakes can’t bite food so have

to swallow it whole. Snakes are carnivores (meat


Scientific Name : Hyla cinerea

Characteristics : This species is small, slender, and

usually bright green. The length is 40-53

mm. The eggs are black or brownish.

This species breeds in swamps, pond

margins and most wet places.


Scientific Name: Castor Canadensis

Interesting information about frogs:

A frog is an amphibian. An amphibian can live both on land and in water.

Instead of drinking water, frogs soak it into their body through their skin.

Frogs can see forwards, sideways and upwards all at the same time. They never close their eyes, even when they sleep.

Characteristics: This is a heavily built animal with short legs. The fur is glossy dark brown above, with lighter under parts, and the tail becomes lighter with age. The eyes are small, and the front feet have strong claws

adapted for digging and grasping tree limbs. Average sizes are as follows: total length=3-4 feet, weight= 30-75 pounds.


Scientific Name: Cervus Nippon

Interesting information about beavers:

Beavers are herbivores. They like to eat the wood of trees such as the aspen, cottonwood, willow, birch, maple, cherry and also eat pondweed and water lilies.

The beaver has a good sense of hearing, smell, and touch. It has poor eyesight, but does have a set of transparent eyelids which allow them to see under water.

Beavers like to keep themselves busy, they are prolific builders during the night. Hence the saying "As busy as a beaver".

Characteristics: This species is small to medium sized with a chestnut brown to reddish-olive coat with numerous white spots occurring in 7-8 rows on the upper sides. The chin, throat, and belly are cream to light grey, and both sexes have a dark neck mane in the winter. The total

length is 1,357/1,254 mm, the height of the shoulder is 759/692 and dressed body weight is (kg) 32.7/26.


Scientific Name: Erithizon Dorsatum

Characteristics: This is the only mammal that

Interesting information about deer:

A male deer is usually called a ‘buck’.

A large male deer is often called ‘stag’.

A female deer is usually called a ‘doe’.

A young deer is usually called a ‘fawn’.

A group of deer is known as a ‘herd’.

has coat hairs which are modified as quills. The coat tends to be dark coloured, although chestnut, cream, brown and grey. The porcupine has a small face, with a blunt muzzle, and a tapering head and neck. The tail is short and stout. The feet of the porcupine resemble (same) those of a bear, with four long claws on the front feet and five on the hind feet.


Scientific Name: Carcharias taurus

Characteristics: Sand tigers generally hunt at night; just above the ocean floor. Sand tiger sharks like the shallow water close to shore and so have "sand" in their name. The "tiger" was inspired by their big appetite. Sand tiger sharks look ferocious, with a row of jagged teeth that you can

Interesting information about porcupines:

They are also called “quill pigs” which is what their name means in Latin.

A single porcupine can have more than 30,000 quills, which are actually sharp bristles of fused hair.

Porcupines are herbivores, eating leaves, plants, fruit, and the tender layer of tissue beneath the bark of trees.

see even when their mouths are closed. Like all sharks, sand tiger sharks breathe underwater, through their gills. But sand tigers have one unique habit. They are the only sharks that come to the surface to gulp air, but not to breathe. The air ends up in its stomach. The air makes the shark more buoyant, so it can float motionless in the water as it watches for prey.

Adélie Penguin

Scientific Name: Pygoscelis adeliae

Characteristics: Adélies feed on tiny aquatic creatures, such as shrimp-like krill, but also eat fish and squid. They have been known to dive as deep as 575 feet (175 meters) in search of such quarry, though they usually hunt in far shallower waters less than half that depth. Like other penguins, Adélies are sleek and

efficient swimmers. They may travel 185 miles round-trip (about 300 kilometers) to procure a meal.

Interesting information about penguins:

Type: Bird Diet: Carnivore Average life span in the wild: Up to


Scientific Name : Panthera leo

Characteristics : For all of their roaring, growling, and ferociousness, lions are family animals. They usually live in groups of 15 or more animals called prides. In prides the females do most of the hunting and cub rearing. Usually all the lionesses in the pride are related—mothers, daughters, grandmothers, and sisters. Lion’s baby is referred as a cub.

Interesting information about penguins:

Type: Bird Diet: Carnivore Average life span in the wild: Up to


Scientific Name : Bradypus variegatus

Characteristics : Sloths live in the tropical forests of Central and South America. With their long arms and shaggy fur, they resemble monkeys, but they are actually related to armadillos and anteaters. They can be 2 to 2.5 feet (0.6 to 0.8 meters) long and, depending on species, weigh from 8 to 17 pounds (3.6 to 7.7 kilograms).

Interesting Information About Lion:

Life Span10-14 years 



Scientific Name : Panthera tigris

Characteristics : Tiger is the largest wild cat in the world. The big cat's tail is 3 feet (1 meter) long. Tigers wait until dark to hunt. Tigers have been known to eat up to 60 pounds (27 kilograms) of meat in one night, but more often they consume about 12 pounds (5 kilograms) during a meal. It may take days for a tiger to finish eating its kill. The cat eats until it's full, and then covers the carcass with leaves and dirt. The tiger comes back to feed some more.


It's a good thing sloths don't have to go to school. They'd never make it on time. These drowsy tree-dwellers sleep up to 20 hours a day! And even when they are awake, they barely move at all. In fact, they're so incredibly sluggish, algae actually

grows on their fur.

Life Span10 Years


Interesting Facts about Tiger:

Life Span20 Years

Interesting Facts about Tiger:

Life Span20 Years

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