norrington legacy chap 2.2

Post on 16-Apr-2017



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The Norringtons: A Legacy
Chapter 2.2

Welcome back to the Norrington Legacy. Glad to see you're still with us. Last time around all six kids of the Norrington clan were married off. The Missus Abby, Lora, Alice and Annie became the new Mrs. Finch, Mrs. Davies, Mrs. Buckley and the Countess Clifford. The brothers were married to the Missus Sally Jenkins and Olivia Gordan. Thus began the official reign of generation two. And that's all the recap I shall provide. If you wish to know more, please read the previous chapters. If you're feeling daring, tuck in!

Chapter One Somewhere in Guilford, Surrey, an important phone call is being made. In the Simself manor (also known as 'The Green Monstrosity'), the quiet morning is interrupted by the ringing telephone. Simself Kitty picks up to hear a familiar voice say: The package has landed. Liz? Kitty frowned at the cryptic message. Is that you? A moment of silence and then a reluctant, Yes. What are you doing?

Liz sighed. Oh, just trying to bring a bit of drama to my day. But do you need to talk in code? I mean, we're not spies. Oh go on and spoil my fun. I'll just keep my interesting news to myself. Kitty frowned. What news? She was answered with silence. Come on Liz! Liz smirked. Just a new arrival in town. Who? Mistress Mary, quite contrary...

Mary!? Kitty exclaimed. She's here? Well I did say I'd try, didn't I? Still, I wasn't expecting... Where is she staying? Can't tell you that. Just know she's safe and well looked after. But, Kitty was cut off as Sebastian entered the library and frowned at her disappointed expression. Are you alright, Kitty? Is that Sebby? Liz's voice crackled over the line. He can't know about this!

Everything is fine Sebby. Kitty gave him a smile before muttering into the phone. I wasn't going to say anything to him. I'm serious about this Kitty. Liz barked from her end. Sebastian can not know of Mary's existence here. Nor the other way around. Kitty politely turned from Sebastian. Not that I was going to open my mouth but what's the big deal? What would happen if they met? Is this like some 'Back to the Future' thing? She giggled. Will their meeting destroy the space time continuum?

Oh I just knew you wouldn't take this seriously! Liz fought to keep her voice down. Typical Kitty, everything's a joke to you! Oh keep your knickers on! Kitty hissed back. I was only teasing, yeesh. I can't get over how uptight we've become. So I'm uptight and you're a pain in the arse. Liz quipped. Guess we're annoying at any age. Kitty couldn't help but chuckle at that. There's something oddly comforting in that. (both Kitty and Liz are forms of my simself. Liz is me now; married with children. Kitty is me ten years ago. they often clash with one another)

Liz smirked reluctantly. Guess you're right about that. I wont say anything about 'you-know-who'. Kitty reassured quietly. Thank you for bringing her here. Hey, I'm a mom. Nothing is more upsetting than knowing our kids aren't okay. Do you think being here will make a difference? Kitty asked uncertainly. Liz smiled. Sure. Like Sebastian she has no memory of her past life, which should give her ample opportunity to make a fresh start. It's like having a vacation from one's self. (Mary is the daughter of Kitty and Sebastian in The Devereaux Legacy by Peasant007. read it!)

Well, it's doing wonders for Sebby. Kitty smiled as the object of her affection played with her house cat, Mouse. How is Sebastian these days? Kitty gave a happy sigh. He's great. I really think he's enjoying himself here. He never looks worried or concerned about stuff. And he does have the sexiest smile. Hmm, Liz's smile could be heard in her tone. I take it things are developing smoothly between you two? Kitty scoffed. Did you doubt it?

Knowing Kitty's habit of hiding her true emotions beneath a layer of cocky sarcasm, Liz moved on. And how is Cee? Are the three of you getting on well? Is she comfortable? She seems to be doing great. We all get along very well. Kinda hard not to. She's really cool, in a Jane Austen kinda way. Liz giggled. Truer words were never spoken. She keeps to herself though. Reading, learning to ride astride on Morgan. Kitty's tone was considering. I think she's trying to give me and Sebby private time. Really sweet of her. (Cee: the simself of Charris, writer of the wonderful Regacy. read it!)

I'm pleased to hear it. Liz said with a relieved smile. I was worried she'd be bored since I have so little for her to do at this point in time. Well she seems perfectly capable of entertaining herself Just take care that she's not left to herself all the time. It's rude. Not to mention she's to act as your companion. Also remember, Liz reminded. You and Sebby aren't married yet and your spending too much time alone whilst sharing a house will be cause for gossip. I know, I know. Stupid rules.

Alright, I'm going to let you go. Both Justin and Tristan are heading over to tend the market. Will you be stopping by this week? Maybe, Kitty shrugged. We're going for a walk so we might just happen by. Okay, well you two enjoy your walk. Liz smirked cheekily. See you later. Kitty replaced the receiver and turned to watch Sebby. It was something how well he and Mouse got on. Usually the clingy cat cared for no one but Kitty. Back at Briar house, Liz sat with her family, pleased all seemed to be going well in her little world. (the market: extension of the farm, Liz's family owns. they sell fruits and veggies)

Seeing that Kitty was done with her call, Sebastian sent the cat on it's way. Everything alright? Right as rain. Speaking of, the sky's gone overcast. Did you still wanna risk our walk? Sure, Kitty nodded. What's a little rain? You're not afraid of getting a bit wet, are you? She teased. Sebastian smiled. With you? I'm not afraid of anything.

Chapter Two Mary's eyes slowly opened and she gazed up at an unfamiliar ceiling. The room was dimly lit, though since it was just before daybreak it hardly mattered. She glanced around in idle curiosity before confusion suddenly set in. Where was she? (the same Mary that Liz and Kitty were talking about)

Sitting up quickly, Mary was made aware of a terrible pain at the back of head. She paused a moment, waiting for the throbbing to pass before attempting to get up again. This time, slowly. When tragedy didn't strike, Mary continued to observe her surroundings. While the nightgown she wore was pretty and something she might have picked out herself, Mary had no memory of owning it. Ever.

Carefully she made her way to the window and glanced out at the sleepy town. The sun was only beginning to rise but she could see that it too was strange and unfamiliar. Though unsure why, Mary sensed that something about the vast amounts of undeveloped terrain and cobblestone roads was wrong. Was she somewhere out in the country? She'd never seen anything so quaint... that she could remember.

Further investigation revealed a dresser filled with more clothing she couldn't remember owning. Mary stared at the room around her with growing apprehension. What was she doing here? Why couldn't she remember anything? Just before full blown panic could set in, she was interrupted by the arrival of a young girl carrying a candle and a set of books. Aye, g'mornin'. She smiled. Didn't 'spect you ta be up and 'bout already.

Setting down her things, the girl approached Mary. You shouldn't be out o' bed. Not with tha' bump o' yours. Who are you... Mary shook her her head, clearly flustered. Where am I...? Oh you poor li'l dear. My name's Martha. I'll be doin' the 'ousekeepin' in here an' waitin' on you a bit. She smiled reassuringly. You needn't look so frightened. I wont bite. She gestured toward her offerings. I've brought you some books. Zane thinks you'll like the blue one...

That was very kind of... Zane, is it? Martha nodded and Mary continued. But that still doesn't answer my question. Where am I and what am I doing here? Why you're at the Guilford Parish. The Dixon sisters here, they look afta the church. Well their hired man Mr. Wearing does most the work an' they got me runnin' 'bout... Parish? Guilford? Mary shook her head in confusion. How'd I get here? Why can't I remember anything?

Oh, tis all very exciting! Martha smiled widely. You was found unconscious, due ta tha' knock ta the head no doubt. At the train station. Straight out o' a book it was. The young girl sighed dreamily. You 'ad but one carrying case an' not a wit o' information 'bout who you are. Some o' the girls 'ave said tha' you're runnin' way from home ta meet up with a forbidden love. She sobered quickly. Though I'm not ta speak o' such things.

But here I am prattlin' on when you've yet 'ad a fire lit. Martha took Mary's hand and led her to a comfortable chair. Sister Frances will tan my 'ide she will if you catch chill. Feeling dizzy, Mary was grateful to be sitting as Martha continued talking out loud without any regard for her audience. The bump to her head made sense now. Mary concluded that she was probably concussed. Still, what on earth was she doing on a train? Where had she been going? Where was her family? Did she even have a family?

There, Martha stood and admired her work. These old 'ouses. Can be 'ot as the dickens outside an' still cold as stone inside. An' this wretched Spring rain 'asn't 'elped any. She turned and gave Mary a sympathetic smile. I'll fetch your breakfast now. You'll be needin' ta build up your strength. Mary watched her go as she gingerly fingered the lump at the base of her skull. She'd obviously had quite a fall. Perhaps she was dreaming, as none of this seemed real. She felt as though she'd stepped into a Dickens novel. I'll just go back to sleep and when I wake, I'll be home. Mary tried to cheer herself. Where ever that might be.

Mary did manage to doze off but to her dismay re-awoke in her dream to the chattering of voices outside her door. Is that for the runaway? Martha giggled. Yes, an' don't let the sisters hear you speakin' o' tha'. But it was you who told me about it. Shhh! Martha glanced at the closed doors in the hall. I told you it was ta be a secret! (Zane has been snatched from The Devereaux Legacy written by the brilliant Peasant007. must I say it again? read it!)

Ignoring the admonishment, the little boy continued. And the book? Did you give it to her? O' course. And did you tell her it's from me? Zane, what's so important 'bout this book o' yours? The poor girls been knocked 'bout somethin' fierce. She's hardly right in the head for readin'. But I thought it would make her feel better. 'specially since I know how she feels. Zane spoke earnestly. To wake up and not know where you are.

Martha smiled softly at the little boy. She remembered the day that he too had been found asleep in a hay wagon and awoke having no memory of how he'd got there. His family had never been found nor had they come looking for him. And unlike Mary, the only thing he had in his possession was the strange name 'Zane', stitched to the collar of his shirt. No wonder he was so drawn to the stranger in their midst. I'll see tha' she reads it as soon as possible. I'll read it ta her myself if I hafta. Zane smiled. When do you think I'll be able to see her?

Not anytime soon, I'm sure. Not if Sister Frances 'as any say 'bout it. Seeing Zane's downcast expression Martha gave his mop of hair a gentle pat. Tis not all bad. You've plen'y ta keep you busy. Mr. Wearing loves havin' your help in the garden an' Adoni here is lookin' rather bored. Perhaps you could play 'im up a bit. Put a smile on tha' furry face. Zane considered this for a moment before nodding. Okay. He walked over and gave the Australian Shepard a good scratch. He does seem to like me best, doesn't he? Martha smirked. Who wouldn't?

Zane pretended to be preoccupied as Martha continued into Mary's room. But he was secretly hoping to catch a glimpse of his fellow amnesiac. It was odd that she should be found in much the same way as he was. Zane had always wondered how anyone could just abandon him in a strange place. Sister Catherine had comforted him with the thought that his family had simply been unable to afford him. And being a boy, he had more hope of being taken in and given the chance of making something of himself. He counted himself fortunate to have found a place at the parish instead of one of those dreadful workhouses Martha told him about.

Feelin' a might better are we? Martha smiled as she entered the room. A cheery fire always does a room a world o' good. Who were you talking to, out there? Oh tha' there was Zane. But you best be callin' 'im Oliver when around the sisters. Oliver? As in 'Orphan Oliver'? Mary felt a hysterical giggle bubbling up her throat. Well, they thought it a more Christian moniker than wha' he come with.

Sister Frances never believed anyone would name their son such a thing as Zane. But it was all they 'ad ta work with seein' tha' he didn't remember anythin' from 'is life afore. Mary frowned in surprise. You mean, he was also found with no memory? Martha nodded as she rummaged through the dresser. No family ta speak o' either. Poor li'l dear. And he was brought here as well? Don't you think that's one heck of a major coincidence? Martha's expression was thoughtful. I suppose it is a bit queer but, it's not my place to question the ways o' the Lord. Now let's get you dressed in some o' your pretty thin's.

After dressing, with much assistance from Martha, Mary sat to have her hair done. There you are. Martha smiled at her work. Lookin' like the proper lady tha' you are. What's that? Well you 'ad ta have come from money, is my guess. Such nice things, fair skin, lovely hair. So fortunate there. Like a raven's wing it is. An' here's me with my cursed red. What's wrong with red? You can' be serious? It's awful! Ta think I used ta be blond and now I have this dreadful shade. Let's not mention the freckles...

All the boys call me 'carrot' an' not a one o' them would think o' me as fair. Martha. A sharp voice made both young women jump. Why is this fire not lit? Did I not ask you to see to it this morning? Martha quickly dropped her hands from Mary's hair and rushed to the grate. Yes Sister Frances. It must o' gone out while Miss Mary was dressin'. Well get on with it girl. I dislike the chill in this room. O' course Ma'am.

Mary watched as Martha frantically started a fire under the stern eye of the nun who had just entered the room. There was an awkward silence except for the scraping of fireplace tools. Finally Martha finished and with a quick curtsy left the room in practically a run. Leaving Mary alone with the imposing woman. Sister Frances Dixon had a scowl that looked permanently etched into her face. She might have been the same age as Mary's mother... if she could remember having a mother. But her cold eyes looked much older.

Now, Sister Frances turned her imposing eye on Mary. Tell me quickly and truthfully, what is it from which you are running? I'm... I'm not... Mary shook her head. I don't think I'm running from anything. I mean, I'm just as clueless as you are. Do not play innocent games with me, young lady. You look as silver spoon fed as I've ever seen. Am I to believe this is not some elaborate ploy to gain something of value from your benefactors? Perhaps Father refused to purchase you a new frock? Or you are attempting to flee some matrimonial fate? This parish is not a sanctuary for the overindulged and spoiled masses.

Mary was insulted. I am not some overindulged, spoiled brat running away from anything! And I think it's rude of you to accuse me of that when neither of us even know who I am! So you're telling me that you truly have no memory of where you've come from? Who would lie about something like that? Sister Frances scoffed. A great number of people. Well I wouldn't. Just try to see this from my point of view: I wake up in a weird place, everyone talking in some accent I've only ever heard on TV and I can't remember how I wound up here. If I knew where I came from and how to get there, I'd be out of your hair. Believe me.

Sister Frances gave her a considering look. If all this is true, than perhaps you could explain the traveling case with which you were found. The one Martha was talking about? The very same. I haven't seen it. I don't even know what it looks like or what was in it. Shall I tell you then? Not only was it inscribed with your name, quite professionally I might add, but it was packed for a rather long holiday. I see that you're making use of one of the many frocks stored away. And pray tell, what did you plan to do with all that money? Money!?

Yes money. I don't know. Mary was flustered now. Maybe I was taking a trip and had an accident. Did that ever cross your mind? Sister Frances' next words were interrupted by the arrival of another nun, this one with a gentile smile on her face. Sister, if I might have a word with you? Of course Sister Catherine. As you may see, our guest has joined us in the realm of the living. A blessing indeed.

Sister dear, I think perhaps... interrogation might not be the best way in which to gain knowledge of our guest. If you would, allow me to have a word with the poor girl. She looks a wee bit frightened and may require a gentler hand. Sister Frances thought for a moment before giving a curt nod. I think you may be quite right sister. Perhaps I was a might, heavy handed in my questions. If you think it best, I shall leave her to you. Though I advise you not to be too soft with her. Of course.

Waiting for a moment after Sister Frances had left the room, Sister Catherine smiled down at Mary. Now then, before we began I think there is someone who will not be able to make it through the day without meeting you. If you do not mind the company. Mary shook her head and Sister Catherine called Zane into the room. He was a beautiful little boy, was Mary's first thought. His pretty face wore an eager, open expression. She liked him straight way.

Miss Mary, may I introduce our young Master Oliver. Nice to meet you Oliver. Mary nodded politely. Zane stared at her wide eyed. You talk like me. Are you from America too? At this Sister Catherine explained. From his accent, we've only been able to conclude that Oliver's family perhaps came here by ship. Mary shrugged. I don't know. Maybe. I'm sorry you can't remember anything. But I'm glad you came. At this Zane blushed fiercely. Do you like strawberries?

Sure, Mary chuckled. Who doesn't? Good 'cause Old man Matari... That would be Mr. Wearing, Oliver. Sister Catherine gently corrected. And enunciate please. Zane gave a little apologetic nod. Sorry. I mean because Mr. Wearing has has a new batch ready to be picked. I'll make sure you get some right out of the sun. They're really good all warm like that. Thanks. That sounds delicious. Sister Catherine smiled at the two of them. I think that's enough for today, Oliver. A reluctant, Okay. I'll talk to you soon.

And please send Mr. Wearing up to stoke our fire. It seems to be going out. Alright, Zane waved before disappearing. Cute kid. Mary smiled. He is a darling boy. A blessing to this household. Though I do feel that perhaps he would blossom in a more traditional family environment. Abandonment has left a scar on him. Mary nodded. I guess you want to know what I remember too. If you do not mind repeating what you've told my sister, I'd like to hear. So Mary did.

How very peculiar. By the time Mary had finished her tale, Mr. Wearing was coming in to stoke their fire. Oh, Mr. Wearing. Thank you ever so much. I'd like you to meet Miss Mary. She'll be staying with us for a time. Matari Wearing wasn't an old man. Older, yes. He gave Mary a nod and she took notice of his aged face guessing that perhaps he'd simply lived a hard life. You mustn't mind him, Sister Catherine said quietly. Not much for conversation. But remarkably helpful about the house. Mary looked at the nun. You're going to let me stay?

But of course. What about Sister Frances? I don't think... Never you mind my sister. She makes a habit of suspecting everything and everybody. Sister Catherine sighed. No, I believe the Lord brought you here for a reason. And it is not our place to question, but to obey. Your presence may very well be the answer to prayers we know nothing of. Now, The older woman looked at Mary with a curious eye. What you make of the your time here, in is your own hands.

Chapter Three It was early Summer in the Finch household, and Abigail was deep into her confinement. Mornings found both Abby and Barrington sharing their absolutions before he left for work.

Barrington had been promoted to Vice President at his business firm. A long awaiting and well deserved promotion. Unfortunately this meant more hours away from the house. Due to her confinement, Barrington worried about Abby being left on her own. So he hired a young woman, Ann Johnson, to look after things while he was away.

Miss Johnson was a genial kind of young woman and did her work well. Only Abigail hated having her in the house. And she went out of her way to make certain their paths crossed as little as possible. Abigail took it as a personal insult that her husband believed her incapable of keeping house while so heavily pregnant.

Never mind the fact that she found her enlarged state made certain household tasks more difficult. The laundering for one. She was also quite fatigued toward midday and took to her bed right after lunch. Of course, the boredom did not help. Aside from Barrington and Ann, she saw no one and had to be content with only calls and messages from her friends and family.

But mostly, Abigail feared failure. What if she turned out to be a bad mother? What if she was unable to live up to Barrington's expectation as a wife? She'd prepared all her life for this role and now felt fearful of moving forward. What she didn't know was how her hormonal mood swings were affecting she and Barrington's relationship. At times Barrington could only watch his wife from one side of the gulf of silence between them. Like Abby, he too feared he would disappoint his wife.

One afternoon though, it came to a head. Abby, in one of her more fouler moods, sent Miss Johnson away for the day. Insisting that she could look after her own home. Despite a gentle protest, Ann went on her way. Abby set to cleaning straight away, despite feeling the need to lie down. Which of course led to an inevitable collapse. Abby awoke some time later with a terrible headache and an overwhelming feeling of desolation.

Tears had never felt closer and Abby gave into her need to cry. How was she to manage it all once the baby was born? How ever did her mother manage six? It all seemed very daunting. Abigail wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and sleep it all away. Unfortunately she could hear Barrington's carriage arriving in the drive. With a mournful sigh, she quickly washed her face and headed downstairs to explain why there was no supper on the table.

Barrington was on the phone as she came down the stairs. He sounded awfully cheerful for a man whose wife was falling apart at the seams. Then again, what with the many hours he'd been working, perhaps he hadn't noticed. Abby grumbled to herself. Just the sound of Barrington's jovial tone was enough to make her skin itch. With a sigh, Abby wondered where on earth that thought had come from.

Instead of heading down to the kitchen, Abby lay on the sofa in the parlor. She could hear Barrington finishing up his conversation and resolutely ignored him as he entered the room. Have a nice day? Barrington was answered with silence and wondered if the icy atmosphere was his own imagination. He lit a fire in the cold grate and took a seat facing his stoic wife. He didn't know what exactly was wrong but his father had admitted to Barrington's mother going through something similar during her own confinement. Clearly a conversation was necessary. But where to begin?

Abby dearest... when two people pledge to spend their lives together... what I mean to say is a husband and wife... Barrington sighed. Oh bullocks. Have I done something to upset you darling? Abby bit her lip. Yes... no... Oh I don't know! I don't know what on earth is wrong with me! Abby cried. I feel as though I've been taken over by some foreign entity! I'm exhausted half the time and near tears the other! Everything upsets me and I feel so clumsy and unattractive...

But you aren't any of those things! Barrington quickly joined his wife on the sofa. You're breathtaking, even now. But it's how I feel... But it is not how I see you. He insisted and held her close. I'll always think you're beautiful. And you do trust what I say, don't you? Abby sighed. Of course. You've always been honest with me. Well then, if I think you're lovely and I'm as honest a man as can be... Alright, I get it. Abby sniffled with a smile. But I can't help what I feel.

No, I suppose you can't. It's neither of our faults that you're feeling so forlorn. Barrington sighed dramatically. I suppose we could always blame the child. Barrington! Abby laughed though she was slightly appalled. What a terrible thing to say. But dearest, He looked at her in mock surprise. It's how I feel. Abby answered him with a halfhearted pinch and spent the rest of the evening enjoying the feel of her husband's embrace.

The next morning as Barrington helped with the breakfast dishes, he mentioned calling Miss Johnson back. Don't mistake my meaning. I know you're more than capable of looking after things. It's mostly for my benefit. I'll feel much better knowing someone is here for you. Especially with your time so near. When put like that, Abby couldn't do anything but agree. It it was a wise decision for only days later Abigail's long awaited labor began.

Abigail was more than appreciative that she was not alone when the pains began one quiet afternoon. Ann assisted Abby to bed and sent for the midwife immediately. She was still in labor when Barrington arrived home from work. He was immediately shooed out of the birthing room and spent the rest of the evening trying to distract himself from worry.

Finally a cry pierced the early evening and their son was born. The midwife placed a newly wrapped loaf of pink baby into Abby's arms and sent Ann down to fetch the father. Barrington came up to see his wife admiring their child. It all went well? He asked anxiously. Abby nodded with a tired smile. You have a son. The baby was handed over and Barrington gazed down at him in awe. He's beautiful. I thought we'd name him after you. It's only proper. Barrington Finch jr, eh? Our own little Barry.

Due to exhaustion, Abigail was ordered to bed directly after nursing Barry. Barrington was pleased to send both Ann and the midwife on their way. Finally alone with his family, he brought little Barry into the nursery for the first time. Barry already had the makings of delicate freckles across his nose, like his father. As well as brown eyes that were dominant on the Finch side. There was no telling from who he received his dark silk like tresses. All in all, he was a lovely boy. Despite the father-son similarities, Barrington believed he favored his mother in beauty.

Abby was anxious to jump into her role as mother. Now that he was here, Abby couldn't imagine why she'd been so worried. Barry was the dearest child and she simply could not get enough of him. Everyday was a joy. Even the nights when she was woken by his shrill cries, she felt blessed to have him in her life.

It seemed her bad moods had vanished over night and Abby was ever grateful for it. Mornings were much more pleasant now that she no longer resented Barrington's needing to leave for work. With Barry she longed for no one's company. Most days she was able to watch Barrington's leaving for and coming home from work at the nursery window. All with a wave and a contented smile on her face.

And why shouldn't she be pleased? Barry was a wonderful baby, very happy and lovely to be around. He gave his mother a great amount of joy. Abby also took great joy in calling her family and telling them all about the new arrival. There were also the calls to her mother about the little things that flew her into a panic. Such as Barry's belly button falling off, rashes on his bottom, his infant skin flaking and little bits of what looked like dandruff on his perfect head. Evelyn of course handled each call with calm and delicate humor. All in all, it was a wonderful Summer in the Finch home.

Chapter Four One could not exactly claim the same for the Mr. And Mrs. Trace Norrington. The beginning of the Summer months saw Trace and Sally living much as they had before... Polite yet separate. Theirs was an extremely quiet household, with little conversation. Sundays, a rare day when the two obligingly attended church together, saw husband and wife retreating to their private areas of the house. Having always longed for such tranquility, Trace enjoyed his quiet solitude.

Sally... not as much. Sally was, for lack of a better word, lonely. Visiting with friends and acquaintances did not make up for the lack of intimacy with her husband. In the beginning she had thought she could handle the distance between them. Sally counted herself fortunate enough to have made such a quality match. But as the months progressed, and her belly grew rounder and she could feel the life inside, Sally wondered. Would Trace be just as absent from his child's life as he was from hers?

Sally also had a great disliking for the hired hand Trace had employed to help about the house. While she appreciated her husband's fore thought in hiring someone to help her around the house, she was most displeased with the presence of Mr. Samuel Edwards. He was handsome, young and seemed a bit too foppish to favor young women exclusively. Knowing where her own husband's true desires lie, Sally couldn't help letting her insecurities get the best of her.

She needn't have bothered worrying about Mr. Edwards. Trace had far more pressing matters to be concerned about. Like making certain his wife never knew just who it was tipping over their rubbish bin nearly every evening. James knew it was childish and it was even more so his hoping to catch a glimpse of Trace through the windows. Still, he couldn't help himself. He wasn't certain he would ever get over Trace, getting over him.

It seemed that those tipped over rubbish bins would not stop any time soon. Another quiet afternoon and poor Sally was bored to tears from reading. She'd been unable to visit nor entertain in the last month. Having entered her confinement at the last possible moment. The late Summer sun felt as though it were cooking the house and it's occupants were baking inside it. Sally decided on a cool bath to while away the boredom and discomfort. It only made sense that the baby would choose to come right then.

Trace meanwhile had been busy reading about a new contraption, a horseless carriage. Also being called an automobile. Conbustable engine? He scoffed. Preposterous. His thoughts were disturbed by the painful cry of his wife. Now call Trace what you like; distant, emotionally cold, unfeeling, even heartless. But he did care for Sally's well being. And that of their child. Without a thought he'd dropped his paper and run up the stairs to see what was the matter.

Being emotionally closed off sometimes pays in the end. Trace was able to avoid the panic common among new father's to be. The same could not be said for Mr. Edwards. After a solid slap to the face, Samuel had fetched the doctor, the very same Trace's father had once worked for, and Sally had delivered a healthy baby boy after a relatively short labor. As Trace held his child, he gave his wife a genuine smile of affection. You've done well dear. Thank you for our son.

Sally watched Father cuddling son and couldn't help but wonder... was he still thinking of James? There was a small disagreement over the child's name. The first in the couple's history. Sally of course thought it only appropriate to name their son after his father. Trace refused to pass on what he considered a ridiculous name. He preferred something far more respectable. They finally christened him Robert Trace Norrington. Also affectionately known as Bobby.

Due to a spot of hemorrhaging, Sally was placed on immediate bed rest. Which left Trace in the awkward position of looking after a newborn. Despite believing childcare to be the province of women, Trace didn't mind it all that much. Though he did decide to hire a nurse as soon as possible. Preferably before his wife was well enough to protest. Another difficulty was James. His personal attacks on the house had increased. Trace could only conclude that his ex lover had read Robert's birth announcement in the paper. The rubbish bins would never be the same.

By Summer's end, Sally was back on her feet and running her household. She wasn't pleased that Traced had hired a nurse without her approval. Still, the gesture was appreciated all the same. What mattered was that she had more energy to enjoy the time with her son. Bobby was the spitting image of his father, from his lovely dark skin, his pretty blue eyes and all the way to his beautiful dark hair.

The end of the season brought with it another pleasant change. Trace began to go out of his way to spend a bit more time with Sally. Whether it was stopping in the hall to compliment her manner of dress, or asking her opinion on something he'd read or taking lunch together on his rare days home from the office. Sally suspected the change was brought on by the birth of their son. She figured Trace felt obligated to show his pleasure at their good fortune. A son was a wonderful blessing indeed. Regardless, she was quite pleased with his company.

Chapter Five Over at the Davies Townhouse, husband and wife were most content. Lora had spent a great deal of time this Summer making shopping trips abroad, while Roger saw to it they kept a roof over their heads. Despite his lack of interest in his wife's idle conversation, Roger was sure to placate Lora's needs in everything. He even took the time to feel the baby kick. And even with how odd he thought it might be, Roger found his pregnant wife to be even more attractive, her belly swollen with child.

Unfortunately it wasn't long before Lora's cheery nature took a turn for the worst. Soon, believing her new form absolutely unflattering, she refused to leave the house. She spent her days wallowing about in her dressing gown. Nothing anyone did was enough to please her. Roger rather dreaded their meal times knowing he would have to listen to his wife's complaining through several courses.

Roger could fortunately escape to work, the hired help on the other hand... Lora couldn't keep them busy enough. Demanding this, complaining about that. And of course Roger ordered that they do whatever was necessary to keep her happy. He did not want to have to hear about their incompetency after a hard day's work. Needless to say, this didn't make either Master nor Mistress of the house very popular.

But no matter what anyone did, Lora was miserable carrying her first, and what she hoped was her last, child. Poor Roger, nothing he could do was right. When Lora complained that they didn't spend enough time together outside of the boudoir, he spent the afternoon fiddling about with their new typewriter while Lora napped. Of course when she woke she was furious that he'd allowed her to sleep the day away.

Roger even went so far as look into buying a new house when Lora complained that their four floors were ridiculously inconvenient for a family living in the country. She wanted an estate with a view of the water. Lastly he hired a nanny so that Lora would not be trapped in the nursery. He knew how very much she missed socializing and wanted her able to enter back into the social scene as soon as she was fit. Enter Miss Scarlett Henson. A very young wet nurse with little in the way of experience. There was a scandalous rumor that the little experience she did have, came from an illegitimate child she'd had with her former employer.

Despite her questionable references, Roger liked the firm yet soft spoken girl. And believed she and Lora would get on quite well. He underestimated his wife's love for all things French. For she was greatly disappointed he hadn't hired an Au Pair. Someone born and raised in France, like their housekeeper Ms. Marguerite Delacour. With whom she practiced her French pronunciation. Lora put up quite the stink over it, especially when Roger put his foot down and refused to let the girl go. Their row could be heard all throughout the house. Needless to say, it was an restless period of confinement for all in the household.

Miss Henson found, if not a friend, a comrade in arms within Ms. Delacour. Marguerite was not only a snob but also a first class gossip. And despite beginning every whisper with I shouldn't be telling you theez... she gladly shared everything she knew about her employers with the new member of staff. Scarlett found that despite her position being well compensated, life in this large house would certainly be something of a trial.

Both Marguerite and Scarlett were only too pleased when their Masters retired for the evening. They finally had the opportunity for a little fun... and peace, as it were. While Ms Delacour preferred a rousing game in the parlor while listening to the Victrola, Miss Henson made her own music on the piano in the Grand Salon. She was really looking forward to having a small baby to look after again.

It wasn't long before everyone in the house was tiptoeing around their Mistress. Fearful that at any moment she would begin harping on about something or other. But none of them were nearly as miserable as Lora herself. She hated being with child and cursed every woman who proclaimed it a blessing. It felt as though some parasite had taken over her body and was leaching her life force. She couldn't wait for it to end and hoped it was a son so that she needn't go through this again. At least not right away.

So as you can imagine it was a blessing to all when Mrs. Davies finally went into labor, three weeks later than assumed. There was panic in the house, except for Miss Henson. She did her best to keep calm and order. She helped Lora to her room and shooed Ms Delacour out for hot water and such. Telling her to ready the nursery. After several messy and loud hours, Lora gave birth to a little girl. Her relief was short lived as soon as she realized she would have to do this again very shortly.

Once she was born, Lora had no more reservations about Miss Henson. After the birth, both baby and nurse were practically banished to the nursery where they created their own little world. The child was eventually christened Fabiola Victois Davies. Though Scarlett took to calling the little beauty, Bee. Scarlett was a natural with the babe. A very beautiful dark haired, brown eyed creature, Fabiola quickly stole her nurse's heart. When the two of them were tucked away in the nursery for hours/days at a time, it was very easy for Scarlett to pretend that Bee was her very own little girl. (Fabiola: Fah-bee-oh-lah Victois: Vic-twah)

Chapter Six While everyone else in the family were welcoming their first children into the world, both Mr. And Mrs. Buckley were enjoying their peaceful lifestyle. They decorated the house with an Asian inspired theme. Timothy, who had been born and raised in Japan until his mother's death, wanted to be surrounded by the familiar comforts of his birthplace. Alice simple loved the feng shui and the idea of doing something different.

Alice adopted a Siamese cat she named Ren, to keep her company while she awaited their first inevitable child. By Summer's end, Timothy had been promoted to Lobbyist, Ren had made herself at home, Alice gained two new nephews and a niece and yet, she herself was not with child. Alice wasn't particularly bothered by this. She wasn't exactly what one would call a natural mother. She didn't quite understand the fascination with children. But she did like the idea of having a miniature Timothy running around.

Since three of her sisters were out of commission, stuck at home with their new children, Alice invited Annie over quite often. They spoke about their new nephews and niece and perhaps having a reunion for the entire family sometime soon. Alice mentioned having a wedding anniversary for their parents. Something pleasant, to show their thanks for all the hard work Stuart and Evelyn had put into raising them. Alice and Timothy were always up for a party.

One particular afternoon Annie found herself suddenly ill. She didn't want to imagine why and did her best to reassure Alice that all was well. Alice though couldn't help thinking there was more going on than her little sister was telling. Annie wanted to confide in her sister but she believed her hopes and fears were yet unconfirmed.

Annie finally compromised by explaining that she and Nicolas would not be expecting to have any children. He believes himself to be... Annie searched for the right word. Sterile. So I don't want to get my hopes up.' Alice apologized for her sister's misfortune. Annie, as good natured as ever, smiled it off and thanked Alice for her concern.

The rest of the day passed without incident, though Alice couldn't help but notice that Annie looked a bit peaky. Then again, her sister had always been fair skinned. Perhaps it was her imagination. Timothy joined them for a game of Mahjong, which Alice won of course and then she saw her little sister out. You're looking rather pale. Be sure to see someone if that illness of yours doesn't get any better. Of course I shall. But please don't mention it to Mama. I don't wish for her to worry. Especially now when she has so much to be happy about.

That evening... Timothy, did you notice anything strange about my sister today? Why? Did she grow a pair of horns? I'm afraid I wasn't paying very close attention. Too preoccupied with watching you love. Alice lowered her book. Something on your mind, Husband? Perhaps. There was little said (at least anything intelligible) for the rest of the night.

A few mornings later Alice awoke with terrible nausea. After being ill in the bath, she took a minute to confess her worries to Ren. For some strange reason she found the smell of her cat breath rather appetizing The odd cravings didn't stop there. As Timothy found out trying to eat his burnt breakfast. My love, did you mean for the turnovers to be left in the oven so long? Oh yes. Such a unique taste, wouldn't you say? Timothy grimaced. Uh, yes dear. Certainly... unique. If only it didn't aggravate my stomach so much.

A few weeks after that Alice was quite certain she was finally with child. She surprised Timothy with the news once he came home from work. You don't look overly pleased? Is this not what you wished for? I don't want our life to change. Alice confessed. Of course I want your child. But do you? Timothy chose his words carefully. To carry on his bloodline is the dream of many a man. To spend a life with a worthwhile companion, is mine. Child or no, I'm content and will continue to be so.(well said Tim)

Chapter Seven In a large manor not so far away, Annie had problems of her own. She was certain now, after weeks of morning sickness, that she was with child. Despite Nicolas' doubts he could reproduce. And now she feared telling him. For Annie had begun to fall ill. It had started as nausea and fatigue and progressed as the weeks, then months passed by.

She took to hiding herself away in unfinished rooms of the great house. And when her waist began to slowly expand, she did what she could to disguise the small rise of her abdomen. She wondered how Nicolas would take the news. Would he be worried? Certainly. Especially with the death of his first wife in child. But would he also be upset or disappointed? This she could not know.

So far, Annie had managed to keep him too distracted to notice her bodily changes during their nighttime exploits. But she couldn't keep it up for long. Soon he would noticed the dark circles under her eyes, the ashen complexion of her skin and how terribly exhausted she was these days. And then he would most likely be angry with her for keeping it from him. She would have to speak of it soon... but how?

Evelyn came over to spend an afternoon with her youngest child, bringing news of her three delightful grandchildren. She noticed right away that Annie was not looking at all well. Which confirmed Alice's concerns. Annie was so pleased to see her mother, she felt near tears. There was something about a mother's touch that made everything seem better.

Evelyn also noticed the small pregnancy bump her daughter was attempting to hide. But it would take some gentle prodding in order to get the truth out of Annie. Despite being a married woman, Annie was still a child when compared to her older siblings. And like a little girl, Annie inexplicably feared getting into trouble. Evelyn though, with a gentle word here, a careful word there, and Annie broke down and told her mother everything. You must tell him dearest. It's not your place to keep such secrets from your husband.

I do want to tell him. But I'm afraid he'll worry. Or be disappointed. I thought it was the woman's responsibility to have or not have a child. Evelyn chuckled. Hardly. While men would like to place the blame with us, it isn't so. It would be a much different world if women could choose whether or not to conceive. So it's not my fault? Of course not love. Every man knows that should he lie with a woman, a child could be in the cards. Tell him. He loves you. He will understand. And if he doesn't? Then I shall send your brother to duel him. Evelyn said with a smile.

So that evening, after a thorough pep talk, Annie prepared to come clean. Nicolas, having sensed something was the matter, prepared to hear something terrible. Have you tired of this life? What? Are you through sharing your life with a nocturnal beast? Annie was appalled No! No I... I'm only... A deep breath. I'm going to have a baby. We're having a baby. Silence and then... A baby. Yes.

How long have you known of this? Annie cringed slightly. Not very long. It's... difficult to remember exactly when... And why did you see fit to keep it from me? I... I didn't want for you to worry... or to be disappointed. Disappointed. Nicolas said nothing for some time and Annie grew even more nervous. Are you angry? Nicolas sighed and pulled his wife close. Have I given you such cause to fear me love? What? Why ever would you ask such a thing?

I can only imagine that you've kept hold of such a secret from fear of my reaction. What I might say in retaliation. Nicolas frowned. And if this is so, I wonder what I have done, to cause such fear. Annie felt shame at her actions. Oh, I don't fear you. I could never. Good, because you mustn't ever. You have to know that I would never do anything to harm you. I will always be apprehensive for your well being and I shall endeavor to see that you're never brought to ill by my actions. Oh Nicolas. So you're not angry about the baby? How can I be? It is the creation of you and I.

The Count and Countess Clifford spent their evenings slightly differently from then on. Nicolas, as always, was all affection, attentiveness and romance. His excitement over their child was somewhat subdued, for his first priority was seeing to his wife's overall health. Though he never spoke of it, Nicolas could see the pale pallor of Annie's skin growing even paler as the months passed. He did everything in his power to bring the light of happiness to her eyes when they were together. (they got busy in that carriage)

And when he wasn't able to look after her during the day, he ordered Martha Benny to keep a close watch on Annie while he slept. Martha wasn't entirely as enamored with Annie as her Master. She thought the girl too young and nave to suit his nature. But she did as she was told. From spying on Annie out on the grounds, to making certain that she was eating wholesome meals said to improve the health of expecting mothers. You see, Martha Benny might have seemed ornery but she was extremely loyal to Count Clifford. Even whilst being fully aware of what he was.

She met him in America while enslaved on a Georgian plantation. Her former Master had been a cruel man who used his bible to justify his awful deeds. It was rumored Martha Benny was one of the many illegitimate children unwillingly borne to him by slaves. Nicolas had been a guest and took an interest in the young woman serving their dinner. Her misery touched him. When offered her company in his bed by the Master, Nicolas went one better. He offered to buy Martha Benny and they had traveled the world together ever since. He was a kind and benevolent Master who never took advantage of her. She would be forever grateful to the man and there was nothing she wouldn't do for him.

As the season waned and Summer passed into Autumn, both Annie's pregnancy and illness progressed. The latter wasn't spoken of but it caused a cloud of melancholy to set upon the house. She spent a great deal of time trying not to think about the worst. Only dreaming that seeing their beautiful child would make all this worry worth it. And if she found that she was soon too weak to make it through an entire day out of bed, well, that too was ignored.

Despite everything, Annie worked diligently to keep her spirits up. She artfully fielded concerned calls from her family and downplayed the severity of her symptoms for Nicolas and Martha Benny's benefit. She took her rest when necessary but for the most part, relished every moment she was able to enjoy being with child. Mind yerself Countess. Martha Benny warned her one afternoon. Too much of this sun ain't good fer ya. But it feels so lovely. Especially with these cooler days. Annie smiled into the light. Besides, I'm trusting that you shall look after me.

Countess... Countess!!

Martha Benny was nothing if not efficient. She was able to get her Mistress to bed and call for a doctor in record time. Dr. Hamilton had only recently relocated to Guilford with his sister, a midwife. They were taking over the post so that the former town doctor and his wife could retire. While he examined Annie, his expression continued to grow more grave. Martha Benny decided it would be best to wake Nicolas early.

Count Clifford had few rules but the most important had been that Martha Benny never disturb him while he slept. Except in an emergency. He had no wish to harm her by accident. Martha Benny had never even set foot in his sleep chamber. The door was kept locked at all times and the spare key hidden away in the kitchen pantry. But she was certain he would want to know what was happening with Annie. So she bravely went forth and of course received the fright of her life. She'd never witnessed her Master looking so monstrous.

After gathering his bearings and coming back from the edge of his feral tendencies, Nicolas cast a dark look at his housekeeper. Martha, I assume you understand the gravity of what you've just done. Someone had better be dying. Martha Benny blanched. I think you might regret sayin' that Mas'a. Reality slapped Nicolas in the face. Annie!

I'm sorry to have worried you so. Annie whispered. It was difficult to keep her eyes open when all she wanted to do was sleep. But she felt the need to reassure her husband. I should have listened to Martha Benny and stayed out of the sun. I won't have you feeling badly or apologizing over something out of your control. Nicolas fought to keep is voice calm. Further stress is not good for your condition. Let us not fool ourselves. We knew from the beginning that your was not the usual situation. We must adjust.

Miss, I think the Countess would benefit from a glass of wine. Red if you have it. Dr. Hamilton watched the couple solemnly. And perhaps something stronger for the Count. I suggest Scotch. Yes sir. Count Clifford, The doctor spoke quietly to Nicolas. If you wouldn't mind. I think a word or two alone is necessary. Nicolas gave him a slow nod, reluctant to leave Annie's side, before kissing his wife's clammy forehead and following both Martha Benny and Dr. Hamilton out of the suite.

Once situated in the study, where Doctor Hamilton helped himself to a good portion of wine, the two men discussed Annie. I wont mince words with you, The doctor was saying. Your wife's condition is very serious. I've not seen such a case as this. Though it's been heard of, it's rare. What exactly is wrong? Well, oddly enough, her body seems to be treating the infant as though it were some sort of infection! Nicolas' heart sank at this. He could imagine that their poor child had inherited his curse. Annie, her body brimming with life, of course fought it unconsciously in order to survive. He didn't know whether he should be thankful or weep.

Annie, who had been dozing upstairs, was awakened by a terrible pain ripping through her abdomen. She cried out for help and Martha Benny, who was climbing the staircase, came running. But by the time she arrived it was too late. Annie had lost the baby. Martha Benny could only watch as her Mistress sobbed her heart out. I'll... just fetch Dr. Hamilton. She whispered before leaving the room.

Sometime later... I am more sorry than I can say. Dr. Hamilton sighed. But at least now she'll have the chance to heal. Do you think she'll be able to make a full recovery? Perhaps. I wouldn't like to make assumptions. But she is young and strong. The odds are in her favor. He put a hand on Nicolas' shoulder. You may go up to her now. She'll be needing a good cry. Nicolas did go up and held his wife close while she wept. He marveled that even now she tried to smile through the pain. For his benefit of course.

Having stayed with Annie until she'd fallen asleep and knowing he would find no rest for himself, Nicolas retired to his study. Despite the fact that being up during the day made him feel weak and nauseous. Martha Benny managed to persuade him to eat something in her need to do something useful. Sitting alone in the dining room, Nicolas succumbed to his own grief. He cried over the loss of his child but counted his blessings that he still had Annie. He was thankful they had survived this trial. But what of the next time?

Chapter Eight A touch of skin... hint of sweat... abandoning all uncertainties... hot and quickening breath... two wanting bodies... moist lips... begging eyes... taste... flight... heat... ecstasy...

Asher woke from his pleasant dreams reluctantly. Even as he gazed into the morning light, the image of Olivia's bare body was burned into his mind. He smirked. Married life had been a dream so far. He and Olivia had been enjoying an extended honeymoon period. He remembered how nervous they had both been the night of their wedding. She thought him a learned man of travel while he feared hurting the one he loved most. They needn't have worried since they came together with such passion and... compatibility. Asher never fit with anyone so well.

Due to business, Asher and Olivia had to postpone their honeymoon trip, though neither of them minded. Especially not Olivia. She'd waited years to be with the man she loved. She didn't care where they were as long as they were together. Good morning love, Asher greeted as he came down for breakfast. Where is Mama and Papa? Morning to you as well. They are out in the garden already. We overslept and they didn't have the heart to wake us. Smells heavenly. What have you learned to prepare now? Your mother has taught me how to make scones. Can you believe these are my first?

It was absolutely no surprise to anyone in the house when Olivia realized she was with child. Considering how much time the newlyweds spent in their room, Stuart and Evelyn wondered how the two kids had managed to keep their hands off each other all these years. Both Asher and Olivia were thrilled to be expecting their first child. Asher wanted to fill the house with life again. And Olivia, having grown up a lonely only child wanted different for her own children.

Having such new and eager blood in the house had Stuart wanting to relive his own honeymoon. After all these years he had an even greater desire for his wonderful wife and was thankful for the life they had shared together. Still, he felt sadness as he held her in his arms. Stuart felt as though time were running out, sand through his fingers. And the two of them perhaps had very little time left to enjoy such simple pleasures. Never one to dwell, Stuart chose to take advantage of whatever time they had left.

Aside from slight fatigue and a great deal of morning sickness, Olivia's pregnancy was without complication. At first. She enjoyed life in her new home and cared a great deal for Asher's parents. Though having such a close family took some getting used to. When Olivia was small, her mother died leaving her to be raised by her distant and cold father. He in turn left her to be looked after by servants. Her childhood was lonely and she had no one to guide or curb her behavior. Then she was shipped off to Guilford to live with a Great Aunt in order to become a proper young lady. Where she met Asher and fell in love.

Asher certainly didn't mind teaching his wife the joy of being surrounded by a close and loving family. He himself couldn't be happier to be home, back in his element. Among the trees and open spaces. He was sometimes loathe to leave on his research trips. One warm afternoon he returned home with a surprise for his father. He enjoyed the look on three equally shocked faces as he pulled into the yard. He had purchased a used wagon and a couple of brown geldings from a local farmer. He had plans to build a small stable in which to house them.

But Asher, why on earth wouldn't you first build the stable before making the purchase? Evelyn asked. I couldn't pass up the bargain. A promising investment. Stuart praised. What's life without a bit of risk? Evelyn rolled her eyes. But where ever shall we keep them? Our neighbors, the Denbows, Olivia pointed out. They have a large barn. Perhaps they wouldn't mind letting us space. For a reasonable price of course. And so, that's what they did.

That was to be the last good news in the Norrington household for some time, unfortunately. Olivia's pregnancy became more difficult. She soon couldn't keep anything down and lost several pounds. Within a few weeks she suffered a spontaneous miscarriage. As one can imagine, she was inconsolable. (seriously, I thought she was gonna starve to death since she threw up everything she ate)

Asher, though reasonably disappointed, went out of his way to reassure his wife that she was not at fault. They would mourn this child together and when the time was right, they would try again.

But Olivia was not in the habit of sharing her grief with others. Having grown up with no one who cared, she didn't know how to accept comfort. She preferred to grieve on her own and pushed not only Asher, but everyone else away. Perhaps if Olivia had grown up with the understanding that families were meant to be there for one another it would have been different. Unfortunately, she hadn't and therefore chose to suffer by her lonesome.

Which in turn made everyone else miserable. Asher of course suffered cruelly, for the loss of his child and being unable to find comfort in his wife. This then made Stuart and Evelyn suffer to see their son so melancholy and helpless to fix it. Some days Asher found that his wife had not shared one word with him, so weighed down by her own pain. He would watch her head up to their bed chamber, longing and loss on his face.

Husband, what are we going to do about those two? Stuart sighed. I can not tell you. I'm at a loss. She can't continue on this way. Denying our son. I hate to see Asher in such pain. Evelyn frowned. If I thought it wouldn't upset him so much, I'd have a stern word with her. Let's not forget that she's hurting as well. There's a difference between grief and wallowing in pity. She's being selfish. She is not the only one who has suffered a loss. The sooner she realizes that, the better off we'll all be. Asher is a good, strong man. We raised him well. Let him handle it as he sees fit.

Enlisting the help of a colleague from work, Asher began work on the stable. He and Mr. Bruce Richman lay plans and broke ground in hopes of finishing before the rainy season. Mr. Richman was an amiable sort of fellow and enjoyed the outdoors as much as Asher. Though it seemed at times as though he was doing most the work. Meanwhile Asher was making friends with some stray that had started hanging about the house.

The men worked long hours, from sunrise to sunset most days. And they tackled their fair share of obstacles. Though only Bruce seemed to have a problem with finding the bees nests. Often, Asher continued working long after he'd sent Mr. Richman home. He would literally stay outside until it was too dark to see and he was ready to drop from exhaustion. Some nights Evelyn would find her son pacing in front of the door to he and Olivia's bed chamber.

Which did nothing to help in improving her feelings towards her daughter in law. Olivia in turn, sensing the negative vibes began to feel just as badly toward Evelyn. It was becaming an ugly, vicious circle. When she was sure to be alone, Olivia did feel awful about how she was treating her husband. She was past her pain and ready to move on. But after all the damage her behavior had caused, she wasn't certain how to put things right. Would she be forgiven? Should she be?

Despite the awkwardness at home, Evelyn was pleased with how life was treating her other children. The grand children, Barry, Bobby and Bee, were healthy and doing wonderfully. Though a worrisome call from Alice had Evelyn rushing off to visit with her youngest child Annie. That evening she shared her concerns about Annie's health with Stuart, though he had other things on his mind. Evelyn's response: You can't be serious.

That evening, instead of going straight to sleep, Olivia sat up and did some intense soul searching. She was ashamed of her damaging and selfish behavior. And she missed her husband. She thought of how patient and fore bearing Asher had been. She didn't deserve such a man and she was wasting precious time. She wanted his children and it was time to move on with their lives. She only hoped Asher did not despise her now. Asher, having spent the day working in the rain, was heading to bed, soaked to the skin. He believed it was late enough and tried to be quiet so as not to disturb his sleeping wife.

To his surprise, Olivia was still awake and he fought the impulse to turn back. I'm sorry, he mumbled. I didn't expect you to be up. She gave him a nervous smile. I couldn't sleep. I'll be sure not to disturb you. Think I might just go read by the fire a bit. You're not a bother. Asher simply shrugged and opened the wardrobe. Olivia watched him undress, a rush of warmth flooding her throughout. How had she survived all this time without holding that strong, beautiful body close? Once in his nightdress Asher made to leave when Olivia called after him, Wait!

I wish to... Olivia faltered at his blank expression. I was hoping we could have a word. Please... With a thoughtful look Asher joined her on the bed. He was surprised considering the two of them had barely spoken more than a few words in weeks. Is anything the matter? Roger Davies called for your father today. He is buying a new house for your sister. Something with a view of the water. Asher was a bit confused. I am pleased for them. He also spoke of your niece Fabiola. Olivia swallowed. Though he's disappointed in not having a son, he says she has fine eyes. He believes she'll be a very pretty girl.

Well, Asher gave a small shrug. I imagine so if she takes after her mother. It made me think. Olivia flushed with shame. About how selfish I've been. What a terrible wife to you and daughter to your parents... Olivia, No, let me finish please. A sigh. I'm sorry for pushing you away and out of our marriage bed. And mostly for wasting time. It's so very precious. Can you ever forgive my behavior? Of course, Asher leaned into Olivia with a relieved smile. You had my forgiveness before it was ever requested.

My love, Olivia felt tears of gratitude building up in her eyes. I am ever so sorry. I do not deserve you. Have I ruined everything? Will you... still have me? Asher pulled back in confusion. Have you? Olivia blushed. Lie with me. Not only as a husband lies with a wife but... as a man who loves and desires a woman. Asher gazed at her, impassioned. Oh Liv, you've absolutely no idea.

Down the hall Evelyn still lay awake, having woke when she heard Asher coming in from the rain. She smiled softly at the sound of murmured activity coming from his room. Well, thank God for that. She whispered to herself. Stuart stirred in his sleep and murmured. Told you so. He sighed and drifted off with a smile. Evelyn smirked. That you did luv. That you did.

So life returned to normal at Legacy main. Asher and Bruce made great progress on the carriage house. Though they reworked the plans since Asher had changed his mind about the size. Poor Bruce... he just couldn't catch a break when it came to finding the bees. Somehow, he and he alone disturbed their nests time and time again.

There were crops to be sown and harvested and fish to catch. While the men worked the land, both Evelyn and Olivia split household chores evenly. Olivia never had the opportunity to learn how to keep house until she married Asher. Before that she'd been raised to be a companion, not a housewife. She thoroughly enjoyed learning at Evelyn's hand. More so now since the tension between the women had dissipated. Not long after their reconciliation, Olivia found herself once more suffering pregnancy symptoms.

It was about that time that the family received grave news about Annie. Her illness had only gotten worse. And after a terrible collapse, she had lost the child she was carrying and was now bedridden for a time. Stuart went to see his youngest child only to be told by Martha Benny that Annie could not receive visitors. Doctor's orders. You will tell her that I was by. And that her family prays for her recovery. Of course Sir.

Needless to say Stuart left his daughter's grand house with a dark feeling of disappointment and worry. A feeling that stayed with him all the way home. When he finally reached the legacy homestead he found his family at dinner, blissfully unaware of the terrible news. He wondered how she would break the news to them. And whether or not he should say anything in front of Olivia.

Yes, Stuart suspected his daughter in law's condition. Not only had he heard her bouts of sickness but the man had sired four of his six children. He knew when a woman was expecting. Just then Asher decided to share he and Olivia's good news with his parents. Stuart sighed and decided to tell them about Annie's misfortune at another time. No sense in giving Olivia more to worry about. That's wonderful. Evelyn smiled. Congratulations, the two of you. (yes, Evelyn is serving the dreaded cheesecake!!! now let's just hope that the twins aren't twice the fugly)

Asher, Olivia flushed. Must you announce it in such a fashion? And so very soon? But shouldn't I? Asher frowned. We're family. It's not as though I took out an advertisement. Olivia made a face at his sarcasm. Tis joyous news is it not? But of course, Olivia forced a smile, slightly embarrassed. But, I think it may have been more prudent to wait a little longer. To be certain... She faltered. Evelyn, who understood her daughter in law's reluctance spoke up gently. I'm certain that all will be well. She reassured. Let's not worry about what we can not control.

That evening Asher noticed a certain reluctance from Olivia as he tried to lie with her. Is anything the matter? She shrugged. Are you still upset over my announcement at dinner? Olivia huffed. You could have spoken with me before telling everyone. There's no sense in hiding it. Mama is the Mistress of female intuition. And you shall be in want of her support. You needn't be shy luv. I suppose. Olivia pouted. But I wish you could understand that I'm not used to being so open about personal matters. I'm sorry. Asher conceded. I will be more conscious of it in the future.

Isn't it wonderful news? Evelyn whispered in the room down the hall. This house is in need of new life. To look after a baby once again... how absolutely precious. That it is. Another strapping lad to help me with the crops. And if it's a daughter dearest? Then I suppose she'll be ruined by you women. Evelyn chuckled and pinched him playfully. Oh, I've been meaning to ask. Where ever did you head off to this afternoon? You never said. Stuart sobered. I... I called on Annie. Dearest, I have grave news...

Annie's misfortune was sad to hear and it did awaken anxieties in both Asher and Olivia. The former sought out his father for guidance and advice. Stuart did what he could to comfort his son. Olivia decided to take Evelyn's words to heart. All will be well. She wouldn't worry about what she couldn't control. She would hope for the best and prepare for the worst. In the meantime she tried to enjoy feeling the fragile life growing inside her belly.

But life had to go on and it did. The carriage house was coming along nicely despite the stings to poor Mr. Richman's hide. Stuart decided to take up dancing. His children had turned it into an art form so he thought he would dip his toes in. Considering he's never had an ounce of grace, he thought it couldn't hurt. Evelyn learned Physiology but that's not news considering she studied and learned everything. And poor Olivia did her best to catch up. Though she found general study to be uninteresting. (note: I find that Olivia isn't as domestically inclined as she likes to pretend. whenever I set her to studying, she bails at the first given opportunity. so much for that cleaning point)

After months of laborious work, the carriage house was finished and Asher had made a loyal companion out of the stray dog who hung around. Both Asher and Bruce admired their work before going their separate ways. The stray, Asher decided to keep. He wasn't much more than a mutt of no pedigree but Asher had never kept a pet. And there was something epic about a man and his dog. He decided to call him Pilot.

That evening Olivia was awoken by an awful cramping in her lower back and abdomen. Fear flashed through her mind. It was too soon for the baby and she couldn't bear another loss. Asher woke to his wife's cries and Dr. Hamilton was sent for. Olivia went into premature labor and just before sunrise gave birth to a little girl. Alas she was unfortunately stillborn. There was simply no describing the depth of despair in the house.

Olivia asked that Asher bury the child instead of allowing Dr. Hamilton to take her. He couldn't find it in him to say no. Olivia would have called the baby Elizabeth. Instead she went into a brief period of mourning. Though she did handle this loss with more grace and forbearance than the first, Olivia was never the same. Her sadness became a tangible thing.

Stuart often felt the need to escape the oppressive atmosphere and went on long walks before sunrise. He too was saddened by his son's loss and wondered if their home would ever see the face of a new child again. Father and son shared many a careful morning discussion as they broke their fast. The only witness to their sad words was a an empty highchair in the corner. (Stuart also came back from his hike with poison ivy. nice going Stu. man, this generation is not going as smoothly as the last. maybe it's Olivia)

And the misfortune continues. A neglected hand towel left on the stove catches fire. Evelyn happened upon it and shouted for Stuart or Asher to send for the Fire Marshall. At this point I began to believe that poor Olivia was indeed plain bad luck. (10 cooking points and Evelyn sets the kitchen ablaze. what more could go wrong?)

Olivia too began to question her misfortune. What was wrong with her? Married all this time and she had yet given her husband an heir. She felt like such a disappointment. She wondered if either Stuart or Evelyn now regretted their son's choice in wife.

When she quietly explained these fears to Asher, he reassured her that she was no disappointment. I do want children Olivia. He confessed. Not to have them leaves me melancholy. But having you is more than worth it. We're strong enough to get through this. We must be. Oh Asher... There in the family parlor, husband and wife released their grief together. If they never manage to have a child of their own, they will at least have one another.

And here's where I shall leave you dear readers. Will Olivia ever carry a child to full term or will I have to risk the adoption pool? *shudder* See what happens next time. Also, let me know whether or not you enjoyed reading about the spares. If you prefer to read their stories separately, say so in your comment. I was worried it would bog down the story but I'm finding it difficult letting the other Norrington kids go. As always, thanks to all the fantastic CC creators out there. ----->

Picture one: I sent Olivia out to change the season to coincide with the other houses, not realizing she was only green. Figures she'd set the lawn on fire. Picture two: Happy penguin Picture three: Even the fire Marshall thinks Olivia is bad luck *sigh* Picture four: Proof that Lora's a terrible mother. She left poor Fabiola out on the sidewalk to admire something shiny in her new house. Ha! Until next time, happy simming!

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