non-abelian tensor gauge fields generalization of yang-mills theory

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Non-Abelian Tensor Gauge Fields Generalization of Yang-Mills Theory. Corfu 2005. George Savvidy Demokritos National Research Center Athens. Tensionless Strings Non-Abelian Tensor Gauge Fields - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Non-Abelian Tensor Gauge Fields

Generalization of Yang-Mills Theory

George Savvidy Demokritos National Research Center Athens

Tensionless Strings Non-Abelian Tensor Gauge Fields

PhysLett B552 (2003) 72 Hep-th/0505033Int.J.Mod.Phys. A19 (2004) 3171 Hep-th/0509049PhysLett B615 (2005) 285 PhysLett B625 (2005)341

Corfu 2005

1. Spectrum of Tensionless strings with perimeter action

2. Extended gauge transformation of the ground state

3. Non-Abelian extended gauge transformations

4. Field strength tensors

5. Invariant Lagrangian and the interaction vertices

6. Unitarity

7. High spin extension of the standard model

String Field Theory

• The multiplicity of tensor fields grows exponentially.

• How to describe unbroken phase of string theory when

• The Lagrangian and the field equations for the tensor fields ?

Tensionless String

The ground state wave function is a function of two variables:

where thus

Symmetric, traceless, divergent free tensors of increasing rank s=1,2,3,….

The first excited state wave function is

its norm is equal to zero and it is orthogonal to the ground state

We could therefore impose an equivalent relation

The equivalence relation imply the gauge transformation

Yukawa in 1950

Wigner in 1963

The relativistic wave function should depend on two variables

The metric is (- + + +)

Tensor Gauge Fields and Their Interactions

What is know?

The Lagrangian and the fields equations for the tensor gauge fields


The Lagrangian and S-matrix Formulation of Free Tensor Fields

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Equations: helicity

Gauge Transformation:

Free field Lagrangian:

The question of introducing Interaction appears to be much complex

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1. F. A. Berends, G. J. H Burgers and H. Van Dam, On the Theoretical problems in Constructing Interactions Involving Higher-Spin Massless Particles, Nucl. Phys. B260 (1985) 295.

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The first positive result of Lars Brink and collaborators. In the light-front approach the cubic interaction term has the form:

Where the two components of the complex field describe the helicities •Important to generalize to higher orders•There are lambda derivatives in the interaction•Coupling constant

The Abelian Gauge Transformations

closed algebraic structure

In our approach the gauge fields are defined as rank-(s+1) tensors

The extended non-Abelian gauge transformation of the tensor gauge fields weshell defined by the following equations

The infinitesimal gauge parameters are totally symmetric rank-s tensors

In general the formula is:

The summation is over all permutation of two sets of indices

In matrix form the transformation is :

Extended gauge transformations form a closed algebraic structure

The commutator of two gauge transformations acting on a rank-2 tensor gauge field is:


In general case we shall get

and is again an extended gauge transformation with gauge parameters

Gauge Algebra

The field strength tensors we shall define as:

The inhomogeneous extended gauge transformation induces the homogeneous gauge transformation of the corresponding field strength tensors

Yang-Mills Fields First rank gauge fields

It is invariant with respect to the non-Abelian gauge transformation

The homogeneous transformation of the field strength is


The invariance of the Lagrangian

Its variation is

The first three terms of the Lagrangian are:

The Lagrangian for the rank-s gauge fields is (s=0,1,2,…)

where the field strength tensors transform by the law

and the coefficient is

The total Lagrangian is a sum of invariant terms:

It is important that:

• the Lagrangian does not contain higher derivatives of tensor gauge fields

• all interactions take place through the three- and four-particle exchanges with dimensionless coupling constant

• the complete Lagrangian contains all higher rank tensor gauge fields and should not be truncated.

• The extended gauge theory has the same degree of divergence of its Feynman diagrams as the Yang-Mills theory does and most probably will be renormalizable.

When the gauge coupling constant g is equal to zero, g=0then the extended gauge transformations will reduce to the form


Unitarity ?

The Lagrangian was not the most general Lagrangian which can be constructed in terms of the field strength tensors. There exists a second invariant Lagrangian

The variation of the Lagrangian is:

As a result we have two invariant Lagrangians and the general Lagrangian is a linear combination of these two Lagrangians

If c=1 then we shall have enhanced local gauge invariance of the Lagrangian with double number of gauge parameters

The Free Field Equations

For symmetric tensor fields the equation reduces to the FPSCSHF equation

for antisymmetric tensor fields it reduces to the equation

The variation over the vector gauge fields of the Lagrangian

the variation over the tensor gauge fields gives

Representing equations in the form

we shall get


Interaction Vertices

The VVV vertex

The VTT vertex

Vector Gauge Bosons and Their High Spin Descendence

Standard Model

Beyond the SM

Decay reactions

spin1/2 1

23/2 spin

Creation channel

standard leptons s=1/2

vector gauge boson tensor boson s=2

tensor lepnos s=3/2

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