noble sisters

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Noble Sisters



    "Now did you mark a falcon,

    Sister dear, sister dear,

    Flyin toward my window

    In t!e mornin cool and clear #it! $inlin %ells a%out !er neck,

    But w!at %eneat! !er win

    It may !a&e %een a ri%%on,

    Or it may !a&e %een a rin."''

    "I marked a falcon swoo(in

    )t t!e %reak of day*

    )nd for your lo&e, my sister do&e,

    I +frayed t!e t!ief away."''

    "Or did you s(y a ruddy !ound,

    Sister fair and tall,

    #ent snuffin round my arden %ound,

    Or crouc!ed %y my %ower wall

    #it! a silken leas! a%out !is neck

    But in !is mout! may %e

    ) c!ain of old and sil&er links,

    Or a letter writ to me."''

    "I !eard a !ound, !i!'%orn sister,

    Stood %ayin at t!e moon*

    I rose and dro&e !im from your wall

    Lest you s!ould wake too soon."''

    "Or did you meet a (retty (ae

    Sat swinin on t!e ate

    Sat w!istlin, w!istlin like a %ird,

    Or may %e sle(t too late*

    #it! ealets %roidered on !is ca(,

    )nd ealets on !is lo&e

    If you !ad turned !is (ockets out,

    -ou !ad found some (lede of lo&e."''

    "I met !im at t!is day%reak,

    Scarce t!e east was red*

    Lest t!e creakin ate s!ould aner you,

    I (acked !im !ome to %ed."''

    "O (atience, sister. id you see

    ) youn man tall and stron,

    Swift'footed to u(!old t!e ri!t

    )nd to u(root t!e wron,

    /ome !ome across t!e desolate sea

    To woo me for !is wife

    )nd in !is !eart my !eart is locked,

    )nd in !is life my life."''

    "I met a nameless man, sister,

    #!o loitered round our door*

    I said* 0er !us%and lo&es !er muc!.

    )nd yet s!e lo&es !im more."''

    "Fie, sister, fie, a wicked lie,

    ) lie, a wicked lie

    I !a&e none ot!er lo&e %ut !im,

    Nor will !a&e till I die.

    )nd you !a&e turned !im from our door,

    )nd sta%%ed !im wit! a lie*

  • 8/13/2019 Noble Sisters


    I will o seek !im t!ro+ t!e world

    In sorrow till I die."''

    "1o seek in sorrow, sister,

    )nd find in sorrow too*

    If t!us you s!ame our fat!er+s name

    2y curse o fort! wit! you."


    Frost'locked all t!e winter,

    Seeds, and roots, and stones of fruits,

    #!at s!all make t!eir sa( ascend

    T!at t!ey may (ut fort! s!oots

    Ti(s of tender reen,

    Leaf, or %lade, or s!eat!

    Tellin of t!e !idden life

    T!at %reaks fort! underneat!,

    Life nursed in its ra&e %y eat!.

    Blows t!e t!aw'wind (leasantly,

    ri(s t!e soakin rain,

    By fits looks down t!e wakin sun*

    -oun rass s(rins on t!e (lain

    -oun lea&es clot!e early !ederow trees

    Seeds, and roots, and stones of fruits,

    Swollen wit! sa(, (ut fort! t!eir s!oots

    /urled'!eaded ferns s(rout in t!e lane

    Birds sin and (air aain.

    T!ere is no time like S(rin,

    #!en life+s ali&e in e&eryt!in,

    Before new nestlins sin,

    Before cleft swallows s(eed t!eir $ourney %ack

    )lon t!e trackless track,''

    1od uides t!eir win,

    0e s(reads t!eir ta%le t!at t!ey not!in lack,''

    Before t!e daisy rows a common flower,

    Before t!e sun !as (ower

    To scorc! t!e world u( in !is noontide !our.

    T!ere is no time like S(rin,

    Like S(rin t!at (asses %y

    T!ere is no life like S(rin'life %orn to die,''

    3iercin t!e sod,

    /lot!in t!e uncout! clod,

    0atc!ed in t!e nest,

    Fleded on t!e windy %ou!,

    Stron on t!e win*

    T!ere is no time like S(rin t!at (asses %y,

    Now newly %orn, and now

    0astenin to die.

    T0E L)2BS OF 1R)S2ERE, 4567.

    T!e u(land flocks rew star&ed and t!inned*

  • 8/13/2019 Noble Sisters


    T!eir s!e(!erds scarce could feed t!e lam%s

    #!ose milkless mot!ers %utted t!em,

    Or w!o were or(!aned of t!eir dams.

    T!e lam%s at!irst for mot!er+s milk

    Filled all t!e (lace wit! (iteous sounds*

    T!eir mot!ers+ %ones made w!ite for miles

    T!e (astureless wet (asture rounds.

    ay after day, ni!t after ni!t,

    From lam% to lam% t!e s!e(!erds went,

    #it! tea(ots for t!e %leatin mout!s

    Instead of nature+s nouris!ment.

    T!e little s!i&erin a(in t!ins

    Soon knew t!e ste( t!at %rou!t t!em aid,

    )nd fondled t!e (rotectin !and,

    )nd ru%%ed it wit! a woolly !ead.

    T!en, as t!e days wa8ed on to weeks,

    It was a (retty si!t to see

    T!ese lam%s wit! frisky !eads and tails

    Ski((in and lea(in on t!e lea,

    Bleatin in tender, trustful tones,

    Restin on rocky cra or mound,

    )nd followin t!e %elo&ed feet

    T!at once !ad sou!t for t!em and found.

    T!ese &ery s!e(!erds of t!eir flocks,

    T!ese lo&in lam%s so meek to (lease,

    )re wort!y of recordin words

    )nd !onor in t!eir due derees*

    So I mi!t li&e a !undred years,

    )nd roam from strand to forein strand,

    -et not foret t!is flooded s(rin

    )nd scarce'sa&ed lam%s of #estmoreland.

    ) BIRT0)-.

    2y !eart is like a sinin %ird

    #!ose nest is in a watered s!oot

    2y !eart is like an a((le'tree

    #!ose %ou!s are %ent wit! t!ick'set fruit

    2y !eart is like a rain%ow s!ell

    T!at (addles in a !alcyon sea

    2y !eart is ladder t!an all t!ese

    Because my lo&e is come to me.

    Raise me a dais of silk and down

    0an it wit! &air and (ur(le dyes

    /ar&e it in do&es and (omeranates,

    )nd (eacocks wit! a !undred eyes

    #ork it in old and sil&er ra(es,

    In lea&es and sil&er fleurs'de'lys

    Because t!e %irt!day of my life

    Is come, my lo&e is come to me.

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