noaa ago acquisition instruction policy 17-02 procedures ...€¦ · 3. in accordance with cam...

Post on 22-Apr-2018






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MEMORANDUMFOR: Deputy Assistant Administrators Staff OfficeDirectors

FROM: Mitchell J. Ross Director

SUBJECT: Acquisition Instruction l 7-02,entitled Procedures for Milestone Acquisition Plans

The purpose of this memorandum is to provide the attached Acquisition Instruction (Al) 17-02entitled Procedures for Milestone Acquisition Plans.

The Federal Acquisition Regulation requires agencies to perform acquisition planning. The CommerceAcquisition Manual (CAM) sets forth Department policy on how acquisition planning shall be conducted. In accordance with CAM1307. 1, milestone acquisition plans are required for all actions with a total value expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold .

Questions perta ining to the Al should be directed to Rebecca Williams, Acquisition and Grants OfficePolicyand OversightDivision, at Rebecca.s.williams@ or by telephone at (816) 823-151 1.


Al 17-02Procedures for Milestone Acquisition PlansAppendix A Milestone Acquisition Plantemplate


PROCEDURES FOR MILESTONE ACQUISITION PLANS A. Purpose The purpose of this Acquisition Instruction (AI) is to establish procedures for the use of Milestone Acquisition Plans for acquisition planning on actions greater than the simplified acquisition threshold (SAT). B. Background In accordance with the Commerce Acquisition Manual (CAM) Part 1307.1, acquisition planning is required for any action where the anticipated total life-cycle cost is expected to exceed the SAT. The attached template is provided for use in satisfying the CAM requirements. C. Applicability These procedures are applicable to NOAA Line and Staff Offices and all actions, including contracts, task/delivery/call orders, and purchase orders, in which the total anticipated value (including options) exceeds the SAT. D. Procedures

1. A milestone acquisition plan shall be developed for any action anticipated to exceed the SAT. For an action greater than the SAT and less than or equal to $10 million, the milestone acquisition plan will serve to meet the statutory requirement for acquisition planning (reference Part 7 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation). As required by CAM 1307-1, section 1, paragraph 1.7.3, formal acquisition plans also require development of a milestone acquisition plan.

2. The Milestone Acquisition Plan template (Appendix A) is required for any action greater than SAT. Page one of this template may be modified with the prior written approval of the Head of Contracting Office (HCO), as long as all the requirements at CAM 1307.1, Section 4 are met. Steps may be added to the milestone schedule (page two of the template) without HCO approval, when deemed necessary. The requirement for a milestone acquisition plan may be waived by the HCO, or higher, for emergency actions when the need for the supplies or services is of such an unusual and compelling urgency that the Government would be seriously injured if the supplies or services were not immediately acquired, except when unusual and compelling urgency occurs due to poor planning or failure to timely initiate the acquisition process. Requests for waiver must be in writing, contain sufficient detail to clearly explain the basis for the request, and provide recommended alternative actions. Approved waivers shall be included in the contract file.

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3. In accordance with CAM 1307.1, Section 2, paragraph 2.3, milestone acquisition

plans are prepared by the program official with the advice and assistance of the Contracting Officer (CO), and are approved by the CO. When a cost reimbursement contract is contemplated, the milestone acquisition plan must be approved at least one level above the CO. Depending on the nature, complexity, dollar value, and visibility of the action, additional approval may be necessary. Milestone acquisition plans shall be approved before the associated solicitation is issued.

4. Milestone acquisition plans shall be revised whenever there is a significant change.

CAM 1307.1, Section 4.3.4 defines significant as a modification in what is being procured, how it is being procured (including method and contract type), or funding. Milestone acquisition plan revisions are subject to the same review and clearance process as the original document, provided the acquisition remains within the same applicable dollar threshold. Modified milestone acquisition plans shall be reflected as a revision to the previously approved plan. A copy of all previously approved plans shall be retained in the official contract file. Modification of formal acquisition plans is addressed in CAM 1307.1, Section 6.4.

E. Point of Contact Questions concerning this AI should be directed to Rebecca Williams, Acquisition and Grants Office, Policy and Oversight Division at or by telephone at (816) 823-1511.

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(Required for all actions expected to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold)

Servicing Acquisition Division: Organization Code:

Line or Staff Office: Line/Staff Office POC:

Project title and description (Including explicit details of the item(s) to be acquired and identify current contract/task/delivery order number, when applicable):

Proposed COR: Total Est. Value (including options): $

FAC-COR Level: Certificate Exp. Date : Current FY Obligation Amount: $

Obligation Amounts for Each Forecast FY: FAAPS Number: NAICS Code:

Period of Perf./Delivery Schedule: Required Contract Completion Date:

Contract Type: Competitive: Yes No

(attach T&M/LH D&F, if applicable) Performance-Based Service Acquisition: Yes No

Contracting Method:

Type of Set-Aside: Basis for Other than Full & Open Competition (see FAR 6.302-1)

Expected SB Size Standard of Vendors: JOFOC Synopsis Requirements: (SB, SDVOSB, WOSB, etc.) (FAR 6.305, 8.405-6, 13.501)

Basis for Ex. To Fair Opportunity: JOFOC Approving Official and Date Approved (attach copy):

Commercial Item/Service: Yes No

Other elements to enhance the acq. strategy (i.e., environmental considerations, use of high-risk authorities, Section 508, etc.):

Concurred by:

Requisitioning Official DateLine or Staff Office Approved:

Approving Official Date(Branch, Acquisition Division)

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AI 17-02

Establish milestone schedule to include the following steps and any others as appropriate.

Planned (mm/dd/yy)

Actual (mm/dd/yy)

Not Applicable

1. Market Research Completed

2. Statement of Work/Objectives Defined

3. Small Business Review Completed

4. Major IT Business Case Completed

5. Complete Requisition Package Received

6. Brief Review Boards (e.g., Bureau-level ARB)

7. Information Technology Investment Authority Issued

8. Acquisition Plan and Source Selection Plan Approved

9. Public Announcement

10. Solicitation Reviews Completed

11. Issuance of Solicitation

12. Pre-proposal Conference/ Site Visit

13. Receipt of Offers

14. Proposal Evaluation Completed

15. Audit Reporting and Evaluation Completed

16. Pre-negotiation Memorandum Completed

17. Competitive Range Determination

18. Conduct Benchmark Tests

19. Negotiations with Offerors Complete

20. Receive Final Proposal Revisions

21. Final Proposal Evaluations Completed

22. Source Selection Decision Completed

23. Post Negotiation Memorandum Completed

24. Complete EEO Compliance Review

25. Subcontracting Plan Approved

26. Contract Reviews Complete

27. Contract Award

28. Public Announcement Posted

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